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Discussion Paper

Mettler, Ann (2001) From Junior Partner to Global Player: The New Transatlantic Agenda and Joint Action Plan. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 81. [Discussion Paper]

Mintchev, Emil and Bünger, Klaus (2002) A Sustained Economic Revival in Kosovo. Need for a Liberal Concept. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 109. [Discussion Paper]

Rüttgers, Jürgen (1998) Europa - Erbe und Auftrag = Europe - Heritage and Responsibility. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 28. [Discussion Paper]

Sanader, Ivo (1999) Croatia´s Course of Action to Achieve EU Membership. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 59. [Discussion Paper]

Adamkus, Valdas (1999) Europe as Unfinished Business: The Role of Lithuania in the 21st Century‘s Continent. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 30. [Discussion Paper]

Amado, Diana and Buchmann, Tobias and Colella, Aurore and Deyanova, Lili and Dienhart, Michaela and Dojcinova, Hristina and Flamm, Laura and Gulbinowicz, Ewelina and Soo-Yeon Jin, Laura and Judge, Niall and Konigs, Claus and Lafitte, Elodie and Muller, Anke and Niemann, Anna and Ozgur, Deniz and Prata, Cristina-Gabriela and Richter, Robert and Roese, Claudia and Rothfuss, Annette and Schroder, Sonja Ana Luise and Speciale, Fabio and Stanojevic, Milos and Staszkiewicz, Maria Zofia and Tosevski, Filip and Trias, Ana and Tunick, Meredith Catherine and Varavkin, Vladimir (2008) Recovering from the constitutional failure. An analysis of the EU reflection period. ZEI Discussion Paper C182 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Authors, None. (2003) Der Verfassungsentwurf des EU-Konvents. Bewertung der Strukturentscheidungen = The Draft Constitution by the EU Convention: Evaluation of the Structural Decisions. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C124. [Discussion Paper]

Authors, Numerous. (2006) The European Constitution and its Ratification Crisis. Constitutional Debates in the EU Member States. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 156, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Baier-Allen, Susanne (2019) Europe and America. ZEI Discussion Paper C254 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Bartoszewski, Wladyslaw. (2003) Europas Identität nach der Osterweiterung = Europe's Identity after Enlargement. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 127. [Discussion Paper]

Beierwaltes, Andreas (1998) Sprachenvielfalt in der EU - Grenze einer Demokratisierung Europas? = The Diversity of Languages in the EU - Limits for the Democratization of Europe? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 5. [Discussion Paper]

Bertrand, Matthieu, and Popovic, Ðorde, and Prešova, Denis. (2007) Reconstructing Europe:Two Alternative Proposals for a European Constitution. ZEI Discussion Paper, No. 171. [Discussion Paper]

Bhargava, Kant K. (1998) EU - SAARC: Comparisons and Prospects of Cooperation. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 15. [Discussion Paper]

Biermann, Rafael (1999) The Stability pact for South Eastern Europe - potential, problems and perspectives. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 56. [Discussion Paper]

Bifulco, Marco (1998) In Search of an Identity for Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 23. [Discussion Paper]

Bindenagel, James D. (2016) America and Europe in the Twenty-first Century. ZEI Discussion Paper C236 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Bjurulf, Bo (2001) How did Sweden Manage the European Union? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 96. [Discussion Paper]

Bobinski, Krzysztof and Chourou, Bechir and Daguzan, Jean-François and de Marco, Guido and Jacobs, Andreas and Kajnè, Zlatko Šabiè/Sabina and Kühnhardt, Ludger and Lauterfeld, Babak Khalatbari/Marc and Lesser, Ian O. and Rhein, Stephen Calleya/Eberhard and Saaf, Abdallah (2004) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation: Enlarging and Widening the Perspective. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 131. [Discussion Paper]

Borg , Joe (2017) The Maltese Presidency of the European Union 2017. ZEI Discussion Paper C 244/2017. [Discussion Paper]

Bugajski, Janusz (2001) Facing the Future: The Balkans to the Year 2010. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 86. [Discussion Paper]

Buzek, Jerzy (1998) Poland’s Future in a United Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 6. [Discussion Paper]

Calleya, Stephen C. (2000) Is the Barcelona Process working? EU policy in the Mediterranean. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2000, C 75. [Discussion Paper]

Camp, Glen D. (2003) The End of the Cold War and US-EU-Relations. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C122. [Discussion Paper]

Castilla, César (2017) Perspectives on EU-Latin American Cooperation: Enhancing Governance, Human Mobility and Security Policies. ZEI Discussion Paper C 243/2017. [Discussion Paper]

Chikhaoui, Arslan and Driss, Ahmed and Masala, Carlo and Nienhaus, Volker and Rühl, Lothar and de Vasconcelos, Àlvaro and Zöpel, Christoph. (2003) September 11 and the Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation, 2003. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C120. [Discussion Paper]

Clement, Wolfgang (1999) Perspektiven nordrhein-westfälischer Europapolitik = Perspectives on North Rhine-Westphalian European politics. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 48. [Discussion Paper]

Cuschieri, Marvin Andrew. (2007) Europe's Migration Policy Towards the Mediterranean: The Need of Reconstruction of Policy-making. ZEI Discussion Papers, C168, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Czachór, Zbigniew (1998) Ist Polen reif für die europäische Union? = Is Poland Ready for the European Union? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 24. [Discussion Paper]

Cárdenas, Miguel E. and Arnold, Christian. (2005) La experiencia de la Unión Europea y sus anécdotas para la « Comunidad Andina de Naciones » (CAN). = The experience of the European Union and its history to the Andean Community of Nations (ACN). ZEI Discussion Papers, C. 145, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Decker, Frank and Sonnicksen, Jared. (2009) The Direct Election of the Commission President. A Presidential Approach to Democratising the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper. No. 192, 2009. [Discussion Paper]

Demmelhuber, Thomas (2006) The Euro-Mediterranean Space as an Imagined (Geo-)Political, Economic and Cultural Entity. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 159, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Demmelhuber, Thomas. (2007) The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) and its Implementation in the Southern Mediterranean. The Case of Egypt. ZEI Discussion Papers C170, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Denison, Andrew B. and Ruhl, Lothar and Tibi, Bassam. (2003) Die Auswirkungen des 11. September 2001 auf die transatlantischen Beziehungen = The Effect of September 11, 2001 on the Transatlantic relationship. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 118. [Discussion Paper]

Dennison, Andrew. (2002) Shades of Multilateralism. U.S. Perspectives on Europe´s Role in the War on Terrorism. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 106. [Discussion Paper]

Djindjic, Zoran (1998) Serbiens Zukunft in Europa = Serbia´s Future in Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 10. [Discussion Paper]

Doyle, Peter (2002) Ireland and the Nice Treaty. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 115. [Discussion Paper]

Dragasevic, Mladen. (2007) "The Newest Old State in Europe. Montenegro Regaining Independence." ZEI Discussion Paper No. 174, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Drescher, Wiebke. (2009) The Eastern Partnership and Ukraine. New Label – Old Products? ZEI Discussion Paper C194, 2009. [Discussion Paper]

Dzurinda, Mikuláš and Ischinger, Wolfgang and Stern, Juraj and Buerstedde, Ludger and Beuska, Peter and Samson, Ivo and Wenig, Marcus and Machowski, Heinrich and Itanský, Eduard and Alner, Juraj and Kohútiková, Elena and Pfeiffer, Herbert G. and Minaroviè, Maríán and Kulke, Wilhelm and Ochmann, Cornelius and Šubeníková, Ol’ga (1999) Möglichkeiten einer engeren Zusammenarbeit in Europa am Beispiel Deutschland - Slowakei = Possibilities of a Closer Cooperation in Europe, with the example of Germany-Slovakia. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 55. [Discussion Paper]

Eiff, Hansjörg (2002) Serbien - zwei Jahre nach Milosevics Sturz = Serbia - two years after the fall of Milosevic. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 114. [Discussion Paper]

Eiff, Hansjörg. (2005) Zum Problem des Kosovo Status. = The problem of the status of Kosovo. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 144, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Elvert, Jürgen. (2005) Zur gegenwärtigen Verfassung der Europäischen Union: Einige Überlegungen aus geschichtswissenschaftlicher Sicht. = On the present condition of the European Union: a historical view. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 148, 2005. [Discussion Paper] (Unpublished)

Erdödy, Gabor (1998) Die Problematik der europäischen Orientierung Ungarns = The Problem of Hungary´s European Orientation. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 2. [Discussion Paper]

Esen, Erol (2005) Grundzüge der Kommunalverwaltung und die europäische Integration der Türkei: Strukturen, Aufgaben und Standpunkte. = Local government and integration of Turkey into Europe: structures, functions and views. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 147, 2005. [Discussion Paper] (Unpublished)

Eumann, Marc Jan (2013) Current challenges in EU politics. A perspective from North Rhine-Westphalia. ZEI Discussion Paper C216, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Faas, Thorsten and Raunio, Tapio and Wiberg, Matti. (2004) The Difference Between Real and Potential Power: Voting Power, Attendance and Cohesion. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, 130. [Discussion Paper]

Ferrero-Waldner, Benita and Kosler, Ariane and Chimwemwe Kazembe, Faith and Mandigora, Augustine and Makgoeng, Larona and Regis Rakotomanana, Andrianaivo and Emile Nkiranuye, Jean and Odularu, Gbadebo and Maluka, Stephen Oswald and Magbagbeola, Nelson O. and Beckford, Tamian and Alexander, Walter J. and Barrow, Tricia and Jones, Jessica Lynn and Bridgewater, Sherwin and Mounsey, Allister and Konyo Addo, Olga and Beighle, Yidiz and Carrau, Natalia and Correa, Fabiano and Obaya, Martin and Retamoso, Mercedes and Navarro, Mauren and Coleman, Jane Chow and Allegra Cerrato Sabillón, Norma and Véliz Argueta, Beatriz and Romero, Ximena and Wangchuk, Karma and Win Latt, Phyo and Damayanti, Rizki. and Kühnhardt, Ludger (2007) "Global Voices on Regional Integration." ZEI Discussion Paper No. 176, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Figel, Ján. (2008) Reflecting on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 187, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Fröhlich, Stefan (2002) Das Projekt der gemeinsamen europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (GESVP): Entwicklungen und Perspektiven = The Project of the Common European Security and Defense Policy: Developments and Perspectives. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 116. [Discussion Paper]

Fröhlich, Stefan (1998) Der Ausbau der europäischen Verteidigungsidentität zwischen WEU und NATO = The Dismantlement of the European Defense Identity between the WEU and NATO. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 19. [Discussion Paper]

Gehler, Michael (2017) Revolutionäre Ereignisse und geoökonomischstrategische Ergebnisse: Die EU- und NATO- „Osterweiterungen“ 1989-2015 im Vergleich. ZEI Discussion Paper C239 2017 = Revolutionary events and geo-economic strategies and results: The EU and NATO "east enlargements" compared to 1989-2015. ZEI Discussion Paper C239 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Gehler, Michael. (2001) Finis Neutralität? Historische und politische Aspekte im europäischen vergleich: Irland, Finnland, Schweden, Schweiz und Österreich = The End of Neutrality? Historical and political Aspects in European Comparison: Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 92. [Discussion Paper]

Ghaussy, Saadollah (1998) Japan and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 12. [Discussion Paper]

Gil-Robles, José Maria (1999) Der Vertrag von Amsterdam: Herausforderung für die Europäische Union = The Amsterdam Treaty: Challenge for the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper: 1999, C 37. [Discussion Paper]

González López, Javier (2018) Bosnia and Herzegovina: a Case Study for the Unfinished EU Agenda in the Western Balkans. ZEI Discussion Paper C 250 / 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Goulard, Sylvie (2000) Französische Europapolitik und öffentliche Debatte in Frankreich = French European Policy and the Public Debate in France. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 62. [Discussion Paper]

Green, Simon (1999) Ausländer, Einbürgerung und Integration: Zukunftsperspektive der europäischen Unionsbürgerschaft? = Foreigners, Nationalization and Integration: Future Perspectives of European Citizenship? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 42. [Discussion Paper]

Grewlich, Klaus. (2010) Pipelines, Drogen, Kampf ums Wasser - greift die EU-Zentralasien-Strategie?: Neues "Great Game" von Afghanistan bis zum Kaspischen Meer? = Pipelines, drugs, struggles for water usage - the EU Central Asia Strategy?: New 'Great Game' for Afghanistan to the Caspian Sea. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 200, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Gross, Nicole Christina. (2004) Netzwerkbildung in der EU als regionale Standortpolitik? Nordrhein-Westfalen und die transnationalen Beziehungen zu Regionen im Benelux-Raumsowie in Mittel- und Osteuropa = Network Building in the EU as Regional Location Policy? North Rhein-Westphalia amd the Transnational Relations to Regions in the Benelux as Well as in Central and Eastern Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper: C 134, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Hafez, Kai (2000) The West and Islam in the Mass Media: Cornerstones for a New International Culture of Communication in the 21st Century. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 61. [Discussion Paper]

Hajdini, Ermir I. and Jokić, Nikola and Lađić, Teodora and Milenković, Ksenija and Preshova, Denis and Syla, Flandra (2020) Western Balkans and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C258 2020. [Discussion Paper]

Hajoš, Boris and Kissiov, Vladimir and Martikonis, Rytis and Marton, Imrich and Sulca, Iveta (2002) The Future of the European Integration Process: Ideas and Concepts of Candidate Countries. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 107. [Discussion Paper]

Hansch, Klaus. (2010) Europaische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung: Ein Zeitzeugengesprach mit Michael Gehler. European Integration as historical experience: An interview with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 197, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Heinz, Dominic. (2007) "A Review of EU-Russian Relations. Added Value or Structurally Deficient?" ZEI Discussion Paper No. 177, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Hellwig, Fritz. (2004) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European Integration out of Historical Experience: a Conversation with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 129. [Discussion Paper]

Henderson, Doug (1998) The British Presidency of the EU and British European Policy. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 7. [Discussion Paper]

Heynen, Klaus-Jörg (2011) Negotiating EU Law. Particularities and Conclusions. ZEI Discussion Paper C 207, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

Hilz, Wolfram. (2006) Deutschlands EU-Ratsprasidentschaft 2007. Integrationspolitische Akzente in schwierigen Zeiten. = Germany's European Council Presidency 2007. Setting a course for integration politics in serious times. ZEI Discussion Papers C164, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Hommers, Ina. (2009) Die Migrationspolitik der EU. Herausforderung zwischen nationaler Selbstbestimmung und europäischer Konvergenz. = The migration policy of the EU. Challenge between national self-determination and European convergence. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 196, November 2009. [Discussion Paper]

Horeth, Marcus and Sonnicksen, Jared. (2008) Making and breaking promises. The European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon. ZEI Discussion Paper C 181, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Horeth, Marcus. (2003) When Dreams Come True: The Role of Powerful Regions in Future Europe, 2003. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 121. [Discussion Paper]

Hrbek, Rudolf and Picaper, Jean-Paul and Mansala, Arto (1999) Deutschland und Europa. Positionen, Perzeptionen, Perspektiven = Germany and Europe. Positions, Perceptions, Perspectives. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 32. [Discussion Paper]

Hu, Kun (2015) Innovations of the European Central Bank in the Context of Financial and Monetary Integration: A Chinese Assessment. ZEI Discussion Paper C229, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Hughes, Joseph M. (2018) “Sleeping Beauty” Unleashed: Harmonizing a Consolidated European Security and Defense Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C 248/2018. [Discussion Paper]

Hughes, Peter. (2007) "NATO and the EU: Managing the Frozen Conflict. Test Case Afghanistan." ZEI Discussion Paper No. 178, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Hutgens, Rahel and Conemann, Stephan (2018) Macron’s Idea of European Universities. From Vision to Reality. ZEI Discussion Paper C 249/2018. [Discussion Paper]

Höreth, Marcus (2001) The European Commission’s White Paper Governance: A ‘Tool-Kit’ for closing the legitimacy gap of EU policymaking? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 94. [Discussion Paper]

Höreth, Marcus (2000) Stille Revolution im Namen des Rechts? Zur Rolle des Europäischen Gerichtshofes (EuGH) im Prozess der europäischen Integration = Silent Revolution in the Name of Law? The role of the European Court of Justice in the Process of European Integration. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2000, C 78. [Discussion Paper]

Höreth, Marcus (1998) The Trilemma of Legitimacy. Multilevel Governance in the EU and the Problem of Democracy. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 11. [Discussion Paper]

Iral, Hubert. (2003) Between Forces of Inertia and Progress: Co-decision in EU-Legislation. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 119. [Discussion Paper]

Iral, Hubert. (2004) Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Normalzustand und Legitimationsfragen. Die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament 2004 vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Erweiterung und des Verfassungsgebungsprozesses. = The tension between normality and legitimacy questions. The elections to the European Parliament in 2004 against the background of EU enlargement and the constitutional process. ZEI Discussion Paper C. 139, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Iral, Hubert. (2004) Wartesaal oder Intensivstation? Zur Lage der EU nach der gescheiterten Regierungskonferenz = Waiting-room or Intensive Care? The Condition of the EU after the wrecked intergovernmental conference. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 133. [Discussion Paper]

Ischinger, Wolfgang (1998) Die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach Amsterdam = The Common Foreign and Security Policy after Amsterdam. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 14. [Discussion Paper]

Janowski, Cordula. (2006) Globalization, Regional Integration and the EU: Pleadings for a Broader Perspective. ZEI Discussion Papers C162, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Janssen, Siebo M. H. (2005) Belgien – Modell für eine föderal verfasste EU? Die Föderalisierung Belgiens im Kontext der Europäischen Integration. = Belgium - Model for an EU federal state? Belgian federalism in the context of European integration. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 150, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Joetze, Günter (2000) The European Security Landscape after Kosovo. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 64. [Discussion Paper]

Johansson, Karl Magnus (2015) Europarties ‒ A Research Note. ZEI Discussion Paper C231, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kasoulides, Ioannis (1999) Cyprus and its Accession to the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 47. [Discussion Paper]

Kasper, Agnes and Antonov, Alexander (2019) Towards Conceptualizing EU Cybersecurity Law. ZEI Discussion Paper C253 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Kazakos, Panos. (2000) Stabilisierung ohne Reform: Konvergenz und Pfadabhängigkeit im Griechenland der 90er Jahre = Stabilization without Reform: Convergence and the Path to Independence in Greece in the 1990s. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 66. [Discussion Paper]

Kegel, Patricia Luíza and Amal, Mohamed (2012) MERCOSUR and its Current Relationship to the European Union. Prospects and Challenges in a Changing World. ZEI Discussion Paper C209, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Kengyel, Àkos (2000) The EU´s Regional Policy and its extension to the new members. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2000, C 76. [Discussion Paper]

Knipping, Franz and Gutschker, Thomas and Rochtus, Dirk and Mertes, Michael and Kirt, Romain and Marchetti, Andreas and Zimmek, Martin. (2007) "Annäherungen an Europa. Beiträge zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007". = Approaches to Europe. Contributions to the German EU Presidency 2007. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 175. [Discussion Paper]

Kohl, Helmut (2002) Der EURO und die Zukunft Europas = The EURO and the Future of Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 103. [Discussion Paper]

Kosler, Ariane. (2007) The Southern African Development Community and its Relations to the European Union. Deepening Integration in Southern Africa? ZEI Discussion Papers C169, 2007. [Discussion Paper]

Kraft, Hannelore (2015) North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C232, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kraleva, Desislava (2013) Free movement of workers in the EU. Legal aspects of the transitional arrangements. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 217, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Kuhnhardt, Ludger and Erdody, Gabor and Bohr, Christoph. (2004) L’Europa centrale fra le culture politiche nazionali tradizionali ed una nuova identità europea = Central Europe between traditional national political culture and a new European identity. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 132. [Discussion Paper]

Kuhnhardt, Ludger. (2008) African Regional Integration and the Role of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C184, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Kuhnhardt, Ludger. (2006) Europa neu begrunden. = Europe's new foundation. ZEI Discussion Papers C167, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Kukan, Eduard (1999) The Slovak Republic on its Way into the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 40. [Discussion Paper]

Kux, Stephan (1998) Zwischen Isolation und autonomer Anpassung: Die Schweiz im integrationspolitischen Abseits? = Between Isolation and Autonomous Adaptation: Switzerland Absent in the Policies of Integration? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 3. [Discussion Paper]

Käppel, Lutz (2002) Das Modernitätspotential der alten Sprachen und ihre Bedeutung für die Identität Europas = The Potential of Modernity of the old Languages and their Meaning for European Identity. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 98. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhard, Ludger and Laschet, Armin and Rühl, Lothar and Alnawwab, Nabil and Masala, Carlo and Fröhlich, Stefan and Baðci, Hüseyin and Voskanian, Ashot and Magen, Amichai and Posch, Walter and Hitti, Nassif and Lesser, Ian O. (2004) The CSCE as a Model to Transform Western Relations with the Greater Middle East. ZEI Discussion Paper C 137, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (1999) Die Zukunft des europäischen Einigungsgedanken = The Future of European Thought about Unification. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 53. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2014) Die proto-konstitutionelle Etablierung der europäischen Innenpolitik, Rückblick und Ausblick auf Bedingungen föderaler Ordnung in Europa = The proto-constitutional establishment of European domestic policy. Review and outlook on conditions of federal order in Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper C225, 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (1998) Europa in den Kräftefeldern des 21. Jahrhunderts. Grenzen, Aufgaben, Handlungsfähigkeiten = Europe in the Fields of Power of the 21th Century. Limits, Problems, Possibilities. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 22. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2000) Europas Identität und die Kraft des Christentums: Gedanken zum Jahr 2000 nach Christus = Europe's Identity and the Power of Christianity: Thoughts on the Year 2000. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 60. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2019) The European Archipelago: Rebranding the Strategic Significance of EU Overseas Countries and Territories. ZEI Discussion Paper C255 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2014) Gibt es eine politische Philosophie der Europäischen Union? = Is there a political philosophy of the European Union?. ZEI Discussion Paper C223, 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2002) The Lakes of Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 104. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2016) Maturing beyond Cotonou: An EU-ACP Association Treaty for Development A proposal for reinventing EU relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. ZEI Discussion Paper C235 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2015) Neighbors and other realities: The Atlantic civilization and its enemies. ZEI Discussion Paper C228, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2018) The New Silk Road: The European Union, China and Lessons Learned. ZEI Discussion Paper C 245/2018. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2012) Regieren in der europäischen Föderation. = Governance in the European Federation. ZEI Discussion Paper C212, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2001) Towards Europe 2007. Identity, Institution-Building and the Constitution of Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 85. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger and Hogrebe, Wolfram and Ladenthin, Volker and Bonnet, Anne-Marie and Sielke, Sabine and Gymnich, Marion and Sturma, Dieter and Kobusch, Theo and Mayer, Tilman. (2009) Die Gestaltung der Globalität. Neue Anfragen an die Geisteswissenschaften. = The design of globality. New questions to the humanities. University of Bonn ZEI Discussion Paper C195. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger and Mayer, Tilman. and Knoblich, Ruth and Meyer, Robert and Marchetti, Andreas and Schwermann, Christian and Mayer, Maximilian (2012) Die Gestaltung der Globalität. Schlüsselwörter der sozialen Ordnung (I) = The design of globality. Keywords of the social order (I). ZEI Discussion Paper C211, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger and Mayer, Tilman. and Kretschmer, Susanne and Kramarz, Volkman and Anastasiadis, Mario (2013) Die Gestaltung der Globalität. Schlüsselwörter der sozialen Ordnung (II) = The design of the global order: the keywords of social order. ZEI Discussion Paper C215, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger and Ménudier, Henri and Reiter, Janusz (2000) Das Weimarer Dreieck. Die französisch-deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen als Motor der Europäischen Integration = The Weimar Triangle. The French-German-Polish Relationship as the Motor of European Integration. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 72. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2017) Weltfähig werden. Die Europäische Union nach dem Biedermeier = Becoming world-savvy. The European Union after the Biedermeier. ZEI Discussion Paper C 242/2017. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (1999) Europa auf der Suche nach einer neuen geistigen Gestalt = Europe Looking for a New Spiritual Form. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 41. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2006) European Integration: Challenge and Response. Crises as Engines of Progress in European Integration History. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 157, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2004) From National Identity to European Constitutionalism-European Integration: The first fifty years. ZEI Discussion Paper C 141, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2004) The Global Proliferation of Regional Integration. European Experience and Worldwide Trends. ZEI Discussion Paper C 136, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2005) Northeast Asia: Obstacles to Regional Integration - The interests of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 152, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2003) Welche Grenzen setzt die Globalisierung der europäischen Integration? = What Boundaries does Globalization set for European Integration? ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 117. [Discussion Paper]

Laar, Mart and Birkavs, Valdis and Saudargas, Algirdas and Genscher, Hans-Dietrich (1998) Die baltischen Staaten auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union = The Baltic Countries on the Way to the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 1. [Discussion Paper]

Laumulin, Murat T. (1999) Die EU als Modell für die zentralasiatische Integration? = The EU as a Model for Central Asian Integration? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 29. [Discussion Paper]

Laursen, Finn and Laursen, Berenice L. (2003) The Danish Presidency 2002: Completing the Circle from Copenhagen to Copenhagen. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 123. [Discussion Paper]

Lađić, Teodora (2018) The Impact of European Integration on the Westphalian Concept of National Sovereignty. ZEI Discussion Paper C 246/2018. [Discussion Paper]

Lenzi, Guido (1998) The WEU between NATO and EU. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 4. [Discussion Paper]

Leonardy, Uwe. (2010) Is the European Federation a "Mission Impossible"?: A Critical Analysis of the German Constitutional Court's Judgement on the Lisbon Treaty. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 201, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Leshoukov, Igor (1998) Beyond Satisfaction: Russia’s Perspectives on European Integration. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 26. [Discussion Paper]

Lever, Paul and Scotland, Baroness and Kühnhardt, Ludger and Sonntag-Wolgast, Cornelie and Oberndörfer, Dieter and Phillips, Trevor and John, Barbara and Voß, Josef and Öger, Vural and Singh, Gurbux and Csáky, Pál and Meehan, Elizabeth and Fleissner, Peter (2001) Multiculturalism and Ethnic Minorities in Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C87. [Discussion Paper]

Lochmann, Michael (2002) Die Türkei im Spannungsfeld zwischen Schwarzmeer-Kooperation und Europäischer Union = Turkey between the Black Sea and The European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 110. [Discussion Paper]

Loth, Winfried (2002) Europäische Identität in historischer Perspektive = European Identity in a Historical Perspective. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 113. [Discussion Paper]

Lukas, Tönis (1998) Estland auf dem Weg aus der totalitären Vergangenheit zurück nach Europa = Estonia on the Way out of its Totalitarian Past and back to Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 20. [Discussion Paper]

Maichel, Gert (2000) Perspektiven für Mittel-und Osteuropa: Warum engagieren sich deutsche Unternehmen dort? = Perspectives on East-Central Europe: Why do German Companies Invest? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 70. [Discussion Paper]

Maier, Felix and Sterzing, Christian and Pace, Roderick and Heller, Marc A. and Perthes, Volker (2002) Managing asymmetric interdependencies within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 101. [Discussion Paper]

Maner, Hans-Christian. (2003) Multiple Identitäten – Der Blick des orthodoxen Südosteuropa auf "Europa" = Multiple Identities: The View Orthodox Southeast Europe has about what is "Europe". ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 125. [Discussion Paper]

Manutscharjan, Aschot L. (2009) Der Berg-Karabach-Konflikt nach der Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo. = The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after the independence of Kosovo. ZEI Discussion Paper C 193, 2009. [Discussion Paper]

Manzanas, Carla (2016) Movement, Security and Media. ZEI Discussion Paper C233 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Marchetti, Andreas and Calleya, Stephen and Ortega, Martin and Michalek, Jan J. and Kuhnhardt, Ludger. (2005) Ten Years Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Defining European Interests for the Next Decade. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 154, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Marchetti, Andreas and Clouet., Louis-Marie (2011) Leadership by credibility: Franco-German visions of the future of the Union. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C205, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

Marchetti, Andreas. (2006) The European Neighbourhood Policy. Foreign Policy at the EU’s Periphery. ZEI Discussion Papers C158, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Martinez Sierra, Jose Manuel (2002) The Spanish Presidency. Buying more than it can choose? ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 112. [Discussion Paper]

Marziali, Valeria (2006) Lobbying in Brussels. Interest Representation and Need for Information. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 155, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Masala, Carlo (2000) Die Euro-Mediterrane Partnerschaft: Geschichte – Struktur – Prozeß = The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership - History, Structure, Process. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 68. [Discussion Paper]

Matlak, Milan and Kriener, Daniel and Kovác, Dušan and Mühlen, Patrik von zur and Demeš, Pavol and Košt’álová, Katarína and Brusis, Martin and Richterová, Adriena and Samson, Ivo and Filistein, Roman and Wenig, Marcus (2000) Die Bürgergesellschaft als ein Motor der europäischen Integration: Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit deutscher und slowakischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen = Civil Society as a Motor for European Integration: Perspectives on the Cooperation of German and Slovakian Non-Governmental Organizations. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 71. [Discussion Paper]

Meehan, Elizabeth (2000) Citizenship and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 63. [Discussion Paper]

Meiers, Franz-Josef. (2004) Transatlantic Relations after the U.S. Elections: From Rift to Harmony?. ZEI Discussion Paper C140, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Meiers, Franz-Josef. (2006) Zwischen Partnerschaft und Widerspruch. Die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen seit dem 11. September 2001. = Between partnership and opposition. The German-American relationship since September 11, 2001. ZEI Discussion Papers C165, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Meiers, Franz-Joseph (2000) Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsidentität (ESVI) oder Gemeinsame Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (GESVP)? = European Security and Defence Identity or Common European Security and Defence Policy? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 79. [Discussion Paper]

Michels, Georg (2001) Europa im Kopf - Von Bildern, Klischees und Konflikten = Europe in the Head: About Pictures, Clichés and Conflicts. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 93. [Discussion Paper]

Miliopoulos, Lazaros. (2008) Begriff und Idee der “Atlantischen Zivilisation” in Zeiten transatlantischer Zerreißproben. = The concept and idea of the "Atlantic civilization" in times of transatlantic stress. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 188, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Minchev, Emil (2001) Southeastern Europe at the beginning of the 21st century: New dangers, new strategies, new perspectives. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 82. [Discussion Paper]

Mintas Hodak, Ljerka (1999) Activities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia in the Process of European Integration. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 43. [Discussion Paper]

Mintchev, Emil and Musial, Janusz. (2006) Stabilität durch Bildung. Die Fortbildungsprojekte des „Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung“ (ZEI) in Südosteuropa (1999-2006). = Stability through education. The training projects of the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) in southeastern Europe (1999-2006). ZEI DIscussion Papers C. 160, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Mittag, Jürgen. (2006) Escaping the Legitimacy-Accountability-Trap? Perspectives of Parliamentary Participation in European Security and Defence Policy. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 161, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Monar, Jörg (2001) EU Justice and Home Affairs and the Eastward Enlargement: The Challenge of Diversity and EU Instruments and Strategies. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001: C 91. [Discussion Paper]

Musial, Janusz (2002) Periodische Arbeitsmigration aus Polen (Raum Oppeln) nach Deutschland. Ein Testfall für die Erwerbswanderungen nach der Osterweiterung = Periodic Immigration for Work from Poland (Raum Oppeln region) to Germany. A Test Case for Work Migration after the Enlargement. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 100. [Discussion Paper]

Muth, Frauke. (2007) When Sleeping Dogs Wake Up: Norway and Justice and Home Affairs in the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper, No. 172. [Discussion Paper]

Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (2004) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengesprächmit Michael Gehler = European Integration from Historical Experience. A Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C 135, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Nicholls, Anthony J. (1998) Die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen: Ein hoffnungsloser Fall? = The German-British relationship: a Hopeless Case? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 16. [Discussion Paper]

Nielsen-Sikora, Jürgen. (2008) Europa der Bürger. = European Citizenship. Zeitzeugengespräche mit Peter Altmaier, Barbara Gessler, Ruth Hieronymiund Hans-Gert Pöttering. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 186, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Oettinger, Gunther H. (2010) Europeanising EU Energy Policy. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 202, July 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Oettinger, Günther H. and Gehler, Michael (2019) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European integration from historical experience. An eyewitness conversation with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C 251 / 2019. [Discussion Paper]

O‘Gara, Cillian (2020) European Energy Security. ZEI Discussion Paper C260 2020. [Discussion Paper]

Panayotopoulos, Thomas (2015) The Energy Union – a solution for the European energy security? ZEI Discussion Paper C230 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Perger, Simon (2014) Regionale Integration in der arabischen Welt – eine neofunktionalistische Analyse = Regional integration in the Arab world - a neofunctional analysis. ZEI Discussion Paper C222, 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Petersen, Nikolaj (1998) The Danish Referendum on the Treaty of Amsterdam Europas? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 17. [Discussion Paper]

Pflüger, Friedbert (1999) Europas globale Verantwortung - Die Selbstbehauptung der alten Welt = European Global Responsibility - Self-Assertion of the Old World. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 36. [Discussion Paper]

Pogorelskaja, Swetlana W. (2006) Die Bedeutung der deutschen parteinahen Stiftungen fur die EU-Politik gegenuber den MOE-und GUS-staten = Importance of the German party-related foundations for the EU's policy vis-a-vis the CEE and CIS states. ZEI Discussion Papers, C163, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Ponomarenko, Anatolij (1999) Die europäische Orientierung der Ukraine. Dekret des Präsidenten der Ukraine über die Strategie der Integration der Ukraine in die Europäische Union Partnerschaftsabkommen zwischen der EU und der Ukraine = The European Orientation of Ukraine. Decree of the President of Ukraine over a strategy for the Integration of Ukraine into the European Union Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Ukraine. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 39. [Discussion Paper]

Pottering, Hans Gert. (2008) European Union - New Impulses for the Decade Ahead = Europäische Union - Neue Impulse für die kommende Dekade. ZEI Discussion Paper C185, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Primor, Avi (1998) Der Friedensprozeß im Nahen Osten und die Rolle der Europäischen Union = The Peace Process in the Middle East and the Role of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 25. [Discussion Paper]

Rahimi, Ashkaan. (2005) The Evolution of EU Asylum Policy. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 142, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Rapacki, Ryszard (2012) Poland and Greece - two contrasting EU enlargement experiences. ZEI Discussion Paper C213, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Rathenow, Lutz (2000) Vom DDR-Bürger zum EU-Bürger: Spezifische Integrationsschübe und Integrationshemmnisse aus der Sicht eines ostdeutschen Schriftstellers = From GDR-Citizenship to EU-Citizenship: Specific Integration Initiatives and Integration Obstacles from the Perspective of an East German Author. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 65. [Discussion Paper]

Raunio, Tapio and Wiberg, Matti (2001) The Big Leap to the West: The Impact of EU on the Finnish Political System. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 89. [Discussion Paper]

Raunio, Tapio and Wiberg, Matti. (2017) The Impact of the European Union on National Legislation. ZEI Discussion Paper C240 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Reding, Viviane (2001) Die Rolle der EG bei der Entwicklung Europas von der Industriegesellschaft zur Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft = The role of the EC in Europe´s Development from the Industrial Society to the Information Society. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 84. [Discussion Paper]

Ristuccia, Chiara (2019) Industry 4.0: SMEs Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Digitalization. ZEI Discussion Paper C 252/2019. [Discussion Paper]

Rochtus, Dirk. (1998) Die belgische "Nationalitätenfrage" als Herausforderung für Europa = The Belgian Issue of Nationalities as a Challenge for Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 27. [Discussion Paper]

Rommel, Claudia (2012) Economic Partnership Agreements in the EU's post-Lome trade regime: negotiations with West Africa. ZEI Discussion Paper C214, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Rühl, Lothar (2014) European Foreign and Security Policy since the Lisbon Treaty – From Common to single? ZEI Discussion Paper C226, 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Rühl, Lothar (2001) Structures, possibilities and limits of European crisis reaction forces for conflict prevention and resolution. Conditions for a successful EU security and defence policy, based on the decisions by the EU at Nice 9th December 2000. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C83. [Discussion Paper]

Rühl, Lothar. (1999) Conditions and options for an autonomous "Common European Policy on Security and Defence" in and by the European Union in the post-Amsterdam perspective opened at Cologne in June 1999. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 54. [Discussion Paper]

Rühl, Lothar. (2004) Conditions for a European Intervention Strategy in Application of the ESDP and US/Nato Crisis Management. ZEI Discussion Paper C. 138, 2004. [Discussion Paper] (Unpublished)

Rüland, Jürgen (2001) ASEAN and the European Union: A Bumpy Interregional Relationship. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 95. [Discussion Paper]

Samson, Ivo (1999) Der widerspruchsvolle Weg der Slowakei in die EU. Die Slowakai vor der Marginalisierung in Zentraleuropa? = Slovakia´s Contradictory Path into the EU. Will Slovakia be marginalized in Central Europe? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 31. [Discussion Paper]

Schmidhuber, Peter M. (2012) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler. = European integration as historical experience. A discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C210, 2012. [Discussion Paper]

Schreiweis, Thorsten Kim (2013) Die Demokratisierung der Europäischen Union - The democratization of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C219, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Schreyer, Michaele (2013) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European Integration as historical experience. Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C220, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Schröder, Sonja. (2008) The 2007-2013 European Cohesion Policy. A New Strategic Approach by the Commission? ZEI Discussion Paper. No. 190, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Schulze, Hagen (1999) Die Identitäts Europas und die Wiederkehr der Antike = European Identity and the Return of Antiquity. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 34. [Discussion Paper]

Schymik, Carsten. (2007) Norwegens Sonderweg nach Europa. Warum Norwegen nicht Mitglied der Europãischen Union ist. = Norway's special path to Europe. Why Norway is not a member of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper, No. 173. [Discussion Paper]

Schäuble, Wolfgang (1999) Unsere Verantwortung für Europa = Our Responsibility for Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 44. [Discussion Paper]

Scotto, Matteo (2016) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) An Insight into its Transatlantic Relations and Global Context. ZEI Discussion Paper C238 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Seidel, Martin. (2013) Die deutsche Europapolitik unter den Vorgaben des Bundesverfassungsgerichts = The German European policy under the provisions of the Federal Constitutional Court. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C 218, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Seidel, Martin. (2008) Optionen fur die Europaische Integration = Options for European integration. ZEI Discussion Paper C179, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Siemek, Marek J. (1999) Demokratie und Philosophie: Die Antike und das politische Ethos des europäischen Denkens = Democracy and Philosophy: Antiquity and the Political Ethos of European Thought. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 46. [Discussion Paper]

Slivková, Eva (1999) Slovakia´s Response on the Regular Report from the European Commission on Progress towards Accession. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 57. [Discussion Paper]

Sohn, Rike (2016) EU environmental policy and diplomacy from Copenhagen to Paris and beyond. ZEI Discussion Paper C234 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Sohn, Rike (2016) A proposal for reinventing EU relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. ZEI Discussion Paper C235 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Staal, Eric Richard (1999) European Monetary Union: The German Political-Economic Trilemma. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 45. [Discussion Paper]

Stylianides, Christos (2020) European emergency coordination. ZEI Discussion Paper C259 2020. [Discussion Paper]

Stüwe, Robert (2017) EU External Energy Policy in Natural Gas: A Case of Neofunctionalist Integration? ZEI Discussion Paper C241/2017. [Discussion Paper]

Tarschys, Daniel (1999) 50 Jahre Europarat. Der Weg nach einem Europa ohne Trennungslinien = 50 Years of the Council of Europe. The Path toward Europe without Lines of Separation. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 50. [Discussion Paper]

Tings, Christiana. (2006) The new German European Policy. Challenges to Decentralised EU Policy Coordination. ZEI Discussion Papers, C166, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Tsantoulis, Yannis. (2008) Subregionalism in the Black Sea and the EU"s Role. Incentives, Obstacles and a 'New Synergy'. ZEI Discussion Paper C183, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Tunick, Meredith. (2009) Promoting Innovation in the European Union-On the Development of Sound Competition and Industrial Policies. ZEI Discussion Paper. No. 191, 2009. [Discussion Paper]

Uche., Chibuike (2011) The European Union and monetary integration in West Africa. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C206, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

Unal., Dervis Fikret (2011) EU-Russian relations: evolution and theoretical assessment. ZEI Discussion Paper C204, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

Urban, Sabine and Meier, Gerhard. (2001) Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der deutsch-französischen Wirtschaftskooperation = Intercultural Communication in French-German Economic Cooperation. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 90. [Discussion Paper]

Vera-Fluixa, Ramiro Xavier (2000) Principios de Integración Regional en América Latina y su análisis comparativo con la Unión Europea = Principles of regional integration in Latin America in comparison to the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 73. [Discussion Paper]

Vera-Fluixa, Ramiro Xavier (2000) Regionalbildungsansätze in Lateinamerika und ihr Vergleich mit der Europäischen Union = Principles of Regional Integration in Latin America in Comparison to the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 73. [Discussion Paper]

Veremis, Thanos (1998) Greece, the Balkans and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 9. [Discussion Paper]

Verheugen, Günter (1999) Germany and the EU Council Presidency: expectations and reality. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 35. [Discussion Paper]

Verheugen, Günter (2014) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European integration as historical experience. Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C221 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Vike-Freiberga, Vaira (2002) Republik Lettland und das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen - Partner in einem vereinten Europa - The Republic of Latvia and the Lander Nordrhein-Westfalen - Partners in a United Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 99. [Discussion Paper]

Vogl, Matthias and Sohn, Rike (2016) Nachhaltige regionale Integration in Westafrika und Europa ZEI Forschungskooperation mit dem West Africa Institute (WAI) von 2007 bis 2016 C237 2016 = Sustainable regional integration in West Africa and Europe ZEI Research cooperation with the West Africa Institute (WAI) from 2007 to 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Vos, Hendrik and Bailleul, Emilie (2002) The Belgian Presidency and the post-Nice process after Laeken. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 102. [Discussion Paper]

Weber, Pierre-Frederic and Fagot, Pascal and Schweiger, Alexandra and Dylla, Daria W. and Marchetti, Andreas and Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof. (2010) Frankreich - Deutschland - Polen: Partnerschaft im Herzen Europas. = France - Germany - Poland: partnership in the heart of Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 199, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Weizsäcker, Carl Christian von. (2008) Regionalisierung der Regulierung im Bitstromzugangs-Markt? = Regionalization of the regulation of bitstream market access? ZEI Discussion Paper No. 189, 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Wells, Samuel and Kuhnhardt, Ludger and Danchev, Alex and Andrianopoulos, Andreas and Balletbo, Anna and Ahrens, Geert and Wade, Robert and Thiel, Elka and Pain, Emil and Gulalp, Haldun and Werz, Michael and Hassner, Pierre and Chubin, Shahram. (2005) The Crisis in Transatlantic Relations. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 143, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Wenig, Marcus and Herlea, Alexandru Ion and Daskalov, Stanislav and Figel, Ján and Sulca, Iveta and Vareikis, Egidijus (1999) A Pledge for an Early Opening of EU-Accession Negociations. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 58. [Discussion Paper]

Wiberg, Matti. (2005) New Winners and Old Losers. A Priori Voting Power in the EU25. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 149, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Wittschorek, Peter (1999) Präsidentenwahlen in Kasachstan 1999: Erfahrungen einer ungewöhnlichen OSZE-Mission = The Presidential Elections in Kasakhstan in 1999: The Experience of an Uncommon OSCE-mission. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 38. [Discussion Paper]

Wulf-Mathies, Monika (2015) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung, Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European integration from a historical experience, A Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C227, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Wunder, Christina (2014) Communication and Campaigning in European Citizens‘ Initiatives. ZEI Discussion Paper 224, 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Xenakis, Dimitris K. and Chryssochoou, Dimitris N. (2003) The 2003 Hellenic Presidency of the European Union: Mediterranean Perspectives on the ESD. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C 128. [Discussion Paper]

Zaborowski, Marcin (1999) Poland, Germany and EU Enlargement: The Rising Prominence of Domestic Politics. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 51. [Discussion Paper]

de Soysa, Indra and Zervakis, Peter and Harrison, Lawrence E. and von Beyme, Klaus and Arkoun, Mohammed and Weede, Erich and Özbudun, Ergun and Salem, Paul and Xenakis, Dimitris K. and Chryssochoou, Dimitris and Calleya, Stephan and Biancheri, Franck and Kühnhardt, Ludger (2002) Does Culture Matter? The Relevance of Culture in Politics and Governance in the Euro-Mediterranean Zone. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002: C 111. [Discussion Paper]

de Waele, Henri and Mastenbroek, Ellen (2019) Perspectives on Better Regulation in the EU. ZEI Discussion Paper C256 2019. [Discussion Paper]

van Eekelen, Wim F. (1998) Perspektiven der Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU = Perspectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 21. [Discussion Paper]

van Heuven, Marten (2000) Where will NATO be ten years from now? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 67. [Discussion Paper]

von Kyaw, Dietrich (1999) Prioritäten der deutschen EU-Präsidentschaft unter Berücksichtigung des Europäischen Rates in Wien = The Priorities of the German European Council Presidency with regards to the European Council in Vienna. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 33. [Discussion Paper]

von Schnurbein, Katharina (2002) Der tschechische EU-Beitritt: Politischer Prozess wider die öffentliche Meinung = The Integration of the Czech Republic into the EU: Political Process against Public Opinion. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 105. [Discussion Paper]

von der Groeben, Hans (2002) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European Integration as historical experience. A Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 108. [Discussion Paper]

Štiblar, Franjo. (2005) Preservation of National Identity and Interests in the Enlarged EU. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 146, 2005. [Discussion Paper]

Working Paper

Tolentino, Corsino and vogl, Matthias and Kühnhardt, Ludger and Traoré, Djénéba and Igue, John and Rommel, Claudia and Seddoh, Francisco Komlavi (2011) Sustainable Regional Integration in West Africa/ Intégration régionale durable en Afrique de l´Ouest/ Integração regional sustentavel na África Ocidental. ZEI Discussion Paper C 208, 2011. [Working Paper]

von Weizsäcker, Richard (2020) Momentaufnahmen und Denkwege eines europäischen Staatsmannes = Snapshots and Ways of thinking of a European Statesman. ZEI Discussion Paper C257 2020. [Working Paper]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 05:50:37 2025 EDT.