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Items where Subject is "Countries > Germany"

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Number of items at this level: 671.


Allen, David. (1991) "West European responses to change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Baun, Michael. (1991) "Germany and EC Agricultural Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Boche, Jorg. (1991) "The Political Economy of Franco-German Relations: National Strategies and Cooperation in the European Community". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Edwards, Geoffrey. (1991) "Germany and the European Community: the State and Integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Guicherd, Catherine. (1991) "The European Union and the new European security architecture". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Nelson, Daniel N. (1991) "Security in a post-hegemonic world". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Nupp, Jennifer. (1991) "Perceptions of the EC in the GDR and ex-GDR: the response of the EC and Federal German Government". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Wexler, Imanuel. (1991) "Economic and Monetary Implications of German Unification". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)


Alber, Jens (1993) Towards Explaining Anti-Foreign Violence in Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 04.8 (Series 53), 1993. [Working Paper]

Cameron, David R. (1993) "British Exit, German Voice, French Loyalty: Defection, Domination, and Cooperation in the 1992-93 ERM Crisis". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Crawford, Beverly. (1993) "United Germany, Divided Yugoslavia, Weak Europe? The Post-Cold War Debate over Croatia's Recognition and Lessons for Constructing a Common European Security and Foreign Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Deubner, Christian. (1993) "The Role of the French-German Couple in European Integration in Nineteennineties: Disruption or Continuity.". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, VA. (Unpublished)

Hussain, Imtiaz. (1993) "Group pressures, national interests, and community directives: A comparative study of farm integration in France and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Moens, Alexander. (1993) "The European Security and Defence Identity and the Non Concert of Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Overturf, Stephen. (1993) "The European Community as an Optimum Currency Area". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Rummel, Reinhardt. (1993) "Reform of transatlantic security relations: a view from Bonn". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Sadowski, Dieter. (1993) "The Effect of European Integration on National Industrial Relations Systems: The Ambiguous Case of Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, CD. (Unpublished)

Smyser, W.R. (1993) "The Bundesbank and Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Woolley, John T. (1993) "Linking political and monetary union: the Maastricht Agenda and domestic politics". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Ziegler, J. Nicholas (1993) Knowledge-Bearing Elites and Industrial Performance in France and Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 04.5, December 1993. [Working Paper]


Camerra-Rowe, Pamela (1994) The Political Response of Firms to the 1992 Single Market Program: The Case of the German Automobile Industry Pamela Camer. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 03.1, 1994. [Working Paper]

Demmke, Christoph. (1994) La présidence allemande = The German Presidency. EIPASCOPE, 1994 (3). pp. 1-12.

Hall, Peter A. (1994) Central Bank Independence & Coordinated Wage Bargaining: Their Interaction in Germany & Europe. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 04.4, 1994. [Working Paper]

Nolte, Paul (1994) Hanging Together, Falling Apart: Self-Understandings of German Society from 1800 to the Present. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 04.7 (Series 51), 1994. [Working Paper]

Scarrow, Susan E. and Stein, Jonathan (1994) The Politics of Retrospective Justice in Germany & the Czech Republic. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.4, 1994. [Working Paper]

Silvia, Stephen J. (1994) A House Divided: Employers & the Challenge to Pattern Bargaining in a United Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.5, 1994. [Working Paper]


Aspinwall, Mark. (1995) "Moveable Feast: Modeling Social Dumping". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Dickhaus, Monika. (1995) "German Policy Towards Europe and the Question of Convertibility". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Dillingham, Alan J. (1995) "Slouching Towards Frankfurt to be Born: The Progress of EMU After Maastricht". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Kaelberer, Matthias. (1995) "Hegemonic Stability Theory and European Monetary Cooperation: Evaluating the Role of Germany in the EMS and EMU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Koslowski, Rey. (1995) "Dual Nationality in Germany, Changing European Norms, and International Relations". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Kurzer, Paulette. (1995) "Assessing the Impact of the New Europe and the New Germany on Money, Welfare, and Police in Small European Countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Lechner, Michael (1995) Continuous Off-the-Job Training in East Germany After Unification: Preliminary Results of an Evaluation of the Effects for Individual Workers, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.9, 19 July, 1995. [Working Paper]

Lechner, Michael and Conrad, Christoph and Werner, Welf (1995) The Fall of the East German Birth Rate After Unification: Crisis or Means of Adaptation? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.6, 26 June 1995. [Working Paper]

Loedel, Peter H. (1995) "The Franco-German monetary partnership and the future of European Monetary Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Luthardt, Wolfgang J. (1995) "The Process of European Integration and Political Union: German or Swiss Federal System as a Model for Europe?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Neunreither, Karlheinz. (1995) "The European Parliament and Enlargement: 1973 to 2000". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Ortega, Eva. (1995) "International Transmission of Shocks and Policies within the EU: The Spanish Case". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Vivien A. (1995) "Democracy at Risk? The Impact of European Integration on National Patterns of Policy-making". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, SC. (Unpublished)

Sevilla, Christina R. (1995) "Explaining the September 1992 ERM Crisis: The Maastricht Bargain and Domestic Politics in Germany, France and Great Britain". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Simonsson, Eva. (1995) "Hazardous Waste Management Policy in the European Union: Case of Germany and Unification Illustrates Need to Consider Principle of Subsidiarity". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Smith, Michael E. (1995) "The Limits of Leadership: Germany and the EMS/Yugoslavian Crises". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Sobisch, Andreas. (1995) "Right-Wing Sentiment and European Integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Updyke, Craig A. (1995) "German Leadership?: The Council Presidency of 1994". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Verdun, Amy. (1995) "Economic and Monetary Integration in the European Union: The Role of Experts in Creating an 'Asymmetrical EMU'". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Wallace, Anthony H. (1995) "R&D Subsidies in the European Union - A Competitiveness Issue for U.S. Firms?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

July 1995

Çinar, Dilek and Hofinger, Christoph and Waldrauch, Harald (1995) Integrationsindex Zur rechtlichen Integration von AusländerInnen in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern. Inclusion Index to legal integration of foreigners in selected European countries. IHS Political Science Series 25, July 1995. [Policy Paper]


Esser, Joseph (1996) The Future of Model Germany: Challenges to the Corporatist System of Business Labor Relations. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 07.4, 12 December 1996. [Working Paper]

Locke, Richard and Jacoby, Wade (1996) The Dilemmas of Diffusion: Institutional Transfer & the Remaking of Vocational Training Practices in Eastern Germany, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.10, 1996. [Working Paper]


Anderson, Jeffrey J. (1997) "The German model and European integration: Between unification and union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Baun, Michael. (1997) "Germany and EU enlargement into Eastern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Bussemaker, Jet (1997) Recent Changes in European Welfare State Services: A Comparison of Child Care Politics in the U.K., Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 07.6, 1997. [Working Paper]

Conzelmann, Thomas. (1997) "'Europeanization' of national policies: Linking the multi-level-governance approach with theories of policy learning and policy change". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Feldblum, Miriam. (1997) "Reconfiguring citizenship in Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, Washington. (Unpublished)

Fountain, JoEllyn Murillo. (1997) "Multi-level governance in European Union Treaty formation". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Gray, Victor. (1997) "'A European dilemma’: The myth and reality of citizenship in Northwestern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Haibach, Georg (1997) Comitology after Amsterdam: A Comparative Analysis of the Delegation of Legislative Powers. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-7.

Haverland, Markus. (1997) "Convergence of national governance under European integration? The case of packaging waste". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Hendriks, Gisela. (1997) "CAP reform and enlargement: A German perspective". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Hodess, Robin. (1997) "Legitimizing Europe? News media and the reporting of European Union politics". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Hyde-Price, Adrian. (1997) "Security and integration in Mitteleuropa: Towards a new research agenda". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Just, Fleming. (1997) "Agenda-setting and greening of the CAP". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Lahav, Gallya and Guiraudon, Virginie. (1997) "The devolution of immigration regimes in Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Malhan, Nisha. (1997) "The sectoral dynamics of Germany’s role in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

O’Brien, Peter (1997) "Unplanned resistance: Underprivileged minorities in a post-modern European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

O’Neill, Kate. (1997) "Ecological modernization or regulatory convergence? Recent trends in the environmental policies of EU member states". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Parsons, Craig. (1997) "France and the social construction of Europe. Part I: France's Germany Policy and the Schumann Plan". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Wegener, Kara P. and Hega, Gunther M. (1997) "Strength in diversity? French and German regional responses to European Union educational initiatives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, Washington. (Unpublished)

Wohlfeld, Monika. (1997) "CFSP and the Central and Eastern European countries: Franco-German perspectives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Yigit, Süreyya. (1997) "Turkish immigration into Germany: The EU perspective". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

October 1997

Campbell, David F.J. and Felderer, Bernhard (1997) Evaluating Academic Research in Germany: Patterns and Policies. IHS Political Science Series No. 48, October 1997. [Working Paper]


Banchoff, Thomas (1998) Germany's European Policy: A Constructivist Perspective. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 08.1, 1998. [Working Paper]

Duckenfield, Mark (1998) The Goldkrieg: Revaluing the Bundesbank's Reserves and the Politics of EMU. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 08.6, 1998. [Working Paper]

Nicholls, Anthony J. (1998) Die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen: Ein hoffnungsloser Fall? = The German-British relationship: a Hopeless Case? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 16. [Discussion Paper]

O'Donoghue, Cathal and Evans, Martin (1998) Recasting Safety Nets: Reforming Social Assistance in Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. ESRI WP98(?). July 1998. [Working Paper]

February 1998

Waldrauch, Harald (1998) Institutionalizing Horizontal Accountability. A Conference Report. IHS Political Science Series No. 55, February 1998. [Working Paper]

July 1998

Majone, Giandomenico. (1998) The Regulatory State and its Legitimacy Problems. IHS Political Science Series No. 56, July 1998. [Working Paper]


Aspeslagh, Robert and Dekker, Henk. (1999) “Through a Glass Darkly: The Importance of Beliefs and Emotions to International Relations: How the Dutch Perceive Germans and Germany”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Bluhm, Katharina (1999) Capitalism without Capitalists? A Bottom-Up View of Industrial Transformation in East Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.1, 1999. [Working Paper]

Bonefeld, Werner. (1999) “British Experience: Monetarism Hiding Behind Europe”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Camerra-Rowe, Pamela. (1999) “Charting a New Course? German Social Democracy Between European Integration and Party Politics”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Chang, Michele. (1999) "Dual Hegemony: France, Germany and the Making of Monetary Union in Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Clement, Wolfgang (1999) Perspektiven nordrhein-westfälischer Europapolitik = Perspectives on North Rhine-Westphalian European politics. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 48. [Discussion Paper]

Conant, Lisa. (1999) "Law and Politics in the European Union: The Europeanization of Market Regulation and Its Discontents". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Drahos, Michaela. (1999) "Convergence of National Competition Laws. The Cases of Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Dzurinda, Mikuláš and Ischinger, Wolfgang and Stern, Juraj and Buerstedde, Ludger and Beuska, Peter and Samson, Ivo and Wenig, Marcus and Machowski, Heinrich and Itanský, Eduard and Alner, Juraj and Kohútiková, Elena and Pfeiffer, Herbert G. and Minaroviè, Maríán and Kulke, Wilhelm and Ochmann, Cornelius and Šubeníková, Ol’ga (1999) Möglichkeiten einer engeren Zusammenarbeit in Europa am Beispiel Deutschland - Slowakei = Possibilities of a Closer Cooperation in Europe, with the example of Germany-Slovakia. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 55. [Discussion Paper]

Eising, Rainer and Jabko, Nicolas. (1999) “Moving Targets: Institutional Embeddedness and Domestic Politics in the Liberalization of EU Electricity Markets”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Friend, Julius. (1999) “French-German Relations and the EU at the Century’s End: The Economic Aspects”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Harris, Paul A. (1999) “The Politics of Social Inclusion: Implementing Refugee and Immigration Policy in the New Germany: A Public Administration and Public Policy Perspective”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Hartwig, Ines (1999) Continuité ou changement de la politique européenne de l’Allemagne? = Continuity or change in the European policy of Germany? EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-3.

Hartwig, Ines. (1999) “Managing Structural Funds: Institutional Constraints to Efficiency”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Haverland, Markus. (1999) “National Adaptation to European Integration: The Importance of Institutional Veto Points”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Heinisch, Reinhard. (1999) “Coping with the Single Market: Corporatist Response Strategies in Germany and Austria”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Hrbek, Rudolf and Picaper, Jean-Paul and Mansala, Arto (1999) Deutschland und Europa. Positionen, Perzeptionen, Perspektiven = Germany and Europe. Positions, Perceptions, Perspectives. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 32. [Discussion Paper]

Lankowski, Carl and Peterson, John and Laffan, Brigid and Kreppel, Amie (1999) ECSA Review 12/4, Fall 1999. Special Report. The European Union in 1999: Finances, Institutions, and War. [Review Essay]

Lees, Charles. (1999) “The Red-Green Model, the Neue Mitte and Europeanisation: Conflicting Trends within German Social Democracy”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Marcussen, Martin and Risse, Thomas. and Engelmann-Martin, Daniela and Knopf, Hans Joachim and Roscher, Klaus. (1999) "Constructing Europe? The Evolution of French, British, and German Nation-State Identities". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Maurer, Andreas and Wessels, Wolfgang. (1999) “Interagency Processes in the Federal Republic of Germany: Dynamics Towards Growth, Differentiation and Fusion”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Mazzucelli, Colette. (1999) “Constructing Europe: Identity and Interests in France and Germany, 1989-99”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Prange, Heiko. (1999) “Lessons from Financing the ‘Silent’ Enlargement of the European Union in 1990”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Saurugger, Sabine S. (1999) “The Negotiation Process in the European Union: The Mediation-Role of Structures in Negotiations Between Social Actors and the Community re: the Eastern Enlargement Process”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Schäuble, Wolfgang (1999) Unsere Verantwortung für Europa = Our Responsibility for Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 44. [Discussion Paper]

Smith, Mitchell P. (1999) “In Pursuit of Selective Liberalization: The Impact of European Integration on State Capacities”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Staal, Eric Richard (1999) European Monetary Union: The German Political-Economic Trilemma. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 45. [Discussion Paper]

Thode, Eric and Berhold, Norbert and Fehn, Rainer (1999) Falling Labor Share and Rising Unemployment: Long-Run Consequences of Institutional Shocks? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.2, 1999. [Working Paper]

Turner, Lowell. (1999) “Revitalizing Labor in the U.S., Britain and Germany: Social Movements and Institutional Change”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Verheugen, Günter (1999) Germany and the EU Council Presidency: expectations and reality. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 35. [Discussion Paper]

Zaborowski, Marcin (1999) Poland, Germany and EU Enlargement: The Rising Prominence of Domestic Politics. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 51. [Discussion Paper]

von Kyaw, Dietrich (1999) Prioritäten der deutschen EU-Präsidentschaft unter Berücksichtigung des Europäischen Rates in Wien = The Priorities of the German European Council Presidency with regards to the European Council in Vienna. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 33. [Discussion Paper]

February 1999

Ruszkowski, Janusz (1999) Geopolitical Model of the Baltic Europe in the Nineties. JMWP No. 22.99, February 1999. [Working Paper]

March 1999

Helms, Ludger. (1999) 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Kontinuität und Wandel des politischen Institutionensystems. 50 years of the Federal Republic of Germany - Continuity and change in the political institutional system. IHS Political Science Series 61, March 1999. [Working Paper]

December 1999

Busch, Andreas (1999) The Grundgesetz After 50 Years: Analyzing Changes in the German Constitution. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 09.3, December 1999. [Working Paper]


Allen, Christopher A. (2000) Social Democracy, Globalization and Governance: Why is there no European Left Program in the EU? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, no.00.6, September. [Working Paper]

Aspinwall, Mark (2000) "Moveable feast: modeling social dumping". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Bös, Mathias (2000) The Legal Construction of Membership: Nationality Law in Germany and the United States. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers No. 00.5, 2000. [Working Paper]

Cernoch, Pavel. (2000) "Membership in the European Union vs. Fear of German Domination. A Czech Perspective". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Day, Stephen (2000) "Dealing with Alien Suffrage: Examples from the EU and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Erdem, Esra (2000) Minority employment patterns in the 1990s Germany. In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Hülsse, Rainer (2000) "Looking beneath the surface – invisible othering in the German discourse about Turkey’s possible EU-accession". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Innes, Abby. (2000) East-West Integration and the Changing German Production Regime: A Firm-Centered Approach. CES Central & East Europe Working Papers, no. 53, 2000. [Working Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger and Ménudier, Henri and Reiter, Janusz (2000) Das Weimarer Dreieck. Die französisch-deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen als Motor der Europäischen Integration = The Weimar Triangle. The French-German-Polish Relationship as the Motor of European Integration. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 72. [Discussion Paper]

Maichel, Gert (2000) Perspektiven für Mittel-und Osteuropa: Warum engagieren sich deutsche Unternehmen dort? = Perspectives on East-Central Europe: Why do German Companies Invest? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 70. [Discussion Paper]

Manow, Philip (2000) Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.3, 2000. [Working Paper]

Matlak, Milan and Kriener, Daniel and Kovác, Dušan and Mühlen, Patrik von zur and Demeš, Pavol and Košt’álová, Katarína and Brusis, Martin and Richterová, Adriena and Samson, Ivo and Filistein, Roman and Wenig, Marcus (2000) Die Bürgergesellschaft als ein Motor der europäischen Integration: Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit deutscher und slowakischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen = Civil Society as a Motor for European Integration: Perspectives on the Cooperation of German and Slovakian Non-Governmental Organizations. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 71. [Discussion Paper]

Mau, Steffen (2000) "Attitudinal cleavages and the welfare state: A comparison between the United Kingdom and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Meehan, Elizabeth (2000) Citizenship and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 63. [Discussion Paper]

Müller, Henrike (2000) "Insurance Regulation in Germany: Markets or Norms?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Rathenow, Lutz (2000) Vom DDR-Bürger zum EU-Bürger: Spezifische Integrationsschübe und Integrationshemmnisse aus der Sicht eines ostdeutschen Schriftstellers = From GDR-Citizenship to EU-Citizenship: Specific Integration Initiatives and Integration Obstacles from the Perspective of an East German Author. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 65. [Discussion Paper]

Speidel, Frederic (2000) Co-managed versus management-dominated globalisation – The implications of the globalisation of assembly and production in the German and French automobile industry on industrial relations with particular reference to the cases of Volkswagen and Renault. In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Stoklosa, Katarzyna. (2000) "Borders and Neighbourhood in Eastern and Central Europe. A Study of the Historic Development after World War II with the Case Study of the Oder-Neisse Region". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Šlosarčík, Ivo (2000) "Citizenship of the European Union - Impact of Political Culture on Understanding of the Citizenship in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Czech Republic". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

September 2000

Grande, Edgar (2000) The Erosion of State Capacity and the European Innovation Policy Dilemma: A Comparison of German and EU Information Technology Policies. IHS Political Science Series: 2000, No. 70. [Working Paper]

October 2000

Brubaker, Rogers (2000) Accidental Diasporas and External "Homelands" in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Present. IHS Political Science Series 71, October 2000. [Working Paper]


Maurer, Andreas and Wessels, Wolfgang, eds. (2001) National Parliaments on their Ways to Europe. Losers or Latecomers? Nomos Verlag, p. 521.

Altenstetter, Christa. (2001) "Multi-level implementation networks: The case of medical devices and patient care". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Anderson, Karen. (2001) "European integration and pension policy in the Netherlands and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Bollhoff, Dominik (2001) “The new regulatory regime: The institutional design of telecommunications regulation at the national level”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin.

Coen, David. (2001) "Business-regulator interaction in German and UK telecommunication and energy sectors: A multi-level and multi-institutional study". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Eising, Rainer. (2001) "The access of business associations to the European Commission: French, German, British and EU associations in a multi-level system". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Givens, Terri E. (2001) "The freedom party in comparison: Radical right parties in Western Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Grosskopf, Anke. (2001) "Explaining legitimacy transfer from the German federal constitutional court to the European Court of Justice: Focus group evidence from East and West". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Hering, Martin. (2001) "Competitive Euro-liberalism and the reform of the German pension system". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Hofhansel, Claus. (2001) Germany, Multilateralism, and the Eastern Enlargement of the EU. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no. 01.4, 2001. [Working Paper]

Holzhacker, Ronald. (2001) "The Europeanization of national parliamentary scrutiny: Theoretical models and empirical evidence from Germany and the Netherlands". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2001) "Negotiating the European economic and monetary union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew and Wurzel, Rudiger and Zito, Anthony R. and Bruckner, Lars. (2001) "European governance and the transfer of 'new' environmental policy instruments in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Kaelberer, Matthias. (2001) "Monetary power, bargaining asymmetries and the structural logic of EU exchange rate cooperation". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Knudsen, Jette Steen. (2001) "Breaking with tradition: Service trade liberalization in the EU and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Kollman, Kelly. (2001) "Convergence through the back door? The implementation and use of environmental management systems in Germany and the UK". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Lees, Charles. (2001) "Waiting for a voice: The political opportunity structure of opposition to European integration in Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Lever, Paul and Scotland, Baroness and Kühnhardt, Ludger and Sonntag-Wolgast, Cornelie and Oberndörfer, Dieter and Phillips, Trevor and John, Barbara and Voß, Josef and Öger, Vural and Singh, Gurbux and Csáky, Pál and Meehan, Elizabeth and Fleissner, Peter (2001) Multiculturalism and Ethnic Minorities in Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C87. [Discussion Paper]

Menz, Georg. (2001) "Incomplete integration, disintegration, and national response strategies: The liberalization of service provision in the European Union and national migration policy initiatives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Prugl, Elisabeth. (2001) "Europeanizing patriarchy: The EU's Common Agricultural Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Schludi, Martin. (2001) "Pension reform in European social insurance countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Shaw, Kelly B. and Kibitlewski, Joseph. (2001) "Hate, hate groups and hate crimes: Fighting xenophobia in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Toivanen, Reetta. (2001) "Strategies of cultural survival: The influence of European minority rights". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Urban, Sabine and Meier, Gerhard. (2001) Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der deutsch-französischen Wirtschaftskooperation = Intercultural Communication in French-German Economic Cooperation. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 90. [Discussion Paper]

September 2001

Karl, Martin and Heipertz, Georg. (2001) How strong was the Bundesbank?: A Case Study in the Policy-Making of German and European Monetary Union. CEPS Working Document No. 172, September 2001. [Working Paper]

November 2001

Gros, Daniel and Hobza, Alexandr. (2001) Fiscal Policy Spillovers in the Euro Area: Where are they? CEPS Working Document No. 176, November 2001. [Working Paper]

December 2001

Apap, Joanna. (2001) Shaping Europe’s Migration Policy: New Regimes for the Employment of Third Country Nationals: A Comparison of Strategies in Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK. CEPS Working Document No. 179, December 2001. [Working Paper]

Böröcz, József and Kovács, Melinda and Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore and Sher, Anna and Dancsi, Katalin and Kabachnik, Peter (2001) Empire's New Clothes: Unveiling EU-Enlargement. Central Europe Review e-books.


Krotz, Ulrich (2002) National Role Conceptions and Foreign Policies: France and Germany Compared. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 02.4, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich (2002) Social Content of the International Sphere: Symbols and Meaning in Franco-German Relations, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 02.2, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich (2002) Structure as Process: The Regularized Intergovernmentalism of Franco-German Bilateralism, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No.02.3, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich (2002) Ties That Bind? The Parapublic Underpinnings of Franco-German Relations as Construction of International Value. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 02.4, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich. (2002) National Role Conceptions and Foreign Policies: France and Germany Compared. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no. 02.4, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich. (2002) Social Content of the International Sphere: Symbols and Meaning in Franco-German Relations. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no. 02.2, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich. (2002) Structure as Process: The Regularized Intergovernmentalism of Franco-German Bilateralism. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no.02.3, 2002. [Working Paper]

Krotz, Ulrich. (2002) Ties That Bind? The Parapublic Underpinnings of Franco-German Relations as Construction of International Value. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no. 02.4, 2002. [Working Paper]

Maier, Felix and Sterzing, Christian and Pace, Roderick and Heller, Marc A. and Perthes, Volker (2002) Managing asymmetric interdependencies within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 101. [Discussion Paper]

Musial, Janusz (2002) Periodische Arbeitsmigration aus Polen (Raum Oppeln) nach Deutschland. Ein Testfall für die Erwerbswanderungen nach der Osterweiterung = Periodic Immigration for Work from Poland (Raum Oppeln region) to Germany. A Test Case for Work Migration after the Enlargement. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 100. [Discussion Paper]

Tulmets, Elsa (2002) Towards a multi-bilateral enlargement policy? German assistance to Central and Eastern Europe at the crossroads with European aid programs. In: UNSPECIFIED, Florence, Italy.

Vike-Freiberga, Vaira (2002) Republik Lettland und das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen - Partner in einem vereinten Europa - The Republic of Latvia and the Lander Nordrhein-Westfalen - Partners in a United Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2002, C 99. [Discussion Paper]

Welsh, Helga A. (2002) Disentangling the Reform Gridlock: Higher Education in Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 02.7, 2002. [Working Paper]

August 2002

v. Schoppenthau, Philip and Brenton, Paul and Egerer, Julia and Buelens, Christian. (2002) Die Auswirkungen der ATC-Liberalisierung auf die deutsche Textilwirtschaft. = The impact of the ATC liberalization on the German textile industry. CEPS Special Reports, August 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2002

Parikh, Ashok and Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel. (2002) Internal Migration in Regions of Germany: A Panel Data Analysis. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 12, September 2002. [Working Paper]

October 2002

Maes, Ivo (2002) On the origins of the Franco-German EMU controversies. NBB Working Paper Nr. 34. [Working Paper]

Perotti, Roberto. (2002) Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries. CEPS Working Document No. 190, October 2002. [Working Paper]

Perotti, Roberto. (2002) Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 15, October 2002. [Working Paper]


Altenstetter, Christa. (2003) "Bridging EU and domestic implementation: A cross-national comparison". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Ardy, Brian. (2003) "Germany and the UK and the European employment strategy: Polar extremes and polar outcomes?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Baudner, Joerg. (2003) "The impact of European regional policy: Sociological institutionalism and 'policy learning"'. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Camerra-Rowe, Pamela. (2003) "Political parties, economic policy-making, and European monetary union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Chikhaoui, Arslan and Driss, Ahmed and Masala, Carlo and Nienhaus, Volker and Rühl, Lothar and de Vasconcelos, Àlvaro and Zöpel, Christoph. (2003) September 11 and the Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation, 2003. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C120. [Discussion Paper]

Conzelmann, Thomas. (2003) "Contested spaces: Europeanized regional policy in Great Britain and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Crowley, Patrick M. (2003) "Has the EU become an OCA? Evaluation using model-based cluster analysis". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Ellermann, Antje. (2003) "Limiting the scope of conflict: Deportation and damage control in Germany and the United States". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Ellermann, Antje. (2003) "Negotiating unilateralism: deportation and interstate cooperation in Germany and the United States.". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Furmonavicius, Darius. (2003) "Koenigsberg/Karaliaucius/Kaliningrad region: Settlement of sovereignty will end Second World War". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Georgopoulos, Theodore. (2003) `The ‘checks and balances' doctrine in member states as a rule of EC law: The cases of France and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Grossman, Emiliano. (2003) "Bringing politics back in: Rethinking the role of economic interest groups in European integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Hallerberg, Mark. (2003) "Budgeting in Europe: Did the domestic budget process change after Maastricht?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Hancock, M. Donald (2003) "Swedish and German security policies within the European Union: A comparative assessment". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Helms, Ludger. (2003) Executive Leadership and the Role of "Veto Players" in the United States and Germany. The Program for the Study of Germany and Europe Working Papers Series 03.2, 2003. [Working Paper]

Hering, Martin. (2003) "Institutional interference in the European Union: The stability pact and the reform of public pensions in Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Hopner, Martin (2003) European Corporate Governance Reform and the German Party Paradox. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 03.1, 2003. [Working Paper]

Johns, Michael. (2003) "A fair price of admission? Minority policies in and out of the EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew and Liefferink, Duncan. (2003) "The Europeanization of national environmental policy: A comparative analysis". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew and Wurzel, Rudiger and Zito, Anthony. (2003) "How ‘new’ environmental policy instruments (NEPIs) spread in the European Union: An analysis of the role of the EU in shaping environmental governance". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Leblond, Patrick. (2003) "Fiscal convergence and stability in the EMU: Alchemy, missed opportunities, and commitment institutions". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Maurer, Andreas. (2003) "Reforming the Council - Modeling facets of a multi-actor system". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Mushaben, Joyce Marie. (2003) "Girl power and gender mainstreaming. Looking for peace in new places through an EU lens". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Peeters, Marga and den Reijer, Ard (2003) On wage formation, wage development and flexibility: a comparison between European countries and the United States. DNB Staff Report No. 108/2003. UNSPECIFIED.

Prugl, Elisabeth. (2003) "Gender orders in German agriculture: From the patriarchal welfare state to environmental liberalism". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Vivien A. (2003) "The Europeanization of governance in larger European democracies". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Sprungk, Carina. (2003) "National Parliamentary Scrutiny in the European Union: The German Bundestag and the French Assemblée Nationale, Key Players or Side-Shows?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Treib, Oliver. (2003) "EU governance, misfit and the partisan logic of domestic adaptation: An actor-centered perspective on the transposition of EU directives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Van de Steeg, Marianne and Rauer, Valentin and Rivet, Sylvain and Risse, Thomas. (2003) 'The EU as a political community: A media analysis of the ‘Haider debate' in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Wergin, Niels-Erik. (2003) Teamwork in the Automobile Industry - an Anglo-German Comparison. European Political Economy Review, 1 (2). pp. 152-190.

July 2003

Guerot, Ulrike and Hughes, Kirsty and Lefebvre, Maxime and Egenhoff, Tjark. (2003) France, Germany and the UK in the Convention: Common interests or pulling in different directions?. EPIN Working Paper No. 7, July 2003. [Working Paper]

Horst, Albert van der. (2003) Structural Estimates of Equilibrium Unemployment in Six OECD Economies. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 22, July 2003. [Working Paper]

October 2003

Vanne, Reijo and Santor, Nicola and Assarri, Carlo and Cozzolina, Maria and Declich, Carlo and Polin, Veronia and Roveda, Alberto and Seidel, Bernard. (2003) Welfare Intergenerational Distribution and Households: What does generational accounting tell us? ENEPRI Occasional Paper No. 2, October 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2003

Belke, Ansgar and Fehn, Rainer and Foster, Neil. (2003) Does venture capital investment spur employment growth? CEPS Working Document No. 197, December 2003. [Working Paper]


Bia, Maria Teresa. (2004) Towards an EU Immigration Policy: Between Emerging Supranational Principles and National Concerns. EDAP 2/2004. [Working Paper]

Dastidar, Protiti. (2004) Do US Multinationals Differ from Non-US Multinationals in Value Creation? ACES Working Paper 2004.1, February 2004. [Policy Paper]

Gross, Nicole Christina. (2004) Netzwerkbildung in der EU als regionale Standortpolitik? Nordrhein-Westfalen und die transnationalen Beziehungen zu Regionen im Benelux-Raumsowie in Mittel- und Osteuropa = Network Building in the EU as Regional Location Policy? North Rhein-Westphalia amd the Transnational Relations to Regions in the Benelux as Well as in Central and Eastern Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper: C 134, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Leucht, Brigitte and Sio-Lopez, Cristina Blanco and Soare, Sorina and Ustun, Cigdem and Charlety, Veronique and Marchi, Ludovica and An, Pyeongok and Seidel, Katja and Davies, Billy. (2004) First Heirs Colloquium, Cambridge, 6-7 November 2004: Papers. [Conference Proceedings]

Powell, Justin J.W. (2004) Special Education and the Risk of Becoming Less Educated in Germany and the United States. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.1, 13 December, 2004. [Working Paper]

Tvinnereim, Endre M. (2004) Democratic Contestation, Accountability, and Citizen Satisfaction at the Regional Level. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 04.2, 2004. [Working Paper]

Waddington, Nigel. (2004) The Europeanisation of Corporate Governance in Germany and the UK. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

February 2004

Asher, Andrew D. (2004) In the Laboratory of Europe: Governing the "Europe of Regions" on the Polish/German Frontier. University of Illinois EUC Working Paper, Vol. 4, No. 3. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Mayer, Thomas and Ubide, Angel (2004) The Nine Lives of the Stability Pact. A special report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. CEPS Paperback. February 2004. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290794720

June 2004

Bleischwitz, Raimund and Latsch, Michael and Snorre Andersen, Kristian (2004) Sustainable Development and Collective Learning: Theory and a European Case Study. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 7/2004. [Policy Paper]

October 2004

Nolte, Detlef. (2004) Problems of Latin American Security and its Implications for Europe: A German Perspective. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 11, October 2004. [Working Paper]

December 2004

Davidson-Schmich, Louise K. (2004) Searching for the Origins of Civic Community in the Newly Expanded European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schumann Paper Series Vol. 4 No. 18, December 2004. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)


Aubrey, Natalie and Sio-Lopez, Cristina Blanco and Huber, Sophie and Lange-Jensen, Sebastian and Leucht, Brigitte and Meyer, Jan-Henrik. and Poehls, Kerstin and Rambour, Muriel and Seidel, Katja and Warlouzet, Laurent. (2005) "The making and unmaking of the European Union: Fifty-five years of crabwalk." Second HEIRS Conference, Portsmouth, 4-5 November 2005: papers. [Conference Proceedings]

Aumont, Laure and Lavadoux, Frank and Desselas, Stéphane. (2005) Systèmes politiques nationaux et exercice de l'influence au niveau communautaire: une comparaison France-Allemagne. = National political systems and the exercise of influence at EU level: a comparison between France-Germany. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 35-44.

Davidson-Schmich, Louise K. and Davidson-Schmich, Michael. (2005) "The Content of European Parliament Election Campaigns: A Framework for Analysis and Evidence from Germany in 2004". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Genna, Gaspara M. (2005) "Public Perceptions of the European Power Hierarchy and Support for a Common Foreign and Security Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Grosskopf, Anke. (2005) "Learning to Trust the European Court of Justice -- Lessons from the German Case". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, TX. (Unpublished)

Lungu, Sorin. (2005) Power, Techno-economics, and Transatlantic Relations in 1987-1999. In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Vivien A. (2005) "Theorizing Democracy in Europe: The Impact of the EU on National and Sectoral Policy-making Processes". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Schroeder, Wolfgang and Silvia, Stephen J. (2005) Why Are German Employers Associations Declining? A Challenge to the Conventional Wisdom. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.3, 2005. [Working Paper]

Tulmets, Elsa. (2005) The Introduction of the Open Method of Coordination in the European Enlargement Policy: Analysing the Impact of the New PHARE/Twinning Instrument. European Politican Economy Review, 3 (1). pp. 54-90.

Westrup, Jonathan. (2005) "The Politics of Financial Regulatory Reform: Partisanship and the Privatization of Risk". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Zohlnhöfer, Reimut (2005) The Politics of Budget Consolidation in Britain and Germany: the Impact of Blame-Avoidance Opportunities. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.2, 2005. [Working Paper]

January 2005

Geiger, Rudolf. (2005) EU Constitutionalism and the German Basic Law. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 1A, January 2005. [Working Paper]

Kaya, Ayhan and Kentel, Ferhat. (2005) Euro-Turks: A Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the European Union? A Comparative Study of French-Turks and German-Turks. CEPS EU-Turkey Working Papers No. 14, 1 January 2005. [Working Paper]

February 2005

Kaitila, Ville. (2005) Integration and Conditional Convergence in the Enlarged EU Area. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 31, 1 February 2005. [Working Paper]

Schulz, Erika. (2005) Ageing, Health and Retirement in Europe: Alternative Scenarios for Health, Life Expectancy and Social Expenditure. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 4, 1 February 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

Sefton, James and va de Ven, Justin and Weale, Martin. (2005) Pension Arrangements and Retirement Choices in Europe: A Comparison of the British, Danish and German Systems. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 5, 1 February 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2005

Davidson-Schmich, Louise K. (2005) The Content of European Parliament Election Campaigns: A Framework for Analysis and Evidence from Germany in 2004. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 6, April 2005. [Working Paper]

Deschryvere, Matthias (2005) Labour Force Behaviour of Men and Women in Elderly Two-Adult Households: Evidence from EU Countries. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 7, 1 April 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2005

Asher, Andrew D. (2005) Bridging the Divide? Europeanization, Transnational Consumption, and Ethnic Identity in a European City. University of Illinois EUC Working Paper, Volume 5, No. 1, 2005. [Working Paper]

July 2005

Meyer, Martin F. (2005) The Europeanization of National Public Spheres: Political Discourses in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_MPhil Thesis" not defined] thesis, University of Cambridge.

August 2005

Piekkola, Hannu and Deschryvere, Matthias. (2005) Option Values for Retirement: Effects of Public Incentives to Postpone Retirement in Finland, Belgium and Germany. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 14, 1 August 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2005

Thiel, Markus. (2005) European Identity and the Challenge of Enlargement. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 31 September 2005. [Working Paper]

November 2005

Cameron, Fraser. (2005) Germany's Marriage of Necessity. The Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 1, No. 8. November 2005. [Working Paper]


Abraham, David and Akbar , Yusaf H. and Böhm, Monika and Crawford, Beverly and Domínguez , Roberto and Eralp , Atila and Granell, Francesc and Gungor, Gaye and Ibryamova, Nuray and Ilcheva, Maria and Krok-Paszkowska, Ania. and Laursen, Finn and Lemke, Christiane and Maas, Willem and Nugent, Neill and Roy, Joaquín and Royo, Sebastián and Schimmelfennig, Frank and Thiel, Markus and Vilpisauskas, Ramunas (2006) Towards the completion of Europe. Analysis and perspectives of the new European Union enlargement. Jean Monnet Chair/University of Miami. ISBN 0963867873

Authors, Numerous. (2006) The European Constitution and its Ratification Crisis. Constitutional Debates in the EU Member States. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 156, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Blau, Jessamyn (2006) "Reconsidering Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany: The Integration of the 21st-century Gastarbeiter". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Engle, Eric (2006) Private Law Remedies for Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_Dr.Jur." not defined] thesis, Bremen.

Geißler, Katja and Nita, Florin (2006) Case Study: Deutsche Bahn AG. Deutsche Bahn on the Fast Track to Fight Corruption. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Hamilton, Jacqueline M. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2006) THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON TOURISM IN GERMANY, THE UK AND IRELAND: A SIMULATION STUDY. ESRI WP174, August 2006. [Working Paper]

Hilz, Wolfram. (2006) Deutschlands EU-Ratsprasidentschaft 2007. Integrationspolitische Akzente in schwierigen Zeiten. = Germany's European Council Presidency 2007. Setting a course for integration politics in serious times. ZEI Discussion Papers C164, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Jacoby, Wade. (2006) Side Payments Over Solidarity: Financing the Poor Cousins in Germany and the EU. ACES Cases No 2006.2. UNSPECIFIED.

Meiers, Franz-Josef. (2006) Zwischen Partnerschaft und Widerspruch. Die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen seit dem 11. September 2001. = Between partnership and opposition. The German-American relationship since September 11, 2001. ZEI Discussion Papers C165, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Pogorelskaja, Swetlana W. (2006) Die Bedeutung der deutschen parteinahen Stiftungen fur die EU-Politik gegenuber den MOE-und GUS-staten = Importance of the German party-related foundations for the EU's policy vis-a-vis the CEE and CIS states. ZEI Discussion Papers, C163, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Russell, Helen and Halpin, Brendan and Strandh, Mattias and Zielfe, Andrea (2006) Comparing the Labour Market Effects of Childbirth in Ireland, Sweden, the UK and Germany. ESRI WP170. April 2006. [Working Paper]

Steffen, Hillmert (2006) Skill formation in Britain and Germany: Recent developments in the context of traditional differences. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No.06.1, 2006. [Working Paper]

Tings, Christiana. (2006) The new German European Policy. Challenges to Decentralised EU Policy Coordination. ZEI Discussion Papers, C166, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Toller, Annette Elisabeth (2006) How European Integration Impacts on National Legislatures: The Europeanization of The German Bundestag. CES Germany and Europe Working Papers, No. 06.2, 2006. [Working Paper]

February 2006

Ahearne, Alan and Pisani-Ferry, Jean. (2006) The Euro: Only for the Agile. Bruegel policy brief 2006/01, February 2006. [Policy Paper]

May 2006

Fenge, Robert and von Weizsacker, Jakob. (2006) "Generation Enkellos" und Rentenbeitragsrabatt fur Eltern = The "childless generation" and pension contribution rebate for the elderly. Bruegel Third-Party Papers, May 2006. [Policy Paper]

June 2006

Veron, Nicolas. (2006) Farewell National Champions. Bruegel policy brief 2006/04, June 2006. [Policy Paper]

August 2006

Felfe, Christina (2006) The Child Penalty – A Compensating Wage Differential? ENEPRI Research Reports No. 22, 22 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Felfe, Christina. (2006) Objective Trends and Perceptions of Health Status in Germany. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 21, 22 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2006

Lexis, Ulrike and Hassel, Anke (2006) Case Study: Deutsche Telekom and "Schools Online" (SaN). Connecting German Schools to the internet. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2006

Haan, Peter and Myck, Michal. (2006) Apply with Caution: Introducing UK-Style In-Work Support in Germany. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 24, 9 October 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2006

Bebbington, Andrew and Shapiro, Judith. (2006) Incidence of Poor Health and Long-Term Care: Health Transitions in Europe – Results from the European Community Household Panel Survey and Institutional Data. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 34, 23 December 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Wimmel, Andreas. (2006) Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French, and British Discourses on Turkey's Application to Join the European Union. IHS Political Science Series Paper, No. 111, December 2006. [Working Paper]


Amiya-Nakada, Ryosuke. (2007) "Transposition Strategy and Political Time in the Europeanisation of Social Norms: Comparing Transposition of the Anti-discrimination Directives in Germany and Austria". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fourth General European Consortium for Political Research, September 6-8, 2007, Pisa, Italy. (Unpublished)

Antoni, Manfred and Jahn, Elke J (2007) Do Changes in Regulation Affect Employment Duration in Temporary Work Agencies? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 07.1, 2007. [Working Paper]

Beyers, Jan. (2007) Political Cleavages and Interest Group Politics: A Comparative Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Borzel, Tanja A., and Dudziak, Meike, and Hofmann, Tobias, and Panke, Diana, and Sprungk, Carina. (2007) Recalcitrance, Inefficiency, and Support for European Integration: Why Member States Do (not) Comply with European Law. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Brand, Alexander, and Niemann, Arne. (2007) "Europeanisation in the societal/trans-national realm: What European Integration Studies can get out of analysing football". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Callan, Tim and Smeeding, Tim and Tsakloglou, Panos (2007) Distributional Effects of Public Education Transfers in Seven European Countries. ESRI WP207. September 2007. [Working Paper]

Dettke, Dieter. (2007) Economic and Political Challenges of Energy Sustainability: EU and German Renewable Energy Policies. ACES Cases No. 2007.1. UNSPECIFIED.

Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette. (2007) Uneven Power and the Pursuit of Peace: How Regional Power Transitions Motivate Integration. CES Working Paper, no. 150, 2007. [Working Paper]

Ette, Andreas. and Kreienbrink, Axel. (2007) "The Unbearable Lightness of Complying with European Immigration Policies? Germany’s First Mover Advantage". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Faas, Daniel. (2007) Between Eurocentrism and Euroscepticism: A comparison of German and English national political and student responses to the European education agenda. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Fuchs, Maximilian. (2007) The Transposition of EU Antidiscrimination Legislation into German Labour Law. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 53/2007. [Working Paper]

Goyer, Michel. (2007) Institutional Investors in French and German Corporate Governance: The Transformation of Corporate Governance and the Stability of Coordination. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper, no.07.2, 2008. [Working Paper]

Hatch, Michael T. (2007) "The Europeanization of German Climate Change Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Hekman, Björn (2007) Attitudes of young people toward entrepreneurship. Youth Entrepreneurship Barometer 2007. Results of a representative survey of young people and teachers in Germany. UNSPECIFIED.

Hepburn, Eve. (2007) The Rise and Fall of a ‘Europe of the Regions’: The Territorial Strategies of Substate Political Parties 1979-2006. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Hurrelmann, Achim. (2007) "Constructions of Multilevel Legitimacy in the European Union: A Study of German and British Media Discourse". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kettunen, Pekka. and Kull, Michael. (2007) "Governing Europe: The Status and Networking Strategies of Finnish, Estonian and German Regions in Brussels". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Knipping, Franz and Gutschker, Thomas and Rochtus, Dirk and Mertes, Michael and Kirt, Romain and Marchetti, Andreas and Zimmek, Martin. (2007) "Annäherungen an Europa. Beiträge zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007". = Approaches to Europe. Contributions to the German EU Presidency 2007. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 175. [Discussion Paper]

Kollman, Kelly. (2007) European Institutions, Transnational Networks and National Same-sex Union Policy: When Soft Law Hits Harder. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kollman, Kelly. (2007) "Globalization and Europeanization: Why Extra-European Processes of Integration Affect how EU Environmental Policy is Implemented". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Laulom, Sylvaine and Vigneau, Christophe and Fuchs, Maximilian and Caruso, Bruno and Zappala, Loredana and Houwing, Hester and Verhulp, Evert and Visser, Jelle and Valdes Dal-Re, Fernando and Lahera Forteza, Jesus and Engblom, Samuel and Barnard, Catherine and Deakin, Simon. (2007) Flexibility and Security in Temporary Work: A Comparative and European Debate. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 56/200. [Working Paper]

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) The Troika and Iran: France’s Contributions to EU3 Nuclear Diplomacy Theory Encounters the Real World of Multilateral Negotiations. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Menz, Georg. (2007) Employers, Trade Unions and Labor Migration Policies: Examining the Role of Non-State Actors. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Palier, Bruno. (2007) The politics of reforms in Bismarckian welfare systems. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Peters, Dirk. (2007) Constrained Balancing: The UK, Germany, and ESDP. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Pfister, Thomas. (2007) Mainstreamed Away? The European Employment Strategy and its Gender Equality Dimension. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Post, Dorothee, and Niemann, Arne. (2007) The Europeanisation of German asylum policy and the "Germanisation" of European asylum policy: the case of the "safe third country" concept. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Wimmel, Andreas. (2007) Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to Join the European Union. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Yesilada, Birol A. (2007) Some expected and some not-so-expected Benefits of Turkey's EU Membership for both Parties. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

February 2007

Geyer, Florian. (2007) Germany's regularisation of November 2006: Committed to an EU immigration policy?. CEPS Commentaries, 9 February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) Future of the European Union and the European Constitutional Treaty: The Future of the European Union and its Importance for Transatlantic Relations. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 4 February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Paterson, Iain, and Fink, Marcel, and Ogus, Anthony, and Merz, Joachim, and Fink, Felix, and Berrer, Helmut. (2007) Economic Impact of Regulation in the Field of Liberal Professions in Different Member States. ENEPRI Working Paper, No. 52, 8 February 2007. [Working Paper]

March 2007

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) EU3-Iranian Nuclear Diplomacy: Implications for US Policy in the Middle East. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 6 March 2007. [Policy Paper]

Vermeulen, Philip, and Dias, Daniel, and Dossche, Maarten, and Gautier, Erwan, and Hernando, Ignacio, and Sabbatini, Roberto, and Stahl, Harald. (2007) "Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from individual producer price data." NBB Working Paper No. 111, March 2007. [Working Paper]

April 2007

Tremolanda, Eric (2007) La Apocada Presidencia Alemana en Medio de la Crisis de la Union Europea. = The shy German presidency in the midst of the crisis of the European Union. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 8 April 2007. [Policy Paper]

May 2007

Hofmarcher, Maria M and Riedel, Monika and Schnable, Alexander and Sirlinger, Gerald. (2007) Health Status Transitions. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 35, 24 May 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2007

Hierlemann, Dominik and García Schmidt, Armando. (2007) spotlight europe 2007/04, July 2007: More Political Leadership is Worth the Risk. [Policy Paper]

Hierlemann, Dominik and Schmidt, Armando Garcia. (2007) spotlight europe 2007/04: Mehr politische Führung wagen = spotlight europe 2007/04: More political Leadership is Worth the Risk. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastien, and Riecke, Henning. (2007) "Is Europe Back on Track? Impetus from the German EU Presidency." CEPS Working Document No. 273, July 2007. [Working Paper]

October 2007

Grussendorf, Johan S. U. (2007) Die Europa-Union in der westdeutschen Tagespresse in den 1950er Jahren – Kontinuitäten und Wandel in der Berichterstattung über einen Europaverband = The Europa-Union in the West German Daily Press in the 1950s - Continuities and Changes in the Press Coverage on a European Pressure Group. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_M.A. thesis" not defined] thesis, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin.

November 2007

Roudsari, Sahar Arfazadeh. (2007) Talking Away the Crisis? The E3/EU-Iran Negotiations on Nuclear Issues. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 6/2007, November 2007. [Working Paper]


Coolsaet, Rik (2008) In de voetsporen van de tsaren… of van Bismarck? Rik Coolsaet over Georgië, Rusland en het negentiende-eeuwse Pruisen. = In the footsteps of the Tsars ... or van Bismarck? Rik Coolsaet about Georgia, Russia and nineteenth-century Prussia. Egmont Commentary, 23 August 2008. [Policy Paper]

Freier, Maximilian (2008) Political economy of the Agenda 2010 reforms: How Gerhard Schröder overcame the "blocked republic". ACES Cases No. 2008.3. UNSPECIFIED.

Guenther, Katja M. (2008) Localizing EU Gender Policy: The Diffusion of Gender Mainstreaming across Feminist Movements in Eastern Germany, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 08.1, June, 2008. [Working Paper]

Lee, Jim and Crowley, Patrick M. (2008) Does All Fit One Size? An evaluation of the ECB policy response to changing economic conditions in the Euro area member states. ACES Cases No. 2008.1. UNSPECIFIED.

Lopez-Santana, Mariely and Büchs, Milena (2008) Labor Market Policy Decentralization in Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy - Dynamics and Reasons. ACES Working Papers No. 5, 2008. [Working Paper]

Meyer, Jan-Henrik. (2008) An emerging transnational network of communication on European affairs? The European public sphere at EC summits 1969-1991. 7th European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon 26th February – 1st March 2008. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Perez, Sofia, and Westrup, Jonathan. (2008) Finance and the Macro-economy: The Politics of Regulatory Reform in Europe. CES Working Paper, no. 156, 2008. [Working Paper]

January 2008

Kassenova, Nargis. (2008) The EU Strategy towards Central Asia: A View from the Region. CEPS Policy Brief No. 148, 16 January 2008. [Policy Paper]

February 2008

International Study Group on Exports and Productivity, The. (2008) Exports and productivity – comparable evidence for 14 countries. NBB Working Papers No. 128, 13 February 2008. [Working Paper]

Kaeding, Michael. (2008) Se perdre dans les détails ou aller de l’avant? La transposition en droit national des directives européennes en matière de transports en France, en Allemagne, en Grèce, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni. = Getting lost in the details or moving forward? The transposition into national law of European directives in the field of transport in France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom. EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-6.

May 2008

Kostera, Thomas. (2008) Europeanizing Healthcare: Cross-border Patient Mobility and Its Consequences for the German and Danish Healthcare Systems. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 7, May 2008. [Policy Paper]

June 2008

Guenther, Katja (2008) Localizing EU Gender Policy: The Diffusion of Gender Mainstreaming across Feminist Movements in Eastern Germany. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 08.1, June, 2008. [Working Paper]

Kotowska, Irene E and Stachura, Joanne and Strzelecki, Pawel. (2008) Equality of Retirement Benefits Received by Men and Women in Selected European Countries: Childbearing and Future Benefits. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 56, 2 June 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2008

Behrens, Arno and Nunez Ferrer, Jorge and Egenhofer, Christian. (2008) Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for the EU Budget. CEPS Working Document No. 300, August 2008. [Working Paper]

September 2008

Kaczyński, Piotr Maciej and Kurpas, Sebastian and ó Broin, Peadar. (2008) Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: Problems not only in Ireland. EPIN Working Papers No. 18, September 2008. [Working Paper]

October 2008

Piekkola, Hannu. (2008) Flexible Pension Systems –Postponed Retirement and Distributional Fairness. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 61, October 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2008

Cagossi, Alessandro. (2008) The Effects of Non-Negotiable and Partially-Negotiable Domestic Factors in the Monetary Union: Flexible integration, Skeptical Integration and Europeanized Integration. EUMA Special Series Vol. 5 No. 18, November 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Multiple, Author. (2008) Transatlantic Relations 2009: European Expectations for the Post-Bush Era. EPIN Working Paper No. 20, November 2008. [Working Paper]

December 2008

Hierlemann, Dominik. (2008) spotlight europe 2008/13 - December 2008: Lessons from the Treaty Fatigue. [Policy Paper]

Ruspini, Paolo and Hiriş, Liliana and Geiger, Martin and Wersching, Simona and Simina, Ovidiu Laurian and Levine, Samuel Jay and Schulz, Wolfgang P. and Heikkilä, Elli and Pikkarainen, Maria and Feridun, Mete and Ivlevs, Artjoms and Bicanová, Radka and Figlová, Zuzana and Kačerová, Eva and Lötzer, Rüdiger and Parasca, Teofil and Groutsis, Dimitria and Unal, Bayram and Baldwin-Edwards, Martin and Mircea, Alexandru and Pristavu, Anca Cristina and Silaşi, Grigore and Constantin, Daniela Luminiţa and Vădăsan, Ioana and Cismaş, Laura and Oprea, Florin and Popescu, Ada Iuliana and Cǎmǎrǎşan, Adriana Vasile and Petrescu, Gabriela Elena. (2008) Migration, Mobility and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of the European Union - Space of Freedom and Security. Editura Universitatii de Vest, p. 413.


Bouvet, Florence. (2009) The Beveridge Curve in Europe: New evidence using national and regional data. [Conference Proceedings]

Boyle, Nigel (2009) The Malleable Politics of Activation Reform: the ‘Hartz’ Reforms in Comparative Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boyle, Nigel and Schünemann, Wolf J. (2009) The Malleable Politics of Welfare-to-Work Reform: Germany's "Hartz" activation compared with Dutch, British and Irish cases. ACES Cases No. 2009.1. UNSPECIFIED.

Crowley, Patrick M. (2009) One money with several cycles? Evaluation of European business cycles using cluster analysis. ACES Cases No. 2009.3. UNSPECIFIED.

Kalata, Jesse. (2009) Europeanizing the Bundeswehr? An Europeanization analysis of "misfit" between the EU's Security and Defense Policy and German military policy. TAIF Nr. 2/2009. [Working Paper]

Mayer, Matthias M. (2009) Germany's preferences on the freedom of movement provisions of the Ankara Agreement: the Wirtschaftswunder and opportunity and effort of Turkish diplomacy. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Perez, Sofia (2009) Divergent paths in European Immigration: the Role of Left Governments. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Quintana, Victoria. (2009) Germany: a look at one EU member state's path to "Europeanization". EUMA Papers Vol. 6, No. 6, 2009. [Policy Paper]

January 2009

Dekkers, Gijs and Buslei, Hermann and Cozzolino, Maria and Desmet, Raphael and Geyer, Johannes and Hofmann, Dirk and Raitano, Michele and Steiner, Viktor and Tanda, Paola and Tedeschi, Simone and Verschueren, Frédéric. (2009) What are the consequences of the AWG-projections for the adequacy of social security pensions? ENEPRI Research Report No. 65, 16 January 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Lobe, Sebasian and Schenk, Nils-Christian. (2009) Fairness Opinions and Capital Markets: Evidence from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. ECMI Research Reports, No. 4, 7 January 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Marco Ferraresi, Pier and Monticone, Chiara. (2009) A Semi-Aggregate Model for Social Expenditure Projections. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 62, January 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Mariot, Nicolas and Rowell, Jay (2009) Visits of Sovereignty and the articulation of the national and the local in France and Germany on the eve of World War I. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

February 2009

Marin, Dalia. (2009) The battle for talent: globalization and the rise of executive pay. Bruegel Working Paper No. 2009/01 [02?], February 2009. [Working Paper]

March 2009

Arnold, Steve and Markandya, Anil and Hunt, Alistair. (2009) Estimating Historical Energy Security Costs. CEPS Policy Brief No. 184, 15 March 2009. [Policy Paper]

Bellanova, Rocco. (2009) Prüm: A Model ‘Prêt-à-Exporter’? The 2008 German–US Agreement on Data Exchange. CEPS Challenge Paper No. 13, 12 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2009

Beyers, Jan (2009) Multilevel venue-shopping in Europe: A comparative analysis of interest organizations in four EU member-states. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

June 2009

Schmidt, Reinhard H. and Carbo Valverde, Santiago and Fernandez, Francisco Rodriguez and Ayadi, Rym and Arbak, Emrah (2009) Investigating Diversity in the Banking Sector in Europe: The Performance and Role of Savings Banks. CEPS Paperbacks. June 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789290798682

July 2009

Gerhardt, Maria. (2009) Consumer Bankruptcy Regimes and Credit Default in the US and Europe: A comparative study. CEPS Working Document No. 318, 27 July 2009. [Working Paper]

Roth, Felix. (2009) The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Systemic Trust. CEPS Working Document No. 316, 17 July 2009. [Working Paper]

August 2009

Roth, Mathias. (2009) Bilateral Disputes between EU Member States and Russia. CEPS Working Document No. 319, 20 August 2009. [Working Paper]

Zalewski, Krzysztof Marcin (2009) The Berlin Republic. Evolution of Germany's politics of memory and German patriotism. OSW Point of View, August 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2009

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim. (2009) spotlight europe 2009/08, September 2009: Europe begins at home. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2009) Why it feels different. CEPS Commentaries, 15 September 2009. [Policy Paper]

October 2009

Carrera, Sergio and Wiesbrock, Anja. (2009) Civic integration of the third-country nationals nationalism versus Europeanisation in the common EU immigration policy. CEPS Liberty and Secuiry in Europe, October 2009. [Policy Paper]

November 2009

Gros, Daniel. (2009) The long shadow of the wall on Europe's economy. CEPS Commentaries, 13 November 2009. [Policy Paper]

December 2009

Micossi, Stefano and Tosato, Gian Luigi and Cassese, Sabino and Bastasin, Carlo and Ferrera, Maurizio and Sacchi, Fiorella and Bruzzone, Ginevra and Prosperetti, Luigi and Termini, Valeria and Merlini, Cesare and Cangelosi, Rocco A. and Salleo, Ferdinando and Pansa, Alessandro and Padoan, Pier Carlo and Chitti, Mario P. and della Cananea, Giancinto and Manzella, Andrea (2009) The European Union in the 21st century: Perspectives from the Lisbon Treaty. CEPS Paperbacks. December 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789290799290


Bignami, Francesca. (2010) The Non-Americanization of European Regulatory Styles: Data Privacy Regulation in France, Germany, Italy, and Britain. CES Working Paper Series No. 174, 2010. [Working Paper]

Leonardy, Uwe. (2010) Is the European Federation a "Mission Impossible"?: A Critical Analysis of the German Constitutional Court's Judgement on the Lisbon Treaty. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 201, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

Moss, Peter and Urban, Mathias (2010) Democracy and Experimentation: two fundamental values for education. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Weber, Pierre-Frederic and Fagot, Pascal and Schweiger, Alexandra and Dylla, Daria W. and Marchetti, Andreas and Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof. (2010) Frankreich - Deutschland - Polen: Partnerschaft im Herzen Europas. = France - Germany - Poland: partnership in the heart of Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper No. 199, 2010. [Discussion Paper]

du Caju, Philip and Katay, Gabor and Lamo, Ana and Nicolitsas, Daphne and Poelhekke, Steven. (2010) Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: What do cross-country time-varying data add to the picture? National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 189, April 2010. [Working Paper]

March 2010

Guerrieri, Paolo and Luciani, Matteo and Meliciani, Valentina (2010) The Determinants of Investment in Information and Communication Technologies. Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 16/March 2010. [Policy Paper]

May 2010

Hubscher, Evelyne. (2010) The Constrained Left and its Adverse Impact on Losers of Globalization. IHS Political Science Series No. 120, May 2010. [Policy Paper]

June 2010

Gotkowska, Justyna (2010) Germany and the Eastern Partnership. OSW Commentary No. 37, 2010-06-17. [Policy Paper]

Perissich, Riccardo (2010) Moments of Truth – A new neo-Gaullist Germany? EuropEos Commentary No. 3, 1 June 2010. [Policy Paper]

Schulz, Erika. (2010) The Long-term Care System in Germany. ENEPRI Research Report No. 78, 15 June 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2010

Caiani, Manuela and della Porta, Donatella. (2010) Extreme Right and Populism: A Frame Analysis of Extreme Right Wing Discourses in Italy and Germany. IHS Political Science Series No. 121, July 2010. [Policy Paper]

Marin, Dalia. (2010) The opening up of Eastern Europe at 20-jobs, skills, and 'reverse maquiladoras' in Austria and Germany. Bruegel Working Paper 2010/02, July 2010. [Working Paper]

August 2010

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna (2010) It's not (only) about Erika Steinbach. Three myths in the German discourse on the resettlements. OSW Point of View, August 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2010

Ayadi, Rym and Llewellyn, David T. and Schmidt, Reinhard H. and Arbak, Emrah and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2010) Investigating Diversity in the Banking Sector in Europe: Key Developments, Performance and Role of Cooperative Banks. CEPS Paperbacks. September 2010. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461380425

Gotkowska, Justyna (2010) Niemiecki sieci na wschodzie. Niemiecki soft power w Europie Wschodniej, Azji Centralnej i na Kaukazie Południowym: polityka – administracja – kultura – nauka – społeczenstwo. OSW Raport, wrzesien 2010. = German networks in the east. German soft power in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus policy - administration - culture - science - the society of. CES Report, September 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Hoffmann, Isabell. (2010) Spotlight Europe #2010/08, September 2010: Bundestag auf Europaisch = The German national parliament in Europe. [Policy Paper]


Bulmer, Simon and Paterson, William E. (2011) A Life More Ordinary? Ten theses on a normalization of Germany's role in the EU. UNSPECIFIED.

Davies, Dr. Bill (2011) Dealing with the Fallout: West Germany's Response to the Solange Decision (1974). ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Ito, Takeshi (2011) Searching for the Ordoliberal Origin of European Integration: Lessons from the Politics of the European Recovery Program. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Lynch, Muireann A. and O'Malley, Mark J. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Optimal interconnection and renewable targets in North-West Europe. ESRI WP416, December 2011. [Working Paper]

Marchetti, Andreas and Clouet., Louis-Marie (2011) Leadership by credibility: Franco-German visions of the future of the Union. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C205, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

Matthijs, Matthias M. (2011) Germany's Role in Crafting a Solution to the 2010 EMU Sovereign Debt Crisis: Persuading with Power or the Power of Persuasion? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schelkle, Waltraud and Mabbett, Deborah (2011) Hegemony Without Stability: The fiscal and political vulnerabilities of monetary union. ACES Cases No. 2011.2. UNSPECIFIED.

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel (2011) Social Justice in the OECD – How Do the Member States Compare? Bertelsmann Stiftung Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Unal., Dervis Fikret (2011) EU-Russian relations: evolution and theoretical assessment. ZEI Discussion Paper C204, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

January 2011

Zawilska-Florczuk, Marta (2011) The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region from Germany’s perspective. OSW Commentary No. 69, 2011-01-10. [Policy Paper]

February 2011

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna (2011) The natural resources deficit: the implications for German politics. OSW Commentary No. 46, 2011-02-08. [Policy Paper]

Larive., Maxime (2011) The European Union, Tunisia and Egypt: norms versus interests - thoughts and recommendations. EUMA Paper Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2011. [Policy Paper]

Zazilska-Florczuk, Marta and Ciechanowicz, Artur (2011) One country, two societies? Germany twenty years after reunification. OSW Study 35/2011. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2011

Van Liebergen, Bart. (2011) American war, European struggle? Analyzing the influence of domestic politics on the ISAF contributions of EU Member States. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 2011/03, March 2011. [Working Paper]

June 2011

Emerson, Michael and Bezunartea, Patricia and Carrera, Sergio and Choudhury, Tufyal and Hieronymus, Andreas and Koutroubas, Theodoros and Van Der Maas, Titia and Muhe, Nina and Parkin, Joanna and Rihoux, Benoit and Lopez Rodrigo, Jose Manuel and Veldhuis, Tinka M. and Vloebergs, Ward and Yanasmayan, Zeynep (2011) Interculturalism: Europe and Its Muslims in Search of Sound Societal Models. CEPS Paperbacks. June 2011. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461380517

Peeters, Marga and Den Reijer, Ard (2011) On wage formation: wage flexibility and wage coordination: A focus on the wage impact of productivity in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United States. MPRA Paper No. 31102, 29 June 2011. [Policy Paper]

Zawilska-Florczuk, Marta (2011) Ordnung muss nicht sein. Developments on the German political scene. OSW Commentary No. 55, 2011-06-27. [Policy Paper]

July 2011

Gotkowska, Justyna (2011) No more compulsory engagement. The emancipation of German security policy. OSW Commentary no. 57, 2011-07-18. [Policy Paper]

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna (2011) Forerunners or scaremongers? Germany to abandon nuclear power. OSW Commentary No. 58, 2011-07-21. [Policy Paper]

Navaretti, Giorgio Barba and Bugamelli, Matteo and Schivardi, Fabiano and Altomonte, Carlo and Horgos, Daniel and Maggioni., Daniela (2011) The global operations of European firms. The second EFIGE policy report. Bruegel Blueprint 12, July 2011. [Policy Paper]

August 2011

Geerts., Joanna (2011) The Long-Term Care Workforce: Description and Perspectives. ENEPRI Research Report No. 93/August 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2011

Hallerberg, Mark. and Marzinotto, Benedicta. and Wolff, Guntram B. (2011) How effective and legitimate is the European semester? Increasing the role of the European parliament. Bruegel Working Paper 2011/09, September 2011. [Working Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. (2011) Changing of the guard - challenges ahead for the new ECB President. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/10 September 2011. [Policy Paper]

October 2011

Mazur, Konrad (2011) German companies strengthen their cooperation with Russian gas suppliers. OSW Commentary No. 64, 2011-10-24. [Policy Paper]

Poplawski, Konrad (2011) NIEMCY WOBEC WIELOLETNICH RAM FINANSOWYCH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ NA LATA 2014–2020 Uwarunkowania i interesy. OSW Raport, pazdziernik 2011. = GERMANY IN THE MULTIANNUAL FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION 2014-2020 Conditions and interests. OSW Report, October 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Poplawski, Konrad (2011) Niemcy wobec wieloletnich ram finansowych unii Europejskiej na lata 2014-2020. Uwarunkowania i interesy. Raport OSW, pazdziernik 2011. = Germany and the multiannual financial framework of the European Union for the period 2014-2020. Considerations and interests. OSW Report, October 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2011

Jiménez-Martín, Sergi and Sánchez, Raquel Vegas and Prieto, Cristina Vilaplana (2011) The Relationship between Formal and Informal Care in Europe and Its Implications for the Number of Caregiving Hours. ENEPRI Research Report No. 100, November 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2011

Buras, Piotr (2011) The Berlin Republic and the real end of the post-war era. OSW Commentary No. 67, 2011-12-07. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Roth, Felix. (2011) Do Germans support the Euro? CEPS Working Document No. 359, 15 December 2011. [Working Paper]


Böhmer, Michael and Limbers, Jan and Weiß, Johann (2012) Wachstumswirkungen eines Euro-Ausstiegs Welche Effekte hätte ein Euro-Ausstieg Griechenlands, Portugals, Spaniens oder Italiens auf Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt? = Effects on growth effects from an exit from the euro. What effects would an exit from the euro of Greece, Portugal, Spain or Italy have on growth and employment in Germany, Europe and the world? UNSPECIFIED.

Crespy, Amandine and Schmidt, Vivien (2012) The Discursive double game of EMU reform: the clash of titans between French White Knight and German Iron Lady. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference European Community Studies Association–Canada (ECSA-C), Ottawa, Ontario, April 27-28, 2012. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Nolting, Hans-Dieter and Zich, Karsten and Deckenach, Bernd and Lottmann, Kathrin and Klemperer, David and Grote Westerick, Marion and Schwenk, Uwe (2012) Healthcare Fact Check: Regional Variations in German Healthcare. UNSPECIFIED.

Wendler, Frank (2012) Debating the European debt crisis: Government leadership, party ideology and supranational integration as focal points of parliamentary debates in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom. ACES Cases No. 2012.3. UNSPECIFIED.

Xu, Ting and Petersen, Thieß and Wang, Tianlong (2012) Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany. 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Zappalà, Loredana (2012) Flexicurity e valorizzazione delle capability: l'impulso alla ri-regolamentazione del lavoro a termine = Flexicurity and enhancement of work capability: the impulse to re-regulation of labor. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 97/2012. [Working Paper]

February 2012

Bonneux, Luc and Van Der Gaag, Nicole and Bijwaard, Govert and Mot, Esther and Willemé, Peter (2012) Demographic Epidemiologic Projections of Long-Term Care Needs in Selected European Countries: Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland. ENEPRI Policy Brief No. 8, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Schulz, Erika (2012) Quality Assurance Policies and Indicators for Long-Term Care in the European Union, Country Report: Germany. ENEPRI Research Report No. 104, February 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Wolff, Guntram B. and Ruscher, Eric (2012) Corporate balance sheet adjustment: stylized facts, causes and consequences. Bruegel Working Paper 2012/03, February 2012. [Working Paper]

March 2012

Bonneux, Luc and Van Der Gaag, Nicole and Bijwaard, Govert (2012) Demographic Epidemiologic Projections of Long-Term Care Needs in Selected European Countries: Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland. ENEPRI Research Report No. 112, March 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Dandi, Roberto and Casanova, Georgia and Volpe, Massimo and De Belvis, Antonio Giulio and Avolio, Maria and Pelone, Ferruccio (2012) Long-Term Care Quality Assurance Policies in the European Union. ENEPRI Research Report No. 111, March 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Deville, Xavier and Verduyn, Fabienne (2012) Implementation of EU legislation on rail liberalisation in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. NBB Working Paper No. 221, March 2012. [Working Paper]

Poplawski, Konrad (2012) The fiscal compact - Europe's "hard core" based on German economic conditions. OSW Commentary No. 71, 2012-03-07. [Policy Paper]

April 2012

Auel, Katrin and Raunio, Tapio and Neyer, Jürgen. and Lupato, Fabio Garcia and De Wilde, Pieter and Miklin, Eric and De Ruiter, Rik and Pollak, Johannes and Slominski, Peter and Navarro, Julien and Brouard, Sylvain (2012) National parliaments, electorates and EU affairs. IHS Political Science Series No. 129, April 2012. [Policy Paper]

Dandi, Roberto and Casanova, Georgia (2012) Quality Assurance Indicators of Long-Term Care in European Countries. ENEPRI Research Report No. 110, April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Geerts, Joanna and Willemé, Peter and Mot, Esther and Schulz, Erika. and Sowa, Agnieszka. and Vegas, Raquel and Wittwer, Jérôme and Comas-Herrera, Adelina and Pickard, Linda and King, Derek. and Goltz, Andreas (2012) Long-Term Care Use and Supply in Europe: Projection Models and Results for Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Poland. ENEPRI Research Report No. 116, April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Parkes, Roderick (2012) From integration to competition: Britain, Germany and the EU's new group dynamics. EPIN Commentary No. 10, 30 April 2012. [Policy Paper]

Schultz, Erika. (2012) Determinants of Institutional Long-Term Care in Germany. ENEPRI Research Report No. 115, 18 April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2012

Gotkowska, Justyna (2012) Bundeswehr 3.0: The political, military and social dimensions of the reform of the German armed forces. OSW Point of View Number 28, May 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna and Mazur, Konrad (2012) The expensive energy revolution in Germany. The implementation of the Energiewende is behind schedule. OSW Commentary No. 77, 2012-05-10. [Policy Paper]

Zachmann, George and Tam, Mimi and Granelli, Lucia (2012) How wide is the Mediterranean? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/08, 21 May 2012. [Policy Paper]

June 2012

Micossi, Stefano. (2012) An agenda for the European Council: feasible steps to bring the eurozone back from the precipice. CEPS Policy Brief No. 274, 20 June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Scharioth, Nicolas and Tzogopouos, George N. and Niglia, Federico and Mestres, Laia and Freitas, João Gil and Fernandes, Sandra, and Demesmay, Claire and Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven and Primatarova, Antoinette. and Nicolescu, Agnes and Kiss, László J. and Algieri, Franco. and Král, David and Lada, Agnieszka and Kundnani, Hans and Jensen, Peter Munk and Korhonen, Kaisa. (2012) Germany as viewed by other Member States. EPIN Working Paper No. 33, 21 June 2012. [Working Paper]

July 2012

Altomonte, Carlo and Aquilante, Tomasso and Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P. (2012) The triggers of competitiveness: the EFIGE cross-country report. Bruegel Blueprint 17, 17 July 2012. [Policy Paper]

Ciechanowicz, Artur and Sadowski, Rafal (2012) The future of the Franco-German tandem. OSW Commentary No. 83, 2012-07-11. [Policy Paper]

August 2012

Gros, Daniel. and Mayer, Thomas (2012) A sovereign wealth fund to lift Germany's curse of excess savings. CEPS Policy Brief No. 280, 28 August 2012. [Policy Paper]

Rubin, Loris and Desmet, Klaus and Piguillem, Facundo and Crespo, Ananzazu (2012) Breaking down the barriers to firm growth in Europe: The fourth EFIGE policy report. Bruegel Blueprint 18, 28 August 2012. [Policy Paper]

September 2012

De Grauwe, Paul and Ji, Yuemei (2012) What Germany should fear most is its own fear: An analysis of Target2 and current account imbalances. CEPS Working Document No. 368, September 2012. [Working Paper]

Petrick, Martin and Kloss, Mathias (2012) Drivers of agricultural capital productivity in selected EU member states. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 30, September 2012. [Working Paper]

October 2012

Altomonte, Carlo (2012) The EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-unicredit dataset. Bruegel Working Paper 2012/13, October 2012. [Working Paper]

Sattich, Thomas (2012) Energy Transition in Europe’s Power House. Alleingang, avant-garde or blackout? IES Policy Brief Issue 2012/03/October 2012. [Policy Paper]

December 2012

Mot, Esther and Bíró, Anikó (2012) Performance of long-term care systems in Europe. ENEPRI Policy Brief No. 13, December 2012. [Policy Paper]

Uehlecke, Jana and Yeong, Loke Hoe (2012) Mutual perceptions of Asia and the EU/Europe. Media, elite and public opinion in Singapore and Germany. EU Centre in Singapore Working Paper No. 12, December 2012. [Working Paper]


Böhmer, Michael and Limbers, Jan and Weiß, Johann (2013) Vorteile Deutschlands durch die Währungsunion. Szenarienrechnungen bis zum Jahr 2025 = Benefits for Germany of the monetary union. Scenario calculations up to 2025. UNSPECIFIED.

Euler, Dieter (2013) Germany's dual vocational training system: a model for other countries? UNSPECIFIED.

Felbermayr, Gabriel and Lehwald, Sybille and Schoof, Ulrich and Ronge, Mirko (2013) States, Branches of Industry and Education Levels. Who will Benefit in Germany from a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)? Final Report, Part 2: Microeconomic Effects in Germany. UNSPECIFIED.

Funcke, Antje and Menne, Sarah (2013) Strengthening Families – Enhancing Education Opportunities. UNSPECIFIED.

Seidel, Martin. (2013) Die deutsche Europapolitik unter den Vorgaben des Bundesverfassungsgerichts = The German European policy under the provisions of the Federal Constitutional Court. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C 218, 2013. [Discussion Paper]

Yeong, Loke Hoe (2013) 50 years of the ‘twin engine’. Franco-German reconciliation, European integration and reflections for Asia. EU Centre Singapore Background Brief No. 8, March 2013. [Policy Paper]

January 2013

Gros, Daniel. (2013) The Franco-German Alliance: Can it continue to serve as a motor for Europe? CEPS Commentary, 22 January 2013. [Policy Paper]

Hedman Jansson, Kristina and Huisman, Chelsey Jo and Lagerkvist, Carl Johan and Rabinowicz, Ewa (2013) Agricultural Credit Market Institutions: A Comparison of Selected European Countries. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 33, January 2013. [Working Paper]

March 2013

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna and Zawilska-Florczuk, Marta and Poplawski, Konrad and Buras, Piotr and Frymark, Kamil (2013) Germany's energy transformation: difficult beginnings. OSW Report, March 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2013

Cardiff EDC, . (2013) Information Guide: Niemcy. April 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Gotkowska, Justyna (2013) The current state, problems and future of Germany's air and missile defence. OSW Commentary No. 105, 2013-04-10. [Policy Paper]

Petersen, Thieß and Böhmer, Michael and vom Stein, Henning (2013) How Germany Benefits from the Euro in Economic Terms. Policy Brief #2013/01. [Policy Paper]

May 2013

Guastella, Giovanni and Moro, Daniele and Sckokai, Paolo and Veneziani, Mario (2013) Investment behaviour of EU arable crop farms in selected EU countries and the impact of policy reforms. Factor Markets Working Document No. 42, May 2013. [Working Paper]

June 2013

Feichtinger, Paul and Salhofer, Klaus (2013) A Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Land Prices in Bavaria. Factor Markets Working Document No. 50, June 2013. [Working Paper]

Guastella, G. and Moro, D. and Sckokai, P. and Veneziani, M. (2013) Simulation Results on the Impact of Changes in the Main EU Policy Tools on Farm Investment Behaviour. Factor Markets Working Document No. 56, June 2013. [Working Paper]

August 2013

Petrick, Martin and Kloss, Mathias (2013) Synthesis Report on the Impact of Capital Use. Factor Markets Working Document No. 57, August 2013. [Working Paper]

September 2013

Gros, Daniel. (2013) Have the Germans lost their trust in Europe? CEPS Commentary, 20 September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Schwarzer, Daniela and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) Memo to Merkel: Post-election Germany and Europe. Bruegel Policy Brief 2013/05, 24 September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Zawilska-Florczuk, Marta (2013) The strength of the Christian Democrats, the weakness of the opposition. Germany before the parliamentary elections. OSW Commentary No. 114, 12.09.2013. [Policy Paper]

October 2013

Eisele, Katarina (2013) Why come here if I can go there? Assessing the ‘Attractiveness’ of the EU’s Blue Card Directive for ‘Highly Qualified’ Immigrants. Paper on Liberty and Security in Europe No. 60, 14 October 2013. [Policy Paper]

Schoof, Ulrich and Ronge, Mirco and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2013) Federal States, Industries and Education Level – Effects of TTIP in Germany. Policy Brief #2013/05. [Policy Paper]

November 2013

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Hernanz, Nicholas and Jeandesboz, Julien. and Parkin, Joanna. and Ragazzi, Francesco and Scherrer, Amandine. (2013) Mass Surveillance of Personal Data by EU Member States and its Compatibility with EU Law. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 61, 6 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Busse, Mathias (2013) The macroeconomic imbalance procedure and Germany: when is a current account surplus an 'imbalance'? CEPS Policy Brief No. 301, 13 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Poplawski, Konrad (2013) Chasing globalisation: Germany's economic relations with the BRIC countries. OSW Report, November 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Šimečka, Michal (2013) The Visegrad group and Germany: towards a new paradigm. CEPS Commentary, 28 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

December 2013

Busse, Mathias and Morehouse, Christal. (2013) Unblocking the Lifeline of Talent. CEPS Policy Brief No. 306, 6 December 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) Germany as Scapegoat. CEPS Commentary, 10 December 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) The SRM and the dream to resolve banks without public money. CEPS Commentary, 19 December 2013. [Policy Paper]

Morehouse, Christal. and Busse, Mathias (2013) spotlight europe #2013/05 - December 2013: Unblocking the lifeline of talent. [Policy Paper]

Möller, Almut (2013) Why trying to keep the Germans close on EU competences is risky for Britain. EPIN Commentary No. 13, 3 December 2013. [Policy Paper]


Bargain, Olivier and Callan, Tim and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire (2014) Changes in income distributions and the role of tax-benefit policy during the Great Recession: an international perspective. ESRI working paper no. 474, January 2014. [Working Paper]

Bastos, Viviane Marie and Esche, Andreas and Flores, Renato and George, Samuel and Gonçalves, Antonio Carlos Porto and Petersen, Thieß and Rausch, Thomas (2014) Brazil and Germany: A 21st-Century Relationship. Opportunities in Trade, Investment and Finance. UNSPECIFIED.

Bock-Famulla, Kathrin (2014) A German example on how to promote equality by monitoring the ECEC system. 4th Meeting of the Transatlantic Forum on Inclusive Early Years June 30th–July 2nd, 2014 Amsterdam, Netherlands. UNSPECIFIED.

Felbermayr, Gabriel and Baumgarten, Daniel and Lehwald, Sybille (2014) Increasing Wage Inequality in Germany: What Role Does Global Trade Play? UNSPECIFIED.

Jacoby, Wade (2014) Germany and the Eurocrisis: The timing of politics and the politics of timing. ACES Cases No. 2014.3. UNSPECIFIED.

Lenze, Anne and Darmstadt, Hochschule (2014) Alleinerziehende unter Druck. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, finanzielle Lage und Reformbedarf = Single parents under pressure. Legal framework, financial situation and need for reform. UNSPECIFIED.

Mehrotra, Santosh and Raman, Ravi and Kumra, Neha and Kalaiyarasan, . and Röß, Daniela (2014) Vocational Education and Training Reform in India: Business Needs in India and Lessons to be Learned from Germany. Working paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Riess, Birgit and Bachmann, Günther (2014) Guideline for the German Sustainability Code. Guidance for SMEs. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2014

Frymark, Kamil and Zawilska-Florczuk, Marta (2014) The NSA: the impact of the wiretapping scandal on German-American relations. OSW Commentary No. 124, 14.01.2014. [Policy Paper]

Poplawski, Konrad (2014) The shape of the banking union confirms Berlin's privileged position in the eurozone. OSW Commentary No. 123, 10.01.2014. [Policy Paper]

February 2014

Pei, Minxin (2014) Going Global, Going West! Chinese Direct Investment in Germany. Asia Policy Brief 2014/03, May 2014. [Policy Paper]

March 2014

Gotkowska, Justyna (2014) New market conditions and "exit strategies" for the German arms industry. OSW Commentary No. 130, 12.03.2014. [Policy Paper]

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna (2014) Germany on Russia. Yes to links, no to rapprochement. OSW Point of View Number 39, March 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2014

Cardiff EDC, . (2014) Information Guide: Allemagne. February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Infelise, Federico (2014) Supporting Access to Finance by SMEs: Mapping the initiatives in five EU countries. ECMI Research Report No. 9, April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

Kwlatkowska-Drozdz, Anna and Poplawski, Konrad and Frymark, Kamil (2014) The German reaction to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict- shock and disbelief. OSW Commentary No. 132, 03.04.2014. [Policy Paper]

Secondat, Charles and Goossens, P.J. and Roterod, Daisy (2014) The German Constitutional Court’s decision about the European Central Bank’s OMT [Outright Monetary Transactions] mechanism: A masterpiece of judicial arrogance. European Policy Briefs No. 30, April 2014. [Policy Paper]

May 2014

Ghimis, Andreia (2014) Immigration and free movement in an unusual electoral race: what implications for the next political cycle? EPC Policy Brief, 20 May 2014. [Policy Paper]

Piedrafita, Sonia and Lauenroth, Anne and Antoinette Primatarova, Antoinette Primatarova and Tuomas Iso-Markku, Tuomas Iso-Markku and Selma Bendjaballah, Selma Bendjaballah and Filippa Chatzistavrou, Filippa Chatzistavrou and Sofia Michalaki, Sofia Michalaki and Eleonora Poli, Eleonora Poli and Niels Goet , Niels Goet and Afke Groen, Afke Groen and Agnieszka Łada, Agnieszka Łada and Agnes Nicolescu, Agnes Nicolescu and Salvador Llaudes, Salvador Llaudes and Ignacio Molina, Ignacio Molina and Vilde Renman, Vilde Renman (2014) Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament. EPIN [Working] Paper No. 39, 20 May 2014. [Working Paper]

December 2014

Cardiff EDC, . (2014) Information Guide: European Union information from German sources. UNSPECIFIED.


Ales, Edoardo (2015) Lo sciopero (nei servizi pubblici) in Germania: uno sguardo critico dall’Italia. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 117/2015 = The strike (in public services) in Germany: a critical look from Italy. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 117/2015. [Working Paper]

Bartsch, Bernhard and Hellkötter, Katja and Menant, Magali (2015) More than a market: How German companies are growing roots in Chinese society. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Informationen zur Europäischen Union aus deutschen Quellen. UNSPECIFIED.

Goodliffe, Gabriel (2015) The European Debt Crisis in France and Germany through the Lens of the 1930s: A Polanyian Reading. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Grande, Edgar and Hutter, Swen (2015) Authority transfer or membership conflict? Explaining politicization of European integration in public debates on major integration steps. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hagermann, Steffen and Nathanson, Roby (2015) Germany and Israel Today: United by the Past, Divided by the Present? UNSPECIFIED.

Hubner, Kurt (2015) German Economic Governance and the Eurozone: Misguided Leadership? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Jacoby, Wade (2015) The Politics of the Eurozone Crisis: Two Puzzles Behind the German Consensus. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kraft, Hannelore (2015) North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C232, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kuboyama, Ryo (2015) The Step by Step Change to Selective Migration Policy―The Case of German Labor Migration Policy in Last Decade. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kucharczyk, Jacek and Łada, Agnieszka and Schöler, Gabriele and Wenerski, Łukasz (2015) Close Together or Far Apart? Poles, Germans and Russians on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Kösemen, Orkan (2015) Implementing Migration Policy Reform: An Outline for Germany. UNSPECIFIED.

Mabbett, Deborah (2015) The Minimum Wage in Germany: What Brought the State In? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

McGinnity, Frances and Gijsberts, Merove (2015) Perceived Group Discrimination among Polish Migrants to Western Europe: Comparing Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland. ESRI WP502. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Niemann, Friederike-Sophie and Schmidt, Armando García (2015) Unleashing the potential of a heterogeneous society Migrant-run companies as drivers of inclusive growth. Bertelsmann Stiftung Growth for Germany 2015/02 Inclusive Growth for Germany 2015/02. UNSPECIFIED.

Otero-Iglesias, Miguel (2015) Germany and Political Union in Europe: Nothing moves without France. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Renkamp, Anna (2015) Paving the Path for Citizen Participation in Infrastructure Projects. Einwurf Future of Democracy 1/2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Riedel, Henrik (2015) Developing Successful Sustainability Strategies: Strategies for a Sustainable Future in Germany, Europe and Worldwide. UNSPECIFIED.

Rosskopf, Stefanie (2015) Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Germany and the Transatlantic Relationship. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schild, Joachim (2015) Leading together or opposing each other? Germany, France and the European banking union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Stokes, Bruce and Cuddington, Danielle and Devlin, Kat and Keegan, Michael and Parker, Bridget and Schwarzer, Steve and Smith, Bethany and Zainulbhai, Hani and Carle, Jill and Deane, Claudia and Drake, Bruce and Kent, David and Poushter, Jacob and Simmons, Katie and Wike, Richard (2015) Germany and the United States: Reliable Allies. But Disagreement on Russia, Global Leadership and Trade. UNSPECIFIED.

İrepoğlu Carreras, Yasemin (2015) Federalism, Governance and Inequality: A Comparative Study in Europe and the Case of Germany. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

January 2015

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Hernanz, Nicholas and Scherrer, Amandine (2015) National Security and Secret Evidence in Legislation and before the Courts: Exploring the Challenges. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 78/January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Deutschland. February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Germania. January 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Germany. March 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Gotkowska, Justyna (2015) A weak link? Germany in the Euro-Atlantic security system. OSW Point of View Number 47, January 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Provera, Mark (2015) The Criminalisation of Irregular Migration in the European Union. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 80/2015. [Policy Paper]

February 2015

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Alemania. June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Emerson, Michael (2015) Is there reason to hope for Minsk II? CEPS Commentary, 16 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna and Frymark, Kamil (2015) Germany in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: a political or a humanitarian mission? OSW Commentary No. 163, 2015-02-18. [Policy Paper]

Schoof, Ulrich and Petersen, Thieß and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Wage inequality in Germany – What role does global trade play? Policy Brief #2015/03. [Policy Paper]

March 2015

Popławski, Konrad (2015) Germany's stance on the TTIP. Background, interests and concerns. OSW Studies 52, March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2015

Ji Xianbai , Jason (2015) The Drivers of Current Account Surplus in Germany and the Politics of Rebalancing in the Eurozone. EU Centre, Singapore Working Paper No. 24, April 2015. [Working Paper]

Ville, Ferdi De and Berckvens, Dieter (2015) What do Eurozone academics think about EMU reform? On broad support and German exceptionalism. Bruges Political Research Papers 41/2015. [Policy Paper]

June 2015

Hoffmann, Isabell (2015) Flashlight Europe N°5–June 2015. OMT is Monetary Policy and Not Economic Policy. [Policy Paper]

July 2015

Balfour, Rosa and Stratulat, Corina and Avery, Graham and Hillion, Christophe and Adebahr, Cornelius and Töglhofer, Theresia and Wunsch, Natasha and Ker-Lindsay, James and Žornaczuk, Tomasz and Frontini, Andrea and Turrión, Ruth Ferrero and Algieri, Franco. and Konitzer, Andrew and Huszka, Beata. and Armakolas, Ioannis and Triantafyllou, Giorgos and Lessenski, Marin and Ivan, Paul and Ioannides, Isabelle and Herolf, Gunilla and Martens, Hans and Bukovskis , Kārlis and Potjomkina, Diāna and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) EU member states and enlargement towards the Balkans. EPC ISSUE PAPER No. 79, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Borrell-Porta, Mireia (2015) Do family values shape the pace of return to work after childbirth? LEQS Discussion Paper No. 96/2015 July 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Dalia Marin, Dalia Marin and Jan Schymik, Jan Schymik and Jan Tscheke, Jan Tscheke (2015) Europe's exports superstar - it's the organisation! Bruegel Working Paper 2015/05, 15 July 2015. [Working Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) Nord Stream expansion: what does it mean for Europe? EPC Commentary, 2 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mamedov, Eldar and Paul, Amanda (2015) EU-Iran relations post-Vienna: the way forward. EPC Commentary, 16 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

September 2015

Ciechanowicz, Artur (2015) Germany’s ‘refugee’ problem. The most important test for Chancellor Merkel and the grand coalition. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 182/11.09.2015 2015-09-11. [Policy Paper]

Frymark, Kamil (2015) Development co-operation made in Germany. OSW REPORT 2015-07-29. UNSPECIFIED.

Gotkowska, Justyna (2015) Controlled ‘Europeanisation’? The KMW–Nexter merger and the Germany’s new strategy for the arms industry. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 180/26.08.2015. [Policy Paper]

October 2015

Bajczuk, Rafał (2015) The uncertain future of the coal energy industry in Germany. OSW COMMENTARY #188, 2015-10-20. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The End of German Hegemony. CEPS Commentary, 16 October 2015. [Policy Paper]


Murphy, Gavin and Siedschlag, Iulia (2016) Exporting under Financing Constraints: Firm-level Evidence from EU Countries. ESRI WP530. April 2016. [Working Paper]

Sachs, Andreas and Hoch, Markus and Münch, Claudia and Steidle, Hanna (2016) Migrant Entrepreneurs in Germany from 2005 to 2014 Their Extent, Economic Impact and Influence in Germany’s Länder. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|5. UNSPECIFIED.

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel (2016) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2015 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2016

Gotkowska, Justyna and Frymark, Kamil (2016) Germany’s engagement in the resolution of the Syrian conflict. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 194/25.01.2016. [Policy Paper]

Siachamis, Georgios (2016) Germany’s new Ostpolitik finds ways to engage with Russia. Egmont Commentary, 25 February 2016. [Policy Paper]

March 2016

Highman, Ludovic (2016) The EU’s modernisation agenda for universities: the rising stars of French higher education. College of Europe Policy Brief #5.16, March 2016. [Policy Paper]

April 2016

Barslund, Mikkel and von Werder, Marten (2016) Measuring Dependency Ratios using National Transfer Accounts. CEPS Working Document No. 420/April 2016. [Working Paper]

Busse, Matthias and Gros, Daniel. (2016) Are Germans wasting their savings abroad? CEPS Commentary, 7 April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Vandenbroucke, Frank and Luigjes, Chris and Wood, Donna and Lievens, Kim (2016) Institutional Moral Hazard in the Multi-tiered Regulation of Unemployment and Social Assistance Benefits. CEPS Special Report No. 137/April 2016 Wednesday, 27 April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2016

Bratsiotis, George and Cobham, David and Bofinger, Peter and Burda, Michael C. and Demetriades, Panicos O. and Feld, Lars P. and Granville, Brigitte and Hayo, Bernd and Neumeier, Florian and Mélitz, Jacques and Wyplosz, Charles and Zuleeg, Fabian (2016) German macro: how it's different and why that matters. EPC Discussion Paper, May 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Wall, Stephen and Hannay, David and Edward, David and Goldsmith, Peter and Cooper, Robert and Grabbe, Heather and Cameron, Fraser and Avery, Graham and Harbour, Malcolm and Peel, Quentin and Hughes, Kirsty. and Lucas, Caroline and Donnelly, Brendan. and Duff, Andrew (2016) Britain and Europe: A new settlement? EPC Challenge Europe 23, May 2016. [Policy Paper]

June 2016

Popławski, Konrad (2016) The role of Central Europe in the German economy. The political consequences. OSW Report June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2016

Balcer, Adam (2016) The Polish “Good Change” – What does it mean for relations with Germany and the rest of Europe? EPC Policy Brief, 22 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Gotkowska, Justyna (2016) High on reassurance, low on deterrence – Germany’s stance on strengthening NATO’s eastern flank. OSW Commentary NUMBER 217 | 05.07.2016. [Policy Paper]

August 2016

Bajczuk, Rafał (2016) Dependence management. The background of the German gas policy. OSW REPORT August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2016

Kobzar, Svitlana (2016) Reporting on the Minsk II Agreement: the Effect of Russian Narratives in French and German Media. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/17 • October 2016. [Policy Paper]

November 2016

Ciechanowicz, Artur and Frymark, Kamil (2016) Dreaming of normalisation. Germany vs. Russia. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 225 | 04.11.2016. [Policy Paper]

Loskot-Strachota, Agata and Kardaś, Szymon and Dąborowski, Tomasz (2016) OPAL dla Gazpromu? Decyzja Komisji Europejskiej w sprawie niemieckiej odnogi gazociągu Nord Stream. OSW Komentarze Number 226, 9 November 2016 = OPAL for Gazprom? European Commission decision on the German branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. OSW Commentary Number 226, 9 November 226. [Policy Paper]

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel and Schiller, Christof (2016) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2016 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2016

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Matthias and Lenaerts, Karolien and Ludolph, Lars and Renman, Vilde (2016) Labour Market Integration of Refugees: A comparative survey of Bosnians in five EU countries. CEPS Special Report No. 155, December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel. (2016) Can Germany save Italy? CEPS Commentary, 2 December 2016. [Policy Paper]



Bongelli, Kristian (2017) The impact of the European Semester on collective bargaining and wages over the recent years. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 138/2017. [Working Paper]

Daniel Schraad-Tischler, Daniel Schraad-Tischler and Christof Schiller, Christof Schiller and Sascha Matthias Heller, Sascha Matthias Heller and Nina Siemer, Nina Siemer (2017) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. Bertelsmann Stiftung Social Inclusion Monitor Europe 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Putzhammer, Fritz (2017) Globaliation, Trade and Populism in Germany. Analyzing The Effects Of Trade Exposure On Voting Behavior In The 2013 And 2017 German Federal Elections. [Policy Paper]

Schulten, Thorsten and Bispinck, Reinhard (2017) Varieties of decentralisation in German collective bargaining – experiences from metal industry and retail trade. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 137/2017. [Working Paper]

Spodniak, Petr and Bertsch, Valentin (2017) Determinants of power spreads in electricity futures markets: A multinational analysis. ESRI WP580, December 2017. [Working Paper]

January 2017

Poplawski, Konrad (2017) Capital does have nationality: Germany’s fears of Chinese investments. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 230 | 25.01.2017. [Policy Paper]

Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven (2017) Will Brexit revive the Franco-German engine? EPC Policy Brief, 26 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

February 2017

Böhmer, Michael and Hoch , Markus and Barišić , Manuela and Putzhammer, Fritz (2017) Balanced Budget and Investment Rule: Two Sides of the Same Coin?! Analyzing the economic effects of a binding public investment commitment in Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|7. UNSPECIFIED.

Ciechanowicz, Artur (2017) AfD – the alternative for whom? OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 231 | 10.02.2017. [Policy Paper]

March 2017

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. and Fabbri, Francesca and Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven and Schout, Adriaan and Stratulat, Corina and Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) The 2017 elections across Europe: facts, expectations and consequences. European democracy: baptism by vote or by fire? EPC Discussion Paper, 14 March 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Frymark, Kamil (2017) The Turkish campaign in Germany. Rising tensions between Berlin and Ankara. OSW COMMENTARY 2017-03-23. [Policy Paper]

Gotkowska, Justyna (2017) Germany's security policy and the Trump administration: modified rhetoric and moderate commitments. OSW Commentary Number 232 | 22.02.2017. [Policy Paper]

April 2017

Berger, Bennet and Wolff, Guntram B. (2017) The global decline in the labour income share: is capital the answer to Germany’s current account surplus? Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue No. 12 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven (2017) Germany and the next French president: in search of the best partner. EPC Commentary, 20 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

May 2017

Gros, Daniel. (2017) Europe’s new hope? CEPS Commentary, 4 May 2017. [Policy Paper]

Koenig, Nicole (2017) New Pact for Europe - National Report - GERMANY. EPC Report May 2017. [Policy Paper]

July 2017

Brinkmann, Henrik and Harendt, Christoph and Heinemann, Friedrich and Nover, Justus (2017) Economic Resilience A new concept for policy making? Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|11. UNSPECIFIED.

Busse, Mathias and Gros, Daniel. (2017) Returns on Germany’s Foreign Savings: Equity rather than TARGET balances? CEPS Commentary, 27 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2017) Is Germany’s current account surplus bad for the world economy? CEPS Commentary, 27 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

Harendt, Christoph and Heinemann, Friedrich (2017) “Building Resilience” A comparison of eight OECD countries. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|12. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2017

Ciechanowicz, Artur (2017) Elections to the Bundestag: make or break for the liberal party. OSW Commentary NUMBER 248 | 23.06.2017. [Policy Paper]

25 August 2017

Foldes, Stephan (2017) Comments on the notion of information system in the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, the EU directive, and selected penal codes. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

September 2017

Ariu, Andrea and Biewen, Elena and Blank, Sven and Gaulier, Guillaume and González, Maria Jesus and Meinen, Philipp and Mirza, Daniel and Martín, Cesar and Tello, Patry (2017) Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports : Micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 328. [Working Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav (2017) Are we seeing ‘peak’ Germany? Why we should be cautious before recommending Merkel and Schröder to other countries. CEPS Commentary, 7 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

October 2017

Deters, Henning and Schoeller, Magnus G. (2017) Waiting for Merkron: The Franco-German Relationship and Eurozone Reform after the Elections. College of Europe Policy Brief #8.17, October 2017. [Policy Paper]

Hedberg, Annika (2017) Germany's energy transition: making it deliver. EPC Discussion Paper, 9 October 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Paul, Amanda and Schmidt, Juliane (2017) Turkey's relations with Germany and the EU: Breaking the vicious circle. EPC Policy Brief 2 October 2017. [Policy Paper]

White, Jonathan (2017) Building ‘Implicit Partnerships’? Financial Long Term Care Entitlements in Europe. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 125/2017 October 2017. [Discussion Paper]

November 2017

Busse , Matthias and Ludolph , Lars (2017) Family reunification for migrants under subsidiary protection in Germany: An instrument for strategic political positioning Matthias Busse and Lars Ludolph. CEPS Commentary, 21 November 2017. [Policy Paper]

Ciechanowicz, Artur (2017) Predictability lost: the German political scene after the elections. OSW Commentary NUMBER 254 | 22.11.2017. [Policy Paper]

Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel (2017) Rethinking Franco-German relations: a historical perspective. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚29 | November 2017. [Policy Paper]

Naudé, Wim and Paula Nagler, Paula Nagler (2017) Technological Innovation and Inclusive Growth in Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|18. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2017

Bajczuk, Rafał (2017) The unfinished reform. An assessment of the energy transformation in Germany during the rule of the Grand Coalition 2013-2017. OSW Studies 69 November 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmidt, Armando García and Barišić , Manuela and Brinkmann, Henrik and Ponattu, Dominic and Dierks, Benjamin (2017) Inclusive Growth – an Agenda for Germany Five action areas for a new growth strategy. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|20. UNSPECIFIED.


Bachmann, Ronald and Cim, Merve and Green, Colin (2018) Long-run Patterns of Labour Market Polarisation: Evidence from German Micro Data. UNSPECIFIED.

Bojar, Abel (2018) With a Little Help from My Friends: Ministerial Alignment and Public Spending Composition in Parliamentary Democracies. LEQS Paper No. 133/2018 April 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Hierlemann, Dominik and Huesmann, Christian (2018) More Initiative for Europe’s Citizens. Bertelsmann Policy Brief 02.2018. [Policy Paper]

Jungbluth, Cora (2018) Is China Systematically Buying Up Key Technologies? Chinese M & A transactions in Germany in the context of “Made in China 2025”. Bertelsmann Stiftung GED Study 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Petersen, Thieß and Jungbluth, Cora and Weiß, Johann and Weinelt, Heidrun (2018) Globalization Report 2018: Who Benefits Most from Globalization? Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2018/02. [Policy Paper]

Ponattu, Dominic and Sachs, Andreas and Weinelt, Heidrun (2018) Market Concentration and the Labor Share in Germany. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2018/03. [Policy Paper]

Tillmann, Christina and Härterich, Claudia (2018) The G20: 9 facts and figures Factsheet for Policy Brief 6/2018: The G20 is turning 20. Time to take stock of multilateralism. [Policy Paper]

Unzicker, Kai (2018) Social Cohesion in Germany 2017. Bertelsmann Stiftung Study. English Summary. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2018

Heinke, Daniel H. and Malet, David and Minks, Simon and Raudszus, Jan and van Ginkel, Bibi and Renard, Thomas and Coolsaet, Rik, (2018) RETURNEES: WHO ARE THEY, WHY ARE THEY (NOT) COMING BACK AND HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH THEM? Assessing Policies on Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Egmont Paper 101, February 2018. [Policy Paper]

Petersen, Thieß (2018) Germany‘s export surpluses – Asset accumulation for the future? Bertelsmann Stiftung GED Focus Paper 2018 February. [Policy Paper]

March 2018

Rappold, Julian (2018) Germany's comeback: Worth the wait? EPC Commentary, 26 March 2018. [Policy Paper]

Voss, Dustin (2018) The Political Economy of European Populism: Labour Market Dualisation and Protest Voting in Germany and Spain. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 132/2018 March 2018. [Discussion Paper]

April 2018

Coolsaet, Rik and Renard, Thomas (2018) The Homecoming of Foreign Fighters in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium: Policies and Challenges. Egmont Commentary, 12 April 2018. [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and McKeon, Michael and Petersen, Thieß (2018) Germany’s Current Account and Trade Surpluses A Technical Debate Enters the Geopolitical Limelight. Bertelsmann Stiftung GED Study April 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Katharina Bamberg,, Katharina Bamberg and Marta Llonch Valsells,, Marta Llonch Valsells, and Frank Mc Namara,, Frank Mc Namara, and Marie De Somer,, Marie De Somer, (2018) EPIM Policy Update April 2018. Elections in Hungary & Italy - A German-Franco alliance? - Progress on CEAS. [Policy Paper]

May 2018

Gotkowska, Justyna (2018) Rebuilding Germany’s air defence capabilities: on the eve of crucial decisions. OSW Commentary NUMBER 268 | 17.05.2018. [Policy Paper]

June 2018

Benoit, Verena and Yasemin El-Menouar, Yasemin El-Menouar and Marc Helbling, Marc Helbling (2018) Living in Cultural Diversity Views and Preferences in Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung Religionsmonitor. English Summary. June 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Giuli, Marco (2018) Nord Stream 2: Rule no more, but still divide. EPC Issue Paper 25 June 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Mölling, Christian and Major , Claudia (2018) Why joining France’s European Intervention Initiative is the right decision for Germany. Egmont Commentary, 15 June 2018. [Policy Paper]

July 2018

Šime, Zane (2018) Council of the Baltic Sea States: The Role of a Sustainable and Prosperous Region in Bringing Science Diplomacy Forward. EL-CSID Working Paper Issue 2018/19 • July 2018. [Working Paper]

October 2018

Best, Kris (2018) Shared scepticism, different motives: Franco-German perceptions of a common European safe asset. Bertelsmann Stiftung 26 October 2018. [Policy Paper]


Frymark, Kamil (2018) The Free State of Bavaria and its party: the CSU faces an electoral test. OSW Commentary NUMBER 288 | 10.10.201. [Policy Paper]

November 2018

Kostera, Thomas and Thranberend, Timo (2018) spotlight no. 5, 2018 - #SmartHealthSystems Digitalization requires an effective strategy, compelling political leadership and a coordinating institution with a national mandate. UNSPECIFIED.

Micossi, Stefano. and D'Onofrio, Alexandra and Peirce, Fabrizia (2018) On German External Imbalances. CEPS Policy Insights No 2018/13, November 2018. [Policy Paper]

December 2018

Dewachter, Hans and Iania, Leonardo and Lemke, Wolfgang and Lyrio, Marco (2018) A macro-financial analysis of the corporate bond market. National Bank of Belgium, Working Paper No. 360. [Working Paper]

Mayer, Matthias M. (2018) Skilled worker migration to Germany from third countries 2017. Bertelsmann Stiftung Factsheet Migration. UNSPECIFIED.


Belitz, Heike and Gornig, Martin and Stühmeier, Torben (2019) Investment in intellectual capital needs to increase by 35 billion euros per year. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2019/07. [Policy Paper]

Bunk, Bettina and Schwarz, Thomas and Roose, Jochen and Riedel, Henrik (2019) Stuttgart – a Livable City: The global Agenda 2030 at a local level Baseline study depicting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNSPECIFIED.

Calvo, Angela Garcia and Coulter, Steve (2019) INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE CRISIS: An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Policies in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. CES Open Forum Series 2018-2019, 2019. [Working Paper]

Jungbluth, Cora and Petersen, Thieß and Yalcin, Erdal and Kinzius, Luisa and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2019) How Hidden Protectionism Impacts International Trade. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2017/09. [Policy Paper]

López, Martina Lizarazo (2019) How Variable Are Population Aging and its Consequences for the Social Security Systems in Germany? Impulse about demographic change #1. UNSPECIFIED.

Petersen, Thieß and Rausch, Thomas and Sachs, Andreas (2019) Globalization of the German Automotive Industry: Where Does Added Value Occur? Bertelamann Policy Brief #2019/01. [Policy Paper]

Thorsten Hellmann, Thorsten Hellmann and Pia Schmidt, Pia Schmidt and Heller, Sascha Matthias (2019) Social Justice in the EU and OECD. Bertelsmann Stiftung Index Report 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Véron, Nicolas (2019) flashlight europe Interview | 02.2019, INSTEX: Gateway to EU strategic autonomy? UNSPECIFIED.

January 2019

Bilaine, Katharina (2019) Low-skilled workers in Germany – low wages, precarious conditions. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2019/05. [Policy Paper]

February 2019

Gotkowska, Justyna (2019) US-German clash over international order and security. The consequences for NATO’s Eastern flank. OSW Commentary NUMBER 294 | 22.02.2019. [Policy Paper]

Grzymek, Viktoria and Puntschuh, Michael (2019) What Europe Knows and Thinks About Algorithms Results of a Representative Survey. Bertelsmann Stiftung eupinions February 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Perot, Elie (2019) The Aachen Mutual Defence Clause: A Closer Look at the Franco-German Treat. Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 105. [Policy Paper]

March 2019

Sachs, Andreas (2019) Brexit and German-British Production Chains A Sector-Level Analysis of Value Chains fir tge Year 2017. Bertelsmann Stiftung GED Study March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2019

Frymark, Kamil (2019) The Free State of Bavaria: The end of the CSU’s sovereign duchy? OSW Studies Number 77, April 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Mattelaer, Alexander (2019) Fostering Belgo-German Connectivity in the Heart of Europe. Egmont European Policy Brief No. 55. [Policy Paper]

Poplawski, Konrad and Bajczuk, Rafał (2019) Industry 4.0: Germany’s new industrial policy. OSW Report April 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2019

Bartsch, Bernhard (2019) Balancing China. Bertelsmann Asia Policy Brief 03.05.2019. [Policy Paper]

Formuszewicz, Ryszarda and Frymark, Kamil (2019) End of the grand coalitions. German political parties before the European Parliament elections. OSW Commentary Number 302, 22 May 2019. [Policy Paper]

Frymark, Kamil (2019) The shades of German anti-Semitism. OSW Commentary Number 301, 15 May 2019. [Policy Paper]

June 2019

Schmidt, Sylvia and Wortmann, Marcus (2019) Local infrastructure and economic opportunities: What do Europeans think about their neighbourhood? Bertelsmann Policy Brief. [Policy Paper]

August 2019

Renkamp, Anna (2019) Evaluation of the Cross-Border EU Citizens’ Dialogue on May 17, 2019 in The Hague. The Citizens’ Dialogue was conducted by the European Commission in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Stiftung. [Policy Paper]

September 2019

Kędzierski, Michał (2019) German wind power sector in crisis Energiewende under further threat. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 309 | 25.09.2019. [Policy Paper]

Schiemichen, Laura (2019) Madam Ambassador: A Statistical Comparison of Female Ambassadors across the U.S.,German, and EU Foreign Services. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 03/2019. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2019

Robert Vehrkamp, Robert Vehrkamp and Matthieß, Theres (2019) Better Than Its Reputation. Bertelsmann Policy Brief 02.2019. [Policy Paper]

November 2019

Marion Grote Westrick, Marion Grote Westrick and Inga Münch, Inga Münch and Eckhard Volbracht, Eckhard Volbracht (2019) spotlight europe no. 5 2019. Overuse of medical services. Unnecessary medical services can be harmful to patients. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2019

Gick, Markus and Jensen, Torsten and Nagar, Yair and Salgado, Daniel and Egbringhoff, Andrea and Krings, Bennett (2019) German and Israeli Innovation: The Best of Two Worlds. UNSPECIFIED.

López, Martina Lizarazo and Petersen, Thieß (2019) Macroeconomic effects of demographic aging in Germamy. Bertelsmann Stiftung Country Sheet, December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Renda, Andrea. (2019) FEASIBILITY STUDYSTUDY: INTRODUCING “ONE-IN-ONE-OUT” IN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Final Report for the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Presented by the Centre for European Policy Studies, 5 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Vehrkamp, Robert. (2019) A conflict line through Germany or a new East-West divide? Bertelsmann Policy Brief 03.2019. [Policy Paper]


Coka, Daniela Arregui and Bartsch, Bernhard and Jungbluth, Cora and Laudien, Anika and Overdiek, Markus and Ponattu, Dominic and Rausch, Thomas and Vemmer, Felix (2020) Learning from Trump and Xi? Globalization and innovation as drivers of a new industrial policy. Bertelsmann GED Focus 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2020

Jungbluth, Cora and Sunesen, Eva Rytter and Hansen, Morten May and Brown, Joshua (2020) Economic Impact of Foreign-owned Firms in the EU and Germany. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2020/02. [Policy Paper]

February 2020

Gaston, Sophia (2020) The divided continent: Understanding Europe’s social landscape in 2020 and beyond. European Policy Centre 11 February 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2020

UNSPECIFIED (2020) Germany-South Korea Relations: An Exceptional Relationship Based on Strong Economic and Academic Cooperation. In: Pacheco Pardo, Ramon, (ed.) Mapping Out EU-South Korea Relations: Key Member States' Perspectives. KF-VUB Korea Chair, Brussels, pp. 29-38.

Agosto, Arianna and Campmas, Alexandra and Giudici, Paolo and Renda, Andrea (2020) Monitoring Covid-19 contagion growth in Europe. CEPS Working Document No 2020/03, March 2020. [Working Paper]

April 2020

Lizarazo López, Martina and Petersen, Thieß and Kaniovski, Seguei and Url, Thomas (2020) Macroeconomic effects of demographic aging: Impact on productivity growth and macroeconomic variables in selected industrialized countries. Potential gains offered by labor-saving technological progress Bertelsmann Stiftung Focus Paper April 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2020

Andresen, Sabine and Wilmes , Johanna and Möller, Renate (2020) How we live and what we need: What life is like for children and adolescents in Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung Children’s Worlds May 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Ganglmair, Bernhard and Stühmeier, Toben (2020) We must protect competition. Policy Brief #2020/03 May 2020. [Policy Paper]

Popławski, Konrad (2020) At a crossroads: crisis in the German automotive industry. Point of View 2020-05-18. UNSPECIFIED.

Rother, Joachim (2020) Innovation and Cooperation: Connecting German Mittelstand and Israeli Startups. Learnings and recommendations from an innovation exchange project May 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Schulz, Susanne (2020) Giving fresh impetus to Germany’s: collaboration with Africa on migration. Bertelsmann Stiftung Policy Brief Migration 05 2020. [Policy Paper]

Vehrkamp, Robert and Bischoff, Lars (2020) A Return of Trust? Future of Democracy 01.2020 May 2020. [Policy Paper]

June 2020

Grohs, Stephan and Beinborn, Niclas and Ullrich, Nicholas (2020) Making Prevention Work: Preventive structures and policies for children, youth and families: Comprehensive report. Materials about Prevention Vol. 15 June 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2020

Ganglmair, Bernhard and Hahn, Nadine and Hellwig, Michael and Kann, Alexander and Peters , Bettina and Tsanko, Ilona (2020) Price Markups, Innovation, and Productivity: Evidence from Germany. Bertelsmann Stiftung July 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

O'Kane, Layla and Narasimhan, Rohit and Nania, Julia and Taska, Bledi (2020) Digitalization in the German Labor Market: Analyzing Demand for Digital Skills in Job Vacancies. Bertelsmann Stiftung July 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2020

Gotkowska, Justyna (2020) USA – Germany – NATO’s eastern flank. Transformation of the US military presence in Europe. OSW Commentary 2020-08-14. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2020

Biscop, Sven (2020) Use connectivity to strengthen multilateral cooperation in the EU’s neighbourhood. Egmont Commentary 15 September 2020. [Policy Paper]

November 2020

Kędzierski , Michał (2020) Tainted by Gorleben. The issue of radioactive waste storage in Germany. OSW Commentary 2020-11-03. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2021

Debiec, Krysztof and Kędzierski, Michał (2021) Lignite in the Czech Republic and Germany: controversies and prospects. OSW Commentary Number 386 31.03.2021. [Policy Paper]

Formuszewicz, Ryszarda and Kardaś, Szymon and Łoskot-Strachota, Agata (2021) The dispute over Nord Stream 2: the stances and the outlook. OSW Commentary Number 385 10.03.2021. [Policy Paper]

Kardaś, Szymon and Kędzierski, Michał (2021) A hydrogen alliance? The potential for German-Russian cooperation in hydrogen energy. OSW Commentary Number 383 3.03.2021. [Policy Paper]

June 2021

Kwiatkowska, Anna (2021) Cinderella became the Empress: How Merkel has changed Germany. OSW Point of View Number 85 June 2021. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2021

Greubel, Johannes and Pornschlegel, Sophie (2021) After Merkel: Where will Germany stand in Europe? EPC Commentary 22/07/2021. [Policy Paper]

September 2021

Greubel, Johannes and Emmanouilidis, Janis (2021) The debate on the future of Europe has a German problem. EPC Commentary 16/09/2021. [Policy Paper]

Pornschlegel, Sophie and Salomonsová , Alexandra (2021) Uninspired or indifferent? EU policy in the 2021 German election manifestos. EPC Commentary 03/09/2021. [Policy Paper]

October 2021

Pirozzi, Nicoletta (2021) Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from Italy. EPC Commentary October 2021. [Policy Paper]

November 2021

Płóciennik, Sebastian (2021) Digitalisation in Germany: an overview and what lies behind the delays. OSW Commentary Number 417 22.11.2021. [Policy Paper]

This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 23:25:10 2025 EST.