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Adam, Ilke and Van Dijk, Mathijs (2014) Arbeidsmarktparticipatie van mensen met een migratie-achtergrond in België: hoog tijd om te mainstreamen Issue 2015/2 maart 2015 = Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lazarowicz, Alex (2014) A success story for the EU and seasonal workers’ rights without reinventing the wheel. EPC Policy Brief, 28 March 2014. [Policy Paper]


Adam, Ilke and Van Dijk, Mathijs (2015) Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Adam, Ilke and van, a (2015) Une meilleure insertion professionelle des personnes issues de l’immigration: allons au mainstreaming Issue 2015/2 mars 2015 = Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ahearne, Alan and Brücker, Herbert and Darvas, Zsolt and von Weizsacker, Jakob. (2009) Cyclical dimensions of labour mobility after EU enlargement. Bruegel Working Paper 2009/03, May 2009. [Working Paper]

Akgüç, Mehtap and Baiocco, Sara and Beblavý, Miroslav and Kilhoffer, Zachary (2019) Labour Market and Social Policy. CEPS Policy Priorities for 2019-2024, 4 October 2019. [Policy Paper]

Alaimo, Anna (2002) Financial participation and share ownership by workers: the situation in Italy. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 11/2003. [Working Paper]

Alaimo, Anna. (2008) Il diritto al lavoro fra Costituzione nazionale e Carte europee dei diritti: un diritto "aperto" e "multilivello" = The right to work between the national constitution and the European Charter of rights: a right "open" and "multilevel." WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 60/2008. [Working Paper]

Ales, Edoardo (2011) Dal “caso FIAT” al “caso Italia”. Il diritto del lavoro “di prossimità”, le sue scaturigini e i suoi limiti costituzionali = From the "FIAT case" to the "Italy case". Proximity labor law, its origins and constitutional limits. P C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 134/2011. [Working Paper]

Apap, Joanna. (2001) Extending Citizenship Rights to Third Country Nationals: The Correlation between Migration and Integration: A Sample from South Europe. CEPS Working Document No. 175, October 2001. [Working Paper]

Aranguiz, Ane and Garben, Sacha (2019) Confronting the Competence Conundrum of an EU Directive on Minimum Wages: In Search of a Legal Basis. College of Europe Policy Brief December 2019. [Policy Paper]

Aspinwall, Mark. (1995) "Moveable Feast: Modeling Social Dumping". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Author, No (2005) EUROFRAME - European Forecasting Network. Economic Assessment of the Euro Area: Forecasts and Policy Analysis Spring Report 2005. Special Policy Issue: When Jobs Disappear and Workers Do Not, International Relocation of Production and the European Economy. March 2005. UNSPECIFIED.


Baas, Timo and Belke, Ansgar (2014) Labour Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances: Beggar-thy-neighbour policies in a currency union? CEPS Working Document No. 399/September 2014. [Working Paper]

Babecky, Jan and Du Caju, Philip and Kosma, Theodora and Lawless, Martina and Messina, Julian and Room, Tairi (2009) Downward nominal and real wage rigidity: Survey evidence from European firms. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 182, November 2009. [Working Paper]

Babecky, Jan and Du Caju, Philip and Kosma, Theodora and Lawless, Martina and Messina, Julian and Room, Tairi. (2009) The margins of labour costs adjustment: Survey evidence from European firms. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 183, November 2009. [Working Paper]

Baker, Dean, and Glyn, Andrew, and Howell, David, and Schmitt, John. (2003) Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment: A Critical Assessment of the Cross-Country Evidence, CES Working Paper, no. 98, 2003. [Working Paper]

Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2002) Southern European Labour Markets and Immigration: A Structural and Functional Analysis. [Working Paper]

Baldwin-Edwards, Martin (2005) Migration into Southern Europe: Non-legality and labour markets in the region. MMO Working Paper No. 6, Dec. 2005. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Baldwin-Edwards, Martin. (2004) Albanian Emigration and the Greek Labour Market. South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 1/2004. pp. 51-65.

Barrell, Ray and Dury, Karen. (2001) Asymmetric Labour Markets in a Converging Europe: Do differences matter? ENEPRI Working Paper No. 2, January 2001. [Working Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias (2016) How mobile is tech talent? A case study of IT professionals based on data from LinkedIn. CEPS Special Report No. 140, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias (2013) Time to move north? CEPS Commentary, 27 May 2013. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias and Schwarzwälder, Joscha (2015) Labour Mobility in Europe: An untapped resource? CEPS Policy Brief No. 327, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Matthias (2016) Labour Mobility in the EU: Addressing challenges and ensuring ‘fair mobility’. CEPS Special Report No. 139, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Beblavy, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Veselková, Marcela (2014) Let’s get to Work! The Future of Labour in Europe. Vol. 1. CEPS Paperback, 8 September 2014. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-406-5

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria (2014) Many worlds of the ‘low-skilled’, but only one generic policy. CEPS Policy Brief No. 312, 10 January 2014. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Veselkova, Marcela (2015) Green, Pink & Silver? The Future of Labour in Europe, Vol. 2. CEPS Paperback, 3 March 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-444-7

Belmonte , Martina (2015) The EU Blue Card - is there a need for a more comprehensive approach? IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/3 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bergin, Adele (2009) JOB MOBILITY IN IRELAND. ESRI Research Bulletin 2009/2/5. UNSPECIFIED.

Bohle, Dorothee, and Greskovits, Bela. (2004) Capital, Labor, and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 58, 2004. [Working Paper]

Boscati, Alessandro (2014) La politica del Governo Renzi per il settore pubblico tra conservazione e innovazione: il cielo illuminato diverrà luce perpetua? = The policy of the Renzi government for the public sector between conservation and innovation: will the illuminated sky become perpetual light? WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 228/2014. [Policy Paper]

Bossaert, Danielle and Demmke, Christoph and Moilanen, Timo (2012) The impact of demographic change and its challenges for the workforce in the European public sectors. Three priority areas to invest in future HRM. EIPA Working Paper 2012/W/01. [Working Paper]

Bouvet, Florence. (2007) Labor Productivity, Infrastructure Endowment, and Regional Spillovers in the European Union. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Boyle, Nigel (2009) The Malleable Politics of Activation Reform: the ‘Hartz’ Reforms in Comparative Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brenton, Paul and Pinna, Anna Maria. (2001) The Declining Use of Unskilled Labour in Italian Manufacturing: Is Trade to Blame? CEPS Working Document No. 178, December 2001. [Working Paper]

Brenton, Paul and Pinna, Anna Maria. (2000) Trends in Disaggregated Import and Export Prices in Europe: Implications for the Trade and Wages Debate. CEPS Working Document No. 141, March 2000. [Working Paper]

Burda, Michael C. (2001) European Labour Markets and the Euro: How much flexibility do we really need? ENEPRI Working Paper No. 3, March 2001. [Working Paper]

Burger, Anna S. (2015) Extreme working hours in Western Europe and North America: A new aspect of polarization. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 92/2015 May 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Busse, Mathias and Morehouse, Christal. (2013) Unblocking the Lifeline of Talent. CEPS Policy Brief No. 306, 6 December 2013. [Policy Paper]


Caju, Philip Du and Fuss, Catherine and Wintr, Ladislav. (2009) Understanding sectoral differences in downward real wage rigidity: workforce composition, institutions, technology and competition. NBB Working Papers. No. 156, 19 February 2009. [Working Paper]

Carabelli, Umberto (2003) Organizzazione del lavoro e professionalità: una riflessione su contratto e post-taylorismo = Work organization and professionalism: a reflection on contract and post-Taylorism. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 5/2003. [Working Paper]

Carabelli, Umberto and Leccese, Vito. (2004) L'attuazione delle direttive sull'orario di lavoro tra vincoli comunitari e costituzionali = The Execution of the Policy on the Working Hours between the laws of the Italian Constitution and the EU Legislation. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 21/2004. [Working Paper]

Carabelli, Umberto. (2006) Una sfida determinante per il futuro dei diritti sociali in Europa: la tutela dei lavoratori di fronte alla libertà di prestazione dei servizi nella CE. = A crucial challenge for the future of Social Rights in Europe: the protection of workers in front of the freedom to provide services in EC. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 49/2006. [Working Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2013) Information Guide: Employment Policy. UNSPECIFIED.

Carinci, Franco (2020) Lo Statuto dei lavoratori. Un parto cesareo = The Workers' Statute. A Caesarean section. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 422/2020. [Working Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Atger, Anais Faure. and Guild, Elspeth and Kostakopoulou, Dora. (2011) Labour immigration policy in the EU: a renewed agenda for Europe 2020. CEPS Policy Brief No. 240, 3 April 2011. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Formisano, Marco. (2005) An EU Approach to Labour Migration: What is the Added Value and the Way Ahead? CEPS Working Documents No. 232, 1 October 2005. [Working Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth and Eisele, Katarina and Malmström, Cecilia and Ruhs, Martin and Ryan, Bernard and Cholewinski, Ryszard and Triandafyllidou, Anna and Vincenza Desiderio, Maria and Popova, Natalia and Kahanec, Martin and Acosta Arcarazo, Diego and Gabriel, Christina and Fullerton, Maryellen and Groenendijk, Kees and Peers, Steve (2014) Rethinking the Attractiveness of EU Labour Immigration Policies: Comparative perspectives on the EU, the US, Canada and beyond. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-417-1

Carrera, Sergio and Hernandez i Sagrera, Raul. (2009) The Externalisation of the EU's Labour Immigration Policy: Towards Mobility of Insecurity Partnerships? CEPS Working Document No. 321, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Carrera, Sergio. (2007) Building a Common Policy on Labour Immigration: Towards a Comprehensive and Global Approach in the EU? CEPS Working Document, No. 256, 7 February 2007. [Working Paper]

Caruso, Bruno (2002) The future of labour law: traditional models of social protection and a new constitution of social rights. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 8/2002. [Working Paper]

Caruso, Bruno and Massimiani, Clemente. (2007) Prove di democrazia in Europa: la Flessicurezza nel lessico ufficiale e nella pubblica opinione europea = Evidence of democracy in Europe: Flexicurity in the official language and in European public opinion. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 59/2008. [Working Paper]

Caruso, Bruno. (2007) Changes in the workplace and the dialogue of labor scholars in the "global village." WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 50/2007. [Working Paper]

Caruso, Bruno. (2004) The Concept of Flexibility in Labour Law. The Italian case in the European context. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 22/2004. [Working Paper]

Casey, Eddie (2012) Unit Labour Costs in Irish Manufacturing. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]

Cerna, Lucie. (2007) "The Varieties of High-Skilled Immigration Policies: Sectoral Coalitions and Outcomes in Advanced Industrial Countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Cervino, Emma (2000) Trade Union Strategies towards Atypical Workers. In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Christoffel, Kai and Costain, James and Walque, Gregory de and Kuester, Keith and Linzert, Tobias and Millard, Stephen and Pierrard, Olivier. (2009) Inflation dynamics with labour market matching: assessing alternative specifications. NBB Working Papers. No. 164, May 19, 2009. [Working Paper]

Cipollone, Angela and Patacchini, Eleonora and Vallanti, Giovanni (2012) Women's Labour Market Performance in Europe: Trends and Shaping Factors. CEPS Special Report, September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Colàs Neila, Eusebi (2011) Fundamental Rights of workers in the Digital Age: A methodological approach from a case study. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 89/2011. [Working Paper]

Cowley, Stephen. (2002) Explaining Labor Quiescence in Post-Communist Europe: Historical Legacies and Comparative Perspective, CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Papers, no. 55, 2002. [Working Paper]

Cristina, Alessi (2012) Il lavoro a termine nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia [Jurisprudence in the Court of Justice]. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 93/2012. [Working Paper]

Crowley, Patrick M. (2009) One money with several cycles? Evaluation of European business cycles using cluster analysis. ACES Cases No. 2009.3. UNSPECIFIED.

Curzio, Pietro (2012) Il nuovo rito per i licenziamenti = The new ritual for layoffs. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 158/2012. [Policy Paper]


Da Silva Lopes, Jose. (2003) The Role of the State in the Labour Market: Its Impact on Employment and Wages In Portugal as Compared with Spain. CES Working Paper, no. 90, 2003. [Working Paper]

Darvas, Zolt (2012) Compositional effects on productivity, labour cost and export adjustments. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/11, June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Röller, Lars-Hendrik and Santos, Indhira and Sapir, André and van Pottelsberghe, Bruno and Véron, Nicholas and Veugelers, Reinhilde and von Hagen, Jürgen and von Weizsäcker, Jakob. (2009) Memos to the new Commission- Europe's economic priorities 2010-2015. Bruegel Blueprint Series No. (10?), 27 August 2009. [Policy Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Maselli, Ilaria (2016) The Impact of the Collaborative Economy on the Labour Market. CEPS Special Report No. 138, June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

De Luca, Michele (2013) Diritti dei lavoratori: strumentalità del processo versus declino della tutela giurisdizionale effettiva (a quarant’anni dalla fondazione del nuovo processo del lavoro) = Workers' rights: instrumentality of the process versus decline of effective judicial protection (forty years after the foundation of the new labor process). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 167/2013. [Policy Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2014) Prospettive di politica e diritto del lavoro: di compromesso in compromesso cresce la flessibilità, ma non solo (prime riflessioni su Jobs act e dintorni) = Perspectives of politics and labor law: from compromise to compromise flexibility increases, but not only (first reflections on Jobs act and surroundings). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 217/2014. [Policy Paper]

De Somer, Marie (2012) Trends and gaps in the academic literature on EU labour migration policies. CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security No. 50/December 2012. [Policy Paper]

De Stefano, Valerio (2015) Non‐standard workers and freedom of association: a critical analysis of restrictions to collective rights from a human rights perspective *. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 123/2015. [Working Paper]

De Stephano, Valerio (2013) A tale of oversimplification and deregulation: the mainstream approach to labour market segmentation and the recent responses to the crisis in European countries. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 102/2013. [Working Paper]

Decshryvere, Matthias. (2006) Health and Retirement Decisions: An Update of the Literature. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 6, 1 March 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Deschryvere, Matthias (2005) Labour Force Behaviour of Men and Women in Elderly Two-Adult Households: Evidence from EU Countries. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 7, 1 April 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

Dhyne, Emmanuel and Druant, Martine. (2010) Wages, labor or prices: How do firms react to shocks? National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 193, July 2010. [Working Paper]

Di Noia, Francesco (2018) Lo "chiamavano Dignità”: prime note su tecnica e politica a margine del d.l. n. 87/2018, conv. in l. n. 96/2018 = "They called him Dignity": first notes on technique and politics in the margins of the legislative decree n. 87/2018, conv. in l. n. 96/2018. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 381/2018. [Working Paper]

Di Salvo, Mattia and Mallè Ndoye, Nelson (2020) Paving the way for future labour migration: A Belgian-Tunisian Skills Mobility Partnership. CEPS Policy Insight 28 Sep 2020. [Policy Paper]

Dolvik, Jon Erik. (2008) Mobility of Labor and Services across the Baltic Sea after EU Enlargement: Trends and Consequences. CES Working Paper No. 161, 2008. [Working Paper]

Dolvik, Jon Erik. (2008) The Negotiated Nordic Labor Markets: From Bust to Boom. CES Working Paper No. 162, 2008. [Working Paper]

Donnellan, Trevor and Hanrahan, Kevin and Hennessy, Thia (2012) Defining an Institutional Framework for the Labour Market. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 24, February 2012. [Working Paper]

Donnellan, Trevor and Hanrahan, Kevin and Hennessy, Thia (2012) The Institutional Framework of the Labour Market. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 25, February 2012. [Working Paper]

Donnellan, Trevor and Hennessy, Thia (2012) The Labour Allocation Decisions of Farm Households: Defining a theoretical model. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 31, October 2012. [Working Paper]

Durazzi, Niccolo (2015) Inclusive unions in a dualised labour market? The challenge of organising labour market policy and social protection for labour market outsiders. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 99/2015 October 2015. [Discussion Paper]

de Angelis , Luigi de (2017) Crisi dell'appello di lavoro tra scelte legislative, tensioni ordinamentali, autosufficienza del rito e qualche ambiguità testuale: considerazioni sparse = Crisis of the work appeal between legislative choices, legal tensions, self-sufficiency of the rite and some textual ambiguity: scattered considerations. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 331/2017. [Policy Paper]

de Crombrugghe, Alain and de Walque., Gregory (2011) Wage and employment effects of a wage norm: the Polish transition experience. NBB Working Paper No. 209, February 2011. [Working Paper]

de Graaff, Thomas, and van Leuvensteijn, Michiel. (2007) “The Impact of Housing Market Institutions on Labour Mobility: A European Cross-Country Comparison.” ENEPRI Working Paper No. 54, July 2007. [Working Paper]

de Salvia, Azzurra (2012) l bilanciamento tra le libertà economiche e i diritti sociali collettivi operato dalla Corte di Giustizia è un contemperamento tra diritti equiordinati?* = The balance between economic freedoms and collective social rights and actions; Court of Justice is a choice between rights equiordinati? Actions by the Court of Justice. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 98/2012. [Working Paper]


Eisele, Katarina (2013) Why come here if I can go there? Assessing the ‘Attractiveness’ of the EU’s Blue Card Directive for ‘Highly Qualified’ Immigrants. Paper on Liberty and Security in Europe No. 60, 14 October 2013. [Policy Paper]

Eisele, Katharina (2014) The US Labour Immigration Scheme – All about being attractive? EU Perceptions and Stakeholders’ Perspectives Reviewed. Liberty and Security in Europe No. 67/September 2014. [Policy Paper]


Fabo, Brian and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) Students in Work and their Impact on the Labour Market. CEPS Working Document No. 410/July 2015. [Working Paper]

Falkner, Gerda and Hartlapp, Miriam and Leiber, Simone and Treib, Oliver. (2002) Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National Non-Compliance with EU Directives. IHS Political Science Series: 2002, No. 83. [Working Paper]

Falkner, Gerda and Treib, Oliver. (2005) "Explaining EU Policy Implementation Across Countries: Three Modes of Adaptation". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Falkner, Gerda, and Treib, Oliver. (2007) Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States. IHS Political Science Series Paper, No. 112, March 2007. [Working Paper]

Fałkowski, Jan and Jakubowski, Maciej and Strawiński, Paweł (2013) Returns from Income Strategies in Rural Poland. Factor Markets Working Document No. 64, August 2013. [Working Paper]

Feichtinger, Paul and Salhofer, Klaus and Ciaian, Pavel and Kancs, d'Artis and Swinnen, Johan and Van Herck, Kristine and Vranken, Liesbet and Viaggi, Davide and Bartolini, Fabio and Puddu, Marco and Raggi, Meri and Latruffe, Laure and Piet, Laurent and Dupraz, Pierre and Le Mouël, Chantal and Dixon, Peter and van Meijl, Hans and Rimmer, Maureen and Shutes, Lindsay and Tabeau, Andrzej and Banse, Martin and Rothe, Andrea and Woltjer, Geert and Fałkowski, Jan and Loughrey, Jason and Donnellan, Trevor and Hanrahan, Kevin and Hennessy, Thia and Tocco, Barbara and Davidova, Sophia and Bailey, Alastair and Olper, Alessandro and Raimondi, Valentina and Cavicchioli, Daniele and Vigani, Mauro and Kaditi, Eleni A. and Berlinschi, Eleni and Curzi, Daniele and Bertoni, Danilo and Jakubowski, Maciej and Strawiński, Paweł and Hedman Jansson, Kristina and Rabinowicz, Ewa and Lagerkvist, Carl Johan and Myyrä, Sami and Curtiss, Jarmila and Ratinger, Tomáš and Medonos, Tomáš and Sckokai, Paolo and Veneziani, Mario and Szegenyova, Katarina and Pokrivcak, Jan and Petrick, Martin and Kloss, Mathias and Rizov, Marian (2013) Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy. CEPS Paperback. October 2013. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-351-8

Felfe, Christina (2006) The Child Penalty – A Compensating Wage Differential? ENEPRI Research Reports No. 22, 22 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Fontana, Giorgio (2016) La Carta Sociale Europea e il diritto del lavoro oggi. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 132/2016 = The European Social Charter and labor law today. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 132/2016. [Working Paper]

Frunza, Ramona and Maha, Liviu-George and Mursa, Gabriel-Claudiu. (2009) REASONS AND EFFECTS OF THE ROMANIAN LABOUR FORCE MIGRATION IN EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES. CES Working Papers, I ((2)). pp. 37-62.

Fuchs, Maximilian. (2007) The Transposition of EU Antidiscrimination Legislation into German Labour Law. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 53/2007. [Working Paper]

Fuss, Catherine and Wintr, Ladislav. (2009) Rigid labour compensation and flexible employment? Firm-level evidence with regard to productivity for Belgium. NBB Working Papers. No. 159, 11 March 2009. [Working Paper]


Gabriele, Stefania. and Tanda, Paola and Tediosi, Fabrizio (2011) The impact of long-term care on caregivers' participation in the labour market. ENEPRI Research Report No. 98, November 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Garilli , Alessandro (2020) Le trasformazioni del diritto del lavoro tra ragioni dell’economia e dignità della persona = The transformation of labor law between economic reasons and human dignity. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 412/2020. [Working Paper]

Garilli , Alessandro (2012) L’art. 8 della legge n. 148/2011 nel sistema delle relazioni sindacali = Article. 8 of the law n. 148/2011 in the union relations system. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 139/2012. [Working Paper]

Garilli , Alessandro (2014) Occupazione e diritto del lavoro. Le politiche del lavoro del governo Renzi = Employment and labor law. Labor policies of the Renzi government. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 226/2014. [Policy Paper]

Geary, R.C. and Dempsey, M. (1979) Capital and Labour in Irish Manufacturing Industry Some Statistical Material. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 136 1979. [Policy Paper]

Geerts., Joanna (2011) The Long-Term Care Workforce: Description and Perspectives. ENEPRI Research Report No. 93/August 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Gitterman, Daniel P. (2001) "Why 'non-efficiency enhancing' labor-side agreements?: global governance and labor markets: the EU, NAFTA, and the ILO". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Giubboni, Stefano (2016) Il diritto del lavoro nella crisi europea (a proposito di un recente volume). WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 126/2016 = Labor law in the European crisis (about a recent volume). WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 126/2016. [Working Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano. (2006) Il primo dei diritti sociali. Riflessioni sul diritto al lavoro tra Costituzione italiana e ordinamento europeo. = Fundamental social rights. Reflections on the right to work in the Italian Constitution and European order. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 46/2006. [Working Paper]

Gora, Marek. (2008) Retirement Decisions, Benefits and the Neutrality of Pension Systems, ENEPRI Research Reports No. 51, 8 April 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel (2019) Improvement in European labour force participation. CEPS Special Report. March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel (2001) Testing the Speed Limit for Europe. 3rd Report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. CEPS Paperback. June 2001. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel and Hefeker, Carsten. (2003) Asymmetries in European Labour Markets and Monetary Policy in Euroland. ENEPRI Occasional Paper No. 1, September 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel and Micossi, Stefano. (2007) A New Approach to Policy Coordination in the EU. CEPS Commentaries, 6 March 2007. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2010) The skills deficit. CEPS Commentary, 6 September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio (2012) Labor migration and unemployment: what can we learn from EU rules on the free movement of workers? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 46, 7 February 2012. [Policy Paper]


Hancké, Bob (2012) Worlds apart? Labour Unions, Wages and Monetary Integration in Continental Europe. IHS Political Science Series No. 128, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Hercog, Metka. (2008) The Role of the State in Attracting Highly-skilled Migrants: The Case of the Netherlands. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-6.

Hessel, Roger. (2007) Vocational Training for All Ages: How to Improve the Competences and Skills of the European Workforce. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-6.

Hunt, Jo. (1999) "The Expression of the European Social Model Through the Medium of Labour Law: An ‘Institutionalist’ Account”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)


Ilsøe, Anna (2007) The Danish Flexicurity Model - a Lesson for the US? ACES Working Paper No. 2, May 2007. [Working Paper]

Innes, Abby. (2000) East-West Integration and the Changing German Production Regime: A Firm-Centered Approach. CES Central & East Europe Working Papers, no. 53, 2000. [Working Paper]


Janky, Bela and Gal, Robert I. (2007) Public Opinion on Pension Systems in Europe. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 36, 5 July 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

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Lizarazo López, Martina and Petersen, Thieß and Kaniovski, Seguei and Url, Thomas (2020) Macroeconomic effects of demographic aging: Impact on productivity growth and macroeconomic variables in selected industrialized countries. Potential gains offered by labor-saving technological progress Bertelsmann Stiftung Focus Paper April 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

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Papa, Veronica (2012) L’art. 19 Stat. nell’affaire Fiat tra dissensi giurisprudenziali e sospetti di incostituzionalità = Article. 19 Stat. in the Fiat affair between jurisprudential dissensions and suspicions of unconstitutionality. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 147/2012. [Policy Paper]

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This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 10:00:57 2025 EST.