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Balducci, Massimo (1992) Bureaucratie sans frontières. - L'Union économique européenne n'intéresse pas uniquement le monde des entreprises, mais également les bureaucraties des Etats membres qui ont des contacts de plus en plus étroits entre elles et avec la Communauté. = Bureaucracy without borders. - The European Community is not only the world of enterprises, but also bureaucracies of the member states that have contacts increasingly close between themselves and with the Community. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 9-11. pp. 9-11.

Dubois, Nicolas. (1992) L'Europe de Jean Monnet est morte! Vive l'Europe fédérale! = The Europe of Jean Monnet is dead! Long live federal Europe. EIPAScope 1992(3):pp. 20-21. pp. 20-21.

Ibañez, Alberto Gil. (1992) Cohésion économique et sociale: rêve ou nécessité communautaire? = Economic and social cohesion: dream or community necessity? EIPAScope 1992(3):pp. 14-18. pp. 14-18.

Laursen, Finn. (1992) The Maastricht Treaty: A Critical Evaluation. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 4-5. -5.

Nicolaides, Phedon. (1992) The Implications of Maastricht for Japan. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 12-13. pp. 12-13.

Pappas, Spyros A. (1992) De la gestion publique communautaire. = Community public administration. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 1-3. pp. 1-3.

Pappas, Spyros A. (1992) Towards a European Public Service. EIPAScope 1992(3):pp.9-13. pp. 9-13.

Pappas, Spyros A. (1992) Why a Special Status in Community Law for Mount Athos? Mount Athos, 24-27 May 1992. EIPAScope 1992(2):p. 8.

Pauly, Alexis. (1992) Les Accords de Schengen. = The Schengen Accords. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 6-7. pp. 6-7.

Pertek, Jacques. (1992) La reconnaissance des diplômes dans la CE. = The recognition of diplomas in the European Community. EIPAScope 1992(3):pp. 19-19. p. 19.

Sutherland, Peter. (1992) Progress to European Union - A Challenge for the Public Service. EIPAScope 1992(3):pp. 1-8. pp. 1-8.

de Meirelles, Francisco. (1992) The Portuguese Presidency and the 'Waves Movement'. EIPAScope 1992(1):pp.2-3. pp. 2-3.


Balducci, Massimo. (1993) L'Est de Marx à Taylor: entre illusions, désillusions et collusions = East, from Marx to Taylor: between illusions, disillusionment, and collusions. EIPAScope 1993(2):pp. 9-11. pp. 9-11.

Goñi, Eduardo Zapico (1993) "National Budgeting for European Convergence." EIPAScope 1993(1):pp. 4-8. pp. 4-8.

Vanhoonacker, Sophie. (1993) "La présidence belge." EIPAScope 1993(3):pp.1-3. pp. 1-3.

de Munaín Zulueta, Arantza López. (1993) Training Administrations to Manage the Internal Market: The Karolus Programme. EIPAScope 1993(3):pp.4-11. pp. 4-11.

den Hartog, Arthur. (1993) "Who's Afraid of Austria, Sweden and Finland?" EIPAScope 1993(1):pp. 1-3. pp. 1-3.


Bernhardt, Peter. (1994) La politique communautaire des consommateurs. - Community consumer policy. EIPAScope 1994(1):pp. 11-16. pp. 11-16.

Deckmyn, Veerle. (1994) La transparence et l'information européenne. = Transparency and European information. EIPAScope 1994(2):pp. 6-10. pp. 6-10.

Demmke, Christoph. (1994) La présidence allemande = The German Presidency. EIPASCOPE, 1994 (3). pp. 1-12.

Marias, Epaminondas. (1994) The European Ombudsman. EIPAScope 1994(1):pp.1-6. pp. 1-6.

Marias, Epaminondas. (1994) The Right to Vote and Stand for Election to the European Parliament. EIPAScope 1994(2):pp. 11-17. pp. 11-17.

Treumer, Steen. (1994) The EFTA Court. EIPAScope 1994(2):pp.1-5. pp. 1-5.

Wolf, Martin. (1994) The US and Europe in a Changing World. EIPAScope 1994(2):pp. 18-22. [Working Paper]

Woschnagg, Gregor. (1994) Possible Implications of Accession to the EC and The Complexity of Enlargement Negotiations Seen from an Austrian Perspective. EIPAScope 1994(1):pp. 7-10. [Working Paper]

van den Berg, Dirk Jan (1994) The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Smaller Countries in an Ever-Larger Europe. EIPASCOPE, 1994 (3). pp. 1-4.


Dellis, George. (1995) L'avenir de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes dans la perspective de la Conférence intergouvernementale de 1996 = The future of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Community in the perspective of the 1996 IGC. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (3). pp. 1-5.

Guggenbühl, Alain. (1995) L'Union européenne, un drôle d'animal social = The European Union, an odd social animal. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (2). pp. 1-4.

Koliopoulos, Kostas (1995) The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy and the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (2). pp. 1-4.

Pappas, Spyros A. (1995) A Legal Escape to a Political Impasse: Agenda IGC 1996. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (3). pp. 1-4.

Philippi, Theresa. (1995) The Preparation of Austria for Its Accession to the European Union with Respect to Constitutional and Administrative Reforms. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (1). pp. 1-5.

Ruiz Tartas, Carlota. (1995) La Présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne et la deuxième Présidence espagnole = The European Union Council Presidency and the second Spanish Presidency. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (3). pp. 1-16.

Saether, Arild (1995) Det norske nei! - Norwegians say no! EIPASCOPE, 1995 (2). pp. 1-3.

Sutherland, Peter (1995) Sutherland Speaks out on the European Union's Future. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (2). pp. 1-12.

Venna, Yrjö (1995) EU-Finland, First-Year Impressions. EIPASCOPE, 1995 (3). pp. 1-3.


Higgins, Imelda and Svenningsen, Jesper (1996) Important Judgments Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities During the Period 1 January to 1 May 1996. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (2). pp. 1-7.

Higgins, Imelda and Svenningsen, Jesper (1996) Important Judgments Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the Period 1 May to 1 October 1996. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (3). pp. 1-8.

Higgins, Imelda. and Svenningsen, Jesper (1996) Chronique des principaux arrêts de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes au cours de la période comprise entre septembre et décembre 1995 = Summary of the important judgements of the Court of First Instance of the European Court of Justice between September and December 1995. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (2). pp. 1-7.

Metcalfe, Les (1996) Building Capacities for Integration: The Future Role of the Commission. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (2). pp. 1-11.

Nicolaides, Phedon and Boean, Sylvia Raja. (1996) The Process of Enlargement of the European Union. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (3). pp. 1-7.

den Boer, Monica (1996) Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation in the European Union: Current Issues. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (1). pp. 1-9.


Bar Cendón, Antonio. (1997) La légitimité de l’Union européenne après le Conseil européen d’Amsterdam = The Legitimacy of the European Union after the Amsterdam European Council. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-4.

Bollen, Frank (1997) Cohesion Policy in an Ever Larger Union. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-5.

Dreyer-Mälzer, Susanne. (1997) Chronique des principaux arrêts de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes entre juillet et septembre 1997 = Summary of the Important judgements of the European Court of Justice between July and September 1997. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-3.

Gretschmann, Klaus (1997) Vision or Revision: Managing Europe’s Way to EMU. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-4.

Guggenbühl, Alain (1997) A Contemplative View on the First Pillar of the New European Union. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-5.

Haibach, Georg (1997) Comitology after Amsterdam: A Comparative Analysis of the Delegation of Legislative Powers. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-7.

Hartwig, Ines (1997) The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Process. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (1). pp. 1-6.

Higgins, Imelda and Dreyer-Mälzer, Susanne (1997) Judgements Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the Period 1 March – 1 July, 1997. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-4.

Higgins, Imelda and Svenningsen, Jesper (1997) Important Judgements Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities During the Period 1 October 1996 – 1 March 1997. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (1). pp. 1-4.

Majone, Giandomenico` (1997) The Agency Model: The Growth of Regulation and Regulatory Institutions in the European Union. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-6.

Nomden, Koen (1997) Reconciling Liberalization and Public Service Obligations. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (1). pp. 1-6.

Vanhoonacker, Sophie (1997) From Maastricht to Amsterdam: Was it Worth the Journey for CFSP? EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-3.

den Boer, Monica (1997) Step by Step Progress: An Update on the Free Movement of Persons and Internal Security. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (2). pp. 1-4.


Demmke, Christoph (1998) The Secret Life of Comitology or the Role of Public Officials in EC Environmental Policy. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (3). pp. 1-10.

Dreyer-Mälzer, Susanne and Svenningsen, Jesper (1998) Important Judgements Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the period 1 March to 15 May 1998. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (2). pp. 1-5.

Dreyer-Mälzer, Susanne and Svenningsen, Jesper (1998) Important Judgements Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the period 1 October 1997 to 1 March 1998. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (1). pp. 1-4.

Dreyer-Mälzer, Susanne and Svenningsen, Jesper. (1998) Principaux arrêts rendus par la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes durant la période comprise entre le 15 mai et le 15 septembre 1998 = Important Judgements Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Communities During the Period 15 May - 15 September 1998. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (3). pp. 1-4.

Harris, Stephen (1998) Enforcement in the Internal Market. EIPSACOPE, 1998 (1). pp. 1-4.

Marinho, Clotilde and Heinonen, Matti (1998) Dublin after Schengen: Allocating Responsibility for Examining Asylum Applications in Practice. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (3). pp. 1-12.

Nicolaides, Phedon (1998) The Boundaries of the Negotiating Power of the Candidates for Membership of the European Union: Some Theoretical Considerations and Practical Implications. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (3). pp. 1-8.

Nicolaides, Phedon (1998) Negotiating Effectively for Accession to the European Union: Realistic Expectations, Feasible Targets, Credible Arguments. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (1). pp. 1-6.

Pezaros, Pavlos (1998) Agenda 2000: Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy Further. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (1). pp. 1-8.

Schout, Adriaan (1998) The Presidency as Juggler: Managing Conflicting Expectations. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (2). pp. 1-9.

Sciamarelli, Alessandro (1998) Fiscal Policy in the Member States under EMU. EIPASCOPE, 1998 (3). pp. 1-6.

Soveroski, Marie (1998) Agenda 2000: A Blueprint for Successful EU Enlargement? EIPASCOPE, 1998 (1). pp. 1-4.


Bilal, Sanoussi. (1999) L’intégration de la Suisse dans l’Europe: Les accords bilatéraux comme première étape? = The Integration of Switzerland into Europe: the bilateral accords as a first stage? EIPASCOPE, 1999 (3). pp. 1-4.

Bollen, Frank. (1999) The Reform of the EU Structural Funds: 10 Questions on the Magnitude and Direction of Reforms. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-9.

Duke, Simon (1999) From Amsterdam to Kosovo: Lessons for the future of CFSP. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (2). pp. 1-14.

Haibach, Georg (1999) Council Decision 1999/468 – A New Comitology Decision for the 21st Century!? EIPASCOPE, 1999 (3). pp. 1-9.

Harris, Stephen (1999) The Need for an Internal Market Ombudsman. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-7.

Hartwig, Ines (1999) Continuité ou changement de la politique européenne de l’Allemagne? = Continuity or change in the European policy of Germany? EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-3.

Levy, Roger (1999) Myth and Reality in EU Programme Management. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-5.

Metcalfe, Les (1999) Reforming the Commission. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (3). pp. 1-7.

Soveroski, Marie (1999) European Union Enlargement: Prospects and Potential Pitfalls Along the Way. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (2). pp. 1-5.


Best, Edward (2000) Crossing the Bridge of Size: Reaching a Deal at Nice. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (3). pp. 1-8.

Carrasco Macía, Laura. (2000) Le projet de Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne = The project of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (3). pp. 1-9.

Duke, Simon (2000) From Feira to Nice: more bonnes paroles? EIPASCOPE, 2000 (3). pp. 1-5.

Duke, Simon (2000) Is Being Consistently Inconsistent, Being Consistent? EIPASCOPE, 2000 (1). pp. 1-2.

Haibach, Georg (2000) Governance by Committee: The Role of Committees in European Policy Making and Policy Implementation. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (2). pp. 1-4.

Heichlinger, Alexander (2000) EMU Half-Way Through: The Euro, the Regions and their Public Administrations - An Assessment. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (2). pp. 1-4.

Larsson, Torbjörn (2000) The Internal Enlargement of the European Union and the Surplus of the Intermediate Level of Government. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (2). pp. 1-9.

Leitner, Christine (2000) Walking the Tightrope – Cultural Diversity in the Context of European Integration. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (1). pp. 1-5.

Liponska-Labérou, Joanna. (2000) La relance de la politique européenne de défense = The relaunching of the European defense policy. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (2). pp. 1-7.

Neuhold, Christine (2000) Into the New Millennium: The Evolution of the European Parliament from Consultative Assembly to Co-legislator. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (1). pp. 1-9.

Nicolaides, Phedon (2000) The Feira European Council and the Process of Enlargement of the European Union. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (3). pp. 1-5.

Nomden, Koen. (2000) L’évolution de la gestion des ressources humaines dans les administrations publiques de l’Union européenne = The Evolution of the management of human resources in public administration in the European Union. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (1). pp. 1-3.

Schaefer, Guenther F. and Egeberg, Morten and Korez, Silvo and Trondal, Jarle (2000) The Experience of Member State Officials in EU Committees: A Report on Initial Findings of an Empirical Study. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (3). pp. 1-7.


Best, Edward (2001) The Treaty of Nice: Not Beautiful but It’ll Do. EIPASCOPE, 2001 (1). pp. 1-8.

Duke, Simon (2001) After the Applause Stops: Nice’s Aftermath and the Prospects for CESDP. EIPASCOPE, 2001 (1). pp. 1-3.

Duke, Simon. (2001) Summary of Proceedings: Assessing the EU’s Progress on the Path to a European Security and Defence Policy. EIPAScope, 2001 (2). pp. 23-26.

Engel, Christian. (2001) Vers un “fédéralisme à plusieurs niveaux”? Une analyse des procédures et pratiques de la participation des régions au processus décisionnel communautaire = Towards a "federalism of several levels"? An analysis of the procedures and practices of the participation of the regions in the Community decision-making process. EIPASCOPE, 2001 (1). pp. 1-11.

Faria, Cláudia and Corrado, Laura (2001) Vers une politique européenne commune en matière d’asile et de migration - Towards a common European policy on asylum and immigration. EIPASCOPE, 2001 (2). pp. 1-14.

Goldschmidt, Peter I. B. and Lanz, Christopher (2001) Maybe Definitely – Definitely Maybe? EC Competition Law – Is the Time Ripe for Reform? EIPASCOPE, 2001 (2). pp. 1-7.

Nicolaides, Phedon and Den Teuling, Anne-Mieke. (2001) Summary of Conference Proceedings – The Enlargement of the European Union: Prerequisites for Successful Conclusion of the Accession Negotiations. EIPAScope, 2001 (1). pp. 21-23.


Best, Edward and Vanhoonacker, Sophie (2002) The European Union after Laeken: a Convention, a Constitution, a Consensus? EIPAScope, 2002 (1). pp. 1-5.

Demmke, Christoph (2002) Undefined Boundaries and Grey Areas: The Evolving Interaction Between the EU and National Public Services. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (2). pp. 1-8.

Duke, Simon (2002) The Rhetoric-Resources Gap in EU Crisis Management. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (3). pp. 1-7.

Duke, Simon (2002) The Significance of Laeken for CFSP/CESDP. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-2.

Engel, Christian (2002) Common Assessment Framework: The state of affairs. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-5.

Faria, Cláudia (2002) Post-Laeken Assessement: Justice and Home Affairs. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-3.

Fitzpatrick, Sean. (2002) An Insider's View - Performance Management in the Public Sector: What Can We Learn from the Past? EPIAScope 2002/3. EPIAScope. pp. 21-24.

Hartwig, Ines. (2002) La mise en œuvre à double voie de la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi: un monstre de papier après l’élargissement? = Instituting a double path in the European strategy for employment: a paper monster after enlargement? EIPASCOPE, 2002 (2). pp. 1-6.

Nicolaides, Phedon (2002) Reform of EC Competition Policy: A Significant but Risky Project. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (2). pp. 1-6.

Rentrop, Timm (2002) The Mutual Recognition of Diplomas. A quest for a more effective/efficient operation of the system while ‘living in the shadows’. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-7.

Rudloff, Bettina (2002) The Mid Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy: The Future of Rural Development. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (3). pp. 1-5.

Sciberras, Anne Marie (2002) Challenges for the Accession Countries in the EU’s Environmental Field. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (3). pp. 1-4.

Sciberras, Anne Marie (2002) Integrated Coastal Zone Management – A challenge for the EU in the 21st century. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-5.

Verheugen, Günter (2002) EU Enlargement – State of play and issues ahead. Speech delivered at the conference in Maastricht, 4 March 2002. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-3.


Vara Arribas, Gracia and Kirchner Baliu, Mercè and Heichlinger, Alexander. (2003) Conference Proceedings - Does Devolution Add Value? EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 40-42.

Arribas, Gracia Vara and Carrasco, Laura (2003) Gender Equality and the EU – An Assessment of the Current Issues. EIPASCOPE, 2003 (1). pp. 1-9.

Best, Edward (2003) Alternative Regulations or Complementary Methods? Evolving Options in European Governance. EIPASCOPE, 2003 (1). pp. 1-10.

Christiansen, Thomas and Gray, Mark. (2003) The Convention on the Future of the EU: The European Commission and Treaty Reform. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 10-18.

Coull, Janet and Lewis, Charlie. (2003) The Impact Reform of the Staff Regulations in Making the Commission a More Modern and Efficient Organisation: An Insider's Perspective. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 2-9.

Demmke, Christoph and Linke, Uta (2003) Who’s a National and Who’s a European? Exercising Public Power and the Legitimacy of Art. 39 4 EC in the 21st Century. EIPSACOPE, 2003 (2). pp. 1-9.

Faria, Cláudia (2003) Preventing Illegal Immigration: Reflections on Implications for an Enlarged European Union. EIPSACOPE, 2003 (1). pp. 1-5.

Geveke, Arjan. (2003) Improving Implementation by National Regulatory Authorities. EIPAScope, 2003(3): pp. 26-30. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). p. 5.

Hartwig, Dr Ines and Nicolaides, Dr Phedon. (2003) Elusive Solidarity in an Enlarged European Union. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 19-25.

Hessel, Roger. (2003) Defusing the Employment Time Bomb: Increasing Employment Rates - A Key Policy Measure for Maintaining Sustainable Pension in Europe. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 31-36.

Leitner, Christine. (2003) "eGovernment in Europe: The State of Affairs". EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 37-39.

Malterud, Tore Chr. (2003) The Challenge of Being an "Active Observer": Some Experiences from Norway. EIPASCOPE, 2003 (2). pp. 1-6.

Nicolaides, Phedon (2003) Preparing for EU Membership: The Paradox of Doing What the EU Does Not Require You to Do. EIPASCOPE, 2003 (2). pp. 1-7.

Schout, Adriaan and Bastmeijer, Kees (2003) The Next Phase in the Europeanisation of National Ministries: Preparing EU Dialogues. EIPASCOPE, 2003 (1). pp. 1-10.


Bayer, Nicole. (2004) EU 25 – Creating a New Design for the Council. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 8-13.

Bertoli-Chappelart, Véronique and Arnaud, Stéphane. (2004) Mutations de l’organisation juridictionnelle liées à l’élargissement: entre efficacité et perfectibilité = Transformations of judicial organizations linked to enlargement: between effectiveness and perfection. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 25-29.

Best, Edward. (2004) The EU Institutions between Enlargement and the Constitution. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 2-7.

Best, Edward. (2004) What is Really at Stake in the Debate over Votes? EIPAScope, 2004 (1). pp. 14-23.

Christiansen, Thomas and Gray, Mark. (2004) The European Commission in a Period of Change: A New Administration for a New European Union? EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 20-24.

Duke, Simon. (2004) Innovation in External Action and the Constitution for Europe. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 30-37.

Hartwig, Ines. (2004) Analysis: The Agenda 2007 Proposals: Evolution or Revolution? EIPAScope, 2004 (2). pp. 3-8.

Jacobs, Francis and Best, Edward (2004) Ready for the Future? The Impact of Enlargement on the European Parliament. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 14-19.

Kekelekis, Michael. (2004) L'obligation des autorities nationales de recouvrer les aides d'Etat versees illegalement: defenses et implications. = The obligation of national authorities to recover state aid illegally obtained: defenses and implications. EPIAScope, 2004 (2). pp. 20-23.

Leitner, Christine. (2004) eGovernment in Europe: The State of Affairs. EIPAScope, 2004 (1). pp. 36-48.

Liponska-Hottiaux, Joanna. (2004) Les nouvelles avancées de la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense. = New advances in Common Foreign and Security Policy. EIPAScope, 2004 (1). pp. 24-29.

Ner, Magnor. (2004) The New Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): Towards Sustainable Management and a Profitable Fisheries Sector? EPIAScope, 2004 (1). pp. 30-35.

Nicolaides, Phedon (2004) State Aid: Is Cohesion at the National Level Successful? EIPAScope, 2004 (2). pp. 9-19.

Schout, Adriaan and Bayer, Nicole. (2004) The Presidency in the EU of 25. EIPAScope, 2004 (2). pp. 24-28.

Xenaki, Athanassia. (2004) Does the EU need the Stability and Growth Pact? EPIAScope 2004(2): 29-33. EPIAScope, 2004. p. 6.


Arribas, Gracia Vara. (2005) The Changing Dynamics of Sub-State Participation: The Commission's Proposals for Increasing Regional and Local Involvement in European Policy Processes. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 19-25.

Aumont, Laure and Lavadoux, Frank and Desselas, Stéphane. (2005) Systèmes politiques nationaux et exercice de l'influence au niveau communautaire: une comparaison France-Allemagne. = National political systems and the exercise of influence at EU level: a comparison between France-Germany. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 35-44.

Best, Edward. (2005) In Search of the Lost Constitution: The EU between Direct Democracy and the Permissive Consensus. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 5-13.

Beuter, Rita. (2005) European Public Procurement Reform: Main Innovations in the Public Sector Directive – A Preliminary Assessment. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 5-11.

Burnett, Michael. (2005) Beyond the New Public Procurement Directive – the Future for Public Private Partnerships (PPP). EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 21-25.

Castillo García, José F. (2005) The Power of the European Community to Impose Criminal Penalties. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 27-34.

Christiansen, Thomas and Lintner, Pamela. (2005) The Committee of the Regions after 10 Years: Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the Future. EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 7-13.

Duke, Simon. (2005) The Constitutional Debacle and External Relations. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 15-18.

Heichlinger, Alexander and Määttä, Seppo and Unfried, Martin. (2005) Mid-Term Review of the Lisbon Strategy: Regional and Local Players Need to Step Up Their Involvement. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 47-52.

Lintner, Pamela and Vaccari, Beatrice. (2005) The European Parliament’s Right of Scrutiny over Commission Implementing Acts: A Real Parliamentary Control? EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 15-25.

Mangenot, Michel. (2005) Un organe judiciaire pour l’Union européenne: Eurojust (1999-2004). = A judicial body for the EU: Eurojust (1999-2004). EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 27-31.

Nicolaides, Phedon and Talsma, Frank. (2005) Financing the European Union: Options for Reform. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 27-34.

Nicolaides, Phedon. (2005) National "Red Lines" Undermine European Budgetary Reform. EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 45-46.

Staes, Patrick and Thijs, Nick. (2005) Quality Management on the European Agenda. EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 33-41.

Staes, Patrick and Thijs, Nick. (2005) Report on the State of Affairs of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) after Five Years. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 41-49.

Sánchez Monjo, Eduardo and Font Salas, Salvador. (2005) Rapport sur le déroulement du Programme Euromed Marché. = Report on the conduct of the Euromed Market. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 35-39.

Unfried, Martin. (2005) Hybrid Cars, Green Electricity and Organic Tomatoes – The situation and legal background of ‘Green Procurement’ in the EU. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 13-19.

Xenaki, Nancy (2005) Comment: The European System of Fiscal Statistics Needs Improvement. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 45-46.


Archmann, Sylvia and Nielsen, Morten Meyerhoff. (2006) Interoperability at Local and Regional Level – A Logical Development in eGovernment. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp. 38-43. pp. 38-43.

Best, Dr. Edward and Christiansen, Thomas and Settembri, Pierpaolo and Barragan, Araceli (2006) The Role of EIPA in the EU-CONSENT Network of Excellence. Studying the Impact of Enlargement on the EU Institutions. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp. 34-36. pp. 34-36.

Burnett, Michael (2006) Considérations sur l’utilité des partenariats public-privé (PPP) pour améliorer le fonctionnement et l’efficacité des directives sur les marchés publics. = Consideration of the utility of public-private partnerships (PPP) to improve the functioning and effectiveness of directives on public procurement. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp. 28-32. pp. 28-32.

Demmke, Christopher. (2006) Governmental, Organisational and Individual Performance. Performance Myths, Performance "Hype" and Real Performance. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp.4-11. pp. 4-11.

Duke, Simon. (2006) Areas of Grey: Tensions in EU External Relations Competences. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp. 20-26. pp. 20-26.

Nicolaides, Phedon and Oberg, Helen. (2006) The Compliance Problem in the European Union. EIPAScope 2006(1):pp. 12-18. pp. 12-18.


Emerson, Michael and Hollis, Rosemary and Naumkin, Vitaly and Riedel, Bruce. (2007) Between Baghdad, Tehran, Riyadh and Jerusalem: Is there a way for the Greater Middle East? ESF Working Papers No. 26, 25 July 2007. p. 22.

February 2007

Alfé, Manuela. (2007) When the Linkage of Issues is a Weapon: The EP and the New Financial Regulation. EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-6.

Heichlinger, Alexander and Comellas, Núria Suero. (2007) Matching the Also Assessment Model with the New European Territorial Cooperation Objective 2007-2013. EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-7.

Pelkmans, Jacques. (2007) The Internal Services Market: Between Economics and Political Economy. EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-8.

Rentrop, Timm. (2007) The Services Directive: What is Actually New? EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-6.

March 2007

Allam, Miriam. (2007) Reward the Winners, Punish the Losers? Performance Budgeting Reconsidered. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-6.

Demmke, Christoph and Henökl, Thomas. (2007) Managing Conflicts of Interests – Ethics Rules and Standards in the Member States and the European Institutions. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-7.

Hessel, Roger. (2007) Vocational Training for All Ages: How to Improve the Competences and Skills of the European Workforce. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-6.

Kaeding, Michael. (2007) Active Transposition of EU Legislation. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-8.

Kyrieri, Katerina-Marina. (2007) Demographic Changes, Immigration Policy and Development in the European Union. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-6.

Lopriore, Marco. (2007) Les nouvelles priorités du Fonds social européen (2007-2013) en matière de renforcement des capacités des administrations publiques et des partenaires sociaux. = The new priorities of the European Social Fund (2007-2013) in strengthening the capacity of government and social partners. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-8.

Smail, Robin. (2007) Good Practice for Implementing Structural Funds Programmes and Projects. EIPAScope, 2007 (3). pp. 1-7.

January 2008

Duke, Simon. (2008) The Lisbon Treaty and External Relations. EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-6.

Best, Edward. (2008) From Rome to Lisbon: Really the End of the Road? EIPASCOPE Journal Articles, January 2008. EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-2.

Best, Edward. (2008) The Lisbon Treaty: A Qualified Advance for EU Decision-Making and Governance. EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-6.

Christiansen, Thomas. (2008) The EU Treaty Reform Process since 2000: The Highs and Lows of Constitutionalising the European Union. EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-6.

Donnelly, Brendan. (2008) Justice and Home Affairs in the Lisbon Treaty: A Constitutionalising Clarification? European Institute of Public Administration, 2008 (1). pp. 1-5.

Piedrafita, Sonia. (2008) The Treaty of Lisbon: New Signals for Future Enlargements? EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-6.

Tekin, Funda and Wessels, Wolfgang. (2008) Flexibility within the Lisbon Treaty: Trademark or Empty Promise? EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-7.

February 2008

Baliu, Mercè Kirchner. (2008) Better Regulation for EU Regions: A Reflection on the Impacts of EU Regulations on the Regions. EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-5.

Best, Edward. (2008) Alternative Methods and EU Policy-Making: What Does “Co-Regulation” Really Mean? EIPAScope, 2008 (2). p. 6.

Hardacre, Alan. (2008) Better Regulation – What is at Stake? EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-6.

Kaeding, Michael. (2008) Se perdre dans les détails ou aller de l’avant? La transposition en droit national des directives européennes en matière de transports en France, en Allemagne, en Grèce, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni. = Getting lost in the details or moving forward? The transposition into national law of European directives in the field of transport in France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom. EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-6.

Robertson, Craig. (2008) Impact Assessment in the European Union. EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-4.

March 2008

Boniface, Jérôme and Wesseling, Mara. (2008) La politique de voisinage face au délicat dilemme de la mobilité. = The European Neighborhood Policy facing the difficult dilemma of mobility. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-6.

Hercog, Metka. (2008) The Role of the State in Attracting Highly-skilled Migrants: The Case of the Netherlands. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-6.

Kyrieri, Katerina-Marina. (2008) Europe’s Policy Options for Fighting the Illegal Employment of Migrant Workers. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-9.

Laitinen, Ilkka. (2008) Frontex: An Inside View. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-4.

Muysken, Joan. (2008) Immigration Can Alleviate the Ageing Problem. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-4.


Allam, Miriam and Gadzinowski, Damian. (2009) Combating the financing of terrorism: EU policies, polity and politics. EIPAScope, 2009 (2). pp. 37-43.

Allam, Miriam. (2009) The Adoption of the Euro in the New EU Member States: Repercussions of the Financial Crisis. EIPAScope, 2009 (1). pp. 27-34.

Burnett, Michael. (2009) Using competitive dialogue in EU public procurement-Early trends and future developments. EIPAScope, 2009 (2). pp. 17-23.

Christiansen, Thomas and Polak, Josine. (2009) Comitology between Political Decision-Making and Technocratic Governance: Regulating GMOs in the European Union. EIPAScope, 2009 (1). p. 7.

Hardacre, Alan and Damen, Mario. (2009) The European Parliament and Comitology: PRAC in Practice. EIPAScope, 2009 (1). pp. 13-18.

Jans, Theo and Piedrafita, Sonia. (2009) The Role of National Parliaments in European Decision-Making. EIPAScope, 2009 (1). pp. 19-26.

Kekelekis, Mihalis. (2009) The European Competition Network (ECN): It Does Actually Work Well. EIPAScope, 2009 (1). pp. 35-39.

Lopriore, Marco. (2009) Supporting enterprise development and SME in Europe. EIPAScope, 2009 (2). pp. 31-36.

Spinaci, Gianluca and Vara-Arribas, Gracia. (2009) The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC): New Spaces and Contracts for European Integration. EIPAScope, 2009 (2). pp. 5-13.


Archmann, Sylvia and Castillo Iglesias, Just. (2010) eGovernment: A Driving Force for Innovation and Efficiency in Public Administration. EIPAScope, 2010 (1). pp. 29-36.

Demmke., Cristoph (2010) Civil services in the EU of 27 - reform outcomes and the future of the civil service. EIPAScope, 2010 (2). ISSN 1025-6253

Kaeding, Michael and Hurka., Steffen (2010) Where are the MEPs from the accession countries? Rapporteurship assignments in the European Parliament after enlargement. EIPAScope, 2010 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1025-6253

Kuperus, Herma and Rode, Anita. (2010) Latest Trends in Top Public Management in the European Union. EIPAScope, 2010 (1). pp. 37-43.

Kuperus, Herma and Rode, Anita. (2010) More Efficient Civil Services in Times of Economic Recession and Beyond: Can a Flexicurity Approach Help? EIPAScope, 2010 (1). pp. 15-22.

Malterud, Tore Chr. and Heichlinger, Alexander. (2010) Taking the Pulse of Public Administrations in Europe: Outcome of the European Public Sector Award 2009. EIPAScope, 2010 (1). pp. 5-7.

Smail., Robin (2010) The response of cohesion policy to the economic crisis. EIPAScope, 2010 (2). ISSN 1025-6253

Staes, Patrick and Thijs, Nick. and Stoffels, Ann and Heidler., Lena (2010) "10 years of CAF" - more than 2000 CAF users. EIPAScope, 2010 (2). ISSN 1025-6253

Thijs, Nick and Staes, Patrick. (2010) From Self-Assessment to External Feedback: The CAF External Feedback: Labelling Effective CAF Users. EIPAScope, 2010 (1). pp. 9-14.

van Dooren, Wouter and Thijs., Nick (2010) Paradoxes of improving performance management (sytems) in public administration. EIPAScope, 2010 (2). ISSN 1025-6253

January 2011

Archmann, Sylvia and Guiiffart, Astrid (2011) Engaging Citizens: How can Public Institutions Take Advantage of ICT for More Inclusion? EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 21-24. ISSN 1025-6253

Augustyn, Maja and Monda, Cosimo (2011) Transparency and Access to Documents in the EU: Ten Years on from the Adoption of Regulation 1049/2001. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 17-20. ISSN 1025-6253

Best, Edward and Lambermont, Frank (2011) Citizen Involvement in EU Policies: Impossible Dream or Work in Progress? EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1025-6253

Beuter, Rita. (2011) European Public Procurement: Time for Reform? EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 37-40. ISSN 1025-6253

Christophersen, Henning and Prohl, Marga and Duke, Simon (2011) EIPA at 30 - Introduction. EIPAscope 1/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 1025-6253

Courtier, Aurélie (2011) The Challenge of Public Diplomacy for the European External Action Service. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 69-76. ISSN 1025-6253

Duke, Simon (2011) Managing Change in External Relations: The EU's Window of Opportunity. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 63-67. ISSN 1025-6253

Hardacre, Alan and Kaeding, Michael (2011) Delegated and Implementing Acts: The New Worlds of Comitology - Implications for European and National Public Administrations. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 29-32. ISSN 1025-6253

Kajnč, Sabina and Guggenbühl, Alain and Lavadoux, Frank (2011) Coping with Multiple Presidencies in the EU: Challenges for National Administrations. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 25-28. ISSN 1025-6253

Koeth, Wolfgang (2011) The Continuous Challenge of Enlargement. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 59-62. ISSN 1025-6253

Kramer, Tomasz (2011) The Reform of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) Selection Procedures: the First Lessons Learned. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). p. 36. ISSN 1025-6253

Kyrieri, Katerina-Marina. (2011) The Role of Public Services in Promoting Migrant Integration in Europe. EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 53-57. ISSN 1025-6253

Long, Nadja (2011) Towards a European Criminal Law Code? EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 49-52. ISSN 1025-6253

Nicolaides, Phedon (2011) The Internal EU Market: How Public Administrations can do better. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 41-44. ISSN 1025-6253

Rusu, Ioana Eleonora and Kekelekis, Mihalis. (2011) The Implications of the Europe 2020 Strategy for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). EIPAscope 01/2011. EIPAScope, 2011 (1). pp. 45-47. ISSN 1025-6253


Arribas, Gracia Vara and Bourdin, Delphine (2012) What Does the Lisbon Treaty Change Regarding Subsidiarity within the EU Institutional Framework? EIPAScope, 2012 (2). pp. 13-17. ISSN 1025-6253

Domaradzka, Alina (2012) The Revision of the Insurance Mediation Rules at EU Level and its Impact on Consumer Protection. EIPAScope, 2012 (2). pp. 19-24. ISSN 1025-6253

Duke, Simon (2012) The Euro Crisis, the Other Crisis and the Need for Global Thinking. EIPAScope, 2012 (2). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1025-6253

Duke, Simon (2012) Now We Are One...A Rough Start for the EEAS. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 25-29. ISSN 1025-6253

Kaeding, Michael. and Obholzer, Lukas (2012) Pulling the Strings: Party Group Coordinators in the European Parliament. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 13-18. ISSN 1025-6253

Koeth, Wolfgang (2012) La Bosnie, le Kosovo et l’UE: une adhésion est-elle possible en l’absence d’une pleine souveraineté? = Bosnia, Kosovo and the EU: Is Accession Possible without Full Sovereignty? EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1025-6253

Koeth,, Wolfgang (2012) Bosnia, Kosovo and the EU: Is Accession Possible without Full Sovereignty? EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 31-36. ISSN 1025-6253

Kyrieri,, Katerina-Marina and Roidou,, Eleni (2012) Satisfying Labour Demands in Mid- and Low-Skilled Occupations through Immigration. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 1025-6253

Lambermont, Frank (2012) The Member States’ Initiatives: An Inter-Institutional Turf War after the Treaty of Lisbon. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 19-23. ISSN 1025-6253

Lopriore,, Marco and Pati,, Diana (2012) Microcredit and EU Cohesion Policy. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 43-47. ISSN 1025-6253

Nicolaides, Phedon. (2012) Administrative Capacity for Effective Implementation of EU Law. EIPAScope, 2012 (1). pp. 5-11. ISSN 1025-6253

Stroß,, Simon (2012) Programming EU External Action Post-Lisbon: New Opportunities or Business as Usual? EIPAScope, 2012 (2). pp. 25-29. ISSN 1025-6253

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