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Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > employment/labour market > employment/unemployment"

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Number of items at this level: 285.

Dhéret, Claire (2014) Opportunities and challenges in the area of employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility. EPC Commentary, 30 September 2014. [Policy Paper]

Ferrara, Maria Dolores (2013) La Direttiva 2008/104/CE relativa al lavoro tramite agenzia interinale: aspetti problematici e modelli di implementazione = Directive 2008/104/EC relating to temporary agency work: problematic aspects and implementation models. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 101/2013. [Working Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano (2013) Cittadinanza, lavoro e diritti sociali nella crisi europea = Citizenship, work and social rights in the European crisis. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 100/2013. [Working Paper]


Aguilera, Ruth and Dabu, Adina. (2003) The Transformation of Employment Relations Systems in Central and Eastern Europe. University of Illinois EUC Working Paper, Vol. 3, No. 2. [Working Paper]

Ahearne, Alan and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Sapir, Andre and Veron, Nicolas. (2006) The EU and the Governance of Globalisation. Bruegel Working Papers, 2006/02, September 2006. [Working Paper]

Ahn, Namkee and García, Juan Ramón and Jimeno, Juan F. (2004) The Impact of Unemployment on Individual Well-Being in the EU. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 29, 1 July 2004. [Working Paper]

Ahonen, Pertti (2001) Soft Governance, Agile Union? Analysis of the Extensions of Open Coordination in 2000. EIPA Paper: 18.IV-2001. [Working Paper]

Albi, Pasqualino (2012) Il licenziamento individuale per giustificato motivo oggettivo dopo la riforma Monti-Fornero = Individual dismissal for justified objective reason after the Monti-Fornero reform. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 160/2012. [Policy Paper]

Ales, Edoardo and Passalacqua , Pasquale (2012) La fornitura di lavoro portuale temporaneo = The provision of temporary port work. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 142/2012. [Working Paper]

Alessi, Cristina (2013) Le modifiche in tema di lavoro a termine nel “decreto lavoro”: alcune osservazioni in tema di “acausalità” e proroga del contratto = The changes in the term work term in the "work decree": some observations on the subject of "acausality" and extension of the contract. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 188/2013. [Policy Paper]

Alexiou, Constantine (2000) "Effective Demand and Unemployment. The European Case: Evidence from Thirteen Countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Alexiou, Constantinos. (2002) Effective Demand and Unemployment. The European Case: Evidence from 13 Countries. In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Alho, Kari E. O. (2008) Tax/Benefit Policies and Growth Potential of the EU. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 55, 23 May 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki. (2005) Impact of Public R&D Financing on Employment. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 39, August 2005. [Working Paper]

Aliu, Armando (2013) The Theory of Interhybridity: Socio-political Dimensions and Migration Experiences of Post-communist Western Balkan States. Munich Personal RePEc Archive. pp. 1-45.

Anderton, Bob and Brenton, Paul and Oscarsson, Eva. (2002) Outsourcing and Inequality. CEPS Working Document No. 187, October 2002. [Working Paper]

Andrea, Beccarini and Daniel, Gros (2008) At what cost price stability? New Evidence about the Phillips Curve in Europe and the United States. CEPS Working Document No. 302/September 2008. [Working Paper]

Antoni, Manfred and Jahn, Elke J (2007) Do Changes in Regulation Affect Employment Duration in Temporary Work Agencies? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 07.1, 2007. [Working Paper]

Ardy, Brian and Begg, Iain. (2001) "The European employment strategy: Policy integration by the back-door?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Ardy, Brian. (2003) "Germany and the UK and the European employment strategy: Polar extremes and polar outcomes?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Arnold, Christine U. (2001) "The European employment strategy: Composite factors leading to its evolution". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Aspinwall, Mark (2000) "Moveable feast: modeling social dumping". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Aspinwall, Mark. (1995) "Moveable Feast: Modeling Social Dumping". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Attard, Christian. (2005) Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Malta - The Employment Framework Directive and Beyond. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Attard, Grace and Bingley, Doris. (2005) Gender Equality in Employment in the EU and Malta: An Overview by the National Council of Women. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Avlijas, Sonja (2016) Vicious and virtuous cycles of female labour force participation in post-socialist Eastern Europe. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 119/2016 November 2016. [Discussion Paper]


Bachmann, Ronald and Cim, Merve and Green, Colin (2018) Long-run Patterns of Labour Market Polarisation: Evidence from German Micro Data. UNSPECIFIED.

Baker, Dean, and Glyn, Andrew, and Howell, David, and Schmitt, John. (2003) Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment: A Critical Assessment of the Cross-Country Evidence, CES Working Paper, no. 98, 2003. [Working Paper]

Barnard, Catherine. (1999) “Social Dumping Revisited: Some Lessons from Delaware?”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Barnes, P. M. (1999) “The Treaty Versus the Ideal World: Employment and the Environment”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Barrett, Alan and Goggin, Jean (2009) Returning to the Question of a Wage Premium for Returning Migrants. ESRI WP337. February 2010. [Working Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias (2013) Time to move north? CEPS Commentary, 27 May 2013. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Gros, Daniel. (2013) Unemployment is the scourge, not youth unemployment per se. The misguided policy preoccupation with youth. CEPS Policy Brief No. 294, 26 June 2013. [Policy Paper]

Bartolo, Romina. (2005) Participation of Women in Employment in Malta - The Position of the UHM. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Beblavy, Miroslav (2020) Protecting employment in the time of coronavirus: What is the EU’s €100 billion going to buy? CEPS Policy Contribution 09 Apr 2020. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav (2020) Protecting employment in the time of coronavirus: What is the EU’s €100 billion going to buy? CEPS Policy Insights No 2020-08 / April 2020. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria (2014) Many worlds of the ‘low-skilled’, but only one generic policy. CEPS Policy Brief No. 312, 10 January 2014. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria (2014) Time for some shock (absorption): Reinsurance of national unemployment insurance should be a Commission priority. CEPS Commentary, 1 October 2014. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria (2014) An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area: A simulation exercise of two options. CEPS Special Report No. 98/December 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

Begg, Iain and Erhel, Christine and Mortensen, Jorgen. (2010) Medium-term Employment Challenges. CEPS Special Report, January 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Behrens, Arno and Coulie, Caroline and Genoese, Fabio and Alessi, Monica and Wieczorkiewicz, Julian and Egenhofer, Christian (2014) Impact of the Decarbonisation of the Energy System on Employment in Europe. CEPS Special Report No. 82, February 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

Behrens, Arno and Coulie, Caroline and Teusch, Jonas (2014) The Potential Evolution of the European Energy System to 2020 and 2050. CEPS Working Document No. 392, 26 March 2014. [Working Paper]

Belke, Ansgar and Fehn, Rainer. (2000) Institutions and Structural Unemployment: Do Capital Market Imperfections Matter? CEPS Working Document No. 158, November 2000. [Working Paper]

Bonefeld, Werner. (1999) “British Experience: Monetarism Hiding Behind Europe”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Borg, Roselyn. (2005) Gender Equality - Some Proposals by The Malta Employers Association. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Bouvet, Florence. (2009) The Beveridge Curve in Europe: New evidence using national and regional data. [Conference Proceedings]

Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) Home ownership, labour markets and the economic crisis. ECRI Commentary No. 14, 15 June 2015. [Working Paper]

Boyle, Nigel (2009) The Malleable Politics of Activation Reform: the ‘Hartz’ Reforms in Comparative Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boyle, Nigel. (2003) "Employment programs in Ireland 1987-1999: National, sub-national and supra -national governance in a globalized political economy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Brincat, Matthew. (2005) Age Discrimination - Some Current Issues. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Brincat, Matthew. (2005) Gender in Employment Under Maltese Law - A Legal Practitioner's Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

Brunet, Ferran. (2007) "The New European Economic Policy: An Analysis of its Development, Performance, and Limitations". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès and Ragot, Xavier and Wolff, Guntram B. (2016) Which fiscal union for the euro area? Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2016/05, February 2016. [Policy Paper]


Cameron, David (1997) European Economic and Monetary Union: Transitional Issues and Third-Stage Dilemmas. European Policy Papers #4. [Policy Paper]

Cameron, David. (1997) "Economic and monetary union: Transitional issues and third-stage dilemmas". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Cardiff EDC, . (2013) Information Guide: Employment Policy. UNSPECIFIED.

Carinci, Maria Teresa (2018) La Corte costituzionale n. 194/2018 ridisegna le tutele economiche per il licenziamento individuale ingiustificato nel “Jobs Act”, e oltre = The Constitutional Court n. 194/2018 redesigns the economic protections for unjustified individual dismissal in the "Jobs Act", and beyond. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 378/2018. [Working Paper]

Caune, Hélène (2015) Portuguese Employment Policy in Times of Crisis: The Increasing Polarisation of Portuguese Trade Unions. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Chabanet, Didier. (2001) "The European marches against unemployment, insecurity and exclusion". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Chang, Michele and De Souza, Eric and Gstöhl, Sieglinde and Hanf, Dominik (2007) Papers prepared for the Colloquium "Working for Europe: Perspectives on the EU 50 Years after the Treaties of Rome". [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Cipollone, Angela and Patacchini, Eleonora and Vallanti, Giovanni (2012) Women's Labour Market Performance in Europe: Trends and Shaping Factors. CEPS Special Report, September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Claeys, Grégory and Darvas, Zsolt and Wolff, Guntram B. (2014) Benefits and drawbacks of European Unemployment Insurance. Bruegel Policy Brief 2014/06, September 2014. [Policy Paper]

Collignon, Stefan. (2006) Natural Unemployment, the Role of Monetary Policy and Wage Bargaining: A Theoretical Perspective. CES Working Paper, no. 133, 2006. [Working Paper]

Contreras, Nicolas and Marttellucci, Elisa and Thum, Anna-Elisabeth. (2013) Extending working life in Belgium. CEPS Working Document No. 386, 22 November 2013. [Working Paper]

Copeland, Paul and ter Haar, Beryl (2011) The (In)Effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy. [Conference Proceedings]

Coppola, Paolo (2014) I recenti interventi legislativi sul contratto a termine. A forte rischio la tenuta eurounitaria del sistema interno = Recent legislative interventions on the futures contract. The internal unity of the internal system is at high risk. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 198/2014. [Policy Paper]

Cowen, M.P. and Shenton, R.W. (1999) Community in Europe: A Historical Lexicon. IHS Political Science Series 59, January 1999. [Working Paper]

Cram, Laura. (1993) "Breaking down the monolith: The European Commission as a multi-organisation: EC policy-making in the social policy and IT sectors". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Crespo, Eduardo and Serrano Pascual, A. (2004) "The EU’s concept of activation for young people: towards a new social contract?". UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Cristina, Alessi (2012) Il lavoro a termine nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia [Jurisprudence in the Court of Justice]. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 93/2012. [Working Paper]


D'Antona, Massimo (2002) The Right to Work in the Italian Constitution and in Community Law. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 1/2002. [Working Paper]

Da Silva Lopes, Jose. (2003) The Role of the State in the Labour Market: Its Impact on Employment and Wages In Portugal as Compared with Spain. CES Working Paper, no. 90, 2003. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Mike and Smyth, Emer (2007) Managing Term-Time Employment and Study in Ireland. ESRI WP185. March 2007. [Working Paper]

Darvas, Zolt (2012) Compositional effects on productivity, labour cost and export adjustments. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/11, June 2012. [Policy Paper]

De Angelis , Nicoletta (2019) Le conseguenze del recesso nel contratto di apprendistato. Quando l’interprete deve colmare il vuoto di disciplina = The consequences of withdrawal in the apprenticeship contract. When the interpreter must fill the gap of discipline. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 390/2019. [Working Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Kilhoffer, Zachary and Lenaerts, Karolien and Felten, Elias (2018) Digital Age. Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work. National context analysis: Austria. CEPS Special Report, 2 July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Maselli, Ilaria (2016) The Impact of the Collaborative Economy on the Labour Market. CEPS Special Report No. 138, June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

De Luca, Michele (2014) Diritti di lavoratori flessibili, anche alle dipendenze di amministrazioni pubbliche: patrimonio costituzionale comune versus declino delle garanzie = Rights of flexible workers, also employed by public administrations: common constitutional heritage versus decline of guarantees. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 211/2014. [Policy Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2013) Reclamo contro la sentenza di primo grado nel procedimento specifico in materia di licenziamenti (articolo 1, commi 58 ss, legge n. 92 del 2012): natura, forma e filtro dell’appello = Complaint against the first instance sentence in the specific layoff procedure (article 1, paragraphs 58 et seq., Law no. 92 of 2012): nature, form and filter of the appeal. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 194/2013. [Policy Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2013) Riforma della tutela reale contro il licenziamento illegittimo e rapporto di lavoro privatizzato alle dipendenze di amministrazioni pubbliche: problemi e prospettive di coordinamento = Reform of royal protection against illegitimate dismissal and privatized employment relationship with public administrations: problems and prospects for coordination. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 178/2013. [Policy Paper]

De Lucca, Jean-Paul. (2005) Young People and Workplace Discrimination. In: UNSPECIFIED, Msida, Malta. (Unpublished)

De Stephano, Valerio (2013) A tale of oversimplification and deregulation: the mainstream approach to labour market segmentation and the recent responses to the crisis in European countries. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 102/2013. [Working Paper]

Dhyne, Emmanuel and Druant, Martine. (2010) Wages, labor or prices: How do firms react to shocks? National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 193, July 2010. [Working Paper]

Dhéret, Claire and Ghimi, Andreia (2016) The revision of the Posted Workers Directive: towards a sufficient policy adjustment? EPC Discussion Paper, 20 April 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Dhéret, Claire and Guagliardo, Simona and Palimariciuc, Mihai (2019) The future of work: Towards a progressive agenda for all. EPC Issue Paper 9 DECEMBER 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Dolls, Mathias (2018) An Unemployment Re-Insurance Scheme for the Eurozone? Stabilizing and Redistributive Effects: Summary of the study. UNSPECIFIED.

Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire and McTague, Alyvia and O'Malley, Seamus and Regan, Mark and Roantree, Barra and Tuda, Dora (2020) Distributional impact of tax and welfare policies: COVID-related policies and Budget 2021. ESRI QEC Special Article December 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Douven, R.C.M.H. (2002) Equilibrium Rates and Wage Flexibility in Europe. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 10, August 2002. [Working Paper]

Drake, Helen. (1995) "The Commission Presidency of Jacques Delors: A Study in Political Leadership". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Dubois, Vincent. (2009) Europeanisation through elective affinities: Active social policy model and national control policies of the unemployed. GSPE Working Paper 05/05/2009. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Duke, Simon (1998) Accessing The UK Presidency: A Second Pillar Perspective. EIPA Working Paper: 98/W/04. [Working Paper]

Dullien, Sebastian. (2003) Is Small Really Beautiful? Explaining Different Unemployment Performances within the Euro-Zone. European Political Economic Review, 1 (2). pp. 126-151.

Dullien, Sebastien (2002) Is Small Really Beautiful? Explaining Different Performances in Battling Unemployment within EMU. In: UNSPECIFIED, Florence, Italy.

Dunn, Jr., Robert M. (2008) Inflation and Unemployment In EMU and the United States. ACES Working Papers No. 10, 2008. [Working Paper]

de Angelis, Luigi (2016) Responsabilità solidale nell’appalto e processo = Joint and social liability in the contract and process. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 314/2016. [Policy Paper]

de Crombrugghe, Alain and de Walque., Gregory (2011) Wage and employment effects of a wage norm: the Polish transition experience. NBB Working Paper No. 209, February 2011. [Working Paper]

de Salvia, Azzurra (2012) l bilanciamento tra le libertà economiche e i diritti sociali collettivi operato dalla Corte di Giustizia è un contemperamento tra diritti equiordinati?* = The balance between economic freedoms and collective social rights and actions; Court of Justice is a choice between rights equiordinati? Actions by the Court of Justice. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 98/2012. [Working Paper]

du Caju, Philip and Katay, Gabor and Lamo, Ana and Nicolitsas, Daphne and Poelhekke, Steven. (2010) Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: What do cross-country time-varying data add to the picture? National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 189, April 2010. [Working Paper]


Ederveen, Sjef and Thissen, Laura. (2004) Can Labour Market Institutions Explain Unemployment Rates in New EU Member States?. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 27, 1 July 2004. [Working Paper]

Ederveen, Sjef and van der Horst, Albert and Tang, Paul. (2005) Is the European Economy a Patient and the Union its Doctor? On Jobs and Growth in Europe. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 35, 1 April 2005. [Working Paper]

Egenhofer, Christian and van Schaik, Louise and Kaeding, Michael and Hudson, Alan and Núñez Ferrer, Jorge and Carrera, Sergio and Chou, Meng-Hsuan and Kernohan, David and Schneider, Andreas and Schrefler, Lorna and Vahl, Marius (2006) Policy Coherence for Development in the EU Council: Strategies for the Way Forward. CEPS Paperbacks. July 2006. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290796537

Eichhorst, Werner and Rhein, Thomas. (2005) "The European Employment Strategy and Welfare State Reform: The Case of Increased Labour Market Participation of Older Workers". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Einhorn, Eric S., and Logue, John. (2007) The Scandinavian Reform Model and the European Union. The Lisbon Agenda and the Scandinavian model(s)? In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman and Ibsen, Christian Lyhne and Larsen, Anton Grau (2019) THE ROLE OF CROSS-CLASS ALLIANCES AND ELITES IN COORDINATED EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN DENMARK. CES Open Forum Series 2018-2019, September 4, 2018. [Working Paper]

Erdem, Esra (2000) Minority employment patterns in the 1990s Germany. In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Erhel, Christine and Guergoat-Lariviere, Mathilde. (2010) Job quality and labour market performance. CEPS Working Document No. 330, June 2010. [Working Paper]


Fabo, Brian and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) Are student workers a threat or a solution? CEPS Commentary, 14 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fabo, Brian and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) Students in Work and their Impact on the Labour Market. CEPS Working Document No. 410/July 2015. [Working Paper]

Featherstone, Kevin and Papadimitriou, Dimitris. (2003) "When do prisoners escape? The limits of consensus-building and labour marker reform in Greece". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Fehn, Rainer and Belke, Ansgar (2000) Institutions and Structural Unemployment: Do Capital-Market Imperfections Matter? CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.8, December 2000. [Working Paper]

Felfe, Christina (2006) The Child Penalty – A Compensating Wage Differential? ENEPRI Research Reports No. 22, 22 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Ferrante , Vincenzo (2017) Economia “informale” e politiche del lavoro: un nuovo inizio? = "Informal" economy and labor policies: a new beginning? WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 337/2017. [Policy Paper]

Ferraro, Giuseppe (2002) Sviluppo e occupazione tra europeismo e localismi = Development and employment between Europeanization and Localism. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 5/2002. [Working Paper]

Ferrer, Jorge Núñez and Egenhofer, Christian. (2014) Cities: The Juncker Commission should not miss this key to growth, jobs and the environment. CEPS Commentary, 3 October 2014. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Garcia Schmidt, Armando and Hierlemann, Dominik and Vehrkamp, Robert. (2010) spotlight europe 2010/02, Enero 2010: Lisboa, la segunda.= Lisbon, a second shot. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Garcia Schmidt, Armando and Hierlemann, Dominik and Vehrkamp, Robert. (2010) spotlight europe 2010/02, Februar 2010: Lissabon, die Zweite. = Lisbon: a second shot. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Garcia Schmidt, Armando and Hierlemann, Dominik and Vehrkamp, Robert. (2010) spotlight europe 2010/02, February 2010: Lisbon - A Second Shot. [Policy Paper]


Gargiulo, Umberto (2014) Il licenziamento “economico” alla luce del novellato articolo 18 = The "economic" dismissal in light of the new article 18. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 203/2014. [Policy Paper]

Gash, Vanessa and Plagnol, Anke C. (2019) The Partner Pay Gap – Associations between Spouses’ Relative Earnings and Life Satisfaction among Couples in the UK. ESRI WP642, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Geary, R.C. (1977) The Future of Jobs in Ireland. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 120 1977. [Policy Paper]

Geary, R.C. (1978) Relation Between Lack of Education, Unemployment and Age Amongst Males. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 129 1978. [Policy Paper]

Geary, R.C. (1978) Remarks by R.C. Geary at the Assembly of the Youth Council of Ireland, at Kilkea Castle Hotel. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 131 1978. [Policy Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra and O'Toole, Conor and O'Connell, Brian (2013) Transitions In and Out of Unemployment Among Young People in the Irish Recession. ESRI WP467. September 2013. [Working Paper]

Giancarlo, Ricci (2011) La costruzione giuridica del modello sociale europeo (con una postilla sul MSE al tempo della crisi globale) [The legal construction of the European social model (with a note on the MSE at the time of the global crisis)]. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 88/2011. [Working Paper]

Gornick, Janet C., and Meyers, Marcia K. (2002) Building the Dual Earner/Dual Career Society: Policy Developments in Europe, CES Working Paper, no. 82, 2002. [Working Paper]

Goyer, Michel and Glatzer, Miguel and Valdivielso del Real, Rocio (2015) Asymmetric Governance and the Transformation of Employment Relations in the Eurozone: The Contingent Influence of the Ideas of Policy-Makers. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Grauwe, Paul De. (2009) Flexibility is out: now we see rigidity’s virtues. CEPS Commentaries, 23 February 2009. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel (2013) Combating Youth Unemployment: The latest European fad? CEPS Commentary, 14 June 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel (2012) Europe's recurrent employment problems. CEPS Policy Brief No. 271, May 2012. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Roth, Felix (2012) The Europe 2020 Strategy: Can it maintain the EU’s competitiveness in the world? CEPS Paperbacks. September 2012. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-124-8

Gros, Daniel and Roth, Felix. (2008) The Post-2010 Lisbon Process: The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness. CEPS Working Document No. 308, December 2008. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2008) Decoupling: Can Europe avoid a recession?. CEPS Commentaries, 23 January 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2006) Employment and Competitiveness: The Key Role of Education. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 93, 1 February 2006. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2016) The Stabilisation Properties of a European Unemployment Benefits Scheme. CEPS Commentary September 2016. [Policy Paper]

Groshenny, Nicolas. (2009) Evaluating a monetary business cycle model with unemployment for the euro area. NBB Working Paper 173, July 2009. [Working Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio (2012) Labor migration and unemployment: what can we learn from EU rules on the free movement of workers? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 46, 7 February 2012. [Policy Paper]


Haan, Peter and Myck, Michal. (2006) Apply with Caution: Introducing UK-Style In-Work Support in Germany. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 24, 9 October 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Hansson, Par. (2001) Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals in the 1990s, CEPS Working Documents. [Working Paper]

Harendt, Christoph and Heinemann, Friedrich (2017) “Building Resilience” A comparison of eight OECD countries. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|12. UNSPECIFIED.

Hartwig, Ines (2002) Incremental Synergies or Growing Fragmentation between the Luxembourg Process and EU Cohesion Policy? EIPA Working Paper: 2002/W/1. [Working Paper]

Hartwig, Ines. (2002) La mise en œuvre à double voie de la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi: un monstre de papier après l’élargissement? = Instituting a double path in the European strategy for employment: a paper monster after enlargement? EIPASCOPE, 2002 (2). pp. 1-6.

Hartwig, Ines. (2003) "Path dependency in employment policy? Comparing EU and U.S. experiences". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Head, Keith and Mayer, Thierry (2005) Regional Wage and Employment Responses to Market Potential in the EU. Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 3/November 2005. [Policy Paper]

Hessel, Roger. (2003) Defusing the Employment Time Bomb: Increasing Employment Rates - A Key Policy Measure for Maintaining Sustainable Pension in Europe. EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 31-36.

Horst, Albert van der. (2003) Structural Estimates of Equilibrium Unemployment in Six OECD Economies. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 22, July 2003. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard and Nolan, Brian (1996) Segmented Labour Markets and Earnings in Ireland. ESRI WP75. April 1996. [Working Paper]

Hunt, Jo. (1997) "The Court of Justice as a policy actor in the development of the EC labour law regime: The case of the Acquired Rights Directive". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)


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