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Number of items at this level: 619.


Simpson, David (1966) Prices and Economic Planning. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 38 1966(?). [Policy Paper]


Black, William and Jefferson, Clifford W. (1974) Regional Employment Patterns in Northern Ireland. General Research Series Paper No. 73, January 1974. UNSPECIFIED.


UNSPECIFIED (1989) Press Release. Enterprise policy. New European Information Centres for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises to open in the UK. ISEC/10/89, 31 May 1989. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


Andrews, David M. (1991) "British accession to the exchange rate mechanism: the politics of the strong currency option". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Gaffney, John (1991) "Labour Party Attitudes and Policy Towards Europe: Socialism, Nationalism, and British Political Culture". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, VA. (Unpublished)

George, Stephen. (1991) "British Policy in the European Community: The Commitment to Globalism". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Golino, Louis. (1991) "Britain and France Face the New European Architecture". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Haynes, Kingsley E. and Dignan, Tony. (1991) "Industrial Development and Capital Grants Policy: European Example". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Hyde, Andrew G. (1991) "The Fiscal Policy Implications of European Economic and Monetary Union and its Implications for Great Britain". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

McDowell, Manfred and Hudson, William E. (1991) "Social Democrats Choose Europe: Comparing the European Policies of the British Labour and French Socialist Parties". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

McDowell, Manfred. (1991) "The British Labour Party and the Politics of EMU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)


Honohan, Patrick (1992) The Link between Irish and UK Unemployment. Special Article in Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 1992. [Working Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon. (1992) The Implications of Maastricht for Japan. EIPAScope 1992(2):pp. 12-13. pp. 12-13.


Cameron, David R. (1993) "British Exit, German Voice, French Loyalty: Defection, Domination, and Cooperation in the 1992-93 ERM Crisis". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

George, Stephen and Haythorne, Deborah. (1993) "The British Labour Party". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Geyer, Robert. (1993) "The end of the anti-Europeans? British industrial relations into the 1990s.". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Lovecy, Jill. (1993) "Regulating Professional Services in the Single European Market: The Cases of Legal and Medical Services in France and the United Kingdom". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)


Allen, David. (1995) "Wider but weaker or the more the merrier: enlargement and foreign policy cooperation in the EC/EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolinla. (Unpublished)

Barkin, Samuel. (1995) "Hegemony without Motivation: Domestic Policy Priorities and the Management of Exchange Rate Stabilization". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Breverton, T.D. (1995) "The Real Costs of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment to the European Union - With Specific Reference to the UK, Belgium and Eire". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Darian-Smith, Eve. (1995) "Country and City in the New Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Ellison, James R.V. (1995) "Explaining British Policy Towards European Integration in the 1950s". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Golub, Jonathan. (1995) "Rethinking the Role of National Courts in European Integration: A Political Study of British Judicial Discretion". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Imig, Doug and Tarrow, Sidney. (1995) "The Europeanization of Movements? First Results from a Time-Series Analysis of European Collective Action, 1985-1993". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Macdonald, Scot and Nielsson, Gunnar. (1995) "Linkages Between the Concepts of 'Subsidiarity' and Sovereignty: The New Debate Over Allocation of Authority in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Neunreither, Karlheinz. (1995) "The European Parliament and Enlargement: 1973 to 2000". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Vivien A. (1995) "Democracy at Risk? The Impact of European Integration on National Patterns of Policy-making". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, SC. (Unpublished)

Sevilla, Christina R. (1995) "Explaining the September 1992 ERM Crisis: The Maastricht Bargain and Domestic Politics in Germany, France and Great Britain". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Verdun, Amy. (1995) "Economic and Monetary Integration in the European Union: The Role of Experts in Creating an 'Asymmetrical EMU'". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Vichcales, Kevin B. (1995) "Britain, the European Union, and the environment". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

July 1995

Çinar, Dilek and Hofinger, Christoph and Waldrauch, Harald (1995) Integrationsindex Zur rechtlichen Integration von AusländerInnen in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern. Inclusion Index to legal integration of foreigners in selected European countries. IHS Political Science Series 25, July 1995. [Policy Paper]


Bache, Ian. (1997) "The extended gatekeeper: Central government and the implementation of EU regional policy in the UK". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Breverton, T.D. (1997) "Effects of the growth of foreign ownership of, and penetration into, UK, Belgian, and Irish economic sectors, 1978-1996". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Brown, M. Leann and Garman, Julie. (1997) "Multi-level and cross-level governance and the implementation and revision of European Union water legislation". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Bussemaker, Jet (1997) Recent Changes in European Welfare State Services: A Comparison of Child Care Politics in the U.K., Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 07.6, 1997. [Working Paper]


Diez, Thomas. (1997) "Governance - a matter of discourse: Discursive nodal points in the British debate over Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Falkner, Gerda. (1997) "Multi-level plus multi-actor: Co-operative governance in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Gray, Victor. (1997) "'A European dilemma’: The myth and reality of citizenship in Northwestern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Haibach, Georg (1997) Comitology after Amsterdam: A Comparative Analysis of the Delegation of Legislative Powers. EIPASCOPE, 1997 (3). pp. 1-7.

Hallerberg, Mark. (1997) "The common pool problem in European Parliaments: The interrelationship of electoral and legislative institutions". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Harmsen, Robert and Anthony, Gordon. (1997) "UK courts and the reception of European Community law". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Haverland, Markus. (1997) "Convergence of national governance under European integration? The case of packaging waste". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Hodess, Robin. (1997) "Legitimizing Europe? News media and the reporting of European Union politics". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew. (1997) "'Overcoming the divide' between comparative politics and international relations approaches to the EC: What role 'post-decisional' politics?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Just, Fleming. (1997) "Agenda-setting and greening of the CAP". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Laursen, Finn. (1997) "The EU ‘neutrals,’ the CFSP and defence policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Loughlin, John and Mathias, Jörg. (1997) "Wales in Europe: Welsh regional actors and European integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Duncan and Pickering, John. (1997) "Corporate responses to European environmental law: The case of the water industry and the drinking water directive". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

McGillivray, Donald. (1997) "Policy networks and EC environmental policy: A case study of the implementation of the drinking water directive in the UK". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

O’Neill, Kate. (1997) "Ecological modernization or regulatory convergence? Recent trends in the environmental policies of EU member states". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Ivor and Braaten, David. (1997) "Implementing social policy: An interdisciplinary study of the implementation of the Works Council Directive in the United Kingdom". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Spirtas, Michael. (1997) "A lukewarm pint: British policy toward European monetary cooperation 1978-1992". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Taggart, Paul. (1997) "The populist politics of Euroscepticism". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Duke, Simon (1998) Accessing The UK Presidency: A Second Pillar Perspective. EIPA Working Paper: 98/W/04. [Working Paper]

Henderson, Doug (1998) The British Presidency of the EU and British European Policy. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 7. [Discussion Paper]

Nicholls, Anthony J. (1998) Die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen: Ein hoffnungsloser Fall? = The German-British relationship: a Hopeless Case? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 16. [Discussion Paper]

O'Donoghue, Cathal and Evans, Martin (1998) Recasting Safety Nets: Reforming Social Assistance in Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. ESRI WP98(?). July 1998. [Working Paper]

July 1998

Majone, Giandomenico. (1998) The Regulatory State and its Legitimacy Problems. IHS Political Science Series No. 56, July 1998. [Working Paper]


Aspinwall, Mark. (1999) "Institutionalized Europhobia: Britain and Monetary Policy Integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Bonefeld, Werner. (1999) “British Experience: Monetarism Hiding Behind Europe”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Carmichael, Laurence. (1999) “Implementing Unity: Economic and Social Cohesion in France and Britain: Two Case Studies”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Carrubba, Clifford and Gabel, Matthew. (1999) “Roll-Call Votes and Party Discipline in the European Parliament: Reconsidering MEP Voting Behavior”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Conant, Lisa. (1999) "Law and Politics in the European Union: The Europeanization of Market Regulation and Its Discontents". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Featherstone, Kevin. (1999) "The British Labour Party from Kinnock to Blair: Europeanism and Europeanization". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Haesly, Richard. (1999) “Types and Levels of European Attachment in Scotland and Wales”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Haverland, Markus. (1999) “National Adaptation to European Integration: The Importance of Institutional Veto Points”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Heery, Edmund. (1999) “Social Movement or Social Partner? Strategies for the Revitalisation of British Trade Unionism”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Huang, David F. (1999) “Structural Funds, Pro-European Opinions, and Turnout in the European Parliament Election: Evidence from the British Election Studies”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Marcussen, Martin and Risse, Thomas. and Engelmann-Martin, Daniela and Knopf, Hans Joachim and Roscher, Klaus. (1999) "Constructing Europe? The Evolution of French, British, and German Nation-State Identities". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Marcussen, Martin. (1999) “The Power of EMU-Ideas: Reforming Central Banks in Great Britain, France, and Sweden”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Milner, Susan. (1999) “Time for a Change? The European Union and the Regulation of Working Time”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Travis, Robin. (1999) “Explaining European Aviation Integration”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Turner, Lowell. (1999) “Revitalizing Labor in the U.S., Britain and Germany: Social Movements and Institutional Change”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Whiteside, Noel. (1999) From Full Employment to Flexibility: Britain and France 1960-1990. CES Working Paper, vol.3, no.3, 1999. [Working Paper]

Wiener, Antje. (1999) “Situating Decisions: The Puzzle of the British ‘No’ to Schengen”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Wihtol De Wenden, Catherine. (1999) "Admission Policies in Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

de Bruijn, Theo. (1999) "Environmental Affairs and European Integration: Comparative Analysis of Changing National Policy Arrangements". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

February 1999

Ruszkowski, Janusz (1999) Geopolitical Model of the Baltic Europe in the Nineties. JMWP No. 22.99, February 1999. [Working Paper]


Aspinwall, Mark (2000) Creating Stability: National Preferences and the Origins of European Monetary System. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.9, December 2000. [Working Paper]

Aspinwall, Mark. (2000) Creating Stability: National Preferences and the Origins of European Monetary System, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, no.00.9, December. [Working Paper]

Mau, Steffen (2000) "Attitudinal cleavages and the welfare state: A comparison between the United Kingdom and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Šlosarčík, Ivo (2000) "Citizenship of the European Union - Impact of Political Culture on Understanding of the Citizenship in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Czech Republic". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.


Maurer, Andreas and Wessels, Wolfgang, eds. (2001) National Parliaments on their Ways to Europe. Losers or Latecomers? Nomos Verlag, p. 521.

Altenstetter, Christa. (2001) "Multi-level implementation networks: The case of medical devices and patient care". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Bollhoff, Dominik (2001) “The new regulatory regime: The institutional design of telecommunications regulation at the national level”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin.

Cannon, Mathew. (2001) "The Patten Report and the light at the end of the tunnel: A comparative study of Anglo-Irish and Anglo-French cross-border policing". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Cavanagh, Michael. (2001) "EU policy-making and policy networks: The impact of EU level policy-making on British and Norwegian offshore health and safety policies". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Charet, Linda S. (2001) "Workplace gender equality and European Union neo-liberalism. In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Coen, David. (2001) "Business-regulator interaction in German and UK telecommunication and energy sectors: A multi-level and multi-institutional study". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Eising, Rainer. (2001) "The access of business associations to the European Commission: French, German, British and EU associations in a multi-level system". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Flickinger, Richard and Rhine, Staci and Bennett, Stephen. (2001) "Changing policies but keeping voters? British parties, the British public and the EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Gavin, Neil T. (2001) "Media coverage of the single currency in Britain: An assessment of television news in the first year of the Euro". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2001) "Negotiating the European economic and monetary union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Hughes, Gerard (2001) PRIVATE PENSIONS AND EQUITY IN IRELAND AND THE U.K. ESRI WP142. October 2001. [Working Paper]

Jordan, Andrew and Wurzel, Rudiger and Zito, Anthony R. and Bruckner, Lars. (2001) "European governance and the transfer of 'new' environmental policy instruments in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Kollman, Kelly. (2001) "Convergence through the back door? The implementation and use of environmental management systems in Germany and the UK". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Lever, Paul and Scotland, Baroness and Kühnhardt, Ludger and Sonntag-Wolgast, Cornelie and Oberndörfer, Dieter and Phillips, Trevor and John, Barbara and Voß, Josef and Öger, Vural and Singh, Gurbux and Csáky, Pál and Meehan, Elizabeth and Fleissner, Peter (2001) Multiculturalism and Ethnic Minorities in Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C87. [Discussion Paper]

Shaw, Kelly B. and Kibitlewski, Joseph. (2001) "Hate, hate groups and hate crimes: Fighting xenophobia in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

March 2001

Stavridis, Stelios (2001) European Security and Defence after Nice. JMWP No. 31.01, March 2001. [Working Paper]

May 2001

Abromeit, Heidrun (2001) Ein Maß für Demokratie: Europäische Demokratien im Vergleich = A Measure for Democracy: European Democracies in Comparison. IHS Political Science Series: 2001, No. 76. [Working Paper]

December 2001

Apap, Joanna. (2001) Shaping Europe’s Migration Policy: New Regimes for the Employment of Third Country Nationals: A Comparison of Strategies in Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK. CEPS Working Document No. 179, December 2001. [Working Paper]


Bache, Ian. (2002) Europeanization: A Governance Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Fairbrass, Jenny. (2002) The Europeanization of Interest Representation: A Strategic Decision-Making Analysis of UK Business and Environmental Interests. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

October 2002

Anderton, Bob and Brenton, Paul and Oscarsson, Eva. (2002) Outsourcing and Inequality. CEPS Working Document No. 187, October 2002. [Working Paper]

Perotti, Roberto. (2002) Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries. CEPS Working Document No. 190, October 2002. [Working Paper]

December 2002

Gros, Daniel and Castelli, Massimiliano and Jimeno, Juan and Mayer , Thomas and Thygesen, Niels (2002) The Euro at 25: Special Report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. CEPS Paperback. December 2002. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290793844


Vara Arribas, Gracia and Kirchner Baliu, Mercè and Heichlinger, Alexander. (2003) Conference Proceedings - Does Devolution Add Value? EPIAScope, 2003 (3). pp. 40-42.

Adamthwaite, Anthony. (2003) "Uneasy partnership: The special relationship and European unity in the 1960s". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Altenstetter, Christa. (2003) "Bridging EU and domestic implementation: A cross-national comparison". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Ardy, Brian. (2003) "Germany and the UK and the European employment strategy: Polar extremes and polar outcomes?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Bache, Ian (2003) "Europeanization: A Governance Approach". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (Unpublished)

Baker, David (2003) "The Shotgun Marriage: Managing Eurosceptical Opinion in British Political Parties 1972-2002". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Buller, Jim. (2003) The Disadvantage of tying One's Hands: The Rise and Fall of the Europeanisation of British Monetary Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Bulmer, Simon and Burch, Martin. (2003) The Europeanization of UK Government: From Quiet Revolution to Explicit Step-Change? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Burch, Martin and Gomez, Ricardo. (2003) Europeanization and the English Regions. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Carson, Marcus (2003) "From commodity to public health concern: The transformation of food policy in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Cini, Michelle. (2003) The Europeanization of British Competition Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Conzelmann, Thomas. (2003) "Contested spaces: Europeanized regional policy in Great Britain and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Dardanelli, Paolo (2003) Ideology and Rationality: the Europeanisation of the Scottish National Party. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (Unpublished)

Dudek, Carolyn M. (2003) "EU challenges to domestic politics: A regional nationalist response". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Fairbrass, Jenny. (2003) "Environmental Governance and the Dispersal of Decision-making". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Geyer, Robert. (2003) Europeanisation, Complexity and the British Welfare State. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Grossman, Emiliano. (2003) "Bringing politics back in: Rethinking the role of economic interest groups in European integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Howell, Kerry. (2003) The Europeanization of British Financial Services. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Hussain, Imtiaz. (2003) "Balancing a different world? Britain betwixt America and Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew and Liefferink, Duncan. (2003) "The Europeanization of national environmental policy: A comparative analysis". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew and Wurzel, Rudiger and Zito, Anthony. (2003) "How ‘new’ environmental policy instruments (NEPIs) spread in the European Union: An analysis of the role of the EU in shaping environmental governance". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Andrew. (2003) The Europeanization of British Environmental Policy: From Policy "Taking" to Policy "Shaping". In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Luo, Chih-Mei. (2003) "An Epitome or an Index: The Implications of UK Financial Services Industry (the City of London) for the UK's Entry into the Euro". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Margetts, Helen and Dunleavy, Patrick and Bastow, Simon and Tinkler, Jane (2003) "Leaders and followers: E-government, policy innovation and policy transfer in the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

McDevitt, Suzanne. (2003) "Social exclusion and social welfare initiatives in the European Union and the United States". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Park, June. (2003) "Between the sterling and the Deutsche mark: The Irish choice for the European monetary integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, Vivien A. (2003) "The Europeanization of governance in larger European democracies". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Shaw, Kelly B. (2003) "The European Union, Britain, and Scotland: Cooperation, conflict, or compromise?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Smith, James. (2003) The Puzzles and Paradoxes of Europeanisation - Lessons from the Scottish Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Treib, Oliver. (2003) "EU governance, misfit and the partisan logic of domestic adaptation: An actor-centered perspective on the transposition of EU directives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Walsh, James I. (2003) "What's so special about the special relationship?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Wergin, Niels-Erik. (2003) Teamwork in the Automobile Industry - an Anglo-German Comparison. European Political Economy Review, 1 (2). pp. 152-190.

July 2003

Guerot, Ulrike and Hughes, Kirsty and Lefebvre, Maxime and Egenhoff, Tjark. (2003) France, Germany and the UK in the Convention: Common interests or pulling in different directions?. EPIN Working Paper No. 7, July 2003. [Working Paper]

Horst, Albert van der. (2003) Structural Estimates of Equilibrium Unemployment in Six OECD Economies. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 22, July 2003. [Working Paper]

December 2003

Belke, Ansgar and Fehn, Rainer and Foster, Neil. (2003) Does venture capital investment spur employment growth? CEPS Working Document No. 197, December 2003. [Working Paper]


Allen, David and Oliver, Tim. (2004) The Europeanisation of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Allen, David. (2004) The Europeanization of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Bache, Ian and Jordan, Andrew. (2004) Britain in Europe and Europe in Britain: The Euopeanisation of British Politics? Introduction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Buller, Jim. (2004) 'The Disadvantage of Tying One's Hands': Towards an Understanding of the Controversial Nature of Europeanisation in the Area of British Monetary Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Bulmer, Simon and Burch, Martin. (2004) The Europeanization of UK Government: From Quiet Revolution to Explicit Step-Change? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Burch, Martin and Gomez, Ricardo. (2004) Europeanisation and the English Regions. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Chapman, Rachael. (2004) Europeanisation and the Third Sector: The Implementation of the 2000-06 South Yorkshire Objective 1 Programme. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Cini, Michelle. (2004) The Europeanisation of British Competition Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Corbett, Anne. (2004) Europeanisation and the Bologna Process; A preliminary to a British study. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Dastidar, Protiti. (2004) Do US Multinationals Differ from Non-US Multinationals in Value Creation? ACES Working Paper 2004.1, February 2004. [Policy Paper]

Fairbrass, Jenny. (2004) The Europeanisation of Interest Representation: UK Business and Environmental Interests Compared. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Howell, Kerry E. (2004) The Europeanization of British Financial Services Regulation. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Jordan, Andrew. (2004) The Europeanization of British Environmental Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Leucht, Brigitte and Sio-Lopez, Cristina Blanco and Soare, Sorina and Ustun, Cigdem and Charlety, Veronique and Marchi, Ludovica and An, Pyeongok and Seidel, Katja and Davies, Billy. (2004) First Heirs Colloquium, Cambridge, 6-7 November 2004: Papers. [Conference Proceedings]

Marshall, Adam Jay. (2004) Europeanisation at the Urban Level: Local Actors, Institutions and the Dynamics of Multi-Level Interaction. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Marshall, Adam. (2004) Europeanisation of the Urban Level: Evaluating the Impact of the EU on Local Governance in Britain. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Mass, Erin Van der. (2004) British Labour and the European Union: The Europeanisation of Trade Unions? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Richardson, Tim and Jensen, Ole B. (2004) The Europeanisation of Spatial Planning in Britain: New Spatial Ideas for Old Territories? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Smith, James. (2004) The Puzzles and Paradoxes of Europeanisation: Lessons from the Scottish Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Statham, Paul and Gray, Emily. (2004) Public Debates over Europe in Britain: Exceptional, Conflict-Driven and Path-Dependent? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Van der Maas, Erin. (2004) British Labour and the European Union: The Europeanisation of Trade Unions? In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Waddington, Nigel. (2004) The Europeanisation of Corporate Governance in Germany and the UK. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.


Bache, Ian. (2005) "Europeanization and Britain: Towards Multi-Level Governance?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Bromund, Ted R. (2005) "The Wave of the Future: The Defenders of the Empire Confront European Integration, 1956-1963". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Coates, David. (2005) Campaigning in Poetry, Governing in Prose. CES Working Paper, No. 123, 2005. [Working Paper]

Dursun, Oya (2005) "News Coverage of the Enlargement of the European Union and Public Opinion: A Case Study of Agenda-Setting Effects in the United Kingdom". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Favell, Adrian (2005) "European Citizenship in Three Eurocities". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Glass, Bryan S. (2005) "The 2004 European Parliament Elections in England: The Impact of Political Elite and Media Framing". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Lusane, Clarence. (2005) Policing Race and Terrorism in the UK: Closing the Racial Justice Gap. ACES Cases No 2005.2. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmidt, Vivien A. (2005) "Theorizing Democracy in Europe: The Impact of the EU on National and Sectoral Policy-making Processes". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Westrup, Jonathan. (2005) "The Politics of Financial Regulatory Reform: Partisanship and the Privatization of Risk". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Zohlnhöfer, Reimut (2005) The Politics of Budget Consolidation in Britain and Germany: the Impact of Blame-Avoidance Opportunities. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.2, 2005. [Working Paper]

February 2005

Kaitila, Ville. (2005) Integration and Conditional Convergence in the Enlarged EU Area. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 31, 1 February 2005. [Working Paper]

Schulz, Erika. (2005) Ageing, Health and Retirement in Europe: Alternative Scenarios for Health, Life Expectancy and Social Expenditure. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 4, 1 February 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

Sefton, James and va de Ven, Justin and Weale, Martin. (2005) Pension Arrangements and Retirement Choices in Europe: A Comparison of the British, Danish and German Systems. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 5, 1 February 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2005

Alho, Kari E.O. (2005) A Gravity Model under Monopolistic Competition. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 33, 1 March 2005. [Working Paper]

July 2005

Meyer, Martin F. (2005) The Europeanization of National Public Spheres: Political Discourses in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_MPhil Thesis" not defined] thesis, University of Cambridge.

December 2005

Baldwin, Richard E. (2005) Who finances the Queen’s CAP payments? The CAP as a dooH niboR Scheme. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 88, 1 December 2005. [Policy Paper]

Lorca, Maria. (2005) The European Union Budget: The European Cup of Economic Affairs- UK vs France. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2005. [Working Paper]


Authors, Numerous. (2006) The European Constitution and its Ratification Crisis. Constitutional Debates in the EU Member States. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 156, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Engle, Eric (2006) Private Law Remedies for Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_Dr.Jur." not defined] thesis, Bremen.

Hamilton, Jacqueline M. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2006) THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON TOURISM IN GERMANY, THE UK AND IRELAND: A SIMULATION STUDY. ESRI WP174, August 2006. [Working Paper]

Russell, Helen and Halpin, Brendan and Strandh, Mattias and Zielfe, Andrea (2006) Comparing the Labour Market Effects of Childbirth in Ireland, Sweden, the UK and Germany. ESRI WP170. April 2006. [Working Paper]

Steffen, Hillmert (2006) Skill formation in Britain and Germany: Recent developments in the context of traditional differences. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No.06.1, 2006. [Working Paper]

January 2006

Pisani-Ferry, Jean. (2006) We Need to be Able to Disagree on European Policies. Bruegel Third-Party Papers, January 2006. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea (2006) Impact Assessment in the EU: The State of the Art and the Art of the State. CEPS Paperbacks. January 2006. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9290796006

February 2006

Cuthbert, JIm and Cuthbert, Margaret. (2006) The Wrong Sort of Rebate: The Need to Reform the UK Budget Adjustment. CEPS Working Documents No. 236, 1 February 2006. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2006) Bubbles in Real Estate, A Longer-Term Comparative Analysis of Housing Prices in Europe and the US. CEPS Working Documents No. 239, 1 February 2006. [Working Paper]

June 2006

Veron, Nicolas. (2006) Farewell National Champions. Bruegel policy brief 2006/04, June 2006. [Policy Paper]

August 2006

Veron, Nicolas. (2006) Choice in the UK Audit Market. Bruegel Policy Contribution/August 2006, Issue 4. [Policy Paper]

October 2006

Haan, Peter and Myck, Michal. (2006) Apply with Caution: Introducing UK-Style In-Work Support in Germany. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 24, 9 October 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Myck, Michal and Reed, Howard. (2006) Tax and Benefit Reforms in a Model of Labour Market Transitions. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 25, 9 October 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2006

Bebbington, Andrew and Shapiro, Judith. (2006) Incidence of Poor Health and Long-Term Care: Health Transitions in Europe – Results from the European Community Household Panel Survey and Institutional Data. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 34, 23 December 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Wimmel, Andreas. (2006) Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French, and British Discourses on Turkey's Application to Join the European Union. IHS Political Science Series Paper, No. 111, December 2006. [Working Paper]


Borzel, Tanja A., and Dudziak, Meike, and Hofmann, Tobias, and Panke, Diana, and Sprungk, Carina. (2007) Recalcitrance, Inefficiency, and Support for European Integration: Why Member States Do (not) Comply with European Law. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Callan, Tim and Smeeding, Tim and Tsakloglou, Panos (2007) Distributional Effects of Public Education Transfers in Seven European Countries. ESRI WP207. September 2007. [Working Paper]

Elias, Anwen. (2007) Whither a Europe of the Regions? Minority nationalist parties and the challenges of European integration. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Faas, Daniel. (2007) Between Eurocentrism and Euroscepticism: A comparison of German and English national political and student responses to the European education agenda. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Flood, Christopher, and Underwood, Simon. (2007) "Ideological Factors in Party Alignments on the EU: A Comparison of Three Cases". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Hepburn, Eve. (2007) The Rise and Fall of a ‘Europe of the Regions’: The Territorial Strategies of Substate Political Parties 1979-2006. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Hurrelmann, Achim. (2007) "Constructions of Multilevel Legitimacy in the European Union: A Study of German and British Media Discourse". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Jolly, Seth Kincaid. (2007) "Beyond the Demand Side: The Effects of Multi-Level Governance on Regionalist Movements in Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kollman, Kelly. (2007) "Globalization and Europeanization: Why Extra-European Processes of Integration Affect how EU Environmental Policy is Implemented". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Lacey, Nicola. (2007) Criminal Justice and Democratic Systems: Inclusionary and Exclusionary Dynamics in the Institutional Structure of Late Modern Societies. CES Working Paper, no. 148, 2007. [Working Paper]

Laulom, Sylvaine and Vigneau, Christophe and Fuchs, Maximilian and Caruso, Bruno and Zappala, Loredana and Houwing, Hester and Verhulp, Evert and Visser, Jelle and Valdes Dal-Re, Fernando and Lahera Forteza, Jesus and Engblom, Samuel and Barnard, Catherine and Deakin, Simon. (2007) Flexibility and Security in Temporary Work: A Comparative and European Debate. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 56/200. [Working Paper]

Lynch Fannon, Irene. (2007) Regulation and Competitiveness: A mysterious and difficult relationship in the European Union. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Maurer, Andreas, and Parkes, Roderick and Wagner, Markus. (2007) The European Parliament in the Enlarged EU: Explaining Group Membership in the European Parliament. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) The Troika and Iran: France’s Contributions to EU3 Nuclear Diplomacy Theory Encounters the Real World of Multilateral Negotiations. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Meguid, Bonnie M. (2007) Bringing Government Back to the People? The Impact of Political Decentralization on Voter Engagement in Western Europe. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Menz, Georg. (2007) Employers, Trade Unions and Labor Migration Policies: Examining the Role of Non-State Actors. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Peters, Dirk. (2007) Constrained Balancing: The UK, Germany, and ESDP. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Pfister, Thomas. (2007) Mainstreamed Away? The European Employment Strategy and its Gender Equality Dimension. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Platts, Chris, and Smith, Andy. (2007) Europeanisation, Bosman and the Financial ‘Crisis’ in English Professional Football: Some Sociological Comments. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Wallace Goodman, Sarah. (2007) "The Paradox of Migration: Reconciling Economic Competition and 'Common Values' in Britain". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Wimmel, Andreas. (2007) Beyond the Bosphorus? Comparing German, French and British Discourses on Turkey’s Application to Join the European Union. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

February 2007

Levy, Horacio, and Lietz, Christine, and Sutherland, Holly. (2007) Alternative Tax-Benefit Strategies to Support Children in the European Union: Recent Reforms in Austria, Spain, and the UK. ENEPRI Working Paper, No. 49, 5 February 2007. [Working Paper]

Paterson, Iain, and Fink, Marcel, and Ogus, Anthony, and Merz, Joachim, and Fink, Felix, and Berrer, Helmut. (2007) Economic Impact of Regulation in the Field of Liberal Professions in Different Member States. ENEPRI Working Paper, No. 52, 8 February 2007. [Working Paper]

March 2007

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) EU3-Iranian Nuclear Diplomacy: Implications for US Policy in the Middle East. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 6 March 2007. [Policy Paper]

May 2007

Hofmarcher, Maria M and Riedel, Monika and Schnable, Alexander and Sirlinger, Gerald. (2007) Health Status Transitions. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 35, 24 May 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2007

Hierlemann, Dominik and García Schmidt, Armando. (2007) spotlight europe 2007/04, July 2007: More Political Leadership is Worth the Risk. [Policy Paper]

Hierlemann, Dominik and Schmidt, Armando Garcia. (2007) spotlight europe 2007/04: Mehr politische Führung wagen = spotlight europe 2007/04: More political Leadership is Worth the Risk. [Policy Paper]

Khoman, Ehsan and Weale, Martin. (2007) Healthy Life Expectancy in the EU Member States. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 33, July 2007. Revised version, originally published December 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Veron, Nicolas. (2007) Transparency Would Help to Address the Audit Market Problem; Response to the consultation on the Interim Report of the Market Participants Group on Choice in the UK Audit Market. Bruegel Policy Contribution/July 2007. [Policy Paper]

November 2007

Nunez Ferrer, Jorge. (2007) The EU Budget: The UK Rebate and the CAP – Phasing them both out? CEPS Task Force Reports, 8 November 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Roudsari, Sahar Arfazadeh. (2007) Talking Away the Crisis? The E3/EU-Iran Negotiations on Nuclear Issues. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 6/2007, November 2007. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and McCarthy, Yvonne (2008) Immigrants and Welfare Programmes: Exploring the Interactions between Immigrant Characteristics, Immigrant Welfare Dependence and Welfare Policy. ESRI WP238. May 2008. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. (2008) Forms and role of the cluster initiatives in fostering innovation in post-industrial regions: A comparative study of environmental clusters in British West Midlands and Spanish Basque country. ACES Working Paper No. 8, August 2008. [Working Paper]

Cronin, James. (2008) Markets, Rights and Power: The Rise (and Fall?) of the Anglo-American Vision of World Order, 1975-2005. CES Working Paper, no. 164, 2008. [Working Paper]

Eglene, Ophelia (2008) British business and the Euro. ACES Cases No. 2008.2. UNSPECIFIED.

Kucel, Aleksander and Byrne, Delma (2008) Are Over-educated People Insiders or Outsiders? A Case of Job Search Methods and Over-education in UK. ESRI WP258, September 2008. [Working Paper]

Lamont, Michele, and Bail, Christopher. (2008) Bridging Boundaries: The Equalization Strategies of Stigmatized Ethno-racial Groups Compared. CES Working Papers No. 154, 2008. [Working Paper]

Lopez-Santana, Mariely and Büchs, Milena (2008) Labor Market Policy Decentralization in Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy - Dynamics and Reasons. ACES Working Papers No. 5, 2008. [Working Paper]

Meyer, Jan-Henrik. (2008) An emerging transnational network of communication on European affairs? The European public sphere at EC summits 1969-1991. 7th European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon 26th February – 1st March 2008. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Perez, Sofia, and Westrup, Jonathan. (2008) Finance and the Macro-economy: The Politics of Regulatory Reform in Europe. CES Working Paper, no. 156, 2008. [Working Paper]

February 2008

International Study Group on Exports and Productivity, The. (2008) Exports and productivity – comparable evidence for 14 countries. NBB Working Papers No. 128, 13 February 2008. [Working Paper]

Kaeding, Michael. (2008) Se perdre dans les détails ou aller de l’avant? La transposition en droit national des directives européennes en matière de transports en France, en Allemagne, en Grèce, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni. = Getting lost in the details or moving forward? The transposition into national law of European directives in the field of transport in France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom. EIPAScope, 2008 (2). pp. 1-6.

Makarychev, Andrey S. (2008) "Rebranding Russia: Norms, Politics and Power." CEPS Working Document No. 283, February 2008. [Working Paper]

April 2008

Flood, John. (2008) Will There Be Fallout from Clementi? The Global Repercussions for the Legal Profession after the UK Legal Services Act 2007. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 8, No. 6 April 2008. [Working Paper]

August 2008

Behrens, Arno and Nunez Ferrer, Jorge and Egenhofer, Christian. (2008) Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for the EU Budget. CEPS Working Document No. 300, August 2008. [Working Paper]

September 2008

Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre. (2008) Miscarriages of Justice and Exceptional Procedures in the 'War against Terrorism'. CEPS Special Report, September 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2008

Cagossi, Alessandro. (2008) The Effects of Non-Negotiable and Partially-Negotiable Domestic Factors in the Monetary Union: Flexible integration, Skeptical Integration and Europeanized Integration. EUMA Special Series Vol. 5 No. 18, November 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Multiple, Author. (2008) Transatlantic Relations 2009: European Expectations for the Post-Bush Era. EPIN Working Paper No. 20, November 2008. [Working Paper]

December 2008

Hierlemann, Dominik. (2008) spotlight europe 2008/13 - December 2008: Lessons from the Treaty Fatigue. [Policy Paper]


Bouvet, Florence. (2009) The Beveridge Curve in Europe: New evidence using national and regional data. [Conference Proceedings]

Boyle, Nigel (2009) The Malleable Politics of Activation Reform: the ‘Hartz’ Reforms in Comparative Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boyle, Nigel and Schünemann, Wolf J. (2009) The Malleable Politics of Welfare-to-Work Reform: Germany's "Hartz" activation compared with Dutch, British and Irish cases. ACES Cases No. 2009.1. UNSPECIFIED.

De Ruiter, Rik (2009) Parliamentary scrutiny of methods of open coordination. The involvement of the Dutch and British parliament in the EU governance of the knowledge-based society. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Favell, Adrian (2009) After Enlargement - Europe’s new migration system and its hidden political economy of immigration. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Jolly, Seth and DiGiusto, Gerald (2009) Xenophobia and Immigrant Contact: British Public Attitudes toward Immigration. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mabbett, Deborah. (2009) Of policies, policing and provision: compliance and productivity in welfare-to-work programmes in the USA and Europe. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Panke , Diana (2009) Being Small in a Big Union: Structural Disadvantages, Counterbalancing Strategies, and the Varying Success of Small States in European Policy Making. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perez, Sofia (2009) Divergent paths in European Immigration: the Role of Left Governments. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Portela, Clara and Jasper, Ulla (2009) A Common Deterrent for a United Europe? Revisiting European Nuclear Discourse. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Schiffbauer, Marc and Siedschlag, Iulia and Ruane, Frances (2009) Do Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions Boost Firm Productivity?. ESRI WP305. July 2009. [Working Paper]

Sloane, Peter J. and McGuinness, Seamus (2009) Labour Market Mismatch Among UK Graduates; An Analysis Using REFLEX Data. ESRI WP294, May 2009. [Working Paper]

Tillman, Erik R. (2009) European Integration, Economics, and Voting Behavior in the 2001 British General Election. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

de Vries, Catherine and Steenbergen, Marco R. and Hangartner , Dominik (2009) A Choice Set Modeling Approach to EU Issue Voting. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

January 2009

Marco Ferraresi, Pier and Monticone, Chiara. (2009) A Semi-Aggregate Model for Social Expenditure Projections. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 62, January 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2009

Emerson, Michael and Roy, Olivier and Amghar, Samir and Koutroubas, Theodoros and Vloeberghs, Ward and Yanasmayan, Zeynep and Veldhuis, Tinka and Bakker, Edwin and Briggs, Rachel and Birdwell, Jonathan and Bezunartea, Patricia and Lopez, Jose Manuel and Tedesco, Laura and Malashenko, Aleksei and Yarlyakapov, Akhmet (2009) Ethno-Religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe's Muslim Communities. CEPS Paperbacks. February 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9789290798224

July 2009

Gerhardt, Maria. (2009) Consumer Bankruptcy Regimes and Credit Default in the US and Europe: A comparative study. CEPS Working Document No. 318, 27 July 2009. [Working Paper]

August 2009

Carayannis, Elias G. (2009) Strategic knowledge serendipity and arbitrage & intellectual venture capitalists: An emerging breed of knowledge entrepreneurs; and Part II: Global and Local (GloCal) knowledge logistics for innovation and competitiveness. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Roth, Mathias. (2009) Bilateral Disputes between EU Member States and Russia. CEPS Working Document No. 319, 20 August 2009. [Working Paper]

von Hagen, Jürgen. (2009) The monetary mechanics of the crisis. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/08, August 2009. [Policy Paper]


Bignami, Francesca. (2010) The Non-Americanization of European Regulatory Styles: Data Privacy Regulation in France, Germany, Italy, and Britain. CES Working Paper Series No. 174, 2010. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) Determinants of Vegetarianism and Partial Vegetarianism in the United Kingdom. ESRI WP360. November 2010. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) An Estimate of the Value of Lost Load for Ireland. ESRI WP357. October 2010. [Working Paper]

May 2010

Comas-Herrera, Adelina and Pickard, Linda and Wittenberg, Raphael and Malley, Juliette and King, Derek. (2010) The English Long-term Care System. ENEPRI Research Report No. 74, 28 May 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

June 2010

Bugamelli, Matteo and Ottaviano, Gianmarco and Schivardi, Fabiano and Barba Navaretti, Giorgio. (2010) The global operations of European firms. Bruegel Policy Brief 2010/05, 18 June 2010. [Policy Paper]

November 2010

Chou, Wan-Jung and Hunt, Alistair and Markandya, Anil and Bigano, Andrea and Pierfederici, Roberta and La Branche, Stephane. (2010) Consumer Valuation of Energy Supply Security: An Analysis of Survey Results in Three EU Countries. CEPS Policy Brief No. 225/November 2010. [Policy Paper]

December 2010

Benford, Jake. (2010) spotlight europe #2010/11, December 2010: For whom the bell tolls: Britain's new coalition government. [Policy Paper]


Ito, Takeshi (2011) Searching for the Ordoliberal Origin of European Integration: Lessons from the Politics of the European Recovery Program. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Lynch, Muireann A. and O'Malley, Mark J. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Optimal interconnection and renewable targets in North-West Europe. ESRI WP416, December 2011. [Working Paper]

Meehan, Elizabeth (2011) The Origins of the Common Travel Area between Ireland and the United Kingdom and its Fate in an Era of Governmental Concern about Undocumented Migration and International Terrorism. ESRI WP418. December 2011. [Working Paper]

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel (2011) Social Justice in the OECD – How Do the Member States Compare? Bertelsmann Stiftung Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Uche., Chibuike (2011) The European Union and monetary integration in West Africa. ZEI Discussion Paper No. C206, 2011. [Discussion Paper]

van de Ven, J. (2011) Do Defined Contribution Pensions Correct for Short-Sighted Savings Decisions? Evidence from the UK. ESRI WP399. August 2011. [Working Paper]

February 2011

Larive., Maxime (2011) The European Union, Tunisia and Egypt: norms versus interests - thoughts and recommendations. EUMA Paper Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2011. [Policy Paper]

March 2011

Van Liebergen, Bart. (2011) American war, European struggle? Analyzing the influence of domestic politics on the ISAF contributions of EU Member States. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 2011/03, March 2011. [Working Paper]

June 2011

Emerson, Michael and Bezunartea, Patricia and Carrera, Sergio and Choudhury, Tufyal and Hieronymus, Andreas and Koutroubas, Theodoros and Van Der Maas, Titia and Muhe, Nina and Parkin, Joanna and Rihoux, Benoit and Lopez Rodrigo, Jose Manuel and Veldhuis, Tinka M. and Vloebergs, Ward and Yanasmayan, Zeynep (2011) Interculturalism: Europe and Its Muslims in Search of Sound Societal Models. CEPS Paperbacks. June 2011. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461380517

July 2011

Caramani, Daniele and Strijbis, Oliver (2011) Discrepant Electorates: The Inclusiveness of Electorates and Its Impact on the Representation of Citizens. IHS Policy Series No. 124, July 2011. [Policy Paper]

August 2011

Emerson, Michael. (2011) Britain, Ireland and Schengen: Time for a smarter bargain on visas. CEPS Policy Brief No. 249, August 2011. [Policy Paper]

01 November 2011

Azeredo Lobo, Daniel (2011) Why is the environmental justice movement so much stronger in the USA than in Europe? Opticon1826 (11).


Dye, Daniel T. (2012) Repurposing Globalization: Discourse and Political Strategy in New Labour Britain. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2012) Behavioural economics and policymaking: learning from the early adopters, ESRI working papers, no. 425, February 2012. [Working Paper]

Wendler, Frank (2012) Debating the European debt crisis: Government leadership, party ideology and supranational integration as focal points of parliamentary debates in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom. ACES Cases No. 2012.3. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2012

Fritsch, Oliver and Radaelli, Claudio M. and Schrefler, Lorna and Renda, Andrea. (2012) Regulatory Quality in the European Commission and the UK: Old questions and new findings. CEPS Working Document No. 362, January 2012. [Working Paper]

March 2012

Dandi, Roberto and Casanova, Georgia and Volpe, Massimo and De Belvis, Antonio Giulio and Avolio, Maria and Pelone, Ferruccio (2012) Long-Term Care Quality Assurance Policies in the European Union. ENEPRI Research Report No. 111, March 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2012

Auel, Katrin and Raunio, Tapio and Neyer, Jürgen. and Lupato, Fabio Garcia and De Wilde, Pieter and Miklin, Eric and De Ruiter, Rik and Pollak, Johannes and Slominski, Peter and Navarro, Julien and Brouard, Sylvain (2012) National parliaments, electorates and EU affairs. IHS Political Science Series No. 129, April 2012. [Policy Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2012) Information Guide: Reino Unido. October 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Dandi, Roberto and Casanova, Georgia (2012) Quality Assurance Indicators of Long-Term Care in European Countries. ENEPRI Research Report No. 110, April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Grossman, Emiliano and Woll, Cornelia (2012) Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts. CES Papers - Open Forum #8, 2012. [Policy Paper]

Parkes, Roderick (2012) From integration to competition: Britain, Germany and the EU's new group dynamics. EPIN Commentary No. 10, 30 April 2012. [Policy Paper]

May 2012

Zachmann, George and Tam, Mimi and Granelli, Lucia (2012) How wide is the Mediterranean? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/08, 21 May 2012. [Policy Paper]

July 2012

Altomonte, Carlo and Aquilante, Tomasso and Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P. (2012) The triggers of competitiveness: the EFIGE cross-country report. Bruegel Blueprint 17, 17 July 2012. [Policy Paper]

August 2012

Rubin, Loris and Desmet, Klaus and Piguillem, Facundo and Crespo, Ananzazu (2012) Breaking down the barriers to firm growth in Europe: The fourth EFIGE policy report. Bruegel Blueprint 18, 28 August 2012. [Policy Paper]

September 2012

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Martellucci, Elisa (2012) Workplace Innovation and Technological Change. CEPS Special Report, September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Petrick, Martin and Kloss, Mathias (2012) Drivers of agricultural capital productivity in selected EU member states. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 30, September 2012. [Working Paper]

October 2012

Altomonte, Carlo (2012) The EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-unicredit dataset. Bruegel Working Paper 2012/13, October 2012. [Working Paper]


Curtis, John and Di Cosmo, Valeria and Deane, Paul (2013) Climate policy, interconnection and carbon leakage: the effect of unilateral UK policy on electricity and GHG emissions in Ireland. ESRI WP458. June 2013. [Working Paper]

Deane, Paul and FitzGerald, John and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Tuohy, Aidan and Walsh, Darragh (2013) Irish and British historical electricity prices and implications for the future. ESRI WP452. April 2013. [Working Paper]

January 2013

Emerson, Michael (2013) Cameron’s big speech on Europe – No, Prime Minister! CEPS Essay (No. 3), 31 January 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Emerson, Michael (2013) Seven hazards in Cameron's intended European Policy. CEPS Commentary, 15 January 2013. [Policy Paper]

Lazowski, Adam (2013) How to withdraw from the European Union? Confronting hard reality. CEPS Commentary, 16 January 2013. [Policy Paper]

February 2013

Cardiff EDC, . (2013) Information Guide: Regionalism and separatism in the European Union. UNSPECIFIED.

de Schoutheete, Philippe (2013) Le pari de Monsieur Cameron = The bet of Mr. Cameron. Egmont Commentary, 16 February 2013. [Policy Paper]

May 2013

Guastella, Giovanni and Moro, Daniele and Sckokai, Paolo and Veneziani, Mario (2013) Investment behaviour of EU arable crop farms in selected EU countries and the impact of policy reforms. Factor Markets Working Document No. 42, May 2013. [Working Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon (2013) Is Withdrawal from the European Union a Manageable Option? A Review of Economic and Legal Complexities. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 28/2013. [Policy Paper]

June 2013

Guastella, G. and Moro, D. and Sckokai, P. and Veneziani, M. (2013) Simulation Results on the Impact of Changes in the Main EU Policy Tools on Farm Investment Behaviour. Factor Markets Working Document No. 56, June 2013. [Working Paper]

October 2013

Emerson, Michael and Blockmans, Steven. (2013) British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part I: ‘Competences about right, so far’. EPIN Working Paper No. 35, October 2013. [Working Paper]

Hughes Hallet, Andrew (2013) Is Independence Possible in an Interdependent World? Scotland vs. the UK's Participation in the European Economy. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 30/2013. [Policy Paper]

November 2013

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Hernanz, Nicholas and Jeandesboz, Julien. and Parkin, Joanna. and Ragazzi, Francesco and Scherrer, Amandine. (2013) Mass Surveillance of Personal Data by EU Member States and its Compatibility with EU Law. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 61, 6 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2013) Information Guide: European Union information from United Kingdom sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Guild, Elspeth (2013) Cameron's proposals to limit EU citizens' access to the UK: lawful or not, under EU rules? CEPS Commentary, 29 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

December 2013

Möller, Almut (2013) Why trying to keep the Germans close on EU competences is risky for Britain. EPIN Commentary No. 13, 3 December 2013. [Policy Paper]


Bargain, Olivier and Callan, Tim and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire (2014) Changes in income distributions and the role of tax-benefit policy during the Great Recession: an international perspective. ESRI working paper no. 474, January 2014. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Di Cosmo, Valeria and Deane, Paul (2014) Climate Policy, Interconnection and Carbon Leakage: The Effect of Unilateral UK Policy on Electricity and GHG Emissions in Ireland. ESRI Research Bulletin 2014/1/7. UNSPECIFIED.

Deane, Paul and FitzGerald, John and Malaguzzi Valeri, Laura and Tuohy, Aidan and Walsh, Darragh (2014) Irish and British Electricity Prices: What Recent History Implies for Future Prices. ESRI Research Bulletin 2014/02/06. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2014

Bruton, John (2014) What does the UK want from an EU renegotiation, and what terms can it expect? CEPS Commentary, 7 January 2014. [Policy Paper]

March 2014

Biscop, Sven (2014) The summit of our ambition? European defence between Brussels and Wales. Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 55, March 2014. [Policy Paper]

April 2014

Emerson, Michael (2014) Cameron’s reality check on Europe. EPIN [Working] Paper No. 38, 15 April 2014. [Working Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2014) Proportionality needed in the subsidiarity debate in the EU – Appraisal of the British and Dutch initiatives. CEPS Essay No. 11, 8 April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

Infelise, Federico (2014) Supporting Access to Finance by SMEs: Mapping the initiatives in five EU countries. ECMI Research Report No. 9, April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2014

Avery, Graham (2014) Could an independent Scotland join the European Union? EPC Policy Brief, 28 May, 2014. [Policy Paper]

Ghimis, Andreia (2014) Immigration and free movement in an unusual electoral race: what implications for the next political cycle? EPC Policy Brief, 20 May 2014. [Policy Paper]

Piedrafita, Sonia and Lauenroth, Anne and Antoinette Primatarova, Antoinette Primatarova and Tuomas Iso-Markku, Tuomas Iso-Markku and Selma Bendjaballah, Selma Bendjaballah and Filippa Chatzistavrou, Filippa Chatzistavrou and Sofia Michalaki, Sofia Michalaki and Eleonora Poli, Eleonora Poli and Niels Goet , Niels Goet and Afke Groen, Afke Groen and Agnieszka Łada, Agnieszka Łada and Agnes Nicolescu, Agnes Nicolescu and Salvador Llaudes, Salvador Llaudes and Ignacio Molina, Ignacio Molina and Vilde Renman, Vilde Renman (2014) Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament. EPIN [Working] Paper No. 39, 20 May 2014. [Working Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2014) Britain outside Europe? Fewer EU concessions to UK post-Brexit. EPC Commentary, 12 May 2014. [Policy Paper]

June 2014

Emerson, Michael and Blockmans, Steven and Peers, Steve and Wriglesworth, Michael (2014) British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part II: Again, a huge contradiction between the evidence and Eurosceptic populism. EPIN Paper No. 40, June 2014. [Working Paper]

July 2014

Sapir, André and Wolff, Guntram B. (2014) The Great Transformation: Memo to the Incoming EU Presidents. Bruegel Policy Brief 2014/04, July 2014. [Policy Paper]

September 2014

Emerson, Michael (2014) With the Scottish vote, Brussels can heave a great big sigh of relief. CEPS Commentary, 19 September 2014. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim (2014) Besser allein als gemeinsam einsam? Schottland stimmt über seine Unabhängigkeit ab = Flashlight Europe No. 2, September 2014: Scotland Is Voting On Whether Or Not To Become Independent. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim (2014) Flashlight Europe N°2–September 2014: Is It Better To Be Alone Than Lonely Together? Scotland Is Voting On Whether Or Not To Become Independent. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2014) Brexit or not? Time for the EU to move. EPC Commentary, 8 September 2014. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2014) Scotland and the EU: What impact of the potential in-out UK referendum on the independence debate?1 EPC Discussion Paper, 4 September 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2014) The benefits of Union? EPC Commentary, 19 September 2014. [Policy Paper]

November 2014

Gros, Daniel. (2014) Europe’s Dog in the Nighttime. CEPS Commentary, 12 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Núñez Ferrer, Jorge (2014) What Cameron should have known: Q &A. CEPS Commentary, 4 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Núñez Ferrer, Jorge and Gros, Daniel. (2014) “An appalling way to behave”. CEPS Commentary, 4 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Secondat, Charles (2014) The Age of Cameron: The end of British pragmatism in Europe. Egmont Commentary, 7 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

December 2014

Emerson, Michael and Avery, Graham and Beblavý, Miroslav and Behrens, Arno and Blockmans, Steven. and Brady, Hugo and Lannoo, Karel. and Ferrer, Jorge Núñez and Hájková, Alžběta (2014) British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part III: More reform than renegotiation or repatriation. EPIN [Working] Paper No. 42/December 2014. [see Abstract for I and II]. [Working Paper]


Aichele, Rahel and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Costs and benefits of a United Kingdom exit from the European Union. Bertelsmann studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Andreangeli, Arianna (2015) Access to (almost) all areas: the implications of greater trade cooperation between the US and the EU for health care services in the Union Member States—the case of the NHS in England and Wales and Scotland. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Carollo, Lilli and Dona, Silvia and Filippi, Marta and Rota, Anna and Russo, Marianna (2015) Contractual Limits to the Right to Strike in the Era of Crisis. The Italian Case with some Comparative Reliefs (France and the U.K.)*. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 125/2015. [Working Paper]

Grande, Edgar and Hutter, Swen (2015) Authority transfer or membership conflict? Explaining politicization of European integration in public debates on major integration steps. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Luhman, Meghan (2015) “Benefit Tourism” and Migration Policy in the U.K.: The Construction of Policy Narratives. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

McGinnity, Frances and Gijsberts, Merove (2015) Perceived Group Discrimination among Polish Migrants to Western Europe: Comparing Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland. ESRI WP502. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Redei, Lorinc and Romanyshyn, Iulian (2015) The EU’s Invisible Diplomacy: The European Parliament’s External Action in the Lead-Up to the Ukraine Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Unterreiner, Anne (2015) Corridor Report on the United Kingdom The immigration, emigration and diaspora policies’ effects on integration: Chinese and Indian Migrants in the UK. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

January 2015

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Hernanz, Nicholas and Scherrer, Amandine (2015) National Security and Secret Evidence in Legislation and before the Courts: Exploring the Challenges. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 78/January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ghimis, Andreia (2015) Unconfirmed but still feared: the tidal wave of Bulgarians and Romanians one year later. EPC Commentary, 15 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Provera, Mark (2015) The Criminalisation of Irregular Migration in the European Union. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 80/2015. [Policy Paper]

February 2015

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Cymru. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Великобритания. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2015

Claeys, Grégory and Darvas, Zsolt (2015) The financial stability risks of ultra-loose monetary policy. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/03. [Policy Paper]

Szymański, Piotr (2015) The Baltic states’ Territorial Defence Forces in the face of hybrid threats. OSW Commentary Number 165, 19.03.2015. [Policy Paper]

April 2015

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim (2015) spotlight europe #2015/01—April 2015: Turbulent Times in the Disunited Kingdom. [Policy Paper]

Schoof, Ulrich and Petersen, Thieß and Aichele, Rahel and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Brexit – potential economic consequences if the UK exits the EU. Policy Brief #2015/05. [Policy Paper]

May 2015

Emerson, Michael (2015) Britain’s Political Earthquake: What aftershocks for Europe and the UK? CEPS Commentary, 11 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) Identity and euroscepticism as a substitute for political agency: A few lessons from the British elections. Egmont Commentary, 12 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) Brexit: How Europe is becoming ever smaller… Egmont Commentary, 22 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Weiss, Stefani (2015) Flashlight Europe N°4–May 2015. Listen carefully to the British. [Policy Paper]

June 2015

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Vereinigtes Königreich. March 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Moeller, Joergen Oerstroem (2015) Brexit – lessons from four referenda on the European Union (EU) in Denmark. EU Centre, Policy Brief No. 8, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel (2015) The UK's EU Vote: The 1975 Precedent and Today's Negotiations. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/08, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

July 2015

Balfour, Rosa and Stratulat, Corina and Avery, Graham and Hillion, Christophe and Adebahr, Cornelius and Töglhofer, Theresia and Wunsch, Natasha and Ker-Lindsay, James and Žornaczuk, Tomasz and Frontini, Andrea and Turrión, Ruth Ferrero and Algieri, Franco. and Konitzer, Andrew and Huszka, Beata. and Armakolas, Ioannis and Triantafyllou, Giorgos and Lessenski, Marin and Ivan, Paul and Ioannides, Isabelle and Herolf, Gunilla and Martens, Hans and Bukovskis , Kārlis and Potjomkina, Diāna and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) EU member states and enlargement towards the Balkans. EPC ISSUE PAPER No. 79, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Mamedov, Eldar and Paul, Amanda (2015) EU-Iran relations post-Vienna: the way forward. EPC Commentary, 16 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

September 2015

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Royaume-Uni. May 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Wales. September 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Duff, Andrew (2015) How to deal with Europe’s British problem. EPC Discussion Paper, 11 September 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2015) Cameron’s ‘renegotiations’ (or Russian roulette) with the EU: An interim assessment. CEPS Working Document No. 413/September 2015. [Working Paper]

October 2015

Blockmans, Steven. and Weiss, Stefani. (2015) Will Cameron get what he wants? Anticipating reactions to Britain’s EU reform proposals. CEPS Commentary, 29 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) The Belgian view on the UK’s renegotiation is that European challenges can only be tackled through deepening European integration. Egmont Commentary, 18 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

November 2015

Emerson, Michael (2015) Dear Donald … Yours, David. CEPS Commentary, 12 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) The UK renegotiation from an EU perspective: the dog that hasn’t yet barked? EPC Commentary, 20 November 2015. [Policy Paper]


Darmody, Mike (2016) Attitudes of the non-Catholic population in Northern Ireland towards the Irish Language in Ireland. ESRI WP524. February 2016. [Working Paper]

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel (2016) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2015 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

Smyth, Emer and Iannelli, Cristina and Klein, Markus (2016) Higher education selection: implications for social inequality. ESRI Research Bulletin 2016/1/1. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2016

Biscop, Sven (2016) Brexit and defence: where is the strategy? Egmont Commentary, 6 January 2016. [Policy Paper]

Sapir, André and Wolff, Guntram B. (2016) One market, two monies: the European Union and the United Kingdom. Bruegel Policy Brief Issue 2016/01 January 2016. [Policy Paper]

February 2016

Jacques, Patrick (2016) Great hatred, little room Northern Ireland and the European Union: Attitudes, perspectives and the role of religion. Bruges Political Research Papers 48/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon and Nedelescu, Roxana and Hornik, Joanna and Watfe, Gibran (2016) The New Deal with the United Kingdom: the Downside of Flexibility. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefings 38/2016. [Policy Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon and Nedelescu, Roxana and Hornik, Joanna and Watfe, Gibran and Stein, Gil (2016) A New Settlement for the UK: A “Leap in the Dark”. Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings 39/2016. [Policy Paper]

Weiss, Stefani. and Blockmans, Steven. (2016) The EU deal to avoid Brexit: Take it or leave. CEPS Special Report No. 131/February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Zuleeg, Fabian (2016) Brexit averted through EU reform? EPC Post-Summit Commentary, 22 February 2016. [Policy Paper]

March 2016

Graham Avery, Graham Avery and Miroslav Beblavý, Miroslav Beblavý and Arno Behrens, Arno Behrens and Steven Blockmans, Steven Blockmans and Hugo Brady, Hugo Brady and Michael Emerson, Michael Emerson and Daniel Gros, Daniel Gros and Alzbeta Hájková, Alzbeta Hájková and Karel Lannoo, Karel Lannoo and Adam Łazowski, Adam Łazowski and Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Jorge Núñez Ferrer and Steve Peers, Steve Peers and Michael Wriglesworth, Michael Wriglesworth (2016) Britain’s Future in Europe: The known Plan A to remain or the unknown Plan B to leave. CEPS Paperback 2nd Ed., March 2016. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-1-78660-070-7

Secondat, Charles (2016) To be binding or not to be binding? The delicious Cameron/Gove legal controversy about the EU–UK deal. Egmont Commentary, 9 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Willermain, Fabian and Genard, Quentin (2016) The UK Referendum: the EU at the Crossroads. Egmont Commentary, 16 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

April 2016

Adam, Ilke and Berg, Jana and Trauner, Florian and Tuley, Marie and Westerveen, Laura (2016) The UK in Justice and Home Affairs: the engaged outsider. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/6• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: Regno Unito. April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Dupont, Claire and Groen, Lisanne and Oberthür, Sebastian and Rodríguez, Carlos Soria (2016) The UK in EU Environmental Policy: common responses to common problems. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/10• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Dupont, Claire and Trauner, Florian (2016) Introducing the IES Brexit-Project. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/4• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Dupont, Claire and Groen, Lisanne and Oberthür, Sebastian and Rodríguez, Carlos Soria (2016) The UK in EU Environmental Policy: common responses to common problems. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/10• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Dupont, Claire and Trauner, Florian (2016) What if? The implications of a Brexit- scenario on different EU policies. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/4-10• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Kalimo, Harri and Meyer, Trisha and Shahin, Jamal and Todhe, Fausta (2016) The United Kingdom and the (Digital) Single Market. Issue 2016/9• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Lewis, Richard (2016) Looking Back to Look Forward: the UK’s relationship with the European Union. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/5• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Roos, Christof (2016) The Brexit and EU freedom of movement: legal uncertainty on both sides of the ‘border’. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/7• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Roos, Christof (2016) The UK in Justice and Home Affairs: the engaged outsider. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/6• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Shahin, Jamal (2016) The UK in EU External Representation: a principled, yet pragmatic intergovernmentalist. IES Policy Brief Issue 2016/8• April 2016. [Policy Paper]

Thomson, Ian (2016) Information Guide: The Brexit Debate. UNSPECIFIED.

Whitman, Richard. (2016) The UK’s foreign and security policy: what’s at stake in the referendum? Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 73 May 2016. [Policy Paper]

May 2016

Emerson, Michael (2016) Brexit - A last testament. CEPS Commentary, 23 May 2016. [Policy Paper]

Frontini, Andrea (2016) A historic reminder, an ever-present dilemma? - Assessing Brexit’s potential consequences for European security. EPC Commentary, 18 May 2016. [Policy Paper]

Milne, Alistair and Parboteeah, Paul (2016) The Business Models and Economics of Peer-to-Peer lending. ECRI Research Report No 17, May 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Wall, Stephen and Hannay, David and Edward, David and Goldsmith, Peter and Cooper, Robert and Grabbe, Heather and Cameron, Fraser and Avery, Graham and Harbour, Malcolm and Peel, Quentin and Hughes, Kirsty. and Lucas, Caroline and Donnelly, Brendan. and Duff, Andrew (2016) Britain and Europe: A new settlement? EPC Challenge Europe 23, May 2016. [Policy Paper]

June 2016

Blockmans, Steven. and Weiss, Stefani. (2016) Estrangement Day: The implications of Brexit for the EU. CEPS Commentary, 27 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. and Zuleeg, Fabian (2016) Brexit: a new beginning for the EU or the beginning of the end? EPC Commentary, 24 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Grevi, Giovanni (2016) Europe: a question of survival. EPC Commentary, 27 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Kochenov, Dimitry (2016) EU Citizenship and Withdrawals from the Union: How Inevitable Is the Radical Downgrading of Rights? LEQS Discussion Paper No. 111/2016 June 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. (2016) A Fresh Start for the European Union after Brexit. CEPS Commentary, 29 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Najy, Cenni and Breidlid, Jacqueline (2016) Plan B after Brexit – What Britain can expect negotiating a Swiss-type arrangement with the EU. Egmont European Policy Brief No. 44, June 2016. [Policy Paper]

de Vries, Catherine and Hoffmann, Isabell (2016) Keep calm and carry on. What Europeans think about a possible Brexit. Bertelsmann eupinion #2016/2. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2016

Avery, Graham (2016) Scotland and the European Union. EPC Policy Brief, 14 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel (2016) Demographics and Brexit: A deeper problem for the EU? CEPS Commentary, 8 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Blockmans, Steven. (2016) Brexit will deepen the fault lines within the EU over mobility. CEPS Commentary, 12 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Elkerbout, Milan (2016) Brexit and climate policy: Political choices will determine the future of EU-UK cooperation. CEPS Commentary, 15 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2016) Europe in limbo while the UK descends into chaos. EPC Post-Summit Commentary, 30 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Van der Loo, Guillaume and Blockmans, Steven (2016) The Impact of Brexit on the EU’s International Agreements. CEPS Commentary, 15 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Whitman, Richard G. (2016) Soft or hard Brexit? EPC Commentary, 15 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2016) Exit from Brexit? Not likely but uncertainty prevails. EPC Commentary, 12 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

Łazowski, Adam (2016) Procedural steps towards Brexit. CEPS Commentary, 13 July 2016. [Policy Paper]

August 2016

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: Wales and Europe A selection of websites to find information on Wales and Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

Ujvari, Balazs (2016) Brexit and future of Europe – A new multilateral agenda? Egmont Commentary, 17 August 2016. [Policy Paper]

September 2016

Gstöhl, Sieglinde (2016) ‘Brexit’ lessons from third countries’ differentiated integration with the EU’s internal market. College of Europe Policy Brief #14.16, September 2016. [Policy Paper]

October 2016

Emerson, Michael (2016) Which model for Brexit? CEPS Special Report No. 147 October 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

García-Herrero, Alicia and Xu, Jianwei (2016) What consequences would a post-Brexit China-UK trade deal have for the EU? Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚18 | 2016. [Policy Paper]

Thomson, Ian (2016) Information Guide: The EU Referendum, 23 June 2016. The United Kingdom and the European Union. A guide to information sources: Part 1 – Before the referendum. October 2016. Part 2 – After the Referendum. October 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2016

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: Pays de gaulles. November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: United Kingdom. November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: Wales. November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: Zjednoczonego Królestwa. November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Di Cataldo, Marco (2016) Gaining and losing EU Objective 1 funds: Regional development in Britain and the prospect of Brexit. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 120/2016 November 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2016) After Brexit: learning to be good neighbours. EPC Commentary, 18 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth (2016) Brexit and Social Security in the EU. CEPS Commentary, 17 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

Kirsch, Werner (2016) Brexit and the Distribution of Power in the Council of the EU. CEPS Commentary, 25 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. (2016) ‘Soft Brexit’ is not an option. CEPS Commentary, 24 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel and Schiller, Christof (2016) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2016 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

Zuleeg, Fabian (2016) What kind of Brexit? EPC Commentary, 4 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

December 2016

Ansgar Belke, Ansgar Belke and Dubova, Irina and Osowski, Thomas (2016) Policy Uncertainty and International Financial Markets: The case of Brexit. CEPS Working Document No. 429, December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Coulter, Steve (2016) Signalling Moderation: UK Trade Unions, ‘New Labour’ and the Single Currency. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 121/2016 December 2016. [Discussion Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2016) Brexit will not be « the greatest negotiation of all times”. Egmont Commentary, 14 December 2016. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2016) Scotland knows what it wants with the EU, while London seems still not to know. CEPS Commentary, 21 December 2016. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2016) A hard Brexit is the last thing Japan wants. CEPS Commentary, 7 December 2016. [Policy Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon and Roy, Thibault (2016) Brexit and Trade: Between Facts and Irrelevance. Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings 42/2016. [Policy Paper]


Author, No (2017) CROSS-BORDER TRADE & SUPPLY CHAIN LINKAGES REPORT. InterTradeIreland, 2017. [Working Paper]

Author, No (2017) Shock and Absorption Capacity of Firms in Ireland and Northern Ireland. InterTradeIreland, 2017. [Working Paper]

Böröcz, József and Sarkar, Mahua (2017) The Unbearable Whiteness of the Polish Plumber and the Hungarian Peacock Dance around “Race”. Slavic Review, 76 (2). pp. 307-314.

Daniel Schraad-Tischler, Daniel Schraad-Tischler and Christof Schiller, Christof Schiller and Sascha Matthias Heller, Sascha Matthias Heller and Nina Siemer, Nina Siemer (2017) Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. Bertelsmann Stiftung Social Inclusion Monitor Europe 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Lawless, Martina and Morgenroth, Edgar L. W. (2017) Ireland's international trade and transport connections. ESRI WP573, October 2017. [Working Paper]

McVicar, Duncan and Park, Andrew and McGuinness, Seamus (2017) Employment and Hours Impacts of the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage in Northern Ireland, 2017. [Working Paper]

Spodniak, Petr and Bertsch, Valentin (2017) Determinants of power spreads in electricity futures markets: A multinational analysis. ESRI WP580, December 2017. [Working Paper]

January 2017

Biscop, Sven (2017) European defence after Brexit: Flying on one engine? Egmont Commentary, 11 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) What if Mrs May had a strategy for Brexit, and her divided opponents had not? Egmont Commentary, 17 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) How Europe sees Brexit. EPC Discussion Paper, 24 January 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) Theresa May’s Brexit Speech of 17 January 2017 – Decoding its clarity and ambiguity. CEPS Policy Insight No. 2017/01, 25 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Kalcik, Robert and Wolff, Guntram B. (2017) Is Brexit an opportunity to reform the European Parliament? Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚2 | 2017, 27 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Mattelaer, Alexander (2017) Europe’s post-Brexit retrenchment. Egmont Commentary, 30 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven (2017) Will Brexit revive the Franco-German engine? EPC Policy Brief, 26 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

February 2017

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit and Europe: a new entente. EPC Discussion Paper, 23 February 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: the launch of Article 50. EPC Discussion Paper, 9 February 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) After the UK’s Brexit White Paper – What’s the next move towards a CFTA? CEPS Policy Insight No 2017/07, February 2017. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2017) After Brexit: It’s a brave new world. CEPS Commentary, 14 February 2017. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2017) Brexit and the Asset Management Industry. ECMI Policy Brief No. 23 / February 2017. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2017) A well-managed Brexit is a priority for the entire EU. CEPS Commentary, 3 February 2017. [Policy Paper]

Sapir, André and Schoenmaker, Dirk and Véron, Nicolas. (2017) Making the best of Brexit for the EU27 financial system. Bruegel Policy Brief Issue 1 / February 2017. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2017) The inevitability of gradualness: the longer-term origins of the 23 June 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum. Bruges Political Research Papers 56/2017. [Policy Paper]

March 2017

Chomicz, Ewa (2017) EU budget post-Brexit. Confronting reality, exploring viable solutions. EPC Discussion Paper, 7 March 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Efstathiou, Konstantinos and Raposo, Inês Goncalves (2017) Divorce settlement or leaving the club? A breakdown of the Brexit bill. Bruegel Working Paper Issue 03 / 2017. [Working Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) The House of Lords’ report on the “Brexit bill” : an extremely dangerous development for the coming negotiation. Egmont Commentary, 7 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: how to manage the talks and the transition. EPC Discussion Paper, 27 March 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael and Busse, Mathias and Di Salvo, Mattia and Gros, Daniel. and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2017) An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Brexit on the EU27. 22 March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Fabbrini, Federico (2017) flashlight europe 03/2017: Brexit and a Multi-speed Europe: a Lawyer's Perspective. Interview / 16 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

Hine, Robert (2017) Sink or Swim? UK Trade Arrangements after Brexit. Bruges Political Research Papers 57/2017. [Policy Paper]

McNamara, Frank (2017) Ulster says ‘Remain’. Brexit and the Northern Irish election result. EPC Commentary, 10 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) No deal is the worst deal yet Brexfast is still in the cards. EPC Policy Centre Commentary, 29 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) What kind of divorce: a clean, hard Brexit or a messy, confrontational Brexfast? EPC Commentary, 9 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

April 2017

Biscop, Sven. (2017) All or nothing? European and British strategic autonomy after the Brexit. Egmont Paper 87. September 2016. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) Can the British Brexit notification be withdrawn? Egmont Commentary, 21 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

Doherty, Brian and Lang, John Temple. and McCrudden, Christopher and McGowan, Lee and Phinnemor, David and Schiek, Dagmar (2017) Northern Ireland and Brexit: the European Economic Area option. EPC Discussion Paper, 7 April 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: après May, le déluge. EPC Discussion Paper, 12 April 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2017) Brexiting the Energy Union: what do the negotiation positions imply? EPC Commentary, 19 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

Thomson, Ian (2017) Information Guide: The EU Referendum, 23 June 2016. The United Kingdom and the European Union: A guide to information sources Part 2 – After the Referendum. April 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) The UK’s general election: Mandate for a softer Brexit or preparation for going over the cliff edge? EPC Commentary, 18 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

May 2017

Bruton, John (2017) Reflections on Brexit and its Implications for Ireland. CEPS Policy Insights No 2017/16/May 2017. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) The European Union is exaggerating in its demands for Brexit, especially about the European Court of Justice’s future role. Egmont Commentary, 29 May 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: time for Plan B. EPC Discussion Paper, 31 May 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) The rise of post-national democracy: Macron, Brexit and the electoral reform of the European Parliament. EPC Discussion Paper 10 May 2017. [Discussion Paper]

June 2017

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Matthias (2017) Programming Brexit: How will the UK’s IT sector fare? CEPS Policy Insights No 2017-24/ June 2017. [Policy Paper]

Chang, Michele (2017) Can Brexit Lead to Further Integration? The Case of Economic and Monetary Union. College of Europe Policy Brief #6.17, June 2017. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) Why the future role of the European Court of Justice is a tricky topic for Brexit. Egmont Commentary, 27 June 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) What now? Options for Brexit - And a cry for help. EPC Discussion Paper, 15 June 2017. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) What’s next after Theresa May’s spectacular own goal? CEPS Commentary, 12 June 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Uncertainty in the UK. EPC Commentary, 9 June 2017. [Policy Paper]

July 2017

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: No ordinary third country. EPC Discussion Paper, 6 July 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) For a ‘Scrap-it’ Brexit – 33 reasons why … and counting. CEPS Commentary, 18 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

Harendt, Christoph and Heinemann, Friedrich (2017) “Building Resilience” A comparison of eight OECD countries. Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|12. UNSPECIFIED.

Hayward, Katy and Campbell, Maurice and Murphy, Rob (2017) The Irish Border as a Customs Frontier after Brexit. CEPS Commentary, 11 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Reality bites: the Brexit negotiations seen from the other side of the Channel. EPC Commentary, 24 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

September 2017

Blockmans, Steven. and Van der Loo, Guillaume (2017) Brexit: Towards an ‘EFTA-like’ dispute settlement mechanism. CEPS Commentary, 31 August 2017. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) In the Brexit negotiation, the UK will never escape the close connection between judicial and trade cooperation. Egmont Commentary, 14 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Dehousse, Franklin (2017) Why the sequencing of the Brexit negotiations should be abandoned. Egmont Commentary, 28 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: dealing with withdrawal symptoms. EPC Discussion Paper, 5 September 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) Stocktaking after Theresa May’s Brexit speech in Florence: Key point – the transition, key omission – the future relationship. CEPS Policy Insights No 2017-34/September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Fabbrini, Federico (2017) EU-flashlight 2017/07. Brexit and freedom of movement in the EU: a legal primer. Interview September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Frantziou , Eleni and Łazowski , Adam (2017) Brexit Transitional Period: The solution is Article 50. CEPS Commentary, 9 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth (2017) Brexit and the Treatment of EU Citizens by the UK Home Office. CEPS Policy Insights No 2017-33/September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Reversing over the cliff edge? EPC Policy Brief, 18 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Theresa May's Florence speech: much ado about nothing. EPC Commentary, 22 September 2017. [Policy Paper]

October 2017

Cameron, Fraser (2017) After Brexit: Prospects for UK-EU cooperation on foreign and security policy. EPC Policy Brief 30 October 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: Sufficient Unto the Day. EPC Discussion Paper 3 October 2017. [Discussion Paper]

White, Jonathan (2017) Building ‘Implicit Partnerships’? Financial Long Term Care Entitlements in Europe. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 125/2017 October 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Better safe than sorry: Time to prepare for a 'no deal scenario'. EPC Commentary, October 2017. [Policy Paper]

November 2017

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: Terra Nova to explore together. EPC Discussion Paper, 7 November 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2017) Derivatives Clearing and Brexit: A comment on the proposed EMIR revisions. ECMI Policy Brief No. 25 / November 2017. [Policy Paper]

Mattelaer, Alexander (2017) Towards a Belgian position on Brexit: Actively reconciling national and European interests. Egmont Paper 99, November 2017. [Policy Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon (2017) Escape from the Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice: A Good Reason to Quit the European Union? College of Europe Policy Brief #9.17, November 2017. [Policy Paper]

December 2017

Biscop, Sven. (2017) The great powers have their ways. Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 93 December 2017. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2017) Brexit: Launching Satellite Britain. EPC Discussion Paper, 5 December 2017. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2017) Brexit breakthrough – Into ever-deeper fog over both the Northern Irish border and the Channel. CEPS Commentary, 11 December 2017. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2017) Brexit: Towards a deep and comprehensive partnership? EPC Discussion Paper, 5 December 2017. [Discussion Paper]


Bojar, Abel (2018) With a Little Help from My Friends: Ministerial Alignment and Public Spending Composition in Parliamentary Democracies. LEQS Paper No. 133/2018 April 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Russo, Marianna (2018) LNG and gas storage optimisation and valuation: Lessons from the integrated Irish and UK markets. ESRI WP606, December 2018. [Working Paper]

Di Ubaldo, Mattia and Siedschlag, Iulia (2018) Determinants of firms' inputs sourcing choices: the role of institutional and regulatory factors. ESRI WP599, September 2018. [Working Paper]

Doorley, Karina (2018) Minimum Wages and the Gender Gap in Pay. ESRI Research Bulletin 2018/12. UNSPECIFIED.

Lawless, Martina (2018) Irish-UK Services Trade and Brexit. ESRI WP595, July 2018. [Working Paper]

Tillmann, Christina and Härterich, Claudia (2018) The G20: 9 facts and figures Factsheet for Policy Brief 6/2018: The G20 is turning 20. Time to take stock of multilateralism. [Policy Paper]

January 2018

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: What if Britain changes its mind? EPC Discussion Paper, 18 January 2018. [Discussion Paper]

February 2018

Biscop, Sven (2018) BREXIT, STRATEGY, AND THE EU: BRITAIN TAKES LEAVE. Egmont Paper 100, February 2018. [Policy Paper]

Costa-Font, Joan and Perdikis, Laurie (2018) Varieties of Health Care Devolution: “Systems or Federacies”? LEQS Discussion Paper No. 130/2018 February 2018. [Discussion Paper]

March 2018

Darvas, Zsolt and Wolff, Guntram B. (2018) Rethinking the European Union’s post-Brexit budget priorities. Bruegel Policy Brief ISSUE 1 | MARCH 2018. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: Half In, Half Out or Right Out? EPC Discussion Paper, 6 March 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2018) Theresa May’s Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. CEPS Commentary, 6 March 2018. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2018) A Brexit Gentlemen’s Agreement. CEPS Commentary, 9 March 2018. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2018) The fight over clearing euro derivatives. ECMI Commentary No. 50 / 15 March 2018. [Policy Paper]

Thomadakis, Apostolos (2018) Over-the-counter interest rate derivatives: The clock is ticking for the UK and the EU. ECMI Research Report No. 13/March 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2018

Bargain, Olivier and Doorley, Karina and Van Kerm, Philippe (2018) Minimum Wages and the Gender Gap in Pay: New Evidence from the UK and Ireland. ESRI DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES IZA DP No. 11502, April 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Highman, Ludovic (2018) Redefining a Post-Brexit EU-UK Partnership in Research and Higher Education. College of Europe Policy Brief #6.18, April 2018. [Policy Paper]

Tardy, Thierry (2018) What third-country role is open to the UK in defence? CEPS Commentary 24 April 2018. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) Last chance for an exit from Brexit? EPC Policy Brief 29 March 2018. [Policy Paper]

May 2018

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: What Theresa May's White Paper must do. EPC Discussion Paper, 16 May 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Innes, Abby. (2018) First-best-world economic theory and the second-best-world of public sector outsourcing: the reinvention of the Soviet Kombinat by other means. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 134/2018 May 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) Pie in the sky and the death of 'cakeism': towards the brink in EU-UK negotiations. EPC Commentary, 3 May 2018. [Policy Paper]

June 2018

Di Cataldo, Marco and Monastiriotis, Vassilis (2018) An assessment of EU Cohesion Policy in the UK regions: direct effects and the dividend of targeting. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 135/2018 June 2018. [Discussion Paper]

McVicar, Duncan and Park, Andrew and McGuinness, Seamus (2018) Exploiting the Irish Border to Estimate Minimum Wage Impacts in Northern Ireland. ESRI DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES IZA DP No. 11585, June 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon (2018) Brexit and the Cross-Border Spillover of the EU’s State Aid Rules. College of Europe Policy Brief #11.18. June 2018. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) Brexit: Stumbling over the backstop? EPC Commentary 6 June 2018. [Policy Paper]

July 2018

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: Last call. EPC Discussion Paper, 4 July 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2018) Theresa May’s Brexit model: many questions, not least ‘why Leave?’ CEPS Commentary, 16 July 2018. [Policy Paper]


Pelkmans, Jacques. (2018) Shattered Illusions: The new Brexit proposals on customs. CEPS Commentary, 17 July 2018. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) UK business should play for extra time in the Brexit negotiations. EPC Commentary, 25 July 2018. [Policy Paper]

August 2018

Carrera, Sergio and Mitsilegas , Valsamis and Stefan, Marco and Giuffrida, Fabio (2018) Criminal Justice and Police Cooperation between the EU and the UK after Brexit: Towards a principled and trust-based partnership. CEPS Task Force Reports. UNSPECIFIED.

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: Beyond the transition. EPC Discussion Paper, 21 August 2018. [Discussion Paper]

September 2018

Emerson, Michael (2018) Brexit’s hot rentrée – The spectre of collapse or a reasoned outcome? CEPS Commentary, 6 September 2018. [Policy Paper]

Lock, Tobias and Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) Extending the transition period. EPC Discussion Paper, 28 September 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Macchiarelli, Corrado (2018) What is the EU-UK relation all about? Tracking the path from monetary integration to “ever closeness”. LEQS Paper No. 137/2018 September 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2018) The road to nowhere? Prospects for a post-Brexit trade deal. EPC Policy Brief, 18 September 2018. [Policy Paper]

October 2018

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: When the music has to stop. EPC Discussion Paper, 9 October 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Hu, Weinian (2018) From UK customs fraud to Danish money laundering: lessons for Brexit and the EU. CEPS Commentary, 11 October 2018. [Policy Paper]

November 2018

Emerson, Michael (2018) The Brexit 'Future Relationship': not a deal, but a half-blind date. CEPS Commentary, 26 November 2018. [Policy Paper]

Stefan, Marco and Giuffrida, Fabio (2018) Disarming a ticking bomb: Can the Withdrawal Agreement ensure EU-UK judicial and police cooperation after Brexit? CEPS Policy Insights No 2018/16, December 2018. [Policy Paper]

December 2018

Darvas, Zsolt (2018) Forecast errors and monetary policy normalisation in the euro area. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚24 | December 2018. [Policy Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2018) Brexit: From revelation to re-accession. EPC Discussion Paper, 4 December 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Mattelaer, Alexander (2018) Endorsing Brexit or Preparing for ‘No Deal’? A Belgian Perspective. Egmont European Policy Brief No. 53, November 2018. [Policy Paper]


Author, No (2019) POTENTIAL IMPACT OF WTO TARIFFS ON CROSS-BORDER TRADE. InterTradeIreland, 2019. [Working Paper]


Calvo, Angela Garcia and Coulter, Steve (2019) INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE CRISIS: An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Policies in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. CES Open Forum Series 2018-2019, 2019. [Working Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Russo, Marianna (2019) Liquefied natural gas and gas storage valuation: Lessons from the integrated Irish and UK markets. ESRI Research Bulletin 2019/08. UNSPECIFIED.

Gash, Vanessa and Plagnol, Anke C. (2019) The Partner Pay Gap – Associations between Spouses’ Relative Earnings and Life Satisfaction among Couples in the UK. ESRI WP642, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Masetti, Francesca (2019) Devolution in Scotland and the Case Study of the Scottish Higher Education System. EDAP Paper 01/2019. [Working Paper]

Mion, Giordano and Ponattu, Dominic (2019) Estimating the impact of Brexit on European countries and regions. Bertelsmann Policy Paper, March 2019. [Policy Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Koecklin, Manuel Tong (2019) The Impact of Brexit Uncertainty on FDI-related New Jobs in Northern Ireland. Department for the Economy, October 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Thorsten Hellmann, Thorsten Hellmann and Pia Schmidt, Pia Schmidt and Heller, Sascha Matthias (2019) Social Justice in the EU and OECD. Bertelsmann Stiftung Index Report 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Véron, Nicolas (2019) flashlight europe Interview | 02.2019, INSTEX: Gateway to EU strategic autonomy? UNSPECIFIED.

de Menezes, Lilian M. and Russo, Marianna and Urga, Giovanni (2019) Measuring Liquidity in Gas Markets: The Case of the UK National Balancing Point. ESRI Research Bulletin 2019/06. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2019

Bisciari, Patrick (2019) A survey of the long-term impact of Brexit on the UK and the EU27 economies. National Bank of Belgium, Working Paper No. 366. [Working Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2019) Brexit: How the Political Declaration can rescue the Withdrawal Agreement. EPC Discussion Paper, 3 January 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. (2019) The implications of no-deal Brexit: is the European Union prepared? Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚2 | January 2019. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2019) One step forward, two steps back: Towards no deal by default or design. EPC Discussion Paper, 28 January 2019. [Discussion Paper]

February 2019

Duff, Andrew (2019) Brexit: The Compromise. EPC Discussion Paper, 14 February 2019. [Discussion Paper]

de Vries, Catherine E and Hoffmann, Isabell (2019) We’ll be fine. How People in the EU27 View Brexit. eupinions brief | February 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2019

Sachs, Andreas (2019) Brexit and German-British Production Chains A Sector-Level Analysis of Value Chains fir tge Year 2017. Bertelsmann Stiftung GED Study March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Siedschlag, Iulia and Koecklin, Manuel Tong (2019) The Impact of the UK’s EU Exit on its Attractiveness to FDI and Associated Job Creation Effects. Department for the Economy, March 2019. [Working Paper]

April 2019

Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliute, Lina and Mitsilegas, Valsamis and Allsopp, Jennifer (2019) Policing Humanitarianism: EU Policies Against Human Smuggling and their Impact on Civil Society. Research Paper. April 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Darvas, Zsolt (2019) Brexit: Losing control. EPC Discussion Paper, 24 April 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Szymański, Piotr (2019) The consequences of Brexit for the UK’s security policy and NATO’s eastern flank. OSW Commentary NUMBER 299 | 03.04.2019. [Policy Paper]

July 2019

Brunner, Larissa (2019) No-deal Brexit may be the only way out for Boris Johnson. 24 July 2019. [Policy Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Bergin, Adele (2019) The Political Economy of a Northern Ireland Border Poll. ESRI DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES IZA DP No. 12496, July 2019. [Discussion Paper]

August 2019

Scheidt, Melanie (2019) The European Union versus External Disinformation Campaigns in the Midst of Information Warfare: Ready for the Battle? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 01/2019. [Working Paper]

September 2019

Duff, Andrew (2019) Brexit: How was it for you? EPC Discussion Paper 17 September 2019. [Discussion Paper]

Pelkmans, Jacques (2019) Just a little Brexit?: ‘Alternative (customs) arrangements’ and the Withdrawal Agreement. CEPS Policy Insights No 2019-13/ September 2019. [Policy Paper]

Privalko, Ivan and Maitre, Bertrand and Watson, Dorothy and Grotti, Raffaele (2019) Access to Childcare and Home Care Services across Europe. An Analysis of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU SILC), 2016. Social Inclusion Report No 8. September 2019. [Working Paper]

November 2019

Crescenzi, Riccardo and Di Cataldo, Marco and Giua, Mara (2019) It’s not about the money! EU funds, local opportunities, and the Brexit vote. LEQS Paper No. 149/2019 November 2019. [Discussion Paper]

December 2019

Brunner, Larissa (2019) The EU should prepare for all UK post-election scenarios. EPC Policy Brief, 6 December 2019. [Policy Paper]

Mattelaer, Alexander (2019) The 2019 UK General Election: Towards a Brexit Catharsis? Egmont European Policy Brief No. 58 December 2019. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea. (2019) FEASIBILITY STUDYSTUDY: INTRODUCING “ONE-IN-ONE-OUT” IN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Final Report for the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Presented by the Centre for European Policy Studies, 5 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmitz, Emerson Erik (2019) The impact of Brexit uncertainties on international trade: Evidence from Belgium. NBB Working Paper No 380, December 2019. [Working Paper]

January 2020

Duff, Andrew (2020) Brexit: Getting it done. EPC Discussion paper 9 JANUARY 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Leigh, Michael and Thompson, Beth and Veugelers, Reinhilde. (2020) A post-Brexit agreement for research and innovation Outcomes from a simulated negotiation process. Bruegel Special Report 28 January 2020. Series > Bruegel (Brussels) > Other . UNSPECIFIED.

Thaler, Philipp (2020) Energy cooperation between the EU and Switzerland Partners by destiny in search of a new model. IES Policy Paper Issue 2020/01 • January 2020. [Policy Paper]

de Vries,, Catherine E. and Hoffmann, Isabell (2020) Hello, Goodbye. Bertelsmann Stiftung eupinions brief | January 2020. [Policy Paper]

March 2020

Agosto, Arianna and Campmas, Alexandra and Giudici, Paolo and Renda, Andrea (2020) Monitoring Covid-19 contagion growth in Europe. CEPS Working Document No 2020/03, March 2020. [Working Paper]

Belton, Cameron A. and Lavina, Ciarán and Lunna, Peter D. (2020) Eliciting trade-offs between water charges and service benefits in Scotland. ESRI Working Paper No. 655 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Belton, Cameron A. and Robertson, Deirdre A. and Lunna, Peter D. (2020) An experimental study of attitudes to changing water charges in Scotland. ESRI Working Paper No.654 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Duff, Andrew (2020) Setting the bounds of the European Union. EPC Discussion Paper 10 March 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2020

Christie, Rebecca and Wieser, Thomas (2020) The European Union’s post-Brexit reckoning with financial markets. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n ̊8 | May 2020. [Policy Paper]

June 2020

Grohs, Stephan and Beinborn, Niclas and Ullrich, Nicholas (2020) Making Prevention Work: Preventive structures and policies for children, youth and families: Comprehensive report. Materials about Prevention Vol. 15 June 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2020

McGuinness, Seamus and Bergin, Adele (2020) Existing evidence and continued uncertainties surrounding a Northern Ireland border poll. ESRI Research Bulletin 202017 July 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2020

Bokhari, Farasat and Yan, Weijie (2020) Product line extensions under the threat of entry: evidence from the UK pharmaceuticals market. ESRI Working Paper 678 September 2020. [Working Paper]

October 2020

Boudet, Adrien (2020) Un « triangle d’incompatibilité » ? La relation entre Brexit, défense européenne et PSDC. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 5/2020. [Working Paper]

December 2020

Türk, Alexander (2020) Brexit and Aviation: Flying High or Crashing Out? EIPA Briefing December 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2021

Cloos, Jim (2021) Open letter to British friends from a bemused European. Egmont Commentary 18 March 2021. [Policy Paper]

Van der Loo, Guillaume and Chamon, Merjin (2021) The European Parliament flexes its muscles on the EU–UK trade deal. Egmont Commentary 5 March 2021. [Policy Paper]

June 2021

Szymański, Piotr (2021) The UK’s Integrated Review and NATO’s north-eastern flank. OSW Commentary Number 396 10.06.2021. [Policy Paper]

Wachowiak, Jannike (2021) EU–UK climate cooperation post-Brexit: A case for optimism? EPC Policy Brief June 2021. [Policy Paper]

September 2021

Acosta, Diego (2021) After Brexit: Could bilateral agreements facilitate the free movement of persons? EPC Discussion Paper 07/09/2021. [Discussion Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2021) AUKUS and the EU: A Snub for the Bloc? Egmont Commentary 22 September 2021. [Policy Paper]

February 2022

Blockmans, Steven (2022) Why the Ukraine crisis should push the UK and EU into a tighter embrace on security policy. CEPS Policy Contribution February 2022. [Policy Paper]

July 2022

Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel and Cameron, Aliénor (2022) Mapping banking centres globally since 1970. Bruegel WORKING PAPER | ISSUE 12/2022 | 12 JULY 2022. [Working Paper]

This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 18:12:52 2025 EST.