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- Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) (2792)
- CEPS Special Reports (202)
- Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) (2792)
- Series (9917)
August 2002
v. Schoppenthau, Philip and Brenton, Paul and Egerer, Julia and Buelens, Christian. (2002) Die Auswirkungen der ATC-Liberalisierung auf die deutsche Textilwirtschaft. = The impact of the ATC liberalization on the German textile industry. CEPS Special Reports, August 2002. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2006
Mortensen, Jørgen and Tsolova, Svetla (2006) Cross Atlantic Exchange to Advance Long-Term Care. Background paper prepared for the European Commission and AARP Joint Conference on Long-term Care, 13 September 2006. Special CEPS Reports, September 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2006
De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia and Kurpas, Sebastian and Brüggemann, Michael. (2006) Informing European citizens? Evaluating the Activities of the European Commission in the field of Information Study commissioned by the European Parliament Budget Committee 31 August 2006. CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
Begg, Iain. (2006) Lisbon relaunched: What has changed? Is it working better? CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia and Brüggemann, Michael and Kurpas, Sebastian. (2006) Towards communication? Evaluating the Activities of the European Commission in the field of Communication. Study commissioned by the European Parliament Budget Committee 31 August 2006. CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
Guild, Elspeth and Geyer, Florian. (2006) Justice and Home Affairs Issues at European Union Level. Written evidence submitted by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) to the Select Committee on Home Affairs, House of Commons. CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
Meyer, Christoph O. (2006) Citizenship & Education Policies - Value for money? Evaluation of Activities in the Area of Citizenship and Education financed under the Community Budget during the Period 2000-05 & Orientations for Future Activities. Study commissioned by the Budget Committee of the European Parliament 31 August 2006. CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea and Schrefler, Lorna and von Dewall, Frederik A. (2006) Ex post evaluation of the MAP 2001-2005 initiative and suggestions for the CIP 2007-2013. Study commissioned by the Budget Committee of the European Parliament 31 August 2006. CEPS Special Reports, November 2006. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2007
De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia and Hagemann, Sara. (2007) Old Rules, New Game: Decision-making in the Council of Ministers after the 2004 Enlargement. CEPS Special Reports, March 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
Vinokurov, Evgeny. (2007) Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration, CEPS Special Reports, March 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2007
Begg, Iain. (2007) Lisbon II, Two Years on: An Assessment of the Partnership for Growth and Jobs. Special CEPS Reports, July 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2007
Kurpas, Sebastian and Crum, Ben and de Schoutheete, Philippe and Keller, Jacques and Dehousse, Franklin and Andoura, Sami and Missiroli, Antonio and Hagemann, Sara and Bribosia, Hervé. (2007) The Treaty of Lisbon: Implementing the Institutional Innovations. CEPS Special Reports, November 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2007
Mortensen, Jørgen and Renda, Andrea. (2007) Asthma in the EU: Towards Better Management and Regulation of a Public Health Issue. CEPS Special Reports, December 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2008
Ülgen, Sinan and Atiyas, Izak and Nunez Ferrer, Jorge and Sarisoy Guerin, Selen and Renda, Andrea and Tekce, Mahmut. (2008) Second generation structural reforms: De-regulation and competition in infrastructure industries; the evolution of the Turkish telecommunications, energy and transport sectors in light of EU harmonisation. CEPS Special Reports, November 2007. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2008
Kaczyński, Piotr Maciej and Kurpas, Sebastian and Gron, Caroline. (2008) The European Commission after Enlargement: Does more add up to less? CEPS Special Reports, February 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2008
Mortensen, Jørgen and Begg, Iain and Draxler, Juraj. (2008) Is Social Europe Fit for Globalisation? A Study of the Social Impact of Globalisation in the European Union. CEPS Special Reports, March 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2008
Alegre, Susie. (2008) The EU's External Cooperation in Criminal Justice and Counter-terrorism: An Assessment of the Human Rights Implications with a particular focus on Cooperation with Canada. CEPS Special Reports, September 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre. (2008) Miscarriages of Justice and Exceptional Procedures in the 'War against Terrorism'. CEPS Special Report, September 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
Hobbing, Peter. (2008) Tracing Terrorists: The EU-Canada Agreement in PNR Matters. CEPS Special Reports, September 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
Tsoukala, Anastassia. (2008) Security, Risk and Human Rights: A vanishing relationship? CEPS Special Reports, September 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2008
Guerin, Selen Sarisoy and Edwards, T. Huw and Glania, Guido and Kim, Heungchong and Lee, Hongshik and Matthes, Jurgen and Tekce, Mahmut. (2008) A Qualitative Analysis of a Potential Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and South Korea. CEPS Special Report, 25 November 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2008
Lang, John Temple. (2008) The Requirements for a Commission Notice on the Concept of Abuse under Article 82 EC. CEPS Special Reports, 10 December 2008. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2009
Aagaard, Lindsay. (2009) A shared struggle for truth and accountability: Canada, Europe and investigations into the detention and abuse of citizens abroad. CEPS Special Report, 2 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Draxler, Juraj. (2009) How to make European pensions adequate and sustainable? CEPS Special Report, 10 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Macklin, Audrey. (2009) The Canadian Security Certificate Regime. CEPS Special Report, 30 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Macklin, Audrey. (2009) Transjudicial Conversations about Security and Human Rights. CEPS Special Report, 10 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Mégie, Antoine. (2009) Replacing and Displacing the Law: The Europeanisation of Judicial Power. CEPS Special Report, 10 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Scherrer, Amandine. (2009) Good Practices as International Norms? The Modalities of the Global Fight against Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism. CEPS Special Report, 2 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2009
Alegre, Susie and Ivanova, Ivanka and Denis-Smith, Dana. (2009) Safeguarding the Rule of Law in an Enlarged EU: The Cases of Bulgaria and Romania. CEPS Special Report, April 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Carrera, Sergio and Faure Atger, Anaïs. (2009) Implementation of Directive 2004/38 in the context of EU Enlargement: A proliferation of different forms of citizenship? CEPS Special Report, 9 April 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Carrera, Sergio and Merlino, Massimo. (2009) State of the Art on the European Court of Justice and Enacting Citizenship. CEPS Special Report, April 27 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2009
Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Eggenschwiler, Alejandro (2009) Informing the Asylum Debate. CEPS Special Reports, 18 May 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Eggenschwiler, Alejandro (2009) Informing the Borders Debate. CEPS Special Reports, 18 May 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Eggenschwiler, Alejandro (2009) Informing the Data Protection Debate. CEPS Special Reports, 18 May 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Eggenschwiler, Alejandro. (2009) Informing the Immigration Debate. CEPS Special Reports, 18 May 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Vijgen, John and Egenhofer, Christian. (2009) Obsolete Pesticides: A ticking time bomb and why we have to act now. CEPS Special Reports, 15 May 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2009
Renda, Andrea and Guerin, Selen and Arbak, Emrah. (2009) EU-Turkey Accession Negotiations: Impact assessment of Chapter 10 on information society and media. CEPS Special Report, 3 July 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
August 2009
De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia. (2009) The New European Parliament: All change or business as usual? CEPS Special Report, 10 August 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2009
Atger, Anais Faure. (2009) Education and Political Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU: An Overview of the Literature. CEPS Special Report, 22 September 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Carrera, Sergio and Geyer, Florian. (2009) EU Policy on Education: The Impact on the Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups. CEPS Special Report, 21 September 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Geyer, Florian. (2009) The Educational System in Belgium. CEPS Special Report, 21 September 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Geyer, Florian. (2009) The Educational System in Luxembourg. CEPS Special Report, 21 September 2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Begg, Iain and Erhel, Christine and Mortensen, Jorgen. (2010) Medium-term Employment Challenges. CEPS Special Report, January 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2010
Riley, Alan. (2010) The Modernisation of EU Anti-Cartel Enforcement: Will the Commission Grasp the Opportunity? CEPS Special Report, 7 January 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2010
Fujiwara, Noriko and Egenhofer, Christian and Georgiev, Anton. (2010) Getting Started Now: Capacity Building for the Data System Foundations of Sectoral Approaches. CEPS Special Report, 22 April 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2010
Fujiwara, Noriko and Georgiev, Anton and Alessi, Monica. (2010) The merit of sectoral approaches in transitioning towards a global carbon market. CEPS Special Report, 27 May 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
Fujiwara, Noriko. (2010) Sectoral Approaches to Climate Change: What can industry contribute? CEPS Special Report, 5 May 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2010
Alcidi, Cinzia and De Grauwe, Paul and Gros, Daniel and Oh, Yonghyup. (2010) The future of the eurozone and gold. CEPS Special Report, 3 September 2010. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2011
Egenhofer, Christian and Alessi, Monica and Georgiev, Anton and Fujiwara, Noriko. (2011) The EU Emissions Trading System and Climate Policy towards 2050: Real incentives to reduce emissions and drive innovation? CEPS Special Reports, 12 January 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2011
Kaczynski, Piotr Macief. (2011) Paper tigers or sleeping beauties? National parliaments in the post-Lisbon European political system. CEPS Special Report/February 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2011
Okem, Z. Guldem. (2011) Innovation in the health system in Turkey on its way to European Union membership. CEPS Special Report, 8 March 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2011
Núñez Ferrer, Jorge and Behrens, Arno. (2011) Approaches to EU blending mechanisms for developing finance. CEPS Special Report, 18 May 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2011
Dubel, Hans-Joachim. and Rothemund, Marc. (2011) A New mortgage credit regime for Europe: setting the right priorities. CEPS Special Report, June 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2011
Lang, John Temple (2011) Three Possibilities for Reform of the Procedure of the European Commission in Competition Cases under Regulation 1/2003. CEPS Special Report, 18 November 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2011
Kurpas, Sebastian and Meyer, Christoph O. and Brüggemann, Michael (2011) The External communication activities, tools and structures of the European Commission: lessons learned and new avenues. Report to the Screening Working Group of the European Commission. Completed 31 October, 2007. CEPS Special Report, 15 December 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2012
Teusch, Jonas and Behrens, Arno. and Egenhofer, Christian. (2012) The Benefits of Investing in Electricity Transmission: A Case Study of Northern Europe. CEPS Special Report, January 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2012
Faleg, Giovanni and Giovannini, Alessandro (2012) The EU between pooling & sharing and smart defence - Making a virtue of necessity? CEPS Special Report, May 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2012) Expanding carbon markets through new market-based mechanisms. A synthesis of discussions and submissions to the UNFCCC. CEPS Special Report, 2 May 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. (2012) The power of simplicity: Toward a smarter and streamlined innovation policy in the EU. CEPS Special Report, 23 May 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2012
Europe, VoteWatch (2012) Mid-term Evaluation of the 2009-14 European Parliament: Legislative activity and decision-making dynamics. CEPS Special Report, 23 July 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2012
Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Martellucci, Elisa (2012) Workplace Innovation and Technological Change. CEPS Special Report, September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Casale, Alessandra and Giovannini, Alessandro and Gros, Daniel. and Ivan, Paul and Ferrer, Jorge Núñez and Peirce, Fabrizia (2012) The implications for the EU and national budgets of the use of EU instruments for macro-financial stability. CEPS Special Report, 4 September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Cipollone, Angela and Patacchini, Eleonora and Vallanti, Giovanni (2012) Women's Labour Market Performance in Europe: Trends and Shaping Factors. CEPS Special Report, September 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
October 2012
Mustilli, Federica and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2012) Securing EU growth from services. CEPS Special Report No. 67, October 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Núñez Ferrer, Jorge and Volkery, Axel and Withana, Sirini and Medarova-Bergstrom, Keti (2012) The use of innovative financial instruments for financing EU policies and objectives: Implications for EU and national budgets. CEPS Special Report, October 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2012
Gros, Daniel. (2012) How to deal with macroeconomic imbalances? CEPS Special Report No. 69, 23 November 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2012) Backloading: A necessary, but not sufficient first step. CEPS Special Report No. 72, 20 November 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2012) A Framework for Various Approaches under the UNFCCC: Necessity or luxury? CEPS Special Report No. 70, 20 November 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2012) The Future of the Clean Development Mechanism. Note on the report “A Call to Action” of the High-Level Panel on CDM Policy Dialogue. CEPS Special Report No. 71, 20 November 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2012
Blockmans, Steven. and Kostanyan, Hrant. and Vorobiov, Ievgen (2012) Towards a Eurasian Economic Union: the challenge of integration and unity. CEPS Special Report No. 75/December 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Böhler, Philipp and Pelkmans, Jacques. and Selçuki, Can (2012) Who remembers Turkey's pre-accession? CEPS Special Report No. 74/December 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Schilling, Eva (2012) When the rising dragon sees fading stars: China's view of the European Union. CEPS Special Report No. 73, 29 November 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2013
Mustilli, Federica and Pelkman, Jacques (2013) Access Barriers to Services Markets: Mapping, tracing, understanding and measuring. CEPS Special Report No. 77, June 2013. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2013
Blockmans, Steven. and Hillion, Christophe and Cremona, Marise. and Curtin, Deirdra and De Baere, Geert and Duke, Simon and Eckes, Christina and Van Vooren, Bart and Wessel, Ramses and Wouters, Jan. (2013) EEAS 2.0: Recommendations for the amendment of Council Decision 2010/427/EU on the European External Action Service. CEPS Special Report No. 78, 13 November 2013. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2013
Egenhofer, Christian. and Schrefler, Lorna and Genoese, Fabio and Luchetta, Giacomo and Mustilli, Federica and Simonelli, Felice and Colantoni, Lorenzo and Timini, Jacopo and Wieczorkiewicz, Julian (2013) The steel industry in the European Union: Composition and drivers of energy prices and costs. CEPS Special Report No. 80, 17 December 2013. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei and Egenhofer, Christian. and Roth, Susanna and Stoefs, Wijnand (2013) Carbon leakage: an overview. CEPS Special Report No. 79, 6 December 2013. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2014
Kostanyan, Hrant. (2014) The Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership four years on: Progress, challenges and prospects. CEPS Special Report, January 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2014
Behrens, Arno and Coulie, Caroline and Genoese, Fabio and Alessi, Monica and Wieczorkiewicz, Julian and Egenhofer, Christian (2014) Impact of the Decarbonisation of the Energy System on Employment in Europe. CEPS Special Report No. 82, February 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2014
Egenhofer, Christian. and Schrefler, Lorna and Rizos, Vasileios and Marcu, Andrei and Genoese, Fabio and Renda , Andrea and Wieczorkiewicz, Julian and Roth, Susanna and Infelise, Federico and Luchetta, Giacomo and Colantoni, Lorenzo and Stoefs , Wijnand and Timini, Jacopo and Simonelli, Felice (2014) The Composition and Drivers of Energy Prices and Costs in Energy-Intensive Industries: The Case of Ceramics, Glass and Chemicals. CEPS Special Report No. 85, 27 March 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei and Egenhofer, Christian and Roth, Susanna and Stoefs, Wijnand (2014) Carbon Leakage: Options for the EU. CEPS Special Report, March 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2014
Ferrer, Jorge Núñez and Katarivas, Moni (2014) What are the effects of the EU budget: Driving force or drop in the ocean? CEPS Special Report No. 86, April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Núñez Ferrer, Jorge. and Katarivas, Moni (2014) What are the effects of the EU budget: Driving force or drop in the ocean? CEPS Special Report No. 86/April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
de Jong, Jacques and Egenhofer, Christian (2014) Exploring a Regional Approach to EU Energy Policies. CEPS Special Report No. 84, April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
de Jong, Jacques and Egenhofer, Christian. (2014) Exploring a Regional Approach to EU Energy Policies. CEPS Special Report No. 84, 15 April 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2014
Marcu, Andrei (2014) The Role of Market Mechanisms in a Post-2020 Climate Change Agreement. CEPS Special Report No. 87/May 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Parker, Richard and Alemanno, Alberto (2014) Towards Effective Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP: A Comparative Overview of the EU and US Legislative and Regulatory Systems. CEPS Special Report No. 88, 15 May 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Van den Putte, Lore and De Ville, Ferdi and Orbie, Jan (2014) The European Parliament’s New Role in Trade Policy: Turning power into impact. CEPS Special Report No. 89, 21 May 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
October 2014
Lannoo, Karel. and Gros, Daniel. and de Schoutheete, Philippe and Marcu, Andrei and Núñez-Ferrer, Jorge and Egenhofer, Christian. and Genoese, Fabio and Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Schrefler, Lorna and Renda, Andrea. and Pelkmans, Jacques. and Blockmans, Steven. and Blackman, Colin and Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth (2014) Priorities for the Juncker Commission: Policy recommendations and advice from the research team at CEPS. CEPS Special Report No. 92, 22 October 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Lejour, Arjan. and Mustilli, Federica and Pelkmans, Jacques. and Timini, Jacopo (2014) Economic Incentives for Indirect TTIP Spillovers. CEPS Special Report No. 94/October 2014 [TTIP Series No. 2]. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2014) The Framework for Various Approaches and the New Market Mechanism. CEPS Special Report No. 90, 3 October 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2014) The Market Stability Reserve in Perspective. CEPS Special Report No. 91, October 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Pelkmans, Jacques. and Lejour, Arjan. and Schrefler, Lorna and Mustilli, Federica and Timini, Jacopo (2014) The Impact of TTIP: The underlying economic model and comparisons. CEPS Special Report No. 93/13 October 2014. [TTIP Series No. 1]. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2014
Pelkmans, Jacques. and Renda, Andrea. (2014) Does EU regulation hinder or stimulate innovation? CEPS Special Report No. 96, 19 November 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Piedrafita, Sonia (2014) Who calls the shots in the committees of the new European Parliament? CEPS Special Report No. 97, 21 November 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
de Vries, Anthonius W. and Portela, Clara and Guijarro-Usobiaga, Borja (2014) Improving the Effectiveness of Sanctions: A Checklist for the EU. CEPS Special Report No. 95, 6 November 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2014
Alcidi, Cinzia. and Giovannini, Alessandro and Piedrafita, Sonia (2014) Enhancing the Legitimacy of EMU Governance. CEPS Special Report No. 98/December 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria (2014) An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area: A simulation exercise of two options. CEPS Special Report No. 98/December 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Josling, Tim and Tangerman, Stefan (2014) Agriculture, Food and the TTIP: Possibilities and Pitfalls. CEPS Special Report No. 99/December 2014. TTIP Series No. 3 and Paper No. 1 in the CEPS-CTR project “TTIP in the balance’’. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2015
Woolcock, Steve and Grier, Jean Heilman (2015) Public Procurement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations. Paper No. 2 in the CEPS-CTR project "TTIP in the Balance" and CEPS Special Report No. 100/February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2015
Pelkmans, Jacques. and de Brito, Anabela Correia (2015) Transatlantic MRAs: Lessons for TTIP? CEPS Special Report No. 101/March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2015
Hamilton, Daniel and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The Geostrategic Implications of TTIP. CEPS Special Report No. 105/April 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. (2015) Antitrust, Regulation and the Neutrality Trap: A plea for a smart, evidence-based internet policy. CEPS Special Report No. 104/April 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2015
Messerlin, Patrick (2015) The Services Dimension of TTIP. Paper No. 6 in the CEPS-CTR project “TTIP in the Balance’’ and CEPS Special Report No. 106, 8 May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Micossi, Stefano. (2015) The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank (2002-2015). CEPS Special Report No. 109/May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. (2015) Too good to be true? A quick assessment of the EC’s new Better Regulation Package. CEPS Special Report No. 108/May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Schleicher, Stefan and Marcu, Andrei and Köppl, Angela and Schneider, Jürgen and Elkerbout, Milan and Türk, Andreas and Zeitlberger, Alexander and Karsten Neuhoff, Karsten Neuhoff (2015) Scanning the Options for a Structural Reform of the EU Emissions Trading System. CEPS Special Report 107, 19 May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2015
Chase, Peter and Pelkmans, Jacques (2015) This time it’s different: Turbo-charging regulatory cooperation in TTIP. Paper No. 7 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 110/June 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Pascouau, Yves (2015) Schengen Anniversary - EPC Special Collection. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2015
Beblavý, Miroslav and Martellucci, Elisa (2015) Extending Working Lives: A comparative analysis of how governments influence lifelong learning, CEPS Special Report No. 111, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Elliott, E. Donald and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2015) Greater TTIP Ambition in Chemicals: Why and how. CEPS Special Report, 28 July 2015. Paper No. 10 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 114/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Natali, Paolo and Egenhofer, Christian. and Molnar, Gergely (2015) Energising the TTIP: Political economy of the trade policy rationale. Paper No. 9 in the CEPS-CTR project “TTIP in the Balance’’and CEPS Special Report No. 113/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. and Yoo, Christopher (2015) Telecommunications and Internet Services: The digital side of the TTIP. Paper No. 8 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 112/July, 17 July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Woolcock, Stephen and Holzer, Barbara and Kusmu, Petros (2015) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities for Consumer Protection. Paper No. 11 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 115/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2015
Freya Baetens, Freya Baetens and Koen Berden, Koen Berden and Steven Blockmans, Steven Blockmans and Jonathan Bonnitcha, Jonathan Bonnitcha and Peter Chase, Peter Chase and Michelle Egan, Michelle Egan and Christian Egenhofer, Christian Egenhofer and E. Donald Elliott, E. Donald Elliott and Joseph Francois, Joseph Francois and Caroline Freund, Caroline Freund and Daniel S. Hamilton, Daniel S. Hamilton and Jean Heilman Grier, Jean Heilman Grier and Barbara Holzer, Barbara Holzer and Tim Josling, Tim Josling and Petros Kusmu, Petros Kusmu and Patrick Messerlin, Patrick Messerlin and Gergely Molnar, Gergely Molnar and Paolo Natali, Paolo Natali and Sarah Oliver, Sarah Oliver and Jacques Pelkmans, Jacques Pelkmans and Lauge Poulsen, Lauge Poulsen and Andrea Renda, Andrea Renda and Stefan Tangermann, Stefan Tangermann and Stephen Woolcock, Stephen Woolcock and Jason Yackee, Jason Yackee and Christopher S. Yoo, Christopher S. Yoo (2015) Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. (2015) Searching for harm or harming search? A look at the European Commission’s antitrust investigation against Google. CEPS Special Report No. 118/September 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2015
De Groen, Willem Pieter and Gros, Daniel. (2015) Estimating the Bridge Financing Needs of the Single Resolution Fund: How expensive is it to resolve a bank? CEPS Special Report No. 122, 25 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Mazziotti, Giuseppe and Bolognini , Alberto and Luchetta, Giacomo (2015) The Implementation, Application and Effects of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Information Society. CEPS Special Report No. 120, 19 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Mazziotti, Giuseppe and Luchetta, Giacomo (2015) Policy Options for Improving the Functioning and Efficiency of the Digital Single Market in the Field of Copyright. CEPS Special Report No. 121, 19 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2015
Blockmans, Steven. and Russack, Sophia (2015) The Commissioners’ Group on External Action – Key political facilitator. CEPS Special Report No. 125/December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel. (2015) Countries under Adjustment Programmes: What role for the ECB? CEPS Special Report No. 124, December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.
Micossi, Stefano. (2016) Thirty Years of the Single European Market. CEPS Special Report No. 148, 25 October 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2016
Beblavý, Miroslav and Fabo, Brian and Lenaerts, Karolien (2016) The Importance of Foreign Language Skills in the Labour Markets of Central and Eastern Europe: An assessment based on data from online job portals. CEPS Special Report No. 129/January 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcu, Andrei (2016) Carbon Market Provisions in the Paris Agreement (Article 6). CEPS Special Report No. 128/January 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Pelkmans, Jacques. (2016) What strategy for a genuine Single Market? CEPS Special Report No. 126/January 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2016
Venizelos, Evangelos (2016) State Transformation and the European Integration Project. Lessons from the financial crisis and the Greek paradigm. CEPS Special Report No. 130/February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Weiss, Stefani. and Blockmans, Steven. (2016) The EU deal to avoid Brexit: Take it or leave. CEPS Special Report No. 131/February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2016
De Groen, Willem Pieter and Maselli, Ilaria and Fabo, Brian (2016) The Digital Market for Local Services: A one-night stand for workers? An example from the on-demand economy. CEPS Special Report, No. 133/April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Dimitrova, Anna and Egenhofer, Christian. and Behrens, Arno (2016) A Roadmap to Enhanced Regional Energy Policy: Cooperation in South East Europe. CEPS Special Report, No. 134/April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Genoese, Fabio and Drabik, Eleanor and Egenhofer, Christian (2016) The EU power sector needs long-term price signals. CEPS Special Report No. 135/April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Micossi, Stefano. and Bruzzone, Ginevra and Cassella, Miriam (2016) Fine-tuning the use of bail-in to promote a stronger EU financial system. CEPS Special Report No. 136/April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Vandenbroucke, Frank and Luigjes, Chris and Wood, Donna and Lievens, Kim (2016) Institutional Moral Hazard in the Multi-tiered Regulation of Unemployment and Social Assistance Benefits. CEPS Special Report No. 137/April 2016 Wednesday, 27 April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2016
De Groen, Willem Pieter and Maselli, Ilaria (2016) The Impact of the Collaborative Economy on the Labour Market. CEPS Special Report No. 138, June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2016
Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias (2016) How mobile is tech talent? A case study of IT professionals based on data from LinkedIn. CEPS Special Report No. 140, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Matthias (2016) Labour Mobility in the EU: Addressing challenges and ensuring ‘fair mobility’. CEPS Special Report No. 139, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Blockmans, Steven. (2016) New Thrust for the CSDP from the Refugee and Migrant Crisis. CEPS Special Report No. 142, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliūtė, Lina and Groenendijk, Kees and Brouwer, Evelien. and Bigo, Didier and Jeandesboz, Julien and Martin-Mazé, Médéric (2016) An Analysis of the Schengen Area in the Wake of Recent Developments. 30 June 2016. CEPS researchers’ work published externally. UNSPECIFIED.
Taranic, Igor and Behrens, Arno and Topi, Corrado (2016) Understanding the Circular Economy in Europe, from Resource Efficiency to Sharing Platforms: The CEPS Framework. CEPS Special Report No. 143 / July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
August 2016
Beblavý, Miroslav and Akgüc, Mehtap and Fabo, Brian and Lenaerts, Karolien (2016) Occupations Observatory - Methodological Note. CEPS Special Report No. 144, August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael and Cenușa, Denis (2016) Deepening EU-Moldovan Relations: What, why and how? CEPS Special Report, 23 August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael and Kovziridze, Tamara (2016) Deepening EU–Georgian Relations: What, why and how? CEPS Special Report, 23 August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael and Movchan, Veronika (2016) Deepening EU-Ukrainian Relations: What, why and how? CEPS Special Report, 23 August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael and Movchan, Veronika (2016) Ukraine and Europe – A short guide. CEPS Special Report, 23 August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
September 2016
Alcidi, Cinzia. and Thirion, Gilles (2016) Assessing the Euro Area’s Shock-Absorption Capacity Risk sharing, consumption smoothing and fiscal policy. CEPS Special Report No. 146 / September 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Asford, Nicholas and Renda, Andrea. (2016) Aligning Policies for Low-Carbon Systemic Innovation in Europe. CEPS Special Report September 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael and Kovziridze, Tamara (2016) Georgia and Europe. A short guide. CEPS Special Report September 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Simonelli, Felice (2016) Combating consumer discrimination in the Digital Single Market: preventing geo-blocking and other forms of geo-discrimination. CEPS Special Report September 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
October 2016
Bosc, Romain and Egenhofer, Christian. and Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Storti, Edoardo and Taranic, Igor (2016) Supporting study for the Fitness Check on the construction sector: EU internal market and energy efficiency legislation. CEPS Report, October 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael (2016) Which model for Brexit? CEPS Special Report No. 147 October 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2016
Jensen, Japp and Drabik, Eleonor and Egenhofer, Christian (2016) The Disclosure of Guarantees of Origin: Interactions with the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework. CEPS Special Report No. 149, 10 November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Riley, Alan. (2016) Nord Stream 2: A Legal and Policy Analysis. CEPS Special Report No. 151 Tuesday, 15 November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2016
Alcidi, Cinzia. and Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias and Nicoli, Francesco (2016) Will a European unemployment benefits scheme affect labour mobility? CEPS Special Report No. 152 / December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Matthias and Lenaerts, Karolien and Ludolph, Lars and Renman, Vilde (2016) Labour Market Integration of Refugees: A comparative survey of Bosnians in five EU countries. CEPS Special Report No. 155, December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Beblavý, Miroslav and Fabo, Brian and Lenearts, Karolien (2016) Demand for Digital Skills in the US Labour Market: The IT Skills Pyramid. CEPS Special Report No. 154 / December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Blackman, Colin and Forge, Simon (2016) European leadership in 5G. CEPS Special Report, December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel. (2016) Structural Reforms as a Panacea? The European Productivity and Growth Puzzle. CEPS Report, 20 December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Valiante, Diego. (2016) Harmonising Insolvency Laws in the Euro Area: Rationale, stocktaking and challenges. CEPS Special Report No. 153, December 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
Barslund, Mikkel and Akgüç, Mehtap and Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya and Ludolph, Lars (2017) Sharing responsibility for refugees and expanding legal migration. 2017 MEDAM ASSESSMENT REPORT ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICIES IN EUROPE. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2017
Marcu, Andrei and Stoefs, Wijnand and Tuokko, Katja and Egenhofer, Christian. and Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Genoese, Fabio and Storti, Edoardo and Drabik, Eleanor and Hähl, Thomas and Overgaag, Martijn and Grave, Katharina and Koper, Michele and Luchetta, Giacomo and Freudenthaler, Maximilian and Bolognini, Alberto (2017) Composition and drivers of energy prices and costs: Case studies in selected energy-intensive industries. Final Report. CEPS Special Report, January 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2017
Emerson, Michael and Busse, Mathias and Di Salvo, Mattia and Gros, Daniel. and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2017) An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Brexit on the EU27. 22 March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
Van Rompuy, Herman and Bonazzi, Roberta and Frontini, Andrea and Ritzmann, Alexander and Manea, Elham and Goodwin, Matthew and Azinovic´, Vlado and Murat Seyrek, Demir and Paul, Paul and Farid,, Marwa and Sutton, Rupert and Abbas, Tahir and Vidino, Lorenzo (2017) The challenge of Jihadist radicalisation. In Europe and beyond. 2017. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Special Reports . UNSPECIFIED.
April 2017
Shenglin, Ben and Simonelli, Felice and Ruidong, Zhang and Bosc, Romain and Wenwei, Li (2017) Digital Infrastructure: Overcoming the digital divide in emerging economies. CEPS Special Report, 5 April 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2017
Van der Loo, Guillaume (2017) The EU's Association Agreements and DCFTAs with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia: A Comparative Study. CEPS Special Report, 24 June 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
August 2017
De Groen, Willem Pieter and Lenaerts, Karolien and Bosc, Romain and Paquier, Felix (2017) Impact of digitalisation and the on-demand economy on labour markets and the consequences for employment and industrial relations. Final Study. CEPS Special Report, August 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
October 2017
Núñez Ferrer, Jorge and Rinaldi, David and Thomadakis, Apostolos and Musmeci, Roberto and Nesbit, Martin and Paquel, Kamila and Illes, Andrea and Ehrhart, Katharina (2017) Financial Instruments: defining the rationale for triggering their use. CEPS Special Report, October 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2017
de Groen, Willem Pieter (2017) The provision of critical functions at global, national or regional level. Is there a need for further legal/regulatory clarification if liquidation is the default option for failing banks? CEPS Special Report, 19 December 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2017
Lechtenfeld, Robin and Thomadakis, Apostolos (2017) 2017 ECMI Statistical Package. CEPS Special Report No. 12 / December 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
Hartwell, Christopher and Poniatowski , Grzegorz and Sidło , Katarzyna and Simonelli, Felice (2018) Study on Council Directive 2008/118/EC: The General Arrangements for Excise Duty. Final Report Volume 1 – Main Text. 23 July 2018. CEPS Special Report, July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2018
Carrera, Sergio and Den, Hertog and Núñez Ferrer, Jorge (2018) Oversight and Management of the EU Trust Funds: Democratic Accountability Challenges and Promising Practices. CEPS Special Report, March 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Carrera, Sergio and Stefan, Marco (2018) The Future of the Schengen Area: Latest Developments and Challenges in the Schengen Governance Framework since 2016. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2018
Amariei, Cosmina (2018) Fostering Institutional Investment in Europe’s Capital Markets Reality vs. Expectations. 2nd Interim Report of the CEPS-ECMI Task Force on Asset Allocation in Europe. ECMI Research Reports April 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel. (2018) Convergence in the European Union: Inside and outside the euro Contribution by Daniel Gros, Director of CEPS Informal meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers Sofia, 27-28 April 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
May 2018
Askitas, Nikos and Bosc, Romain and de Groen, Willem Pieter and Eichhorst, Werner and Kilhoffer, Zachary and Lenaerts, Karolien and Meys, Nicolas and Ody, Margard and Salez, Nicolas (2018) Online Talent Platforms, Labour Market Intermediaries and the Changing World of Work. Independent study prepared by CEPS and IZA for the World Employment Confederation-Europe and UNI Europa May 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2018
Grassi , Tommaso and Kuehnemund, Martin and Luchetta , Giacomo and Simonelli , Felice (2018) Study on Council Directive 92/83/EEC on the structures of excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Final Report Volume 1 – Main Text June. UNSPECIFIED.
July 2018
De Groen, Willem Pieter and Kilhoffer, Zachary and Lenaerts, Karolien and Felten, Elias (2018) Digital Age. Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work. National context analysis: Austria. CEPS Special Report, 2 July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Echikson, William and Zarra, Antonella (2018) Meeting Europe’s Connectivity Challenge. The Role for Community Networks. CEPS Special Report, 4 July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel. and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2018) ECB non-standard-policies and collateral constraints. Monetary Dialogue July 2018. CEPS Special Report, 13 July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
de Groen, Willem Pieter (2018) Valuation reports in the context of banking resolution: What are the challenges? Banking Union Scrutiny. CEPS Special Report, July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
October 2018
Sapir, André and Chowdhry, Sonali and Terzi, Alessio (2018) The EU–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. CEPS Special Report, 3 October 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2018
Alcidi, Cinzia. (2018) Smart strategies to increase prosperity and limit brain drain in Central Europe. CEPS Special Report, 6 November 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel. and Alcidi, Cinzia. and Busse, Matthias and Elkerbout, Milan and Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya and Renda, Andrea. (2018) Global Trends to 2035 - Economy and Society. November 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2018
Akgüç, Mehtap (2018) Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative Economy (IRSDACE). National Report France. 21 December 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Lenaerts, Karolien (2018) Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative Economy IRSDACE: Ntional Report Belgium. CEPS Special Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Alcidi, Cinzia. and Gros, Daniel. (2019) EU Mobile Workers: A challenge to public finances?1 Contribution for informal ECOFIN, Bucharest, 5-6 April, 2019. CEPS Special Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliūtė, Lina and Smialowski, Stephanie and Allsopp, Jennifer and Sanchez, Gabrielle (2019) Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants: 2018 Update. Study Requested by the PETI committee. CEPS Special Report, Decenber 2018. UNSPECIFIED.
Mehtap Akgüç , Mehtap Akgüç and Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Jorge Núñez Ferrer and Cinzia Alcidi , Cinzia Alcidi and Daniel Gros, Daniel Gros and Sara Baiocco , Sara Baiocco and Weinian Hu, Weinian Hu and Miroslav Beblavý, Miroslav Beblavý and Zachary Kilhoffer, Zachary Kilhoffer and Steven Blockmans , Steven Blockmans and Karel Lannoo, Karel Lannoo and Sergio Carrera , Sergio Carrera and Jacques Pelkmans, Jacques Pelkmans and Willem Pieter De Groen , Willem Pieter De Groen and Andrea Renda, Andrea Renda and Christian Egenhofer , Christian Egenhofer and Sophia Russack, Sophia Russack and Milan Elkerbout , Milan Elkerbout and Guillaume Van der Loo, Guillaume Van der Loo (2019) What Comes After the Last Chance Commission? CEPS Policy Priorities for 2019-2024. UNSPECIFIED.
de Groen, W.P. (2019) Impediments to resolvability. What is the status quo? December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
January 2019
Gros, Daniel. and Alcidi, Cinzia. (2019) Twenty years of the euro - Resilience in the face of unexpected challenges. Monetary Dialogue. CEPS Special Report, January 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Marcus, J. Scott and Petropoulos, Georgios and Yeung, Timothy (2019) Contribution to Growth: The European Digital Single Market Delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses. Study requested by the IMCO Committee. CEPS Special Report, January 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
February 2019
Bayer, Judit and Bitiukova, Natalija and Bárd, Petra and Szakscs, Judit and Alemanno, Alberto and Uszkiewicz, Erik (2019) Disinformation and propaganda – impact on the functioning of the rule of law in the EU and its Member States. Study Requested by the LIBE committee. CEPS Special Report, February 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
March 2019
Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliūtė, Lina and Rostas, Iulius and Danova-Roussinova, Savelina and Guerin, Julia and Smialowski, Brenda (2019) Scaling up Roma Inclusion Strategies Truth, reconciliation and justice for addressing antigypsyism. Study. Study requested by the LIBE committee. CEPS Special Report, February 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Gros, Daniel (2019) Improvement in European labour force participation. CEPS Special Report. March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Lannoo, Karel. (2019) Stock take of the SRB’s activities over the past years: What to improve and focus on? Banking Union Scrutiny. In-depth analysis requested by the ECON Commission. CEPS Special Report, March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Véron, Nicolas (2019) Taking stock of the Single Resolution Board. Banking Union Scrutiny. In-depth analysis requested by the ECON Commmittee. CEPS Special Report, March 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
April 2019
Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliute, Lina and Mitsilegas, Valsamis and Allsopp, Jennifer (2019) Policing Humanitarianism: EU Policies Against Human Smuggling and their Impact on Civil Society. Research Paper. April 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
June 2019
Barslund, Mikkel and Di Salvo, Mattia and Ludolph, Lars (2019) Can regular replace irregular migration across the Mediterranean? CEPS Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM), 27 June 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea and Simonelli, Felice and Iacob, Nadina and Campmas, Alexandra (2019) Evaluation study supporting the interim evaluation of the ISA² programme. CEPS Project Report. June 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Zarra, Antonella and Simonelli, Felice and Lenaerts, Karolien and Man, Luo and Baiocco, Sara and Shenglin, Ben and Li, Wenwei and Echikson, William and Kilhoffer, Zachary (2019) Sustainability in the Age of Platforms. CEPS Special Report. June 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
November 2019
Beblavý, Miroslav and Baiocco, Sara and Kilhoffer, Zachary and Akgüç, Mehtap and Jacquot, Manon (2019) Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning Changing How Europeans Upgrade Their Skills. CEPS FINAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea and Simonelli, Felice and De Groen, Willem Pieter and Iacob, Nadina and Campmas, Alexandra (2019) Reflections on the EU objectives in addressing aggressive tax planning and harmful tax practices Final Report. CEPS Report November 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Rizos, Vasileios and Bryhn, Julie and Alessi, Monica and Campmas, Alexandra and Zarra, Antonella (2019) Identifying the impact of the circular economy on the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry Opportunities and challenges for businesses, workers and consumers – mobile phones as an example STUDY. UNSPECIFIED.
December 2019
Kilhoffer, Zachary and De Groen, Willem Pieter and Lenaerts, Karolien and Smits, Ine and Hauben, Harald and Waeyaert, Willem and Giacumacatos, Elisa and Lhernould, Jean-Philippe and Robin-Olivier, Sophie (2019) Study to gather evidence on the working conditions of platform workers VT/2018/032 Final Report 13 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Renda, Andrea. (2019) FEASIBILITY STUDYSTUDY: INTRODUCING “ONE-IN-ONE-OUT” IN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Final Report for the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Presented by the Centre for European Policy Studies, 5 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.