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Number of items: 995.

Pascouau, Yves (2015) The October 2015 European Council and migration: no news, good news? EPC Commentary, 19 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Marcu, Andrei (2015) A close call before Paris. CEPS Commentary, 2 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ghimis, Andreia (2015) The refugee crisis: Schengen’s slippery slope. EPC Commentary, 22 September 2015. [Policy Paper]


Andreangeli, Arianna (2015) Access to (almost) all areas: the implications of greater trade cooperation between the US and the EU for health care services in the Union Member States—the case of the NHS in England and Wales and Scotland. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Amoriello, Lisa (2015) Alla ricerca della dissuasività. Il difficile percorso di affermazione dei principi UE in tema di danno non patrimoniale da discriminazione = In search of deterrence. The difficult path of affirming the EU principles on non-pecuniary damage due to discrimination. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 264/2015. [Policy Paper]

Ananicz, Szymon (2015) Alone in virtue. The "New Turkish" ideology in Turkey's foreign policy. OSW Point of View Number 49, April 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Addison-Smyth, Diarmaid and McQuinn, Kieran (2015) Assessing the Sustainable Nature of Housing-Related Taxation Receipts: The Case of Ireland. ESRI WP503. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Arnould, Valerie (2015) Burkina Faso looking ahead: prospects for change or much of the same? Egmont Commentary, 4 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Arnould, Valerie (2015) Burkina Faso’s popular revolution fraying at the edges. Egmont Commentary, 17 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ahmed, Nouran and Bayoumil, Mahmoud and El Agati, Mohamed (2015) Citizenship in the discourse of Egyptian political parties. EUSpring Working Paper No. 6, June 2015 [also Citizenship Report no. 3]. [Policy Paper]

Alcidi, Cinzia. and Giovannini, Alessandro (2015) The Cost of Servicing Greece’s Debt: A Sisyphean task? CEPS Commentary, 4 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Aichele, Rahel and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Costs and benefits of a United Kingdom exit from the European Union. Bertelsmann studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Ariu, Andrea (2015) Crisis-proof services: Why trade in services did not suffer during the 2008-2009 collapse. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 284. [Working Paper]

Alcidi, Cinzia. and Andersen, Thomas Barnebeck and Barslund, Mikkel (2015) Danish currency wobbles: A positive unintended side effect of the ECB’s QE? CEPS Commentary, 6 February, 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ascani, Andrea and Crescenzi, Riccardo and Iammarino, Simona (2015) Economic Institutions and the Location Strategies of European Multinationals in their Geographical Neighbourhood. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 97/2015 July 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Alcidi, Cinzia and Gros, Daniel (2015) The Greek economy is unlikely to benefit from further devaluation. CEPS Commentary, 3 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Alcidi, Cinzia. and Gros, Daniel. (2015) The Greek elections and the third bailout programme: Why it could work this time round. CEPS Commentary, 21 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

auf dem Brinke, Anna and Gnath, Katharina and Haas, Jörg (2015) Growth and Euro Area Stability: The Double Dividend of a Deepened European Single Market for Services. Bertelsmann Stiftung Background Note 26 June 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Aimo, Mariapaola (2015) I precari della scuola tra vincoli europei e mancanze del legislatore domestico* = The precarious school between European constraints and shortcomings of the domestic legislator. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 240/2015. [Policy Paper]

Adam, Ilke and Van Dijk, Mathijs (2015) Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Adam, Ilke and Van Dijk, Mathijs (2015) Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief 2015/2 • March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Allemand, Frédéric (2015) La Banque centrale européenne et la nouvelle gouvernance économique européenne: le défi de l’intégration différenciée = The European Central Bank and the new European economic governance: the challenge of differential integration. Research Paper in Law 01/2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Amiya-Nakada, Ryosuke. (2015) Lightening of Citizenship and its Implication for Social Policy: 'Social Security Lite' in the Making? [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Ales, Edoardo (2015) Lo sciopero (nei servizi pubblici) in Germania: uno sguardo critico dall’Italia. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 117/2015 = The strike (in public services) in Germany: a critical look from Italy. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 117/2015. [Working Paper]

Abbate, Angela and Thaler, Dominik (2015) Monetary policy effects on bank risk taking. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 287. [Working Paper]

Ales, Edoardo (2015) Occupational Health and Safety: a European and Comparative Legal Perspective. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 120/2015. [Working Paper]

Alharthi, Awwad Atiah (2015) The Path towards 1.5 degrees Celsius. CEPS Policy Brief No. 336, 3 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Anania, Giovanni and Balmann, Alfons and Buckwell, Allan and Bureau, Jean-Christophe and De Castro, Paolo and Di Mambro, Angelo and Erjavec, Emil and Erjavec, Karmen and Fertő, Imre and Garrone, Maria and Haniotis, Tassos and Hart, Kaley and Josling, Timothy E. and Knops, Louise and Kovacs, Attila and Lovec, Marko and Mahé, Louis-Pascal and Matthews, Alan and Moehler, Rolf and Olper, Alessandro and Pacca, Lucia and Potočnik, Janez and D’Andrea, Maria Rosaria Pupo and Roederer-Rynning, Christilla. and Sahrbacher, Amanda and Sahrbacher, Christoph and Swinbank, Alan and Swinnen, Johan (2015) The Political Economy of the 2014-2020 Common Agricultural Policy: An Imperfect Storm. CEPS Paperback, 17 August 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-1-78348-484-3

Ansgar Belke, Ansgar Belke and Joscha Beckmann, Joscha Beckmann and Christian Dreger, Christian Dreger (2015) The Relevance of International Spillovers and Asymmetric Effects in the Taylor Rule. CEPS Working Document No. 403, February 2015. [Working Paper]

Author, No (2015) Revue GRASPE/GRASPE Review. Réflexions sur l'avenir de la Service Publique Européenne/Reflections on the future of the European civil service. Cahier n° 25, June 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Author, No (2015) Revue GRASPE/GRASPE Review. Réflexions sur l'avenir de la Service Publique Européenne/Reflections on the future of the European civil service. Cahier n° 26 Février 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Author, No (2015) Revue GRASPE/GRASPE Review. Réflexions sur l'avenir de la Service Publique Européenne/Reflections on the future of the European civil service. GRASPE Cahier No 24, February 2015.

Alaimo, Anna. (2015) Ricollocazione dei disoccupati e politiche attive del lavoro. Promesse e premesse di security nel Jobs Act del Governo Renzi = Relocation of the unemployed and active labor policies. Security promises and premises in the Jobs Act of the Renzi Government. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 249/2015. [Policy Paper]

Arpe, Jan and Milio, Simona and Stuchlik, Andrej (2015) Social Policy Reforms in the EU: A Cross-national Comparison. Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (SIM) – Reform Barometer. Pilot Study. UNSPECIFIED.

Annika Hedberg, Annika and Pardo, Romain and Daryoush, Toutia (2015) Towards a sustainable European economy. EPC Policy Brief, 13 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Aichele, Rahel and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) The Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal (TPP): What are the economic consequences for in- and outsiders? GED Focus Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Arnould, Valerie (2015) Transitional justice’s uneven path in the DRC. Egmont Commentary, 22 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Alessandri, Emiliano and Hassan, Oz and Reinerti, Ted (2015) U.S. Democracy Promotion from Bush to Obama. EUSpring Working Paper No. 1, April 2015. [Working Paper]

Alessandri, Emiliano and Hassan, Oz and Reinerti, Ted (2015) US Democracy Promotion from Bush to Obama. EUSpring Working Paper No. 1, 15 April 2015. [Working Paper]

Adam, Ilke and van, a (2015) Une meilleure insertion professionelle des personnes issues de l’immigration: allons au mainstreaming Issue 2015/2 mars 2015 = Immigrant labour market participation in Belgium - high time to mainstream. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Arnould, Valerie (2015) The limits of international criminal justice: Lessons from the Ongwen case. Egmont Commentary, 27 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Author, No (2015) spotlight-Europe 10.07.2015: After the nuclear agreement with Teheran: Work for peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. [Policy Paper]


Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The 2015 ENP Review: A policy in suspended animation. CEPS Commentary, 1 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Balfour, Rosa and Youngs, Richard. (2015) Arab views on democratic citizenship – and on EU support. Arab Citizenship Review No. 11. [Policy Paper]

Berthou, Antoine and Dhyne, Emmanuel and Bugamelli, Matteo and Cazacu, Ana-Maria and Demian, Calin-Vlad and Harasztosi, Peter and Lalinsky, Tibor and Merikul, Jaanika and Oropallo, Filippo and Soares, Ana Christina (2015) Assessing European firms’ exports and productivity distributions: The CompNet trade module. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 282. [Working Paper]

Barta, Zsófia and Schelke, Waltraud (2015) At Cross‐Purposes: Commercial Versus Technocratic Governance of Sovereign Debt in the EU. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Bugaric, Bojan (2015) Austerity Union and the Transformation of Europe. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Bad theatre. Egmont Commentary, 26 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) A Belgian army for European defence. Egmont Commentary, 8 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) The Belgian army: soon to be a gendarmerie? Egmont Commentary, 22 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bojar, Abel (2015) Biting the Hand that Feeds: Reconsidering Partisanship in an Age of Permanent Austerity. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 91/2015 April 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Brender, Anton and Pisani, Florence and Gros, Daniel. (2015) Building a Capital Markets Union….or designing a financial system for the euro area? CEPS Commentary, 2 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) CSDP: what is it good for? Egmont Commentary, 31 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Can European strategy cope? Egmont Commentary, 17 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bartsch, Bernhard (2015) China's Confidence Issue: Hard or Smart Landing - What Can We Expect? Asia Policy Brief 2015/03, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Alcidi, Cinzia. (2015) China’s slowdown: When the dragon catches the flu, Europe sneezes. CEPS Commentary, 25 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bauböck, Rainer and Paskalev, Vesco (2015) Citizenship Deprivation: A Normative Analysis. Liberty and Security in Europe No. 82, 19 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. and Russack, Sophia (2015) The Commissioners’ Group on External Action – Key political facilitator. CEPS Special Report No. 125/December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Beyers, Jan and Dür, Andreas and Wonka, Arndt (2015) Conceptualizing and Measuring the Political Salience of EU Legislative Processes. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Baroncelli, Stefania and Rosini, Monica and Farneti, Roberto (2015) Constitutional principles and ethno-regional parties. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Defence does not get that much more. Egmont Commentary, 24 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Defence: Belgium is not a small country. Egmont Commentary, 5 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bruszt, Laszlo and Langbein, Julia (2015) Development by Stealth: The governance of economic integration in European Union’s Eastern peripheries. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Baur, Benjamin J. (2015) Die Energieinteressen der EU im Südkaukasus und die Rolle der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik. TAIF Nr. 10/2015 = The EU's energy interests in the South Caucasus and the role of European Neighbourhood Policy. TAIF No. 10/2015. [Working Paper]

Borrell-Porta, Mireia (2015) Do family values shape the pace of return to work after childbirth? LEQS Discussion Paper No. 96/2015 July 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Teteryatnikova, Mariya and Thum, Anna-Elisabeth. (2015) Does the growth in higher education mean a decline in the quality of degrees? CEPS Working Document No. 405/March 2015. [Working Paper]

Belmonte , Martina (2015) The EU Blue Card - is there a need for a more comprehensive approach? IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/3 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bigo, Didier and Brouwer, Evelien. and Sergio Carrera, Sergio Carrera and Guild, Elspeth and Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre. and Jeandesboz, Julien. and Ragazzi, Francesco and Scherrer, Amandine (2015) The EU Counter-Terrorism Policy Responses to the Attacks in Paris: Towards an EU Security and Liberty Agenda. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 81/February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth and Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre. and Jeandesboz, Julien. and Mitsilegas , Valsamis and Ragazzi, Francesco and Scherrer, Amandine (2015) The EU and its Counter-Terrorism Policies after the Paris Attacks. Liberty and Security in Europe No. 84, 27 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The EU and its Neighbours: Predictions for 2015. CEPS Commentary, 5 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Balfour, Rosa and Stratulat, Corina and Avery, Graham and Hillion, Christophe and Adebahr, Cornelius and Töglhofer, Theresia and Wunsch, Natasha and Ker-Lindsay, James and Žornaczuk, Tomasz and Frontini, Andrea and Turrión, Ruth Ferrero and Algieri, Franco. and Konitzer, Andrew and Huszka, Beata. and Armakolas, Ioannis and Triantafyllou, Giorgos and Lessenski, Marin and Ivan, Paul and Ioannides, Isabelle and Herolf, Gunilla and Martens, Hans and Bukovskis , Kārlis and Potjomkina, Diāna and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) EU member states and enlargement towards the Balkans. EPC ISSUE PAPER No. 79, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Biscop, Sven (2015) EU mutual assistance is more than defence. Egmont Commentary, 19 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bonilla Saus, Javier and Isern, Pedro (2015) Economic Crisis, Spontaneous Orders and the European Project. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Birchfield, Vicki L. and Hayes, Jarrod (2015) Economics as norms contestation: the construction of crisis response in the transatlantic space. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Bug, Mathias (2015) Empirical Bases for Decision Making in Home Affairs – is there anything more than national differences in the EU!? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Escalate the diplomatic offensive in the war against Islamic State. Egmont Commentary, 16 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Belot, Céline and Van Ingelgom, Virginie (2015) “Europe is our future”: Measuring support for European integration as a tridimensional temporal process. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Birchfield, Vicki L. and Harris, Geoffrey (2015) European Parliamentary Elections: Global Lessons from a Regional Political Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Blanc, Ludivine (2015) The European Pharmaceutical Industry in a Global Economy: what drives EU exports of pharmaceuticals?. Bruges European Economic Research Papers (BEER) 31/2015. [Policy Paper]

Behr, Hatmut and Stivachtis, Yannis A. (2015) European Union: An Empire in New Clothes? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Beblavý, Miroslav and Martellucci, Elisa (2015) Extending Working Lives: A comparative analysis of how governments influence lifelong learning, CEPS Special Report No. 111, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Barslund, Mikkel (2015) Extending Working Lives: The Case of Denmark. CEPS Working Document No. 404, 17 February 2015. [Working Paper]

Burger, Anna S. (2015) Extreme working hours in Western Europe and North America: A new aspect of polarization. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 92/2015 May 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Bes, Bart Joachim (2015) Following the Crowd or Developing a Thicker Skin? Assessing the impact of politicization on the attitudes of Commission officials. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Get rid of reassurance. Egmont Commentary, 15 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Andersen, Thomas Barnebeck (2015) Greece’s poor growth prospects. CEPS Commentary, 21 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Maselli, Ilaria and Veselkova, Marcela (2015) Green, Pink & Silver? The Future of Labour in Europe, Vol. 2. CEPS Paperback, 3 March 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-444-7

Bastiaens, Ida and Postnikov, Evgeny (2015) Greening Up: The Effects of Environmental Standards in EU and US Trade Agreements. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Half a grand strategy is not enough. Egmont Commentary, 15 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) Home ownership, labour markets and the economic crisis. ECRI Commentary No. 14, 15 June 2015. [Working Paper]

Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) Household Final Consumption in the EU: The key driver for a sustainable recovery? ECRI Commentary No. 18, 4 December 2015. [Working Paper]

Beblavý, Miroslav and Lehouelleur, Sophie and Maselli, Ilaria (2015) How returns from tertiary education differ by field of study. Implications for policy-makers and students. CEPS Working Document No. 411/July 2015. [Working Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Hybrid Hysteria. Security Policy Brief No. 64, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bronzini, Giuseppe (2015) Il reddito minimo garantito e la riforma degli ammortizzatori sociali = The minimum guaranteed income and the reform of social safety nets. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 270/2015. [Policy Paper]

Biasi, Marco (2015) Il salario minimo legale nel “Jobs Act”: promozione o svuotamento dell’azione contrattuale collettiva? = The legal minimum wage in the "Jobs Act": promotion or emptying of collective bargaining action? WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 241/2015. [Policy Paper]

Babarinde, Olufemi (2015) Implications of the Proposed EU-U.S. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership for EU-Sub-Sahara Africa Relations. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Berkofsky, Axel (2015) Japan Again under Abe - Fresh Start or More of the (not so Great) Same? Asia Policy Brief 2015/01, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Berkofsky, Axel (2015) Japan Again under Abe – Fresh Start or More of the (not so Great) Same? Bertelsmann Asia Policy Brief 2015/01, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Barbero, Martina (2015) La place des emotions dans les campagnes du Front national et du Mouvement democrate pour les elections europeennes der 2014 = The place of emotions in the campaigns of the National Front and democrat movement for the 2014 European elections. Bruges Political Research Papers 43/2015. [Policy Paper]

Bacaria, Jordi and Coll, Josep M. and Sánchez-Montijano, Elena (2015) The Labour Market in Spain: Problems, Challenges and Future Trends. Policy Brief #2015/01. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias and Schwarzwälder, Joscha (2015) Labour Mobility in Europe – An untapped resource?. Policy Brief #2015/04. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Busse, Mathias and Schwarzwälder, Joscha (2015) Labour Mobility in Europe: An untapped resource? CEPS Policy Brief No. 327, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Blackman, Colin (2015) Last chance for Europe in the digital saloon? CEPS Commentary, 29 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ban, Carolyn (2015) Lasting Effects of the Kinnock Reforms? The Case of Staff Appraisals. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Brack, Nathalie and Costa, Olivier and Dri, Clarissa (2015) Le Parlement européen à la recherche de l’efficacité législative: Une analyse des évolutions de son organisation = The European Parliament seeking legislative efficiency: An analysis of the changes in its organization. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 39, January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bressanelli, Edoardo and Chelotti, Nicola (2015) Legislating in the shadow of the European Council: Empowering or silencing the European Parliament? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Letter from Brussels. Egmont Commentary, 10 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Barbero, Martina (2015) L’Européanisation des politiques d’innovation en France: une révolution copernicienne? Le cas de la région Rhône-Alpes = "The Europeanization of innovation policies in France: a Copernican revolution? The case of Rhône-Alpes". Bruges Political Research Papers 42/2015. [Policy Paper]

Borzel, Tanja A. and Stapel, Sören (2015) Mapping Governance Transfer by 12 Regional Organizations: A Global Script in Regional Colors. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Barta, Zsófia (2015) Mañana: The societal origins of delayed fiscal adjustment. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Bruno, Angela (2015) Measures to protect unlawfully dismissed employees. The Italian Legislative Model compared to the one in force in Malta. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 116/2015. [Working Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. and Montesano , Francesco Saverio (2015) Mogherini’s first 100 days: Not the quiet diplomat. CEPS Commentary, 12 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Brender, Anton and Pisani, Florence and Gagna , Emile (2015) Money, Finance and the Real Economy: What went wrong? CEPS Paperback, 17 March 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-418-8

Blockmans, Steven. and Faleg, Giovanni (2015) More Union in European Defence. CEPS Task Force Report, 26 February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Bartsch, Bernhard and Hellkötter, Katja and Menant, Magali (2015) More than a market: How German companies are growing roots in Chinese society. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Bigo, Didier and Carrera, Sergio and Hernanz, Nicholas and Scherrer, Amandine (2015) National Security and Secret Evidence in Legislation and before the Courts: Exploring the Challenges. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 78/January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Brack, Nathalie (2015) “Opposing Europe inside the European Parliament: Which strategies for Eurosceptic MEPs?”. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Buonanno, Laurie and Dudek, Carolyn Marie (2015) Opposition to the TTIP in the EU and the US: Implications for the EU’s “democratic deficit”. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Out of the blue: a white book. Egmont Commentary, 24 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Putin is not such a brillant strategist. Egmont Commentary, 30 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Berden, Koen and Francois, Joseph (2015) Quantifying Non-Tariff Measures for TTIP. Paper No. 12 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 116/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Bronzini, Giuseppe (2015) Rapporto di lavoro, diritti sociali e Carte europee dei diritti. Regole di ingaggio, livello di protezione, rapporti tra le due Carte. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 118/2015 = Employment relationship, social rights and charters European rights Rules of engagement, level of protection, relations between the two cards. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 118/2015. [Working Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Rather no government of technocrats. Egmont Commentary, 17 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ben Cheikh, Nidhaleddine and Rault, Christophe (2015) Recent estimates of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the euro area. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Bursens, Peter and Hogenauer, Anna-Lena (2015) Regional parliaments: Effective Actors in the EU multilevel parliamentary system? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Beblavý, Miroslav and Gros, Daniel. and Maselli, Ilaria (2015) Reinsurance of National Unemployment Benefit Schemes. CEPS Working Document No. 401, 6 January 2015. [Working Paper]

Bouyon, Sylvain and Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Relaunching the European Retail Finance Market: Comments on the Commission's Green Paper. ECRI Commentary No. 20, 15 December 2015. [Working Paper]

Behrens, Arno and Taranic, Igor and Rizos, Vasileios (2015) Resource Efficiency Indicators for Policy-Making. CEPS Working Document No. 415/November 2015. [Working Paper]

Banks, Joanne and Conway, Paul and Darmody, Merike and Leavy, Aisling and Smyth, Emer and Watson, Dorothy (2015) Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme. ESRI WP514. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Bechev, Dimitar (2015) Russia and Turkey - What does their partnership mean for the EU? EPC Policy Brief, 13 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bechev, Dimitar (2015) Russia in the Balkans: How should the EU respond? EPC Policy Brief, 12 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Balfour, Rosa (2015) Spotlight-Europe - March 2015: The EU neighbourhood in shambles. Some recommendations for a new European neighbourhood strategy. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) Strategy: what is it good for? Egmont Commentary, 9 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Banks, Joanne and Smyth, Emer (2015) Student Stress and the Leaving Certificate. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/7. UNSPECIFIED.

Blockmans, Steven. (2015) Syria: An end to the hands-off policy. CEPS Commentary, 31 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Borzel, Tanja A. (2015) Theorizing Regionalism: Cooperation, Integration, and Governance. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Biscop, Sven (2015) Thou shalt not arm those who cannot win. Egmont Commentary, 16 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Begg, Iain and Mushövel, Fabian and Niblett, Robin (2015) The Welfare State in Europe: Visions for Reform. Vision Europe Summit. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Baldwin, Richard and Gros, Daniel. (2015) What caused the eurozone crisis? CEPS Commentary, 27 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) What drives household consumption in the EU-28? ECRI Commentary No. 19, 4 December 2015. [Working Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. and Weiss, Stefani. (2015) Will Cameron get what he wants? Anticipating reactions to Britain’s EU reform proposals. CEPS Commentary, 29 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Beblavy, Miroslav (2015) Will this time be different for Greece? How to assess its ability to deliver on the reform agenda. CEPS Commentary, 13 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven (2015) An anchor for the EU maritime security strategy. Egmont Commentary, 2 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Balcer, Adam and Domaradzki, Spasimir and Szpala, Marta (2015) The challenge of freedom in the Southeastern Europe. OSW Report, July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Bakunowicz, Tomasz (2015) A game played according to Lukashenka’s rules: the political opposition in Belarus. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176, 08.07.2015. [Policy Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The nuclear deal with Iran: Le moment suprême? CEPS Commentary, 16 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bajczuk, Rafał (2015) The uncertain future of the coal energy industry in Germany. OSW COMMENTARY #188, 2015-10-20. [Policy Paper]


Chatzistavrou, Filippa (2015) The 2015 Greek Referendum. EPIN Commentary No. 24, 3 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Fuster, Gloria González and Guild, Elspeth and Mitsilegas , Valsamis (2015) Access to Electronic Data by Third-Country Law Enforcement Authorities, Challenges to EU Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights. Center for European Policy Studies, 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carbone, Maurizio (2015) Ambition with credibility: explaining (variation of) EU effectiveness in international development negotiations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Curtis, John and Stanley, Brian (2015) Analysing Residential Energy Demand: An Error Correction Demand System Approach for Ireland. ESRI WP505. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Costa-i-Font, Joan and Kossarova, Lucia (2015) Anthropometric Dividends of Czechoslovakia’s Break Up. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 95/2015 June 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Cittadino, Federica (2015) The Ascent of EU Environmental Policy: A Case for Unintended Consequences. EDAP 1/2015. [Working Paper]

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Savage, M. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) BUDGET PERSPECTIVES 2016, PAPER 1. Exploring Tax and Welfare Options. June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Savage, M. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) BUDGET PERSPECTIVES 2016, PAPER 2. Making Work Pay More: Recent Initiatives. June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Coelmont, Jo (2015) Bluff poker of the Belgian Defense Staff? Egmont Commentary, 2 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Coelmont, Jo (2015) CSDP: there is something there that was not there before. Egmont Commentary, 26 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth (2015) Can the new refugee relocation system work? Perils in the Dublin logic and flawed reception conditions in the EU. CEPS Policy Brief No. 332, October 2015 Thursday, 1 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Curtis, John and Lynch, Muireann A. and Zubiate, Laura (2015) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Electricity: The Influence of The North Atlantic Oscillation. ESRI WP510. August 2015. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Lynch, Muireann A. and Zubiate, Laura (2015) Carbon emissions from electricity: The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/4/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Carollo, Lilli and Dona, Silvia and Filippi, Marta and Rota, Anna and Russo, Marianna (2015) Contractual Limits to the Right to Strike in the Era of Crisis. The Italian Case with some Comparative Reliefs (France and the U.K.)*. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 125/2015. [Working Paper]

Caruso, Sebastiano Bruno (2015) Contratto a tutele crescenti tra politica e diritto: variazioni sul tema = The Contract with increasing protections between politics and law: variations on the theme. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 265/2015. [Policy Paper]

Cross, Mai’a K. Davis (2015) Crisis & Catharsis in EU Integration. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Cesaroni, Tatiana and De Santis, Roberta (2015) Current Account ‘Core-Periphery Dualism’ in the EMU. CEPS Working Document No. 406/March 2015. [Working Paper]

Cesaroni, Tatiana and De Santis, Roberta (2015) Current account “Core-periphery dualism” in the EMU. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 90/2015 March 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Colgan, Brian and Callan, Tim (2015) The Distributional Impact of Inflation: 2003-2014. ESRI Research Notes 2015/3/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Chaudhary, Tarum (2015) The EU and NATO: Cyber-Security Partners or Divergent Actors? An Exercise in Framework Development. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

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Calapod, Andrei and Matei, Ani (2015) The EU’s Decision-Making Process Changes in the Constitutive Treaties. European Integration - Realities and Perspectives. Proceedings. pp. 184-191. ISSN 2067-9211

Carrera, Sergio and Gros, Daniel. and Blockmans, Steven. and Guild, Elspeth (2015) The EU’s Response to the Refugee Crisis: Taking Stock and Setting Policy Priorities. CEPS Essay No. 20, 16 December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Caponetti, Simone (2015) The Economic Crisis and Employment *. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 121/2015. [Working Paper]

Claeys, Grégory and Darvas, Zsolt and Leandro, Alvaro and Walsh, Thomas (2015) The Effects of Ultra-Loose Monetary Policies on Inequality. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/09, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Clark, Nicholas and Curtis, K. Amber (2015) Elucidating EU Engagement: Rethinking Dimensions of Supranational Participation. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Cazenave, Emilie (2015) Eurodéputé: «Seconde chance» ou «Tremplin» – Comparaisons des trajectoires politiques de candidats PSE et PPE aux élections européennes de 2014 en France et en Suède. = MEP: "Second Chance" or "Jump" - comparisons of PSE candidates and political trajectories EPP in European elections 2014 in France and Sweden. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 40, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Claeys, Grégory and Leandro, Alvaro and Mandra, Allison (2015) European Central Bank quantitative easing: the detailed manual. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/02, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Calapod, Andrei and Matei, Ani (2015) The European Construction - from Communities to a Genuine Supranational Union. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 5 (2). pp. 17-27.

Costa-Font, Joan and Cowell, Frank (2015) European Identity and Redistributive Preferences. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 98/2015 September 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Carp, Suzana and Schumacher, Tobias (2015) From Survival to Revival: The Riga Summit 2015 and the revised ENP. Egmont Security policy Brief No. 65, July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Coelmont, Jo (2015) Geen leger, is onbetaalbaar = No Belgian armed forces is unaffordable. Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 61, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ciechanowicz, Artur (2015) Germany’s ‘refugee’ problem. The most important test for Chancellor Merkel and the grand coalition. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 182/11.09.2015 2015-09-11. [Policy Paper]

Cleeton, David L. (2015) Global Value Chains and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Chatzistavrou, Filippa and Michalaki, Sofia (2015) Greece as an example of “post-politics” in the eurozone. EPIN Commentary No. 28/9 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Chatzistavrou, Filippa and Michalaki, Sofia (2015) Greece in limbo: Post-election 2015 scenarios. EPIN Commentary No. 22/ 21 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Curtis, John and Pentecost, Anne (2015) Household fuel expenditure and residential building energy efficiency ratings in Ireland. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Cester, Carlo (2015) I licenziamenti nel Jobs Act = Layoffs in the Jobs Act. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 273/2015. [Policy Paper]

Carbone, Maria Antonietta and Carollo, Lilli and SDonà, Silvia and Fargnoli, Daniela and Ryzha, Iuliia and Serrapica , Claudia (2015) Il contratto di apprendistato nel D.lgs. 81/2015 = The apprenticeship contract in Legislative Decree 81/2015. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 286/2015. [Policy Paper]

Curtis, John and Lynch, Muireann A. and Zubiate, Laura (2015) The Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Electricity Markets: A Case Study on Ireland. ESRI WP509. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Całus, Kamil (2015) In the shadow of history. Romanian-Moldovan relations. OSW Studies 53, September 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Carinci, Maria Teresa (2015) "In the spirit of flexibility". An overview of Renzi’s Reforms (the so-called Jobs Act ) to ‘improve’ the Italian Labour Market. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 285/2015. [Policy Paper]

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) Income-Related Subsidies for Universal Health Insurance Premia: Exploring Alternatives Using the SWITCH Model. ESRI WP516. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Alemania. June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Belarus. November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Careers and internships in Europe. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Cymru. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Cyprus. March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Deutschland. February 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Estonia. April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from French sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from Greek sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from Italian sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from South Korean sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from Turkish sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: European Union information from USA sources. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Georgia. July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Germania. January 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Germany. March 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Hungary. January 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Informationen zur Europäischen Union aus deutschen Quellen. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Italy. June 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Latvia. March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Liechtenstein. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Moldova. February 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Portugal. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Portugal. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Serbia. March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: The ERASMUS+ Programme. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: The Netherlands. March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: The role of national parliaments in the European Union. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Travelling in Europe for non-EU citizens. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Türk Kaynaklardan Avrupa Birliği Hakkında Bilgiler. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Türkiye. July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Vatican. August 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

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Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Κύπρος. August 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Πληροφορίες για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από ελληνικές πηγές. UNSPECIFIED.

Cardiff EDC, . (2015) Information Guide: Великобритания. February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

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Conroy, Niall (2015) Irish Quarterly Macroeconomic Data: A Volatility Analysis. ESRI Research Notes 2015/2/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Coelmont, Jo (2015) Judy Asks: Will Hybrid Warfare Defeat Europe? Egmont Commentary, 29 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Corazza, Luisa and Liso , Franco (2015) La clausola di pace: variazioni sul tema = The peace clause: variations on the theme. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 247/2015. [Policy Paper]

Crescenzi, Riccardo and Pietrobelli, Carlo and Rabellotti, Roberta (2015) Location Strategies of Multinationals from Emerging Countries in the EU Regions. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 93/2015 May 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Curtis, John and Devitt, Niamh and Whelan, Adele (2015) Location and occupancy of energy inefficient residential properties. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/3/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Crowley, Patrick and Trombley, Christopher (2015) Macroeconomic Synchronization and Monetary Unions: Is the Euro Area more Synchronous than other Monetary Unions and are Monetary Unions more Synchronous than non-Monetary Unions? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Keane, C. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) Modelling Eligibility for Medical Cards and GP Visit Cards: Methods and Baseline Results. ESRI WP515. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Chiaromonte, William (2015) The New EU Legal Regime on Labour Migration and its Effects on Italy: The Implementation of Directives 2009/50, 2011/98 and 2014/36. Towards a Human Rights‐Based Approach? WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 122/2015. [Working Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth and Eisele, Katharina (2015) No Move without Free Movement: The EU-Swiss controversy over quotas for free movement of persons. CEPS Policy Brief No. 331, 23 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Gros, Daniel. (2015) No need for walls to equitably distribute the refugees. CEPS Commentary, 25 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Coelmont, Jo (2015) No prevention without defence. Egmont Commentary, 3 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Chiarello, Andrea (2015) Paper Tiger or Game-Changer? Challenges of and Opportunities for EU Engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers (BRIGG) 1/2015. [Working Paper]

Chiarello, Andrea (2015) Paper tiger or game-changer? Challenges of and opportunities for EU engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers 1/2015. [Working Paper]

Caune, Hélène (2015) Portuguese Employment Policy in Times of Crisis: The Increasing Polarisation of Portuguese Trade Unions. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Clementsen, Rannvá and Gemers, Tim and Lemahieu, Raphaël and Saviolo, Andrea and Sheetz, Mark (2015) Prospects for Security on the European Continent. EU Diplomacy Paper 05/2015. [Working Paper]

Chang, Michele (2015) The Rising Power of the ECB: The Case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth (2015) Safe Harbour or into the storm? EU-US data transfers after the Schrems judgment. Liberty and security in Europe No. 85/November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Caldentey del Pozo, Pedro and Casas-Grangea, Angel M. (2015) Security as a Pillar of the European Union’s Cooperation for Development in Central America. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Chiragov, Fuad and Gasimli, Vusal and Kakachia, Kornely and Karimov, Reshad and Makarychev, Andrey and Mammadov, Farhad and Ögütçü, Mehmet and Pashayeva, Gulshan and Paul, Amanda and Sammut, Dennis and Shiriyev, Zaur and Veliyev, Cavid (2015) The South Caucasus - Between integration and fragmentation. Series > European Policy Centre . UNSPECIFIED.

Costa, Olivier (2015) The State of EU studies in France. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Clarke, Stephen (2015) Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. EU trends in statistics on police-recorded crime and the criminal justice system, 2008 - 2013. 2015.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Chawryło (Jarzyńska), Katarzyna and Domańska, Maria (2015) Strangers among us. Non-governmental organisations in Russia. OSW COMMENTARY 2015-09-29. [Policy Paper]

Chase, Peter and Pelkmans, Jacques (2015) This time it’s different: Turbo-charging regulatory cooperation in TTIP. Paper No. 7 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 110/June 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Carrera, Sergio (2015) To adopt refugee quotas or not: Is that the question? CEPS Commentary, 2 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Caruso, Daniela and Geneve, Joanna (2015) Trade and History: The Case of EU-Algeria Relations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Carrera, Sergio and Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Treat the root causes of the asylum crisis, not the symptoms. CEPS commentary, 11 September 2015 Friday, 11 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Cioriciu, Anca and Willermain, Fabian (2015) ‘A Union for the citizens’ – The Luxembourg Presidency’s promise vs. realistic EU deliverables. Egmont Commentary, 23 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Caruso, Sebastiano Bruno and Cuttone, Marco (2015) Verso il diritto del lavoro della responsabilità: il contratto di ricollocazione tra Europa, Stato e Regioni = Towards labor law of liability: the relocation contract between Europe, State and Regions. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 283/2015. [Policy Paper]

Cachin, Elise and Heene, Aime and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2015) Vodafone Facing the EU Roaming Regulations. Bruges Series on European Business Cases 02 / 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Curtis, John and Stanley, Brian (2015) Water Quality and Recreational Angling Demand in Ireland. ESRI WP521. December 2015. [Working Paper]

Coolsaet, Rik (2015) What drives Europeans to Syria, and to IS? Insights from the Belgian case. Egmont Paper No. 75, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Gros, Daniel. (2015) What priorities for the new European agenda on migration? CEPS Commentary, 22 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and den Hertog, Leonhard (2015) Whose Mare? Rule of law challenges in the field of European border surveillance in the Mediterranean. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 79/January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Cambini, Carlo and Briglauer, Wolfgang and Grajek, Michal (2015) Why is Europe lagging on next generation access networks? Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/14, September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Coolsaet, Rik (2015) Will the foreign fighters issue ever end? Egmont Commentary, 20 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Całus, Kamil (2015) An appropriated state? Moldova’s uncertain prospects for modernisation. OSW COMMENTARY 168, 22.04.2015,. [Policy Paper]

Całus, Kamil (2015) A captured state? Moldova’s uncertain prospects for modernisation. OSW Commentary No. 168, 22 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Claeys, Grégory and Darvas, Zsolt (2015) The financial stability risks of ultra-loose monetary policy. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/03. [Policy Paper]

Capeau, Bart and De Rock, Bram (2015) The implications of household size and children for life-cycle saving. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 286. [Working Paper]

Corluy, Vincent and Haemels, Joost and Marx, Ive and Verbist, Gerlinde (2015) The labour market position of second‑generation immigrants in Belgium. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 285. [Working Paper]


Delcour, Laure (2015) The 2015 ENP Review: Beyond Stocktaking, the Need for a Political Strategy. College of Europe Policy Brief #1.15, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

de Groen, Willem Pieter and Gros, Daniel. (2015) Addressing the immediate needs of the Greek banks. CEPS Commentary, 31 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Hüttl, Pia and Merler, Silvia and Walsh, Thomas (2015) Analysis of developments in EU capital flows in the global context. Bruegel Final study Bruegel N° 2015.2574, November 2015. [Working Paper]

Dhyne, Emmanuel and Magerman, Glenn and Rubinova, Stela (2015) The Belgian production network 2002‑2012. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 288. [Working Paper]

de Groot, Gerard-René and Vink, Maarten Peter (2015) A Comparative Analysis of Regulations on Involuntary Loss of Nationality in the European Union. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe, 75/December 2014. [Policy Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Lynch, Muireann A. (2015) Competition and the Single Electricity Market: Which Lessons for Ireland?. ESRI WP497. March 2015. [Working Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2015) Contratto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato a tutele crescenti e nuovo sistema sanzionatorio contro i licenziamenti illegittimi: tra legge delega e legge delegata = Permanent employment contract with increasing protections and new sanctioning system against illegitimate layoffs: between delegated law and delegated law. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 251/2015. [Policy Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter (2015) Corporate Taxation in Europe: Let's get it together! CEPS Commentary, 16 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dewar, Robert (2015) Cyber-Lisbon? The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on European Union Cybersecurity Policy. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Davies, Gareth (2015) Democracy and Legitimacy in the Shadow of Purposive Competence. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Diaz Romero, Leocadia (2015) Democracy, New Media and Anti-­‐Establishment Party Politics in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis: Especial Consideration of the Spanish Case. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

D’Errico, Marco and Macchiarelli, Corrado and Serafini, Roberta (2015) Differently unequal Zooming-in on the distributional dimensions of the crisis in euro area countries. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 86/2015 January 2015. [Discussion Paper]

de Angelis , Luigi (2015) Dispositivo e motivazione della sentenza di lavoro e nuova efficienza = Device and motivation of the work sentence and new efficiency. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 258/2015. [Policy Paper]

Delreux, Tom and Keukeleire, Stephan (2015) Division of labour and specialization in EU foreign policy-making. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

De Groen, Willem Pieter (2015) The ECB’s QE: Time to break the doom loop between banks and their governments. CEPS Policy Brief No. 328, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dolidze, Tatia (2015) EU Sanctions Policy towards Russia: The Sanctioner-Sanctionee’s Game of Thrones. CEPS Working Document No. 402/January 2015. [Working Paper]

DeHousse, Franklin and Marsicola, Benedetta (2015) The EU's fourth railway package: a new stop in a long regulatory journey. Egmont Paper 76, April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dangerfield, Martin (2015) Economic Relations Between Visegrad Group Countries and Russia: How Much Has Changed? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

De Santis, Roberta and Jona Lasinio, Cecilia (2015) Environmental Policies, Innovation and Productivity in the EU. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 100/2015 November 2015. [Discussion Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Gros, Daniel. (2015) Estimating the Bridge Financing Needs of the Single Resolution Fund: How expensive is it to resolve a bank? CEPS Special Report No. 122, 25 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Darija Maric, Darija Maric and Srdjan Hercigonja, Srdjan Hercigonja and Maria Alette Abdli, Maria Alette Abdli and Adnan Rahimić, Adnan Rahimić and Elias Vartio, Elias Vartio and Doris Manu, Doris Manu and Gomez, Jorge Fernandez (2015) Europe must act! The refugee crisis in the eyes of young people. EPC FutureLab, 12 October 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Dalia Marin, Dalia Marin and Jan Schymik, Jan Schymik and Jan Tscheke, Jan Tscheke (2015) Europe's exports superstar - it's the organisation! Bruegel Working Paper 2015/05, 15 July 2015. [Working Paper]

Donnelly, Shawn (2015) The European Central Bank as a Policy Entrepreneur within Banking Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Dursun-Ozkanca, Oya (2015) The European Union in the Balkans: Strategic Partners or Competitors? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Duffy, David and Dwyer, Hannah (2015) FDI and the Availability of Dublin Office Space. ESRI Research Notes 2015/3/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Darvas, Zsolt and Simon, András (2015) Filling the gap: open economy considerations for more reliable potential output estimates. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/11, October 2015. [Working Paper]

Damay, Ludivine and Mercenier, Heidi (2015) Fixing the EU Democratic Deficit: An Instrumental View of Citizenship? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Dhéret, Claire (2015) Fostering social cohesion: the missing link in the EU's exit strategy from the crisis. EPC Discussion Paper, 31 March 2015. [Discussion Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. and Paulson, John (2015) Greece is insolvent but illiquid. CEPS Commentary, 18 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2015) Greece is solvent but illiquid. What should the ECB do? CEPS Commentary, 15 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

den Heijer, Maarten (2015) How the Frontex Sea Borders Regulation avoids the hot potatoes. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Duff, Andrew (2015) How to deal with Europe’s British problem. EPC Discussion Paper, 11 September 2015. [Discussion Paper]

de Angelis , Luigi (2015) Il contratto a tutele crescenti. Il giudizio = The contract with increasing protections. The judgment. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 250/2015. [Policy Paper]

De Marco, Cinzia (2015) Il precariato pubblico tra normativa italiana e bacchettate dall’Europa (considerazioni a margine della sentenza della Corte di Giustizia 26 novembre 2014) = Il precariato pubblico tra normativa italiana e bacchettate dall’Europa (considerazioni a margine della sentenza della Corte di Giustizia 26 novembre 2014). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 243/2015. [Policy Paper]

Durazzi, Niccolo (2015) Inclusive unions in a dualised labour market? The challenge of organising labour market policy and social protection for labour market outsiders. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 99/2015 October 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Dunoff, Jeffrey L. and Pollack, Mark A. (2015) International Judicial Dissent: Causes and Consequences. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Dye, Daniel T. (2015) Interpreting Euroskepticism(s): The Anti-Establishment Parties of the 2014 Euro Elections and their Challenge to Integration. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Lynch, Muireann A. (2015) The Irish Electricity Market: New Regulation to Preserve Competition. ESRI Research Notes 2015/1/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Dabrowski, Marek (2015) It’s not just Russia: Currency crisis in the Commonwealth of independent states. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2015/01, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Duffy, David and Morley, Ciara and Watson, Dorothy (2015) The KBC Bank/ESRI Consumer Sentiment Index. ESRI Research Notes 2015/2/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Devine, Mel T. and Lynch, Muireann A. (2015) A Menu Approach to Revealing Generator Reliability Using a Stochastic Bilevel Mathematical Program. ESRI WP518. November 2015. [Working Paper]

d’Oultremont, Clémentine and Martin, Anna (2015) The Migration Crisis: A Stress Test for European Values. European Policy Brief No. 38, September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Duffy, David and O'Hanlon, Niall (2015) Negative Equity in Ireland: Estimates using loan level data. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/6. UNSPECIFIED.

De Stefano, Valerio (2015) Non‐standard workers and freedom of association: a critical analysis of restrictions to collective rights from a human rights perspective *. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 123/2015. [Working Paper]

Della Sala, Vincent (2015) Not So Different After All?: The EU and Myths of Exceptionalism. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

de Angelis , Luigi (2015) Note sulla nuova disciplina delle mansioni ed i suoi (difficilissimi) rapporti con la delega = Notes on the new job discipline and its (very difficult) relationship with the delegation. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 263/2015. [Policy Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and O'Hara, Denis and Devitt, Niamh (2015) Nudging Electricity Consumption Using TOU Pricing and Feedback: Evidence from Irish Households. ESRI WP508. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Dhéret, Claire and Morosi, Martina (2015) One year after the Youth Guarantee: Policy fatigue or signs of action? EPC Policy Brief, 27 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dubin, Ken and Hopkin, Jonathan (2015) Policy-­Making in Hard Times: The Case of Southern European Labour Reforms. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Darvas, Zsolt and Tschekassin, Olga (2015) Poor and under pressure: the social impact of Europe's fiscal consolidation. Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue 2015/04, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dee, Megan (2015) Pragmatic power Europe: Responding to an emerging multipolar world. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Daniel, William T. (2015) Protect This House? Transnational Party Group Influence on Candidate Selection to the European Parliament. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary Research Notes, Autumn 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Articles, Winter 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2015. [Working Paper]

Daniel, William T. (2015) Rational Parties, Radical Voters? Fringe Party Recruitment Strategies at the National & European Levels. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Dimitrovova, Bohdana and Novakova, Zuzana (2015) Re-thinking the EU's development paradigm: views from Morocco and Tunisia. EPC Policy Brief, 12 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

D'Imperio, Paolo (2015) Risk Sharing towards the European Fiscal Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Domańska, Maria (2015) Russia marks the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazism: What significance does it have in an epoch of global confrontation? OSW Commentary No. 171, 20 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Darczewska, Jolanta and Żochowski, Piotr (2015) Russophobia in the Kremlin’s strategy. A weapon of mass destruction. OSW POINT OF VIEW #56, 2015-11-02. UNSPECIFIED.

Dayton, Ross (2015) Separatism, Globalization, and the European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 No. 1, February 2015. [Working Paper]

Duyulmus, Cem Utku and van den Berg, Axel (2015) Single Parent Families and Poverty in Continental Welfare States: Examining Dutch Policy Responses to New Social Risks. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

D'Urso, Joseph and Sammut, Dennis (2015) The Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine: a useful but flawed OSCE tool. EPC Policy Brief, 23 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

D’Amuri, Francesco and Giorgiantonio, Cristina (2015) Stato dell’arte e prospettive della contrattazione aziendale in Italia = State of the art and prospects for corporate bargaining in Italy. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 242/2015. [Policy Paper]

Donnet, Laurent (2015) Time to think about a European Union operated airlift capability? Security Policy Brief No. 62, April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Delannoy, Eric and Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) Towards a balanced contribution of household credit to the economy. CEPS-ECRI Task Force Report, May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Daryoush, Toutia and Hedberg, Annika (2015) Towards better health outcomes - What role for pharmaceutical innovation? EPC Policy Brief, 10 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Dragneva-Lewers, Rilka and Wolczuk, Kataryna (2015) Trade and geopolitics: should the EU engage with the Eurasian Economic Union? EPC Policy Brief, 2 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2015) Tre parole del legislatore non bastano per la rivoluzione copernicana promessa: il jobs act alla prova della giurisprudenza = Three words from the legislator are not enough for the promised Copernican revolution: the jobs act to the test of jurisprudence. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 281/2015. [Policy Paper]

De Luca, Michele (2015) Un grand arrêt della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea sul nostro precariato scolastico statale: il contrasto con il diritto dell’Unione, che ne risulta, non comporta l’espunzione dal nostro ordinamento, né la non applicazione della normativa interna confliggente (prime note in attesa dei seguiti) = A grand arrêt of the Court of Justice of the European Union on our state school precariousness: the resulting conflict with EU law does not imply expulsion from our legal system, nor does it not apply the conflicting internal legislation (first notes pending follow-up). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 237/2015. [Policy Paper]

Dimitrova, Antoaneta and Kortenska, Elitsa (2015) Understanding Enlargement: discourses in six countries. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

de Vries, Catherine and Hoffmann, Isabell (2015) What Do the People Want? Opinions, Moods and Preferences of European Citizens. UNSPECIFIED.

Dimitrova, Antoaneta (2015) What can the EU do to promote rule of law in members and neighbours? Lessons from Bulgaria and Romania. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

De Bruycker, Iskander and Beyers, Jan (2015) When politics makes strange bedfellows: Why do NGOs and business interests coalesce in EU legislative politics? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Darczewska, Jolanta (2015) The devil is in the details. Information warfare in the light of Russia's military doctrine. OSW Point of View 50, May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Darvas, Zsolt (2015) The grand divergence: global and European current account surpluses. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/08, 13 August 2015. [Working Paper]

Dabrowski, Marek (2015) The harsh reality of Ukraine's fiscal arithmetic. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/07, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Leandro, Alvaro (2015) The limitations of policy coordination in the euro area under the European Semester. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2015/19, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Gabriel, Steven A. and Moryadee, Seksun (2015) A new approach to modelling natural gas markets. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/4/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Dabrowski, Marek (2015) The systemic roots of Russia’s recession. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/15, OCTOBER 2015. [Policy Paper]


Everson, Michelle (2015) Banking on Union: EU governance between risk and uncertainty. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Emerson, Michael (2015) Britain’s Political Earthquake: What aftershocks for Europe and the UK? CEPS Commentary, 11 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2015) Cameron’s ‘renegotiations’ (or Russian roulette) with the EU: An interim assessment. CEPS Working Document No. 413/September 2015. [Working Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2015) Dear Donald … Yours, David. CEPS Commentary, 12 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Elagati, Mohamed and Ahmed, Nouran and Bayoumil, Mahmoud (2015) Discussing Citizenship in Egypt: A comparative study of the post-2011 political debate. Arab Citizenship Review No. 8, 20 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Elagati, Mohamed and Ahmed, Nouran and Bayoumil, Mahmoud (2015) Discussing Citizenship in Egypt: A comparative study of the post-2011 political debate. EUSpring Working Paper No. 3 [also Arab Citizenship Review No. 8], 20 July 2015. [Working Paper]

Egenhofer, Christian. and Marcu, Andrei and Núñez-Ferrer, Jorge and Genoese, Fabio and Elkerbout, Milan (2015) EU Climate and Energy Governance: There’s more to it than meets the eye. CEPS Commentary, 14 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Egenhofer, Christian and Dimitrova, Anna and Popov, Julian (2015) Effective Regional Energy Policy Cooperation in South East Europe: A Proposal. CEPS Background Briefing Paper, 2 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Estella, Antonio (2015) European Union Bailouts and Credibility. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 No. 4, October 2015. [Working Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2015) Europe’s reactive and protective muddling through: the results of a summit in fire fighting mode. EPC Post-Summit Analysis, 19 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Elliott, E. Donald and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2015) Greater TTIP Ambition in Chemicals: Why and how. CEPS Special Report, 28 July 2015. Paper No. 10 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 114/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2015) Greece back on centre stage: the results of a déjà vu summit. EPC Post-Summit Analysis, 23 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael (2015) Is there reason to hope for Minsk II? CEPS Commentary, 16 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Eliasson, Leif Johan (2015) Options and possibilities in TTIP: two sectors and the mother of controversial issues. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Emerson, Michael (2015) Putin: The morally depraved degradation of a strong state leader. CEPS Commentary, 31 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Egenhofer, Christian and Genoese, Fabio (2015) Reforming the Market Design of EU Electricity Markets: Addressing the Challenges of a Low-Carbon Power Sector. CEPS Task Force Report, 27 July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Elman, R. Amy (2015) Sidestepping Lethal Antisemitism – The EU's Response in the Aftermath of Terror. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Egan, Michelle. and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2015) TTIP’s Hard Core: Technical barriers to trade and standards. Paper No. 13 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 117/August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Eliasson, Leif Johan (2015) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Interest groups and public opinion. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Gondola, Didier and Marijnen, Esther and Verweijen, Judith (2015) Virunga’s White Savior complex. Egmont Commentary, 13 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Egeberg, Morten and Trondal, Jarle (2015) Why Strong Coordination at One Level of Government is Incompatible with Strong Coordination Across Levels: The case of the European Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Eberhardt, Adam and Menkiszak, Marek (2015) The economic and financial crisis in Russia – background, symptoms and prospects for the future. OSW Report 02/2015. UNSPECIFIED.


Fabo, Brian and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) Are student workers a threat or a solution? CEPS Commentary, 14 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Frontini, Andrea and Etzion, Eran (2015) Balancing realism and vision - The prospects of EU-Israel relations in times of change and uncertainty. European Policy Brief, 28 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Frontini, Andrea (2015) ‘Bibi strikes back’. Israeli elections in a transforming domestic and international landscape. EPC Commentary, 26 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Friedman, Yoav (2015) The Bologna Process and the EHEA – A New European Normative Regime? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

FALLESEN, Ida-Maria Weirsøe (2015) The Challenges of the EU Banking Union - will it succeed in dealing with the next financial crisis? Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefings 36/2015. [Policy Paper]

FALLESEN, Ida-Maria Weirsøe (2015) The Challenges of the EU Banking Union - will it succeed in dealing with the next financial crisis? Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings 36/2015. [Policy Paper]

Fott, Daniel (2015) The Common Security and Defence Policy: National Perspectives. Egmont Paper No. 79, May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fogarty, Edward A, (2015) Decoupling is in the Eye of the Beholder? European Parliament Voting and Perceptions of Economic Indivisibility in Europe. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Frymark, Kamil (2015) Development co-operation made in Germany. OSW REPORT 2015-07-29. UNSPECIFIED.

Faleg, Giovanni and Blockmans, Steven (2015) EU Naval Force EUNAVFOR MED sets sail in troubled waters. CEPS Commentary, 26 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Schöler, Gabriele (2015) The EU neighborhood in shambles: Some recommendations for a new European neighbourhood strategy. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Fouéré, Erwan (2015) The EU’s Enlargement Strategy 2015: Will the ‘new elements’ make a difference? CEPS Commentary, 26 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Frontini, Andrea (2015) Ensuring the EU’s future as a security provider Five recommendations for the June European Council’s session on CSDP. EPC Commentary, 23 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Farina, Francesco and Tamborini, Roberto (2015) Europe's Great Divide. A geo-economic-political map. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 101/2015 December 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Faleg, Giovanni (2015) European security after the Paris attacks. CEPS Commentary, 24 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fabbrini, Sergio (2015) Executive Power in the European Union: The Implications of the Euro Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Frontini, Andrea (2015) Federalist rhetoric or political tactics? The what, where, who, when and why of Juncker’s call for a common European army. EPC Commentary, 12 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Frosecchi, Giulia (2015) GDF Suez Transnational Collective Agreement on Health and Safety: EWC as negotiating agent and the relevance of the ETUF leading role. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 119/2015. [Working Paper]

Falkowski, Maciej and Lang, Józef (2015) Homo Jihadicus. Islam in the former USSR and the phenomenon of the post-Soviet militants in Syria and Iraq. OSW REPORT 2015-09-21. UNSPECIFIED.

Fuller, Gregory W. (2015) Household Finance in Contemporary Capitalism: Facts in Search of Theory. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Farrell, Niall and Devine, Mel T. (2015) How Do External Costs Affect Pay-As-Bid Renewable Energy Connection Auctions?. ESRI WP517. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Felbermayr, Gabriel and Aichele, Rahel (2015) How to make TTIP inclusive for all? Potential economic impacts of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on developing countries. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Fenoglio, Anna (2015) Il filo rosa intessuto nel diritto del lavoro: un’analisi gender sensitive degli interventi legislativi dell’ultimo triennio* = The pink thread woven into labor law: a gender sensitive analysis of the legislative interventions of the last three years*. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 239/2015. [Policy Paper]

Fontana, Giorgio (2015) Inderogabilità, derogabilità e crisi dell’uguaglianza = Negotiability, derogability and equality crisis. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 276/2015. [Policy Paper]

Farrell, Niall and Lyons, Sean (2015) Is there a fairer way to finance energy subsidies? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/3/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Falsone , Maurizio (2015) La conciliazione ex art. 6 d. lgs. 23/2015 tra autonomia privata e incentivi statali = The conciliation pursuant to art. 6 d. lgs. 23/2015 between private autonomy and state incentives. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 274/2015. [Policy Paper]

Frankowski, Pawel (2015) Labor standards and external promotion of European norms. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Forlivesi, Michele (2015) Le clausole sociali negli appalti pubblici: il bilanciamento possibile tra tutela del lavoro e ragioni del mercato = Social clauses in public procurement: the possible balance between job protection and market reasons. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 275/2015. [Policy Paper]

Fouéré, Erwan (2015) Moldova in 2015: A decisive year for its future. CEPS Commentary, 8 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fouéré, Erwan (2015) The OSCE marks 40 years since the Helsinki Final Act: Its principles are more valid than ever. CEPS Essay No. 19, 24 July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Finn, Mairead and Darmody, Mike (2015) Predicting International Higher Education Students’ Satisfaction with their Study in Ireland. ESRI WP520. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Falkowski, Maciej (2015) Ramzanistan. Russia's Chechen Problem. OSW POINT OF VIEW Number 54, 2015-08-25. UNSPECIFIED.

Freya Baetens, Freya Baetens and Koen Berden, Koen Berden and Steven Blockmans, Steven Blockmans and Jonathan Bonnitcha, Jonathan Bonnitcha and Peter Chase, Peter Chase and Michelle Egan, Michelle Egan and Christian Egenhofer, Christian Egenhofer and E. Donald Elliott, E. Donald Elliott and Joseph Francois, Joseph Francois and Caroline Freund, Caroline Freund and Daniel S. Hamilton, Daniel S. Hamilton and Jean Heilman Grier, Jean Heilman Grier and Barbara Holzer, Barbara Holzer and Tim Josling, Tim Josling and Petros Kusmu, Petros Kusmu and Patrick Messerlin, Patrick Messerlin and Gergely Molnar, Gergely Molnar and Paolo Natali, Paolo Natali and Sarah Oliver, Sarah Oliver and Jacques Pelkmans, Jacques Pelkmans and Lauge Poulsen, Lauge Poulsen and Andrea Renda, Andrea Renda and Stefan Tangermann, Stefan Tangermann and Stephen Woolcock, Stephen Woolcock and Jason Yackee, Jason Yackee and Christopher S. Yoo, Christopher S. Yoo (2015) Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. UNSPECIFIED.

Fabo, Brian and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) Students in Work and their Impact on the Labour Market. CEPS Working Document No. 410/July 2015. [Working Paper]

Flachenecker, Florian (2015) Sustainability, Resource Efficiency and Competitiveness. An Assessment of Resource Efficiency Policies in the European Union. Bruges European Economic Research Papers (BEER) 32/2015. [Policy Paper]

Farrell, Niall (2015) What Factors Drive Inequalities in Carbon Tax Incidence? Decomposing Socioeconomic Inequalities in Carbon Tax Incidence in Ireland. ESRI WP519. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Fiott, Daniel (2015) The future of European Geostrategy. Egmont Commentary, 23 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim (2015) spotlight europe #2015/01—April 2015: Turbulent Times in the Disunited Kingdom. [Policy Paper]


Górecki, Wojciech (2015) Abkhazia’s ‘creeping’ incorporation. The end of the experiment of a separatist democracy. OSW Commentary 164, 2015-03-12. [Policy Paper]

Goyer, Michel and Glatzer, Miguel and Valdivielso del Real, Rocio (2015) Asymmetric Governance and the Transformation of Employment Relations in the Eurozone: The Contingent Influence of the Ideas of Policy-Makers. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Grande, Edgar and Hutter, Swen (2015) Authority transfer or membership conflict? Explaining politicization of European integration in public debates on major integration steps. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel. and Belke, Ansgar (2015) Banking Union as a Shock Absorber: Lessons for the eurozone from the US. CEPS Paperback, December 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-1-78348-594-9; 978-1-78348-595-6

Gehring, Thomas and Urbanski, Kevin and Oberthür, Sebastian (2015) Beyond Intergovernmental Coordination: EU Corporate Foreign Policy Action and the Crisis over Ukraine. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Can Schengen survive? CEPS Commentary, 14 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) Capacity mechanisms. A credibility test for the Energy Union? EPC Policy Brief, 11 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Completing the Banking Union: Deposit Insurance. CEPS Policy Brief No. 335, 3 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gstöhl, Sieglinde (2015) The Contestation of Values in the European Neighbourhood Policy: Challenges of Capacity, Consistency and Competition. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gotkowska, Justyna (2015) Controlled ‘Europeanisation’? The KMW–Nexter merger and the Germany’s new strategy for the arms industry. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 180/26.08.2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Countries under Adjustment Programmes: What role for the ECB? CEPS Special Report No. 124, December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Gravey, Viviane and Jordan, Andy (2015) Dismantling the Acquis? Twenty Years of Environmental Policy Reform in the European Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gray, Andre (2015) EMSS: new and approaching ‘hot-buttons’ for maritime security. Egmont Commentary, 26 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gour, Julia (2015) EU Policies on Mixed Migration Flows in the Mediterranean Sea. EU Centre Singapore Background Brief No. 13, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Mustilli, Federica (2015) The Economic Impact of Sanctions against Russia: Much ado about very little. CEPS Commentary, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Alcidi, Cinzia. (2015) Economic Policy Coordination in the Euro Area under the European Semester. CEPS Special Report No. 123, December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Garcia-Duran, Patricia and Millet, Montserrat (2015) Efficient bilateralism? The TTIP from an EU Trade Policy perspective. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The End of German Hegemony. CEPS Commentary, 16 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) End of an energy honeymoon: what’s next for Russia-Turkey energy relations? EPC Commentary, 7 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) The Energy Union: what is in a name? EPC Commentary, 18 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Costello, Cathryn and Garlick, Madeline and Moreno-Lax, Violeta (2015) Enhancing the Common European Asylum System and Alternatives to Dublin. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 83/September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Goodliffe, Gabriel (2015) The European Debt Crisis in France and Germany through the Lens of the 1930s: A Polanyian Reading. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Genna, Gaspare M. and Justwan, Florian (2015) The European Power Hierarchy, Member State Trust, and Public Support for the Common Security and Defense Policy. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 No. 2, August 2015. [Working Paper]

Günther, Enrico (2015) The European Union’s Response to Piracy: Are the Lessons Learned in the Horn of Africa a Model for the Gulf of Guinea? EU Diplomacy Paper/2015. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Europe’s Double Refugee Crisis. CEPS Commentary, 8 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gilardoni, Guia and D'Odorico, Marina and Carrillo, Daniela (2015) Evidence on migrants' integration in Europe. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The Fate of Greece in a ‘Genuine Economic and Monetary Union’: Lessons from a small island state. CEPS Hi-Level Brief, 19 June 2015 Friday, 19 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and Haas, Jörg (2015) Flashlight Europe N°6–June 2015. Waiting for the Five Presidents’ Report on the Future of the Monetary Union: What do we need to know? [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and Hoffmann, Isabell (2015) Flashlight Europe N°7–09 July 2015. Greece After the Referendum: Three Possible Scenarios for the Euro Area. [Policy Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) Gazprom’s evolving strategy in a new commercial and political context: how should the EU react? EPC Policy Brief, 27 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The Greek Austerity Myth. CEPS Commentary, 10 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) A Greek way out? CEPS Commentary, 5 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Grexit 2015: A primer. CEPS Commentary, 22 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano (2015) Il licenziamento per sopravvenuta inidoneità alla mansione dopo la legge Fornero e il Jobs Act = Dismissal for unsuitability for the job after the Fornero law and the Jobs Act. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 261/2015. [Policy Paper]

Gargiulo, Umberto (2015) Lo jus variandi nel “nuovo” art. 2103 cod. civ. = The jus variandi in the "new" art. 2103 cod. civ. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 268/2015. [Policy Paper]

Genoese, Fabio (2015) Low-cost batteries will not disrupt (all) energy utilities. CEPS Commentary, 5 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Graeber, John (2015) Mobility and Citizenship in the Shadow of the Euro Crisis: Explaining New Trends in Immigration and Naturalization across Europe. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Monetary policy and the over-investment cycle: China as an extreme case. CEPS Commentary, 27 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gotkowska, Justyna (2015) NATO’s presence in the Baltic states – reassurance of allies or deterrence for Russia? OSW COMMENTARY Number 169, 29.04.2015 2015-04-29. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Costello, Cathryn and Garlick, Madeline and Moreno-Lax, Violeta and Mouzourakis, Minos (2015) New Approaches, Alternative Avenues and Means of Access to Asylum Procedures for Persons Seeking International Protection. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 77/ January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Giuli , Marco (2015) Nord Stream expansion: what does it mean for Europe? EPC Commentary, 2 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Garilli , Alessandro (2015) Nuova disciplina dei licenziamenti e tecniche di prevenzione del conflitto = New layoff discipline and conflict prevention techniques. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 245/2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The Price of Oil and Soviet/Russian Aggressiveness. CEPS Commentary, 16 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Groszkowski, Jakub and Kardas, Szymon (2015) Prime Minister Fico’s Russian card. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER NUMBER 175/01.07.2015. [Policy Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano (2015) Profili costituzionali del contratto di lavoro a tutele crescenti = Constitutional profiles of the employment contract with increasing protections. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 246/2015. [Policy Paper]

Genna, Gaspare M. and Justwan, Florian (2015) Public Perceptions of the European Power Hierarchy and Support for a Common Foreign and Security Policy. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel (2015) Puerto Rico and Greece: A Tale of two defaults in a monetary union. CEPS High-Level Brief. 18 June 2015, Update 30 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The QE placebo. CEPS Commentary, 12 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Givens, Terri E. (2015) The Racialization of Security: Ethnic Minorities in Europe, International Relations and Comparative Politics. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Genschel, Philipp and Jachtenfuchs, Markus (2015) Research Agenda: The European integration of core state powers. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Restructuring the Greek banking sector with an empty purse. CEPS Commentary, 13 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) TRAC: a market-based tax on capital flight as an alternative to Grexit. CEPS Commentary, 7 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Genschel, Philipp and Lierse, Hanna and Schmidtke, Henning and Seelkopf, Laura and Traub, Stefan and Yang, Hongyan (2015) Tax competition and inequality. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Giuli , Marco and Maselli, Ilaria (2015) UBER: Innovation or déja vu? CEPS Commentary, 25 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ghimis, Andreia (2015) Unconfirmed but still feared: the tidal wave of Bulgarians and Romanians one year later. EPC Commentary, 15 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Glendinning, Simon (2015) Varieties of Neoliberalism. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 89/2015 March 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Brouwer, Evelien. and Groenendijk, Kees and Carrera, Sergio (2015) What is happening to the Schengen borders? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 86, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) What signal from the Fed? Should the ECB ease further? CEPS Commentary, 18 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Where is the credit crunch in Greece? CEPS Commentary, 6 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Why Greece declined a euro holiday. CEPS Commentary, 6 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) Why Greece is different. CEPS Commentary, 22 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2015) Will the Single Resolution Fund be a ‘baby tiger’ during the transition? CEPS Commentary, 17 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The end of an overlooked European currency war. CEPS Commentary, 21 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The end of fiscal waterboarding? CEPS Commentary, 23 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and Hoffman, Isabell (2015) spotlight europe #$2015 / 03-August 2015. Money or Democracy? Greece and the Euro Dilemma. [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and Hoffmann, Isabell (2015) spotlight europe #2015/03 — August 2015: Money or Democracy? Greece and the Euro Dilemma. [Policy Paper]

Gnath, Katharina and Haas, Jörg (2015) spotlight europe #2015/04—October 2015: A Fiscal Union for Europe – Building Block and Not a Magic Bullet. [Policy Paper]

Gotkowska, Justyna (2015) A weak link? Germany in the Euro-Atlantic security system. OSW Point of View Number 47, January 2015. UNSPECIFIED.


Hyland, Marie and Layte, Richard and Lyons, Sean and McCoy, Selina (2015) Are classroom internet use and academic performance higher after government broadband subsidies to primary schools? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/6. UNSPECIFIED.

Hyndle-Hussein, Joanna (2015) The Baltic states on the conflict in Ukraine. OSW Commentary [no doc #] 2015-01-23. [Policy Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) The Belgian view on the UK’s renegotiation is that European challenges can only be tackled through deepening European integration. Egmont Commentary, 18 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hartnell, Helen E. (2015) A Bird's Eye View of the EU's Civil Justice Policy Field: Discursive and Institutional Dimensions. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hensler, Deborah R. (2015) Can Private Class Actions Enforce Economic Regulations? Do They? Should They? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Heine, Sophie (2015) The Dangers and Inanity of (Euro-) Nationalism: From Communitarianism to Cosmopolitanism. Egmont Paper No. 77, April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) The EU approach to Gender: Limitations and Alternatives. European Policy Brief No. 40, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hedberg, Annika (2015) EU’s quest for energy security. What role for the Energy Union? EPC Policy Brief, 3 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Henningsen , Jørgen Knud (2015) The Emission Trading Scheme reform: will the Commission's proposal save the system? EPC Policy Brief, 29 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) European sovereignty and federalism: a necessary alliance to rescue political agency. Egmont Commentary, 12 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hedberg, Annika (2015) Europe’s energy security – is the Energy Union the answer? EPC Commentary. [Policy Paper]

Hillion, Christophe and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) Europe’s self-defence: Tous pour un et un pour tous? CEPS Commentary, 20 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Harmut, Aden (2015) The Evolving Role of Courts for the European Multi-level Security Setting. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Heiduk, Felix (2015) Externalizing the EU's Justice and Home Affairs to Southeast Asia: Prospects and Limitations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hallerberg, Mark. and Gandrud, Christopher and Copelovitch, Mark (2015) Financial regulatory transparency: new data and implications for EU policy. Bruegel Policy Brief 2015/20, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hanelt, Christian-P. (2015) Flashlight Europe N°2–February 2015. “Europe must now get involved in a very big way”. [Policy Paper]

Hoffmann, Isabell (2015) Flashlight Europe N°5–June 2015. OMT is Monetary Policy and Not Economic Policy. [Policy Paper]

Hamilton, Daniel and Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The Geostrategic Implications of TTIP. CEPS Special Report No. 105/April 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Hubner, Kurt (2015) German Economic Governance and the Eurozone: Misguided Leadership? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hagermann, Steffen and Nathanson, Roby (2015) Germany and Israel Today: United by the Past, Divided by the Present? UNSPECIFIED.

Hyland, Marie (2015) Has the restructuring of EU electricity markets reduced industrial electricity prices? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Heine, Sophie (2015) Identity and euroscepticism as a substitute for political agency: A few lessons from the British elections. Egmont Commentary, 12 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hu, Kun (2015) Innovations of the European Central Bank in the Context of Financial and Monetary Integration: A Chinese Assessment. ZEI Discussion Paper C229, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Herrero, Alicia Garcia (2015) Internationalising the currency while leveraging massively: the case of China. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/12, October 2015. [Working Paper]

Hartnell, Helen E. (2015) 'Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters' (EUstitia): The Politics of Civil Justice under the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hedberg, Annika and Morosi, Martina (2015) Keeping health high on the EU agenda: role for economic governance? EPC Policy Brief, 7 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hassel, Anke and Knudsen, Jette Steen and Wagner, Bettina (2015) Labor Migration in the European Union: De-institutionalization or Re-institutionalization of Social Protection? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Heron, Tony and Quaglia, Lucia (2015) The New Political Economy of Transatlantic Economic Cooperation: Divergent Preferences, Regime Complexity and the Changing Distribution of Global Economic Power. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hofmann, Andreas (2015) No longer gatekeeper: Why the European Commission provides access to justice for civil society organisations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hedberg, Annika (2015) Nord Stream II – Another test for EU unity. EPC Commentary, 9 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hedberg, Annika (2015) Nord Stream II-testing EU and credibility. EPC Commentary, 16 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Howarth, David and Quaglia, Lucia (2015) The Political Economy of the Single Supervisory Mechanism: Squaring the ‘Inconsistent Quartet’. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Henökl, Thomas (2015) Political accountability in the EU’s foreign and security policy: How, by whom and for what can the EU’s High Representative on Foreign Affairs and the European External Action Service be held to account? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Haverland, Markus and de Ruiter, Minou and Van de Walle, Steven (2015) Producing salience or keeping silence? An exploration of topics and non-topics of Special Eurobarometers. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 88/2015 February 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Heine, Sophie (2015) Prostitution as a Human Right: an Oxymoron. European Policy Briefs No. 36, August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hedberg, Annika and Pardo, Romain and Frontini, Andrea and Daryoush, Toutia (2015) REACHING FOR BLUE GOLD - How the EU can rise to the water challenge while reaping the rewards. EPC Issue Paper No. 80, November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Hoerner, Julian M. (2015) Resolutions of National Parliaments in EU affairs: The Crucial Role of Issue Entrepreneurs. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Howorth, Jolyon (2015) Strategy-Less in a World Of Power Transition. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Harbour, Malcolm and Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) Strengthening the beating heart of the European economy. EPC Commentary, 29 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hanelt, Christian-Peter (2015) Syria in its fifth year of civil war: Overview, analysis and thoughts on resolving the conflict. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Heine, Sophie (2015) Syriza’s call for sovereignty: hopes and illusions. Egmont Commentary, 29 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hanelt, Christian-Peter (2015) Tunisia's transformation - Cooperating with the neighbours: Europe, North Africa and the GCC. July 2015 Strategy paper.Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Haukkala, Hiski (2015) What Went Wrong and What Right for the EU in Ukraine? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hassan, Mozn (2015) Women's Rights in the Aftermath of Egypt's Revolution. Arab Citizenship Review No. 9, 26 August 2015 [also EUSpring Working Paper No. 5]. [Policy Paper]

Hartmann, Christof and Striebinger, Kai (2015) Writing the Script? ECOWAS’ Military Intervention Mechanism. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hefftler, Claudia (2015) An ever closer inter-parliamentary network? National parliaments' priorities in inter-parliamentary cooperation in the EU. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Harris, Geoffrey (2015) The extreme right in contemporary Europe- a sign of the times or an enemy within the gates? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Hüttl, Pia and Wilson, Karen E. and Wolff, Guntram B. (2015) The growing intergenerational divide in Europe. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/17, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Hanelt, Christian-P. and Koch, Christian (2015) spotlight europe #2015/02—July 2015: A Gulf CSC Could Bring Peace and Greater Security to the Middle East. [Policy Paper]


Isiksel, Turkuler (2015) Functional constitutionalism in the European Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Iwanski, Tadeusz (2015) Still together, but apart? Kyiv’s policy towards the Donbas. OSW Commentary No. 160, February 6 2015. [Policy Paper]

Ivan, Paul (2015) The Ukraine crisis and the demise of the European Security order. EPC Policy Brief, 1 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Iwanski, Tadeusz (2015) A ship run aground Deepening problems in the Ukrainian economy. OSW Commentary Number 173, 16 June 2015. [Policy Paper]


Jalilvand, Ramin (2015) After a nuclear deal: What next for Iranian oil and gas? EPC Policy Brief, 23 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Joerges, Christian (2015) Between Jürgen Habermas and Carl Schmitt: Flaws, old and new, in the project of European integration. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Jakóbowski, Jakub (2015) China’s foreign direct investments within the ‘16+1’ cooperation formula: strategy, institutions, results. OSW Commentary Number 191|27.11.2015. [Policy Paper]

Jaroszewicz, Marta and Zochowski, Piotr (2015) Combating corruption in Ukraine – the beginning of a long march. OSW COMMENTARY Number 170, 06.05.2015. [Policy Paper]

Jeppsson, Emilia (2015) A Differentiated, Balanced and Patient Approach? The EU’s Involvement with Georgia’s Secessionist Conflicts beyond the August 2008 War. EU Diplomacy Paper 06/2015. [Working Paper]

Ji Xianbai , Jason (2015) The Drivers of Current Account Surplus in Germany and the Politics of Rebalancing in the Eurozone. EU Centre, Singapore Working Paper No. 24, April 2015. [Working Paper]

Joyce, Corona and Gusciute, Egle (2015) EUROPEAN MIGRATION NETWORK. Annual Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2013: Ireland. UNSPECIFIED.

Joyce, Corona and Whelan, Susan (2015) EUROPEAN MIGRATION NETWORK. Annual Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2014: Ireland. UNSPECIFIED.

Jarosiewicz, Aleksandra and Fischer, Ewa (2015) The Eurasian Economic Union – more political, less economic. OSW Commentary Number 157/20.01.2015. [Policy Paper]

Johansson, Karl Magnus (2015) Europarties ‒ A Research Note. ZEI Discussion Paper C231, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Joseph, Joseph S. (2015) The European Union as a New Context and Challenge for the Triangle of Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Jenichen, Anne (2015) Human rights vs. security? The EU’s secular international identity from a transatlantic perspective. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Jacoby, Wade (2015) The Politics of the Eurozone Crisis: Two Puzzles Behind the German Consensus. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Jarzyńska, Katarzyna (2015) Russian nationalists on the Kremlin’s policy in Ukraine. OSW Commentary No. 156|24.12.2014. [Policy Paper]

Jarosiewicz, Aleksandra (2015) The Southern Gas Corridor. The Azerbaijani-Turkish project becomes part of the game between Russia and the EU. OSW POINT OF VIEW 53, 2015-08-20. UNSPECIFIED.

Jing Yi, Pung and Tey, Jason and Tung, Mayer (2015) Spread the Warmth. EUC Policy Challenge. EU-ASEAN Tourism Policy Brief. [Policy Paper]

Johnston, Alison and Regan, Aidan (2015) Taming Global Finance in an Age of Capital? Wage-Setting Institutions' Mitigating Effects on Housing Bubbles. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 87/2015 February 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Jones, Jason (2015) Transportation funding in the EU: An instrumental variables approach to measure the fiscal multiplier. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Jaroszewicz, Marta (2015) The migration of Ukrainians in times of crisis. OSW COMMENTARY Number 187, 2015-10-19. [Policy Paper]

Jakóbowski, Jakub (2015) A partial success of trade cooperation within the ‘16+1’ formula: the case of food exports to China. OSW COMMENTARY #189, 2015-10-29. [Policy Paper]


Kaczmarski, Marcin (2015) China on Central-Eastern Europe: ‘16+1’ as seen from Beijing. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 166/15.04.2015. [Policy Paper]

Kaczmarski, Marcin (2015) China on Russia’s intervention in Syria. OSW Commentary Number 193|19.01.2016. [Policy Paper]

Kobza, Piotr (2015) Civilian Power Europe in the Arctic: How Far Can the European Union Go North? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 01/2015. [Working Paper]

Kucharczyk, Jacek and Łada, Agnieszka and Schöler, Gabriele and Wenerski, Łukasz (2015) Close Together or Far Apart? Poles, Germans and Russians on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Krimminger , Michael and Nieto, María J. (2015) Closing financial institutions on both sides of the Atlantic: Are there differences in approach? CEPS Commentary, 25 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kubicek, Paul (2015) Dancing with the Devil: Explaining the European Union’s Engagement with Ukraine under Viktor Yanukovych. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kingston, Gillian and McGinnity, Frances and O’Connell, Philip (2015) Discrimination in the Labour Market: Nationality, Ethnicity and the Recession. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Kelly, Robert and McQuinn, Kieran (2015) Do sovereign-bank inter-linkages affect the net cost of a fiscal stimulus? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/4. UNSPECIFIED.

Korosteleva, Elena (2015) EU-Russia relations in the context of the eastern neighbourhood. Bertelsmann Policy Brief, May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Klose, Stephan (2015) The EU–Japan Summit considered in light of the renewed US–Japan defence guidelines: new momentum for the strategic partnership? Egmont Commentary, 28 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kostanyan , Hrant (2015) The Eastern Partnership after Riga: Review and Reconfirm. CEPS Commentary, 29 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Konig, Thomas and Marbach, Moritz and Osnabrugge, Moritz (2015) The Emergence of the European Integration Dimension in National Party Systems, 1945-2010. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kadidlo, Lukas (2015) Fiscal Federalism: Eurozone Budget and Its Stabilization function. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kwiatkowska-Drozdz, Anna and Frymark, Kamil (2015) Germany in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: a political or a humanitarian mission? OSW Commentary No. 163, 2015-02-18. [Policy Paper]

Kreppel, Amie (2015) Ideology in the EU’s Second Chamber: A New Understanding of the Character and Impact of the Council on EU Policy Making. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O’Connell, Philip J. and Haugh, David and Gonzalez Pandiella, Alberto (2015) Impact of the Great Recession on Unemployed Youth and NEET Individuals. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/3. UNSPECIFIED.

Kösemen, Orkan (2015) Implementing Migration Policy Reform: An Outline for Germany. UNSPECIFIED.

Koch, Anna and Tomaselli, Alexandra (2015) Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and their (new) Mobilizations in Russia. EDAP 2/2015. [Working Paper]

Kim, Youngwan and Jensen, Christian (2015) The Institutional Foundations Of European Union Foreign Aid Policy. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Klein, Axel and Hoste, Jean-Christophe and Arnould, Valerie (2015) Is Big Brother in trouble? Regionalisation of the Boko Haram crises challenges Nigeria’s leadership position. Egmont Commentary, 23 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kelemen, R. David and Pavone, Tommaso (2015) Mapping European Law. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Koch, Andreas and Castellani, David (2015) Mapping competitiveness with European data. Bruegel Blueprint 23, 6 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Keersmaeker, Goedele De (2015) Multipolar myths and unipolar fantasies. Egmont Security Policy Brief No. 60, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2015) Neighbors and other realities: The Atlantic civilization and its enemies. ZEI Discussion Paper C228, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kaczmarski, Marcin (2015) The New Silk Road: a versatile instrument in China’s policy. OSW Commentary No. 161, February 10 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kraft, Hannelore (2015) North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. ZEI Discussion Paper C232, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Kononczuk, Wojciech (2015) Oligarchs after the Maidan: the old system in a 'new' Ukraine. OSW Commentary No. 162, 2015-02-16. [Policy Paper]

Konończuk, Wojciech (2015) Reform #1. Why Ukraine has to reform its gas sector. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 181/01.09.2015. [Policy Paper]

Kostanyan, Hrant. (2015) The Rocky Road to an EU-Armenia Agreement: From U-turn to detour. CEPS Commentary, 3 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kuboyama, Ryo (2015) The Step by Step Change to Selective Migration Policy―The Case of German Labor Migration Policy in Last Decade. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Koch, François (2015) Turkish Stream and its implications for the EU. European Policy Brief No. 34, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Kucharczyk, Jacek and Łada, Agnieszka and Wenerski, Łukasz (2015) Ukrainians look to the West - policy assessment and expectations. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

Kroll, Daniela A. (2015) When it comes to money, does the European Council decide? - The Influence of the European Council in the Negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Frameworks of the European Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Kroll, Christian (2015) spotlight europe, August 2015: Sustainable Development Goals: Are the rich countries ready? [Policy Paper]

Keukeleire, Stephan and Fonck, Daan and Keuleers, Floor (2015) The study of the EU as an international actor: Bringing the outside back in. Examples from EU-China relations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Lopez-Garcia, Paloma and di Mauro, Filippo (2015) Assessing European competitiveness: The new CompNet micro-based database. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 279. [Working Paper]

Lindstadt, Rene and Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Slapin, Jonathan B. (2015) Assessing the Measurement of Policy Positions in Expert Surveys. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Luhman, Meghan (2015) “Benefit Tourism” and Migration Policy in the U.K.: The Construction of Policy Narratives. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Liso , Franco (2015) Brevi osservazioni sulla revisione della disciplina delle mansioni contenuta nel decreto legislativo n. 81/2015 e su alcune recenti tendenze di politica legislativa in materia di rapporto di lavoro = Brief comments on the revision of the discipline of duties contained in Legislative Decree no. 81/2015 and on some recent legislative policy trends in the area of employment. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 257/2015. [Policy Paper]

Lay Hwee, Yeo (2015) Can ASEM remain relevant in the 21st Century World? EU Centre Policy Brief, No. 9/September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Larivé, Maxime (2015) A Crisis for the Ages: The European Union and the migration Crisis. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 Special, October 2015. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Detailed CMU Action Plan, but more (ambition) is required. ECMI Commentary No. 39/2 October 2015 Friday, 2 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel (2015) EU Supervisory Cooperation Scaled Back at the Expense of Capital Markets Union. CEPS Commentary, 20 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lee, Dexter (2015) The European and Southeast Asian Single Aviation Markets. EU Centre, Background Brief No. 15, July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2015) The Great Financial Plumbing: From Northern Rock to Banking Union. CEPS Paperback, 19 October 2015. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED.

Leahy, Pablo Gómez (2015) The Interregional Association Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur: Is the Timing Right? Bruges Political Research Papers 46/2015. [Policy Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A. and Devine, Mel T. (2015) Investment vs. Refurbishment: Examining Capacity Payment Mechanisms Using Mixed Complementarity Problems With Endogenous Probability. ESRI WP507. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. and Pollack, Allen and Stæhr, Ole (2015) Keep capital markets union simple. ECMI Commentary No. 38/July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lord, Christopher (2015) Minding and not minding your own business: What justifies attempts to assess the democratic quality of political systems? IHS Political Science Series No. 139, May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lorenzo Donatelli, Lorenzo (2015) A Pan-European District for the European Elections? The Rise and Fall of the Duff Proposal for the Electoral Reform of the European Parliament. Bruges Political Research Papers 44/2015. [Policy Paper]

Lynggaard, Kennet (2015) The Pan-European Union Interpretation of Symbols and Myths. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Lunn, Pete and Kelly, Elish (2015) Participation in School Sport and Post-School Pathways. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/4. UNSPECIFIED.

Lehmann, Wilhelm (2015) Partisan politics and electoral procedure at the European level: The implications of the Spitzenkandidaten for the development of European parliamentarism. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Lambertucci, Pietro (2015) Potere di controllo del datore di lavoro e tutela della riservatezza del lavoratore: i controlli a "distanza" tra attualità della disciplina statutaria, promozione della contrattazione di prossimità e Legge delega del 2014 (c.d. Jobs act) = Control power of the employer and protection of worker confidentiality: the "remote" checks between current affairs of the statutory regulations, promotion of proximity bargaining and Delegation Law of 2014 (so-called Jobs act). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 255/2015. [Policy Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A. and Curtis, John (2015) Price vs. risk – the effect of wind generation on modern electricity systems. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/3/3. UNSPECIFIED.

Lunn, Peter D. and Somerville, Jason J. (2015) Surplus Identification with Non-Linear Returns. ESRI WP522. December 2015. [Working Paper]

Lang, Bertram (2015) Taiwanese Lobbying in the European Union: ‘Workable Diplomacy’ and its Limitations. EU Diplomacy Paper 8/2015. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean (2015) When broadband becomes available in an area, how quickly does it spread and who takes it up? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Which Union for Europe’s Capital Markets? ECMI Policy Brief No. 22, 13 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Lerner, Josh and Schoar, Antoinette and Sokolinski, Stanislav and Wilson, Karen E. (2015) The globalization of angel investments. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/09, 1 September 2015. [Working Paper]


McGinnity, Frances and Darmody, Merike and Murray, Aisling (2015) Academic Achievement among Immigrant Children in Irish Primary Schools. ESRI WP512. September 2015. [Working Paper]

Milne, Alistair (2015) Achieving European Policy Objectives through Financial Technology. ECRI Commentary No. 17, 16 November 2015. [Working Paper]

Mariniello, Mario and Salemi, Francesco (2015) Addressing fragmentation in EU mobile telecom markets. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/13, July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mariniello, Mario and Neven, Damien and Padilla, Jorge (2015) Antitrust, regulatory capture and economic integration. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/11, JULY 2015. [Policy Paper]

Moeller, Joergen Oerstroem (2015) Brexit – lessons from four referenda on the European Union (EU) in Denmark. EU Centre, Policy Brief No. 8, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Magni, Gabrielle (2015) Can Anger Demobilize? The Political Effects of Anger about the Economic Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Marcu, Andrei (2015) China's ETS: A vote of confidence in carbon markets ahead of Paris. CEPS Commentary, 12 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

McMahon, Richard (2015) Civilisational narratives in European Studies debates on EU enlargement. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

McNamara, Frank (2015) Control and Responsibility in European Union Migration Law and Policy – A study of Externalisation and Privatisation. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Magnani, Mariella (2015) Correzioni e persistenti aporie del regime sanzionatorio dei licenziamenti: il cd. contratto a tutele crescenti = Corrections and persistent aporias of the sanction regime for layoffs: the so-called contract with increasing protections. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 256/2015. [Policy Paper]

Merand, Frederic (2015) The Decline of the European Union: Insights from Historical Sociology. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

McQuinn, Kieran and Whelan, Karl (2015) Demographics and the Growth Outlook for Europe. ESRI Research Notes 2015/1/2. UNSPECIFIED.

Maselli, Ilaria and Fabo, Brian (2015) Digital workers by design? An example from the on-demand economy. CEPS Working Document No. 414/October 2015 Monday, 19 October 2015. [Working Paper]

Merabishvili, Gela (2015) The EU and Azerbaijan: Game on for a more normative policy? CEPS Policy Brief No. 329, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mosser, Michael W. (2015) The EU and the OSCE: Partners or Rivals in the European Security Architecture? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Mamedov, Eldar and Paul, Amanda (2015) EU-Iran relations post-Vienna: the way forward. EPC Commentary, 16 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mayer, Thomas (2015) The Euro as a Foreign Currency for Greece Friday, 19 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Molnar, Gergely and Behrens, Arno and Egenhofer, Christian. and Genoese, Fabio (2015) Europe's LNG Strategy in the Wider EU Gas Market. CEPS Policy Brief No. 333, October 2015. [Policy Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran (2015) European Fiscal Policy During the Crisis: An Irish Perspective. ESRI Research Notes 2015/3/3. UNSPECIFIED.

Matthijs, Matthias (2015) The Eurozone’s ‘Winner-Take-All’ Political Economy: Institutional Choices, Policy Drift, and Diverging Patterns of Inequality. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Molles, Elitsa (2015) Identity, Policy, and the Political Incorporation of Immigrants in Dublin and Madrid. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Marazza, Marco (2015) Il regime sanzionatorio dei licenziamenti nel Jobs Act (un commento provvisorio, dallo schema al decreto) = The sanctions regime for layoffs in the Jobs Act (a provisional comment, from the scheme to the decree). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 236/2015. [Policy Paper]

McKinney, Joseph (2015) Investor-State Dispute Resolution as an Issue in Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: Lessons from NAFTA. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 No. 3, August 2015. [Working Paper]

Menkiszak, Marek (2015) Late Putin. The end of growth, the end of stability. OSW POINT OF VIEW #55, 2015-10-05. UNSPECIFIED.

Mody, Ashoka (2015) Living (dangerously) without a fiscal union. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/03. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and Duffy, David and Mc Inerney, Niall (2015) Macroprudential Policy in a Recovering Market: Too Much too Soon?. ESRI WP500. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Mabbett, Deborah (2015) The Minimum Wage in Germany: What Brought the State In? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Micossi, Stefano (2015) The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank (2002-2015). Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings (BEEP) 35/2015. [Policy Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. (2015) The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank (2002-2015). CEPS Special Report No. 109/May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Monjib, Maati (2015) Morocco’s illiberal regime and fragmented political society. Arab Citizenship Review No. 10, October 2015. [Policy Paper]

MacFarlane, S. Neil and Menon, Anand (2015) Of Wealth and Weakness: The EU and its Eastern Neighborhood. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

March, Luke (2015) Opposing Neo-liberal Europe? The Left TNPs and their Groups in the European Parliament. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Marcu, Andrei (2015) Paris 2015: What’s in it for the EU? CEPS Commentary, 8 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

McGinnity, Frances and Gijsberts, Merove (2015) Perceived Group Discrimination among Polish Migrants to Western Europe: Comparing Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland. ESRI WP502. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Malzani , Francesca (2015) Politiche di conciliazione e partecipazione delle donne al mercato del lavoro* = Conciliation policies and participation of women in the labor market*. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 238/2015. [Policy Paper]

Maselli, Ilaria (2015) Poor Greeks or lazy Greeks? CEPS Commentary, 13 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Marty, Olivier (2015) Progress on the “Juncker Plan” continues – but are Member States behind it? EPC Commentary, 18 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Kelly, Elish and Phuong, Pham Thi Thu and Thuy, Ha Thi Thu (2015) Returns to Education and the Demand for Labour in Vietnam. ESRI WP506. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Messerlin, Patrick (2015) The Services Dimension of TTIP. Paper No. 6 in the CEPS-CTR project “TTIP in the Balance’’ and CEPS Special Report No. 106, 8 May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Marzinotto, Benedicta (2015) Social Models under Economic and Monetary Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Merler, Silvia (2015) Squaring the cycle: capital flows, financial cycles, and macro-prudential policy in the euro area. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/14, November 2015. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara (2015) Standard Variable Rate (SVR) Pass-Through in the Irish Mortgage Market: An Updated Assessment. ESRI Research Notes 2015/2/3. UNSPECIFIED.

Maggi, Eva-Maria (2015) Stopping at the front door: How EU policy needs domestic actors to make a difference in the MENA. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Micossi, Stefano. (2015) Time for the ECB to bite the bullet. CEPS Commentary, 19 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Marziliano, Amanda (2015) Tolerating Europe: An Experimental Pre-Test. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Miettinen, Samuli and Kettunen, Merita (2015) Travaux to the Treaties: Treasures or trivia? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel (2015) The UK's EU Vote: The 1975 Precedent and Today's Negotiations. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/08, June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mody, Ashoka and Wolff, Guntram B. (2015) The Vulnerability of Europe's Small and Medium-Sized Banks. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/07, 16 July 2015. [Working Paper]

Maselli , Ilaria and Beblavý, Miroslav (2015) The case for a European unemployment benefit scheme. CEPS Commentary, 19 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mous, Fadma Ait and Deau, Olivier and Monjib, Maâti (2015) The debates on citizenship in Morocco. Social movements and constitutional reform. EUSpring Working Paper No. 4, 11 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Matsubayashi, Yoichi (2015) The effort to stabilise the financial system in Japan: an outline and the characteristics of the programme for financial revival. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/02, 18 March 2015. [Working Paper]

Matusiak, Marek (2015) The great leap. Turkey under Erdogan. OSW Point of View 51, 27 May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Mariniello, Mario and Sapir, André and Terzi, Alessio (2015) The long road towards the European single market. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/01, March 2015. [Working Paper]

Mayer, Thomas (2015) A parallel currency for Greece. CEPS High-level Brief, 20 May 2015. [Policy Paper]


no, author (2015) Beneath the Veil of Hope: The effects of EU signaling on foreign investors’ sensitivity to corruption before and after EU membership. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

no, author (2015) EU normative power and the Iranian nuclear program. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Nicosia, Gabriella (2015) El desistimiento de la relación laboral y del cargo de manager público. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 124/2015 = The withdrawal of the employment relationship and the Public manager position. WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 124/2015. [Working Paper]

Natali, Paolo and Egenhofer, Christian. and Molnar, Gergely (2015) Energising the TTIP: Political economy of the trade policy rationale. Paper No. 9 in the CEPS-CTR project “TTIP in the Balance’’and CEPS Special Report No. 113/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Novotna, Tereza (2015) The European Union and the United States: A Long Walk to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

NEDELESCU, Roxana (2015) Free Movement of Persons: The Mirage of Social Security Schemes. Bruges European Economic Research Papers (BEER) 34/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nuzzo, Valeria (2015) Il lavoro personale coordinato e continuativo tra riforme e prospettive di tutela = Coordinated and continuous personal work between reforms and prospects for protection. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 280/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nicolini, Carlo Alberto (2015) La nuova disciplina della cassa integrazione guadagni = The new regulation of the layoffs. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 269/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nogler, Luca (2015) La subordinazione nel d.lgs. n. 81 del 2015: alla ricerca dell’«autorità del punto di vista giuridico» = Subordination in Legislative Decree no. 81 of 2015: in search of "legal authority". WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 267/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nicolaidis, Kalypso and Onar, Nora Fisher (2015) Our Virgin Birth or the Reinventions of Europe. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Novak, Tamas (2015) The Prospects of Economic Interaction between CEE EU Member States and LAC countries. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Nelsen, Brent F. and Guth, James L. (2015) Protestant Apocalyptic Narratives and the European Union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Newman, Abraham and Posner, Elliot (2015) “Putting the EU in Its Place: Policy Strategies and the Global Regulatory Context”. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Novotná, Markéta (2015) The Schengen Governance Package-another missed opportunity?. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/1, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

NICOLAIDES, Phedon and Preziosi, Nadir (2015) State Aid to Infrastructure: Do Competitively Selected Operators Obtain an Undue Advantage? Bruges European Economic Research Papers (BEER) 33/2015. [Policy Paper]

Neuhold, Christine (2015) Trans-­national bureaucratic networks in the EU. The role of parliamentary officials in inter-­‐parliamentary coordination and control. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Newman, Abraham and Posner, Elliot (2015) Transnational Feedbacks, Soft Law, and Preferences in Global Financial Regulation. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Nicosia, Gabriella (2015) Trasferire lavoratori e attività: riflessioni e questioni a margine dell’implementazione del modello di governance della Città metropolitana = Transfer workers and activities: reflections and issues on the sidelines of the implementation of the metropolitan city governance model. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 279/2015. [Policy Paper]

Niemann, Friederike-Sophie and Schmidt, Armando García (2015) Unleashing the potential of a heterogeneous society Migrant-run companies as drivers of inclusive growth. Bertelsmann Stiftung Growth for Germany 2015/02 Inclusive Growth for Germany 2015/02. UNSPECIFIED.


Otte, Marc (2015) The EU at a crossroad. Egmont Commentary, 27 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Otero-Iglesias, Miguel (2015) Germany and Political Union in Europe: Nothing moves without France. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Otte, Marc (2015) The Greater Middle East and the Mediterranean five years from now. Egmont Commentary, 29 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

O'Toole, Conor M. and Morgenroth, Edgar and Thuy, Ha Thi Thu (2015) Investment Efficiency, State-Owned Enterprises and Privatisation: Evidence from Vietnam in Transition. ESRI WP498. March 2015. [Working Paper]

O'Keeffe, Micheal and Tierzi, Alessio (2015) The Political Economy of Financial Crisis Policy. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/06, July 2015. [Working Paper]

Olsen, Gorm Rye (2015) Providing security in a liberal world order: The only tool left for European Union in Africa? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Obholzer, Lukas and Kaeding, Michael (2015) Representatives of whom? Party group coordinators in the European Parliament. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Oktay, Sibel and Jolly, Seth (2015) TIME TO RECONSIDER? THE CHAOS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND TURKISH SUPPORT FOR THE EU. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

O'Neill, Maria (2015) Trafficking in Human Beings: an EU and UK legal challenge. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Olszanski, Tadeusz A. (2015) Ukraine’s wartime nationalism. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 179, 28.08.2015. [Policy Paper]

Olszański, Tadeusz A. and Konończuk, Wojciech and Iwański, Tadeusz and Żochowski, Piotr (2015) The bumpy road. Difficult reform process in Ukraine. OSW Commentary, Number 192|30.11.2015. [Policy Paper]


Paul, Amanda and Seyrek, Demir Murat (2015) The AKP rebooted – What next for Turkey? EPC Commentary, 30 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Polner, Gergely and Ryan, John (2015) Capital Markets Union: A Work in Progress: Quick and high impact measures for the Capital Markets Union. European Policy Brief No. 37, September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda (2015) Crimea one year after Russian annexation. EPC Policy Brief, 24 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Provera, Mark (2015) The Criminalisation of Irregular Migration in the European Union. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 80/2015. [Policy Paper]

Postnikov, Evgeny (2015) EU TRADE POLICY AND CIVIL SOCIETY: DIFFERENT CHANNELS, SAME SUCCESS? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Pinzari, Doina (2015) EU democratization policies in the Neighbourhood countries and Russia’s reaction as a destabilizing factor. A comparative case study of Georgia and Moldova. Bruges Political Research Papers 45/2015. [Policy Paper]

Pascouau, Yves (2015) EU labour migration policy by other means? The potential impact of EU economic governance reforms on labour migration policymaking. EPC Policy Brief, 13 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda (2015) The Eastern Partnership Riga Summit should not be a non-event. EPC Commentary, 20 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Perez, Lauren K. and Scherpereel, John A. (2015) The Effects of Ministerial Turnover on the Vertical Articulation of Power in the Council of the EU. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Panayotopoulos, Thomas (2015) The Energy Union – a solution for the European energy security? ZEI Discussion Paper C230 2014. [Discussion Paper]

Posen, Adam and Véron, Nicolas (2015) Enhancing financial stability in developing Asia. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/10, October 2015. [Working Paper]

Pardo, Sharon and Gordon, Neve (2015) The European Union and Israel’s Occupation: Using Technical Customs Rules as Instruments of Foreign Policy. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Pahre, Robert and Radziszewski, Elizabeth and Scalera, Jamie E. (2015) Euroskeptic Voting in European and National Elections: A Coalition Theory of European Voting. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Petersen, Thieß (2015) Fiscal devaluation – a route to more growth? Bertelsmann Impulse #2015/04. UNSPECIFIED.

Popławski, Konrad (2015) Germany's stance on the TTIP. Background, interests and concerns. OSW Studies 52, March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Pascouau, Yves (2015) Heads buried in the sand: member states block solutions to the refugee crisis. EPC Commentary, 15 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Pascouau, Yves (2015) Historical choices after the massacres in Paris. EPC Commentary, 14 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Passarelli, Giuseppe Santoro (2015) I rapporti di collaborazione organizzati dal committente e le collaborazioni continuative e coordinate ex art. 409 n. 3 c.p.c. = The collaboration relationships organized by the client and the continuous and coordinated collaborations pursuant to art. 409 no. 3 c.p.c. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 278/2015. [Policy Paper]

Passalacqua, Pasquale (2015) Il "superamento” dell’associazione in partecipazione con apporto di lavoro = The "overcoming" of the association in participation with work input. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 271/2015. [Policy Paper]

Passarelli, Giuseppe Santoro (2015) Il contratto aziendale in deroga = The company contract in derogation. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 254/2015. [Policy Paper]

Perulli, Adalberto (2015) Il lavoro autonomo, le collaborazioni coordinate e le prestazioni organizzate dal committente = Self-employment, coordinated collaborations and services organized by the client. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 272/2015. [Policy Paper]

Pessi, Roberto (2015) Il tipo contrattuale: autonomia e subordinazione dopo il Jobs Act = The contractual type: autonomy and subordination after the Jobs Act. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 282/2015. [Policy Paper]

Petersen, Thieß and Schoof, Ulrich (2015) The Impact of Income Inequality on Economic Growth. Bertelsmann Impulse # 2015/05. UNSPECIFIED.

Paul, Amanda and Murat Seyrek, Demir (2015) Internet “Freedom” in Turkey. EPC Commentary, 2 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Peterson, John (2015) THE JUNCKER COMMISSION: An Early Assessment. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Piechal, Tomasz (2015) The Kharkiv oblast: a fragile stability. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 172/03.06.2015. [Policy Paper]

Portugal, Pedro (2015) The Portuguese Economic Crisis: Policies and Outcomes. Bertelsmann Policy Brief, 19.02.2015. [Policy Paper]


Pascouau, Yves (2015) Schengen Anniversary - EPC Special Collection. UNSPECIFIED.

Pascouau, Yves (2015) Solidarity and asylum seekers: member states agreed to disagree. EPC Commentary, 29 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Perulli, Adalberto (2015) Sostenibilità, diritti sociali e commercio internazionale: la prospettiva del Trans‐Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 115/2015 = Sustainability, social rights and trade international: the perspective of the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). WP CSDLE “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 115/2015. [Working Paper]

Posner, Elliot and Veron, Nicolas (2015) The End of EU Financial Regulatory Internationalism? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Pelkmans, Jacques. and de Brito, Anabela Correia (2015) Transatlantic MRAs: Lessons for TTIP? CEPS Special Report No. 101/March 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Paul, Amanda and Seyrek, Demir Murat (2015) Turkey’s 7 June parliamentary elections – Part I. A pivotal moment for Turkey’s future. EPC Commentary, 3 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda and Seyrek, Demir Murat (2015) Turkey’s new election: War or peace? EPC Commentary, 30 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Perulli, Adalberto (2015) Un Jobs Act per il lavoro autonomo: verso una nuova disciplina della dipendenza economica? = A Jobs Act for self-employment: towards a new discipline of economic dependence? WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 235/2015. [Policy Paper]

Piechal, Tomasz (2015) The War republics in the Donbas one year after the outbreak of the conflict. OSW Commentary Number 174, 17 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Pardo Martinez, Alfredo (2015) The implementation of the Gender Perspective in the EU civilian and military missions: Leadership wanted. Security Policy Brief No. 67, October 2015. [Policy Paper]


Renard, Thomas (2015) A 21st century Waterloo? Lessons and parallels between now and then. Egmont Commentary, 18 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Royo, Sebastian (2015) After Austerity. Lessons from the Spanish Experience. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Renard, Thomas (2015) After Paris: five questions on (counter-)terrorism in Europe. Egmont Commentary, 4 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) Aggressive, assertive and approximative: how Russia, China and Europe adapt to the changing global order. Egmont Commentary, 12 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea (2015) Antitrust on the ‘G string’: What’s behind the Commission’s investigations of Google and Gazprom? CEPS Commentary, 15 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea. (2015) Antitrust, Regulation and the Neutrality Trap: A plea for a smart, evidence-based internet policy. CEPS Special Report No. 104/April 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Renard, Thomas (2015) The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): China’s new multilateralism and the erosion of the West. Security Policy Brief No. 63, April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Rittelmeyer, Yann-Sven (2015) Awkward partner once again? Repercussions for Europe of Poland’s elections. EPIN Commentary No. 27, 3 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) BRICS: An alternative order in construction (Summit takeaways). Egmont Commentary, 15 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) Brexit: How Europe is becoming ever smaller… Egmont Commentary, 22 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Rizos, Vasileios and Behrens, Arno and Kafyeke, Terri and Hirschnitz-Garbera, Martin and Ioannou, Anastasia (2015) The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs. CEPS Working Documents No. 412/September 2015. [Working Paper]

Richey, Mason (2015) Considering DPRK [North Korea] Regime Collapse: Its Probability and Possible Geopolitical and Security Consequences. Security Policy Brief No. 66, August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Radulova, Elissaveta and Spendzharova, Aneta and Versluis, Esther and Flothe, Linda (2015) Crisis as a Window of Opportunity for Regulatory Shifts and Institutional Reform: Insights from Policy Framing in European Financial Sector Regulation. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Riedel, Henrik (2015) Developing Successful Sustainability Strategies: Strategies for a Sustainable Future in Germany, Europe and Worldwide. UNSPECIFIED.

Risse, Thomas (2015) The Diffusion of Regionalism, Regional Institutions, Regional Governance. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Rycx, François and Saks, Yves and Tojerow, Ilan (2015) Does education raise productivity and wages equally ? The moderating roles of age, gender and industry. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 281. [Working Paper]

Romano, Milena (2015) The EU As a Crisis Manager: A Comparison Between Georgia and Ukraine. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Reljić, Dušan (2015) EU Facilitated Dialogue: Another exercise in constructive ambiguity. CEPS Commentary, 28 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Redei, Lorinc and Romanyshyn, Iulian (2015) The EU’s Invisible Diplomacy: The European Parliament’s External Action in the Lead-Up to the Ukraine Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Renard, Thomas (2015) The EU’s strategic partnership agreements: balancing geo-economics and geopolitics. Egmont Commentary, 9 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Rossi, Lucia Serena (2015) Free Movement of Those Having Sufficient Resources not to become a Burden on the “Social Assistance System of the Host State”. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Roos, Christof (2015) How to reconcile the EU border paradox? The concurrence of refugee reception and deterrence. IES Policy Brief 2015/4, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Reslow, Natasja (2015) Implementation dynamics in EU ‘Mobility’ Partnerships. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Mazziotti, Giuseppe and Bolognini , Alberto and Luchetta, Giacomo (2015) The Implementation, Application and Effects of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Information Society. CEPS Special Report No. 120, 19 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Renard, Thomas (2015) In the (EU) army now. Egmont Commentary, 18 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Rosskopf, Stefanie (2015) Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Germany and the Transatlantic Relationship. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Rehrl, Jochen (2015) Invoking the EU’s Mutual Assistance Clause. What it says, what it means. Egmont Commentary, 20 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Razzolini, Orsola (2015) La nuova disciplina delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Prime considerazioni = The new discipline of collaborations organized by the client. First considerations. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 266/2015. [Policy Paper]

Rizos, Vasileios and Behrens, Arno and Taranic, Igor (2015) Measuring progress in eco-innovation. CEPS Working Document No. 409/June 2015. [Working Paper]

Redissi, Hamadi and Boukhayatia, Rihab (2015) The National Constituent Assembly of Tunisia and Civil Society Dynamics. EUSpring Working Paper No. 2, 8 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renkamp, Anna (2015) Paving the Path for Citizen Participation in Infrastructure Projects. Einwurf Future of Democracy 1/2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Ringe, Nils and van Thomme, Jack and Wilson, Steven L. (2015) Policy Influence and Reelection in the European Parliament. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Renda, Andrea. and Simonelli, Felice and Mazziotti, Giuseppe and Luchetta, Giacomo (2015) Policy Options for Improving the Functioning and Efficiency of the Digital Single Market in the Field of Copyright. CEPS Special Report No. 121, 19 November 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Rodkiewicz, Witold and Rogoza, Jadwiga (2015) Potemkin conservatism. An ideological tool of the Kremlin. OSW Point of View 48, February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Renda, Andrea. (2015) Searching for harm or harming search? A look at the European Commission’s antitrust investigation against Google. CEPS Special Report No. 118/September 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Redissi, Hamadi and Ayadi, Afifa (2015) Shall Tunisia Succeed in Becoming a Strong Democratic State? EUSpring Arab Citizenship Review No. 13, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) Strategic partnerships: a new toolkit for business and statecraft. Egmont Commentary, 24 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

ROY, Thibault (2015) System Costs of Variable Renewable Energy in the European Union. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefings 37/2015. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea. and Yoo, Christopher (2015) Telecommunications and Internet Services: The digital side of the TTIP. Paper No. 8 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 112/July, 17 July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Renard, Thomas (2015) Terror alert in Europe: A comprehensive response to a comprehended threat. Egmont Commentary, 24 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) To join or not to join: The AIIB and the EU’s dilemma. Egmont Commentary, 10 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renda, Andrea. (2015) Too good to be true? A quick assessment of the EC’s new Better Regulation Package. CEPS Special Report No. 108/May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Redissi, Hamadi and Ben Amar, Nihel (2015) Tunisia. Supervising Tunisian Elections by civil society: How to improve it? Arab Citizenship Review No. 7. January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) US-China cybersecurity agreement: a good case of cyber diplomacy. Egmont Commentary, 1 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) Ukraine, another ‘Iraq moment’ for Europe? Egmont Commentary, 19 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) What Putin wants (in Syria). Egmont Commentary, 26 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Rodkiewicz, Witold and Kardaś, Szymon (2015) The consequences for Russia of the nuclear deal with Iran. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 177/03.08.2015. [Policy Paper]

Renard, Thomas (2015) An eventful summer (Syria and the teething of Europe). Egmont Commentary, 4 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Roederer-Rynning, Christilla and Greenwood, Justin (2015) A living legislature: The EP as an ordinary legislator. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Slominski, Peter (2015) Agency Governance in the AFSJ: How EU Agencies interact in EU Border Management. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Szymański, Piotr (2015) The Baltic states’ Territorial Defence Forces in the face of hybrid threats. OSW Commentary Number 165, 19.03.2015. [Policy Paper]

Szymański, Piotr (2015) Between continuation and adaptation: The Baltic states’ security policy and armed forces. OSW COMMENTARY 190/23.11.2015. [Policy Paper]

Secondat, Charles (2015) Beware Grexit 2: In finance, as in movies, sequels get bloodier, faster. Egmont Commentary, 27 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Schoof, Ulrich and Petersen, Thieß and Aichele, Rahel and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Brexit – potential economic consequences if the UK exits the EU. Policy Brief #2015/05. [Policy Paper]

Senninger, Roman (2015) Bringing Europe into Question - A Longitudinal Study of Domestic Legislators' Questioning Behaviour in EU Affairs. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schoenmaker, Dirk and Zachmann, Georg. (2015) Can a global climate risk pool help the most vulnerable countries? Bruegel Policy Brief 2015/04 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Szent-Ivanyi, Balazs and Lightfoot, Simon (2015) Central and Eastern European transition experience in EU development policy. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Scholten, Daniel and Ydersbond, Inga and Sattich, Thomas and Inderberg, Tor Håkon (2015) Consensus, contradiction, and conciliation of interests: the geo-economics of the Energy Union. EPC Policy Brief, 8 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Sainsot, Robin (2015) A Convergence Process in Household Credit in Central and Eastern Europe. ECRI Commentary No. 16, 30 October 2015. [Working Paper]

Saad, Ragab (2015) Did Egypt's Parliamentary Election just trump citizens’ rights? Arab Citizenship Review No. 12, 19 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Zhang, Xiaoheng (2015) Does Firms’ Engagement in International Activities Foster Their Innovation and Productivity? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/7. UNSPECIFIED.

Selin, Henrik and VanDeveer, Stacy D. (2015) EU Environmental Policy Making and Implementation: Changing Processes and Mixed Outcomes. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Scholten, Daniel and Ydersbond, Inga and Alloisio, Isabella and Sattich, Thomas and Håkon Inderberg, Tor (2015) The EU’s 2030 agenda and the Energy Union: Member States’ bargaining positions and the way forward. Egmont Commentary, 13 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Steingass, Sebastian (2015) The EU’s Role in Development Cooperation: Promoting Aid Harmonisation in Times of Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Simao, Licinia (2015) The Eastern Partnership’s contribution to security in Europe: bringing the political back in? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schilde, Kaija and Wieluns, Lenka (2015) European Defense Budget Cuts, Defense Posture, and Reform. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Staeger, Ueli (2015) The European Union’s Regionalism Diplomacy in Africa: An English School Approach. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers #2.2015. [Working Paper]

Staeger, Ueli (2015) The European Union’s Regionalism Diplomacy in Africa: An English School Approach. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers [BRIGG] #2.2015. [Working Paper]

Sørensen, Catharina (2015) Evolving Patterns of Euroscepticism in the Danish Political Landscape. EPIN Commentary No. 25/15 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Schafer, David (2015) Explaining the Creation of the EU Banking Union: The stability culture, the vicious circle, and the limits of power and interests. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Siedschlag, Iulia and O’Toole, Conor and Murphy, Gavin and O’Connell, Brian (2015) Financing Constraints and Firms’ Growth in the European Union: Has the Financial Crisis Made Them Worse? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/5. UNSPECIFIED.

Schoenmaker, Dirk (2015) Firmer foundations for a stronger European Banking Union. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/13, November 2015. [Working Paper]

Stuchlik, Andrej (2015) Flashlight Europe No° 1 – January 2015. Tsipras Will Have to Put His Cards on the Table. [Policy Paper]

Schöler, Gabriele (2015) Flashlight Europe N°8 – October 2015; Deeper EU integration is in Poland’s interest. [Policy Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Kaitila, Ville and McQuinn, John and Zhang, Xiaoheng (2015) Foreign Acquisitions and Firm Performance. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/1/5. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmidt, Vivien A. (2015) Forgotten Democratic Legitimacy: “Governing by the Rules” and “Ruling by the Numbers”. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Suzuki, Hitoshi (2015) From Backdoor-Opening To Concluding “Real” Free Trade Agreements? : Japan’s Free Trade Policy Towards The US, The EU And Latin American Countries. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Stokes, Bruce and Cuddington, Danielle and Devlin, Kat and Keegan, Michael and Parker, Bridget and Schwarzer, Steve and Smith, Bethany and Zainulbhai, Hani and Carle, Jill and Deane, Claudia and Drake, Bruce and Kent, David and Poushter, Jacob and Simmons, Katie and Wike, Richard (2015) Germany and the United States: Reliable Allies. But Disagreement on Russia, Global Leadership and Trade. UNSPECIFIED.

Steurs, Lies and Van Belle, Sara (2015) The Global Health policies of the EU and its Member States: a common vision? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Savage, M. and Callan, T. and Nolan, B. and Colgan, B. (2015) The Great Recession, Austerity and Inequality: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP499. April 2015. [Working Paper]

Schneider, Jan David (2015) Growth for Europe – Is the Juncker Plan the answer? EPC Discussion Paper, 20 March 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Sheng-Kai , Charles Chia (2015) Higher education scholarships as a soft power tool: an analysis of its role in the EU and Singapore. EU Centre Singapore Working Paper No. 23, March 2015. [Working Paper]

Secondat, Charles (2015) How the Syriza government sank the Greek’s interests in four weeks. Egmont Commentary, 10 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Speziale, Valerio (2015) Il contratto a tempo indeterminato a tutele crescenti tra law and economics e vincoli costituzionali = The permanent contract with increasing protections between law and economics and constitutional constraints. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 259/2015. [Policy Paper]

Speziale, Valerio (2015) Il salario minimo legale = The legal minimum wage. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 244/2015. [Policy Paper]

Santos Vara, Juan and Sanchez-Tabernero, Soledad R. (2015) In Deep Water: Towards a Greater Commitment for Human Rights in Sea Operations Coordinated by FRONTEX? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schraad-Tischler, Daniel (2015) Inequality and Economic Prosperity: What Accounts for Social Justice and Inclusive Growth? Bertelsmann Stiftung Impulse #2015/03. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmidt, Juliane (2015) Joining up or falling apart: towards a networked communications model for EU foreign policy. EPC Policy Brief, 1 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Scarpelli, Franco (2015) La disciplina dei licenziamenti per i nuovi assunti: impianto ed effetti di sistema del d.lgs. n. 23/2015 = Disciplinary regulations for new hires: system and system effects of Legislative Decree no. 23/2015. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 252/2015. [Policy Paper]

Schild, Joachim (2015) Leading together or opposing each other? Germany, France and the European banking union. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schoenmaker, Dirk and Wierts, Peter (2015) Macroprudential supervision: from theory to policy. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/15, November 2015. [Working Paper]

Strachota, Krzysztof (2015) The Middle East in the shadow of the Islamic State. OSW Point of View Number 52, August 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Savage, Michael and Callan, Tim (2015) Modelling the Impact of Direct and Indirect Taxes Using Complementary Datasets. ESRI WP496. February 2015. [Working Paper]

Schilde, Kaija and Anderson, Stephanie and Garner, Andrew (2015) A More Martial Europe? Permissive Consensus or Robust Support for CSDP. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Smith, Michael E. (2015) The New Intergovernmentalism and Experiential Learning in the CSDP. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Senden, Linda and Scott, Colin (2015) New Perspectives on the Interplay between Hard Law and Soft Law in Europe and Beyond. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schimmelfennig, Frank (2015) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Chapter 10. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Szalavetz, Andrea (2015) Policy support to commercialization and Europe’s ‘commercialization gap’. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Schelkle, Waltraud (2015) Risk sharing between member states through migration as a social right. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Schleicher, Stefan and Marcu, Andrei and Köppl, Angela and Schneider, Jürgen and Elkerbout, Milan and Türk, Andreas and Zeitlberger, Alexander and Karsten Neuhoff, Karsten Neuhoff (2015) Scanning the Options for a Structural Reform of the EU Emissions Trading System. CEPS Special Report 107, 19 May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Schmidt, Juliane (2015) Seeing the bigger picture: The refugee crisis and the link to CFSP. EPC Commentary, 16 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Savage, Michael (2015) Smoking Outside: the Effect of the Irish Workplace Smoking Ban on Smoking Prevalence among the Employed. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/1. UNSPECIFIED.

Secondat, Charles (2015) TTIP or TTTF? Why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will most likely become a trade treaty too far. Egmont Commentary, 5 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Smith, Andy (2015) The Politics of EU Economic Policymaking: Values, Institutions and Social Outcomes. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Sørensen, Catharina (2015) To be in, or to be out: reflections on the Danish referendum. EPIN Commentary No. 29, 10 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Santos Vara, Juan and Sanchez-Tabernero, Soledad R. (2015) Transatlantic Transfer of Personal Data: Rebuilding Trust in EU-US Data Relations? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Sadowski, Rafał (2015) Ukraine on the financial front – the problem of Ukraine’s foreign public debt. OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 178|05.08.2015. [Policy Paper]

Schoof, Ulrich and Petersen, Thieß and Felbermayr, Gabriel (2015) Wage inequality in Germany – What role does global trade play? Policy Brief #2015/03. [Policy Paper]

Secondat, Charles (2015) A horror movie: Euro Jurassic Park. Egmont Commentary, 9 October 2015. [Policy Paper]


Trondal, Jarle and Bauer, Michael W. (2015) Conceptualizing the European Multilevel Administrative Order Capturing variation in the European administrative system. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Tagliapietra, Simone and Zachmann, Georg (2015) Designing a New EU-Turkey Strategic Gas Partnership. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/10 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Tsarouhas, Dimitris and Ladi, Stella (2015) The EU in the World: Public Procurement Policy and the EU-WTO relationship. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Tonra, Ben (2015) Irish Diplomacy in Time of Crisis and the Evolution of a ‘European’ diplomatic service. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Toral, Pablo (2015) Latin America-European Union Trade and Investment Relations after the Financial Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Tartes, Annika (2015) The Limited Influence of the European Union in Armenia and Azerbaijan: A Domestic Explanation. EU Diplomacy Paper 9/2015. [Working Paper]

Terzi, Alessio (2015) Reform momentum and its impact on Greek growth. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2015/12, July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Tacea, Angela (2015) Towards more security? Defending the national interests: the involvement of the national parliaments in the reform of the Schengen Agreements. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Tervo, Tomi and Pelkmans, Jacques and Heene, Aime (2015) Turbulent Waters: Viking Line and the Accession of Estonia to the European Union. Bruges Series on European Business Cases 01 / 2015. UNSPECIFIED.


Unterreiner, Anne (2015) Corridor Report on the United Kingdom The immigration, emigration and diaspora policies’ effects on integration: Chinese and Indian Migrants in the UK. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Uzer, Umut (2015) What direction for Turkey? A plea for political reconciliation. EPIN Commentary No. 26/14 October 2015. [Policy Paper]


Van Dyke, Gretchen J. (2015) Active and Experiential Learning in European Studies: The Pressures and Demands of Today’s Educational Landscape. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Van Den Brink, Ton (2015) Assessing the Impact of EU Legislation on the Member States. A Legal Perspective based on the Notion of National Discretion. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Voza, Roberto (2015) Autonomia privata e norma inderogabile nella nuova disciplina del mutamento di mansioni = Private autonomy and mandatory rule in the new discipline of job change. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 262/2015. [Policy Paper]

Valant, Jana (2015) Consumer protection in the EU. Policy overview. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Van Den Brink, Martijn (2015) EU Citizenship, Federalism and the Three Different Faces of Reverse Discrimination. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Valockova, Barbora (2015) EU Competition Law: A Roadmap for ASEAN? EU Centre Working Paper No. 25, November 2015. [Working Paper]

Vitorino, António and Pascouau, Yves (2015) The EU's migrant strategy: a welcome new impetus. EPC Commentary, 19 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Van Nieuwenhove, Frank (2015) Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2013. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 283. [Working Paper]

Van der Loo, Guillaume (2015) Enhancing the Prospects of the EU’s Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas in the Mediterranean: Lessons from the Eastern Partnership. CEPS Commentary, 24 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Vachudova, Milada Anna (2015) External Actors and Regime Change: How Post-communism Transformed Comparative Politics. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Vail, Mark I. (2015) From Paradox to Missed Opportunities: French Statist Liberalism and the Euro Crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Van Hullen, Vera (2015) Just Leave Us Alone: The Arab League and Human Rights. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Viscomi, Antonio (2015) Lavoro e legalità: “settori a rischio” o “rischio di settore”? Brevi note sulle strategie di contrasto al lavoro illegale (e non solo) nella recente legislazione = Work and legality: "sectors at risk" or "sector risk"? Brief notes on strategies to combat illegal work (and not only) in recent legislation. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 253/2015. [Policy Paper]

Voza, Roberto (2015) Licenziamento e malattia: le parole e i silenzi del legislatore = Dismissal and illness: the words and silences of the legislator. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 248/2015. [Policy Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2015) Light and shadows in Europe’s new Action Plan for Capital Markets Union. ECMI Commentary No. 40/5 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Veugelers, Reinhilde. (2015) Matching research and innovation policies in EU countries. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/16, December 2015. [Working Paper]

Vaishnav, Milan (2015) Modi's Reform Agenda: Change You Can Believe In? Asia Policy Brief 2015/04, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Väänänen, Eleonoora (2015) A Progressive Promoter of Women's Rights? Comparing EU Policy towards the ACP and the EMP Countries. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers #3.2015. [Working Paper]

Väänänen, Eleonoora (2015) A Progressive Promoter of Women’s Rights? Comparing EU Policy towards the ACP and the EMP Countries. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Paper #3.2015. [Working Paper]


Valiante, Diego. (2015) The ‘Visible Hand’ of the ECB’s Quantitative Easing. CEPS Working Document No. 407/May 2015. [Working Paper]

Ville, Ferdi De and Berckvens, Dieter (2015) What do Eurozone academics think about EMU reform? On broad support and German exceptionalism. Bruges Political Research Papers 41/2015. [Policy Paper]

Van Hullen, Vera and Borzel, Tanja A. (2015) Why Being Democratic is Just Not Enough: The EU’s Governance Transfer. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Velluti, Samantha (2015) An analysis of the legal obligations of the EU stemming from its international trade agreements. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

vom Stein, Henning and Seeger, Sabine (2015) The euro – more than just a currency. Bertelsmann Impulse #2015/01. UNSPECIFIED.


Willermain, Fabian and Cioriciu, Anca (2015) The Better Regulation Package: Creating better regulations, but for what kind of EU politics?. European Policy Brief No. 39, October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Winn, Neil (2015) Beyond Strategic Culture? Grand Strategy, the European Union and Security Cooperation. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wolff, Guntram B. and Véron, Nicolas. (2015) Capital Markets Union: a vision for the long term. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/05 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Winzen, Thomas and Schimmelfennig, Frank (2015) The Choice for Differentiated Europe: Why European Union Member States Opt out of Integration. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wunsch, Natasha (2015) Coming full circle: Differential empowerment in the EU accession process. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Walque, Gregory de and Kilponen, Juha and Pisani, Massimiliano and Schmidt, Sebastian and Corbo, Vesna and Hledik, Tibor and Hollmayr, Josef and Hurtado, Samuel and Júlio, Paulo and Kulikov, Dmitry and Lemoine, Matthieu and Lozej, Matija and Lundvall, Henrik and Maria, José R. and Micallef, Brian and Papageorgiou, Dimitris and Rysanek, Jakub and Sideris, Dimitrios and Thomas, Carlos (2015) Comparing fiscal multipliers across models and countries in Europe. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 278, March 2015. [Working Paper]

Welisch, Marijke and Resch, Gustav and Behrens, Arno and Alessi, Monica (2015) Costs and Benefits of RES in Europe up to 2030. DIA-Core Policy Brief, 24 June 2014. [Policy Paper]

Wratil, Christopher (2015) Democratic Responsiveness in the European Union: the Case of the Council. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 94/2015 June 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. and Sapir, André (2015) Euro-area governance: what to reform and how to do it. Bruegel Policy Brief 2015/01 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Willermain, Fabian (2015) The European Agenda on Migration, or, the timid beginning of a genuine common European migration policy. Egmont Commentary, 21 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Wessels, Wolfgang (2015) The European Council as a crisis driven ‘gouvernement économique’. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wolff, Guntram B. and Zachmann, Georg. (2015) European climate finance: securing the best return. Bruegel Policy Brief ISSUE 2015/03, 11 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Willermain, Fabian (2015) European elections: from ‘second-order’ elections to ‘first-order supranational’ elections: How can a ‘first-order supranational’ European election be created?. European Policy Brief No. 35, April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Wulf-Mathies, Monika (2015) Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung, Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler = European integration from a historical experience, A Discussion with Michael Gehler. ZEI Discussion Paper C227, 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Wendler, Frank (2015) The Eurozone Crisis and National Parliaments: Representative Roles and Communicative Involvement. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wessels, Wolfgang (2015) The Evolution of the European Council. Periods of Generations of Leaders. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Weiss, Stefani (2015) Flashlight Europe N°3–April 2015. Greece – What else? [Policy Paper]

Weiss, Stefani (2015) Flashlight Europe N°4–May 2015. Listen carefully to the British. [Policy Paper]

Watson, Dorothy and Maitre, Bertrand (2015) Fuel Poverty: a Matter of Household Resources or a Matter of Dwelling Efficiency? ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/2/3. UNSPECIFIED.

Wiener, Jonathan Baert and Ribeiro, Daniel Lima (2015) Impact Assessment: Diffusion and Integration. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

WATFE, Gibran (2015) The Impact of the ECB’s Asset Purchase Programmes on Sovereign Bond Spreads in the Euro Area. Bruges European Economic Research Papers 35/2015. [Policy Paper]

Watson, Dorothy and Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand and Williams, James (2015) The Impact of the Great Recession on Families with Children. ESRI Research Bulletin 2015/3/4. UNSPECIFIED.

Wolffberg, Rebecca (2015) New Powers – New Peers: the Developing Relations between EU Member State Governments and the European Parliament, and What Can Be Learned from Looking to the US Congress. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wagner, Wendy (2015) Participation in the U.S. Administrative Process. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Woll, Cornelia (2015) Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-­‐So-­‐Organized Combat. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Woolcock, Steve and Grier, Jean Heilman (2015) Public Procurement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations. Paper No. 2 in the CEPS-CTR project "TTIP in the Balance" and CEPS Special Report No. 100/February 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Warin, Thierry (2015) Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: Is the 'Banking Union’ a Big Enough Step? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Weber, Christiana and Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm and Demirtas, Cihan (2015) Scaling Social Impact in Europe: Quantitative Analysis of National and Transnational Scaling Strategies of 358 Social Enterprises. UNSPECIFIED.

Wacker, Gudrun and Boisseau du Rocher, Sophie and Biscop, Sven (2015) Shangri La Dialogue 2015: Europe was there. Egmont Commentary, 9 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Willermain, Fabian (2015) Towards a European Commission with fewer competencies for more political power? Egmont Commentary, 2 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Woolcock, Stephen and Holzer, Barbara and Kusmu, Petros (2015) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities for Consumer Protection. Paper No. 11 in the CEPS-CTR project ‘TTIP in the Balance’ and CEPS Special Report No. 115/July 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Werner, Benjamin (2015) Why is the Court of Justice of the European Union accepted? Three mechanisms of opposition abatement. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Wonka, Arndt and De Bruycker, Iskander and De Bievre, Dirk and Braun, Caelesta and Beyers, Jan (2015) The scope and patterns of mobilization and conflict in EU interest group politics. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Young, Alasdair R. (2015) The European Union as a Global Regulator? Context and Comparison. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Yesilada, Birol and Tanrikulu, Osman Goktug (2015) Global Power Transition and the Future of the European Union Will EU Leaders Stop Missing Key Opportunities? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Youngs, Richard (2015) Keeping EU-Asia Re-engagement on track. EU Centre Singapore Policy Brief No. 8, January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Young, Alisdair R. (2015) TTIP as 21st Century Trade Politics. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Zgajewski, Tania (2015) According to the International Energy Agency’s climate projections, the EU 2030 Energy Strategy will be insufficient. Egmont Commentary, 22 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) Can the eurozone’s economic governance combine political accountability, legitimacy and effectiveness? EPC Discussion Paper, 1 September 2015. [Discussion Paper]

Zaun, Natascha and Roos, Christof and Gulzau, Fabian (2015) Circumventing deadlock through venue-shopping: Why there is not only talk in US immigration policies in times of economic crisis. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) A Common Refugee Integration Fund. EPC Commentary, 15 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) Don't let them win. EPC Commentary, 24 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) The Energy Performance of Buildings: Promises Still Unfulfilled. Egmont Paper No. 78, May 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) The European energy union: Behind the hype, where is the beef? Egmont Commentary, 23 March 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian and Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2015) A Greek tragedy in the making. EPC Commentary, 6 July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) Is China–Russia energy cooperation a pipe dream? Egmont Commentary, 2 December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zoli, Carlo (2015) La fruizione dei beni culturali quale servizio pubblico essenziale: il d.l. 20 settembre 2015, n. 146 in tema di sciopero = The use of cultural goods as an essential public service: the legislative decree September 20, 2015, n. 146 on strike. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 277/2015. [Policy Paper]

Zoppoli, Lorenzo (2015) Le fonti (dopo il Jobs Act): autonomia ed eteronomia a confronto = The sources (after the Jobs Act): autonomy and heteronomy in comparison. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 284/2015. [Policy Paper]

Zoppoli, Antonello (2015) Legittimità costituzionale del contratto di lavoro a tutele crescenti, tutela reale per il licenziamento ingiustificato, tecnica del bilanciamento = Constitutional legitimacy of the employment contract with increasing protections, real protection for unjustified dismissal, balancing technique. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 260/2015. [Policy Paper]

Zeff, Eleanor E. and Shaw, Kelly B. (2015) A MAPPING OF EUROPEAN STUDIES EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI: POLITICAL SCIENCE. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Zachmann, Georg. (2015) Making low-carbon technology support smarter. Bruegel Policy Brief 2015/02, 18 August 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zahariadis, Nikolaos and Exadaktylos, Theofanis (2015) Policies that Succeed and Programs that Fail? Ambiguity, Conflict, and Crisis in Greek Higher Education. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

Zuleeg, Fabian and Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2015) Post-Summit Commentary – Greece on the brink. EPC Commentary, 29 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) Smart electricity grids: A very slow deployment in the EU. Egmont Paper No. 74, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) The UK renegotiation from an EU perspective: the dog that hasn’t yet barked? EPC Commentary, 20 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) Unfinished business: the governance of the Economic and Monetary Union. Compendium of EPC publications on the future of the Euro. UNSPECIFIED.

Zuleeg, Fabian and Schneider, Jan David (2015) What role for social investment in the new economic governance of the Eurozone? EPC Policy Brief, 10 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) The international consequences of lower energy prices. Egmont Commentary, 17 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Zgajewski, Tania (2015) The rise of capacity mechanisms: are they inevitable in the European Union? Egmont Paper 80, September 2015. [Policy Paper]


Ünaldi, Serhat (2015) The Coup One Year on: Thailand's "Ugly German" Constitution. Asia Policy Brief 2015/02, May 2015. [Policy Paper]


İrepoğlu Carreras, Yasemin (2015) Federalism, Governance and Inequality: A Comparative Study in Europe and the Case of Germany. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)


Łazowski, Adam and Wessel, Ramses A. (2015) The European Court of Justice blocks the EU’s accession to the ECHR. CEPS Commentary, 8 January 2015. [Policy Paper]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 20:10:26 2025 EDT.