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Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > economic and financial affairs > Single Market > capital, goods, services, workers"

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Number of items at this level: 464.


Geary, R.C. and Dempsey, M. (1979) Capital and Labour in Irish Manufacturing Industry Some Statistical Material. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 136 1979. [Policy Paper]


Della Sala, Vincent. (1993) "Capital Blight?: The Regulation of Financial Institutions in the European Community and Canada". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Lovecy, Jill. (1993) "Regulating Professional Services in the Single European Market: The Cases of Legal and Medical Services in France and the United Kingdom". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Duncan and Mayes, David G. (1993) "The Evolution of Rules For A Single European Market in Leasing". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)

Vipond, Peter A. (1993) "Rules, economics, and strategies: the process of European Financial Market integration". In: UNSPECIFIED, Washington, DC. (Unpublished)


Matthews, Duncan and Mayes, David G. (1995) "The Role of Soft Law in the Evolution of Rules for a Single European Market: The Case of Retailing". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Shaw, Jo. (1995) "The Birth, Life and Death of a Proposal: The Ill-fated Services Draft". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)



April 1997

Santangelo, Grazia D. (1997) The Single Market for Financial Services: the European Response to the Process of Financial Transnationalisation. JMWP No. 08.97. [Working Paper]


Harris, Stephen (1999) The Need for an Internal Market Ombudsman. EIPASCOPE, 1999 (1). pp. 1-7.

Muller, Henrike. (1999) “Regulating Insurance in the EC: A Model for Global Services Liberalisation?”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)


Bal, Vladimir and Williams, Allan M. (2000) Capital Mobility in Transition Countries of Central Europe: Macroeconomic Performance Factors and Stuctural Policies. NCRE Online Paper No. 00/01. [Policy Paper]

Biltoft, Karsten (2000) "The Functioning of the Payment System". In: UNSPECIFIED, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Müller, Henrike (2000) "Insurance Regulation in Germany: Markets or Norms?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

February 2000

Guardia, Nuria Diez. (2000) Consumer Credit in the European Union. ECRI Research Report No. 1, 1 February 2000. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2000

Belke, Ansgar and Fehn, Rainer. (2000) Institutions and Structural Unemployment: Do Capital Market Imperfections Matter? CEPS Working Document No. 158, November 2000. [Working Paper]

Di Mauro, Francesca. (2000) The Impact of Economic Integration on FDI and Exports: A Gravity Approach. CEPS Working Document No. 156, November 2000. [Working Paper]


Knudsen, Jette Steen. (2001) "Breaking with tradition: Service trade liberalization in the EU and Germany". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Menz, Georg. (2001) "Incomplete integration, disintegration, and national response strategies: The liberalization of service provision in the European Union and national migration policy initiatives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

February 2001

Rigo, Catherine. (2001) Le financement des enterprises par capital-risque = Financing venture capital enterprises. NBB Working Paper Nr. 13. [Working Paper]

March 2001

Hansson, Par. (2001) Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals in the 1990s, CEPS Working Documents. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2001) Updating EU Securities Market Regulation: Adapting to the Needs of a Single Capital Market. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 34, 1 March 2001. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2001

Di Mauro, Francesca. (2001) Economic Integration between the EU and the CEECs: A Sectoral Study. CEPS Working Document No. 165, April 2001. [Working Paper]

June 2001

Alcidi, Cinzia and Manzocchi, Stefano. (2001) Transition without Accession Effects of Differential Integration on Trade and Welfare in Europe. CEPS Working Document No. 169, June 2001. [Working Paper]

October 2001

Guardia, Nuria Diez. (2001) Regulating E-Commerce in Financial Services. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 38, 1 October 2001. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2002

Kleimeier, Stefanie. and Sander, Harald. (2002) Consumer Credit Rates in the Eurozone: Evidence on the Emergence on a Single Retail Banking Market. ECRI Research Report No. 2, 1 January 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel and Levin, Mattias. (2002) The Securities Settlement Industry in the EU: Structure, Costs and the Way Forward. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 26, 1 January 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

June 2002

Studener, Werner. (2002) The Effects of the Euro on Financial Markets, Activity and Structure. Pacific Economic Papers No. 328, June 2002. [Working Paper]

July 2002

Csaky, Krisztian. and Kerekgyarto, Judit. (2002) Consumer Credit Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe. ECRI Research Report No. 3, 1 July 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2002

Levin, Mattias. (2002) The Prospects for Offshore Financial Centres in Europe. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 29, 1 August 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2002

Resti, Andrea. (2002) The New Basel Capital Accord: Structure, Possible Changes and Micro- and Macroeconomic Effects. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 30, 1 September 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

Riestra, Amparo San Jose. (2002) Credit Bureaus in Today’s Credit Markets. ECRI Research Report No. 4, 1 September 2002. UNSPECIFIED.


Howell, Kerry. (2003) The Europeanization of British Financial Services. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

Luo, Chih-Mei. (2003) "An Epitome or an Index: The Implications of UK Financial Services Industry (the City of London) for the UK's Entry into the Euro". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Posner, Elliot. (2003) “When Do Supranational Actors Intervene? The European Commission and the Rules Governing Finance”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

February 2003

San Jose Riestra, Ampara. (2003) Credit Insurance in Europe - Impact, Measurement & Policy Recommendations. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 31, 1 February 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2003

Pelkmans, Jacques. (2003) Mutual Recognition in Goods and Services: An Economic Perspective. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 16, March 2003. [Working Paper]

April 2003

Lannoo, Karel and Levin, Mattias. (2003) Pan-European Asset Management. Achievements and regulatory impediments. Report of the CEPS Task Force on Pan-European asset management. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 44, 1 April 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

Levin, Mattias. (2003) Competition, Fragmentation and Transparency: Providing the Regulatory Framework for Fair, Efficient and Dynamic European Securities Markets, Assessing the ISD Review. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 46, 1 April 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

June 2003

Jentzsch, Nicola. (2003) The Regulation of Financial Privacy: The United States vs Europe. ECRI Research Reports No. 5, 1 June 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2003

Lannoo, Karel and Khachaturyan, Arman. (2003) Disclosure Regulation in the EU: the emerging framework. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 48, 1 October 2003. UNSPECIFIED.

Schrooten, Mechthild and Stephan, Sabine. (2003) Back on Track? Savings Puzzles in EU Accession Countries. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 23, October 2003. [Working Paper]

December 2003

Belke, Ansgar and Fehn, Rainer and Foster, Neil. (2003) Does venture capital investment spur employment growth? CEPS Working Document No. 197, December 2003. [Working Paper]


Bebbington, Joseph and Song, Esther. (2004) The Adoption of IFRS in the EU and New Zealand: A Preliminary Report. National Centre for Research on Europe Paper. [Working Paper]

Howell, Kerry E. (2004) The Europeanization of British Financial Services Regulation. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK.

April 2004

Ayadi, Rym and Resti, Andrea. (2004) The New Basel Capital Accord and the Future of the European Financial System. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 51, 1 April 2004. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel and Levin, Mattias. (2004) Securities Market Regulation in the EU: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Lamfalussy Procedure. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 33, 1 April 2004. UNSPECIFIED.

Sousa de Jesus, Alfedo. (2004) Data Protection in EU Financial Services. ECRI Research Report No. 6, 1 April 2004. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2004

Ayadi, Rym and Pujals, Georges. (2004) Banking Consolidation in the EU: Overview and Prospects. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 34, 1 May 2004. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2004

Van Landschoot, Astrid. (2004) Determinants of Euro Term Structure of Credit Spreads. NBB Working Paper Nr. 57, July 2004. [Working Paper]

Weill, Laurent. (2004) Efficiency of Consumer Credit Companies in the EU: A Cross-Country Frontier Analysis. ECRI Research Report No. 7, 1 July 2004. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2004

Steinherr, Alfred. (2004) Russian Banking since the Crisis of 1998. CEPS Working Document No. 209, October 2004. [Working Paper]

November 2004

Lannoo, Karel and de la Mata Munoz, Almudena. (2004) Integration of the EU Consumer Credit Market: Proposal for a More Efficient Regulatory Model. CEPS Working Documents No. 213, 1 November 2004. [Working Paper]

Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés and Vilalta-Bufi, Montserrat (2004) Education, migration, and job satisfaction: The regional returns of human capital in the EU. Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 1/November 2004. [Policy Paper]


Castillo García, José F. (2005) The Power of the European Community to Impose Criminal Penalties. EIPAScope, 2005 (3). pp. 27-34.

Leblond, Patrick. (2005) "The International dimension of the harmonization of accounting standards in the EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

MecDermott, Gerald A. (2005) The Politics of Institutional Learning and Creation: Bank Crises and Supervision in East Central Europe. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper No. 64, 2005. [Working Paper]

Polak, Petr. (2005) An Appreciation of the Impact of the Development of Financial Markets on Financial Decisions made by Corporations in the Czech Republic. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2:. pp. 8-17.

Quaglia, Lucia. (2005) "The Politics of financial services regulation and supervision reform in the EU*". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Westrup, Jonathan. (2005) "The Politics of Financial Regulatory Reform: Partisanship and the Privatization of Risk". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

May 2005

Guerrieri, Paolo and Maggi, Bernardo and Meliciani, Valentina and Padoan, Pier Carlo (2005) Technology diffusion, services, and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon Strategy still alive? Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 2/May 2005. [Policy Paper]

June 2005

Hamilton, Daniel S. and Quinlan, Joseph P. (2005) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globalization. CEPS Paperback. June 2005. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9976643413

July 2005

Casey, Jean-Pierre and Gottlieb, Charles. (2005) Corporate bond issuance picks up as interest rates set to rise. ECMI Commentary No. 1, 7 December 2005. [Policy Paper]

Mitchell, Janet. (2005) Financial Intermediation Theory and Implications for the Sources of Value in Structured Finance Markets. NBB Working Paper Nr.71, July 2005. [Working Paper]

September 2005

Ayadi, Rym. (2005) The New Capital Requirements Directive: What pieces are still missing from the puzzle?. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 82, 1 September 2005. [Policy Paper]

October 2005

Casey, Jean-Pierre and Lannoo, Karel (2005) Europe’s Hidden Capital Markets: Evolution, Architecture and Regulation of the European Bond Market. CEPS Paperback. October 2005. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9290795964

Lannoo, Karel and Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2005) Capital Adequacy vs. Liquidity Requirements in Banking Supervision in the EU. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 84, 1 October 2005. [Policy Paper]

November 2005

Ayadi, rYM. (2005) The New Basel Capital Accord and SME Financing: SMEs and the New Rating Culture. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 36, November, 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2005

Ahearne, Alan and Von Hagen, Jurgen. (2005) Global Current Account Imbalances: How to Manage the Risk for Europe. Bruegel policy brief 2005/02, December 2005. [Policy Paper]

Gottlieb, Charles. (2005) The European covered bond market: Too big to ignore. ECMI Commentary No. 2, 23 December 2006. [Policy Paper]


Gros, Daniel. (2006) Foreign Investment in the US (II):Being taken to the cleaners? CEPS Working Document No. 243, April 2006. [Working Paper]

Orlandini, Giovanni. (2006) Diritto di sciopero, azioni collettive transnazionali e mercato interno dei servizi: nuovi dilemmi e nuovi scenari per il diritto sociale europeo. = Right to strike, collective action and transnational market for services: new dilemmas and new scenarios for European social law. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 45/2006. [Working Paper]

Springler, Elisabeth. (2006) Financial liberalization, stock markets and growth in economies with underdeveloped financial markets. European Political Economy Review Vol. 3, No. 2 (Winter 2005-2006), pp. 53-86. [Policy Paper]

de Schoutheete, Philippe, and Secondat, Charles. (2006) The European debate on services: some lessons for the future. Egmont European Affairs Publication, April 2006. [Working Paper]

January 2006

Gottlieb, Charles. (2006) Will yield spreads remain tight in Europe's capital markets? ECMI Commentary No. 3, 17 January 2006. [Policy Paper]

February 2006

Ayadi, Rym. (2006) The game’s not over yet for the Capital Requirements Directive… CEPS Policy Briefs No. 91, 1 February 2006. [Policy Paper]

March 2006

Gottlieb, Charles. (2006) Housing market: The finance side of the story. ECMI Commentary No. 5, 17 March 2006. [Policy Paper]

Ubide, Angel. (2006) What can European leaders learn from Koizumi?. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 97, 1 March 2006. [Policy Paper]

April 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2006) After the Financial Services Action Plan: A Repeat of the post-1992 Blues? ECMI Commentary No. 6, 20 April 2006. [Policy Paper]

Delgado, Juan. (2006) The European Services Directive. Bruegel Third-Party Papers, April 2006. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2006) Foreign Investment in the US (I): Disappearing in a black hole?, CEPS Working Document No. 242, April 2006. [Working Paper]

Micossi, Stefano (2006) Fixing the Services Directive. CEPS Policy Brief No. 100, 26 April 2006. [Policy Paper]

de Bruijn, Roland and Kox, Henk and Lejour, Arjan. (2006) The Trade-Induced Effects of the Services Directive and the Country-of-Origin Principle. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 44, 24 April 2006. [Working Paper]

May 2006

Gottlieb, Charles. (2006) Iceland: Big lessons from a small country? ECMI Commentary No. 7, 31 May 2006. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel and Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2006) The MiFID Implementing Measures: Excessive detail or level playing field? ECMI Policy Brief No. 1, May 2006. [Policy Paper]

June 2006

Lannoo, Karel. (2006) European Financial System Governance. CEPS Policy Brief, No. 106, 14 June 2006. [Policy Paper]

July 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre and Gottlieb, Charles. (2006) Spring market volatility: More than just white noise? ECMI Commentary No. 8, 26 July 2006. [Policy Paper]

Hatzopoulos, Vassilis and Do, Thien Uyen (2006) The Case Law of the ECJ concerning the Free Provision of Services : 2000 - 2005. Research Papers in Law, 2/2006. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2006

Gajewski, Jean-Francois. and Gresse, Carole. (2006) A Survey of the European IPO Market. CEPS ECMI Research Reports No. 2, 18 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Kaltofen, Daniel. and Paul, Stephan. and Stein, Stefan. (2006) Retail Loans and Basel II: Using Portfolio Segmentation to Reduce Capital Requirements. ECRI Research Report No. 8, 20 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Khachaturyan, Arman. (2006) The One-Share-One-Vote Controversy in the EU. CEPS ECMI Research Reports. No. 1, 3 August 2006. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2006) So no C&S directive, but an ECB run settlement system? ECMI Commentary No. 9, 8 August 2006. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2006) Choice in the UK Audit Market. Bruegel Policy Contribution/August 2006, Issue 4. [Policy Paper]

September 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2006) Eligible assets, investment strategies and investor protection in light of modern portfolio theory: Towards a risk-based approach for UCITS. ECMI Policy Briefs No. 2, 18 September 2006. [Policy Paper]

October 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2006) Time for a risk-based approach to UCITS. ECMI Commentary No. 10, 5 October 2006. [Policy Paper]

Delgado, Juan. (2006) Single Market Trails Home Bias. Bruegel policy brief 2006/05, October 2006. [Policy Paper]

November 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre and Lannoo, Karel. (2006) The MiFID Revolution. ECMI Policy Briefs No. 3, 15 November 2006. [Policy Paper]

December 2006

Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2006) Bond market transparency: To regulate or not to regulate… ECMI Policy Briefs No. 4, 12 December 2006. [Policy Paper]


Crum, Ben, and Hollander, Saskia, and Van Kessel, Stijn. (2007) "Why there is (also) No Domestic Public Opinion on Europe: Three Case-Studies from The Netherlands". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Gkantinis, Stavros. (2007) "Regulation and Innovation: Comparing U.S. and European Equity Trading Markets". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Ilzkovitz, Fabienne, and Dierx, Adriaan, and Kovacs, Viktoria, and Sousa, Nuno. (2007) Steps towards a Deeper Economic Integration: The Internal Market in the 21st Century. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Nicolaidis, Kalypso, and Schmidt, Susanne K. (2007) Mutual Recognition on "Trial": The Long Road to Services Liberalization. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

O'Brien, Martha. (2007) Free movement of capital, taxation and third countries: The European Court of Justice and cross-border dividends. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Polák, Petr. (2007) "Cash and Working Capital Management in the Czech Republic". Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 4 (1). p. 17.

Rubalcaba, Luis (2007) Services in European Policies. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 16/2007. [Policy Paper]

Spendzharova, Aneta B. (2007) "When Does the Law Rule? The Politics of Banking Sector Legal Reform in the Post-Communist Region after 1989". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Vittoria Ballestrero, Maria. (2007) Europa dei mercati e promozione dei diritti = Europe markets and promoting rights. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 55/2007. [Working Paper]

January 2007

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) The ECB should not monopolise securities settlement. ECMI Commentary No. 12, 16 January 2007. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) MiFID: A Regulatory Doomsday? CEPS Commentaries, 10 January 2007. [Policy Paper]

February 2007

Alfé, Manuela. (2007) When the Linkage of Issues is a Weapon: The EP and the New Financial Regulation. EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-6.

Delgado, Juan. (2007) The Economics of the Services Directive. Bruegel Third-Party Papers, February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Jentzsch, Nicola. (2007) The Commission’s Retail Banking Inquiry: A Chance for More Competition. ECRI Commentaries #1, 1 February 2007. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) The FSA should not resist takeover of the London Stock Exchange. CEPS Commentaries, 9 February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Pelkmans, Jacques. (2007) The Internal Services Market: Between Economics and Political Economy. EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-8.

Rentrop, Timm. (2007) The Services Directive: What is Actually New? EIPAScope, 2007 (2). pp. 1-6.

March 2007

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) Financial Market Data and MiFID. ECMI Policy Briefs No. 6, 30 March 2007. [Policy Paper]

April 2007

Dunne, Peter G. (2007) Transparency Proposals for European Sovereign Bond Markets. ECMI Policy Brief No. 7, April 2007. [Policy Paper]

Gottlieb, Charles. (2007) Hedge Funds: Heading for a regulatory hard landing? ECMI Policy Brief No. 5, April 2007. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2007) The Global Accounting Experiment. Bruegel blueprint series, Volume 2, April 2007. [Policy Paper]

May 2007

Jentzsch, Nicola. and Lannoo, Karel. (2007) Much Ado about Little? Agreement on the Consumer Credit Directive Reached. ECRI Commentaries #2, 24 May 2007. [Working Paper]

June 2007

Jentzsch, Nicola. and Lepisto, Paul. and Rothemund, Marc. (2007) One step closer to harmonised European payment systems. ECRI Policy Briefs No. 1, 8 June 2007. [Policy Paper]

July 2007

Figueira, Filipa. (2007) The European Commission and Financial Capability: Simplifying Financial Services. ECRI Policy Briefs No. 2, 27 July 2007. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) MiFID and Reg NMS: A test-case for 'substituted compliance'? ECMI Policy Brief No. 8, July 2007. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2007) Transparency Would Help to Address the Audit Market Problem; Response to the consultation on the Interim Report of the Market Participants Group on Choice in the UK Audit Market. Bruegel Policy Contribution/July 2007. [Policy Paper]

August 2007

Veron, Nicolas (2007) Is Europe Ready for a Major Banking Crisis? Bruegel policy brief 2007/03, August 2007. [Policy Paper]

September 2007

Ayadi, Rym. (2007) Assessing the Performance of Banking M&As in Europe: A New Conceptual Approach. CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 37(?), 12 September 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Hatzopoulos, Vassilis (2007) Que reste-t-il de la directive sur les services? = What remains of the Services Directive? Research Papers in Law, 5/2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) Banking Supervision Returns to the Forefront. CEPS Commentaries, 25 September 2007. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) MiFID Revolution or Delayed Execution. CEPS Commentaries, 26 August 2007. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas (2007) EU Adoption of the IFRS 8 Standard on Operating Segments. Bruegel policy contribution, September 21, 2007. [Policy Paper]

October 2007

Hatzopoulos, Vassilis (2007) Legal Aspects in Establishing the Internal Market for services. Research Papers in Law, 6/2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Kleimeier, Stefanie and Sander, Harald. (2007) Integrating Europe’s Retail Banking Market: Where Do We Stand? CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 38(?), 15 October 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Masschelein, Nancy. (2007) Monitoring pro-cyclicality under the capital requirements directive: preliminary concepts for developing a framework. NBB Working Papers. No. 120, 31 October 2007. [Working Paper]

December 2007

Lannoo, Karel. (2007) The Future of Europe's Financial Centres. ECMI Policy Brief No. 10, December 2007. [Policy Paper]

Mitchell, Janet and Roy, Patrick Van. (2007) Failure prediction models: performance, disagreements, and internal rating systems. NBB Working Papers. No. 123, 13 December 2007. [Working Paper]


Perez, Sofia, and Westrup, Jonathan. (2008) Finance and the Macro-economy: The Politics of Regulatory Reform in Europe. CES Working Paper, no. 156, 2008. [Working Paper]

von Hagen, Jürgen and Siedschlag, Iulia (2008) Managing Capital Flows: Experiences from Central and Eastern Europe. WP234. March 2008. [Working Paper]

January 2008

Lagneaux, Frédéric. (2008) Economic Importance of Belgian Transport Logistics. NBB Working Papers No. 125, 9 January 2008. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) Financial supervision is not well served by half-baked solutions. CEPS ECMI Commentary, 9 January 2008. [Policy Paper]

February 2008

Dübel, Hans-Joachim. (2008) The Commission White Paper on Mortgage Markets: Inching towards consensus…but missing the big picture. ECRI Commentaries No. 4, 1 February 2008. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) The Maastricht Criteria for Banking. CEPS Commentaries, 4 February 2008. [Policy Paper]

March 2008

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) Act now to stop the markets' vicious circle. CEPS Commentaries, 21 March 2008. [Policy Paper]

April 2008

Casey, Jean-Pierre. (2008) Shedding Light on the UCITS-MiFID Nexus and Potential Impact of MiFID on the Asset Management Sector. ECMI Policy Brief No. 11, April 2008. [Policy Paper]

May 2008

Veron, Nicolas (2008) Fair Value Accounting is the Wrong Scapegoat for This Crisis. Bruegel Policy Contribution/May 2008. [Policy Paper]

June 2008

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) EU Retail Financial Market Integration: Mirage or Reality? ECRI Policy Briefs No. 3, 3 June 2008. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) It's high time to create a truly European System of Financial Supervisors. CEPS Commentaries, 26 June 20. [Policy Paper]

Spendzharova, Aneta B. (2008) Banking Sector Liberalization and Reform in the Post-Communist Region after 1989: Assessing the Impact of Domestic Politics, International Conditionality, and Economic Development. IHS Political Science Series Paper No. 116, June 2008. [Working Paper]

July 2008

Cinquegrana, Piero. (2008) Are Skyrocketing Oil Prices justified by Fundamentals? CEPS ECMI Commentary #18, 15 July 2008. [Policy Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) Cherished myths have fallen victim to economic reality. CEPS Commentaries, 24 July 2008. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2008) The Demographics of Global Corporate Champions. Bruegel Working Papers 2008/03, July 2008. [Working Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2008) Empower Users of Financial Information as the IASC Foundation's Stakeholders. Testimony to the IASC Foundations's Constitutional Review Round Table in London, 19 June 2008. Bruegel Policy Contribution, July 11, 2008. [Policy Paper]

August 2008

Cinquegrana, Piero. (2008) Commodity Derivatives Markets: Regulators' leap in the dark? CEPS ECMI Commentaries No. 19, 29 August 2008. [Policy Paper]

Jeanfils, Philippe. (2008) Imperfect exchange rate pass-through: the role of distribution services and variable demand elasticity. NBB Working Papers No. 135, 18 August 2008. [Working Paper]

Keller, Joachim. (2008) Agency problems in structured finance – a case study of European CLOs. NBB Working Papers No. 137, 26 August 2008. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) The crisis, one year on. CEPS Commentaries, 7 August 2008. [Policy Paper]

September 2008

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) Stock Prices and Monetary Policy. CEPS Working Document No. 304, September 2008. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) The twin shocks hitting the eurozone. CEPS Commentaries, 16 September 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Micossi, Stefano. (2008) Crisis Management Tools for the Euro Area. CEPS Commentaries, 30 September 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2008) The beginning of the end game. CEPS Commentaries, 18 September 2008. [Policy Paper]

Muûls, Mirabelle. (2008) Exporters and credit constraints. A firm-level approach. NBB Working Papers No. 139, 22 September 2008. [Working Paper]

October 2008

Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin and Gerlach, Stefan. (2008) Monetary policy, asset prices and macroeconomic conditions: a panel-VAR study. NBB Working Papers. No. 149, 16 October 2008. [Working Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) Nationalizing Banks to Jumpstart the Banking System. CEPS Commentaries, 10 October 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Micossi, Stefano. (2008) A Concerted Approach to Re-start the Interbank Market. CEPS Commentaries, 10 October 2008 (updated 12 October). [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Micossi, Stefano. (2008) The cost of 'non-Europe'? CEPS Commentaries, 7 October 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2008) What next for Europe’s financial markets? CEPS Commentaries, 14 October 2008. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) Credit Rating Agencies: Scapegoat or free-riders? CEPS ECMI Commentaries No. 20, 9 October 2008. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) Restoring Confidence. CEPS Commentaries, 21 October 2008. [Policy Paper]

Pisani-Ferry, Jean. (2008) Will the current crisis trigger a revival of the IMF? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2008/06, November 2008. [Policy Paper]

November 2008

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) The Banking Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies. CEPS Policy Brief No. 178, November 2008. [Policy Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2008) Returning to Narrow Banking. CEPS Commentaries, 14 November 2008. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2008) Europe`s Two Priorities for the G20. CEPS Commentaries, 14 November 2008. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas and Hendrik-Roller, Lars. (2008) Safe and sound: an EU approach to sovereign investment. Bruegel Policy Brief 2008/08, November 2008. [Policy Paper]

December 2008

Cinquegrana, Piero. (2008) The Need for Transparency in Commodity and Commodity Derivatives Markets. ECMI Research Report No. 3, 15 December 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2008) Concrete Steps towards More Integrated Financial Oversight: The EU’s Policy Response to the Crisis. CEPS Task Force Reports, 1 December 2008. UNSPECIFIED.


Lannoo, Karel. (2009) Mind the Basel Gap. CEPS Commentaries, 16 July 2009. [Policy Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2009) Irish Public Capital Spending in a Recession. ESRI WP298. May 2009. [Working Paper]

Quaglia, Lucia (2009) "Completing the Single Market in financial services: the politics of competing advocacy coalitions". In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

January 2009

Grauwe, Paul De. (2009) Warning: Rating agencies may be harmful to your (financial) health. CEPS Commentaries, 27 January 2009. [Policy Paper]

February 2009

Cinquegrana, Piero. (2009) The Reform of the Credit Rating Agencies: A Comparative Perspective. ECMI Policy Brief No. 12, February 2009. [Policy Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2009) Why should we believe the market this time? ECMI Commentary No. 22, 23 February 2009. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2009) Transparency on banks' balance sheets? CEPS Commentaries, 13 February 2009. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2009) Good banks, bad banks and the like. ECMI Commentary No. 21, 11 February 2009. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. (2009) Rating agencies: an information privilege whose time has passed. Briefing paper for the European Parliament’s ECON Committee. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/01, January 2009. [Policy Paper]

March 2009

Malaguti, Maria Chiara. (2009) The Payment Services Directive: Pitfalls between the Acquis Communautaire and National Implementation. ECRI Research Reports No. 9, 2 March 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Micossi, Stefano and Di Noia, Carmine and Carmassi, Jacopo and Pierce, Fabrizia (2009) Keep it simple: Policy Responses to the Financial Crisis. CEPS Paperbacks. March 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9789290798637

April 2009

Grauwe, Paul De and Moesen, Wim. (2009) Gains for All: A proposal for a common Eurobond. CEPS Commentaries, 3 April 2009. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. (2009) A US strategy for IFRS adoption. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/06, April 2009. [Policy Paper]

May 2009

Cinquegrana, Piero. (2009) Short Selling: A known unknown. ECMI Commentary No. 23, 29 May 2009. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2009) A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. CEPS Commentary, 29 May 2009. [Policy Paper]

June 2009

Daniel, Gros. (2009) Global Imbalances and the Accumulation of Risk. CEPS Policy Brief No. 189, June 12 2009. [Policy Paper]

De Jonghe, Olivier (2009) Back to the basics in banking? A micro-analysis of banking system stability. NBB Working Paper 167, June 2009. [Working Paper]

Key, Sydney J. (2009) Deposit-protection-schemes: issues for an EC directive. CEPS Research Report in Finance and Banking No. 11, December 1992. Republished in June 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel and Valiante, Diego. (2009) Integrating Europe's Back Office: 10 years of turning in circles. ECMI Policy Brief No. 13, June 2009. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2009) Bringing hedge funds into the regulatory mainstream. ECMI Commentary No. 24, 23 June 2009. [Policy Paper]

Posen, Adam and Véron, Nicolas. (2009) A solution for Europe's banking problem. Bruegel Policy Brief No. 2009/03, 12 June 2009. [Policy Paper]

Schmidt, Reinhard H. and Carbo Valverde, Santiago and Fernandez, Francisco Rodriguez and Ayadi, Rym and Arbak, Emrah (2009) Investigating Diversity in the Banking Sector in Europe: The Performance and Role of Savings Banks. CEPS Paperbacks. June 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789290798682

July 2009

Bott, Jürgen. (2009) The Single Euro Payments Area: New Alliances Required to Tip the Market. ECRI Research Report No. 10, 7 July 2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Dhyne, Emmanuel. (2009) A global assessment of the degree of price stickiness – results from the NBB business survey. NBB Working Paper 171, July 2009. [Working Paper]

Gerhardt, Maria. (2009) Consumer Bankruptcy Regimes and Credit Default in the US and Europe: A comparative study. CEPS Working Document No. 318, 27 July 2009. [Working Paper]

August 2009

Darvas, Zsolt and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Röller, Lars-Hendrik and Santos, Indhira and Sapir, André and van Pottelsberghe, Bruno and Véron, Nicholas and Veugelers, Reinhilde and von Hagen, Jürgen and von Weizsäcker, Jakob. (2009) Memos to the new Commission- Europe's economic priorities 2010-2015. Bruegel Blueprint Series No. (10?), 27 August 2009. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Roth, Felix. (2009) The Crisis and citizens' trust in central banks. CEPS Commentaries, 26 August 2009. [Policy Paper]

Konoe, Sara (2009) Enhancing European Cooperation in Financial Supervision and Crisis Management. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Lannoo, Karel. (2009) The road ahead after de Larosière. CEPS Policy Brief No. 195, 7 August 2009. [Policy Paper]

Persaud, Avinash. (2009) Macro-Prudential Regulation. ECMI Commentary No. 25, 4 August 2009. [Policy Paper]

Van Brusselen, Patrick. (2009) Fiscal Stabilisation Plans and the Outlook for the World Economy. Do counter-cyclical fiscal measures offer any hope of recovery for the world economy? An evaluation of fiscal policy effectiveness in the face of a global recession. ENEPRI Working Papers No. 55, August 2009. [Working Paper]

September 2009

Angeloni, Ignazio. (2009) The Pittsburgh G20 Checklist. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/09, September 2009. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2009) Why it feels different. CEPS Commentaries, 15 September 2009. [Policy Paper]

October 2009

Degryse, Hans and Masschelein, Nancy and Mitchell, Janet. (2009) Staying, dropping, or switching: the impacts of bank mergers on small firms. NBB Working Paper 179, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Fender, Ingo and Mitchell, Janet. (2009) Incentives and tranche retention in securitisation: a screening model. NBB Working Paper 177, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Hatzopoulos, Vassilis (2009) Le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle dans la libre prestation de services = The principle of mutual recognition in the free provision of services. Research Papers in Law 2/2009. UNSPECIFIED.

Maes, Ivo. (2009) On the origins of the BIS macro-prudential approach to financial stability: Alexandre Lamfalussy and financial fragility. NBB Working Paper 176, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Schinasi, Gary. (2009) More than one step to financial stability. Bruegel Policy Brief 2009/06, October 28, 2009. [Policy Paper]

Timmerman, Peter. (2009) Legislating amidst public controversy: the Services Directive. Egmont Paper No. 32, October 2009. [Policy Paper]

von Hagen, Jürgen and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and von Weizsäcker, Jakob. (2009) A European Exit Strategy. Bruegel Policy Brief 2009/05, 15 October 2009. [Policy Paper]

December 2009

Benassy-Quere, Agnes and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Coeure, Benoit and Jacquet, Pierre. (2009) The Crisis: Policy Lessons and Policy Challenges. Bruegel Working Paper 2009/06, 2 December 2009. [Working Paper]

Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Sapir, Andre. (2009) Banking crisis management in the EU: an interim assessment. Bruegel Working Paper 2009/07, 9 December 2009. [Working Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2009) IFRS sustainability requires further governance reform. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/14, December 9, 2009. [Policy Paper]


Polak, Petr and Klusacek, Ivan. (2010) Centralization of treasury management 2010. Business Perspectives, p. 95.

January 2010

De Grauwe, Paul. (2010) Lessons for Europe from the 1930s. CEPS Commentaries, 21 January 2010. [Policy Paper]

Ferrari, Stijn. (2010) Discriminatory fees, coordination and investment in shared ATM networks. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 184, January 2010. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2010) Too interconnected to fail = too big to fail: What's in a leverage ratio? CEPS Commentaries, 28 January 2010. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2010) Comparing EU and US Responses to the Financial Crisis. ECMI Policy Brief No. 14, January 2010. [Policy Paper]

February 2010

De Grauwe, Paul. (2010) Crisis in the eurozone and how to deal with it. CEPS Policy Brief No. 204, 15 February 2010. [Policy Paper]

Giannetti, Caterina and Jentzsch, Nicola and Spagnolo, Giancarlo. (2010) Information-Sharing and Cross-Border Entry in European Banking. ECRI Research Report No. 11, 22 February 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel. (2010) Greek burdens ensure some Pigs won't fly. CEPS Commentaries, 1 February 2010. [Policy Paper]

Hatzopoulos, Vassilis (2010) Liberalising trade in services: creating new migration opportunities? Research Paper in Law, 1/2010. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2010

Carmassi, Jacopo and Luchetti, Elisabetta and Micossi, Stefano and Gros, Daniel and Lannoo, Karel. (2010) Overcoming too-big-to-fail: A Regulatory Framework to Limit Moral Hazard and Free Riding in the Financial Sector. Report on the CEPS-Assonime Task Force on Bank Crisis Resolution, 15 March 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Herwig, Alexia (2010) GATS and the Social Regulation of Services. IES WORKING PAPER 3/2010. [Working Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2010) Restoring Investor Confidence in European Capital Markets: Final Report of the European Investors' Working Group. CEPS Task Force Report, March 2010. 2nd ed. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2010

Giovannini, Alberto. (2010) It's high time the integrity of economic statistics is seriously safeguarded. CEPS Commentaries, 28 April 2010. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel and Valiante, Diego. (2010) The MiFID Metamorphosis. ECMI Policy Brief No. 16, April 2010. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2010) Regulatory Challenges for the EU Asset Management Industry. ECMI Policy Brief No. 15, April 2010. [Policy Paper]

Siotis, Georges and Spagnolo, Giancarlo and Degryse, Hans and Ongena, Steven and Inderst, Roman and Gerard, Damien. (2010) The Future of Retail Banking in Europe: Competition and Regulatory Challenges. ECRI Research Report No. 12, 19 April 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Valiante, Diego. (2010) Shaping Reforms and Business Models for the OTC Derivatives Market: Quo vadis? ECMI Research Report No. 5, 15 April 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2010

Annaert, Jan and De Ceuster, Marc and Van Roy, Patrick and Vespro, Cristina. (2010) What determines euro area bank CDS spreads? National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 190, May 2010. [Working Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2010) When financial markets force too much austerity. CEPS Commentaries, 6 May 2010. [Policy Paper]

Dewatripont, Mathias and Nguyen, Gregory and Praet, Petr and Sapir, Andre. (2010) The role of state aid control in improving bank resolution in Europe. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/04, May 10. [Policy Paper]

Ruding, H. Onno. (2010) From National to European Regulation: Towards European Financial Supervisory Authorities. CEPS Policy Brief No. 209, 27 May 2010. [Policy Paper]

July 2010

Gros, Daniel. (2010) Europe's Banks, Europe's Crisis. CEPS Commentaries, 8 July 2010. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2010) Europe's Stressed Banks. CEPS Commentaries, 12 July 2010. [Policy Paper]

Guerin, Selen. (2010) Do the European Union's bilateral investment treaties matter? The way forward after Lisbon. CEPS Working Document No. 333, July 2010. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2010) Europe 2020 and the Financial System: Smaller is beautiful. CEPS Policy Brief No. 211, 9 July 2010. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2010) The bank stress tests: A work in progress. CEPS Commentaries, 30 July 2010. [Policy Paper]

Pelkmans, Jacques. (2010) Product Market Reforms in EU Countries: Are the methodology and evidence sufficiently robust? CEPS Working Document No. 332, July 2010. [Working Paper]

August 2010

Hahn, Eugene D. (2010) Reverse Offshoring of Services: The New Wave of Emerging Offshorers. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

September 2010

Alcidi, Cinzia and De Grauwe, Paul and Gros, Daniel and Oh, Yonghyup. (2010) The future of the eurozone and gold. CEPS Special Report, 3 September 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Ayadi, Rym and Llewellyn, David T. and Schmidt, Reinhard H. and Arbak, Emrah and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2010) Investigating Diversity in the Banking Sector in Europe: Key Developments, Performance and Role of Cooperative Banks. CEPS Paperbacks. September 2010. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461380425

De Manuel Aramendia, Mirzha J. and Valiante, Diego. (2010) Where does Europe stand on the regulation of alternative investments? ECMI Commentary No. 26/27 September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2010) How to level the capital playing field. CEPS Commentary, 23 September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2010) The skills deficit. CEPS Commentary, 6 September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Roth, Felix and Thum, Anna-Elisabeth. (2010) Does intangible capital affect economic growth? CEPS Working Document No. 335/September 2010. [Working Paper]

October 2010

Lannoo, Karel and Napoli, Chris. (2010) Bank state aid in the financial crisis: fragmentation or level playing field? CEPS Task Force Report, October 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel and Napoli, Chris. (2010) Bank state aid in the financial crisis: fragmentation or level playing field? CEPS Task Force Report, October 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2010) What reforms for the credit rating industry? A European perspective. ECMI Policy Brief No.17/October 2010. [Policy Paper]

Marzinotto, Benedicta and Rocholl, Jörg. (2010) The unequal effect of new banking rules in Europe. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/10, October 2010. [Policy Paper]

November 2010

Becker, Torbjorn and Daianu, Daniel and Darvas, Zsolt and Gligorov, Vladimir and Landesmann, Michael and Petrovic, Pavle and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Rosati, Dariusz and Sapir, Andre and Weder di Mauro, Beatrice. (2010) Whither growth in Central and Eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe. Bruegel Blueprint Series No. 11, November 2010. [Policy Paper]

December 2010

De Manuel Aramendia, Mirzha J. (2010) Third country rules for alternative investments: passport flexibility comes at a price. ECMI Commentary No. 27/16 December 2010. [Policy Paper]

Mortensen, Jorgen. (2010) Living standards in an ageing, greener, knowledge economy. Towards a period of lean cows? CEPS Working Document No. 342/December 2010. [Working Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2010) EU financial regulatory reform: a status report. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/11, December 2010. [Policy Paper]

January 2011

Rothemund, Marc and Gerhardt, Maria (2011) The European credit information landscape. An analysis of a survey of credit bureaus in Europe. ECRI Research Report, January 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2011

Francotte, Pierre and Valiante, Diegl and Lannoo, Karel. (2011) MiFID 2.0: casting new light on Europe's capital markets. Report of the ECMI-CEPS Task Force on the MiFID Review. CEPS Task Force Report, 18 February 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo., Karel (2011) The forest of Basel III has too many trees. CEPS Commentary, 10 February 2011. [Policy Paper]

Valiante, Diego and Assi, Bashir. (2011) MiFID implementation in the midst of the financial crisis. Results of an ECMI survey. ECMI Research Report No. 6/February 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

11 February 2011

Gros., Daniel (2011) Europe's futile search for cheaper money. CEPS Commentary, 11 February 2011. [Policy Paper]

March 2011

Ayadi, Rym (2011) Integrating Retail Financial Markets in Europe: Between Uncertainties and Challenges. CEPS Paperbacks. March 2011. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461380845

Gerhardt, Maria. and Lannoo, Karel. (2011) Options for reforming deposit protection schemes in the EU. ECRI Policy Brief No. 4, March 2011. [Policy Paper]

Kefferputz, Roderick. (2011) Worth the wait? The EU's latest communication on raw materials. CEPS Commentary, 29 March 2011. [Policy Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2011) NYSE Euronext-Deutsche Borse merger: let the dance go on! ECMI Policy Brief No. 18/March 2011. [Policy Paper]

April 2011

Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès and Pisani-Ferry, Jean. (2011) What international monetary system for a fast-changing world economy? Bruegel Working Paper 2011/06, April 2011. [Working Paper]

May 2011

De Grauwe, Paul. (2011) The governance of a fragile Eurozone. CEPS Working Document No. 346, May 2011. [Working Paper]

Fiorante, Angelo. (2011) A torrent of mortgage defaults: a possible effect of the eurozone debt crisis. ECRI Commentary No. 5 (May 2011). [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2011) How to make Ireland solvent. CEPS Commentary, 13 May 2011. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas (2011) Suggestions for reforming the governance of global accounting standards. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/04, 12 May 2011. [Policy Paper]

June 2011

Dubel, Hans-Joachim. and Rothemund, Marc. (2011) A New mortgage credit regime for Europe: setting the right priorities. CEPS Special Report, June 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Lannoo, Karel. (2011) What level of harmonisation for EU mortgage credit markets? ECRI Commentary No. 6, June 2011. [Working Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2011) Commodity price formation in boom-and-bust cycles. ECMI Commentary No. 29/June 2011. [Policy Paper]

July 2011

Abad, José M. and Löffler , Axel and Zemanek, Holger. (2011) TARGET2 Unlimited: monetary policy implications of asymmetric liquidity management within the Euro area. CEPS Policy Brief No. 248, 13 July 2011. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2011) The second EU bank stress test: Further work in progress. CEPS Commentary, 22 July 2011. [Policy Paper]

Pyykko., Elina (2011) Trends in European Household Credit: Solid or shaky ground for regulatory changes? ECRI Commentary No. 7, July 2011. [Working Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. (2011) Keeping the promise of global accounting standards. Bruegel Policy Brief 2011/05, July 2011. [Policy Paper]

September 2011

Ayadi, Rym and Arbak, Emrah and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2011) Business Models in European Banking: A pre-and post-crisis screening. CEPS Paperbacks. September 2011. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789461381200

Lorca-Susino, María (2011) The European Union and the Eurozone: The Danger that Lay Ahead. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 11, No. 5, September 2011. [Policy Paper]

October 2011

Arbak, Emrah. (2011) Will the financial transaction tax (FTT) enhance stability? CEPS Commentary, 4 October 2011. [Policy Paper]

Byard, Donald and Li, Ying and Yu, Yong (2011) Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption in the EU Level the International Playing Field Between Foreign and Domestic Analysts? ACES Working Papers, October 2011. [Working Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. (2011) Eurozone bank recapitalisations: pouring water into a leaky bucket. CEPS Commentary, 24 October 2011. [Policy Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter (2011) A closer look at Dexia: The case of the misleading capital ratios. CEPS Commentary, 19 October 2011. [Policy Paper]

Fromont, Ann and Verdure, Christophe (2011) La consécration du critère de l’« accès au marché » au sein de la libre circulation des marchandises: mythe ou réalité? = Consecration of the criterion of "market access" in the free movement of goods: myth or reality? Research Papers in Law, 04/2011. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel (2011) The pitfalls of official first-loss bond insurance. CEPS Commentary, 27 October 2011. [Policy Paper]

Pyykkö, Elina (2011) Review of the Payment Services Directive: The question of surcharges. ECRI Policy Brief No. 5, 19 October 2011. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. (2011) Rate expectations: What can and cannot be done about rating agencies. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/14, October 2011. [Policy Paper]

November 2011

Lannoo, Karel. (2011) MiFID 2.0 unveiled. ECMI Commentary No. 30, 4 November 2011. [Policy Paper]

December 2011

Fiorante, Angelo. (2011) Foreign currency indebtedness: a potential systemic risk in emerging Europe. ECRI Commentary No. 8, 5 December 2011. [Working Paper]

Kefferpütz, Roderick. (2011) Time for a common European effort on raw materials. CEPS Policy Brief No. 261, December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2011) Placing EU banks under undue stress. CEPS Commentary, 2 December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Veugelers, Reinhilde. (2011) Mind Europe's early-stage equity gap. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/18, 19 December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. and Wolff, Guntram B. (2011) Rating agencies and sovereign credit risk assessment. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/17, 15 December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Wiß, Tobias (2011) Pension Fund Capitalism and Financial Crisis. IHS Political Science Series 126, December 2011. [Policy Paper]


Ayadi, Rym and Arbak, Emrah and de Groen, Willem Pieter and Llewellyn, David T. (2012) Regulation of European Banks and Business Models: Towards a new paradigm? CEPS Paperbacks. June 2012. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-211-5

Carmassi, Jacopo and Micossi, Stefano (2012) Time to Set Banking Regulation Right. CEPS Paperbacks. March 2012. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-175-0

Kulathunga, Anoma and Rehman, Scheherazade S. (2012) Banking Sector Soundness, Innovation, and Development: Emerging Europe and South Asia. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

January 2012

Ahearne, Alan and Wolff, Guntram B. (2012) The debt challenge in Europe. Bruegel Working Paper 2012/02, January 2012. [Working Paper]

Gugán, Dániel (2012) Price and GDP Convergence as an Effect of European Integration. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Vol. 12, No. 2, January 2012. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2012) The Commission's CRD IV requires a deeper reading. CEPS Commentary, 31 January 2012. [Policy Paper]

February 2012

Di Noia, Carmine (2012) Pending issues in the review of the European market abuse rules. ECMI Policy Brief No. 19, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Di Noia, Carmine (2012) Reviewing the EU's market abuse rules. ECMI Policy Brief No. 19, 27 February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Merler, Silvia and Pisani-Ferry, Jean (2012) Who's afraid of sovereign bonds? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/02, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. and Ruscher, Eric (2012) Corporate balance sheet adjustment: stylized facts, causes and consequences. Bruegel Working Paper 2012/03, February 2012. [Working Paper]

March 2012

Angeloni, Chiarra and Wolff, Guntram B. (2012) Are banks affected by their holdings of government debt? Bruegel Working Paper 2012/07, 26 March 2012. [Working Paper]

Pyykkö, Elina (2012) Credit reporting: Towards better access to credit and protection for consumers. ECRI Commentary No. 9, March 2012. [Working Paper]

April 2012

Grossman, Emiliano and Woll, Cornelia (2012) Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts. CES Papers - Open Forum #8, 2012. [Policy Paper]

Manuel Aramendia, Mirzha and Lannoo, Karel. (2012) Rethinking Asset Management: From Financial Stability to Investor Protection and Economic Growth. CEPS Task Force Report, April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Valiante, Diego. (2012) Setting the Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Trading Platforms: Does the MiFID definition of OTF make sense? ECMI Research Report No. 8/2012, April 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2012

Lannoo, Karel. (2012) EU version of Basel III runs into trouble. CEPS Commentary, 11 May 2012. [Policy Paper]

June 2012

Ayadi, Rym and Danielsson, Jon and Laeven, Roger and Pelsser, Antoon and Perotti, Enrico and Wüthrich, Mario (2012) Countercyclical regulation in Solvency II: merits and flaws. CEPS Commentary, 25 June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Bosch, Xavier Vanden and Verhelst, Stijn (2012) A briefing on Eurobonds. European Policy Brief No. 10, June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Carmassi, Jacopo and Di Noia, Carmine and Micossi, Stefano. (2012) Banking Union in the Eurozone and the European Union. CEPS Commentary, 12 June 2012. [Policy Paper]

De Grauwe, Paul. and Ji, Yuemei (2012) Self-Fulfilling Crises in the Eurozone: An Empirical Test. CEPS Working Document No. 366, 22 June 2012. [Working Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2012) Banking Union in three steps. CEPS Commentary, 12 June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Pelkmans, Jacques (2012) Mutual Recognition: economic and regulatory logic in goods and services. Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 24/June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Sapir, André and Véron, Nicolas and Wolff, Guntram B. (2012) What kind of European Banking Union? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/12, June 25, 2012. [Policy Paper]

Schicho, Luca (2012) Member State BITS after the Treaty of Lisbon: solid foundation or first victims of EU investment policy? Research Paper in Law, 02/2012. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2012

Ayadi, Rym and Arbak, Emrah and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2012) Implementing Basel III in Europe: disgnosis and avenues for improvement. CEPS Policy Brief No. 275, 27 June 2012. [Policy Paper]

Chwieroth, Jeffrey (2012) Fashions and fads in finance: contingent emulation and the political economy of sovereign wealth fund creation. IHS Political Science Series No. 131, July 2012. [Policy Paper]

De Manuel Aramendia, Mirzha J. (2012) Will the PRIPs' KID live up to its promise to protect investors? ECMI Commentary No. 33, 6 July 2012. [Policy Paper]

August 2012

Lannoo, Karel. (2012) The roadmap to banking union: a call for consistency. CEPS Commentary, 30 August 2012. [Policy Paper]

September 2012

Carmassi, Jacopo and Di Noia, Carmine and Micossi, Stefano (2012) Banking Union: A Federal Model for the European Union with Prompt Corrective Action. CEPS Policy Brief No. 282, 18 September 2012. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Schoenmaker, Dirk (2012) European deposit insurance: financing the transition. CEPS Commentary, 6 September 2012. [Policy Paper]

Kox, Henk (2012) Unleashing Competition in EU Business Services. CEPS Policy Brief No. 284, 24 September 2012. [Policy Paper]

Schoenmaker, Dirk and Gros, Daniel (2012) A European Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund - An Update. CEPS Policy Brief No. 283, 11 September 2012. [Policy Paper]

October 2012

Gros, Daniel. (2012) Banking Union: Ireland vs. Nevada, an illustration of the importance of an integrated banking system. CEPS Commentary, 18 October 2012. [Policy Paper]

Kollmann, R. and Ratto, M. and Roeger, W. and in't Veld, J. (2012) Fiscal policy, banks and the financial crisis. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 234, October 2012. [Working Paper]

Mustilli, Federica and Pelkmans, Jacques. (2012) Securing EU growth from services. CEPS Special Report No. 67, October 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Véron, Nicolas. (2012) Europe's single supervisory mechanism and the long journey towards banking union. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/16, 4 October 2012. [Policy Paper]

November 2012

Lannoo, Karel. and Valiante, Diego. (2012) Europe’s New Post-Trade Infrastructure Rules. ECMI Policy Brief No. 20, 8 November 2012. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. and Valiante, Diego. (2012) Prospects and challenges of a Pan-European post-trade infrastructure. ECMI Policy Brief No. 20, 8 November 2012. [Policy Paper]

Vanden Bosch, Xavier (2012) Preventing the rise of sovereign borrowing costs in the Eurozone: what can the ESM and the ECB achieve? Egmont Paper No. 56, November 2012. [Policy Paper]

December 2012

Weiss, Stefani. and Hoffman, Isabell (2012) spotlight europe #2012/07 — Dezember 2012: Die Union gegen die Banken = The Union against the banks. [Policy Paper]

Weiss, Stefani. and Hoffmann, Isabell. (2012) eu spotlight 2012/07, December 2012: At long last, the EU takes on its banks. [Policy Paper]

February 2013

Darvas, Zsolt (2013) Can Europe recover without credit? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/03, 15 February 2013. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicholas and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) From supervision to resolution: next steps on the road to European Banking Union. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/04, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

March 2013

Coutinho, Leonor. (2013) Communication as a policy tool: Important lessons from Cyprus. CEPS Commentary, 28 March 2013. [Policy Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) Should non-euro area countries join the single supervisory mechanism? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/06, 13 March 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) Banking Union with a Sovereign Virus. The self-serving regulatory treatment of sovereign debt in the euro area. CEPS Policy Brief No. 289, 27 March 2013. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2013) Bank bonus compromise bodes ill for the Single Supervisory Mechanism. CEPS Commentary, 8 March 2013. [Policy Paper]

Verhelst, Stijn (2013) The Single Supervisory Mechanism: A Sound First Step in Europe’s Banking Union? Egmont European Affairs Paper, March 2013. [Working Paper]

de Manuel, Mirzha (2013) Implementing the AIFMD: Success or failure? ECMI Commentary No. 34, 28 March 2013. [Policy Paper]

April 2013

Gros, Daniel (2013) The meaning of Cyprus; moving toward banking union. CEPS Commentary, 8 April 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) Principles of a Two-Tier European Deposit (Re-)Insurance System. CEPS Policy Brief No. 287, 17 April 2013. [Policy Paper]

May 2013

Gros, Daniel. (2013) A Copernican Turn for Banking Union. CEPS Policy Brief No. 290, 14 May 2013. [Policy Paper]

Hedman Jansson, Kristina and Lagerkvist, Carl Johan (2013) Performance Indicators in Agricultural Financial Markets. Factor Markets Working Document No. 43, May 2013. [Working Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. (2013) A Viable Alternative to Basel III Prudential Capital Rules. CEPS Policy Brief No. 291, May 2013. [Policy Paper]

Miglietti, Marta (2013) The New EU Criminal Law Competence in Action: The Proposal for a Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Insider Dealing and Market Manipulation. IES WORKING PAPER 5/2013. [Working Paper]

June 2013

Chmelar, Ales (2013) Household debt and the European crisis. ECRI Research Report No. 13, June 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Mustilli, Federica and Pelkman, Jacques (2013) Access Barriers to Services Markets: Mapping, tracing, understanding and measuring. CEPS Special Report No. 77, June 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Papadia, Francesco (2013) Central bank cooperation during the great recession. Bruegel Policy Contribution. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/08, 20 June 2013. [Policy Paper]

Verhelst, Stijn (2013) Assessing the Single Supervisory Mechanism: passing the point of no return for Europe's banking union. Egmont Paper No. 58, June 2013. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2013) Bank versus non-bank credit in the United States, Europe and China. Bruegel Policy Contribution, 2012/07, 5 June 2013. [Policy Paper]

Véron, Nicolas. (2013) A realistic bridge towards European banking union. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/09, June 2013. [Policy Paper]

July 2013

Gros, Daniel. (2013) What's wrong with Europe's banks? CEPS Commentary, 12 July 2013. [Policy Paper]

Mayer, Thomas (2013) A Copernican turn in Banking Union urgently needed. CEPS Policy Brief No. 297, July 2013 [is another Brief with no. 297]. [Policy Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. (2013) Tough love for sinners in the eurozone banking union. CEPS Commentary, 1 July 2013. [Policy Paper]

Valiante, Diego. and Egenhofer, Christian. (2013) Price formation in commodities markets. Financialisation and beyond. Report of an ECMI/CEPS Task Force. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2013

Lannoo, Karel. (2013) Banking Union in sight five years on. CEPS Commentary, 13 September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Pyykkö, Elina (2013) Towards Better Use of Credit Reporting in Europe. CEPS-ECRI Task Force Report, September 2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Sapir, André and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) The neglected side of banking union: reshaping Europe’s financial system. Bruegel Policy Contribution, 14 September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Schwarzer, Daniela and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) Memo to Merkel: Post-election Germany and Europe. Bruegel Policy Brief 2013/05, 24 September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Verhelst, Stijn (2013) What if the Next Financial Crisis Hits the Banking Union? A Call for an “If All Else Fails” Clause. European Policy Brief No. 16, September 2013. [Policy Paper]

October 2013

De Grauwe, Paul. and Ji, Yuemei (2013) The Legacy of Austerity in the Eurozone. CEPS Commentary, 4 October 2013. [Policy Paper]

Delbecque, Bernard (2013) Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU. CEPS Working Document No. 385, 14 October 2013. [Working Paper]

November 2013

De Grauwe, Paul. and Ji, Yuemei (2013) Strong governments, weak banks. CEPS Policy Brief No. 305, 25 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gandrud, Christopher and Hallerberg, Mark. (2013) Who decides? Resolving failed banks in a European framework. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/16, 29 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) European banking disunion. CEPS Commentary, 14 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Keuleneer, Eric De (2013) Banks at the Service of the Economy? European Policy Brief No. 17, November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2013) Financial services and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. CEPS Policy Brief No. 302, 20 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Micossi, Stefano. and Bruzzone, Ginevra and Carmassi, Jacopo (2013) The new European framework for managing bank crises. CEPS Policy Brief No. 304, 21 November 2013. [Policy Paper]

December 2013

Bover, Olympia and Casado, Jose Maria and Costa, Sonia and Du Caju, Philip and McCarthy, Yvonne and Sierminska, Eva and Tzamourani, Panagiota and Villanueva, Ernesto and Zavaldi, Tibor (2013) The distribution of debt across euro area countries : The role of individual characteristics, institutions and credit conditions. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 252, December 2013. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) The Asset Quality Review and Capital Needs: Why re-capitalise banks with public money? CEPS Policy Brief No. 311, 19 December 2013. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2013) The Bank Resolution Compromise: Incomplete, but workable? CEPS Commentary, 19 December 2013. [Policy Paper]

Lo Schiavo, Gianni (2013) The Judicial ‘Bail Out’ of the European Stability Mechanism: Comment on the Pringle Case. Research Paper in Law 09/2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Merler, Silvia and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) Ending uncertainty: recapitalisation under European Central Bank supervision. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/18, 17 December 2013. [Policy Paper]


Guimarães, Maria Helena and Egan, Michelle (2014) Tackling barriers to trade in the Single Market. ACES Cases No. 2014.2. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2014

Acharya, Viral V. and Steffen, Sascha (2014) Falling short of expectations? Stress-testing the European banking system. CEPS Policy Brief No. 315, 15 January 2014. [Policy Paper]

Gandrud, Christopher and Hallerberg, Mark. (2014) Supervisory transparency in the European banking union. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2014/01, 3 January 2004. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel (2014) A European Glass-Steagall to preserve the single market. CEPS Commentaries, 24 January 2014. [Policy Paper]

Malaguti, Maria Chiara and Guerrieri, Alessandra (2014) Multilateral Interchange Fees: Competition and regulation in light of recent legislative developments. ECRI Research Report No. 14, 31 January 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2014

Helsen, Frederic and Chmelar, Ales (2014) Collateral and Credit Rationing. The role of collateral in explaining and remediating the limited flow of credit to households and SMEs. ECRI Policy Brief No. 7, February 2014. [Policy Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2014) Framing Banking Union in the Euro Area: Some empirical evidence. CEPS Working Document No. 389, 3 February 2014. [Working Paper]

March 2014

Gros, Daniel (2014) Europe's Ungainly Banking Revolution. CEPS Commentaries, 24 March 2014. [Policy Paper]

Hoffmann, Isabell (2014) Justizkonflikt oder Normalisierung? = Flashlight Europe No. 1, March 2014: Justice conflict or normalization? [Policy Paper]

van Beers, Nancy and Bijlsma , Michiel and Zwart, Gijsbert T. J. (2014) Cross-country insurance mechanisms in currency unions. Bruegel Working Paper 2014/04, 27 March 2014. [Working Paper]

May 2014

Micossi, Stefano and Bruzzone, Ginevra and Cassella, Miriam (2014) Bail-in Provisions in State Aid and Resolution Procedures: Are they consistent with systemic stability? CEPS Policy Brief No. 318, 21 May 2014. [Policy Paper]

June 2014

Geeroms, Hans and Karbownik, Pawel (2014) A Monetary Union Requires a Banking Union. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 33/2014. [Policy Paper]

July 2014

Altomonte, Carlo and Buzzoli, Patrizia (2014) Asset-backed securities: The key to unlocking Europe's credit markets? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2014/07, 24 July 2014. [Policy Paper]

August 2014

Wilson, Karen E. and Testoni, Marco (2014) Improving the role of equity crowdfunding in Europe's capital markets. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2014/09, August 2014. [Policy Paper]

September 2014

de Manuel, Mirzha and Valiante, Diego. (2014) A Life Cycle Approach to Investor Protection. ECMI Working Paper No. 1/September 2014. [Working Paper]

October 2014

Ayadi, Rym and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2014) Banking Business Models Monitor 2014: Europe. CEPS Paperbacks, 14 October 2014. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED.

Bouyon, Silvain (2014) The Impact of Banking Structural Reform on Household Retail Finance. ECRI Commentary No. 13, 7 October 2014. [Working Paper]

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Lannoo, Karel. (2014) The ECB AQR and the EBA Stress Test: What will the numbers tell? CEPS Commentary, 23 October 2014. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2014) The Juncker Plan: From €21 to €315 billion, through smoke and mirrors. CEPS Commentary, 27 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2014) A Financial Markets Policy for the next 5 years. CEPS Commentary, 1 October 2014. [Policy Paper]

November 2014

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. and Schneider, Jan David and Zuleeg, Fabian (2014) EPC Special Collection. Juncker’s Investment Package: essential background reading, 27 November 2014. Collection of papers recently published by the European Policy Centre reflecting on current social, political and economic affairs. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2014) Investment as the key to recovery in the euro area? CEPS Policy Brief No. 326, 18 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2014) ECB Banking Supervision and beyond. CEPS Task Force Report, December 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

O‘Neill, Jim and Terzi, Alessio (2014) The twenty-first century needs a better G20 and a new G7+. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2014/13, 14 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Veron, Nicolas. (2014) Defining Europe's Capital Markets Union. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2014/12, 13 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. (2014) Eurosystem collateral policy and framework: Was it unduly changed? Bruegel Policy Contribution 2014/14, 17 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

de Groen, Willem Pieter (2014) Was the ECB’s Comprehensive Assessment up to standard? CEPS Policy Brief No. 325, 10 November 2014. [Policy Paper]

December 2014

Casey, Jean Pierre. (2014) Why the regulatory witch-hunt for ‘closet trackers’ is a dead-end. CEPS Commentary, 9 December 2014. [Policy Paper]


Woll, Cornelia (2015) Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-­‐So-­‐Organized Combat. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

February 2015

Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Which Union for Europe’s Capital Markets? ECMI Policy Brief No. 22, 13 February 2015. [Policy Paper]

March 2015

De Groen, Willem Pieter (2015) The ECB’s QE: Time to break the doom loop between banks and their governments. CEPS Policy Brief No. 328, March 2015. [Policy Paper]

April 2015

Lannoo, Karel (2015) EU Supervisory Cooperation Scaled Back at the Expense of Capital Markets Union. CEPS Commentary, 20 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

Wolff, Guntram B. and Véron, Nicolas. (2015) Capital Markets Union: a vision for the long term. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2015/05 April 2015. [Policy Paper]

May 2015

Delannoy, Eric and Bouyon, Sylvain (2015) Towards a balanced contribution of household credit to the economy. CEPS-ECRI Task Force Report, May 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Gros, Daniel. (2015) TRAC: a market-based tax on capital flight as an alternative to Grexit. CEPS Commentary, 7 May 2015. [Policy Paper]

NEDELESCU, Roxana (2015) Free Movement of Persons: The Mirage of Social Security Schemes. Bruges European Economic Research Papers (BEER) 34/2015. [Policy Paper]

June 2015

Brender, Anton and Pisani, Florence and Gros, Daniel. (2015) Building a Capital Markets Union….or designing a financial system for the euro area? CEPS Commentary, 2 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2015) The QE placebo. CEPS Commentary, 12 June 2015. [Policy Paper]

auf dem Brinke, Anna and Gnath, Katharina and Haas, Jörg (2015) Growth and Euro Area Stability: The Double Dividend of a Deepened European Single Market for Services. Bertelsmann Stiftung Background Note 26 June 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

July 2015

Lannoo, Karel. and Pollack, Allen and Stæhr, Ole (2015) Keep capital markets union simple. ECMI Commentary No. 38/July 2015. [Policy Paper]

Mody, Ashoka and Wolff, Guntram B. (2015) The Vulnerability of Europe's Small and Medium-Sized Banks. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/07, 16 July 2015. [Working Paper]

August 2015

Darvas, Zsolt (2015) The grand divergence: global and European current account surpluses. Bruegel Working Paper 2015/08, 13 August 2015. [Working Paper]

September 2015

Polner, Gergely and Ryan, John (2015) Capital Markets Union: A Work in Progress: Quick and high impact measures for the Capital Markets Union. European Policy Brief No. 37, September 2015. [Policy Paper]

October 2015

Lannoo, Karel. (2015) Detailed CMU Action Plan, but more (ambition) is required. ECMI Commentary No. 39/2 October 2015 Friday, 2 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Sainsot, Robin (2015) A Convergence Process in Household Credit in Central and Eastern Europe. ECRI Commentary No. 16, 30 October 2015. [Working Paper]

Valiante, Diego. (2015) Light and shadows in Europe’s new Action Plan for Capital Markets Union. ECMI Commentary No. 40/5 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

November 2015

Darvas, Zsolt and Hüttl, Pia and Merler, Silvia and Walsh, Thomas (2015) Analysis of developments in EU capital flows in the global context. Bruegel Final study Bruegel N° 2015.2574, November 2015. [Working Paper]

Milne, Alistair (2015) Achieving European Policy Objectives through Financial Technology. ECRI Commentary No. 17, 16 November 2015. [Working Paper]

March 2016

Demary, Markus and Hornik, Joanna and Watfe, Gibran (2016) SME Financing in the EU: Moving beyond one-size-fits-all. Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings 40/2016. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel. and Valiante, Diego and De Groen, Willem Pieter (2016) The ECB’s Latest Gimmick. Cash for loans, CEPS Policy Brief No. 341, March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Lannoo, Karel. (2016) More Union for the EU’s IPO Market. ECMI Commentary No. 41/23 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

April 2016

De Groen, Willem Pieter and Maselli, Ilaria and Fabo, Brian (2016) The Digital Market for Local Services: A one-night stand for workers? An example from the on-demand economy. CEPS Special Report, No. 133/April 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2016

Marcus, J. Scott and Petropoulos, Georgios (2016) E-commerce in Europe: parcel delivery prices in a digital single market. Bruegel Policy Contribution ISSUE 2016/09 May 2016. [Policy Paper]

September 2016

Foresti, Pasquale and Napolitano, Oreste (2016) On the Stock Markets’ Reactions to Taxation and Public Expenditure. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 115/2016 September 2016. [Discussion Paper]

December 2016

Schoenmaker, Dirk (2016) European insurance union and how to get there. Bruegel Policy Brief Issue 4 / December 2016. [Policy Paper]

Thomadakis, Apostolos (2016) Nothing ventured, nothing gained: How the EU can boost growth in small businesses and start-ups. ECMI Research Report No. 10/November 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2017

Chan, Stephanie and van Wijnbergen, Sweder (2017) CoCo Design, Risk Shifting Incentives and Financial Fragility. ECMI Working Paper No. 2 / January 2017. [Working Paper]

February 2017

Bouyon, Sylvain (2017) The Future of Retail Financial Services: What policy mix for a balanced digital transformation? Report of a CEPS-ECRI Task Force February 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2017

Darvas, Zsolt and Schoenmaker, Dirk (2017) Institutional investors and home bias in Europe’s Capital Markets Union. Bruegel Working Paper Issue 2 / 2017. [Working Paper]

Thomadakis, Apostolos (2017) How close are we to a Capital Markets Union? ECMI Commentary No. 44 / 17 March 2017. [Policy Paper]

April 2017

Berger, Bennet and Wolff, Guntram B. (2017) The global decline in the labour income share: is capital the answer to Germany’s current account surplus? Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue No. 12 April 2017. [Policy Paper]

May 2017

Ornaghi, Carmine and Van Beveren, Ilke and Vanormelingen, Stijn (2017) The impact of service and goods offshoring on employment: Firm-level evidence. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 319. [Working Paper]

June 2017

Lenaerts, Karolien and Paquier , Félix and Simonetta, Suzanne (2017) Unemployment Insurance in America: A model for Europe? CEPS Policy Insights No 2017/23, June 2017. [Policy Paper]

August 2017

Bavoso, Vincenzo (2017) Capital Markets, Debt Finance and the EU Capital Markets Union: A law and finance critique. ECMI Working Paper No. 5 / October 2017. [Working Paper]

September 2017

Demertzis, Maria and Mombelli, Gerardo and Wolff, Guntram B. (2017) Capital Markets Union and the fintech opportunity. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚22 | September 2017. [Policy Paper]

November 2017

Amariei, Cosmina (2017) Creating Long-Term Value in Europe's Capital Markets: Opportunities and constraints. 1st Interim Report of the CEPS-ECMI Task Force on Asset Allocation in Europe. CEPS Research Report, November 2017. UNSPECIFIED.


Hartwell, Christopher and Poniatowski , Grzegorz and Sidło , Katarzyna and Simonelli, Felice (2018) Study on Council Directive 2008/118/EC: The General Arrangements for Excise Duty. Final Report Volume 1 – Main Text. 23 July 2018. CEPS Special Report, July 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

April 2018

Amariei, Cosmina (2018) Fostering Institutional Investment in Europe’s Capital Markets Reality vs. Expectations. 2nd Interim Report of the CEPS-ECMI Task Force on Asset Allocation in Europe. ECMI Research Reports April 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Sapir, André and Véron, Nicolas. and Wolff, Guntram B. (2018) Making a reality of Europe’s Capital Markets Union. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚07 | April 2018. [Policy Paper]

May 2018

Lannoo, Karel. (2018) A Proportional Prudential Regime for Investment Firms. ECMI Commentary, No. 53 / 2 May 2018. [Policy Paper]

October 2018

Bergant, Katharina and Fidora, Michael and Schmitz, Martin (2018) International capital flows at the security level – evidence from the ECB’s asset purchase programme. CEPS ECMI Working Paper no 7 | October 2018. [Working Paper]

November 2018

Micossi, Stefano. and D'Onofrio, Alexandra and Peirce, Fabrizia (2018) On German External Imbalances. CEPS Policy Insights No 2018/13, November 2018. [Policy Paper]

Thomadakis, Apostolos and Amariei, Cosmina (2018) Sustaining Growth through Innovation in Capital Markets. Report of the 2018 ECMI Annual Conference. CEPS ECMI Research Reports, December 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2018

Gleisner, Love and Thomadakis, Apostolos (2018) Recent Developments in European Capital Markets: Key findings from the 2018 ECMI Statistical Package. CEPS ECMI Research Report No. 14 | December 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2019

Goncalves Raposo, Inês and Lehmann, Alexander (2019) Equity finance and capital market integration in Europe. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚3 | January 2019. [Policy Paper]

June 2019

Constancio, Vitor and Lannoo, Karel and Thomadakis, Apostolos (2019) Rebranding Capital Markets Union: A market finance action plan. CEPS-ECMI Task Force, June 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2020

Claeys, Grégory and Demertzis, Maria and Efstathiou, Konstantinos and Raposo, Gonçalves and Hüttl, Pia and Lehmann, Alexander (2020) Analysis of development in EU capital flows in the global context. Bruegel Report, 15 January 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2020

Choisdealbha, Áine Ní and Lunn, Pete (2020) Green and simple: Effective eco-labelling for busy consumers. ESRI Research Bulletin 202023 September 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Daly, Luke and Lawless, Martina (2020) Examination of the sectoral overlap of COVID-19 and Brexit shocks. ESRI Working Paper 677 September 2020. [Working Paper]

October 2020

Lawless, Martina and Martinez-Cillero, Maria and O'Toole, Conor and Gargan, Eric and Cantillon, Leona and McGoldrick, Peter (2020) SME investment report 2019: Developments between 2016 and 2018. ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series 86 October 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

O'Toole, Conor (2020) The lockdown tale of two economies in Ireland: How big tech and pharma bucked the trend. QEC Research Note 20200301 October 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2020

Echikson, William and Goldberg, Jesse (2020) Europe’s Collaborative Economy: Charting a constructive path forward. CEPS Task Force Report 12 Nov 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Redmond, Paul and McGuinness, Seamus (2020) Spending in retirement: Differences by household type and gender. ESRI Research Bulletin 202030 November 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

March 2021

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen (2021) Recreational salmon angling logbook returns. ESRI Research Bulletin 202108 March 2021. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 08:30:28 2025 EST.