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Adam, Laura Batalla (2012) The significance of EU topics in national media. Has there been an Europeanization of reporting in the national media? Bruges Political Research Papers No. 27/November 2012. [Policy Paper]

Ambrus, Eva (2020) Pattern Recognition: Industry seeking regulation – the case of crowdfunding. Bruges Political Research Papers 79/2020. [Policy Paper]

Aumaitre, Ariane (2018) From the SGP to the TSCG through the lenses of European integration theories. Bruges Political Research Papers 67/2018. [Policy Paper]

Baffert, Claire (2012) Participatory approaches in the management of Natura 2000: when EU biodiversity policy gets closer to its citizens. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 26/May 2012. [Policy Paper]

Barbero, Martina (2015) La place des emotions dans les campagnes du Front national et du Mouvement democrate pour les elections europeennes der 2014 = The place of emotions in the campaigns of the National Front and democrat movement for the 2014 European elections. Bruges Political Research Papers 43/2015. [Policy Paper]

Barbero, Martina (2015) L’Européanisation des politiques d’innovation en France: une révolution copernicienne? Le cas de la région Rhône-Alpes = "The Europeanization of innovation policies in France: a Copernican revolution? The case of Rhône-Alpes". Bruges Political Research Papers 42/2015. [Policy Paper]

Biscop, Sven and Coelmont, Jo. (2010) Permanent structured cooperation in defence: building effective European armed forces. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 15, September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Bonfond, Laurent (2014) Le Parlement européen et les actes délégués: De la conquête d’un pouvoir à son exercice = The European Parliament and the delegated acts: From the conquest of power to its exercise. Brugges Political Research Paper No. 34, February 2014. [Policy Paper]

Brack, Nathalie and Costa, Olivier and Dri, Clarissa (2015) Le Parlement européen à la recherche de l’efficacité législative: Une analyse des évolutions de son organisation = The European Parliament seeking legislative efficiency: An analysis of the changes in its organization. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 39, January 2015. [Policy Paper]

Bradanini, Davide. (2009) The Rise of the Competitiveness Discourse- A Neo-Gramscian Analysis. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 19, December 2009. [Policy Paper]

Brattberg, Erik and Rhinard, Mark (2012) The EU and US as International Actors in Disaster Relief. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 22, January 2012. [Policy Paper]

Buonanno, Laurie and Nugent, Neill (2011) Explaining the EU's Policy Portfolio: Applying a Federal Integration Approach to EU Cohesion Policy. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 20, December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Carcy, Loïc (2021) The new EU screening mechanism for foreign direct investments - When the EU takes back control. Bruges Political Research Papers 84/2021. [Policy Paper]

Caudron, Martin. (2010) Galileo: Le Partenariat Public-Prive a l'Epreuve du "Juste Retour". = The public-private partnership (PPP) put to the test of "fair return". Bruges Political Research Papers No. 11, February 2010. [Policy Paper]

Cazenave, Emilie (2015) Eurodéputé: «Seconde chance» ou «Tremplin» – Comparaisons des trajectoires politiques de candidats PSE et PPE aux élections européennes de 2014 en France et en Suède. = MEP: "Second Chance" or "Jump" - comparisons of PSE candidates and political trajectories EPP in European elections 2014 in France and Sweden. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 40, February 2015. [Policy Paper]

Cenciarelli, Althea (2017) Norms and interests in the Caspian region: bridging the division between ENP and EUCAS. Bruges Political Research Papers 58/2017. [Policy Paper]

Chang, Michele and De Souza, Eric and Gstohl, Sieglinde and Hanf, Dominik. (2007) Papers prepared for the Colloquium "Working for Europe: Perspectives on the EU 50 Years after the Treaties of Rome." Chambre belge des representants Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers 9 March 2007. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 4, June 2007. [Policy Paper]

Chelyadina, Inga (2019) Harmonization of Corporate Tax Base in the EU: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Bruges Political Research Papers 76/2019. [Policy Paper]

Constant, Sophie (2018) Permettre les synergies entre les Fonds structurels et d’investissement européens et Horizon 2020 Le positionnement des régions françaises = Allow synergies between the European Structural and Investment Funds and Horizon 2020 The positioning of French regions. Bruges Political Research Papers 68/2018. [Policy Paper]

Corruble, Clarisse (2021) Overtourism and the Policy Agenda: From Destinations to the European Union - Balancing Growth and Sustainability. Bruges Political Research Papers 83/2021. [Policy Paper]

Crisan, Adina. (2008) La Russie dans le nouveau Grand Jeu energetique en Mer Noire: Nabucco et South Stream ou "Tart du Kuzushi". = Russia in the new great energy game in the Black Sea: Nabucco and the South Stream or "Tart du Kuzushi". Bruges Political Research Papers No. 9. 10/2008. [Policy Paper]

Cruce, Fredrika (2011) How did we end up with this deal? Examining the role of environmental NGOs in EU climate policymaking. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 19, June 2011. [Policy Paper]

Cuesta-López, Víctor and Garcia, Louis Bouza and Szeligowska, Dorota and Mincheva, Elitsa (2012) Papers prepared for the European Citizens' Initiative - a first assessment organised by the European General Studies' Programme of the College of Europe, Bruges, 25 January 2011. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 24, February 2012. [Policy Paper]

Dehestru, Camille (2013) Industries and Citizens’ Groups Networks in EU Food Policy: The Emergence of ‘Unholy Alliances’ in Multilevel Governance? Brugges Political Research Paper No. 30, September 2013. [Policy Paper]

Didier, Anne-Celine (2010) The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): A New Way for Promoting Innovation in Europe? Bruges Political Research Papers No. 13, May 2010. [Policy Paper]

Dreger, Jonas. (2008) The Influence of Environmental NGOs on the Design of the Emissions Trading Scheme of the EU: An Application of the Advocacy Coalition Framework. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 8 09/2008. [Policy Paper]

Engel, Filip. (2007) Analyzing Policy Learning in European Union Policy Formulation: The Advocacy Coalition Framework Meets New-Institutional Theory. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 5. November 2007. [Policy Paper]

Freed, David (2013) Do Institutional Changes Make a Difference? A veto player analysis of how institutional changes in the Council of the EU influence legislative efficiency and outputs. Brugges Political Research Paper No. 31, October 2013. [Policy Paper]

Garelli, Serena (2012) The European Union's promotion of regional economic integration in Southeast Asia: Norms, markets or both? Bruges Political Research Paper No. 25/May 2012. [Policy Paper]

Göbel, Benedict J.A. (2016) The Israeli lobby for Research and Innovation in the European Union. An example of efficient cooperation in the European Neighbourhood? Bruges Political Research Papers 49/2015. [Policy Paper]

Hasa, Taulant (2019) From normative to tangible governance: Time to change strategy of the EU enlargement process towards Western Balkans. Bruges Political Research Papers 74/2019. [Policy Paper]

Hine, Robert (2017) Sink or Swim? UK Trade Arrangements after Brexit. Bruges Political Research Papers 57/2017. [Policy Paper]

Jacques, Patrick (2016) Great hatred, little room Northern Ireland and the European Union: Attitudes, perspectives and the role of religion. Bruges Political Research Papers 48/2015. [Policy Paper]

Jessen, Erik (2017) European Diplomacy in the Iran Nuclear Negotiations: What Impact Did It Have? Bruges Political Research Papers 61/2017. [Policy Paper]

Kaeding, Michael (2017) Overriding the European Commission’s rulemaking? Practical experience in the European Union with post-Lisbon legislative vetoes with quasi-legislative acts. Bruges Political Research Papers 64 / 2017. [Policy Paper]

Kellner, Tobias (2016) Going beyond pure economics: The EU’s strategic motivation to negotiate the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Bruges Political Research Papers 51/2016. [Policy Paper]

Kostera, Thomas. (2008) Europeanizing Healthcare: Cross-border Patient Mobility and Its Consequences for the German and Danish Healthcare Systems. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 7, May 2008. [Policy Paper]

Koush, Alesia (2011) Fight against the Illegal Antiquities' Traffic in the EU: Bridging the Legislative Gaps. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 21, December 2011. [Policy Paper]

Körfer, Aileen (2014) Politicising the Union? The Influence of ‘Leading Candidates’ for the Commission Presidency. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 36, October 2014. [Policy Paper]

Leahy, Pablo Gómez (2015) The Interregional Association Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur: Is the Timing Right? Bruges Political Research Papers 46/2015. [Policy Paper]

Lorenzo Donatelli, Lorenzo (2015) A Pan-European District for the European Elections? The Rise and Fall of the Duff Proposal for the Electoral Reform of the European Parliament. Bruges Political Research Papers 44/2015. [Policy Paper]

Mahncke, Dieter (2016) What’s wrong with the European Union? And what can be done? Bruges Political Research Papers 54/2016. [Policy Paper]

Marié, Awenig (2019) European Parliament: Is the grand coalition really a thing of the past? Bruges Political Research Papers 75/2019. [Policy Paper]

Mattmann, Adrian (2017) Investments of the European Investment Bank in European Neighbourhood Policy Countries and in Turkey Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis, the Arab Spring and the Conflict in Ukraine. Bruges Political Research Papers 65 / 2017. [Policy Paper]

Mehler, Lucas (2018) ‘Le Bon, la Douce Brute et le Gentil Truand’: le traitement médiatique de l’Union européenne par le Monde, le Figaro et la Libération pendant la campagne présidentielle française = 'The Good, the Sweet Brute and the Gentle Truand': the media treatment of the European Union by the World, Figaro and Liberation during the French presidential campaign. Bruges Political Research Papers 70/2018. [Policy Paper]

Meynet, Guillaume (2014) Analyser l’influence du syndicalisme agricole majoritaire: quelle utilité pour le modèle néo-corporatiste? Etude de cas à partir du «mini-paquet lait» = Analyze the influence of the majority agricultural trade unionism: what use to the neo-corporatist model? Case study from the "mini-milk package". Bruges Political Research Paper No. 35, August 2014. [Policy Paper]

Mgaloblishvili, Anastasia (2020) The Overlooked Actors in the EU Studies: Examining the Strategies and Objectives of Religious Actors in the European Union. Bruges Political Research Papers 81/2020. [Policy Paper]

Missiroli, Antonio and Lonardo, Luigi (2020) The evolution of enhanced cooperation in the EU: from EnCo to PeSCo (2009-2019). Bruges Political Research Paper 80/2020. [Policy Paper]

Missiroli, Antonio. (2010) Implementing the Lisbon Treaty: The External Policy Dimension. Bruges Political Research Paper No.14, May 2010. [Policy Paper]

Moulonguet, Matthieu (2016) What drives the European Parliament? The Case of the General Data Protection Regulation. Bruges Political Research Papers 47/2015. [Policy Paper]

Mäenpää , Crispin (2016) Something Worth Fighting For: The Evolution of Lobbying Coalitions in the Emissions Trading System. Bruges Political Research Papers 50/2015. [Policy Paper]

Nahr, Hendrik (2018) Reaching out beyond Brussels? The impact of European online consultations on the coordination within multi-level civil society organisations. Bruges Political Research Papers 71/2018. [Policy Paper]

Nayberg, Judith (2020) Opening the window for merger policy: What drives a reform? Bruges Political Research Papers 82/2020. [Policy Paper]

Osteikoetxea, Eguzki (2013) EU Trade Actors after Lisbon: Enhanced Negotiations or Business as Usual? Brugges Political Research Paper No. 32, November 2013. [Policy Paper]

Perier, Alexis (2014) Le quatrième paquet ferroviaire: l’impossible libéralisation? = The fourth railway package: the impossible liberalization? Brugges Political Research Paper No. 33, January 2014. [Policy Paper]

Perilli , Andrea (2017) Erasmus student or EU ambassador? People-to-people contact in the European Neighbourhood policy: the cases of Georgia, Ukraine and Tunisia. Bruges Political Research Papers 59/2017. [Policy Paper]

Pierret, Laura (2019) The political use of the term “moral hazard”: evidence from policymakers of the Eurozone. Bruges Political Research Papers 78/November/2019. [Policy Paper]

Pinzari, Doina (2015) EU democratization policies in the Neighbourhood countries and Russia’s reaction as a destabilizing factor. A comparative case study of Georgia and Moldova. Bruges Political Research Papers 45/2015. [Policy Paper]

Podagelyte, Violeta (2010) Democracy beyond the Rhetoric and the Emergence of the "EU Prince": The Case of EU-Ukrainian Relations. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 17, December 2010. [Policy Paper]

Pollack, Mark. (2007) Principal-Agent Analysis and International Delegation: Red Herrings, Theoretical Clarifications, and Empirical Disputes. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 2, February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Pouliquen, Carole (2013) Le cadre européen de protection des données personnelles en matière pénale. Dimensions interne et externe = The European framework for the protection of personal data in criminal matters. Internal and external dimensions. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 29, May 2013. [Policy Paper]

Regling, Klaus (2017) Deepening EMU: Ambition and Realism. Bruges Political Research Papers 63 / 2017. [Policy Paper]

Reynders, Didier. (2011) Vers une nouvelle "gouvernance economique"? Bruge Political Research Paper No. 18, 2011/04, April 2011. [Policy Paper]

Reynolds, Christopher. (2006) All together now? The governance of military capability reform in the ESDP. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 1, 10/2006. [Policy Paper]

Rousselin, Mathieu (2008) Le Multilatéralisme en Question: Le Programme de Doha pour le Développement et la Crise du Système Commercial Mulitlatéral = The question of multilateralism: the Doha program for development and the crisis of the Multilateral Trade System. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 6, January, 2007. [Policy Paper]

Rynck, Stefaan De (2014) Changing Banking Supervision in the Eurozone: the ECB as a Policy Entrepreneur. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 38, December 2014. [Policy Paper]

Saint-Genis, Camille (2017) A new instrument for a better implementation of thse European Union environmental law: the Environmental Implementation Review. Bruges Political Research Papers 62/2017. [Policy Paper]

Salines, Marion. (2010) Success Factors of Macro-Regional Cooperation: the Example of the Baltic Sea Region. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 12, March 2010. [Policy Paper]

Sanjurjo Hanck, Pedro León (2018) A purposeful opportunist? The Juncker Commission and EMU reform. Bruges Political Research Papers 72/2018. [Policy Paper]

Schefer, Gauthier (2019) Post-Cotonou and the EU-African relationship A green light for a renewed cooperation? Bruges Political Research Papers 77/2019. [Policy Paper]

Schwartz, Michail (2018) The European Parliament’s Standing Committees: Patterns of Behaviour and Modes of Functioning After the Treaty of Lisbon. Bruges Political Research Papers 69/2018. [Policy Paper]

Sefcovic, Maros. (2010) From institutional consolidation to policy delivery. Speech delivered on the occasion of the 40th annual meeting of the University Association of Contemporary European Studies, hosted by the College of Europe. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 16, September 2010. [Policy Paper]

Trobbiani, Riccardo (2016) European regions in Brussels: towards functional interest representation? Bruges Political Research Papers 53/2016. [Policy Paper]

Vandenbussche, Thijs (2017) For my next trick I’ll need a volunteer: The role of ENGOs in integrating environmental concerns in the European biofuel policy through the European Parliament. Bruges Political Research Papers 55/2017. [Policy Paper]

Vanheuverzwijn, Pierre (2014) Promoting the agenda for a social Economic and Monetary Union: Attention, credibility and coalition-building. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 37, November 2014. [Policy Paper]

Ville, Ferdi De and Berckvens, Dieter (2015) What do Eurozone academics think about EMU reform? On broad support and German exceptionalism. Bruges Political Research Papers 41/2015. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2016) The Antecedents, Origins and Creation of the European Economic and Social Committee. Bruges Political Research Papers 52/2016. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2017) Asymmetrical institutional responses to civil society clauses in EU international agreements: pragmatic flexibility or inadvertent inconsistency? Bruges Political Research Papers 66 / 2017. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2017) Possible Future European Union Party-Political Systems. Bruges Political Research Papers 60/2017. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2017) The inevitability of gradualness: the longer-term origins of the 23 June 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum. Bruges Political Research Papers 56/2017. [Policy Paper]

Westlake, Martin (2019) The more (European integration) there is, the more (Euroscepticism) there is: Euroscepticism as reactive identity formation and the importance of opposition. Where might the EU institutions go from here? Bruges Political Research Papers 73/2019. [Policy Paper]

Zalewska, Marta and Gstrein, Oskar (2013) National Parliaments and their Role in European Integration: The EU’s Democratic Deficit in Times of Economic Hardship and Political Insecurity. Bruges Political Research Paper 28/2013. [Policy Paper]

de Lichtervelde, Isabelle (2012) La défense des droits de l‟homme en Chine: Le parlement européen est-il la voix normative de l‟union européenne? = Defense of human rights in China: is the European Parliament the normative voice for the European Union? Bruges Political Research Papers No. 23, January 2012. [Policy Paper]

van Veen, Erwin. (2007) The Valuable Tool of Sovereignty: Its Use in Situations of Competition and Interdependence. Bruges Political Research Papers No. 3. 03/2007. [Policy Paper]

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