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Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > Treaty reform > Constitution for Europe"

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Abels, Gabriele. and Oesterle, Frieder (2014) Von Krokodilen, Hebammen und großen Männern: Spinellis Erben und ihr Plädoyer für ein föderalistisches und post-nationales Europa = About crocodiles, midwives and big men: Spinelli's beneficiaries and their plea for a federal and post-national Europe. taif 8, 2014. [Working Paper]

Ade, Florian. (2005) "Decision Making in Europe: Were Spain and Poland Right to Stop the Constitution in December 2003?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Allen, David. (2005) "Who will speak for Europe once the Constitutional Treaty is ratified?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Amado, Diana and Buchmann, Tobias and Colella, Aurore and Deyanova, Lili and Dienhart, Michaela and Dojcinova, Hristina and Flamm, Laura and Gulbinowicz, Ewelina and Soo-Yeon Jin, Laura and Judge, Niall and Konigs, Claus and Lafitte, Elodie and Muller, Anke and Niemann, Anna and Ozgur, Deniz and Prata, Cristina-Gabriela and Richter, Robert and Roese, Claudia and Rothfuss, Annette and Schroder, Sonja Ana Luise and Speciale, Fabio and Stanojevic, Milos and Staszkiewicz, Maria Zofia and Tosevski, Filip and Trias, Ana and Tunick, Meredith Catherine and Varavkin, Vladimir (2008) Recovering from the constitutional failure. An analysis of the EU reflection period. ZEI Discussion Paper C182 2008. [Discussion Paper]

Apap, Joanna (2004) Towards Closer Relationships: Requirements for More Effective JHA Cooperation in an Enlarged EU. CEPS Working Documents No. 211, 1 October 2004. [Working Paper]

Authors, None. (2003) Der Verfassungsentwurf des EU-Konvents. Bewertung der Strukturentscheidungen = The Draft Constitution by the EU Convention: Evaluation of the Structural Decisions. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2003, C124. [Discussion Paper]

Authors, Numerous. (2006) The European Constitution and its Ratification Crisis. Constitutional Debates in the EU Member States. ZEI Discussion Papers C. 156, 2006. [Discussion Paper]


Baldwin, Richard and Widgren, Mika (2004) Council Voting in the Constitutional Treaty: Devil in the Details. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 53, 1 July 2004. [Policy Paper]

Baldwin, Richard and Widgren, Mika. (2003) Decision-Making and the Constitutional Treaty: Will the IGC discard Giscard? CEPS Policy Brief No. 37, August 2003. [Policy Paper]

Baldwin, Richard and Widgren, Mika. (2003) The Draft Constitutional Treaty’s Voting Reform Dilemma. CEPS Policy Brief No. 44, November 2003 (With Postscript of 7 December 2003). [Policy Paper]

Baldwin, Richard and Widgrén, Mika. (2005) The Impact of Turkey's Membership on EU Voting. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 62, 1 February 2005. [Policy Paper]

Baldwin, Richard E. (2006) Trail to Failure: History of the Constitutional Rejection and Implications for the Future. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 104, 23 May 2006. [Policy Paper]

Baldwin, Richard. (2005) Plan B. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 74, 1 June 2005. [Policy Paper]

Beach, Derek (2003) "Towards a new method of constitutional bargaining? The role and impact of EU institutions in the IGC and convention method of treaty reform". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Bertoli-Chappelart, Véronique and Arnaud, Stéphane. (2004) Mutations de l’organisation juridictionnelle liées à l’élargissement: entre efficacité et perfectibilité = Transformations of judicial organizations linked to enlargement: between effectiveness and perfection. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 25-29.

Bertrand, Matthieu, and Popovic, Ðorde, and Prešova, Denis. (2007) Reconstructing Europe:Two Alternative Proposals for a European Constitution. ZEI Discussion Paper, No. 171. [Discussion Paper]

Best, Edward and Vanhoonacker, Sophie (2002) The European Union after Laeken: a Convention, a Constitution, a Consensus? EIPAScope, 2002 (1). pp. 1-5.

Best, Edward. (2004) The EU Institutions between Enlargement and the Constitution. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 2-7.

Best, Edward. (2005) In Search of the Lost Constitution: The EU between Direct Democracy and the Permissive Consensus. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 5-13.

Best, Edward. (2004) What is Really at Stake in the Debate over Votes? EIPAScope, 2004 (1). pp. 14-23.

Beyer, Malte. (2005) Making Abbé Sieyès and Jürgen Habermas Meet: Constitution-Making in the Supranational Setting. EIPA Working Paper 2005/W/03. [Working Paper]

Bickerton, Chris and Boening, Astrid and e Cunha, Paulo de Pitta and Dehousse, Renaud and Domínguez, Roberto and de Vidales, Covadonga Ferrer Martín and Kanner, Aimee. and Kreidman, Adam and Langenhove, Luk Van and Laursen, Finn. and Lorca, Francisco J. and Lorca-Susino, María and Marchesi, Daniele and Roy, Joaquin. and Morais, Luís Silva and Schmidt, Vivien A. and Ziller, Jacques (2009) Lisbon Fado: The European Union under Reform. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1-59388-164-9


Calapod, Andrei and Matei, Ani (2015) The EU’s Decision-Making Process Changes in the Constitutive Treaties. European Integration - Realities and Perspectives. Proceedings. pp. 184-191. ISSN 2067-9211

Cameron, Fraser and Primatarova, Antoinette. (2003) Enlargement, CFSP and the Convention; The Role of the Accession States. EPIN Working Paper No. 5, June 2003. [Working Paper]

Carrera, Sergio, and Geyer, Florian. (2007) The Reform Treaty and Justice and Home Affairs - Implications for the common Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. CEPS Policy Brief No. 141, 17 August 2007. [Policy Paper]

Chang, Michele and De Souza, Eric and Gstöhl, Sieglinde and Hanf, Dominik (2007) Papers prepared for the Colloquium "Working for Europe: Perspectives on the EU 50 Years after the Treaties of Rome". [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

Chanona, Alejandro. (2004) Consensus and Dissensus over the European Constitution: Security as the Pivotal Point of the Accords. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 4, April 2004. [Working Paper]

Christiansen, Thomas and Lintner, Pamela. (2005) The Committee of the Regions after 10 Years: Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the Future. EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 7-13.

Christiansen, Thomas. (2008) The EU Treaty Reform Process since 2000: The Highs and Lows of Constitutionalising the European Union. EIPAScope, 2008 (1). pp. 1-6.

Cremona, Marise. (1999) “Flexible Models: External Policy and the European Economic Constitution”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Crum, Ben, and Hollander, Saskia, and Van Kessel, Stijn. (2007) "Why there is (also) No Domestic Public Opinion on Europe: Three Case-Studies from The Netherlands". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Crum, Ben. (2007) Connecting National and Supranational Democracy: Lessons from the Making of the EU Constitutional Treaty. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia. (2006) A Europe of Projects without a Plan? CEPS Commentaries, June 2006. [Policy Paper]

De Schoutheete, Philippe. (2006) L'Avenir du Traité Constitutionnel = The Future of the Constitutional Treaty. Egmont European Affairs Publication, 2006. [Working Paper]

Devuyst, Youri. (2004) EU Decision-making after the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. European Policy Papers #9, July 2004. [Policy Paper]

Duke, Simon. (2005) The Constitutional Debacle and External Relations. EIPAScope, 2005 (2). pp. 15-18.

Duke, Simon. (2003) The Convention, the draft constitution and external relations: Effects and Implications for the EU and its International Role. EIPA Working Paper 03/W/02. [Working Paper]

Duke, Simon. (2004) Innovation in External Action and the Constitution for Europe. EIPAScope, 2004 (3). pp. 30-37.

de Schoutheete, Philippe (2006) The Fate of constitutional Treaty. Egmont Commentary, 24 May 2006. [Policy Paper]

de Schoutheete, Philippe. (2006) Scenarios for escaping the constitutional impasse. Egmont European Affairs Publication, Summer 2006. [Policy Paper]

de Vreese, Claes H. (2004) Why European Citizens Will Reject the EU Constitution. CES Working paper, no. 116, 2004. [Working Paper]


Emerson, Michael, and Aydin, Senem, and De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia, and Noutcheva, Gergana. (2006) Just What is this 'absorption capacity' of the European Union? CEPS Policy Brief, No. 113, 6 October 2006. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael. (2003) The Shaping of a Policy Framework for the Wider Europe. CEPS Policy Brief No. 39, September 2003. [Policy Paper]

Emerson, Michael. (2005) What values for Europe? The Ten Commandments. CEPS Policy Briefs No.65, 1 February 2005. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2007) spotlight europe 2007/02, June 2007: Withdrawal or Creation of a New Union – A Way Out of the EU's Constitutional Dilemma? [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2007) spotlight europe juin 2007/02: Austritt oder Neugründung – (Irr-)Wege aus Europas Verfassungsdilemma? = spotlight europe June 2007/02: Withdrawal or Creation of a New Union - A Way Out of the EU's Constitutional Dilemma? [Policy Paper]

Estévez, José B. Acosta. (2004) El derecho internacional, el derecho comunitario europeo y el proyecto de constitución europea. = International law, European Community law and the draft European constitution. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 3, April 2004. [Working Paper]


Flynn, Brendan. (2005) Reformed Subsidiarity in the Constitution for Europe: Can it deliver on expectations? EIPA Working Paper 07/W/2005. [Working Paper]

Forbes, Arthur. (2005) What Does Business Think of the EU Constitution? EIPA Working Paper 06/W/2005. [Working Paper]

Fossum, John Erik and Menéndez, Agustín José. (2005) The Draft Constitutional Treaty: Between Problem-Solving Treaty and Rights-Based Constitution. EIPA Working Paper 04/W/2005. [Working Paper]


Galinsoga, Albert. (2005) La naturaleza jurídica de la Unión Europea en el Proyecto de Tratado que instituye una Constitución para Europa. = The legal nature of the European Union on the Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 2 February 2005. [Working Paper]

Geiger, Rudolf. (2005) EU Constitutionalism and the German Basic Law. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 1A, January 2005. [Working Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano. (2004) Diritti e politiche sociali nella "crisi" europea = Social Law and Social Policy in the European "Crisis". WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 17/2004. [Working Paper]

Giubboni, Stefano. (2005) Social Rights under the European Constitution: Comparing Ideal-typical Models of European Federalism. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 29/2005. [Working Paper]

Grant, Charles and Gedmin, Jeffrey and Bordachev, Timofei V. (2006) Strategic Implications of the EU Crisis. CEPS ESF Working Papers No. 21, 1 February 2006. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Kurpas, Sebastian and Widgren, Mika. (2007) Weighting votes in the Council: Towards a 'Warsaw compromise'? CEPS Commentaries, 20 June 2007. [Policy Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Micossi, Stefano. (2007) The new deal, a good deal? CEPS Commentaries, 25 June 2007. [Policy Paper]

Grosskopf, Anke. (2007) Why 'non' and 'nee' to the EU Constitution? Reconsidering the Shock of the Dutch and French Referenda. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Guild, Elpeth and Carrera, Sergio. (2005) No Constitutional Treaty? Implications for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. CEPS Working Documents No. 231, 1 October 2005. [Working Paper]

Gómez-Reino, Santiago. (2002) La actualidad del pensamiento de Robert Schuman en el contexto de la Convención sobre el futuro de Europa. = The currency of the thought of Robert Schuman in the context of the Convention on the Future of Europe. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2002. [Working Paper]


Hakannson, Carlos. (2004) La evolución y elementos de constitucionalidad de la Unión Europea. = The evolution and elements of the constitutionality of the European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 5, April 2004. [Working Paper]

Hanf, Dominik (2003) Talking with the “pouvoir constituant” in times of constitutional reform: The European Court of Justice on Private Applicants’ Access to Justice. Research Paper in Law 3/2003. UNSPECIFIED.

Harmsen, Robert. (2007) "Reframing a National Narrative of European Integration: The Shifting Contours of the Dutch European Debate". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Heusgen, Christoph, and Gowan, Richard, and Haine, Jean-Yves, and Biscop, Sven, and Homan, Kees. (2005) Audit of European Strategy. Egmont Paper, no. 3, January 2005. [Policy Paper]

Hierlemann, Dominik and Seeger, Sarah (2007) spotlight europe 2007/03, June 2007: Who wants what and why? FAQs about the EU Constitutional Summit. [Policy Paper]

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2004) The Flexibility of Constitutional Design. Enlargement and the Council of the European Union. IHS Political Science Series: No. 97, June 2004. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Kirsty. (2003) A Dynamic and Democratic EU or Muddling through Again? Assessing the EU’s Draft Constitution. EPIN Working Paper No. 8, July 2003. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Kirsty. (2002) The Future of Europe Convention: Travelling Hopefully? EPIN Working Paper No. 1, June 2002. [Working Paper]

Hurrelmann, Achim. (2007) "Constructions of Multilevel Legitimacy in the European Union: A Study of German and British Media Discourse". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


Iral, Hubert. (2004) Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Normalzustand und Legitimationsfragen. Die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament 2004 vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Erweiterung und des Verfassungsgebungsprozesses. = The tension between normality and legitimacy questions. The elections to the European Parliament in 2004 against the background of EU enlargement and the constitutional process. ZEI Discussion Paper C. 139, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Iral, Hubert. (2004) Wartesaal oder Intensivstation? Zur Lage der EU nach der gescheiterten Regierungskonferenz = Waiting-room or Intensive Care? The Condition of the EU after the wrecked intergovernmental conference. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 133. [Discussion Paper]


Jacobs, Francis. (2007) "Moving on without the Constitution". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


Kelemen, R. Daniel. (2007) "Built to Last? The Durability of EU Federalism". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kiljunen, Kimmo (2004) The European Constitution in the Making. CEPS Paperback. May 2004. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290794933

Kreidman, Adam. (2008) Correcting Past Mistakes: The Failure of the European Constitution and Its Resurrection as the Lisbon Treaty. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5, No. 12 May 2008. [Working Paper]

Král, David and Brinar, Irena and Almer, Josefin. (2003) The Position of Small Countries towards Institutional Reform: From tyranny of the small to directoire of the big? EPIN Working Paper No. 6, November 2003. [Working Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian (2005) What Could be Saved from the European Constitution if Ratification Fails? The Problems with a ‘Plan B’. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 70, 1 May 2005. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian and Incerti, Marco and Schönlau, Justus and De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia. (2005) Update on the Ratification Debates: What Prospects for the European Constitutional Treaty? Results of and EPIN Survey of National Experts. CEPS EPIN Working Papers No. 13, 1 May 2005. [Working Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian and Incerti, Marco and Schönlau, Justus. (2005) What Prospects for the European Constitutional Treaty? – Monitoring the Ratification Debates. Results of an EPIN survey of national experts. CEPS EPIN Working Papers No. 12, 1 January 2005. [Working Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian and Meyer, Christoph and Gialoglou, Kyriakos (2004) After the EU Elections, Before the Constitution Referenda, Can the EU Communicate Better? CEPS Policy Briefs No. 55, 1 July 2004. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian and Ricard-Nihoul, Gaëtane and Torreblanca, José I. and Keohane, Daniel and Koopmann, Martin and Langdal, Fredrik and Crum, Ben and Incerti, Marco and Schönlau, Justus and De Clerck-Sachsse, Julia and de Klauman, Anna and Vestergaard, Anne Mette and Kràl, David. (2005) A Citizens Compact: Reaching out to the Citizens of Europe. CEPS EPIN Working Papers No. 14, 1 September 2005. [Working Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian and Schönlau, Justus. (2006) Deadlock avoided, but sense of mission lost? The Enlarged EU and its Uncertain Constitution. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 92, 1 February 2006. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian, and Micossi, Stefano. (2007) Will the European Council end the institutional deadlock in the EU? The Narrow Trail to an Agreement. CEPS Policy Brief, No. 130, 25 May 2007. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian. (2005) Should ratification proceed? An Assessment of Different Options after the Failed Referenda. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 75, 1 June 2005. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastian. (2007) The Treaty of Lisbon - How much 'Constitution' is left? An Overview of the Main Changes. CEPS Policy Brief No. 147, 11 December 2007. [Policy Paper]

Kurpas, Sebastien, and Riecke, Henning. (2007) "Is Europe Back on Track? Impetus from the German EU Presidency." CEPS Working Document No. 273, July 2007. [Working Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger (2001) Towards Europe 2007. Identity, Institution-Building and the Constitution of Europe. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 85. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2004) From National Identity to European Constitutionalism-European Integration: The first fifty years. ZEI Discussion Paper C 141, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Kühnhardt, Ludger. (2004) The Global Proliferation of Regional Integration. European Experience and Worldwide Trends. ZEI Discussion Paper C 136, 2004. [Discussion Paper]


Laurent, Eloi, and Le Cacheux, Jacques. (2006) Integrity and Efficiency in the EU: The Case Against the European Economic Constitution. CES Working Paper, no. 130, 2006. [Working Paper]

Laursen, Finn. (2005) "Denmark and the Constitutional Treaty: A Difficult Two-Level Game". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Laursen, Finn. (2008) Theory and Practice of Regional Integration. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 8, No. 3 February 2008. [Policy Paper]

Lehmann, Wilhelm and Schunz, Simon. (2005) "Anticipating the European Constitution: Parliamentarization or Re-nationalization?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Lintner, Pamela and Vaccari, Beatrice. (2005) The European Parliament’s Right of Scrutiny over Commission Implementing Acts: A Real Parliamentary Control? EIPAScope, 2005 (1). pp. 15-25.

Lorca, Maria. (2007) The Reform Treaty: Its Impact on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 17 July 2007. [Policy Paper]

Louis, Jean-Victor (2007) The European Union: from External Relations to Foreign Policy? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 2/2007, February 2007. [Working Paper]

Ludlow, Peter and Ross, George and Philippart, Eric and Meunier, Sophie and Nicolaidis, Kalypso and de Burca, Grainne and de Witte, Bruno (2001) Analyzing the Treaty of Nice. [Review Essay]

Luedtke, Adam. (2005) One Market, 25 States, 20 Million Outsiders?: European Union Immigration Policy. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Luzarraga, Francisco Aldecoa. (2003) The First Outcome of the Debate on the Future of Europe: Between Deepening and Revision (2000-2002). Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2003. [Working Paper]


Magnette, Paul and Dinan, Desmond and Dehousse, Renaud. (2003) The Convention on the Future of Europe - Transatlantic Perspectives. [Review Essay]

Magnette, Paul. (2003) Does the process really matter? Some reflections on the “ legitimating effect” of the European Convention. CES Working Paper, no. 102, 2003. [Working Paper]

Martin, Araceli Mangas. (2007) La complejidad internacional del Tratado Constitucional de 2004 y del Tratado de Reforma de 2007. = The complexity of the international Constitutional Treaty of 2004 and the Reform Treaty of 2007. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 16 July 2007. [Policy Paper]

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) The French Rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty: Implications of a National Debate for Europe’s Union. EUMA Papers, Vol. 7 No. 13 May 2007. [Policy Paper]

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2007) Future of the European Union and the European Constitutional Treaty: The Future of the European Union and its Importance for Transatlantic Relations. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 4 February 2007. [Policy Paper]

Mazzucelli, Colette. (2005) The Road Not Taken: Why the Dutch Referendum on the Constitutional Treaty ‘Made All The Difference’ for Europe. EIPA Working Paper 08/W/2005. [Working Paper]

Mutarelli, Matteo Maria. (2007) Il ruolo potenziale dei diritti sociali fondamentali nel Trattato costituzionale dell'Unione Europea. = The potential role of fundamental social rights in the EU Constitutional Treaty. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 54/2007. [Working Paper]


Nickel, Dietmar, and Quille, Gerrard. (2007) In the shadow of the Constitution: adapting to a changing external environment. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Niemann, Arne. (2005) "Conceptualising Common Commercial Policy Treaty revision: explaining dynamics and inertia from the Amsterdam IGC to the Constitutional Treaty". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Niemann, Arne. (2005) "Dynamics and countervailing pressures of visa, asylum and immigration policy Treaty revision: explaining change and inertia from the Amsterdam IGC to the Constitutional Treaty". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Nieto, Carlos Hakansson. (2008) La Teoria Constitucional ante el Derecho Comunitario Europeo. = Constitutional Theory regarding European Community law. EUMA Papers, Vol. 5, No. 4 February 2008. [Working Paper]

Norheim-Martinsen, Per M. (2007) Who Speaks for Europe While We Wait for the EU Foreign Minister? In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


Pagoulatos, George and Blavoukos, Spyros and Bourantonis, Dimitris. (2005) "Continuity and Change in the post-Constitution EU Presidency: A New Actor in Town?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Paterson, Iain. (2007) Voting Power Derives from the Poll Distribution: Shedding Light on Contentious Issues of Weighted Votes and the Constitutional Treaty. ENEPRI Working Paper, No. 50, 6 February 2007. [Working Paper]

Philippart, Eric. (2002) The Convention on the Future of the EU. CEPS Policy Brief No. 11, February 2002. [Policy Paper]

Philippart, Eric. (2003) Optimising the Mechanism for ‘Enhanced Cooperation’ within the EU: Recommendations for the Constitutional Treaty. CEPS Policy Brief No. 33, May 2003. [Policy Paper]

Proksch, Sven-Oliver. (2007) Ideology and the Politics of Constitution Making: The Institutional Organization of the European Convention. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


Rasmussen, Anne and Shackleton, Michael. (2005) The scope for action of European Parliament negotiators in the legislative process: lessons of the past and for the future. In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Reh, Christine and Scholl, Bruno (2005) The Convention on the Future of Europe: Extended Working Group or Constitutional Assembly? Research Papers in Law, 4/2005. UNSPECIFIED.

Rhinard, Mark and Kaeding, Michael. (2005) "The International Bargaining Power of the European Union in ‘Mixed’ Competence Negotiations: The Case of the 2000 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Riley, Alan. (2007) The EU Reform Treaty and the Competition Protocol: Undermining EC Competition Law. CEPS Policy Brief No. 142, 24 September 2007. [Policy Paper]

Roy, Joaquin (2007) Between cherry-picking and salvaging the Titanic: Spain and the rescuing of the essence of the EU Constitution. EUMA Special Paper Vol. 4, July 2007. UNSPECIFIED.

Roy, Joaquin. (2005) "The U.S. perception and attitude towards the "Constitutionalization" of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Ruding, H. Onno. (2008) The European Union 2005-2008: Crisis, impasse or renewed progress? CEPS Commentaries, 16 May 2008. [Policy Paper]


Schaik, Louise van and Egenhofer, Christian. (2003) Reform of the EU Institutions: Implications for the EU’s Performance in Climate Negotiations. CEPS Policy Brief No. 40, September 2003. [Policy Paper]

Schütze, Robert. (2005) Sharpening the Separation of Powers through a Hierarchy of Norms? Reflections on the Draft Constitutional Treaty’s regime for legislative and executive law-making. EIPA Working Paper 2005/W/01. [Working Paper]

Shaw, Jo (2003) What’s in a Convention? Process and substance in the project of European constitution-building. IHS Political Science Series: 2003, No. 89. [Working Paper]

Stavridis, Stelios. (2006) Why the EU´s constitutionalization and parliamentarization are worsening the existing democratic deficit in European foreign and defence policies. JMWP No. 59.06, February 2006. [Working Paper]

Svendsen, Sarah Louise Edske (2007) Awakening of the Sleeping Lion. EUMA Papers, Vol.4 No.2 January 2007. [Policy Paper]


Tabellini, Guido. (2002) The Assignment of Tasks in an Evolving European Union. CEPS Policy Brief No. 10, January 2002. [Policy Paper]

Taggert, Paul and Mény, Yves and de Beus, Jos and Ross, George (2005) The Politics of Bifurcation: The 2005 Referendums in France and the Netherlands. [Review Essay]

Thiel, Markus. (2004) The Constitution and the Citizens – (Not) Much Ado about Nothing. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 7, August 2004. [Working Paper]

Townsend, Adam. (2003) Can the EU Deliver the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? EPIN Working Paper No. 9, September 2003. [Working Paper]

Treib, Oliver. (2004) Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa = The EU Constitutional Treaty and the Future of the Welfare State in Europe. EU-ISS Political Science Series: No. 99, October 2004. [Working Paper]

Tremolanda, Eric (2007) La Apocada Presidencia Alemana en Medio de la Crisis de la Union Europea. = The shy German presidency in the midst of the crisis of the European Union. EUMA Papers, Vol. 4 No. 8 April 2007. [Policy Paper]

Tridimas, Takis (2003) The European Court of Justice and the Draft Constitution: A Supreme Court for the Union? Research Paper in Law 8/2003. UNSPECIFIED.


Ugland, Trygve. (2007) “'Designer' Europeanization: Lessons from Jean Monnet". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)


Vahl, Marius and Grolimund, Nina (2006) Integration without Membership: Switzerland's Bilateral Agreements with the EU. CEPS Paperbacks. March 2006. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9290796162

Vos, Hendrik. (2005) National/Regional Parliaments and EU Decision-Making under the New Constitutional Treaty. EIPA Working Paper 2005/W/02. [Working Paper]

van Schaik, Louise and Egenhofer, Christian. (2005) Improving the Climate: Will the new Constitution strengthen EU performance in international climate negotiations? CEPS Policy Briefs No. 63, 1 February 2005. [Policy Paper]


Wouters, Jan. (2007) The United Nations & the European Union: Partners in Multilateralism. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 4/2007, June 2007. [Working Paper]

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