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January 1969

Baker, Terence J. (1969) An Analysis of Industrial Exports. Quarterly Economic Commentary, January 1969. [Working Paper]


Baker, T.J. and Durkan, J. (1970) Econometric Macro-Model Building in the Irish Context. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, June 1970. [Working Paper]

January 1970

Baker, Terence J. and Durkan, J. (1970) The Updating of Certain Econometric Models. Quarterly Economic Commentary, September 1970. [Working Paper]

January 1973

Geary, Roy C. (1973) Quarterly Non-Agricultural Stock Statistics: A Pilot Inquiry. Quarterly Economic Commentary, January 1973. [Working Paper]

January 1974

Henry, E.W. and Scott, Susan (1974) Estimated Price Increases Due to Higher Costs of Petroleum and Other Imports, as Calculated from a 38-Sector 1968 Input-Output Model. Quarterly Economic Commentary, March 1974. [Working Paper]


Dowling, Brendan R. (1975) Seasonality and Unemployment in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, October 1975. [Working Paper]

Kennedy, Kieran A. and Bruton, R. and Kirwan, F. and Durkan, J. (1975) The Consumer Price Index and Different Household Expenditure Patterns. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, October 1975. [Working Paper]

Neary, Peter and Durkan, J. and Kirwan, F. (1975) The C.1.1.- E.S.R.I. Quarterly and Monthly Surveys of Business Attitudes: Methods and Uses. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, March 1975. [Working Paper]


Tussing, A. Dale and Durkan, J. and Kirwan, F. (1976) The 'CUB' Budget as a Measure of Fiscal Policy. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, January 1976. [Working Paper]

Tussing, A. Dale and Durkan, J. and Kirwan, F. and Keenan, J. G. (1976) Inter-Industry Differences in Male Percentage Unemployment Compensation - A Cross Section Analysis for Irish Manufacturing Industry. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, November 1976. [Working Paper]


Keenan, J. G. and Durkan, J. and McCarthy, Colm (1977) An Econometric Model of Non-Agricultural Stock Changes. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, December 1977. [Working Paper]

Walsh, Brendan M. (1977) Unemployment, Vacancies, and "Full Employment" in the Irish Manufacturing Sector. Quarterly Economic Commentary, June 1977. [Working Paper]

January 1977

McCarthy, Colm (1977) An Econometric Model of Non-Agricultural Stock Changes. Quarterly Economic Commentary, December 1977. [Working Paper]


Ruane, Frances (1979) Project Analysis and Industrial Employment in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, June 1979. [Working Paper]


Durkan, J. and O'Loughlin, B. and Kelleher, R. and McCarthy, Colm (1980) Economic Aspects of the Irish Exchange Control Regime. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, April 1980. [Working Paper]

Durkan, J. and O'Loughlin, Brian (1980) The Building Society Mortgage Market in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, September 1980. [Working Paper]

Kelleher, R. (1980) Recent Trends in Monetary Policy. Quarterly Economic Commentary, January 1980. [Working Paper]

Kenneally, Martin (1980) Recent Trends in Monetary Policy: Some Further Considerations. Quarterly Economic Commentary, September 1980. [Working Paper]

O'Reilly, L. and Gray, A. (1980) Seasonality and Other Components of the Irish Unemployment Series. Quarterly Economic Commentary, April 1980. [Working Paper]


Conway, John (1981) Government Borrowing, Bank Liquidity and Interest Rates. Quarterly Economic Commentary, January 1981. [Working Paper]

Conway, John and Durkan, J. and O'Leary, J. (1981) Government Borrowing, Bank Liquidity and Interest Rates. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, September 1980. [Working Paper]

O'Leary, J and Bacon, P and Durkan, J. and Scott, S. (1981) Competitiveness Indices for Irish Manufactured Exports. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, July 1981. [Working Paper]


Bacon, P and Durkan, J and O'Leary, J and Scott, S. (1982) Sectoral Changes in the Labour Force over the Period 1961-1980 with Particular Reference to Public Sector and Services Employment. Special Article in Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2015. [Working Paper]

Bacon, P and Durkan, J. and O'Leary, J. and Scott, S. and Norton, Desmond A. G. (1982) Export Tourism Input-Output Multipliers for Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, May 1982. [Working Paper]

Bacon, P and O'Leary, J and Durkan, J. and Scott, S. and Sexton, J.J. (1982) Sectoral Changes in the Labour Force over the Period 1961-1980 with Particular Reference to Public Sector and Services Employment. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, August 1982. [Working Paper]

Keenan, J. G. (1982) Irish Manufacturing Industry - Recent Wage, Price and Productivity Developments. Quarterly Economic Commentary, December 1982. [Working Paper]

Sexton, J.J. and Walsh, Brendan M. and Bacon, P. and Durkan, J. and O'Leary, J. and Scott, S. (1982) A Study of Labour Force Flows 1961-80. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, May 1982. [Working Paper]


Leddin, Anthony and Durkan, J. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. (1983) Private Sector Credit, Policy and Enforcement: 1978-1982. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, May 1983. [Working Paper]

Norton, Desmond A. G. (1983) Export Tourism: Rejoinder to Palmer. Quarterly Economic Commentary, November 1983. [Working Paper]

Palmer, Noel T. and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. and Callan, T. (1983) Export Tourism: Input-Output Multipliers in Ireland - A reply. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, November 1983. [Working Paper]


Baker, T.J. and Callan, T. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. (1984) Quarterly Economic Commentary, January 1984. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Sean D. and Mooney, David and Baker, T.J. and Callan, T. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. (1984) The Naas Motorway Bypass - A Cost Benefit Analysis. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, January 1984. [Working Paper]

Dillon, M. and Baker, T.J. and Callan, T. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. and Sexton, J.J. (1984) Recent Changes in Irish Fertility. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, May 1984. [Working Paper]

Honohan, Patrick and Baker, T.J. and Callan, T. and Scott, S. and Madden, D. (1984) The Evolution of the Rate of Unemployment in Ireland 1962-1983. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, May 1984. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Sean D. and Baker, T.J. and Hayes, L. and Scott, S. (1985) Comment on 'The Value of Cost Benefit Analysis of Road Projects'. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, April 1985. [Working Paper]

Conniffe, Denis and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Hayes, L. (1985) Seasonality in the Business Survey. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, July 1985. [Working Paper]

Mansergh, Nicholas and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Hayes, L. (1985) The Value of Cost Benefit Analysis of Road Projects. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, April 1985. [Working Paper]

Scott, Susan and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Hayes, L. (1985) The Revised CII-ESRI Survey - A Note. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, July 1985. [Working Paper]


Fitz Gerald, John and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Hayes, L. (1987) Making Economic Time-Series Available to Users of Micro-Computers in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, October 1987. [Working Paper]


Massey, Patrick and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Kearney, L.M. (1988) Exchange Rates and Competitiveness. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, October 1988. [Working Paper]


Bradley, John and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Kearney, L.M. and Fitz Gerald, John (1990) Medium-Term Prospects for Ireland: An Update. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, April 1990. [Working Paper]


Wren, Anne and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. (1991) Assessment of QEC Forecasts, 1984-90. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 1991. [Working Paper]


Honohan, Patrick (1992) The Link between Irish and UK Unemployment. Special Article in Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 1992. [Working Paper]


Baker, T. J. and Scott, S. and Cantillon, S. (1993) Assessment of QEC Forecasts, 1984-90. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 1992/3. [Working Paper]

Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. and Cantillon, S. (1993) Manufacturing Output and Employment by Market Area. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 1993. [Working Paper]

Cantillon, S. and Baker, T.J. and Scott, S. (1993) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 1992/3. [Working Paper]


Baker, T.J. and Duggan, Delma (1995) An Assessment of QEC Forecasts 1984-94. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Autumn 1995. [Working Paper]


Baker, T.J. and Duffy, David and Duggan, Delma (1997) Quarterly Economic Commentary, July 1997. [Working Paper]

Baker, T.J. and Duffy, David and Shortall, F. (1997) Quarterly Economic Commentary, December 1997. [Working Paper]

Baker, T.J. and Duffy, David and Shortall, Fergal (1997) Quarterly Economic Commentary, October 1997. [Working Paper]


Baker, T.J. and Duffy, David and Shortall, Fergal and O'Malley, Eoin (1998) The Revival of Irish Indigenous Industry 1987-1997. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, April 1998. [Working Paper]


Garrett, Shane (2004) Quarterly Economic Commentary, FORECASTING RECORD 1994 TO 2004. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and O'Brien, Martin (2007) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2007 Special Articles Consumption and House Prices in Ireland by Vincent Hogan and Pat O’Sullivan Preserving Electricity Market Efficiency While Closing Ireland’s Capacity Gap by Seán Lyons, John Fitz Gerald, Niamh McCarthy, Laura Malaguzzi Valeri and Richard S.J. Tol Owner-Occupied Housing Costs and Bias in the Irish Consumer Price Index. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and O'Brien, Martin (2007) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2007 Special Articles On the Likely Extent of Falls in Irish House Prices by Morgan Kelly Valuing Ireland’s Pension System by Shane Whelan. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and O'Brien, Martin (2007) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2007 Special Articles The Earnings of Immigrants in Ireland: Results from the 2005 EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions by Alan Barrett and Yvonne McCarthy Hub Airport Slots, Market Exit and Irish Regional Economic Development by Sean D. Barrett Building for the Future? Interpreting an “Irish” Current Account Deficit by Martin O’Brien Irish Climate Policy for 2012: An Assessment by Richard S.J. Tol. [Working Paper]

Hogan, V. and O'Sullivan, P. (2007) CONSUMPTION AND HOUSE PRICES IN IRELAND, Quarterly Economic Commentary Autumn 2007. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Morgan (2007) ON THE LIKELY EXTENT OF FALLS IN IRISH HOUSE PRICES. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2007. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean and Fitz Gerald, John and McCarthy, Niamh and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Tol, Richard S.J. (2007) PRESERVING ELECTRICITY MARKET EFFICIENCY WHILE CLOSING IRELAND’S CAPACITY GAP. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2007. [Working Paper]

McCarthy, Colm (2007) OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSING COSTS AND BIAS IN THE IRISH CONSUMER PRICE INDEX. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2007. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Shane (2007) VALUING IRELAND’S PENSION SYSTEM. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2007. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Goggin, Jean (2008) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2008 Special Articles An Analysis of the Potential of the European Commission Business and Consumer Surveys for Macroeconomic Forecasting by Jean Goggin An Empirical Analysis of Development Cycles in the Dublin Office Market 1976-2007 by John McCartney. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Goggin, Jean and O'Brien, Martin (2008) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2008. With Special Article An Analysis of Revisions to Growth Rates in the Irish Quarterly National Accounts. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and O'Brien, Martin (2008) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2008 Special Article The Decline of the Computer Hardware Sector: How Ireland Adjusted by Frank Barry and Chris Van Egeraat. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and O'Brien, Martin (2008) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2008. With SPECIAL ARTICLE Ireland’s Innovation Performance: 1991 to 2005. [Working Paper]

Hewitt-Dundas, Nola and Roper, Stephen (2008) Ireland’s Innovation Performance: 1991 to 2005. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2008. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Goggin, Jean and Conefrey, Thomas (2009) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2009. RESEARCH BULLETIN 09/4. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Conefrey, Thomas and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2010) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2010. RESEARCH BULLETIN 10/3. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Conefrey, Thomas and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2010) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2010. RESEARCH BULLETIN 10/4. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Goggin, Jean and Conefrey, Thomas (2010) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2010. RESEARCH BULLETIN 10/1. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kearney, Ide and Goggin, Jean and Conefrey, Thomas (2010) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2010. With SPECIAL ARTICLE Recovery Scenarios for Ireland: An Update. [Working Paper]


Durkan, Joseph and Duffy, David and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2011) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2011. [Working Paper]

Durkan, Joseph and Duffy, David and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2011) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2011. [Working Paper]

Durkan, Joseph and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2011) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2011. [Working Paper]


Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina (2012) What Do We Know About Special Educational Needs? Evidence from Growing Up in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

Casey, Eddie (2012) Unit Labour Costs in Irish Manufacturing. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Casey, Eddie (2012) Trends in Irish Exports. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Durkan, Joseph and Casey, Eddie (2012) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Durkan, Joseph and Casey, Eddie (2012) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Durkan, Joseph and Casey, Eddie and O'Hanlon, Niall (2012) The Savings Rate during the Recession. Quarterly Economic Commentary Research Notes, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Durkan, Joseph and O'Sullivan, Cormac (2012) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2011/Spring 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Durkan, Joseph and Timoney, Kevin and Casey, Eddie (2012) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2012. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John (2012) The Irish Housing Market. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]

Kearney, Ide (2012) Measuring Fiscal Stance 2009-2012. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2012. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2012) The Impact of Recession on Migration: A Preliminary Analysis of Census 2011. Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2012. [Working Paper]


Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John and Timoney, Kevin and Byrne, David (2013) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2013. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John and Timoney, Kevin and Byrne, David (2013) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2013. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Timoney, Kevin (2013) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2013. [Working Paper]


Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John and Byrne, David and Ciara, Morley (2014) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2014. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2014) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2014. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John and Timoney, Kevin and Byrne, David (2014) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2014. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2014) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2014. [Working Paper]


Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Byrne, David and Morley, Ciara (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary Research Notes, Autumn 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Articles, Winter 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2015. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2015) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2015. [Working Paper]


Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2016) The Irish Economy – Forecast Overview and Summary. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 2016. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2016) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2016 SPECIAL ARTICLE Housing and Ireland's Older Population..9 A. Barrett and E. Kelly RESEARCH NOTE Housing Supply and House Price Trends: a County Level Analysis..73 E. Morgenroth. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and McQuinn, Kieran and Morley, Ciara and Foley, Daniel (2016) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2016. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim and Bercholz, Maxime and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire and Regan, Mark and Savage, Michael and Walsh, John R. (2017) DISTRIBUTIONAL IMPACT OF TAX AND WELFARE POLICIES: BUDGET 2018. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, WINTER 2017. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, K. (2017) Irish house prices: Déjà vu all over again? Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, WINTER 2017. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and Foley, Daniel and O'Toole, Conor (2017) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2017. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Economides, Philip and Monteiro, Teresa (2017) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2017. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Economides, Philip and Monteiro, Teresa (2017) Quarterly Economic Commentary, WINTER 2017. [Working Paper]

Redmond, P. and McGuinness, S. and Kelly, E. (2017) Did increasing the state pension age in Ireland affect the retirement rate of 65-year-olds? Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Autumn 2017. [Working Paper]

Redmond, P. and Whelan, A. (2017) Educational Attainment and Skill Utilisation in the Irish Labour Market: An EU Comparison. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, WINTER 2017. [Working Paper]


Doorley, K. and Callan, T. and Regan, M. and Walsh, J.R. (2018) The Tax Treatment of Pension Contributions in Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Summer 2018. [Working Paper]

FitzGerald, J. (2018) National Accounts for a Global Economy: the Case of Ireland. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Summer 2018. [Working Paper]

Gargan, Eric and Lawless, Martina and Martinez-Cillero, Maria and O'Toole, Conor (2018) Exploring SME Investment Patterns in Ireland: New Survey Evidence. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Autumn 2018. [Working Paper]

Lawless, M. and Morgenroth, E. (2018) Brexit and Irish Consumers. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 2018. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Economides, Philip (2018) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2018. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Economides, Philip and Monteiro, Teresa (2018) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2018. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Economides, Philip and Monteiro, Teresa (2018) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2018. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O’Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Economides, Philip (2018) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Winter 2018. [Working Paper]

Roantree, Barra and Bercholz, Maxime and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire and Regan, Mark (2018) Budget 2019. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Winter 2018. [Working Paper]


Bergin, A. and Economides, P. and Garcia-Rodriguez, A. and Murphy, G. (2019) Ireland and Brexit: Modelling the impact of deal and no-deal scenarios. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 2019. [Working Paper]

Fahy, M. and McQuinn, K. and O’Toole, C. and Slaymaker, R. (2019) Exploring the Implications of Monetary Policy Normalisation for Irish Mortgage Arrears. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Spring 2019. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O’Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew (2019) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2019. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O’Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Economides, Philip (2019) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Spring 2019. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and O’Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Economides, Philip (2019) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2019. [Working Paper]

Tovar Reaños, M.A. and Lynch, Muireann (2019) Carbon taxation in Ireland: Distributional effects of revenue recycling policies. Quarterly Economic Commentary Special Article, Summer 2019. [Working Paper]

December 2019

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Coffey, Cathal (2019) Quarterly Economic Commentary Winter 2019. UNSPECIFIED.


McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Coffey, Cathal (2020) Quarterly Economic Commentary Spring 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

May 2020

Brick, Aoife and Walsh, Brendan and Keegan, Conor and Lyons, Seán (2020) COVID-19 and emergency department attendances in Irish public hospitals. ESRI QEC Special Article May 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Coffey, Cathal (2020) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2020. ESRI Forecasting Series May 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

June 2020

FitzGerald, John (2020) Understanding recent trends in the Irish economy. ESRI Series QEC Special Article June 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2020

Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor (2020) Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on the Irish property market: An overview of the issues. ESRI QEC Special Article September 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

Martinez-Cillero, Maria and Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and SMEs revenues in Ireland: What’s the gap? ESRI QEC Special Article September 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2020

McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor and Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Coffey, Cathal (2020) Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2020. ESRI Forecasting Series October 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2020

Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire and McTague, Alyvia and O'Malley, Seamus and Regan, Mark and Roantree, Barra and Tuda, Dora (2020) Distributional impact of tax and welfare policies: COVID-related policies and Budget 2021. ESRI QEC Special Article December 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 14:46:56 2025 EST.