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Callan, Tim and Nolan, Brian (1987) CONCEPTS OF POVERTY AND THE POVERTY LINE. ESRI Working Paper No. 2, June 1987. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian (1987) RESEARCH ON THE EXTENT OF POVERTY IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A SURVEY. ESRI Working Paper No. 1, June 1987. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim and Nolan, Brian (1988) POVERTY AND THE SOCIAL WELFARE SYSTEM IN IRELAND: POLICY IMPLICATIONS. ESRI Working Paper No. 8, October 1988. [Working Paper]

Creighton, Sean (1988) THE COMPOSITION OF THE POOR IN THB REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A SURVEY OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH. ESRI Working Paper No. 5, February 1988. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian (1988) RELATIVE POVERTY LINES: AN APPLICATION TO IRISH DATA FOR 1973 AND 1980. ESRI Working Paper No. 4, February 1988. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Callan, Tim (1988) MEASURING TRENDS IN POVERTY OVER TIME: SOME ROBUST RESULTS FOR IRELAND 1980-87. ESRI Working Paper No. 7, December 1988. [Working Paper]


Blackwell, John and Nolan, Brian (1989) LOW PAY: THE IRISH EXPERIENCE. ESRI Working Paper No. 15, December 1989. [Working Paper]

Callan, Tim and Nolan, Brian (1989) INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL WELFARE REFORMS: MODEL-BASED ESTIMATES OF THE EFFECTS ON HOUSEHOLDS. ESRI Working Paper No. 6, January 1989. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John D. (1989) TAX REFORM AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN THE MEDIUM TERM. ESRI Working Paper No. 11, October 1989. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian (1989) SOCIO-ECONOMIC MORTALITY DIFFERENTIALS IN IRELAND. ESRI Working Paper No. 13, December 1989. [Working Paper]


Nolan, Brian and Callan, Tim (1989) TAXATION, SOCIAL INSURANCE AND POVERTY IN IRELAND. ESRI Working Paper No. 12, October 1989. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Brendan J. (1989) SOURCES OF DATA ON POVERTY IN IRELAND. ESRI Working Paper No. 10, October 1989. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Brendan J. and Nolan, Brian and Callan, Tim (1989) PANEL RESEARCH ON POVERTY IN IRELAND. ESRI Working Paper No. 14, October 1989. [Working Paper]


Layte, Richard and Wiley, Miriam (1990) Equity in the utilization of hospital in-patient services in Ireland: an improved approach to the measurement of health need and differential cost. ESRI working paper no. 19, n.d. [Working Paper]


Breen, Richard and Whelan, Christopher T. and Whelan, Brendan J. (1991) Industrialisation, Class Formation and Social Mobility in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 30, October 1991. [Working Paper]

June 1991

Breen, Richard and Whelan, Christopher T. (1991) Explaining the Irish Pattern of Social Fluidity: The Role of the Political. ESRI Working Paper No. 25, June 1991. [Working Paper]


Breen, Richard and Walken, Christopher T. (1992) Gender and Class Mobility: Evidence from the Republic of Ireland. ESRI WP38. November 1992. [Working Paper]

Breen, Richard and Whelan, Christopher T. (1992) From Ascription to Achievement? Origins, Education and Entry to the Labour Force in the Republic of Ireland during the Twentieth Century. ESRI WP39. November 1992. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian (1992) The Pattern of Inheritance in Ireland: Household Survey Evidence. ESRI Working Paper No. 35, April 1992. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Magee, Hugh (1992) Perinatal Mortality and Low Birthweight by Age, Parity and Socio-Economic Background: Evidence for Ireland. ESRI WP37. November 1992. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim and Nolan, Brian (1994) Evaluating Irish Family Income Support Policy. ESRI WP53. September 1994. [Working Paper]

Honohan, Patrick (1994) Interest Rate Policy in Practice, a Review with Some Implications for the Irish Banking System in the EMS. ESRI WP46. March 1994. [Working Paper]


Bielenberg, Andy and O'Mahony, Patrick (1995) AN EXPENDITURE ESTIMATE OF IRISH GDP (AT MARKET PRICES) IN 1907. ESRI Working Paper No. 64, October 1995. [Working Paper]

Bielenberg, Andy and O'Mahony, Patrick (1995) An Expenditure Estimate of Irish GDP (At Market Prices) in 1907. ESRI WP6. October 1995. [Working Paper]

Cullen, Louis M. (1995) Irish National Income in 1911 and its Context. ESRI Working Paper No. 63, October 1995. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John and Williams, James (1995) Indirect Tax Distortions in a Europe of Shopkeepers. VAT Tax Distortions in Two Sector Model of Integrated Economics. ESRI WP56. January 1995. [Working Paper]

Honohan, Patrick (1995) Measuring European Financial Integration: A review Focusing on Flows and Intermediation in Greece, Ireland and Portugal. ESRI Working Paper No. 60, June 1995. [Working Paper]

O'Connor, R. and Henry, E.W. (1995) Estimates of Gross and Net Output and Income Arising in Agriculture in All Ireland and in the Free State Area in Selected Years Between 1908 and 1926/27. ESRI WP58. April 1995. [Working Paper]

O'Donnell, Nuala and Sheridan, Niamh (1995) Is There a Wage-Curve for Ireland?. ESRI WP61. September 1995. [Working Paper]

O'Reardon, Colm (1995) Conflict, Concertation and Innovation: an Alternative Approach to Irish Social Partnership. ESRI WP57. March 1995. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim and Nolan, Brian and O'Donoghue, Cathal (1996) WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO REPLACEMENT RATES? ESRI Working Paper No. 76, May 1996. [Working Paper]

Cantillon, Sara and Nolan, Brian (1996) Are Married Women More Deprived than Their Husbands? ESRI Working Paper No. 73, February 1996. [Working Paper]

Honohan, Patrick (1996) Methodological Issues in Evaluation of Irish Industrial Policy. ESRI WP69. January 1996. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard and Nolan, Brian (1996) Segmented Labour Markets and Earnings in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 75, April 1996. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Callan, Tim (1996) Improving Work Incentives. ESRI WP79, October 1996. [Working Paper]

van Soest, Arthur and Callan, Tim (1996) Family Labour Supply and Taxes in Ireland. ESRI WP78. October 1996. [Working Paper]


Fitz Gerald, John (1997) The Republic of Ireland After 2000: the Icarus Complex. ESRI WP88. September 1997. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (1997) Through Irish Eyes: The Economic Experience of Independence in Europe. ESRI WP89. October 1997. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian (1997) Collecting and Using Survey Information on Household Assets: Some Lessons from Irish Experience. ESRI WP86. July 1997. [Working Paper]

O'Donoghue, Cathal (1997) Carbon Dioxide, Energy Taxes and Household Income. ESRI WP90. November 1997. [Working Paper]


O'Donoghue, Cathal and Evans, Martin (1998) Recasting Safety Nets: Reforming Social Assistance in Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. ESRI WP98(?). July 1998. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. (1998) Social Mobility in Ireland in the 1990s: Evidence from the 1994 Living in Ireland Survey. ESRI WP99. November 1998. [Working Paper]


Conniffe, Denis and Duffy, David (1999) Irish House Price Indices - Methodological Issues. ESRI WP110. October 1999. [Working Paper]

Conniffe, Denis and Duffy, David (1999) Understanding Ireland’s Economic Success. ESRI WP111. July 1999. [Working Paper]

Conniffe, Denis and Nolan, Brian and Whelan, Christopher T. (1999) Household Composition, Living Standards, and “Needs”. ESRI Working Paper No. 106, 1999. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (1999) Implementing Kyoto. ESRI WP114, July 1999. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John and Johnston, Justin (1999) The Economics of Biomass in Ireland. ESRI WP112. July 1999. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John and Kearney, Ide (1999) MIGRATION AND THE IRISH LABOUR MARKET. ESRI Working Paper No. 113, July 1999. [Working Paper]

Hannan, D.F. and Smyth, E. and McCoy, S. (1999) A Comparative Analysis of Transitions from Education to Work in Europe. ESRI WP118b. August 1999. [Working Paper]

Hannan, D.F. and Smyth, E. and McCoy, S. and Raffe, D. and Biggart, A. and Brannen, K. and Rutjes, H. and Becker, K. and Willems, E. and Wolbers, M. and Mansuy, M. and Werquin, P. and Couppie, T. and Recotillet, I. and Muller, W. and Gangi, M. and Oliveira, L. and Cotrim, A. and Amor, T. and Duarte, T. (1999) A Comparative Analysis of Transitions from Education to Work in Europe. ESRI WP118a, August 1999. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard (1999) Multinational Corporations and Global and International Models of Pension Provision: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 122, October 1999. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard and Nolan, Brian (1999) Competitive and Segmented Labour Markets and Exclusion from Retirement Income. ESRI Working Paper No. 108, June 1999. [Working Paper]

Kearney, Ide (1999) A Note on Estimating Unemployment by Education. ESRI WP103. February 1999. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard (1999) Explaining Material Inequalities in Health: The Importance of Theoretically Based Measures. ESRI WP124(?). January 2000. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Nolan, Brian and Whelan, Christopher T. (1999) Targeting Poverty: Lessons from Monitoring Ireland's National Anti-Poverty Strategy. ESRI WP117. July 1999. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Maitre, Bertrand (1999) The Distribution of Income and Relative Income Poverty in the European Community Household Panel. ESRI Working Paper No. 107, June 1999. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Whelan, Christopher T. (1999) Poverty in Ireland: The Role of 'Underclass' Processes. ESRI WP115. July 1999. [Working Paper]

O'Connell, Philip J. (1999) Are they Working? Market Orientation and the Effectiveness of Active Labour Market Programmes in Ireland. ESRI WP105. June 1999. [Working Paper]

O'Connor, J.F. (1999) The Irish Regions: Review and Medium-Term Forecasts 1996-2005. ESRI WP120. September 1999. [Working Paper]

Scot, Sue (1999) Compilation of Satellite Environment Accounts. ESRI WP116, July 1999. [Working Paper]

Scott, Sue (1999) Water Pricing: Conceptual and Theoretical Issues. ESRI WP121, September 1999. [Working Paper]

Van Egeraat, Chris and O'Malley, Eoin (1999) Porter's Industry Clusters in Irish Indigenous Industry. ESRI WP119. August 1999. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Layte, Richard (1999) Class Transformation, Qualification Inflation and the Persistence of Class: Trends in Social Fluidity in the Republic of Ireland 1973 to 1994. ESRI WP123. November 1999. [Working Paper]


Barrett, Alan and O'Connell, Philip J. (2000) Is there a Wage Premium for Returning Irish Migrants? ESRI WP125. February 2000. [Working Paper]

Conniffe, Denis and Gash, Vanessa and O'Connell, Philip J. (2000) Evaluating programmes: experiments, non-experiments, and propensity score, ESRI working paper no. 126, March 2000. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2000) Energy Demand to 2015. ESRI WP136. December 2000. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2000) Ireland's Failure - and Belated Convergence. WP133. September 2000. [Working Paper]

Gannon, Brenda (2000) Total Factor Productivity Growth in Hospitals in Ireland 1995-1998: A Non-Parametric Approach. ESRI working paper no. 21, n.d. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Maitre, Bertrand and Nolan, Brian and Whelan, Christopher T. (2000) Persistent and Consistent Poverty in the 1994 and 1995 Waves of the European Community Household Panel Study. ESRI WP128. May 2000. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Maitre, Bertrand and Nolan, Brian and Whelan, Christopher T. (2000) Poverty Dynamics: An Analysis of the 1994 and 1995 Waves of the European Community Household Panel Survey. ESRI WP129. July 2000. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Nolan, Brian and Watson, Dorothy and Williams, James and Casey, Barra (2000) Monitoring Poverty Trends: Results from the 1998 Living in Ireland Survey. ESRI WP132. September 2000. [Working Paper]

Russell, Helen and Nolan, Brian (2000) Non-cash Benefits and Poverty in Ireland. ESRI WP130. August 2000. [Working Paper]



Gannon, Brenda (2001) Disability and Labour Force Participation in Ireland 1995-2000. ESRI Working Paper No. 11, n.d. [Working Paper]

Gash, Vanessa and O'Connell, Philip J. (2001) The Effects of Working Time, Segmentation and Labour Market Mobility on Wages and Pensions in Ireland. ESRI WP140. October 2001. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard (2001) The Cost and Distribution of Tax Expenditure on Occupational Pensions in Ireland. ESRI WP139(?). March 2001. [Working Paper]

Hughes, Gerard (2001) PRIVATE PENSIONS AND EQUITY IN IRELAND AND THE U.K. ESRI WP142. October 2001. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Anne and Nolan, Brian (2001) A Panel Data Analysis Of The Utilisation Of GP Services In Ireland: 1995-2001. ESRI Working Paper No. 13, n.d. [Working Paper]



Fitz Gerald, John (2002) The Irish Energy Market – Putting the Consumer First. ESRI WP145. August 2002. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John and Hore, Jonathan and Kearney, Ide (2002) A Model for Forecasting Energy Demand and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Ireland. ESRI WP146. August 2002. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2002) Evaluating Methods for Short to Medium Term County Population Forecasting. ESRI WP143(?). 2002. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar L. W. (2002) Commuting In Ireland: An Analysis of Inter-County Commuting Flows. ESRI WP144(?). April 2002. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Anne and Nolan, Brian (2002) A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Utilisation of GP Services in Ireland: 1987-2001. ESRI Working Paper No. 1. [Working Paper]

O'Connell, Philip J. and Williams, James (2002) The Incidence and Correlates of Workplace Bullying in Ireland. ESRI WP148. 2002. [Working Paper]

Smyth, Diarmaid (2002) Evidence on Tightness in the Irish Labour Market. ESRI WP131. October 2002. [Working Paper]


Bradley, John and Morgenroh, Edgar and Untiedt, Gerhard (2003) Macro-regional evaluation of the Structural Funds using the HERMIN modelling framework. ESRI WP152(?). September 2003. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2003) Energy Policy in Ireland. ESRI WP160. June 2003. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard (2003) Comparing the Impact of Early and Later Life Exposure to Disadvantage on Self-Assessed Health in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 8, n.d. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2003) What Should Policy Makers Learn From Recent Advances in Growth Theory and New Economic Geography? ESRI WP150. September 2003. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Brian and Atkinson, Tony and Marlier, Eric (2003) INDICATORS AND TARGETS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. ESRI WP151(?). 2003. [Working Paper]


Bergin, Adele and Kearney, Ide (2004) Human Capital, the Labour Market and Productivity Growth in Ireland. ESRI WP158. September 2004. [Working Paper]

Casey, Barra (2004) An Economy-Wide Perspective on Earnings Data in Ireland: Methodological Issues and Analysis. ESRI WP156. 2004. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2004) Generation Adequacy in an Island Electricity System. ESRI WP161. October 2004. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2004) Ireland – An Ageing Multicultural Economy. ESRI WP157. August 2004. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2004) Lessons from 20 Years of Cohesion. ESRI WP159. September 2004. [Working Paper]

Gannon, Brenda (2004) “Technical Efficiency of Hospitals in Ireland”. ESRI Working Paper No. 18, November 2004. [Working Paper]

Scott, S. (2004) Research Needs of Sustainable Development. ESRI WP162. November 2004. [Working Paper]

Watson, Dorothy (2004) Living in Ireland Survey – Technical Report and Codebook for Data Users. ESRI WP163. October 2004. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Layte, Richard (2004) ECONOMIC BOOM AND SOCIAL MOBILITY: THE IRISH EXPERIENCE. ESRI WP154. June 2004. [Working Paper]


Layte, Richard and Whelan, Christopher T. (2005) Explaining Social Class Differentials in Smoking: The Role of Education. [Working Paper]

Madden, David and Nolan, Anne and Nolan, Brian (2005) GP Reimbursement And Visiting Behaviour In Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 9, 2005. [Working Paper]


Hamilton, Jacqueline M. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2006) THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON TOURISM IN GERMANY, THE UK AND IRELAND: A SIMULATION STUDY. ESRI WP174, August 2006. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard (2006) An analysis of the impact of age and proximity of death on health care costs in Ireland. ESRI working paper no. 24, n.d. [Working Paper]

O'Doherty, Joe and Tol, Richard S.J. (2006) AN ENVIRONMENTAL INPUT-OUTPUT MODEL FOR IRELAND. ESRI P178. January 2007. [Working Paper]

Russell, Helen and Halpin, Brendan and Strandh, Mattias and Zielfe, Andrea (2006) Comparing the Labour Market Effects of Childbirth in Ireland, Sweden, the UK and Germany. ESRI WP170. April 2006. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2006) THE IMPACT OF A CARBON TAX ON INTERNATIONAL TOURISM. ESRI WP177, November 2006. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2006) MEASURING MATERIAL DEPRIVATION WITH EU-SILC: LESSONS FROM THE IRISH SURVEY. ESRI WP172. May 2006. [Working Paper]


Aisbett, Chris and Wiley, Miriam and McCarthy, Brian and Mulligan, Aisling (2007) The Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Work-Life Conflict and Work Pressure in Ireland. ESRI WP192. April 2007. [Working Paper]

Bargain, Olivier and Callan, Tim (2007) Analysing the Effects of Tax-benefit Reforms on Income Distribution: A Decomposition Approach. ESRI WP197. May 2007. [Working Paper]

Barrell, Ray and Fitz Gerald, John and Riley, Rebecca (2007) Determinants of ICT adoption: Evidence from firm-level data. ESRI WP204. July 2007. [Working Paper]

Barrell, Ray and Fitz Gerald, John and Riley, Rebecca (2007) EU Enlargement and Migration: Assessing the Macroeconomic Impacts. WP203. June 2007. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and McCarthy, Yvonne (2007) The Earnings of Immigrants in Ireland: Results from the 2005 EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions. ESRI WP206. August 2007. [Working Paper]

Callan, Tim and Smeeding, Tim and Tsakloglou, Panos (2007) Distributional Effects of Public Education Transfers in Seven European Countries. ESRI WP207. September 2007. [Working Paper]

Callan, Tim and Van Soest, A. and Walsh, J.R. (2007) Tax Structure and Female Labour Market Participation: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP208. September 2007. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Merike and Smyth, Emer and McCoy, Selina (2007) Acting Up or Opting Out? Truancy in Irish Secondary Schools. ESRI WP212. October 2007. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Mike and Smyth, Emer (2007) Managing Term-Time Employment and Study in Ireland. ESRI WP185. March 2007. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, J. and Keeney, M. and Scott, S. (2007) Assessing Vulnerability of Selected Sectors Under Environmental Tax Reform: The Issue of Pricing Power. ESRI WP222. October 2007. [Working Paper]

Gleeson, Anne Marie and Ruane, Frances (2007) Heterogeneous Exporter Behaviour: Exploring the Evidence for Sunk-Costs and Hysteresis. ESRI WP196. July 2007. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and McGee, Hannah (2007) Regret about the Timing of First Sexual Intercourse: The Role of Age and Context. ESRI WP217. November 2007. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and McGee, Hannah and O'Hanlon, Ann (2007) Do Consultation Charges Deter General Practitioner Use Among Older People? A Natural Experiment. ESRI WP194. May 2007. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and McGee, Hannah and O'Hanlon, Ann (2007) The Regional Dimension of Taxes and Public Expenditure in Ireland. ESRI WP195. May 2007. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean (2007) Can Small Firms’ Perceived Constraints Help Explain Survival Rates? ESRI WP182, February 2007. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean and Mayor, Karen and Tol, Richard S.J, (2007) Convergence of Consumption Patterns During Macroeconomic Transition: A Model of Demand In Ireland and the OECD. ESRI WP205. August 2007. [Working Paper]

Mayor, Karen and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2007) Holiday Destinations: Understanding the Travel Choices of Irish Tourists. ESRI WP210. September 2007. [Working Paper]

McCloughan, Patrick and Lyons, Sean and Batt, William (2007) The Effectiveness of Competition Policy and the Price-Cost Margin: Evidence from Panel Data. ESRI WP209. September 2007. [Working Paper]

Murphy, Gavin and Traistaru-Siedschlag, Iulia (2007) The Effect of Human Capital on Output Growth in ICT Industries: Evidence from OECD Countries. ESRI WP184. March 2007. [Working Paper]

O'Brien, Martin. (2007) Real Interest Parity in the EU and the Consequences for Euro Area Membership: Panel Data Evidence, 1979-2005. ESRI WP183. March 2007. [Working Paper]

O'Doherty, Joe and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2007) Determinants of Water Connection Type and Ownership of Water-Using Appliances in Ireland. ESRI WP216. October 2007. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances and Tol, Richard S.J. (2007) Centres of Research Excellence in Economics in the Republic of Ireland. ESRI WP180. May 2007. [Working Paper]

Russell, Helen and O'Connell, Philip J. and McGinnity, Frances (2007) The Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Work-Life Conflict and Work Pressure in Ireland. ESRI WP189. April 2007. [Working Paper]

Smyth, Emer and Darmody, Merike (2007) “Man Enough To Do It”? Girls and Non-Traditional Subjects in Lower Secondary Education. ESRI WP198. May 2007. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. (2007) Understanding the Implications of Choice of Deprivation Index for Measuring Consistent Poverty in Ireland. ESRI WP181. February 2007. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2007) The ‘Europeanisation’ of Reference Groups: A Reconsideration Using EU-SILC. WP200. June 2007. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2007) Social Class Variation in Risk: A Comparative Analysis of the Dynamics of Economic Vulnerability. ESRI WP202. June 2007. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand and Watson, Dorothy (2007) Validating the European Socio-economic Classification: Cross-Sectional and Dynamic Analysis of Income Poverty and Lifestyle Deprivation. ESRI WP201. June 2007. [Working Paper]


Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) The Impact of Climate Change on the Balanced-Growth-Equivalent: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP228, March 2008. [Working Paper]

Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. and Yohe, Gary W. (2008) Risk Aversion, Time Preference, and the Social Cost of Carbon. ESRI WP252. September 2008. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Kelly, Elish (2008) Using a Census to Assess the Reliability of a National Household Survey for Migration Research: The Case of Ireland. ESRI WP253. September 2008. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and McCarthy, Yvonne (2008) Immigrants and Welfare Programmes: Exploring the Interactions between Immigrant Characteristics, Immigrant Welfare Dependence and Welfare Policy. ESRI WP238. May 2008. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and McGuiness, Seamus and O'Brien, Martin (2008) The Immigrant Earnings Disadvantage across the Earnings and Skills Distributions: The Case of Immigrants from the EU’s New Member States in Ireland. ESRI WP236. April 2008. [Working Paper]

Commins, Nicola and Nolan, Anne (2008) The Determinants of Mode of Transport to Work in the Greater Dublin Area. ESRI WP268. December 2008. [Working Paper]

Conefrey, Thomas and Fitz Gerald, John D. and Malaguzzi Valeri, Laura and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Economic Growth and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Ireland. ESRI WP251. August 2008. [Working Paper]

Cullinan, John and Gannon, Brenda and Lyons, Sean (2008) Estimating the Economic Cost of Disability in Ireland. ESRI WP230. March 2008. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and Lunn, Pete (2008) The Misperception of Inflation by Irish Consumers. ESRI WP261. October 2008. [Working Paper]

Karlsson, Charlie and Maier, Gunther and Trippl, Michaela and Siedschlag, Iulia and Owen, Robert and Murphy, Gavin (2008) ICT Diffusion, Innovation Systems, Globalisation and Regional Economic Dynamics: Theory and Empirical Evidence. ESRI WP233. April 2008. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip (2008) Benchmarking, Social Partnership and Higher Remuneration: Wage Settling Institutions and the Public-Private Sector Wage Gap in Ireland. ESRI WP270. December 2008. [Working Paper]

Kjellstrom, Tord and Tol, Richard S.J. and Kovats, R Sari and Lloyd, Simon and Holt, Tom (2008) The Direct Impact of Climate Change on Regional Labour Productivity. ESRI WP260, October 2008. [Working Paper]

Kucel, Aleksander and Byrne, Delma (2008) Are Over-educated People Insiders or Outsiders? A Case of Job Search Methods and Over-education in UK. ESRI WP258, September 2008. [Working Paper]

Kuik, Onno and Tol, Richard S.J. and Brander, Luke (2008) Marginal Abatement Costs of Carbon-Dioxide Emissions: A Meta-Analysis. ESRI WP248, June 2008. [Working Paper]

Mayor, Karen and Lyons, Sean and Duffy, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) A Hedonic Analysis of the Value of Rail Transport in the Greater Dublin Area. ESRI WP264. November 2008. [Working Paper]

Mayor, Karen and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) European Climate Policy and Aviation Emissions. ESRI WP241. May 2008. [Working Paper]

Mayor, Karen and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) Scenarios of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Aviation. ESRI WP244. May 2008. [Working Paper]

Mayor, Karen and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) Yuppie Kvetch? Work-life Conflict and Social Class in Western Europe. ESRI WP240. May 2008. [Working Paper]

McCarthy, Colm and Scott, Sue (2008) Controlling the Cost of Controlling the Climate: The Irish Government’s Climate Change Strategy. ESRI WP229. March 2008. [Working Paper]

McGinnity, Frances and Calvert, Emma (2008) Yuppie Kvetch? Work-life Conflict and Social Class in Western Europe. WP239. May 2008. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and McGinnity, Frances and O'Connell, Philip (2008) Changing Returns to Education During a Boom? The Case of Ireland. ESRI WP227. February 2008. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2008) Economic Integration and Structural Change: The Case of Irish Regions1. ESRI WP176. 2008. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2008) Exploring the Economic Geography of Ireland. ESRI WP271. December 2008. [Working Paper]

Narita, Daiju and Tol, Richard S.J. and Anthoff, David (2008) Damage Costs of Climate Change through Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Activities: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP259, October 2008. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Anne (2008) Evaluating the impact of eligibility for free care on the use of GP services in Ireland: a difference-in-difference approach. ESRI working paper no. 25, n.d. [Working Paper]

O'Reilly, Jacqueline and Wiley, Miriam M. (2008) How Local is Hospital Treatment? An Exploratory Analysis of Public/Private Variation in Location of Treatment in Irish Acute Public Hospitals. ESRI WP237. May 2008. [Working Paper]

Resmini, Laura and Siedschlag, Iulia (2008) Is FDI into China Crowding Out the FDI into the European Union?. ESRI WP231. March 2008. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances (2008) Resonances from Economic Development for Current Economic Policymaking. ESRI WP267, December 2008. [Working Paper]

Scott, Sue and Lyons, Sean and Keane, Claire and McCarthy, Donal and Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) FUEL POVERTY IN IRELAND: EXTENT, AFFECTED GROUPS AND POLICY ISSUES. ESRI WP262. October 2008. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2008) The Economic Impact of Climate Change. ESRI WP255, September 2008. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Berntsen, Terje K. and O'Neill, Brian C. and Fuglestvedt, Jan S. and Shine, Keith P. and Balkanski, Yves and Makra, Laszlo (2008) Metrics for Aggregating the Climate Effect of Different Emissions: A Unifying Framework. ESRI WP257, September 2008. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Ruane, Frances P. (2008) A Hirsch Measure for the Quality of Research Supervision, and an Illustration with Trade Economists. WP224. January 2008. [Working Paper]

Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi (2008) Welfare and competition effects of electricity interconnection between Ireland and Great Britain. ESRI WP232. November 2008. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2008) Comparing Poverty Indicators in an Enlarged EU. ESRI WP263. November 2008. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2008) Europeanisation of Inequality and European Reference Groups. ESRI WP235. April 2008. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2008) ‘New’ and ‘Old’ Social Risks: Life Cycle and Social Class Perspectives on Social Exclusion in Ireland. ESRI WP226. January 2008. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Maitre, Bertrand (2008) Poverty in Ireland in Comparative European Perspective. ESRI WP265. November 2008. [Working Paper]

Whelan, Christopher T. and Nolan, Brian and Maitre, Bertrand (2008) Measuring Material Deprivation in the Enlarged EU. ESRI WP249. June 2008. [Working Paper]

von Hagen, Jürgen and Siedschlag, Iulia (2008) Managing Capital Flows: Experiences from Central and Eastern Europe. WP234. March 2008. [Working Paper]


Anthoff, David (2009) Energy Use and Appliance Ownership in Ireland. WP278. February 2009. [Working Paper]

Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. and Yohe, Gary W. (2009) Discounting for Climate Change. ESRI WP276. January 2009. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Goggin, Jean (2009) Returning to the Question of a Wage Premium for Returning Migrants. ESRI WP337. February 2010. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Brien, Martin and O'Connell, Philip (2009) Immigrants and Employer-provided Training. ESRI WP313. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Barrett, Alan and Rust, Anna (2009) Projecting the Future Numbers of Migrant Workers in the Health and Social Care Sectors in Ireland. ESRI WP275. January 2009. [Working Paper]

Bohringer, Christoph and Tol, Richard S.J. and Rutherford, Thomas F. (2009) THE EU 20/20/2020 TARGETS: AN OVERVIEW OF THE EMF22 ASSESSMENT. ESRI WP325. October 2009. [Working Paper]

Byrne, Delma (2009) Inclusion or Diversion in Higher Education in the Republic of Ireland?. ESRI WP304. June 2009. [Working Paper]

Byrne, Delma and McGuinness, Seamus (2009) Mismatch in the Graduate Labour Market Among Immigrants and Second-Generation Ethnic Minority Groups. ESRI WP316. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Callan, T. and Keane, C. and Walsh, J.R. (2009) What Role for Property Taxes in Ireland?. ESRI WP322. October 2009. [Working Paper]

Commins, Nicola and Lyons, Sean and Schiffbauer, Marc and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) Climate Policy and Corporate Behaviour. ESRI WP329. November 2009. [Working Paper]

Commins, Nicola and Nolan, Anne (2009) Car Ownership and Mode of Transport to Work in Ireland. ESRI WP310. August 2009. [Working Paper]

Conefrey, Thomas and Fitz Gerald, John (2009) Managing Housing Bubbles in Regional Economies under EMU: Ireland and Spain. ESRI WP315. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Conefrey, Thomas and Fitz Gerald, John D. (2009) The Macro-Economic Impact of Changing the Rate of Corporation Tax. ESRI WP273. January 2009. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Lyons, Sean and O'Callaghan-Platt, Abigail (2009) Managing Household Waste in Ireland: Behavioural Parameters and Policy Options. ESRI WP295. May 2009. [Working Paper]

Davia, Maria A. and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip J. (2009) Exploring International Differences in Rates of Return to Education: Evidence from EU SILC. ESRI WP311, September 2009. [Working Paper]

Diffney, Sean and Lyons, Sean and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi (2009) Advertising to boost energy efficiency: the Power of One campaign and natural gas consumption. ESRI WP280. February 2009. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2009) Fiscal Policy for Recovery. ESRI WP326, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Gleeson, Anne Marie and Ruane, Frances (2009) Exporting and Ownership Contributions to Irish Manufacturing Productivity Growth. ESRI WP297. May 2009. [Working Paper]

Hennessy, Hugh and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) The Impact of Climate Policy on Private Car Ownership in Ireland. ESRI WP342. April 2010. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and Barrett, Alan and Bergin, Adele (2009) Estimating the Impact of Immigration on Wages in Ireland. ESRI WP318. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip (2009) The Public-Private Sector Pay Gap in Ireland: What Lies Beneath?. ESRI WP321. October 2009. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip and Callan, Tim (2009) Assessing the Impact of Wage Bargaining and Worker Preferences on the Gender Pay Gap in Ireland Using the National Employment Survey 2003. ESRI WP317. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Clyne, Barbara (2009) Did the Celtic Tiger Decrease Socio-Economic Differentials in Perinatal Mortality in Ireland? ESRI WP312. September 2009. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Maitre, Bertrand (2009) The Association Between Income Inequality and Mental Health: Social Cohesion or Social Infrastructure?. ESRI WP328. November 2009. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and O'Hara, Sinead and Bennett, Kathleen (2009) Explaining Structural Change in Cardiovascular Mortality in Ireland 1995-2005: A Time Series Analysis. ESRI WP300. June 2009. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Lyons, Sean (2009) Energy Use and Appliance Ownership in Ireland. ESRI WP277. February 2009. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean and Murphy, Liam and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) Estimating Historical Landfill Quantities to Predict Methane Emissions. ESRI WP333, December 2009. [Working Paper]

Macagno, Giulia and Loureiro, Maria and Nunes, Paulo A.L.D. and Tol, Richard (2009) Assessing the impact of biodiversity on tourism flows: A model for tourist behaviour and its policy implications. ESRI WP281. February 2009. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2009) Estimating the Impact of Metro North. ESRI WP301. June 2009. [Working Paper]

Morgenroth, Edgar (2009) Irish Public Capital Spending in a Recession. ESRI WP298. May 2009. [Working Paper]

Narita, Daiju and Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) International Climate Policy and Regional Welfare Weights. ESRI WP332. December 2009. [Working Paper]

Narita, Daiju and Tol, Richard S.J. and Anthoff, David (2009) Economic costs of extratropical storms under climate change: An application of FUND. ESRI WP273. January 2009. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Anne (2009) Eligibility for Free Primary Care and Avoidable Hospitalisations in Ireland. ESRI WP296. May 2009. [Working Paper]

O'Connell, Philip J. and Byrne, Delma (2009) The Determinants and Effects of Training at Work: Bringing the Workplace Back In. ESRI WP289. April 2009. [Working Paper]

Pisati, Maurizio and Whelan, Christopher T. and Lucchini, Mario and Maitre, Bertrand (2009) Mapping Patterns of Multiple Deprivation Using Self-Organising Maps: An Application to EU-SILC Data for Ireland. ESRI WP286. March 2009. [Working Paper]

Scott, Sue and Legge, Thomas. (2009) Policy Options to Reduce Ireland’s GHG Emissions Instrument choice: the pros and cons of alternative policy instruments. WP284. March 2009. [Working Paper]

Scott, Sue and Watson, Dorothy (2009) The Likely Economic Impact of Increasing Investment in Wind on the Island of Ireland. ESRI WP334. December 2009. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia (2009) Measuring International Technology Spillovers and Progress Towards the European Research Area. ESRI WP330. November 2009. [Working Paper]

Sloane, Peter J. and McGuinness, Seamus (2009) Labour Market Mismatch Among UK Graduates; An Analysis Using REFLEX Data. ESRI WP294, May 2009. [Working Paper]

Smith, Donal and Siedschlag, Iulia and Turcu, Camelia and Zhang, Xiaoheng (2009) What Determines the Attractiveness of the European Union to the Location of R&D Multinational Firms?. ESRI WP306, July 2009. [Working Paper]

Tavoni, Massimo and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) Counting Only the Hits? The Risk of Underestimating the Costs of Stringent Climate Policy. ESRI WP324, October 2009. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) Climate Feedbacks on the Terrestrial Biosphere and the Economics of Climate Policy: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP288, April 2009. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) The Feasibility of Low Concentration Targets: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP285. March 2009. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) Intra-and Extra-Union Flexibility in Meeting the European Union’s Emission Reduction Targets. ESRI WP290, April 2009. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Commins, Nicola and Lyons, Sean and Crilly, Niamh and Morgenroth, Edgar (2009) Towards Regional Environmental Accounts for Ireland. ESRI WP293. April 2009. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Gorecki, Paul K and Lyons, Sean (2009) EU Climate Change Policy 2013-2020: Thoughts on Property Rights and Market Choices. ESRI WP292, April 2009. [Working Paper]

de Bruin, Kelly C. and Dellink, Rob B. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2009) International Cooperation on Climate Change Adaptation from an Economic Perspective. ESRI WP323. October 2009. [Working Paper]


Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) Climate Policy under Fat-Tailed Risk: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP348, June 2010. [Working Paper]

Bargain, Olivier and Gonzalez, Libertad and Keane, Claire and Ozcan, Berkay (2010) Female Labour Supply and Divorce: New Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP346. June 2010. [Working Paper]

Callan, Tim and Keane, Claire and Walsh, John R. and Lane, Marguerita (2010) From Data to Policy Analysis: Tax-Benefit Modelling using SILC 2008. ESRI WP359. October 2010. [Working Paper]

Davia, Maria A. and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip J. (2010) Explaining International Differences in Rates of Overeducation in Europe. ESRI WP365, December 2010. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) Public Policy Towards the Sale of State Assets in Troubled Times: Lessons from the Irish Experience. ESRI WP356. October 2010. [Working Paper]

Haller, Stefanie A. and Murphy, Liam (2010) Corporate Expenditure on Environmental Protection. ESRI WP347. June 2010. [Working Paper]

Hennessy, Hugh and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) The Impact of Tax Reform on New Car Purchases in Ireland. ESRI WP349. July 2010. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Devitt, Conor and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) The Cost of Natural Gas Shortages in Ireland. ESRI WP397. July 2010. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) The Distributional Effects of Value Added Tax in Ireland. ESRI WP366. December 2010. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) An Estimate of the Value of Lost Load for Ireland. ESRI WP357. October 2010. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean (2010) Timing and Determinants of Local Residential Broadband Adoption: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP361. November 2010. [Working Paper]

McCoy, Selina and Byrne, Delma and Banks, Joanne (2010) Too much of a good thing? Gender, ‘Concerted cultivation’ and unequal achievement in primary education. ESRI WP362. December 2010. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances (2010) Research and Policy Making. ESRI WP354. September 2010. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances (2010) Towards a better and sustainable health care system – resource allocation and financing issues for Ireland. ESRI WP358. October 2010. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Zhang, Xiaoheng and Cahill, Brian (2010) The Effects of the Internationalisation of Firms on Innovation and Productivity. ESRI WP363. December 2010. [Working Paper]

Swinland, Gregory and O'Toole, Conor and Lyons, Sean (2010) Estimating the Impact of Access Conditions on Service Quality in Post. ESRI WP343. May 2010. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) Regulating Knowledge Monopolies: The Case of the IPCC. ESRI WP350. September 2010. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) The Research Output of Business Schools and Business Scholars in Ireland. ESRI WP364. December 2010. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Mayor, Karen and Lyons, Sean (2010) Designing a property tax without property values: Analysis in the case of Ireland. ESRI WP352. September 2010. [Working Paper]


Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Schelling’s Conjecture on Climate and Development: A Test. ESRI WP390. June 2011. [Working Paper]

Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) The Uncertainty about the Social Cost of Carbon: A Decomposition Analysis Using FUND. ESRI WP404. August 2011. [Working Paper]

Anthoff, David and Tol, Richard S.J. and Rose, Steven and Waldhoff, Stefanie (2011) The Time Evolution of the Social Cost Of Carbon: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP405. August 2011. [Working Paper]

Callaghan, Niamh and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) UK Tourists, The Great Recession and Irish Tourism Policy. ESRI WP412. October 2011. [Working Paper]

Ceronsky, Megan and Tol, Richard S.J. and Anthoff, David and Hepburn, Cameron (2011) Checking the price tag on catastrophe: The social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response. ESRI WP392, June 2011. [Working Paper]

Devitt, Conor and Diffney, Sean and Fitz Gerald, John and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Tuohy, Aidan (2011) Goldilocks and the Three Electricity Prices: Are Irish Prices “Just Right”?*. ESRI WP372. January 2011. [Working Paper]

Devitt, Conor and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi (2011) The Effect of REFIT on Irish Electricity Prices. ESRI WP374. February 2011. [Working Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Hyland, Marie (2011) Carbon Tax Scenarios and their Effects on the Irish Energy Sector. ESRI WP407. September 2011. [Working Paper]

FitzGerald, John (2011) Restoring Credibility in Policy Making in Ireland. ESRI WP415. November 2011. [Working Paper]

FitzGerald, John and Byrne, David and Znuderl, Nusa (2011) The Impact of Changes in Educational Attainment on Life Expectancy in Ireland. WP414. November 2011. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul and Hennessy, Hugh and Lyons, Sean (2011) How impact fees and local planning regulation can influence deployment of telecoms infrastructure. ESRI WP401, August 2011. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K (2011) Merger Control in Ireland: Too Many Unnecessary Merger Notifications?. ESRI WP383. April 2011. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K (2011) Revising Merger Guidelines: Lessons from the Irish Experience. ESRI WP379. March 2011. [Working Paper]

Haller, Stefanie A. (2011) Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Foreign Presence and Competition in Irish Services Sectors? ESRI WP395. July 2011. [Working Paper]

Hennessy, Hugh and FitzGerald, John (2011) The HERMES model of the Irish Energy Sector. ESRI WP396. July 2011. [Working Paper]

Hwang, Chang and Reynes, Frederic and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Climate Policy Under Fat‐Tailed Risk: An Application of Dice. ESRI WP403. August 2011. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip J. (2011) Transitions to Long-Term Unemployment Risk Among Young People: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP394. July 2011. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Greener Homes: An Ex-Post Estimate of the Cost of Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction using Administrative Micro-Data from the Republic of Ireland. ESRI WP388. May 2011. [Working Paper]

Llop, Maria and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Decomposition of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Subsystem Input-Output Model for the Republic of Ireland. ESRI WP398. August 2011. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2011) Optimal interconnection and renewable targets in North-West Europe. ESRI WP417, December 2011. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2011) The Role of Decision-Making Biases in Ireland’s Banking Crisis. ESRI WP389. May 2011. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A. and O'Malley, Mark J. and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Optimal interconnection and renewable targets in North-West Europe. ESRI WP416, December 2011. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip J. and Kelly, Elish (2011) Carrots without Sticks: The Impacts of Job Search Assistance in a Regime with Minimal Monitoring and Sanctions. ESRI WP409, September 2011. [Working Paper]

Meehan, Elizabeth (2011) The Origins of the Common Travel Area between Ireland and the United Kingdom and its Fate in an Era of Governmental Concern about Undocumented Migration and International Terrorism. ESRI WP418. December 2011. [Working Paper]

Narita, Daiju and Tol, Richard S.J. and Rehdanz, Katrin (2011) Economic Costs of Ocean Acidification: A Look into the Impacts on Shellfish Production. ESRI WP391. June 2011. [Working Paper]

Sanchez-Sanchez, Nuria and McGuinness, Seamus (2011) Decomposing the Impacts of Overeducation and Overskilling on Earnings and Job Satisfaction: An Analysis Using REFLEX data. ESRI WP393. July 2011. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Killeen, Neill and Smith, Donal and O'Brien, Catriona (2011) Internationalisation and the Innovation Activities of Services Firms. ESRI WP406. September 2011. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the EU 20/20/2020 Package. ESRI WP367. January 2011. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) Shapley Values for Assessing Research Production and Impact of Schools and Scholars. ESRI WP370, January 2011. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) The Social Cost of Carbon. ESRI WP377. February 2011. [Working Paper]


Tol, Richard S.J. and Gorecki, Paul K. (2011) THE CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE BILL 2010: AN ASSESSMENT. ESRI WP371. January 2011. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Leahy, Eimear and Lyons, Sean (2011) Determinants of Vegetarianism and Partial Vegetarianism in Ireland. ESRI WP369. January 2011. [Working Paper]

Waldhoff, Stephanie and Anthoff, David and Rose, Steven and Tol, Richard S.J. (2011) The Marginal Damage Costs of Different Greenhouse Gases: An Application of FUND. ESRI WP380, March 2011. [Working Paper]

van de Ven, J. (2011) Do Defined Contribution Pensions Correct for Short-Sighted Savings Decisions? Evidence from the UK. ESRI WP399. August 2011. [Working Paper]

van de Ven, Justin and Callan, Tim and Keane, Claire (2011) A Framework for Pension Policy Analysis in Ireland: PENMOD, a Dynamic Simulation Model. ESRI WP400. August 2011. [Working Paper]


Cullinan, John and Flannery, Darragh and Walsh, Sharon and McCoy, Selina (2012) Distance Effects, Social Class and the Decision to Participate in Higher Education in Ireland. ESRI WP444. December 2012. [Working Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi (2012) The incentive to invest in thermal plants in the presence of wind generation. WP446. December 2012. [Working Paper]

Diffney, Sean and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Walsh, Darragh (2012) Should Coal Replace Coal? Options for the Irish Electricity Market. ESRI WP428. March 2012. [Working Paper]

Driscoll, Aine and Lyons, Sean and Mariuzzo, Franco and Tol, Richard S.J. (2012) Simulating Demand for Electrical Vehicles using Revealed Preference Data. ESRI WP437. May 2012. [Working Paper]

Fitz Gerald, John (2012) To convergence and beyond? Human capital, economic adjustment and a return to growth. ESRI WP419, January 2012. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra (2012) Consumption in Ireland: Evidence from the Household Budget Surveys, 1994-95 to 2004-05. ESRI WP438. August 2012. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K (2012) Regulating Small Public Service Vehicles in Ireland: Is There a Problem of Oversupply?. ESRI WP441. October 2012. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K. (2012) Competition Policy in Ireland: A Good Recession?. ESRI WP427. March 2012. [Working Paper]

Hyland, Marie and Jennings, Anne and Tol, Richard S.J. (2012) Trade, Energy, and Carbon Dioxide: An Analysis for the Two Economies of Ireland. ESRI WP420. January 2012. [Working Paper]

Hyland, Marie and Leahy, Eimear and Tol, Richard S.J. (2012) The Potential for Segmentation of the Retail Market for Electricity in Ireland. ESRI WP433. April 2012. [Working Paper]

Leahy, Eimear and Lyons, Sean and Walsh, Sharon (2012) Electrical Appliance Ownership and Usage in Ireland. ESRI WP421. February 2012. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2012) Behavioural economics and policymaking: learning from the early adopters, ESRI working papers, no. 425, February 2012. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean (2012) Timing and Determinants of Local Residential Broadband Adoption: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP432. March 2012. [Working Paper]

Lyons, Sean and Pentecost, Anne and Tol, Richard S.J. (2012) Socioeconomic Distribution of Emissions and Resource Use in Ireland. ESRI WP426. February 2012. [Working Paper]

Mosca, Irene (2012) Obesity and employment in Ireland: moving beyond BMI. ESRI working paper, no. 431, March 2012. [Working Paper]

Mosca, Irene (2012) Should Coal Replace Coal? Options for the Irish Electricity Market. ESRI WP428. March 2012. [Working Paper]

Murphy, Gavin and Siedschlag, Iulia and McQuinn, John (2012) Employment Protection and Innovation Intensity. ESRI WP445. December 2012. [Working Paper]

O'Connell, Philip J. and Joyce, Corona and Finn, Mairead (2012) International Migration in Ireland, 2011. ESRI WP435. May 2012. [Working Paper]

O'Connell, Philip J. and Joyce, Corona and Finn, Mairead (2012) International Migration in Ireland, 2011. WP434. May 2012. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances (2012) Combining public sector and economic reform. ESRI working paper no. 440, August 2012. [Working Paper]

Tol, Richard S.J. and Driscoll, Aine and Mariuzzo, Franco and Lyons, Sean (2012) Simulating demand for electrical vehicles using revealed preference data. ESRI working paper no. 437, May 2012. [Working Paper]


Bergin, Adele and Conefrey, Thomas and FitzGerald, John and Kearney, Ide and Znuderl, Nusa (2013) The HERMES-13 macroeconomic model of the Irish economy. ESRI WP460. July 2013. [Working Paper]

Callan, T. and Nolan, B. and Keane, C. and Savage, M. and Walsh, J.R. (2013) Crisis, Response and Distributional Impact: The Case of Ireland. ESRI WP456. May 2013. [Working Paper]

Chevalier, Arnaud and Harmon, Colm and O'Sullivan, Vincent and Walker, Ian (2013) The Impact of Parental Income and Education on the Schooling of Children. ESRI WP468, October 2013. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Di Cosmo, Valeria and Deane, Paul (2013) Climate policy, interconnection and carbon leakage: the effect of unilateral UK policy on electricity and GHG emissions in Ireland. ESRI WP458. June 2013. [Working Paper]

Deane, Paul and FitzGerald, John and Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Tuohy, Aidan and Walsh, Darragh (2013) Irish and British historical electricity prices and implications for the future. ESRI WP452. April 2013. [Working Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Hyland, Marie (2013) Decomposing patterns of emission intensity in the EU and China: how much does trade matter?. ESRI WP462. July 2013. [Working Paper]

Duffy, David and O'Hanlon, Niall (2013) Negative Equity in the Irish Housing Market: Estimates using loan level data. ESRI WP463. July 2013. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra (2013) Euro area CDS spreads in the crisis: The role of open market operations and contagion. ESRI working paper no. 449, February 2013. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra (2013) The effect of unemployment, arrears and negative equity on consumption: Ireland in 2009/10. ESRI WP457. May 2013. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra and O'Connell, Brian and O'Toole, Conor (2013) How do banking crises affect aggregate consumption? Evidence from international crisis episodes. ESRI working paper no. 464, August 2013. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra and O'Connell, Brian and O'Toole, Conor (2013) How do banking crises affect aggregate consumption? Evidence from international crisis episodes. ESRI WP464. August 2013. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra and O'Toole, Conor and O'Connell, Brian (2013) Transitions In and Out of Unemployment Among Young People in the Irish Recession. ESRI WP467. September 2013. [Working Paper]

Gorecki, Paul K and Maxwell, Sarah (2013) The US and Ireland Approach to Sentencing in Cartel Cases: the Citroen Case. ESRI WP447. January 2013. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus (2013) The Impact of the Recession on the Structure and Labour Market Success of Young NEET Individuals in Ireland. ESRI WP465. September 2013. [Working Paper]

Kelly, Elish and McGuinness, Seamus and O'Connell, Philip and Haugh, David and Gonzalez Pandiella, Alberto (2013) Transitions In and Out of Unemployment Among Young People in the Irish Recession. ESRI WP466. September 2013. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Nolan, Anne (2013) Socioeconomic Differentials in Male Mortality in Ireland: 1984-2008. ESRI WP470. October 2013. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Nolan, Anne (2013) Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child Health in Ireland. ESRI WP453. April 2013. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete (2013) Are Consumer Decision-Making Phenomena a Fourth Market Failure?. ESRI WP455. April 2013. [Working Paper]

Ruane, Frances and Siedschlag, Iulia and Murphy, Gavin (2013) Globalisation and Ireland’s Export Performance. ESRI WP451. March 2013. [Working Paper]

Savage, Michael (2013) Smoking Outside: The Effect of the Irish Workplace Smoking Ban on Smoking Prevalence Among the Employed. ESRI WP459. June 2013. [Working Paper]

Walsh, D. M. and O'Sullivan, K. and Lee, W.T and Devine, M. (2013) When to invest in carbon capture and storage technology in the presence of uncertainty: a mathematical model. ESRI WP461, July 2013. [Working Paper]

Znuderl, Nusa and Kearney, Ide (2013) User Cost of Debt-Financed Capital in Irish Manufacturing Industry: 1985 – 2011. ESRI WP448. February 2013. [Working Paper]


Bargain, Oliver and Callan, Tim and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire (2014) Changes in Income Distributions and the Role of Tax-benefit Policy During the Great Recession: An International Perspective. ESRI WP474. January 2014. [Working Paper]

Bargain, Olivier and Callan, Tim and Doorley, Karina and Keane, Claire (2014) Changes in income distributions and the role of tax-benefit policy during the Great Recession: an international perspective. ESRI working paper no. 474, January 2014. [Working Paper]

Byrne, David and Duffy, David and FitzGerald, John (2014) Household Formation and Tenure Choice: Did the great Irish housing bust alter consumer behaviour?. ESRI WP487. July 2014. [Working Paper]

Cronin, Hugh and McGuinness, Seamus (2014) Examining the Relationship between employee Resistance to changes in job conditions and Wider Organisational Change: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP490. September 2014. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Devitt, Niamh and Whelan, Adele (2014) Estimating Building Energy Ratings for the Residential Building Stock: Location and Occupancy. ESRI WP489. August 2014. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Pentecost, Anne (2014) Changes in Household Fuel Expenditure Associated with Improvements in Building Energy Efficiency. ESRI WP478. February 2014. [Working Paper]

Gerlach-Kristen, Petra and McInerney, Niall (2014) The Role of Credit in the Housing Market. ESRI WP495. December 2014. [Working Paper]

Haller, Stefanie A. and Hyland, Marie (2014) Factor Input Substitution in Irish Manufacturing. ESRI WP475. January 2014. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and O'Connell, Brian and O'Toole, Conor (2014) Financial Structure and Diversification of European Firms. ESRI WP492, September 2014. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and O'Connell, Brian and O'Toole, Conor (2014) SME Recovery Following a Financial Crisis: Does Debt Overhang Matter?. ESRI WP491. September 2014. [Working Paper]

Layte, Richard and Whelan, Christopher T. (2014) Who Feels Inferior? A Test of the Status Anxiety Hypothesis of Social Inequalities in Health. ESRI WP476. January 2014. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and Duffy, David (2014) Worth a Try: A Statistical Analysis of Brian O’Driscoll’s Contribution to the Irish Rugby Team. ESRI WP483. June 2014. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and Lunn, Mary (2014) A computational theory of willingness to exchange, ESRI working paper no. 477, January 2014. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A and Curtis, John (2014) The Effects of Wind Generation Capacity on Electricity Prices and Generation Costs: a Monte Carlo Analysis. ESRI WP494. November 2014. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Bergin, Adele and Kelly, Elish (2014) Changes in Labour Market Transitions in Ireland over the Great Recession. ESRI WP485. June 2014. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Byrne, Delma (2014) Examining the Relationships between Labour Market Mismatches, Earnings and Job Satisfaction among Immigrant Graduates in Europe. WP484. June 2014. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Ortiz, Luis (2014) Who Should We Ask? Employer and Employee Perceptions of Skill Gaps within Firms. ESRI WP482, May 2014. [Working Paper]

Valeri, Laura Malaguzzi and Walsh, Darragh (2014) Gaming in the Irish Single Electricity Market and Potential Effects on Wholesale Prices. ESRI WP488. August 2014. [Working Paper]


Addison-Smyth, Diarmaid and McQuinn, Kieran (2015) Assessing the Sustainable Nature of Housing-Related Taxation Receipts: The Case of Ireland. ESRI WP503. May 2015. [Working Paper]

Banks, Joanne and Conway, Paul and Darmody, Merike and Leavy, Aisling and Smyth, Emer and Watson, Dorothy (2015) Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme. ESRI WP514. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Keane, C. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) Modelling Eligibility for Medical Cards and GP Visit Cards: Methods and Baseline Results. ESRI WP515. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Callan, T. and Colgan, B. and Walsh, J.R. (2015) Income-Related Subsidies for Universal Health Insurance Premia: Exploring Alternatives Using the SWITCH Model. ESRI WP516. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Lynch, Muireann A. and Zubiate, Laura (2015) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Electricity: The Influence of The North Atlantic Oscillation. ESRI WP510. August 2015. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Lynch, Muireann A. and Zubiate, Laura (2015) The Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Electricity Markets: A Case Study on Ireland. ESRI WP509. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Stanley, Brian (2015) Analysing Residential Energy Demand: An Error Correction Demand System Approach for Ireland. ESRI WP505. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Stanley, Brian (2015) Water Quality and Recreational Angling Demand in Ireland. ESRI WP521. December 2015. [Working Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Lynch, Muireann A. (2015) A Menu Approach to Revealing Generator Reliability Using a Stochastic Bilevel Mathematical Program. ESRI WP518. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Lynch, Muireann A. (2015) Competition and the Single Electricity Market: Which Lessons for Ireland?. ESRI WP497. March 2015. [Working Paper]

Di Cosmo, Valeria and O'Hara, Denis and Devitt, Niamh (2015) Nudging Electricity Consumption Using TOU Pricing and Feedback: Evidence from Irish Households. ESRI WP508. July 2015. [Working Paper]

Farrell, Niall (2015) What Factors Drive Inequalities in Carbon Tax Incidence? Decomposing Socioeconomic Inequalities in Carbon Tax Incidence in Ireland. ESRI WP519. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Farrell, Niall and Devine, Mel T. (2015) How Do External Costs Affect Pay-As-Bid Renewable Energy Connection Auctions?. ESRI WP517. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Finn, Mairead and Darmody, Mike (2015) Predicting International Higher Education Students’ Satisfaction with their Study in Ireland. ESRI WP520. November 2015. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Peter D. and Somerville, Jason J. (2015) Surplus Identification with Non-Linear Returns. ESRI WP522. December 2015. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A. and Devine, Mel T. (2015) Investment vs. Refurbishment: Examining Capacity Payment Mechanisms Using Mixed Complementarity Problems With Endogenous Probability. ESRI WP507. July 2015. [Working Paper]

McGinnity, Frances and Darmody, Merike and Murray, Aisling (2015) Academic Achievement among Immigrant Children in Irish Primary Schools. ESRI WP512. September 2015. [Working Paper]

McGinnity, Frances and Gijsberts, Merove (2015) Perceived Group Discrimination among Polish Migrants to Western Europe: Comparing Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland. ESRI WP502. May 2015. [Working Paper]

McGuinness, Seamus and Kelly, Elish and Phuong, Pham Thi Thu and Thuy, Ha Thi Thu (2015) Returns to Education and the Demand for Labour in Vietnam. ESRI WP506. July 2015. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and Duffy, David and Mc Inerney, Niall (2015) Macroprudential Policy in a Recovering Market: Too Much too Soon?. ESRI WP500. May 2015. [Working Paper]

O'Toole, Conor M. and Morgenroth, Edgar and Thuy, Ha Thi Thu (2015) Investment Efficiency, State-Owned Enterprises and Privatisation: Evidence from Vietnam in Transition. ESRI WP498. March 2015. [Working Paper]

Savage, M. and Callan, T. and Nolan, B. and Colgan, B. (2015) The Great Recession, Austerity and Inequality: Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP499. April 2015. [Working Paper]

Savage, Michael and Callan, Tim (2015) Modelling the Impact of Direct and Indirect Taxes Using Complementary Datasets. ESRI WP496. February 2015. [Working Paper]


Collins, Matthew and Curtis, John (2016) An Examination of Energy Efficiency Retrofit Depth in Ireland. ESRI WP532. May 2016. [Working Paper]

Collins, Matthew and Curtis, John (2016) An Examination of the Abandonment of Applications for Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grants in Ireland. ESRI WP533. May 2016. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Breen, Benjamin (2016) Fisheries management for different angler types. ESRI WP529. March 2016. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Merike and Smyth, Emer (2016) Profile of second-level students exempt from studying Irish. ESRI WP527. February 2016. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Mike (2016) Attitudes of the non-Catholic population in Northern Ireland towards the Irish Language in Ireland. ESRI WP524. February 2016. [Working Paper]

Darmody, Mike and Smyth, Emer (2016) Attitudes to Irish as a school subject among 13-year-olds. ESRI WP525. February 2016. [Working Paper]

Farrell, Niall and Devine, Mel T. and Soroudi, Alireza (2016) An auction framework to integrate dynamic transmission expansion planning and pay-as-bid wind connection auctions. ESRI WP523. January 2016. [Working Paper]

FitzGerald, John and Chi, Pho and Lam, Do and Ha, Hoang and Huong, Luong and Dung, Tran (2016) Modelling the Vietnamese Economy. ESRI WP526. February 2016. [Working Paper]

Mosca, Irene and Wright, Robert E (2016) Use It or Lose It: Irish Evidence. ESRI WP531. April 2016. [Working Paper]

Murphy, Gavin and Siedschlag, Iulia (2016) Exporting under Financing Constraints: Firm-level Evidence from EU Countries. ESRI WP530. April 2016. [Working Paper]


Collins, Matthew and Curtis, John (2017) Advertising and investment spillovers in the diffusion of residential energy efficiency renovations. ESRI WP569, August 2017. [Working Paper]

Collins, Matthew and Curtis, John (2017) Can tenants afford to care? Investigating the willingness-to-pay for improved energy efficiency of rental tenants and returns to investment for landlords. ESRI WP565, June 2017. [Working Paper]

Collins, Matthew and Dempsey, Seraphim and Curtis, John (2017) Financial incentives for residential energy efficiency investments in Ireland: Should the status quo be maintained?. ESRI WP562, May 2017. [Working Paper]

Cronin, David and McQuinn, Kieran (2017) Credit conditions and tenure choice: A cross-country examination [on housing market]. ESRI WP582, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Cronin, David and McQuinn, Kieran (2017) The cyclicality of Irish fiscal policy ex-ante and ex-post. ESRI WP581, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John (2017) Pike (Esox lucius) stock management in designated brown trout (Salmo trutta) fisheries: Anglers’ preferences. ESRI WP563, May 2017. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and McCoy, Daire and Aravena, Claudia (2017) Determinants of residential heating system choice: an analysis of Irish households. ESRI WP576, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Di Ubaldo, Mattia and Siedschlag, Iulia (2017) The impact of investment in innovation on productivity: firm level evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP571, September 2017. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen and O'Reilly, Paul (2017) Anglers' views on stock conservation: Sea Bass angling in Ireland. ESRI WP578, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen and O'Reilly, Paul (2017) Sea bass angling in Ireland: A structural equation model of catch and effort. ESRI WP574, November 2017. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Landgraf, Gavin and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen (2017) The value of tourist angling: a travel cost method estimation of demand for two destination salmon rivers in Ireland. ESRI WP570, August 2017. [Working Paper]

Keane, Claire and Russell, Helen and Smyth, Emer (2017) Female participation increases and gender segregation. ESRI WP564, May 2017. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and Lynch, Donal (2017) Gifts and inheritances in Ireland. ESRI WP579, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and McQuinn, Kieran and Walsh, John R. (2017) Identifying rent pressures [on housing market] in your neighbourhood: a new model of Irish regional rent indicators. ESRI WP567, June 2017. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and Morgenroth, Edgar L. W. (2017) Ireland's international trade and transport connections. ESRI WP573, October 2017. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann Á. and Devine, Mel T. (2017) Who pays for renewables? Increasing renewable subsidisation due to increased datacentre demand in Ireland. ESRI WP566, June 2017. [Working Paper]

Nivakoski, Sanna and Barrett, Alan (2017) Estimating, and interpreting, retirement income replacement rates. ESRI WP575, November 2017. [Working Paper]

Nolan, Sheila and Devine, Mel and Lynch, Muireann A. and O'Malley, Mark (2017) The effect of Demand Response and wind generation on electricity investment and operation. ESRI WP577, December 2017. [Working Paper]

Savage, Michael (2017) Do youth access control policies stop young people smoking? Evidence from Ireland. ESRI WP572, September 2017. [Working Paper]

Smyth, Emer (2017) Working at a different level? Curriculum differentiation in Irish lower secondary education. ESRI WP568, July 2017. [Working Paper]

Spodniak, Petr and Bertsch, Valentin (2017) Determinants of power spreads in electricity futures markets: A multinational analysis. ESRI WP580, December 2017. [Working Paper]

November 2017


December 2017

Grotti, Raffaele and Maitre, Bertrand and Watson, Dorothy and Whelan, Christopher T. (2017) Technical paper on Poverty Transitions in Ireland. Social Inclusion Technical Paper No 8. 7 December 2017. [Working Paper]


Acheson, Jean and Deli, Yota and Morgenroth, Edgar L. W. and Lambert, Derek and Murphy, Martin (2018) VAT revenue elasticities: an analytical approach. ESRI WP596, September 2018. [Working Paper]

Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina and Smyth, Emer (2018) Senior Cycle Review: Analysis of discussions in schools on the purpose of senior cycle education in Ireland. ESRI WP607, December 2018. [Working Paper]

Bertsch, Valentin and Devine, Mel T. and Sweeney, Conor and Parnell, Andrew C. (2018) Analysing long-term interactions between demand response and different electricity markets using a stochastic market equilibrium model. ESRI WP585, February 2018. [Working Paper]

Corrigan, Eoin and Foley, Daniel and McQuinn, Kieran and O’Toole, Conor and Slaymaker, Rachel (2018) Exploring Affordability in the Irish Housing Market. ESRI WP593, June 2018. [Working Paper]

Corrigan, Eoin and Watson, Dorothy (2018) Social Housing in the Irish Housing Market. ESRI WP594, June 2018. [Working Paper]

Davies, Ronald B. and Siedschlag, Iulia and Studnicka, Zuzanna (2018) Corporate taxation and the location choice of foreign direct investment in EU countries. ESRI WP591, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Deli, Yota and Garcia Rodriguez, Abian and Kostarakos, Ilias and Varthalitis, Petros (2018) Dynamic tax revenue buoyancy estimates for a panel of OECD countries. ESRI WP592, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Russo, Marianna (2018) LNG and gas storage optimisation and valuation: Lessons from the integrated Irish and UK markets. ESRI WP606, December 2018. [Working Paper]

Di Ubaldo, Mattia and Lawless, Martina and Siedschlag, Iulia (2018) Productivity spillovers from multinational activity to indigenous firms in Ireland. ESRI WP587, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Di Ubaldo, Mattia and Siedschlag, Iulia (2018) Determinants of firms' inputs sourcing choices: the role of institutional and regulatory factors. ESRI WP599, September 2018. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen (2018) Using angling logbook data to inform fishery management decisions. ESRI WP600, September 2018. [Working Paper]

Harold, Jason and Bertsch, Valentin and Lawrence, Thomas and Hall, Magie (2018) Drivers of people's preferences for spatial proximity to energy infrastructure technologies: a cross-country analysis. ESRI WP583, February 2018. [Working Paper]

Keegan, Conor and Brick, Aoife and Wren, Maev-Ann (2018) An examination of activity in public and private hospitals in Ireland, 2015. ESRI WP601, October 2018. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina (2018) Irish-UK Services Trade and Brexit. ESRI WP595, July 2018. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor and Slaymaker, Rachel (2018) Estimating an SME investment gap and the contribution of financing frictions. ESRI WP589, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and Studnicka, Zuzanna (2018) Old firms and new products: Does experience increase survival? ESRI WP584, February 2018. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and McGowan, Féidhlim (2018) Supporting decision-making in retirement planning: Do diagrams on pension benefit statements help? ESRI WP588, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann and Devine, Mel T. and Bertsch, Valentin (2018) The role of power-to-gas in the future energy system: how much is needed and who wants to invest? ESRI WP590, March 2018. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann A. and Nolan, Sheila and Devine, Mel T. and O'Malley, Mark (2018) The impacts of demand response participation in capacity markets. ESRI WP603, November 2018. [Working Paper]

McElvaney, Terry and Lunn, Pete and McGowan, Féidhlim (2018) Do consumers understand PCP car finance? An experimental investigation. ESRI WP586, February 2018. [Working Paper]

McGowan, Féidhlim (2018) The roaming regulation and the case for applying behavioural industrial organisation to EU competition policy. ESRI WP598, September 2018. [Working Paper]

McGowan, Féidhlim P. and Lunn, Peter D. and Robertson, Deirdre A. (2018) The framing of options for retirement: Experimental tests for policy. ESRI WP604, December 2018. [Working Paper]

McQuinn, Kieran and Varthalitis, Petros (2018) How openness to trade rescued the Irish economy. ESRI WP608, December 2018. [Working Paper]

Russo, Marianna and Bertsch, Valentin (2018) A looming revolution: Implications of self-generation for the risk exposure of retailers. ESRI WP597, September 2018. [Working Paper]

Spodniak, Petr and Bertsch, Valentin and Devine, Mel (2018) The profitability of energy storage in European electricity markets. ESRI WP605, December 2018. [Working Paper]

Whyte, Richard and Keegan, Conor and Brick, Aoife and Wren, Maev-Ann (2018) Review of the Irish and international literature on health and social care unit cost methodology. ESRI WP602, October 2018. [Working Paper]

February 2018

Morgenroth, Edgar and Murphy, Martin and Moore, Kyle (2018) THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF FISCAL INSTRUMENTS. ESRI EVIDENCE FOR POLICY, FEBRUARY 2018. [Working Paper]

April 2018

Kenny, O. and Maitre , B. and Russell, H. (2018) Analysis of Work-related Injury and Illness, 2001 to 2014. Sectoral Analysis No. 1: Health Sector. ESRI and Health and Safety Authority, April 2018. [Working Paper]

Kenny, O. and Maitre , B. and Russell, H. (2018) Analysis of Work-related Injury and Illness, 2001 to 2014. Sectoral Analysis No. 2: Construction Sector. ESRI and Health and Safety Authority, April 2018. [Working Paper]

Kenny, O. and Maitre , B. and Russell, H. (2018) Analysis of Work-related Injury and Illness, 2001 to 2014. Sectoral Analysis No. 3: Industry Sector. ESRI and Health and Safety Authority, April 2018. [Working Paper]

Kenny, O. and Maitre , B. and Russell, H. (2018) Analysis of Work-related Injury and Illness, 2001 to 2014. Sectoral Analysis No. 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sector. ESRI and Health and Safety Authority, April 2018. [Working Paper]

Kenny, O. and Maitre , B. and Russell, H. (2018) Analysis of Work-related Injury and Illness, 2001 to 2014. Sectoral Analysis No. 5: Transport Sector. ESRI and Health and Safety Authority, April 2018. [Working Paper]

July 2018



Angel Tovar Reaños, Miguel and Lynch, Muireann A. (2019) Distributional impacts of carbon taxation and revenue recycling: a behavioural microsimulation. ESRI WP626, June 2019. [Working Paper]

Belton, Cameron A. and D.Lunn, Pete (2019) Smart choices? An experimental study of smart meters and time-of-use tariffs in Ireland. ESRI WP633, July 2019. [Working Paper]

Bercholz, Maxime and Bergin, Adele and Callan, Tim and Garcia Rodriguez, Abian and Keane, Claire (2019) A micro-macro economic analysis of pension auto-enrolment options. ESRI WP640, October 2019. [Working Paper]

Brazil, William and Harold, Jason and Curtis, John (2019) Heat Pumps and Their Role in Decarbonising Heating Sector: A Comprehensive Review. ESRI WP628, June 2019. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Angel Tovar, Miguel and Grilli, Gianluca (2019) Access to and consumption of natural gas: spatial and sociodemographic drivers. ESRI WP639, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Brazil, William and Harold, Jason (2019) Understanding preference heterogeneity in electricity services: the case of domestic appliance curtailment contracts. ESRI WP638, October 2019. [Working Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Bertsch, Valentin (2019) The role of demand response in mitigating market power - A quantitative analysis using a stochastic market equilibrium model. ESRI WP635, August 2019. [Working Paper]

Economides, Philip and McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor (2019) It's not just for boys! Understanding gender differences in STEM. ESRI WP618, March 2019. [Working Paper]

Fitiwi, Desta Z. and Lynch, Muireann and Bertsch, Valentin (2019) Optimal development of electricity generation mix considering fossil fuel phase-out and strategic multi-area interconnection. ESRI WP616, February 2019. [Working Paper]

Gash, Vanessa and Plagnol, Anke C. (2019) The Partner Pay Gap – Associations between Spouses’ Relative Earnings and Life Satisfaction among Couples in the UK. ESRI WP642, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen (2019) Modelling anglers' fish release choices using logbook data. ESRI WP623, June 2019. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Mukhopadhyay, Soumyadeep and Curtis, John and Hynes, Stephen (2019) Recreational angling demand in a mixed resource fishery. ESRI WP622, June 2019. [Working Paper]

Harold, Jason and Bertsch, Valentin and Fell, Harrison (2019) Consumer preferences for end-use specific curtailable electricity contracts on household appliances during peak load hours. ESRI WP632, July 2019. [Working Paper]

Keane, Claire and Bercholz, Maxime (2019) Work incentives adjusting for childcare subsidies and healthcare benefits. ESRI WP634, August 2019. [Working Paper]

Kirchem, Dana and Lynch, Muireann A. and Casey, Eoin and Bertsch, Valentin (2019) Demand response within the energy-for-water-nexus - A review. ESRI WP637, October 2019. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and Lyons, Seán and Murphy, Martin (2019) Predicting Farms’ Noncompliance with Regulations on Nitrate Pollution. ESRI WP609, January 2019. [Working Paper]

Martinez Cillero, Maria and Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor (2019) The determinants of SME capital structure across the lifecycle. ESRI WP614, February 2019. [Working Paper]

McGowan, Féidhlim P. and Lunn, Pete and Robertson, Deirdre A. (2019) Underestimation of money growth and pensions: Experimental investigations. ESRI WP611, February 2019. [Working Paper]

Roantree, Barra and Regan, Mark and Callan, Tim and Savage, Michael and Walsh, John R. (2019) Housing Assistance Payment: Potential impacts on financial incentives to work. ESRI WP610, January 2019. [Working Paper]

Robertson, Deirdre A. and Lunn, Pete (2019) The effect of spatial position of calorie information on choice, consumption and attention. ESRI WP615, February 2019. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Meneto, Stefano and Tong Koecklin, Manuel (2019) Determinants of green innovations: Firm-level evidence. ESRI WP643, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Singh Gaur, Ankita and Fitiwi, Desta Z. and Curtis, John (2019) Heat Pumps and Their Role in Decarbonising Heating Sector: A Comprehensive Review. ESRI WP627, June 2019. [Working Paper]

Slaymaker, Rachel and O'Toole, Conor and McQuinn, Kieran and Fahy, Mike (2019) Monetary policy normalisation and mortgage arrears in a recovering economy: The case of the Irish residential market. ESRI WP613, March 2019. [Working Paper]

Smyth, Emer (2019) Senior cycle review: analysis of discussions in schools on senior cycle pathways and structures in Ireland. ESRI WP621, August 2019. [Working Paper]

Spodniak, Petr and Ollikka, Kimmo and Honkapuro, Samuli (2019) The relevance of wholesale electricity market places: the Nordic case. ESRI WP631, July 2019. [Working Paper]

Timmons, Shane and Barjaková, Martina and McElvaney, Terence J. and Lunn, Pete (2019) Can official advice improve mortgage-holders’ perceptions of switching? An experimental investigation. ESRI WP612, February 2019. [Working Paper]

Timmons, Shane and McElvaney, Terence J. and Lunn, Peter D. (2019) An experiment for regulatory policy on broadband speed advertising. ESRI WP641, November 2019. [Working Paper]

Varthalitis, Petros (2019) FIR-GEM: A SOE-DSGE Model for fiscal policy analysis in Ireland. ESRI WP620, March 2019. [Working Paper]

Varthalitis, Petros (2019) Fiscal multipliers in Ireland using FIR-GEM model. ESRI WP636, September 2019. [Working Paper]

Varthalitis, Petros and Sakkas, Stelios (2019) Public Debt Consolidation and its Distributional Effects. ESRI WP629, July 2019. [Working Paper]

Zhu, Tong and Curtis, John and Clancy, Matthew (2019) Promoting biogas and biomethane production: Lessons from cross country studies. ESRI WP630, July 2019. [Working Paper]

de Bruin, Kelly and Mert Yakut, Aykut (2019) The effects of an incremental increase in the Irish carbon tax towards 2030. ESRI WP619, March 2019. [Working Paper]

December 2019

Brick, Aoife and Keegan, Conor and Wren, Maev-Ann (2019) Baseline utilisation of specialist disability services in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No.644 December 2019. [Working Paper]

Devine, Mel T. and Russo, Marianna and Cuffe, Paul (2019) Blockchain electricity trading using tokenised power delivery contracts. ESRI Working Paper No. 649 December 2019. [Working Paper]

Fitiwi, Desta Z. and Lynch, Muireann A. and Bertsch, Valentin (2019) Capacity-constrained renewable power generation development in light of storage cost uncertainty. ESRI Working Paper No. 647 December 2019. [Working Paper]

Gormly, Ian and Belton, Cameron A. and Lunn, Peter D. and Roberrtson, Deirdre A. (2019) Interventions to increase physical activity in disadvantaged communities: A review of behavioural mechanisms. ESRI Working Paper No. 646 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John (2019) Encouraging pro-environmental behaviours: a review of methods and approaches. ESRI Working Paper No. 645 December 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

O'Toole, Conor and Martinez-Cillero, Maria and Ahrens, Achim (2019) Price regulation, inflation, and nominal rigidity in housing rents. ESRI Working Paper No. 648 December 2019. [Working Paper]

January 2020

Ahrensa, Achim and Beirnea, Keelan and Economidesa, Philip and Kostarakosa, Ilias and McQuinna, Kieran and O’ Toole, Conor (2020) A review of the methodologies used in compiling owner-occupiers’ housing indices. ESRI Working Paper 651 January 2020. [Working Paper]

Delaney, Judith and Devereux, Paul J. (2020) The effect of high school rank in English and math on college major choice. ESRI Working Paper No. 650 January 2020. [Working Paper]


February 2020

O'Toole, Conor and Slaymaker, Rachel (2020) Repayment capacity, debt service ratios and mortgage default: An exploration in crisis and non-crisis periods. ESRI Working Paper No. 652 February 2020. [Working Paper]

March 2020

Belton, Cameron A. and Lavina, Ciarán and Lunna, Peter D. (2020) Eliciting trade-offs between water charges and service benefits in Scotland. ESRI Working Paper No. 655 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Belton, Cameron A. and Robertson, Deirdre A. and Lunna, Peter D. (2020) An experimental study of attitudes to changing water charges in Scotland. ESRI Working Paper No.654 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Fitiwi, Desta and Lynch, Muireann A. (2020) Climate policy costs of spatially unbalanced growth in electricity demand: the case of datacentres. ESRI Working Paper No. 657 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Koecklina, Manuel Tong and Fitwia, Desta Z. and DeCarolisc, Joseph F. and Curtisa, John (2020) Renewable electricity generation and transmission network developments in light of public opposition: Insights from Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 653 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and Belton, Cameron and Lavin, Ciarán and McGowan, Féidhlim and Timmons, Shane and Robertson, Deirdre (2020) Using behavioural science to help fight the coronavirus. ESRI Working Paper No. 656 March 2020. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Peter D. and Timmons, Shane and Belton, Cameron A. and Barjahova, Martina and Julienn, Hannah and Lavin, Ciaran (2020) Motivating social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic: An online experiment. ESRI Working Paper No. 658 April 2020. [Working Paper]

May 2020

Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and McQuinn, Kieran (2020) Property prices and COVID-19 related administrative closures: What are the implications? ESRI Working Paper 661 May 2020. [Working Paper]

Lawless, Martina and Rehill , Luke (2020) Productivity dispersion and sectoral labour shares in Europe. ESRI Working Paper 659 May 2020. [Working Paper]

Lunn, Pete and Timmons, Shane and Julienne, Hannah and Belton, Cameron and Barjaková, Martina and Lavin, Ciarán and McGowan, Féidhlim (2020) Using decision aids to support self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. ESRI Working Paper 664 May 2020. [Working Paper]

Reaños, Miguel Tovar and Lynch, Muireann Á (2020) Are energy poverty metrics fit for purpose? An assessment using behavioural microsimulation. ESRI Working Paper 665 May 2020. [Working Paper]

Whyte, Richard and Wren, Maev-Ann and Keegan, Conor and Brick, Aoife (2020) An analysis of trends in Irish public healthcare expenditure and staffing. ESRI Working Paper 660 May 2020. [Working Paper]

June 2020

Delaney, Judith and Devereux, Paul (2020) Choosing differently? College application behaviour and the persistence of educational advantage. ESRI Working Paper 666 June 2020. [Working Paper]

Delaney, Judith and Devereux, Paul (2020) How gender and prior disadvantage predict performance in college. ESRI Working Paper 667 June 2020. [Working Paper]

Regan, Mark (2020) Wage scarring among unlucky European cohorts. ESRI Working Paper 668 June 2020. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Yan, Weijie (2020) What drives firms’ decisions to spend on environmental protection? ESRI Working Paper 670 June 2020. [Working Paper]

de Bruin, Kelly and Dennehy, Emer and Curtis, John (2020) A freight transport demand, energy and emission model with technological choices. ESRI Working Paper 669 June 2020. [Working Paper]

July 2020

McQuinn, Kieran and Varthalitis, Petros (2020) Debt sharing after COVID-19: How the direct involvement of EU institutions could impact the recovery path of a member state. ESRI Working Paper 663 July 2020. [Working Paper]

Meneto, Stefano and Siedschlag, Iulia (2020) Green innovations and export performance. ESRI Working Paper 674 July 2020. [Working Paper]

Reaños, Miguel Tovar (2020) Car ownership and the distributional and environmental policies to reduce driving behavior. ESRI Working Paper 673 July 2020. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Yan, Weijie (2020) Green investments and firm performance. ESRI Working Paper 672 July 2020. [Working Paper]

September 2020

Allen-Coghlan, Matthew and Coffey, Cathal and Martinez-Cillero, Maria and Kostarakos, Ilias and McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor (2020) Estimating the cost of Irish housing for the CPI: A rental equivalence approach. ESRI Working Paper 676 September 2020. [Working Paper]

Bokhari, Farasat and Yan, Weijie (2020) Product line extensions under the threat of entry: evidence from the UK pharmaceuticals market. ESRI Working Paper 678 September 2020. [Working Paper]

Daly, Luke and Lawless, Martina (2020) Examination of the sectoral overlap of COVID-19 and Brexit shocks. ESRI Working Paper 677 September 2020. [Working Paper]

De Bruin, Kelly C. and Yakut, Aykut Mert (2020) The use of the I3E model in macroeconomic analysis for the Irish economy. ESRI Working Paper 679 September 2020. [Working Paper]

Kostarakos, Ilias and Varthalitis, Petros (2020) Fiscal policy and growth in a panel of EU countries over 1995-2017. ESRI Working Paper 675 September 2020. [Working Paper]

October 2020

Corrigan, Eoin and Slaymaker, Rachel and O'Toole, Conor (2020) Credit demand in the Irish mortgage market: What is the gap and could public lending help? ESRI Working Paper 671 October 2020. [Working Paper]

Lopriore, Marco (2020) Helping to spend it wisely: REACT-EU and the challenges of good projects. EIPA briefing October 2020. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2020

Coffey, Cathal and McQuinn, Kieran and O'Toole, Conor (2020) Rental equivalence, owner-occupied housing and inflation measurement: Micro-level evidence from Ireland. ESRI Working Paper 685 November 2020. [Working Paper]

Cronin, David and McQuinn, Kieran (2020) Are official forecasts of output growth in the EU still biased? ESRI Working Paper 681 November 2020. [Working Paper]

Cronin, David and McQuinn, Kieran (2020) Fiscal policy and growth forecasts in the EU: Are official forecasters still misestimating fiscal multipliers? ESRI Working Paper 682 November 2020. [Working Paper]

Cronin, David and McQuinn, Kieran (2020) The (pro-) cyclicality of fiscal policy in the EU and governments’ expectations of future output growth: New evidence. ESRI Working Paper 683 November 2020. [Working Paper]

Curtis, John and Grilli, Gianluca (2020) Does moving home affect residential heating decisions? Exploring heating fuel switching in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper 684 November 2020. [Working Paper]

Siedschlag, Iulia and Yan, Weijie (2020) Containing the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Determined the Speed of Government Interventions? ESRI Working Paper 680 November 2020. [Working Paper]

December 2020

Brick, Aoife and Keegan, Conor (2020) Paying more to wait less: Estimating the cost of reducing Ireland’s public hospital waiting lists. ESRI Working Paper 688 December 2020. [Working Paper]

De Bruin, Kelly C. and Ayuba, Victoria (2020) What does Paris mean for Africa? An Integrated Assessment analysis of the effects of the Paris Agreement on African economies. ESRI Working Paper 690 December 2020. [Working Paper]

Di Ubaldo, Mattia and Borchert, Ingo (2020) Go ahead and trade: The effect of uncertainty removal in the EU’s GSP scheme. ESRI Working Paper 691 December 2020. [Working Paper]

Julienne, Hannah and Lavin, Ciarán and Belton, Cameron and Barjaková, Martina and Timmons, Shane and Lunn, Pete (2020) Behavioural pre-testing of COVID Tracker, Ireland’s contact-tracing app. ESRI Working Paper 687 December 2020. [Working Paper]

Kostarakos, Ilias (2020) Determinants of the (non-Housing) Labour Income Share in the EU. ESRI Working Paper 693 December 2020. [Working Paper]

Mihut, Georgiana and McCoy, Selina and Maitre, Bertrand (2020) Academic and socio-emotional outcomes of young people with special educational needs and the role of parental educational expectations. ESRI Working Paper 692 December 2020. [Working Paper]

O'Toole, Conor and Slaymaker, Rachel (2020) Back to the future? Macroprudential policy and the rebirth of local authority mortgages in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper 686 December 2020. [Working Paper]

Timmons, Shane and Belton, Cameron and Robertson, Deirdre and Barjaková, Martina and Lavin, Ciarán and Julienne, Hannah and Lunn, Pete (2020) Is it riskier to meet 100 people outdoors or 14 people indoors? Comparing public and expert perceptions of COVID-19 risk. ESRI Working Paper 689 December 2020. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim (2021) Microsimulation modelling of the National Childcare Scheme: Updated cost estimates using SWITCH. ESRI Working Paper 695 January 2021. [Working Paper]

January 2021

Daly, Luke and Lawless, Martina (2021) EU-US trade structure and risks. ESRI Working Paper 694 January 2021. [Working Paper]

March 2021

De Bruin, Kelly C. and Krishnamurthy, Chandra Kiran (2021) Optimal climate policy with fat-tailed uncertainty: What the models can tell us. ESRI Working Paper 697 March 2021. [Working Paper]

Grilli, Gianluca and Curtis, John (2021) An evaluation of public initiatives to change behaviours that affect water quality. ESRI Working Paper 696 March 2021. [Working Paper]

April 2021

Kren, Janez and Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor and McCann, Fergal and McQuinn, John (2021) New survey evidence on COVID-19 and Irish SMEs: Measuring the impact and policy response. ESRI Working Paper 698 April 2021. [Working Paper]

Martinez-Cillero, Maria and Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor (2021) SME investment determinants and financing constraints: A stochastic frontier approach. ESRI Working Paper 699 April 2021. [Working Paper]

May 2021

Kren, Janez and Lawless, Martina and O'Toole, Conor (2021) Cost of doing business during COVID-19: SME investment in public health compliance. ESRI Working Paper No. 701 May 2021. [Working Paper]

Lynch, Muireann and Longoria, Genaro and Curtis, John (2021) Future market design options for electricity markets with high RES-E: Lessons from the Irish Single Electricity Market. ESRI Working Paper No. 702 May 2021. [Working Paper]

Pillai, Arya and Reaños, Miguel Tovar and Curtis, John (2021) An examination of energy effciency retrofit scheme applications by low-income households in Ireland. ESRI Working Paper 700 May 2021. [Working Paper]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 18:43:18 2025 EDT.