Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > External relations > European Neighbourhood Policy"
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- Subject Areas (12987)
- EU policies and themes (11936)
- External relations (3250)
- European Neighbourhood Policy (139)
- External relations (3250)
- EU policies and themes (11936)
Boniface, Jérôme and Wesseling, Mara. (2008) La politique de voisinage face au délicat dilemme de la mobilité. = The European Neighborhood Policy facing the difficult dilemma of mobility. EIPAScope, 2008 (3). pp. 1-6.
Poselsky, Volodymyr. (2004) The frontiers of Europe in the Light of the Wider Europe’s Strategy. European Political Economy Review, 2 (1). pp. 51-74.
Silasi, Grigore and Simina, Ovidiu Laurian. (2007) Romania, A Country in Need of Workers? The Bitter Taste of “Strawberry Jam”. The Romanian Journal of European Studies, 5/6. pp. 179-205. ISSN 1583-199X
Simina, Ovidiu Laurian, ed. (2007) "Special Issue on Migration". The Romanian Journal of European Studies, 5-6, 2007. Journals > West University of Timisoara, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence > The Romanian Journal of European Studies, 5/6 . Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara.
Blockmans, Steven. (2017) The Obsolescence of the European Neighbourhood Policy. CEPS Paperback, October 2017. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-1-78660-645-7
Emerson, Michael (2005) Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood. CEPS Paperback. October 2005. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9290795921
Emerson, Michael and Balfour, Rosa and Sapir, André and Zachmann, Georg and Fiott, Daniel and Pascouau, Yves and Eeckelaert, Rouba al-Fattal and Biscop, Sven and Asseburg, Muriel (2012) An Arab Springboard for EU Foreign Policy? CEPS Paperbacks. January 2012. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-90-382-1905-9
Emerson, Michael and Checci, Arianna and Fujiwara, Noriko and Gajdosova, Ludmila and Gavrilis, George and Gnedina, Elena (2009) Synergies vs. Spheres of Influence in the Pan-European Space. Report prepared for the Policy Planning Staff of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. CEPS Paperbacks. April 2009. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9789290798712
Emerson, Michael and Gros, Daniel (1999) The CEPS Plan for the Balkans. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290792752
Emerson, Michael and Heisbourg, François (2007) Readings in European Security, Volume 4. CEPS Paperbacks. May 2007. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . Centre for European Policy Studies. ISBN 9789290796794
Hoffmann, Friedhelm (2009) Arabische Bibliographie zur europaischen Integration mit deutscher Ubersetzung der Titel, aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Tübingen = Bibliography of Arab Writing on European Integration Including German Translation of Titles, Based on the Arabic Collections of Tubingen University Library. TOBIAS-lib.
Hoffmann, Friedhelm. (2007) Arabische Stimmen zur europaischen Integration. Arbeitsbibliographie aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Tubingen. = A Key to European Integration from the Arab Viewpoint. Working Bibliography Based on the Arabic Collections of Tubingen University Library. TOBIAS-lib.
Lannon, Erwan and van Elsuwege, Peter. (2003) "The EU's Emerging Neighborhood Policy and its Potential Impact on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership". In EURO-MED INTEGRATION AND THE 'RING OF FRIENDS': THE MEDITERRANEAN'S EUROPEAN CHALLENGE, VOL. IV". Series > University of Malta, Institute for European Studies > Euro-Med Integration and the 'Ring of Friends': The Mediterranean's European Challenge - Vol. IV . European Documentation and Research Centre, pp. 21-84.
Conference Proceedings
Börzel, Tanja A. and van Hullen, Vera. (2011) Good Governance and Bad Neighbours. The End of Transformative Power Europe? [Conference Proceedings]
Dib, Laura (2011) Securing EU neighborhood - an ideational approach to EU-neighborhood relations. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)
Gstöhl, Sieglinde (2015) The Contestation of Values in the European Neighbourhood Policy: Challenges of Capacity, Consistency and Competition. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)
Conference or Workshop Item
Beichelt, Timm. (2007) Democracy promotion in Eastern Europe in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Biscop, Sven. (2005) The European Security Strategy and the Neighbourhood Policy: A New Starting Point for a Euro-Mediterranean Security Partnership? In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)
Buscaneanu, Sergiu (2012) EU democracy promotion in Eastern ENP Countries. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Comelli, Michele. (2007) "Building Security in its Neighbourhood through the European Neighborhood Policy?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Dangerfield, Martin (2009) The Visegrad Group and the European Union’s ‘Eastern’ Dimension. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Futak-Campbell, Beatrix. (2007) Is there a common institutional discourse on the ENP: rhetoric during debates and during Question Time at the European Parliament on the Eastern neighbours. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Ganzle, Stefan. (2007) "The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): Extending Governance beyond Borders?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Haukkala, Hiski. (2007) A normative power or a normative hegemon? The EU and its European Neighbourhood Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Ifversen, Jan, and Kolvraa, Christoffer. (2007) "European Neighbourhood Policy as Identity Politics". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Kelley, Judith. (2005) "New wine in old wineskins: policy adaptation in the European Neighborhood Policy." Forthcoming in "Journal Of Common Market Studies" 2006. In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)
Schimmelfennig, Frank, and Scholtz, Hanno. (2007) EU Democracy Promotion in the European Neighborhood: Conditionality, Economic Development, and Linkage. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Schimmelfennig, Frank. (2005) "European Neighborhood Policy: Political Conditionality and its Impact on Democracy in Non-Candidate Neighboring Countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)
Stahn, Andreas, and van Hullen, Vera. (2007) "Different actors, different tools? Approaching EU and US democracy promotion in the Mediterranean and the Newly Independent States". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Discussion Paper
Demmelhuber, Thomas. (2007) The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) and its Implementation in the Southern Mediterranean. The Case of Egypt. ZEI Discussion Papers C170, 2007. [Discussion Paper]
Kühnhardt, Ludger (2015) Neighbors and other realities: The Atlantic civilization and its enemies. ZEI Discussion Paper C228, 2015. [Discussion Paper]
Marchetti, Andreas. (2006) The European Neighbourhood Policy. Foreign Policy at the EU’s Periphery. ZEI Discussion Papers C158, 2006. [Discussion Paper]
Delcour, Laure and Duhot, Hubert (2011) Bringing South Caucasus Closer to Europe: Achievements and Challenges in ENP Implantation. Natolin Research Paper 03/March 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
Emerson, Michael (2014) After the Vilnius fiasco: Who is to blame? What is to be done? CEPS Essay No. 8, 21 January 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim (2014) Setting the Scene: Assessing Opportunities and Threats of the European Neighbourhood. UNSPECIFIED.
Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Schöler, Gabriele (2015) The EU neighborhood in shambles: Some recommendations for a new European neighbourhood strategy. Bertelsmann Studies. UNSPECIFIED.
Grussendorf, Johan S. U. and Hoffmann, Friedhelm. (2010) Frieden, Wohlstand und Menschenrechte rund ums Mittelmeer" – Die Erklärung von Barcelona (1995) = Peace, prosperity, and human rights in the Mediterranean area - the Barcelona Declaration. Clio-Online / Themenportal Europäische Geschichte.
Hanelt, Christian-Peter and Schöler, Gabriele (2014) Towards a New European Neighbourhood Policy: Impulses for discussion. European Neighbourhood Conference Berlin, November 26/27, 2014. UNSPECIFIED.
Hanf, Dominik (2011) The ENP in the light of the new “neighbourhood clause” (Article 8 TEU). Research Papers in Law, 2/2011. UNSPECIFIED.
Longhurst, Kerry (2011) Derisory Results or Reasons to be Cheerful? Evaluating the Implantation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. Natolin Research Paper 01/January 2011. UNSPECIFIED.
Matusiak, Marek (2012) Georgian dilemmas. Between a strong state and democracy. Point of View No. 29, July 2012. UNSPECIFIED.
Pelczynska-Nalecz, Katarzyna (2005) The ENP in practice - the European Union's policy towards Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova one year after the publication of the Strategy Paper. OSW Point of View, June 2005. UNSPECIFIED.
Pelczynska-Nalecz, Katarzyna (2003) The Enlarged European Union and its Eastern Neighbours: Problems and Solutions. OSW Point of View, October 2003. UNSPECIFIED.
Pelczynska-Nalecz, Katarzyna (2011) Integration or imitation? EU policy towards its Eastern neighbours. OSW Study 36/2011. UNSPECIFIED.
Rodkiewicz, Witold (2009) Od demokracji "wirtualnej" ku europejskiej: Geneze i konsekwencje przelomu politycznego w Moldawii. Prace OSW 32/2009. = From "virtual" to European democracy - the origins and consequences of the political breakthrough in Moldova. OSW Study 32/2009. UNSPECIFIED.
Policy Paper
Ananicz, Szymon (2011) Tug-of-war over EU's policy towards its neighbours. OSW Commentary No. 49, 2011-03-09. [Policy Paper]
Balfour, Rosa (2015) Spotlight-Europe - March 2015: The EU neighbourhood in shambles. Some recommendations for a new European neighbourhood strategy. [Policy Paper]
Blockmans, Steven. (2015) The 2015 ENP Review: A policy in suspended animation. CEPS Commentary, 1 December 2015. [Policy Paper]
Blockmans, Steven. and Van Vooren, Bart (2013) Strengthening the strategic choice offered to the EU’s southern Mediterranean neighbours. CEPS Commentary, 1 February 2013. [Policy Paper]
Bosse, Giselle. (2007) Values in the EU's Neighbourhood Policy: Political Rhetoric or Reflection of a Coherent Policy? European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 38-62. [Policy Paper]
Carp, Suzana and Schumacher, Tobias (2015) From Survival to Revival: The Riga Summit 2015 and the revised ENP. Egmont Security policy Brief No. 65, July 2015. [Policy Paper]
Cenciarelli, Althea (2017) Norms and interests in the Caspian region: bridging the division between ENP and EUCAS. Bruges Political Research Papers 58/2017. [Policy Paper]
Chang, Michele and De Souza, Eric and Gstohl, Sieglinde and Hanf, Dominik. (2007) Papers prepared for the Colloquium "Working for Europe: Perspectives on the EU 50 Years after the Treaties of Rome." Chambre belge des representants Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers 9 March 2007. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 4, June 2007. [Policy Paper]
Darvas, Zsolt and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Röller, Lars-Hendrik and Santos, Indhira and Sapir, André and van Pottelsberghe, Bruno and Véron, Nicholas and Veugelers, Reinhilde and von Hagen, Jürgen and von Weizsäcker, Jakob. (2009) Memos to the new Commission- Europe's economic priorities 2010-2015. Bruegel Blueprint Series No. (10?), 27 August 2009. [Policy Paper]
Delcour, Laure (2015) The 2015 ENP Review: Beyond Stocktaking, the Need for a Political Strategy. College of Europe Policy Brief #1.15, December 2015. [Policy Paper]
Delcour, Laure (2007) Does the European Neighbourhood Policy make a difference? Policy Patterns and Reception in Ukraine and Russia. European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 118-155. [Policy Paper]
Dimitrovova, Bohdana and Novakova, Zuzana (2015) Re-thinking the EU's development paradigm: views from Morocco and Tunisia. EPC Policy Brief, 12 January 2015. [Policy Paper]
Dura, George and Gnedina, Elena. (2009) Moldova’s 'wannabe democracy' is worth rescuing. CEPS Policy Brief No. 185, 23 April 2009. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael (2012) History does not move in a straight line. CEPS Commentary, 5 July 2012. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael (2019) Scenarios for a wider Europe. CEPS Policy Insights No 2019/02, February 2019. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael and Noutcheva, Gergana and Popescu, Nicu. (2007) European Neighbourhood Policy Two Years on: Time Indeed for an 'ENP Plus'. CEPS Policy Brief, No. 126, 21 March 2007. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael and Tocci, Nathalie. (2007) A little clarification, please, on the 'Union of the Mediterranean'. CEPS Commentaries, 8 June 2007. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael. (2001) On the Forming and Reforming of Stability Pacts: From the Balkans to the Caucasus. CEPS Policy Brief No. 4, May 2001. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael. (2010) Rendez-vous with eastern Europe. CEPS Commentaries, 2 November 2010. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael. (2011) Review of the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. CEPS Commentary, 8 June 2011. [Policy Paper]
Emerson, Michael. (2004) Vade Mecum for the Next Enlargements of the European Union. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 61, 1 December 2004. [Policy Paper]
Faleg , Giovanni (2013) Castles in the sand: Mali and the demise of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy. CEPS Commentary, 28 January 2013. [Policy Paper]
Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Garcia Schmidt, Armando and Gawelek, Margarethe and Hanelt, Christian Peter and Ochmann, Cornelius. (2008) spotlight europe 2008/07, June 2008: Hello Neighbours! A new EU policy from Morrocco to Azerbaijan. [Policy Paper]
Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim and Garcia Schmidt, Armando and Gawelek, Margarethe and Hanelt, Christian Peter and Ochmann, Cornelius. (2008) spotlight europe 2008/07, Juni 2008: Hallo Nachbar! Für eine neue EU-Politik von Marokko bis Aserbaidschan = Hello Neighbours! A new EU policy from Morrocco to Azerbaijan. [Policy Paper]
Gstöhl, Sieglinde and López, Sofía (2018) The European Union in its Neighbourhood: An Accidental Regional Hegemon. College of Europe Policy Brief #4.18, March 2018. [Policy Paper]
Helly, Damien. (2007) EU's influence in its Eastern neighbourhood: The case of crisis management in the Southern Caucasus. European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 102-117. [Policy Paper]
Johansson-Nogues, Elisabeth. (2007) The (Non-)Normative Power EU and the European Neighbourhood Policy: An exceptional policy for an exceptional actor? European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 181-194. [Policy Paper]
Kolarz, Stefania and Lozka, Katsiaryna (2020) Winds of change in Belarus: implications for the EU. College of Europe Policy Paper September 2020. [Policy Paper]
Korosteleva, Elena (2015) EU-Russia relations in the context of the eastern neighbourhood. Bertelsmann Policy Brief, May 2015. [Policy Paper]
Landaburu, Eneko (2006) From Neighbourhood to Integration Policy: Are there concrete alternatives to enlargement?. CEPS Policy Brief No. 95, 1 March 2006. [Policy Paper]
Loke, Hoe-Yeong (2011) Of neighbours, partners and EU aspirants: the case of EU-Georgia relations since the 2003 Rose Revolution. EU Centre Background Brief No. 5, September 2011. [Policy Paper]
Makarychev, Andrei and Deviatkov, Andrey (2012) Eastern Partnership: still a missing link in EU strategy? CEPS Commentary, 13 January 2012. [Policy Paper]
Marchetti, Andreas. (2007) Consolidation in Times of Crisis: The European Neighbourhood Policy as Chance for Neighbours? European Political Economy Review No. 7 (2007), p. 9-23. [Policy Paper]
Marin, Dalia. (2008) The New Corporation in Europe. Bruegel Policy Brief 2008/07, September 2008. [Policy Paper]
Mattmann, Adrian (2017) Investments of the European Investment Bank in European Neighbourhood Policy Countries and in Turkey Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis, the Arab Spring and the Conflict in Ukraine. Bruges Political Research Papers 65 / 2017. [Policy Paper]
Meloni, Gabriella. (2007) Who's my Neighbour? European Political Economy Review No. 7 (2007), p. 24-37. [Policy Paper]
Moschella, Manuella. (2007) An International Political Economy approach to the Neighbourhood Policy: The ENP from the enlargement and the Mediterranean perspectives. European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 156-180. [Policy Paper]
Natorski, Michal. (2007) Explaining Spanish and Polish approaches to the European Neighbourhood Policy. European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 63-101. [Policy Paper]
Resende, Madalena and Kraetzschmar, Hendrik. (2005) Parties of Power as Roadblocks to Democracy: The Cases of Ukraine and Egypt. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 81, 1 August 2005. [Policy Paper]
Sadowski, Rafal (2012) European Neighbourhood Policy Package - Conclusions for the Eastern Partners. OSW Commentary No. 78, 2012-05-25. [Policy Paper]
Sapir, André and Wolff, Guntram B. (2014) The Great Transformation: Memo to the Incoming EU Presidents. Bruegel Policy Brief 2014/04, July 2014. [Policy Paper]
Schumacher, Tobias (2016) Back to the Future: The ‘New’ ENP towards the Southern Neighbourhood and the End of Ambition. College of Europe Policy Brief #1.16, January 2016. [Policy Paper]
Trobbiani, Riccardo (2018) Culture in the ENP South: Broad Ambitions, Little Strategy, Insufficient Means. [Policy Paper]
Trobbiani, Riccardo (2018) Culture in the ENP South: Broad Ambitions, Little Strategy, Insufficient Means. IES Policy Brief No. 8, May 2018. [Policy Paper]
Trobbiani, Riccardo (2018) EL-CSID Policy Brief 8- Culture in the ENP South: Broad Ambitions, Little Strategy, Insufficient Means. Institute for European Studies Issue 2018/08. [Policy Paper]
Tulmets, Elsa. (2007) Can the discourse on "soft power" help the EU to bridge its capability-expectations gap? European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 195-226. [Policy Paper]
Turkina, Ekaterina. (2010) Sub-national governance structures in the Northern Dimension and the Black Sea Synergy: perspectives for European regionalism. Policy Paper No. 14, July 2010. [Policy Paper]
Vahl, Marius (2004) Is Ukraine Turning Away from Europe? CEPS Policy Briefs No. 57, 1 October 2004. [Policy Paper]
Veuthey, Alexandre (2020) Negotiating privileged partnerships: EU-Switzerland relations and the joined-up approach in practice. College of Europe Policy Brief December 2020. [Policy Paper]
Working Paper
Al-Fattal, Rouba. (2010) The Foreign Policy of the EU in the Palestinian Territory. CEPS Working Document No. 328, May 2010. [Working Paper]
Apap, Joanna and Tchorbadjiyska, Angelina. (2004) What about the Neighbours? The Impact of Schengen along the EU’s External Borders. CEPS Working Documents No. 210, 1 October 2004. [Working Paper]
Attina, Fulvio. (2005) Regional security partnership: the concept, model, practice, and a preliminary comparative scheme. JMWP No.58.05, July 2005. [Working Paper]
Balzacq, Thierry. (2008) The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Tools, Processes, Outcomes. CEPS Working Document No. 303, September 2008. [Working Paper]
Baudenbacher, Carl (2013) The Judicial Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy. EU Diplomacy Paper 08/2013, November 2013. [Working Paper]
Baur, Benjamin J. (2015) Die Energieinteressen der EU im Südkaukasus und die Rolle der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik. TAIF Nr. 10/2015 = The EU's energy interests in the South Caucasus and the role of European Neighbourhood Policy. TAIF No. 10/2015. [Working Paper]
Bobotsi, Constance (2021) EU Education Diplomacy: Embeddedness of Erasmus+ in the EU’s Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policies. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 3/2021. [Working Paper]
Buschle, Dirk (2014) Exporting the Internal Market – Panacea or Nemesis for the European Neighbourhood Policy? Lessons from the Energy Community. EU Diplomacy Paper No. 2, 2014. [Working Paper]
Chang, Michele and De Souza, Eric and Gstöhl, Sieglinde and Hanf, Dominik (2007) Papers prepared for the Colloquium "Working for Europe: Perspectives on the EU 50 Years after the Treaties of Rome". [Working Paper] (Unpublished)
Dimitrovova, Bohdana. (2010) Remaking Europe's Borders through the European Neighbourhood Policy. CEPS Working Document No. 327, March 2010. [Working Paper]
Dimitrovova, Bohdana. (2009) Reshaping Civil Society in Morocco: Boundary Setting, Integration and Consolidation. CEPS Working Document No. 323, December 2009. [Working Paper]
Emerson, Michael (2013) Europe's continental regionalism. CEPS Working Document No. 375, February 2013. [Working Paper]
Emerson, Michael (2004) European Neighbourhood Policy:Strategy or Placebo?. CEPS Working Documents, No. 215, 1 November 2004. [Working Paper]
Emerson, Michael and Aydın, Senem and Noutcheva, Gergana and Tocci, Nathalie and Vahl, Marius and Youngs, Richard. (2005) The Reluctant Debutante: The European Union as Promoter of Democracy in its Neighbourhood. CEPS Working Documents No. 223, 1 July 2005. [Working Paper]
Emerson, Michael and Jones, Stephen. (2005) European Neighbourhood Policy in the Mashreq Countries: Enhancing Prospects for Reform. CEPS Working Documents No. 229, 1 September 2005. [Working Paper]
Emerson, Michael and Noutcheva, Gergana. (2005) From Barcelona Process to Neighbourhood Policy: Assessments and Open Issues. CEPS Working Documents No. 220, 1 March 2005. [Working Paper]
Freire, Maria Raquel and Simão, Licínia. (2007) The Armenian road to democracy - Dimensions of a tortuous process. CEPS Working Document No. 267, May 2007. [Working Paper]
Gaenzle, Stefan. (2008) Policy-making and the New Modes of Governance in the European Neighborhood Policy. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol 8, No. 8, May 2008. [Working Paper]
Grant, Charles and Gedmin, Jeffrey and Bordachev, Timofei V. (2006) Strategic Implications of the EU Crisis. CEPS ESF Working Papers No. 21, 1 February 2006. [Working Paper]
Gros, Daniel and Womack, Brantly and Voskressenski, Alexei D. (2009) The Rise of China: Policies of the EU, Russia and the US. ESF Working Paper No. 30, 9 February 2009. [Working Paper]
Gstöhl, Sieglinde (2008) A Neighbourhood Economic Community - finalité économique for the ENP? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 3/2008, February 2008. [Working Paper]
Gstöhl, Sieglinde. (2007) Political Dimensions of an Externalization of the EU’s Internal Market. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 3/2007, June 2007. [Working Paper]
Jacobs, Thomas (2016) The Language Diplomats Speak: A Discourse-theoretical Approach to the Negotiations in the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly. EU Diplomacy Paper 05/2016. [Working Paper]
Kawakibi, Salam. (2007) Political Islam in Syria. CEPS Working Document No. 270, June 2007. [Working Paper]
Kaznowski, Adam (2014) Defying the Treaty: The Influence of the Polish and Lithuanian Council Presidencies on the Development of the Eastern Partnership. EU Diplomacy Paper No. 6, October 2014. [Working Paper]
Keller-Noellet, Jacques, and Andoura, Sami. (2008) Quel avenir pour la Politique européenne de voisinage ? = What Future for the European Neighbourhood Policy?, Egmont - European Affairs Publications Working Paper 2008/03, March 2008. [Working Paper]
Kennedy, Donal (2016) Between Sisyphus and the Danaïdes? The European Union’s Efforts to Promote and Protect the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons in its Eastern Neighbourhood. EU Diplomacy Paper 04/2016. [Working Paper]
Kolarz, Stefania (2020) The European Union’s Engagement with the ‘de-facto States’ in the Eastern Partnership. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 8/2020. [Working Paper]
Laporte, Vincent (2012) The European Union-an expanding security community? EU Diplomacy Paper 06/2012, August 2012. [Working Paper]
Leenders, Leander (2014) EU Sanctions: A Relevant Foreign Policy Tool? EU Diplomacy Paper No. 3, May 2014. [Working Paper]
Noutcheva, Gergana and Emerson, Michael. (2005) Economic Regimes for Export: Extending the EU’s Norms of Economic Governance into the Neighbourhood. CEPS Working Documents No. 233, 1 December 2005. [Working Paper]
Popescu, Nicu. (2007) Europe's unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. CEPS Working Document, No. 260, 15 March 2007. [Working Paper]
Raik, Kristi. (2006) Promoting Democracy through Civil Society: How to Step up the EU’s Policy towards the Eastern Neighbourhood. CEPS Working Documents No. 237, 1 February 2006. [Working Paper]
Secrieru, Stanislav. (2009) Illusion of Power: Russia after the South Caucasus Battle. CEPS Working Document No. 311, 24 February 2009. [Working Paper]
Selleslaghs, Joren (2014) Conflicting Role Conceptions: In Search of the European Union's Added Value for its Southern Neighbors. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Paper 04/2014. [Working Paper]
Shumylo, Olga (2006) Ukraine and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Ensuring the Free Movement of Goods and Services. CEPS Working Documents No. 240, 1 March 2006. [Working Paper]
Tartes, Annika (2015) The Limited Influence of the European Union in Armenia and Azerbaijan: A Domestic Explanation. EU Diplomacy Paper 9/2015. [Working Paper]
Tassinari, Fabrizio (2005) Security and Integration in the EU Neighborhood: the Case for Regionalism. CEPS Working Documents No. 226, 1 July 2005. [Working Paper]
Tassinari, Fabrizio. (2006) Variable Geometries: Mapping Ideas, Institutions and Power in the Wider Europe. CEPS Working Document, No. 254, 30 November 2006. [Working Paper]
Tassinari, Fabrizio. (2007) Whole, free and integrated? A Transatlantic Perspective on the European Neighbourhood. CEPS Working Documents, No. 271, 25 June 2007. [Working Paper]
Thepaut, Charles (2011) Can the EU pressure dictators? reforming ENP conditionality after the Arab Spring. EU Diplomacy Paper 06/2011, January 2011. [Working Paper]
Vahl, Marius (2005) Models for the European Neighbourhood Policy: The European Economic Area and the Northern Dimension. CEPS Working Documents No. 218, 1 February 2005. [Working Paper]
Weber, Katja. (2007) European Security Integration: Lessons for East Asia? Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 7, No. 7, April 2007. [Working Paper]
Wichmann, Nicole. (2007) “The Intersection between Justice and Home Affairs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices.” CEPS Working Document No. 275, October 2007. [Working Paper]
Willenberg, Anne (2009) The Promotion of Regional Economic Integration in the EU’s Neighbourhood: CEFTA 2006 and the Agadir Agreement. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Paper 5/2009. [Working Paper]