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Number of items at this level: 75.


Banchoff, Thomas. (2002) The Politics of the European Research Area. ACES Working Paper 2002.3, August 2002. [Working Paper]

Gillespie, Kate, and Riddle, Liesl. (2002) Foreign Market Information Resources Employed by Export Entrepreneurs in the Turkish Clothing Industry. ACES Working Paper 2002.2, August 2002. [Working Paper]

Santiso, Carlos. (2002) Reforming European Union Development Cooperation: Good Governance, Political Conditionality and the Convention of Contonou. ACES Working Paper 2002.4, August 2002. [Working Paper]

Skjott-Larsen, Tage, and Bagchi, Prabir. (2002) Challenges of Integration in Supply Chain Networks: An European Case Study. ACES Working Paper 2002.1, August 2002. [Working Paper]


Silvia, Stephen J. and Beers Sampson, Aaron. (2003) Acquis Communautaire and European Exceptionalism: A Geneaology. ACES Working Paper 2003.1, July 2003. [Working Paper]


Dastidar, Protiti. (2004) Do US Multinationals Differ from Non-US Multinationals in Value Creation? ACES Working Paper 2004.1, February 2004. [Policy Paper]

Mroczkowski, Tomasz. (2004) Meeting the New Competition in the Enlarged European Union – Can IT Exporters Provide a Model of Adjustment for Central European Companies? ACES Working Paper 2004.2, February 2004. [Working Paper]


Carayannis, Elias G. (2007) Confidentiala "Mode 3" Systems Approach for Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Use: Towards a 21st Century Fractal Innovation Ecosystem. ACES Working Paper (Report) No. 4, 2007. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. (2007) Why Schumpeter's Creative Destruction? Everything has changed, so it is the same: Towards "Mode 3". ACES Working Paper (Report) No. 5, 2007. [Working Paper]

Dunn, Jr., Robert M. (2007) EMU Convergence: Reason for Encouragement. ACES Working Paper (Report) No. 6, 2007. [Working Paper]

Gelazis, Nida (2007) Ending the State-Building Impasse: What Can Be Learned from Previous EU Enlargements that Might Offer Solutions for Bosnia and Herzegovina. ACES Working Paper No. 10, 2007. [Working Paper]

Pelzman, Josehp (2007) Comparison of PRC and Vietnam's Responses to the Elimination of U.S. Textile and Apparel Quotas: Economic and Cultural Perspectives. ACES Working Paper No. 1, 2007. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir (2007) A Global Analysis of of Imperfect Competition in the Banking Systems and the Latest Israeli Regulation Dealing with Market Failures. ACES Working Paper No. 3, 2007. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir (2007) U.S.-Israel Foreign Direct Investment and Terrorism. ACES Working Paper No. 9, 2007. [Working Paper]

May 2007

Ilsøe, Anna (2007) The Danish Flexicurity Model - a Lesson for the US? ACES Working Paper No. 2, May 2007. [Working Paper]

October 2007

Mema, Medlir (2007) The ICC Debate and the EU-U.S. Struggle for Influence: The Case of the Balkan-6. ACES Working Paper No. 11, October 2007. [Working Paper]


Captain, Yvonne (2008) West African Migrants in Spain: Human Factors and Emerging International Policy. ACES Working Paper No. 6, Fall 2008. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. (2008) Forms and role of the cluster initiatives in fostering innovation in post-industrial regions: A comparative study of environmental clusters in British West Midlands and Spanish Basque country. ACES Working Paper No. 8, August 2008. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. and Provance, Mike (2008) Measuring firm innovativeness: towards a composite innovation index built on firm innovative posture, propensity and performance attributes. ACES Working Paper No. 12, 2008. [Working Paper]

Dunn, Jr., Robert M. (2008) Inflation and Unemployment In EMU and the United States. ACES Working Papers No. 10, 2008. [Working Paper]

Lopez-Santana, Mariely and Büchs, Milena (2008) Labor Market Policy Decentralization in Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy - Dynamics and Reasons. ACES Working Papers No. 5, 2008. [Working Paper]

Malul, Miki and Shoham, Amir (2008) The role of cultural attributes in inequality. ACES Working Paper No. 1, 2008. [Working Paper]

Pelzman, Josehp (2008) US bilateral regional agreements: The negative welfare effects of multiplicity in country of origin rules - A new methodology. ACES Working Papers No. 2, 2008. [Working Paper]

Rehman, Scheherazade S. and Dairabayeva, Karlygash S. (2008) Is the "Dubai model" a new paradigm for growth and investment strategies for oil-based economies? Case study: Eurasia. ACES Working Papers No. 8, 2008. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir (2008) Society's level of literacy: A cross cultural study. ACES Working Papers No. 4, 2008. [Working Paper]

January 2008

Domber, Gregory F. (2008) Supporting the Revolution: America, Democracy, and the End of the Cold War in Poland, 1981-1989. ACES Working Paper (Report) No. 8, 2007. [Working Paper]

July 2008

Chen, Maggie X. (2008) Horizontal and Vertical Interdependence in the Multinational Subsidiary Networks. ACES Working Paper No. 7, July 2008. [Working Paper]

August 2008

Olsson, Anna (2008) Explaining Euroskepticism as a function of regional representation. ACES Working Papers No. 3, August 2008. [Working Paper]

August 2009

Bandara, Imali (2009) EU's response to Burma/Myanmar. ACES Working Papers (student research grant), August 2009. [Working Paper]

Bindi, Federiga (2009) The Italian Parliament and the EU: a slow and gradual Europeanization. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Bindi, Federiga (2009) Italy and the EU in historical perspective. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. (2009) Strategic knowledge serendipity and arbitrage & intellectual venture capitalists: An emerging breed of knowledge entrepreneurs; and Part II: Global and Local (GloCal) knowledge logistics for innovation and competitiveness. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Hanna, Loubna Skalli (2009) Assessing US and EU Foreign Targeting Arab Youth: Lessons from Morocco. ACES Working Papers (progress report), August 2009. [Working Paper]

Konoe, Sara (2009) Enhancing European Cooperation in Financial Supervision and Crisis Management. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Lucea, Rafel (2009) Sustaining international competitive advantage through capability renewal: the case of CEMEX. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir (2009) Changing cultural clusters: A research note. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir (2009) Market clusters for international franchising. ACES Working Papers, August 2009. [Working Paper]


Callan, Tim and Keane, Claire and Walsh, John R. (2010) BASE-BROADENING TAX REFORMS. ESRI Research Bulletin 2010/2/4. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2010

Bunyaratavej, Kraiwinee and Hahn, Eugene D. (2010) Offshoring of Information-intensive Services: Structural Breaks in Industry Life Cycles. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. (2010) Global and local (GloCal) knowledge logistics for innovation and competitiveness. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Engel, Laura C. (2010) Autonomy in the global era: Euro-regionalism and new policy spaces in education. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Hahn, Eugene D. (2010) Reverse Offshoring of Services: The New Wave of Emerging Offshorers. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Krasnikov, Alexander and Smirnova, Maria (2010) Growing global brands in foreign markets: A brand equity perspective. Impact of national culture on trademark registrations in emerging economy: Evidence from Russia. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Levy, Stuart E. (2010) Enriching the Case Study Approach: Expert Perspectives from European Hospitality Industry Managers. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Lotrionte, Dr. Catherine (2010) Toward international peace and security: Addressing the challenge of nuclear proliferation in a globalized world. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir and Yaari, Varda (2010) An international study on the impact of cultural factors on the prevalence of family-owned firms. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]

Sodaro, Michael J. (2010) Case sequence segments for EMU, ECB and Eurozone: A Eurozone country profile and related Euro matters. ACES Working Papers, August 2010. [Working Paper]


Bugajski, Janusz (2011) Balkan Pitfalls. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper] (Submitted)

Davies, Dr. Bill (2011) Dealing with the Fallout: West Germany's Response to the Solange Decision (1974). ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Kozenkow, Judit (2011) A Strong Europe in a Globalized World: From the Hungarian to the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Kuzio, Taras (2011) Ukraine and the European Union: Time for a Re-Think. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Lucea, Rafael and Doh, Jonathan (2011) Building International CSR on Solid Foundations: Location and Network Aspects of Nonmarket Environments in Europe and Non-Europe Markets. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Maltzel, Michael (2011) The Balkan Summer of 2011. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

Nanay, Julia (2011) Energy Security in Transatlantic Relations. ACES Working Papers, 2011. [Working Paper]

October 2011

Byard, Donald and Li, Ying and Yu, Yong (2011) Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption in the EU Level the International Playing Field Between Foreign and Domestic Analysts? ACES Working Papers, October 2011. [Working Paper]


Bandara, Imali (2012) Explaining and Comparing - Improving United States and European Union-Africa Economic Relations: Policy Memo. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Binev, Binio S. (2012) Integrating Europeans: The Political Economy and Social Aspects of Europeanization. ACES Working Papers (Curriculum Development), 2012. [Working Paper]

Campbell, David F.J. and Carayannis, Elias G. (2012) Quality of Democracy in Quadruple Helix Structures: The Quality of Democracy in the United States and in Austria, Challenges and Opportunities for Development. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Carayannis, Elias G. and Sipp, Caroline M. (2012) Real options in the context of innovation and development policies and practices. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Costa, Stefanie (2012) An Investigation of Career Tenure in the European Parliament: Electoral, Party and Individual Considerations. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Dye, Daniel T. (2012) Repurposing Globalization: Discourse and Political Strategy in New Labour Britain. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Engel, Laura C. (2012) European Policy Uses of International Comparisons of Academic Achievement. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Forrer, Dr. John (2012) Development of Multisector Alliances (MSAs): Organization and Leadership. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Kulathunga, Anoma and Rehman, Scheherazade S. (2012) Banking Sector Soundness, Innovation, and Development: Emerging Europe and South Asia. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Larson, Thomas (2012) Is Vietnam the Right Choice for Foreign Investment?: The Case of the European Union’s Slipping Opportunity. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Lucea, Rafael (2012) Geographic Scope Under Conditions Of Confined And Connected Change: The Case Of Telefónica (Spain). ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

Lucea, Rafael (2012) MBA International Residency: The Derbi Project - Spain. ACES Working Papers (course development), 2012. [Working Paper]

Shoham, Amir and Shapira, Daniel and Malul, Miki (2012) Practical Modified Gini Index. ACES Working Papers, 2012. [Working Paper]

April 2012

Umpleby, Stuart A. (2012) Prepared for a Symposium on Country Development at the European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, Austria, April 2012 (Untitled). ACES Working Papers, April 2012. [Working Paper]

June 2012

Bogaard, Hein and Sonkova, Marketa (2012) Executives as Agents: Expatriate managers in subsidiaries of multinational banks. ACES Working Papers, June 2012. [Working Paper]

July 2012

Norwood, Frances (2012) Preventing Social Death in Long Term Care: Fostering Social Connectivity in the U.S. and The Netherlands. ACES Working Papers, July 2012. [Working Paper]

August 2012

Karlygash, Dairabayeva (2012) How did Targeted Government Trade Policies Impact the Productivity of Manufacturing Firms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia between 1995 and 2009? ACES Working Papers, 28 August 2012. [Working Paper]

Michael, Gabriel J. (2012) To Promote the Progress: Why Do States Create New Intellectual Property Rights? ACES Working Papers, August 2012. [Working Paper]

September 2012

Sodaro, Michael (2012) Europe briefing book for students. ACES Working Papers (course development), September 2012. [Working Paper]

October 2012

Carayannis, Elias G. (2012) EU-US S&T Collaborations, Challenges and Opportunities for Development. Innovation Diplomacy, Special case in point: the Hellenic-American innovation bridge and its underlying dimensions. ACES Working Papers, October 2012. [Working Paper]

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