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- Environmental Policy (1279)
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- Environmental Policy (1279)
Armengaud, André. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur les possibilités qu'offrent les traités communautaires en matière de lutte contre la pollution du milieu et les modifications qu'il faut éventuellement proposer d'y apporter = Report drawn up by the Legal Affairs Committee on the possibilities offered by the Communities' Treaties regarding the fight against environmental pollution and eventual modifications. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 15/72, 17 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Alber, S. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the state of the Community environment. EP Working Documents, document 1-276/81, 26 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
Alber, S. (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the embodiment of the principle of environmental protection in the EEC Treaty. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A2-203/85, 24 January 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
Alber, S. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-793/81-COM(81) 626 final) for an action programme of the European Communities on the environment (1982-1986). EP Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-219/82, 28 May 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Bühnemann, W. and Schreiber, K.F. and Billion, F. (1979) Effects on the environment of the abandonment of agricultural land. Information on agriculture 62, January 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Biliotti, E. and Brader, L. (1975) Méthodes de lutte intégrée et de lute biologique en agriculture. Conditions et possibilités de développement = Methods for integrated pest control and biological pest control in agriculture. Conditions and possibilities of development. Internal information on agriculture 149, April 1975. VI/1595/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bouquiaux, J. (1974) Non-organic micropollutants of the environment. Volume 1: general presentation. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bouquiaux, J. (1974) Non-organic micropollutants of the environment. Volume 2: detailed listing of levels present in the environment. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bouquiaux, J. (1974) Non-organic micropollutants of the environment. Volume 3: synthesis of data. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bouquiaux, J. (1974) Non-organic micropollutants of the environment. Volume 4: methods of analysis. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bombard, A. (1982) Opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the report by Mr Harris on the European Coastal Charter. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-302/82/Annex, 7 June 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Baas, J. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the First Report by the Commission of the European Communities on the State of the Environment. EP Working Documents, document 468/77, 10 January 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Cammarata, Alberto and Scheele, Martin and Morard, Valery (1997) Agriculture and environment. Working note on the common agricultural policy special issue. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Clarke, Hilary. (1992) Environment in development: European Community policy and action. Europe Information: Development DE 73, June 1992. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Collins, K.D. (1984) Interim Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities (Doc. 1-1001/83 - COM(83) 528 final) for a Council decision on the adoption of a work programme for the first phase of the implementation of an information system on the state of the environment and the natural resources in the Community (1984-1987). Working Documents 1984-85, Document 1-215/84, 7 May 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
Carpentier, Michel. (1973) Introductory address [on environmental policy] by Mr. Michel Carpentier to the Third European Symposium on Management. Davos, February 1973. [EU Speech]
Cassanmagnago Cerretti, M.L. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 245/78) for a decision reviewing the second multiannual research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the environmental field (indirect action) adopted by Decision 76/311/EEC. EP Working Documents, document 409/78, 31 October 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Collins, Kenneth (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the Environment Summit in May 1985 and the OECD meeting in June 1985. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A 2-7/85, 2 April 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
Ceci, Adriana (1991) Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the principle of equivalence of conditions governing imports and exports between the European Community and third countries with regard to products which are harmful to health and to the environment. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0006/91, 11 January 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Carpentier, Michael. (1972) A policy for the environment in Europe. Speech by Mr. Carpentier [Director-General] to the Conference on Industry and the Environment organized by International Business Communications Limited. London, 27-28 June 1972. [EU Speech]
de Haas, T. and Timke, T. and Haagkamer, E. (2006) Safety & environmental annual report 2006. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
de Haas, T. and Timke, T. and Haagkamer, E. (2008) Safety, health and environmental annual report 2007. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
de Haas, T. and Timke, T. and Haagkamer, E. (2009) Safety, health and environmental annual report 2008. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
de Haas, T. and Timke, T. and van Lierop, K. (2010) Safety, health and environmental annual report 2009. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Eriksen, B. and Timke, T. and van Lierop, K. (2011) Safety, health and environmental annual report 2010. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Eriksen, B., et al (2012) Safety, health and environmental annual report 2011. Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Ekmetzoglou, Thivsl and Booth, Christine and Fransson, Barbro and Minaca, Monique and van Schendelen, Merijke (1998) Women and sustainable development ... shaping the quality of our lives. Women of Europe Dossier No. 46, August/September/October 1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Ghergo, A. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European communities to the Council (COM(83) 375 final - Doc. 1-610/83) for a regulation establishing a community scheme to provide forests in the community with increase protection against fire and acid rain. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 1-248/84, 11 May 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
Hey, Christian (2007) III. EU Environmental Policies: A short history of the policy strategies. EU Environmental Policy Handbook. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Huntingh, H. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the combating of acid rain. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1168/83, 16 December 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
Hansen, Jacob (2000) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. Nitrogen balances in Agriculture. 2000.16. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Heidorn, Christian (2009) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. The REACH baseline study – A tool to monitor the new EU policy on chemicals. 2009.48. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Hoevenagel, Ruud and van Noort, Edwin and de Kok, Rene (1999) Study on a European Union wide regulatory framework for levies on pesticides. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Hillary, Ruth and Gelber, Matthias and Biondi, Vittorio and Tamborra, Marialuisa (1998) An assessment of the implementation status of Council Regulation (No 1836/93) Eco-management and Audit Scheme in the Member States (AIMS-EMAS). Final report, June 1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Jahn, Hans Edgar (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la première Communication de la Commission des Communautés européennes sur la politique de la Communauté en matière d'environnement = Report draw up by the Commission on Social Affairs and Public Health on the first communication from the Commission of the European Communities on the policy of the Community on the environment. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 9/72, 14 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jarrot, Andre (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the Proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 17/74) for a recommendation to the Member States regarding lost allocations and action by public authorities on environmental matters. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 114/74, 5 June 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn, H.E. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the draft resolution of the Council (Doc. 51/76) on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 215/76, 7 July 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn, H.E. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 282/77) for a recommendation on the fluorocarbons in the environment. EP Working Documents 1977-1978, Document 417/77. 7 December 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn , H.E. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 15/75) for a decision establishing a common procedure for the preparation and constant updating of a European inventory of sources of information on the environment. Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 141/75, 19 June 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn, H.E. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on environmental carcinogens. EP Working Documents, document 99/79, 2 May 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Johnson, S.P. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-1210/82-COM(82) 849 final) for a regulation on action by the Community relating to the environment (ACE). EP Working Documents, Document 1-101/83, 6 April 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jensen, Kirsten (1991) Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on energy and the environment. Session Documents 1991, A3-0124/91, 6 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn, Hans Edgar (1973) Report on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 62/73) on the programme of environmental action of the European Communities together with proposed measures to be taken in this field. Working Documents 1973-1974, Document 106/73, 27 June 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jual, K and Nijkamp, P (1989) Urban energy planning and environmental management = Planification energetique dans les villes et contraintes liees a l'environnement. Proceedings of a seminar, Rome, 19-21 December 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Krynitz, Martin and Bergström , Rolf (1999) Land Cover. Annual Topic Update 1998. Topic Report no. 9/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Krynitz, Martin (2000) Land Cover. Annual Topic Update 1999. Topic Report no. 4/2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Klaasen, G. and Kee, P. and Nentjes, A. and Hafkamp, W. and Olsthoorn, A.A. (1988) The macroeconomic impacts of the EC large combustion plants, Directive proposal, Volume II. Technical Document I: Assessment of investments, costs and emission reduction; Technical Document II: INTERLINK: modification and detailed results. Environment and quality of life. EUR 11662 EN, 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lentz-Cornette, Mrs (1983) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities (Doc. 1-1184/82 - COMC82> 838 final) for a Council Directive on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by sectors other than the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry. EP Working Documents 1983-84, Document 1-1142/83, 12 December 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lannoye, Paul (1991) Report of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on energy and the environment. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0125/91, 7 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Address by Mr. Sicco L. Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Stockholm, 8 June 1972. [EU Speech]
Masucci, Mr. (1994) Information report of the Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on EU relations with the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe, focusing in particular on common problems in the fields of energy, environment, transport and telecommunications. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
Muntingh, H.J. (1981) REPORT on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the combating of photochemical pollution. EP Working Documents, document 1-636/81, November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
Muntingh, H.J. (1981) REPORT on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the combatinq of photochemical pollution. EP Working Documents, document 1-636/81, November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
Müller, W. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 25/74) for a resolution on the adaptation to technical progress of directives on the protection and improvement of the environment. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 101/74, 27 May 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Miranda da Silva, Joaquim (1991) Report by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Commission proposal for a Council Regulation on the introduction and the maintenance of agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside (COM(90) 0366 final - C3-0336/90). Session Documents 1991, A3-0033/91, 14 February 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Müller, W. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the committee on the Environment, public Health and Consumer Protection on the draft from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 484/77) for a recommendation to the Member States regarding methods of evaluating the cost of pollution control to industry. EP Working Documents, document 85/78, 10 May 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Myers, Norman (1992) The environmental consequences for the European Community of population factors worldwide and within the Community. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (1984) Environment and chemicals in agriculture. Summary of an opening speech by Dr. Karl-Heinz Narjes, Member of the Commission of the European Communities at a symposium. Dublin. 15 October 1984. [EU Speech]
Notenboom, Harry (1974) Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 17/74) for a recommendation to the Member States regarding cost allocations and action by public authorities on environmental matters. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 114/74 - ANNEX, 11 June 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Noe', L (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the preliminary report from the Commission of the European Communities on the problems of pollution and nuisances originating from energy production and on a proposal for a Council resolution on energy and environment. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 320/74, 5 November 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (1982) Statement [on environmental policy] by Dr. Karl-Heinz Narjes, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in charge of environmental matters. on behalf of the European Economic Community to the United Nations Environment programme (Session of a special character). Nairobi, 10-18 May 1982. [EU Speech]
Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (1983) Ten years of European Community environment policy. Summary of an address by Mr. Narjes [Member of Commission] to the DIHT. Bonn, 21 April 1983. [EU Speech]
Orth, E. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 510/74) for a directive on the collection, regeneration and/or destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). EP Working Documents 1975-76, Document 117/75, 10 June 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]
Parr, S. (2000) Assessment of indirect and cumulative impacts as well as impact interactions. Volume 1: Background to the study. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Parr, S. (2000) Assessment of indirect and cumulative impacts as well as impact interactions. Volume 2: Research study and findings. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Petrilli, G. and Laot, J. and Jurgensen, H. (1972) Implications of environmental measures for industrial development and the siting of enterprises. Reports No. 6. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Petersen, K. (1974) OPINION of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the progress required in Community research and on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 89/74) for a revision of the multiannual research programme. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 161/74/ANNEX, 8 July 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Romao, Carlos (1996) Interpretation manual of European Union habitats. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Roelants du Vivier, F. (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on agriculture and the environment. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A 2-207/85, 3 February 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo. (1976) Address [on sustainability] by Mr. Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements. Vancouver, 1 June 1976. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Industry and society in the European Community. Full text and summary of an introductory speech by Mr. A. Spinelli, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, with particular responsibility for Industrial, Technological and Scientific Affairs. Venice, 20 April 1972. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Intervention de M. Spinelli a la conference ministerielle sur l'environnement. Bonn, 30-31 octobre 1972 = Speech by Mr. Spinelli [Member of the Commission] at a ministerial conference on the environment. Bonn, 30-31 October 1972. [EU Speech]
Steenmans, Chris and Bergström , Rolf (1998) Land Cover. Annual Topic Update 1997. Topic Report no. 6/1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Synge, Hughe (1999) Parks for biodiversity. Policy guidance based on experience in ACP countries. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Steinbach, Nacny (2007) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. Environmental taxes in the European economy 1995-2003. 2007.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo (1976) United Nations Conference on Human Settlements. Speech by Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities. Vancouver, 1 June 1976. [EU Speech]
Scherp, Jan (1994) What does an economist need to know about the environment? Approaches to accounting for the environment in statistical informations systems. Economic Papers No. 107, May 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Tangden, L. and Nyman, M. and Johansson, U. (1999) The Environment Industry in Sweden. Eurostat Working Paper 1999.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Toulemon, Robert. (1971) Political and Institutional Aspects of Environmental Management: The European Experience (Summary). Address given by M. Robert Toulemon, Director-General for Industrial Affairs, before the Atlantic Council. Washington DC, 15 January 1971. [EU Speech]
von Sydow, Ulf (1997) Land Cover. Annual Summary Report 1996. Topic Report no. 4/1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vohrer, Manfred (1991) Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on economic and fiscal instruments of environment policy. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0130/91, 13 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Walker, L.J. and Johnson, J. (2000) Assessment of indirect and cumulative impacts as well as impact interactions. Volume 3: Guidelines. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Wilson, Julian and Beaume, Eric and Griepink, Ben and Moxon, Richard and Alliata, Vittoria and Hatwell, Jonathan (1995) Environment to the year 2000. Progress and strategy paper. Phare 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Whitehead, Cynthia (1987) European Community environmental legislation 1967-1987, Volume 1: General policy & nature protection. XI/989/87, 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Weber, B. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-293/80) for a directive concerning the assessment of the environmental effects of certain private and public Projects. EP Working Documents, document 1-569/81/rev., 2 February 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Weber, B. (1986) Report on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on European Environment- Year 1987. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A2-205/85, 30 January 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
Zezza, Fulvio (1997) Origin, mechanisms and effects of salts on degradation of monuments in marine and continental environments. Protection and Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage Research Report No. 4, Proceedings March 25-27 1996. Bari, Italy, January 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]