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Finet, Paul and Hirsch, Etienne and Hallstein, Walter. (1959) Interview of Three European Community Presidents, President Paul Finet [High Authority of the ECSC], President Etienne Hirsch [Commission of Euratom], and President Walter Hallstein [Commission of the European Economic Community]. National Press Club. Washington DC, 11 June 1959. [EU Speech]


bURGER, J.A.W. (1962) DEMOCRATIE ET DESINTEGRATION L'ESPAGNE MEMBRE DE LA C.E.E.? par J. A.W. BURGER. European Socialist Courier No 5/1962 = DEMOCRACY AND THE DISINTEGRATION OF SPAIN, MEMBER OF THE C.E.E.? European Socialist Courier No 5/1962. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1964) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Note to National Offices Bio No. 15025 regarding the Spanish Government, 25 March 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) LES RELATIONS ENTRE L'ESPAGNE ET LE MARCHE COMMUN DETERMINENT LES CHANCES DU PLAN DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ESPAGNOL. La Correspondance europeenne, Quotidien d'information et de Documenation sur L'europe, Vendredi 6 mars 1964. = RELATIONS BETWEEN SPAIN AND THE COMMON MARKET DETERMINE THE CHANCES FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPAIN. The European Correspondence, Daily Information and European Documentation, Friday March 6, 1964. [EU Related]


Lopez Rodo, Laureano (1965) SPAIN AND THE E.E.C. Foreign Affairs, October 1965, Vol 44 No 1. [EU Related]

Lopez Rodo, Laureano (1965) Spain and the E.E.C. [EU Economic and Social Committee]


UNSPECIFIED (1966) Conversation exploratoires entre l'Espagne et la C.E.E = Exploratory conversations between Spain and the EEC. Commission Press Release IP (66) 79, 19 July 1966. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1967) Cahiers de documentation europeenne = Papers on European documentation. 9th year, No. 1, January 1967. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Common Market to open negotiations with Spain. European Community Press Release, 20 September 1967. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) European documentation: A monthly digest. 9th year, No. 1, January 1967. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1970) Accord entre la Communaute economique europeenne et l'Espagne et documents annexes. juillet 1970 = Agreement between the European Economic Community and Spain and annexed documents. July 1970. [EU Council of the EU Document]

Rey, Jean. (1970) Address by Mr. Jean Rey, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the signing of the preferential agreement between the Community and Spain. Brussels, 20 June 1970. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Agreement between the Community and Spain. Information Memo P-33/70, June 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]




UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market still opposes Spanish membership. European Community Press Release No. 37, 28 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) "Six" becomes "nine". European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 30/1972, December 21, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) Spain in the Common Market. Agenor, No 32 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1973) Completing enlargement: Operation Iberia. The challenge posed by the entry of Spain and Portugal. European Communities Commission Press Release, December 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1973) Major [Association and Trade] agreements concluded by the European Community. January 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1973) Projets de decisions des Representants des Gouvernements des Etats membres de la CECA reunis au sein du Conseil concernant l'ouverture des negociations avec -le Maroc, la Tunisie, l'Algerie, -l'Espagne -Israel=Draft decisions of Representatives of the Governments of the ECSC Member States meeting within the Council concerning the opening of negotiations with Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain and Israel. COM (73) 385 final, 9 March 1973. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1974) Commission Report to the Council on the negotiation of additional Protocols to the EEC-Austria, EEC-Iceland, EEC-Portugal, EEC-Sweden and EEC-Switzerland Agreements; Recommendation for Regulation (EEC) of the Council concluding an additional Protocol to the Agreement concluded between the European Economic Community and, The Republic of Austria, The Republic of Iceland, The Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden, The Swiss Confederation. COM (74) 839 final, 19 June 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Consultations with Spain, under Article XIX of GATT, on the subject of certain cheeses. Commission communication to the Council. Recommendation for Council Regulation on the conclusion of an agreement with Spain on the subject of certain cheeses. COM (74) 1841 final, 13 November 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Education and Vocational Training of the Children of Italian Workers in the SAAR Education and Vocational Training of the Children of Italian and Portuguese Workers in the Department of Moselle. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) The European Community and Portugal. Information [External Relations] 68/74. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Proposal Regulation (EEC) of the Council opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried figs falling within subheading No ex 08.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain; Proposal Regulation (EEC) of the Council opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried grapes falling within subheading No ex 08.04 B I of the Common Customs Tariff (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (74) 1487 final, 23 September 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of: Decision No 4/74 of the EEC-Austria Joint Committee; No 11/74 of the EEC-Finland Joint Committee; No 4/74 of the EEC-Iceland Joint Committee; No 4/74 of the EEC-Norway Joint Committee; No 4/74 of the EEC-Portugal Joint Committee; No 4/74 of the EEC-Sweden Joint Committee; No 4/74 of the EEC-Switzerland Joint Committee suspending the application of Article 23(1) of Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative co-operation. COM (74) 2101 final, 11 December 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Proposal for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council establishing Community surveillance in respect of imports of certain products originating in Austria, in Finland, in Ireland, in Portugal, in Sweden, [and] in Switzerland; Draft decision of the representatives of the governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council, establishing surveillance in respect of imports of certain products originating in Austria, [and] in Sweden (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (74) 1476 final, 20 September 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Proposal for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council on the application of Decision No 1/74 of the Joint Committee: EEC - Austria EEC -Portugal EEC - Sweden EEC - Switzerland. EEC - Iceland EEC- Norway EEC - Finland amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of, "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation and Decision No 2/14 of the Joint Committee laying down a simplified procedure for the issue of movement certificates EUR. 1. (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (74) 1051 final. 9 July 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Baas, J. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 302/74) for I. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Jerez wines falling within subheading No. ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain II. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within subheading No. ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain III. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepenas, falling within subheading No. ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain IV. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried figs falling within subheading No. ex 08.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain V. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried grapes falling within subheading No. ex 08.04 B I of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain. EP Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 318/74, 5 November 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1975) After Franco, Europe? European Community No. 191, November- December 1975. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) EEC-Portugal. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) European Union to suspend negotiation with Spain. European Community Press Release No. 13, 1 October 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Soames, Christopher (1975) Excerpts from the transcript of an interview given by Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the BBC World Service, on Portugal. London, 6 August 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION submitted by Mr BERSANI on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group Mr HOUGARDY on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group Lord REAY on behalf of the European Conservative Group Mr COINTAT on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats with request for debate by urgent procedure pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the situation in Portugal. EP Working Document, Document 1975-1976 37/75, 10 April 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr Alfred BERTRAND on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group with request for debate by urgent procedure pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the situation in Spain. EP Working Documents, document 449/75, 15 December 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr AMENDOLA and Mr ANSART on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group with a request for debate by urgent procedure, in accordance with Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the situation in Spain. EP Working Documents, document 415/75, 5 December 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Alfred Bertrand on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group; and Mr Berkhouwer, on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group with request for debate by urgent procedure pursuant to Article 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the situation in Spain. Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 271/75, 24 September 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Negotiations for extensions of EC-Portugal accord to begin. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 18/1975, 9 June 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Portugal and Europe - A Joint Effort for Democracy. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for A Council Regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota of rosin, including "brais resineux," falling within subheading 38.08 A, originating in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland. COM (75) 611 final, 1 December 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Austria Joint Committe in the respect of methods of customs adminitrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Finland Joint Committee in respect the methods of customs administrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Iceland Joint Committee in respect of methods of customs administrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Norway Joint Commmittee in respect of methods of customs administrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Portugal Joint Committee in respect of methods of customs administrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/75 and 2/75 of the EEC/Sweden Joint Committee in respect of methods of customs adminstrative cooperation; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of Decisions Nos 1/73 and 2/75 of the EEC/Switzerland Joint Committee in respect of methods of customs administrative cooperation (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (75) 664 final, 25 December 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters relating to Article 3 of Protocol No 8 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (75) 483 final, 1 October 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters relating to Article 3 of Protocol No 8 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (75) 483 final, 1 October 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Recommendation for a Council Regulation concluding an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic on the voluntary restraint arrangements for Portuguese exports of tomato preserves for 1976. COM (75) 626 Final, 3 December 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Klepsch, E. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 318/75) for a regulation of the Council suspending application of the condition governing the import into the Community of fresh lemons originating in Cyprus, Spain, Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey in accordance with the agreements in force between the European Economic Community on the one hand and each of these countries on the other. EP Working Documents 1975-76, Document 395/75, 3 December 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 169/75) for I. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for port wines falling within sub-heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Portugal (1976) II. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Madeira wines falling within sub-heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Portugal (1976) III. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Setubal muscatel wines falling within sub-heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Portugal (1976). Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 261/75, 25 September 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 170/75) for I. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for Jerez wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1976) II. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1976) III. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepenas falling within subheading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1976). Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 262/75, 25 September 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 171/75) for I. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried figs falling within subheading ex 08.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1976) II. a regulation opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for dried grapes falling within subheading ex 08.04 B I of the Common Customs Tariff originating in Spain (1976). Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 264/75, 25 September 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Soames on Portugal [excerpts from the transcript of an interview with the BBC World Service]. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 27/1975, 15 September 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Soames, Christopher (1975) Statement by Sir Christopher Soames in the emergency debate on Portugal. Strasbourg, 18 June 1975. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1976) Commission communication to the Council on the negotiations between the Community and Portugal for the conclusion of an additional Protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and Portugal and a Financial Protocol; Recommendation for a Council Decision authorizing the Commission to open negotiations with Portugal for the conclusion of an interim agreement (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 349 final, 30 June 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Objet: Espagne et Portugal = Spokesman Service Note to National Offices. Object: Spain and Portugal. Bio No. (76) 142, 26 April 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Espagne et Portugal = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Spain and Portugal. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (76) 142, 26 April 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending Table I and II annexed to Protocol N° 2 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation. (Submitted by the Commission to the Council). COM (76) 183 final. 29 April 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) EEC-Portugal Negotiations. Joint Press Release IP (76) 28, 13 February 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Community to make its third loan to Portugal. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 26/1976, 30 June 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Extension of the scope of the free trade agreement with Portugal. Information Memo P-73/76, September 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Faure, M. (1976) INTERIM REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the situation in Spain. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 100/76, 11 May 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Meeting of the EEC-Portugal Joint Committee. Joint Press Release IP (76) 220, 3 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Amendola and Mr Ansart, on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group with request for debate by urgent procedure pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the situation in Spain. EP Working Documents 1976-1977, Document 48/76, 7 April 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing indicative ceilings and establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Austria (1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing indicative ceilings and establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Finland (1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Iceland (1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing indicative ceilings and establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Norway (1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing indicative ceilings and establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Portugal (1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing indicative ceilings and establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Sweden(1977); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing Community supervision of imports of certain products originating in Switzerland (1977); Draft of decision of the representatives of the governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council establishing supervision of imports of certain products originating in Austria (1977); Draft of decision of the representatives of the governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council establishing supervision of imports of certain products originating in Sweden (1977) (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 489 final, 24 September 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Recommendation for REGULATION (EEC) OF THE COUNCIL concluding the Agreement relating to Article 2 of Protocol 8 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (76) 33 final, 30 January 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Recommendation for Council Regulation (EEC) concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters relating to Article 3 of Protocol No 8 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (76) 627 final, 26 November 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Recommendation for a Council Regulation concluding an Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 350 final. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Relations Between the European Community and Portugal. Information [External Relations] 133/76. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Seven Proposals for Council Regulations on the applications of Decisions Nos 2/76 and 3/76 of the EEC Joint Committees EEC/Austria, EEC/Finland, EEC/Iceland, EEC/Norway, EEC/Portugal, EEC/Sweden, and EEC/Switzerland amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation. COM (76) 488 final, 23 September 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1977) Draft Council decision (EEC) concluding the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the export of certain textile products on the United Kingdom market. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concluding the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning tariff quotas for paper products. COM (77) 11 final, 28 January 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC Commission lauds Spain's support for democracy. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) News Release, NR (77) 21, 16 June 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC-accession of four Mediterranean countries and regional policy. Research and Documentation Papers: Regional Policy and Transport Series No. 7. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) EEC Foreign Ministers Statements on Spain and Rhodesia. United Kingdom Presidency of the Council of the European Communities January - June 1977. Press Release R 63, 2 February 1977. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) EIB loan for water supply and irrigation schemes in the Alentejo, Portugal. European Investment Bank Press Release 1/74. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Enlargement puzzle: can they fit? European Community No. 203, September-October 1977. [EU Other]

Jenkins, Roy. (1977) Enlargement. Statement by President Jenkins at the Council of 18 October 1977. Luxembourg, 18 October 1977. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Jenkins: Economic, enlargement issue key to Community future. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 19/1977, 7 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) List of EEC agreements with outside countries. Information [External Relations] 139/77. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr A. BERTRAND on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee with a request for debate by urgent procedure pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the political situation in Spain following the recent elections. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 208/77, 4 July 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Jenkins, Roy. (1977) The Marshall Plan Memorial Lecture [on the challenges of future enlargement and relations of industrialized nations with nations in the non-industrialized world] by the Right Honorable Roy Jenkins, President, Commission of the European Communities. Bonn, 3 June 1977. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) laying down certain interim measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Finland or Portugal. COM (77) 448 final, 19 September 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) laying down certain interim measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain. COM (77) 447 final, 19 September 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Portugal plans early application for EC membership. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 9/1977, 16 March 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) concluding the Addtional Protocol and the Financial Protocol between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM(77) 25 final, 17 February 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) extending Regulation (EEC) No 2365/77 suspending application of the condition to which the importation into the Community of certain types of citrus fruit originating in Spain or in Cyprus is subject by virtue of the Agreements between the Community and those countries. COM (77) 691 final, 14 December 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the opening, allocation and administration of a Community tariff quota for dried figs falling within subheading ex 08.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1978) - AND - Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the opening, allocation and administration of a Community tariff quota for dried grapes falling within subheading ex 08.04 B I of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1978). COM(77) 539 final, 27 October 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocation and administration of a of a [sic] Community tariff quota for Jerez wines falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1978); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocation and administration of a of a [sic] Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1978); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocation and administration of a of a [sic] Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepenas falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1978) (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (77) 544 final, 27 October 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) establishing indicative ceilings and Community supervision for imports of certain products originating in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland (1978). Drafts of decisions of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council establishing supervision of imports of certain products originating in Austria and Sweden (1978). COM (77) 738 final, 21 December 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) RECOMMENDATION FOR A COUNCIL DECISION authorizing the Commission to open negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement extending the period of application of the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and Portugal. COM (77) 573 final, 18 November 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Recommendation for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement extending the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (77) 643 final, 6 December 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Bayerl, M. Alfons (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on economic and trade relations between the European Community and Portugal. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 187/77/rev., 15 September 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Spain applies officially to join the EC. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) News Release, NR (77) 30, 4 August 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Spain to seek EC membership. European Community Press Release No. 16/1977, 26 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Jenkins, Roy. (1977) Speech by Mr. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the dinner given in the honor of Mr. Mario Soares, Prime Minister of Portugal. Brussels, 11 March 1977. [EU Speech]

Jenkins, Roy. (1977) The integration of the Community in the face of enlargement. The Right Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, address to the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik. Bonn, 8 December 1977. [EU Speech]

28 March 1977

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Press Release (Portuguese Prime Minister submitting application for accession to the Community). 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1978) Aspects economiques et sectoriels. Annexes statistiques relatives to problemes economiques generaux lies a l'elargissement = Economic and sectoral aspects. Statistical annexes concerning general economic problems related to enlargement. COM (78) 200 final/annex, 24 April 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) COMITEXTIL. Coordination committee for the Textile Industries in the European Economic Community. Comitextil and A.E.I.H. facing the Tokyo-Round. The european textile Community soon 12? The spanish textile industry. The greek textile industry. The portuguese textile industry. Bulletin 78/6. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) COMMON POSITION from the Council of the European Communities on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a Regulation on the application of the Financial Protocols concluded with Greece, Turkey and Portugal. EP Working Documents 1978-79, document 447/78, 14 November 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Presentation par le Vice President Natali de la "Fresque" sur l'enlargissement (Chevallard). Bio No. (78) 148, 20 April 1978 = Commission of the European Communities: Spokesman's Group. Presentation by the Vice President Natali of the "Fresco" on enlargement (Chevallard). Bio No. (78) 148, April 20, 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) The Commission's opinion on Portugal's application for membership. Information Memo P-56/78, May 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Burke, Richard. (1978) Direct elections. Address by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission, at the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Boston, 2 February 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Draft statement by the Community Delegation at the first meeting of the Conference at deputy level (Brussels, 1 December 1978) on the procedure for and organisation of the accession negotiations with Portugal. COM (78) 489 final, 22 November 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) EC Enlargement: Resolving the 'yes' and the 'but'. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 9/1978, 25 May 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) EC's Enlargement: Politically "yes", economically "but". European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Information Note, NR (78) 20, 10 May 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Economic and Sectoral Aspects. Commission analyses supplementing its views on enlargement. COM (78) 200 final/Part II, 27 April 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Economic and sectoral aspects. Commission analyses supplementing its views on enlargement. Communication from the Commission, sent to the Council on 20 April 1978. COM (78) 200 final/Part I, 27 April 1978. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 3/78. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1978) Enlargement prospects. Extracts from an address by Mr. Natali, Commission Vice-President. Turin, 14 October 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Enlarging the Community: An assessment of the problems. European Communities Commission Background Report ISEC/B43/78, 19 June 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Berkhouwer, Cornelis. (1978) Europe 1978. Speech to be delivered by Vice-President Berkhouwer. Rotterdam, 26 January 1978. [EU Speech]

Jenkins, Roy. (1978) The European Community from the first enlargement to the second. The Montague Burton Lecture given by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 2 March 1978. [EU Speech]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1978) Extracts from address on "Enlargement Prospects" by Mr. Natali, Commission Vice-President. Turin, 14 October 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Extracts of Mr. Natali's speech at the opening session of the symposium organised by the College of Europe on the community and its enlargement, Bruges. Press Release IP (78) 56, 16 March 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) General Considerations on the Problems of Enlargement. Communication sent by the Commission to the Council on 20 April 1978. COM (78) 120 final. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 1/78. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Bangemann, on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group and Mr. Vandewiele, on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group (EPP Party) with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the delay in the conclusion of a fishing agreement between Spain and the European Community. EP Working Documents 1978-1979, Document 299/78/rev., 11 September 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Opinion on Portuguese Application for Membership. Transmitted to the Council by the Commission on 19 May 1978. COM (78) 220 final. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 5/78. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Opinion on Spain's Application for Membership. Transmitted to the Council by the Commission on 29 November 1978. COM (78) 630 final, 30 November 1978. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 9/78. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Opinion on Spain's application for accession. Information Memo P-131/78, November 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Portugal and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 7/78, May 1978. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Portugal opens membership negotiations with EC. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Communique, NR (78) 30, 20 October 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Portugal's EC entry bid: Unequivocal "yes" urged. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Information Note, NR (78) 23, 5 June 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) President Jenkins opens accession talks on Portugal. European Community News No. 21/1978, 19 October 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for sherry, falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain. Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Liqueur wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Cyprus and marketed under the label of "Cyprus Sherry", and introducing subsidies for similar wine products produced in the Community. COM (78) 92 final, 2 March 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) extending the interim measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain, for the period from 1 to 24 June 1978. COM(78) 245 final, 29 May 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of the provisions of the Financial Protocols concluded with Greece, Turkey, and Portugal. COM (78) 104 final, 13 March 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement on Fisheries between the Government of Spain and the European Economic Community. COM (78) 643 final, 27 November 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for sherry falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1979/80); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1979/80); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepeñas falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1979/80). COM (78) 343 final, 20 July 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for port wines, falling within heading ex. 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1979/80). Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for Madeira wines, falling within heading ex. 2205 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1979/80). Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for Setubal muscatel wines falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1979/80). COM (78) 375 final, 27 July 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Proposals for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing indicative ceilings and Community supervision for imports of certain goods originating in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland (1979). Drafts of decisions of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council establishing supervision for imports of certain goods originating in Austria and Sweden (1979). COM (78) 530 final, 22 October 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Recommendation for a Council Regulation concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation for the purpose of adjusting tariff specifications (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (78) 270 final, 20 June 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Cifarelli, M. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the delay in the conclusion of a fishing agreement between Spain and the European Community. EP Working Documents, document 495/78, 13 December 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Caro, J-M. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 44/78) for a regulation on the application of the provisions of the Financial Protocols concluded with Greece, Turkey and Portugal. EP Working Documents, document 93/78, 10 May 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pintat, J.F. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the prospects of enlargement of the Community. Part One: Political and institutional aspects. Working Documents 1978-1979, Document 479/78, 6 December 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Spain and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 5/78, May 1978. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Vredeling, Henk. (1978) Summary of Mr. Vredeling's address to the ETUC on migration policy in the context of enlargement of the Community. Thessalonica, 17 November 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) The Transitional Period and the Institutional Implications of Enlargement. Commission Communication to the Council further to the Communication sent on 20 April 1978. COM (78) 190 final, 24 April 1978. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 2/78. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) "Two- or three-tiered" enlarged EC rejected; Greece, Portugal, Spain also favour political union, European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Press Release, NR (78) 13, 29 March 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Colombo, Emilio. (1978) The decisions facing Europe. Second Jean Monnet Lecture by the President of the European Parliament, Emilio Colombo. Florence, 9 November 1978. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1979) Commission Communication to the Council on the negotiations between the Community and Portugal for the conclusion of a supplementary protocol between the European Economic Community and Portugal. COM (79) 556 final, 6 December 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Commission communication and recommendation to the Council on the negotiation of an agreement amending certain provisions of the agreement between the Community and Portugal. COM (79) 209 final, 11 April 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Commission communication to the council on expedited implementation of the financial protocol between the community and Portugal. COM (79) 587 final, 5 November 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Commission proposals for the adjustment of the 1972 EEC-Portugal agreement. Information Memo P-44/79, April 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Communication from the Commission to the Council concerning the implementation of the provisions on cooperation in the field of social security contained in the cooperation agreements concluded with the Maghreb countries and in the additional protocol to the agreement concluded with the Portuguese Republic. COM (79) 267 final, 23 May 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Evain, Claude (1979) The Community's relations with Spain. Study. [EU Economic and Social Committee]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Consultation on Migration Policies via-a-vis Third Countries. Communication of the Commission to the Council. COM (79) 115 final, 23 March 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Burke, Richard. (1979) Direct election and enlargement of the Community. Speech by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Association internationale des anciens des Communautes europeenes. Paris, 3 May 1979. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) The Enlargement of the European Community. European File 5/79, March 1979. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Pfeiffer, Altons. and Emo Capodilista, Umberto. (1979) Enlargement of the European Community. Greece - Spain - Portugal. Opinion. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) "Europe is incomplete without Spain" - Jenkins: Accession talks open. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) New Release, NR (79) 8, 12 February 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1979) The European Community as a partner in the world economy. Address by Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice-president of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Chambers of Commerce. Rio de Janeiro, 9 October 1979. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) The European Community's second enlargement: Preparing for the entry of Greece, Portugal and Spain. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Background Note, NR (79) 6, 6 February 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Parliament, Briefing Sessions on Direct Elections. Briefing Note No 15, Enlargement of the Community. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Pintat, on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group, Mr Klepsch, on behalf of the Group of the European Peoples' Party (Christian-Democratic Group), Lord Douro, on behalf of the European Democratic Group, Mr de la Malene, on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats, Mr Glinne, on behalf of the Socialist Group, Mrs Agnelli, Mr Cecovini, Mr Damseaux, Mr Davern, Mr Geurtsen, Mr Lalor and Mr Pininfarina with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on a political kidnapping in Spain. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-513/79/rev., 13 November 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]



UNSPECIFIED (1979) Portugal and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 23/79, November 1979. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Council Decision on financial contribution from the Community to Spain for the eradication of African Swine Fever. COM (79) 5 final, 19 January 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing ceilings and Community surveillance in respect of imports of certain products originating in Portugal (1980). COM (79) 757 final, 17 December 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain for the period 1 January to 31 December 1979. COM (79) 149 final, 20 March 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain for the period 1 January to 31 December 1979. COM (79) 150 final, 20 March 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Lemp, H. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 26/79) for I. a Regulation allocating catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in Faroese waters II. a Regulation allocating certain catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in the exclusive economic zone of Norway III. a Regulation allocating catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in Swedish waters IV. a Regulation laying down for the period 1 January to 31 December 1979 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels registered in the Faroe Islands V. a Regulation laying down certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain for the period 1 January to 31 December 1979. EP Working Documents, document 130/79, 4 May 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pintat, J.F. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the prospects of enlargement of the Community. Part Two: Sectoral aspects. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 42/79, 6 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Second Hoover address by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the European Commission. University of Strathclyde, 5 April 1979. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Special Community aid for a programme to develop small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in Portugal. Communication from the Commission to the Council. Proposal for a Council Decision introducing special aid for small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in Portugal. COM (79) 442 final, 13 September 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Speech by the Right Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, on the occasion of the opening of the Spanish negotiations. Brussels, 3 February 1979. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Trade: opening gates. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 213, May-June 1979. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) Accession negotiations with Spain on agriculture. Information Memo P-19/80, March 1980. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision introducing special aid for small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in Portugal. COM (80) 278 final, 21 May 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Commission communication to the Council on the Negotiations for an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portughese Republic concerning the implementation of pre-accession aid for Portugal. COM (80) 776 final, 19 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (80) 314 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. PREPARATION DE LA SESSION AU NIVEAU MINISTERIEL DES NEGOCIATIONS D'ADHESION CEE-ESPAGNE ET CEE-PORTUGAL 18/07/80 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (80) 314 to the National Spokesman Services. Preparation for ministerial level session on accession negotiations with Spain and Portugal 18/07/80. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Community wine imports. Europe Information: Development, April 1980. X/152/80. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Conference on the enlargement of the European Community. Brussels, 26 and 27 June 1980. Extracts. [EU Economic and Social Committee]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Documents concerning the accessions to the European Communities. 1987, Volume II. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Taylor, Robert. (1980) Implications for the Southern Mediterranean countries of the second enlargement of the European Community. Europe Information: Development, June 1980. X/225/80. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Guth, E. and Aeikens, H.O. (1980) Implications of the second enlargement for the Mediterranean and "ACP" policies of the European Community. Europe Information: Development, October 1980. X/235/80. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1980) L'elargissement de la Communaute. Discours de Monsieur Natali a la Conference annuelle Euro-Fabe-Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 21 mars 1980=The enlargement of the Community. Speech [on Greece, Portugal and Spain joining the EC] by Mr. Natali [Vice-President of the Commission] to the annual Euro-Fabe-Bruxelles conference. Brussels, 21 March 1980. [EU Speech]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1980) L'elargissement de la Communaute. Extraits de l'intervention du Vice-President Lorenzo Natali au XXI Congres de U.E.D.C. Lisbonne, 24 juin 1980 = Enlargement and the Community. Extracts of a speech by Vice-President [of Commission] Lorenzo Natali to the 21st Congress of the U.E.D.C. Lisbon, 24 June 1980. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr Karel VAN MIERT on behalf of the Socialist Group pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on the enlargement of the Community to include Spain and Portugal. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-375/80, 15 September 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Muller-Hermann, Mr Klepsch, Mrs Cassanmagnago-Cerretti, Mrs L. Moreau, Mr Barbi, Mr Michel, Mr Ryan, Mr D'Ormesson and Mr Fenders on behalf of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on Community policy on the Mediterranean in the context of enlargement. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-771/79, 13 February 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Gaillard, William. (1980) Notes on the April 25-27 Conference "Europe in the 80's". Speech by William Gaillard, Reston, Va., 25-27 April 1980. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) amending Regulations (EEC) Nos. 3081/78, 3082/78 and 3083/78 opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Portugal (1979/80). COM (79) 776 final, 10 January 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Portugal and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations, 34/80, June 1980. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) establishing ceilings and Community surveillance in respect of imports of certain products originating in Portugal (1981). COM(80) 551 final, 2 October 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) Nos 1611/80, 1612/80 and 1613/80 concerning the opening, allocation and method of administration of Community tariff quotas for certain wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Portugal (1980/81). COM(80) 650 final, 3 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) amending Regulations (EEC) Nos. 1708/80, 1709/80 and 1710/80 concerning the opening, allocation and method of administration of Community tariff quotas for certain wines falling within subheading ex 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Spain (1980/81). COM(80) 657 final, 5 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) extending the period of validity of fishing licences for vessels flying the flag of Spain. COM(80) 51 final, 6 February 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the application of Decision _____/80 of the EEC-Portugal Joint Committee amending the list in Annex I to the Protocol concerning the special treatment applicable to imports of motor vehicles and the motor vehicle assembly industry in Portugal | Draft Decision of the Joint Committee amending the list in Annex I to the Protocol concerning the special treatment applicable to imports of motor vehicles and the motor vehicle assembly industry in Portugal. COM (80) 450 final, 25 July 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Decision No. ____/80 of the EEC-Austria, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland (1) Joint Committee amending protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation to take account of the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community | Draft Joint Committee Decision amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation to take account of the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community | Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Decision No. ____/80 of the EEC-Iceland Joint Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation to take account the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community | Draft Joint Committee Decision amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation to take account of the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community. COM (80) 476 final, 29 July 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Joint Committee EEC-Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland Decision No..../80 amending, as regards products sent in small packages to private persons, the provisions of Article 8 of Protocol No 3 Concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation. COM (80) 753 final, 25 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for sherry falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepenas falling within heading ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81). COM (80) 137 final, 27 March 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for port wines, falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1980/81); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for Madeira wines, falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1980/81); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for Setubal muscatel wines, falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, and originating in Portugal (1980/81). COM (80) 138 final, 27 March 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Recommendation for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the conclusion of the exchange of letters relating to Article 8 of the supplementary protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (80) 733 final, 20 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Recommendation for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the conclusion of the exchange of letters relating to Article 9 of the Supplementary protocol between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (80) 347 final, 23 June 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Recommendation for a Council Regulation (EEC) concluding an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters to further derogate from the last sentence of Article 1 of Protocol No 3 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Portugal, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation. COM (80) 687 final, 13 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Buchou, H.J. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-95/80) for a decision to provide a financial contribution from the Community towards the eradication of African swine fever in Portugal. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-228/80, 16 June 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Giummarra, V. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-34/80) for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 471/76 as regards the period of suspension of the application of the condition on prices governing the importation into the Community of fresh lemons originating in certain Mediterranean countries. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-285/80, 7 July 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Filippi , R. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-392/79) for a decision introducing special aid for small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in Portugal. EP Working Documents 1979-80, Document 1-706/79, 11 February 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Filippi , R. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-650/80) for a regulation on the conclusion of the agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of pre-accession aid to Portugal prior to accession. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-683/80, 15 December 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Spain and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 29/80, May 1980. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Burke, Richard. (1980) Speech [on Portugal joining the EC] by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Community, at the Foire Internationale de Lisbonne. Lisbon, 13 May 1980. [EU Speech]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1980) Synthese de l'intervention de M. Natali a la Commission Politique du Parlement Europeen (Rapport des Trois Sages). Bruxelles, 22 janvier 1980 = Summary of speech by Mr. Natali [Vice-President of Commission] to the Political Committee of the European Parliament (Report of Three Wise Men). Brussels, 22 January 1980. [EU Speech]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1980) Synthese de l'intervention du Vice-President Lorenzo Natali sur les relations entre l'espagne et la Communaute. Commission mixte Parlement europeen-Cortes espagnole. Bruxelles, 2 juin 1980 = Summary of speech by Vice-President [of Commission] Lorenze Natali on relations between Spain and the Community. Joint committee from the European Parliament and Spanish Parliament. Brussels, 2 June 1980. [EU Speech]

de Kergorlay, Roland. (1980) Time for transition. Full text and summary of a speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the European Communities Delegation to the United States to the Mid-Atlantic Club. Washington DC, 26 November 1980. [EU Speech]

03 December 1980

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Council press release [on accession of Portugal]. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (81) 192 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole CEE-PORTUGAL: REUNION DU COMITE MIXTE 14 mai 1981 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (81) 192 to the National Spokesman Services. Reunion of EEC-Portugal Joint Committee 14 May 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (81) 195 (suite 1) aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. CONSEIL DES MINISTRES 18-19 MAI SESSION MINISTERIELLE CEE-PORTUGAL 19 mai 1981 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (81) 195 (suite 1) to the National Spokesman Services. Council of Ministers ministerial session between EEC-Portugal 18-19 May 19 May 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission report to the Council on the completion of negotiations to conclude the Agreement between the European Economic Community, Austria, Spain, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and Yugoslavia, on the International Carriage of Passenger by Road by means of Occasional Coach and Bus Services (ASOR). COM (81) 561 final, 13 October 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Draft Joint Committee decision amending the Protocol on the definition of the concept of "originating products" and on methods of administrative cooperation. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Decision No of the EEC-Spain Joint Committee amending the Protocol on the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation. COM (81) 310 final, 17 June 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Draft Joint Committee decision amending the Protocol on the definition of the concept of "originating products" and on methods of administrative cooperation. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Decision No of the EEC-Spain Joint Committee amending the Protocol on the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation. COM (81) 310 final/2, 29 September 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Knuppel, Ulrich D. (1981) The European Community-a reliable customer. Presentation [on EC-US soybean trade] by Ulrich D. Knuppel, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the 52nd annual meeting of the National Soybean Processors Association (NSPA). White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 1 September 1981. [EU Speech]

Knuppel, Ulrich D. (1981) European perspective - customer or competitor. Presentation [on EC-US trade] by Ulrich D. Knuppel, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, at the 1981 President's Conference Production Credit Association. Duluth, Minnesota, 8 July 1981. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) In view of enlargement: proposals for adaptation of regulations ooncerning fruit and vegetables, citrus fruit, wine, olive oil. Green Europe Newsletter in Brief No. 17. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) LE PORTUGAL. DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA RECHERCHE ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION, 23 avril 1981 = Portugal. Directorate-General for Research and Documentation, 23 April 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on the representation of the government of Galicia at the negotiations on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain to the European Community. EP Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-15/81, 11 March 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mrs Anne-Marie LIZIN pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on the energy situation in Spain and Portugal with special reference to solar energy. EP Working Documents 1981-82, Document 1-189/81, 4 May 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr KLEPSCH Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS, on behalf of the European Democratic Group Mr BANGEMANN, on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group Mr FANTI with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Article 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the enlargement of the Community. EP Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-728/81, 10 November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on the representation of the government of Galicia at the negotiations on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain to the European Community. EP Working Documents, document 1-15/81, 11 March 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Bangemann on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the enlargement of the European Community to include Spain and Portugal. Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-570/81, 8 October 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Portugal's Economic Situation and Aid Requirements. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Financial Regulation (EEC) on the application of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of lettres between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of pre-accession aid for Portugal. COM (81) 127 final, 23 March 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing ceilings and Community surveillance of imports of certain products originating in Portugal (1982). COM (81) 471 final, 14 September 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing certain interim measures for the conservation and management of fisheries resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain. COM (81) 72 final, 18 February 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for shery [sic] falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for Malaga wines falling within heacing [sic] No ex 22.0 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for wines from Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and Valdepenas falling within heading No ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Spain (1980/81). COM (81) 264 final, 14 May 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Recommendation for a Council Decision authorizing the Commission to open negotiations with Spain for an arrangement on trade in certain textile products. COM (80) 909 final, 9 January 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Recommendation for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of the temporary agreement on concerted disciplines between Spain and the European Economic Community on cheese imports into Spain. COM (80) 919 final, 20 January 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Recommendation for a council regulation on the conclusion of a Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic consequent on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community Proposal. Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION laying down the arrangements applicable to trade between Greece and Portugal. Draft DECISION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL laying down the arrangements applicable to trade between Greece and Portugal in products covered by that Community (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (81) 292, 12 June 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Tuckman, F. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-131/81) for a financial regulation on the application of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of pre-accession aid for Portugal. EP Working Documents, document 1-266/81, 3 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Tuckman, F. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. l-l3l/81) for a financial regulation on the application of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of pre-accession aid for Portugal. EP Working Documents 1981-82, Document 1-266/81, 3 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pöttering, H.-G. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a 'Mediterranean plan' for the benefit of Mediterranean countries belonging to the European Community and the applicant countries Portugal and Spain on the basis of a Council regulation. Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-736/81, 5 November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Signing of the first financing agreement in connection with pre-accession aid for Portugal. Press Release IP (81) 251, 16 December 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Spain and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 43/81, March 1981. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Statistical bulletin. Population. 1981 Community Census of Population-First results for Portugal. 1981.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Waiting for U.S. coal. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 225 May- June 1981. [EU Other]

Ottolenghi, Claudia (1981) Women in Spain. Women of Europe Supplement No. 8, September 1981. 348/X/81/EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) The agricultural aspects of enlargement of the European Community: Spain. Green Europe, Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 174. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) The enlargement of the Community. Green Europe, Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 178. [EU Commission - Brochure]

June 1981

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Recommendation for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the conclusion of the exchange of letters relating to Article 8 of the Supplementary Protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (81) 337 final, 30 June 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]


Lauga, Louis (1982) Agricultural aspects of Spain's entry into the E.C. Opinion. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission communication to the Council concerning the conclusion of a transitional protocol between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. COM (82) 331 final, 8 June 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission communication to the Council concerning the supplementary protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic. Recommendation for a Council Directive concerning the negotiation of a protocol amending certain provisions of the agreement between the European Economic Community and Portugal. COM (82) 165 final, 30 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (82) 175 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. ENTRETIEN PORTUGAL-COMMISSION SUR LES PROBLEMES DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT 23-04-82 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (82) 175 to the National Spokesman Services. Portuguese-Commission conversation on the problems of cooperation and development 23-04-82. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (82) 177 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. 7EME SESSION MINISTERIELLE CEE/PORTUGAL 26 avril 1982 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (82) 177 to the National Spokesman Services. 7th EEC/Portugal ministerial session. 26 April 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (82) 271 (suite 9 and fin) aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. 8eme Session ministerielle des negociaions d'ahesion avec le Portugal 23 juin 1982 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (82) 271 (suite 9 and final)to the National Spokesman Services. 8th ministerial session on negotiations with Portugal for accession 23 June 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (82) 36 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. VISITE PREMIER MINISTRE PORTUGAIS 25 janvier 1982 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (82) 36 to the National Spokesman Services. Visit of the Portuguese Prime Minister 25 January 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Conclusion of an agreement resulting from the consultations held between the Community and Spain concerning cheese under Article XX of the GATT; Recommendation for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of the temporary agreement on concerted disciplines between Spain and the European Economic Community concerning imports of cheese into Spain. COM (82) 97 final, 8 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) The Economic and Social Interest Groups of Spain. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Editorial: What about Spain? and Portugal? [EU Commission - Working Document]

Douro, Lord (1982) Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the enlargement of the Community to include Spain and Portugal. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-658/82, 4 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Natali, Lorenzo. (1982) L'Enlargissement de la Communaute europeene vers le sud. Intervention de M. Natali a la Conference de la Foundation Konrad Adenauer. Bruxelles, 2-3 decembre 1982 = European Community enlargement towards the south. Speech by Mr. Natali [member of the European Commission] to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Conference. Brussels, 2-3 December 1982. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Lord Bethell, Mr. Collins, Miss Hooper, Mr. Key and Mr. Fergusson pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the opening of the Spain-Gibraltar frontier. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-519/82, July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Battersby, Mr Maher, Mrs Pauwelyn, Mrs Pery, Mr Woltjer, Mrs Desouches, Mrs Ewing and Mr d'Ormesson pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the difficulties between Spain and the Community in the fisheries sector. European Parliament Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-459/82, 6 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Lord O'Hagan, on behalf of the European Democratic Group with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on democracy in Spain. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-709/82, 11 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Bangemann, on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on financial aid to the storm-hit areas of France and Spain. EP Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-883/82, 15 November 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Diana, Mr. Barbi, Mr. Jonker, Mr. Croux, Mr. Diligent and Mr. Blumenfeld, on behalf of the European People's Party with request for an early vote pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure, to wind up the debate on the Oral Question Doc. 1-392/82 on negotiations with Spain and Portugal. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-503/82, 7 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. de la Malene on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats with request for an early vote, pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure to wind up the oral debate on Oral Question Doc. 1-392/82 on the negotiations with Spain and Portugal. EP Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-496/82, 7 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mrs. de March, Mr. Bucchini, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Poirier and Mr. Maffre-Bauge pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on emergency aid following seriously forest fires in the Mediterranean regions. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-650/82, 1 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Oral Question (0-35/82) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Poettering, Mr Barbi, Mr Luecker, Mr Vandwiele, Mr Pflimlin, Mr Klepsch, Mr Gonella, Mr O'Donnell, Mr Travaglini, Mr Verrocken, Mrs Boot, Mr Costanzo, Mr Chanterie, Mr Kazazis, Mr Giummara, Mrs Rabbethge, Mr Schnitker, Mr Majonica, Mr Pfennig, Mrs Phlix, Mr Brok and Mr von Wogau on behalf of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) and by Mr Glinne, Mr von der Vring, Mr Bangemann and Sir Henry Plumb to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Mediterranean plan. European Parliament Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-393/82, 17 June 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Oral Question (O-60/81) with debate, pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Diana, Mr Colleselli, Mr Ghrego, Mr Ligios and Mr Modiano to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Negotiations with Spain and Portugal. European Parliament Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-392/82, 16 June 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Portugal and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 58/82, June 1982. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Problems of enlargement - Taking stock and proposals. Commission communication to the European Council, Copenhagen, 3 and 4 December 1982. COM (82) 757 final, 15 November 1982. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 8/82. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing ceilings and Community supervision for imports of certain products originating in Portugal (1983). COM (82) 534 final, 21 September 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Sutra de Germa, G. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on Mediterranean agriculture and the problems of the enlargement of the EEC towards the South. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-785/82, 3 November 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Rieger, H.M. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the recommendation from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-176/82 - 9584/81) for a regulation concerning the conclusion of a protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic consequent on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Community. EP Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-325/82, 21 June 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Statistical bulletin. Population. 1981 Census of Population. First results for Spain. 1982.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

de Sousa, Maria Manuel Stocker and Dominguez, Maria Cristina Perez (1982) Women of Portugal. Women of Europe Supplement No. 11, 1982. X/347/82/EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) The agricultural aspects of enlargement of the European Community: Portugal. Green Europe, Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 190. [EU Commission - Brochure]


Judez, L. and Garcia-Velazquez, A. and Griesi, M. and Iakovidou, O. and Lepatey, A. and Perales, P. and Portela, M. and Rivas, G. and Robledo, G. and Zarzoso, J. (1983) Analyse comparative des structures agricoles au niveau régional de l'Espagne, de la France, de la Grèce, de l'Italie et du Portugal devant les perspectives de l'élargissement de la CE. II. Structure des facteurs: Terre, travail et résultats du système de production. A. Rapport général = Comparative analysis of agricultural structures at the regional level in Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal before the prospect of enlargement of the EC. II. Structure of factors: Land, labor and results of the production system. A. General report. Information on agriculture 87, 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Judez, L. and Garcia-Velazquez, A. and Griesi, M. and Iakovidou, O. and Lepatey, A. and Perales, P. and Portela, M. and Rivas, G. and Robledo, G. and Zarzoso, J. (1983) Analyse comparative des structures agricoles au niveau régional de l'Espagne, de la France, de la Grèce, de l'Italie et du Portugal devant les perspectives de l'élargissement de la CE. II. Structure des facteurs: Terre, travail et résultats du système de production. B. Annexes au rapport général = Comparative analysis of agricultural structures at the regional level in Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal before the prospect of enlargement of the EC. II. Structure of factors: Land, labor and results of the production system. B. Annexes to the general report. Information on agriculture 88, 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1983) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (83) 35 (suite 3) aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. Adhesion Portugal Adhesion Espagne. 25 janvier 1983 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (83) 35 (suite 3) to the National Spokesman Services. Accession of Portugal and Spain. 25 January 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Natali, M. (1983) EFFETS DE L'ELARGISSMENT SUR LA POLITIQUE MEDITERRANEENNE DE LA COMMUNAUTE EUROPEENNE. Rhodes, 2-5 mai 1983: Journees d'etude de PPE, Discours pronounce par Monsieur Vice-President Natali = The Effects of enlargement on the Mediterranean Policy of the European Community. Rhodes, 2-5 May 1983: EPP Study Days. Speech given by Vice-President Natali. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Iberia: the challenge of young democracies. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 235, January- February 1983. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Institutional implications of enlargement: more flexibility in decision-making. COM (83) 116 final, 1 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Interim report from the Commission to the Council on enlargement: internal measures in the two applicant countries in particularly sensitive sectors. COM (83) 115 final, 1 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Natali, M. (1983) L'ELARGISSEMENT DE LA COMMUNAUTE EUROPEENNE VERS LE SUD. Conférence de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer, Bruxelles - les 2 et 3 décembre. Intervention by M. Natali = Enlargement of the European Community Towards the South. Conference of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Brussels, 2-3 December. Speech by M. Natali. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Barbi, Mr Croux, Mr Bournias, Mr Ryan, Mr Simonnet, Mr Deschamps, Mr Vergeer, Mr Estgen and Mr Ghergo on behalf of the Group of the EPP (CD Group) with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the need to give political momentum to the accession negotiations with Spain and Portugal. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-308/83, 14 May 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Blumenfeld, Mr D'ormesson and Mr Ghergo on behalf of the European People's Party (C.D.) pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the effects of enlargement of the European Community on Israel and the other associated Mediterranean states. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-202/83, 15 April 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Nyborg on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the preconditions for the admission of new Member States. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1224/82, 7 February 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Note bio (83)41 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. Affaires etrangeres. Adhesion Portugal = Note bio (83) 41 to the national offices c.c. to the members of the Spokesman's group. Foreign affairs. Portuguese membership. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) ORAL QUESTION (0-9/83) with [illegible] pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mrs CLwYD, Mr BOK, Mr BEAZLEY, Mr GABERT and Mr PAPAEFSTRATIOU to the Council of the European Communities Subject: Enlargement of the Community. Working Documents 1983-84, Document 1-951/83, 26 October 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Olive oil in an enlarged Community. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (83) 90 final, 1 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Oral Question (0-11/83) with debate pursuant to rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Galluzzi, Mr Key, Mrs von Alemann, Mr Locker, Lord Douro and Miss Hooper to the Council of the European Communities. Subject: Enlargement of the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-953/83, 26 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Oral Question (0-12/83) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Galluzi, Mr Key, Mrs von Alemann, Mr Lucker, Lord Douro and Miss Hooper to the Commission of the European Communities. Subject Enlargement of the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-954/83. 26 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Oral question (0-1O/83) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mrs. Clwyd, Mr. Bruk, Mr. Beazley, Mr. Gabert and Mr. Papaefstratiou to the Commission of the European Communities Subject: Enlargement of the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-952/83, 26 October 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Paving the way for enlargement. New proposals for amending existing Community legislation on fruit, vegetables and olive oil. Information Memo P-18/83, March 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Problems of enlargement: taking stock and proposals. Europe Information: Development DE 46, 1983. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) laying down for 1983 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Spain. COM (83) 175 final, 28 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3072/80 imposing a definitive countervailing duty on certain seamless tubes of non-alloy steels originating in Spain. COM (83) 179 final, 28 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Recommendation for a COUNCIL DECISION on the extension of the temporary agreement on concerted disciplines between Spain and the European Economic Community concerning imports of cheese into Spain. COM(82) 876 final, 6 January 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Pery, N. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on Spanish fishing activities in the Community waters of the Atlantic in the light of the present situation and the prospective enlargement. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1119/83, 30 November 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

d'Ormesson, O. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the problem raised by the accession of Spain to the European Community in the fisheries sector in the Eastern Central and South East Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1117/83, 30 November 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Spain and the European Community. Europe Information: External Relations 69/83, June 1983. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Spanish agriculture and enlargement. Research and Documentation Papers, Agriculture Series No. 10, March 1993. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) The enlargement of the European Community. European File 17/83, November 1983. [EU Commission - Brochure]


UNSPECIFIED (1984) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (84) 230 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. NEGOTIATION ADHESION PORTUGAL 18 juin 1984 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (84) 230 to the National Spokesman Services. Negotiations concerning the accession of Portugal. 18 June 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (84) 31 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. Session Ministerielle CEE/Portugal 20 janvier 1984 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (84) 31 to the National Spokesman Services. EEC-Portugal Ministerial meetings 20 January 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (84) 391 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. VISITE A LA COMMISSION DU 1ER MINISTRE PORTUGAIS 25 octobre 1984 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (84) 391 to the National Spokesman Services. Visit to the Commission of the Portuguese 1st Minister 25 October 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Commission report to the Council on the exploratory talks with the Mediterranean countries and the applicant countries. Commission proposals concerning the implementation of a Mediterranean policy for the enlarged Community, Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (84) 107 final, 11 May 1984. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Thorn, Gaston. (1984) Discours du President Thorn. Visite officielle. Lisbonne. 2 Juillet 1984=Speech [on the enlargement negotiations] by Gaston Thorn, President of the Commission, on an official visit. Lisbon, 2 July 1984. [EU Speech]

Andriessen, F.H.J.J. (1984) EEC competition and enlargement policy in Portugal. Address given by Mr. F.H.J.J. Andriessen, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Lisbon, 10 January 1984. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) EEC-Spain Fishing Agreement (1984 quotas). Memo 14/84. 15 February 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of specific financial aid for improving agricultural and fisheries structures in Portugal. COM (84) 297 final, 4 June 1986. [EU Commission - COM Document]

van Aerssen, J. (1984) Report drawn on behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport on the foundation of a Euro-Arab University for post-graduate students at one of the traditional meeting places of Islamic and European culture on Spanish soil. EP Working Document 1983-84, Document 1-1480/83, 1 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Tzounis, L. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-352/84 - COM(84) 297 final) for a regulation on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of specific financial aid for improving agricultural and fisheries structures in Portugal. EP Working Documents, document 2-805/84, 26 October 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1985) 1 JANUARY 1986: A EUROPEAN COMMUNITY OF TWELVE. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Adapting the Social Fund to enlargement. The whole of Portugal and nine Spanish regions classed as first priority. Information Memo P-79/85, October 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Bravo! Spain and Portugal join E.C. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 249, May-June 1985. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Commission closes anti-dumping investigation into imports of wire rod from Brazil, Portugal, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. Press Release IP (85) 492, 13 November 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Commission opinion on the applications for accession to the European Communities by the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain. COM (85) 278, 5 June 1985. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) A Community of Twelve: welcome to Spain and Portugal. European File 17-18/85, November 1985. [EU Commission - Brochure]



UNSPECIFIED (1985) An E.C. of 12: Implications for the U.S. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 251, September-October 1985. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC Summit leaders discuss enlargement, economic issues. European Community News No. 11/1985, 3 April 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) East-West relations: Declaration of the Foreign Ministers of the European Community, as well as Spain and Portugal. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (85) 13, 23 December 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurobarometer poll on the entry of Spain and Portugal into the community. Press Release IP (85) 257, 12 June 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Europe 12. A brief graphical guide to a Europe of 12. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Instruments of Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities. Salient points. Memo 75/85. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Integrated Mediterranean programmes. Commission communication, 20 February 1983. Reproduced from the Bulletin of the European Communities, No. 2/1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Portuguese Republic regarding prepared or preserved tomatoes falling within subheading 20.02 of the Common Customs Tariff. COM (85) 111 final, 22 March 1985. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for the importation in Spain for certain fishery products falling within headings 03.01, 03.03 and 16.04 and subheading 23.01 B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in the Canary Islands (1986); Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, allocating and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain fishery products falling within headings 03.01, 03.03 and 16.04 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in the Canary Islands (1966). COM (85) 726 final, 23 December 1985. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Proposal for a council regulation (EEC) final on the application of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European economic community and the Portuguese Republic concerning the implementation of specific financial aid for improving agricultural and fisheries structures in Portugal. COM (85) 42 final, 21 February 1985. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Hansch, K. (1985) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the enlargement of the Community to include Spain and Portugal Section I: Report on the conclusion of the negotiations with Spain and Portugal. EP Working Documents 1985-86, document 2-20/85, 24 April 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Rothley, W. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(84) 680 final - Doc. 2-1539/84) for regulations I. introducing special and temporary measures applicable to the recruitment of officials of the European Communities in consequence of the accession of Spain and Portugal II. introducing special measures to terminate the service of officials of the European Communities III. amend1ng Regulation (EEC, EURATOM, ECSC) No. 260/68 laying down the conditions and procedure for applying the tax for the benefit of the European Communities IV. amending Regulation (EURATOM, ECSC, EEC) No. 549/69 determining the categories of officials and other servants of the European Communities to whom the provisions of Article 12, the second paragraph of Article 13 and Article 14 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Communities apply. Working Documents 1985-1986, Document A2-35/85, 28 May 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Wedekind, R. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Petitions embodying amendments to the Rules of Procedure in view of the enlargement of the Community to include Spain and Portugal. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A2-118/85, 20 October 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the consultation of the European Parliament on the accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Commmunity. EP Working Documents 1984-85, 2-1343/84. 4 January 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Vandemeulebroucke, Mr. (1985) Report on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning on regional policy in Spain and Portugal and the consequences of enlargement of the European Community. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A 2-143/85, 11 November 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1986) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Note bio (86) 135 aux bureaux nationaux cc. aux membres du groupe du porte-parole. DIFFERENT COMMUNAUTE/ETATS-UNIS SUR L'ELARGISSEMENT 16 mai 1986 = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio note (86) 135 to the National Spokesman Services. Community-United States differences on enlargement 16 May 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Documents concerning the accessions to the European Communities of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic. 1987 II. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) E.C.-U.S. enlargement dispute: E.C. council approves retaliatory measures on corn gluten feed, wheat and rice. European Community News No. 21/1986, 17 June 1986. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) E.C.-U.S. enlargement dispute: E.C. warns against open conflict. European Community News No. 11/1986, March 31 1986. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) JOINT PRESS RELEASE published on the occasion of the signing of the protocols adapting the free trade agreements between the Community and the EFTA countries as a result of enlargement. Council Press Release 8356/86 (Presse 120), 14 July 1986. [EU Council of the EU Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1989) Draft Decision of the EEC-(A) Joint Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation following the suspension of customs duties applicable by the Community of Ten and (A) to imports from Spain; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application of Decision No -- /89 of the EEC- (A) Joint Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation (presented by the Commission). (A) = Austria/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden/Switzerland. COM (89) 556 final, 14 November 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1999) The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies: Spain. Regional Development Studies No. 28M, 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

This list was generated on Sun Jan 19 17:16:34 2025 EST.