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Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-Central and Eastern Europe"

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Number of items at this level: 173.


Korbonski, Andrzej (1964) International Conciliation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. COMECON, No. 549, September 1964. [EU Related]


Mintzes, Joseph (1965) U.S. Policy Interests in Trade Between Eastern European and Common Market Counties. SEVENTH SENIOR SEMINAR IN FOREIGN POLICY. 11 June 1965. UNSPECIFIED.


Allen, David. (1991) "West European responses to change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Cutler, Robert M. (1991) "The Architecture of E.C. Relations with Central and Eastern Europe: 'Common House' or Just Neighborhood Improvement?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Golino, Louis. (1991) "Britain and France Face the New European Architecture". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Ruth, Stephen R. (1991) "Using powerful, low cost academic networks to assist Eastern Europe: examples of a value added perspective". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)

Wasser, Henry. (1991) "Prospects for TEMPUS". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)


Balducci, Massimo. (1993) L'Est de Marx à Taylor: entre illusions, désillusions et collusions = East, from Marx to Taylor: between illusions, disillusionment, and collusions. EIPAScope 1993(2):pp. 9-11. pp. 9-11.


Flouris, Triantafyllos G. (1995) "The European Community and Japan: Bi(tri)lateral Trade in World Context". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Herrberg, Antje and Moxon-Browne, Edward. (1995) "Eastern and Western Europe: Forging a New European Identity?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Inotai, Andras. (1995) "From the Association Agreements to Full Membership? The Dynamics of Relations Between the Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Josling, Tim, and Walkenhorst, Peter. (1995) "Can the CAP Survive Enlargement to the East?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Neunreither, Karlheinz. (1995) "The European Parliament and Enlargement: 1973 to 2000". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

O'Hagan, Patrick. (1995) "Between Protectionism and Free Trade: EU Agricultural Policy Toward Central and Eastern Europe, 1990-1994". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)

Redmond, John. (1995) "Enlarging the European Union: A Future Perspective". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)


Nicolaides, Phedon and Boean, Sylvia Raja. (1996) The Process of Enlargement of the European Union. EIPASCOPE, 1996 (3). pp. 1-7.

July 1996

Waldrauch, Harald (1996) Was heißt demokratische Konsolidierung? Über einige theoretische Konsequenzen der osteuropäischen Regimewechsel. What is democratic consolidation? On some theoretical consequences of the Eastern European regime change. IHS Political Science Series 36, July 1996. [Policy Paper]


Allen, David. (1997) "Reuniting Europe or establishing new divides? The European Union, the states of Eastern and Central Europe, and the states of the former Soviet Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Baun, Michael. (1997) "Germany and EU enlargement into Eastern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Foldes, Karoly. (1997) "East-Central Europe on the eve of EU enlargement". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Friis, Lykke and Murphy, Anna. (1997) "EU governance and Central and Eastern Europe: Where are the boundaries?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Holmes, Peter and Smith, Ed. (1997) "Trade and competition policy in the Europe agreements: Lessons of the EEA experience". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Hyde-Price, Adrian. (1997) "Security and integration in Mitteleuropa: Towards a new research agenda". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Inotai, Andres. (1997) "Costs and benefits of Eastern enlargement of the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Jacobsen, Hanns D. (1997) "Limits for the provision of economic stability to Central and Eastern European countries". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

O’Neil, Patrick. (1997) "Financing the enlargement of the European Union: Opportunity or obstacle?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

Podraza, Andrzej. (1997) "Central and Eastern Europe in the process of integration into the European Union". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, Washington. (Unpublished)

Wohlfeld, Monika. (1997) "CFSP and the Central and Eastern European countries: Franco-German perspectives". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)


Carius, Alexander and Homeyer, Ingmar von and Bar, Stefani. (1999) “The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union and Environmental Policy: Challenges, Expectations, Speeds and Flexibility”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Harris, Geoff. (1999) “Enlargement of the European Union: The Democratic Dimension”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Melis, Demetrios G. (1999) “The Quest for the Grail: The Political Conditionality of European Union Aid to Central and Eastern European Countries”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Richet, Xavier and Bourassa, Frédéric. (1999) “European Enlargement and Strategy of Transnational Corporations in Central and East European Economies: The Case of the Car Industry”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Samson, Ivo (1999) Der widerspruchsvolle Weg der Slowakei in die EU. Die Slowakai vor der Marginalisierung in Zentraleuropa? = Slovakia´s Contradictory Path into the EU. Will Slovakia be marginalized in Central Europe? ZEI Discussion Papers: 1999, C 31. [Discussion Paper]

Schimmelfennig, Frank. (1999) “The Double Puzzle of EU Enlargement: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Decision to Expand to the East”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

Sedelmeier, Ulrich. (1999) “Accommodation Beyond Self-Interest: Identity, Policy Paradigms, and the Limits of a Rationalist Approach to EU Policy Towards Central Europe”. In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)


Bal, Vladimir and Williams, Allan M. (2000) Capital Mobility in Transition Countries of Central Europe: Macroeconomic Performance Factors and Stuctural Policies. NCRE Online Paper No. 00/01. [Policy Paper]

Liponska-Labérou, Joanna. (2000) La relance de la politique européenne de défense = The relaunching of the European defense policy. EIPASCOPE, 2000 (2). pp. 1-7.

Maichel, Gert (2000) Perspektiven für Mittel-und Osteuropa: Warum engagieren sich deutsche Unternehmen dort? = Perspectives on East-Central Europe: Why do German Companies Invest? ZEI Discussion Papers: 2000, C 70. [Discussion Paper]

Majcherkiewicz, Tatiana. (2000) "Great expectations - The regional administrative reform in Eastern Central Europe in anticipation of the EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

Stoklosa, Katarzyna. (2000) "Borders and Neighbourhood in Eastern and Central Europe. A Study of the Historic Development after World War II with the Case Study of the Oder-Neisse Region". In: UNSPECIFIED, Corfu, Greece.

April 2000

Brenton, Paul and Sheehy, John and Vancauteren, Mark. (2000) Technical Barriers to Trade in the European Union: Importance for the Accession Countries. CEPS Working Document No. 144, April 2000. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel and Suhrcke, Marc. (2000) Ten Years After: What is so special about Transition Countries? CEPS Working Document No. 143, April 2000. [Working Paper]

October 2000

Brubaker, Rogers (2000) Accidental Diasporas and External "Homelands" in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Present. IHS Political Science Series 71, October 2000. [Working Paper]


Beichelt, Timm. (2001) "Nationalism and anti-EU mobilization in postsocialist Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Bugajski, Janusz (2001) Facing the Future: The Balkans to the Year 2010. ZEI Discussion Papers: 2001, C 86. [Discussion Paper]

Delong, Scott MacGregor. (2001) "Differential integration in the third pillar: High gear for law enforcement changes in the accession states of Eastern and Central Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Innes, Abby. (2001) Party Competition in Post-Communist Europe: The Great Electoral Lottery. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 54, 2001. [Working Paper]

Krupnick, Charles. (2001) "NATO, the European Union, and changing concepts of security in Central and Eastern Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Lemke, Christian (2001) Social Citizenship and Institution Building: EU-Enlargement and the Restructuring of Welfare States in East Central Europe. CES Germany & Europe Working Paper, No. 01.2, April 2001. [Working Paper]

Lemke, Christiane. (2001) Social Citizenship and Institution Building: EU-Enlargement and the Restructuring of Welfare States in East Central Europe, CES Germany & Europe Working Paper no. 01.2, April 2001. [Working Paper]

Nicolaides, Phedon and Den Teuling, Anne-Mieke. (2001) Summary of Conference Proceedings – The Enlargement of the European Union: Prerequisites for Successful Conclusion of the Accession Negotiations. EIPAScope, 2001 (1). pp. 21-23.

Petkova, Ivanka. (2001) "Candidate countries with currency board arrangements: Are they better prepared for joining the EMU?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Sedelmeier, Ulrich. (2001) "Sectoral dynamics of the EU's accession requirements: The role of policy paradigms". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Snoy, Bernard. (2001) "How successful transition is paving the way for EU enlargement: A view based on EBRD transition indicators". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)

Wallace, Helen and Fowler, Brigid and Friis, Lykke and Murphy, Anna and Sedelmeier, Ulrich (2001) Enlargement of the European Union: Impacts on the EU, the Candidates and the "Next Neighbors". [Review Essay]

April 2001

Di Mauro, Francesca. (2001) Economic Integration between the EU and the CEECs: A Sectoral Study. CEPS Working Document No. 165, April 2001. [Working Paper]

Emerson, Michael. (2001) Some Paradigms from the Evolving Map of Europe. CEPS Working Document No. 164, April 2001. [Working Paper]

Gros, Daniel. (2001) Health not Wealth. CEPS Policy Brief No. 2, April 2001. [Policy Paper]

May 2001

Szapáry, György. (2001) Maastricht & the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Countries during the Run-Up to EMU. ENEPRI Working Paper No. 6, May 2001. [Working Paper]

June 2001

Alcidi, Cinzia and Manzocchi, Stefano. (2001) Transition without Accession Effects of Differential Integration on Trade and Welfare in Europe. CEPS Working Document No. 169, June 2001. [Working Paper]

September 2001

Hager, Wolfgang. (2001) A European Bargain: Investing in CEEC Health. CEPS Task Force Reports No. 37, 1 September 2001. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2001

Böröcz, József and Kovács, Melinda and Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore and Sher, Anna and Dancsi, Katalin and Kabachnik, Peter (2001) Empire's New Clothes: Unveiling EU-Enlargement. Central Europe Review e-books.


Cowley, Stephen. (2002) Explaining Labor Quiescence in Post-Communist Europe: Historical Legacies and Comparative Perspective, CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Papers, no. 55, 2002. [Working Paper]

Gwiazda, Anna (2002) Europeanisation in Candidate Countries from Central and Eastern Europe. In: UNSPECIFIED, Florence, Italy.

Michael, Bryane. (2002) Issues for National Anti-Corruption Training Programmes in Central and Eastern Europe. [Policy Paper]

Moravcsik, Andrew and Vachudova, Milada Anna (2002) Bargaining among Unequals: Enlargement and the Future of European Integration. [Review Essay]

Sciberras, Anne Marie (2002) Challenges for the Accession Countries in the EU’s Environmental Field. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (3). pp. 1-4.

Tulmets, Elsa (2002) Towards a multi-bilateral enlargement policy? German assistance to Central and Eastern Europe at the crossroads with European aid programs. In: UNSPECIFIED, Florence, Italy.

Verheugen, Günter (2002) EU Enlargement – State of play and issues ahead. Speech delivered at the conference in Maastricht, 4 March 2002. EIPASCOPE, 2002 (1). pp. 1-3.

March 2002

Martin Thorton, Gabriela. (2002) The European Union: Teleology and Some Challenges of the Eastern Enlargement. CEPS Policy Brief No. 19, March 2002. [Policy Paper]

May 2002

Swinnen, Johan W. W. (2002) Budgetary Implications of Enlargement: Agriculture. CEPS Policy Brief No. 22, May 2002. [Policy Paper]

July 2002

Csaky, Krisztian. and Kerekgyarto, Judit. (2002) Consumer Credit Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe. ECRI Research Report No. 3, 1 July 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2002

Ibryamova, Nouray. (2002) Migration from Central and Eastern Europe and Societal Security in the European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 1 No. 2, August 2002. [Working Paper]

Schobert, Franiska. (2002) Seigniorage: An argument for a national currency? CEPS Reports in Finance and Banking No. 28, 1 August 2002. UNSPECIFIED.

September 2002

Gros, Daniel. (2002) Who needs foreign banks? CEPS Working Document No. 185, September 2002. [Working Paper]

November 2002

Hager, Wolfgang (2002) Enlargement: Paying for the Green Acquis. CEPS Paperback. November 2002. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290794062

December 2002

Gros, Daniel and Castelli, Massimiliano and Jimeno, Juan and Mayer , Thomas and Thygesen, Niels (2002) The Euro at 25: Special Report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. CEPS Paperback. December 2002. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9290793844


Beichelt, Timm. (2003) "Nationalism and anti-EU mobilization in postsocialist Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, TN. (Unpublished)

Borissova, Olga and Domović, Vlatka and Gehrmann, Siegfried and Horvatić, Irena and Husi, Glori and Milososki, Antonio and Petravić, Ana and Porumb, Elena-Marilena and Stanković, Dejan and Todorova, Silvia. (2003) Europe at Schools in South Eastern Europe - Country Profiles. ZEI European Studies and South Eastern Europe Papers, SEE 4, 2003. [Discussion Paper]

Heidbreder, Eva G. and Carrasco, Laura. (2003) Assessing the Assessment. A Review on the Application Criteria; Minority Protection by the European Commission. EIPA Working Paper 2003/W/04. [Working Paper]

Krupnick, Charles. (2003) "The foreign policy of nuclear reactors in Central and Eastern Europe.". In: UNSPECIFIED, Nashville, Tennessee. (Unpublished)

Royo, Sebastian. (2003) Lessons for Post-Communist Europe from the Iberian Integration into the EU after Sixteen Years. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Papers, no. 57, 2003. [Working Paper]

March 2003

Royo, Sebastián. (2003) Joining the Club: Reflections from the Iberian Integration in Light of the New Enlargement to Eastern Europe. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 2 No. 5, March 2003. [Working Paper]

June 2003

Cameron, Fraser and Primatarova, Antoinette. (2003) Enlargement, CFSP and the Convention; The Role of the Accession States. EPIN Working Paper No. 5, June 2003. [Working Paper]

October 2003

Aguilera, Ruth and Dabu, Adina. (2003) The Transformation of Employment Relations Systems in Central and Eastern Europe. University of Illinois EUC Working Paper, Vol. 3, No. 2. [Working Paper]

November 2003

Král, David and Brinar, Irena and Almer, Josefin. (2003) The Position of Small Countries towards Institutional Reform: From tyranny of the small to directoire of the big? EPIN Working Paper No. 6, November 2003. [Working Paper]


Bohle, Dorothee, and Greskovits, Bela. (2004) Capital, Labor, and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 58, 2004. [Working Paper]

Gross, Nicole Christina. (2004) Netzwerkbildung in der EU als regionale Standortpolitik? Nordrhein-Westfalen und die transnationalen Beziehungen zu Regionen im Benelux-Raumsowie in Mittel- und Osteuropa = Network Building in the EU as Regional Location Policy? North Rhein-Westphalia amd the Transnational Relations to Regions in the Benelux as Well as in Central and Eastern Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper: C 134, 2004. [Discussion Paper]

Grzymala-Busse, Anna. (2004) Post-Communist Competition and State Development. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 59, December 2004. [Working Paper]

Kuhnhardt, Ludger and Erdody, Gabor and Bohr, Christoph. (2004) L’Europa centrale fra le culture politiche nazionali tradizionali ed una nuova identità europea = Central Europe between traditional national political culture and a new European identity. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2004, C 132. [Discussion Paper]

Mroczkowski, Tomasz. (2004) Meeting the New Competition in the Enlarged European Union – Can IT Exporters Provide a Model of Adjustment for Central European Companies? ACES Working Paper 2004.2, February 2004. [Working Paper]

Mudde, Cas. (2004) EU Accession and a New Populist Center-Periphery Cleavage in Central and Eastern Europe. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper No. 62, 2004. [Working Paper]

Poselsky, Volodymyr. (2004) The frontiers of Europe in the Light of the Wider Europe’s Strategy. European Political Economy Review, 2 (1). pp. 51-74.

Schimmelfennig, Frank. (2004) The International Promotion of Political Norms in Eastern Europe: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper No. 61, 2004. [Working Paper]

January 2004

Clem, Ralph S. and Chodakiewicz, Marek Jan. (2004) Poland Divided: Spatial Differences in the June 2003 EU Accession Referendum. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 1, January 2004. [Working Paper]

April 2004

Gros, Daniel and Crum, Ben and Turmann, Anna. (2004) Enlargement: A Process rather than a Point in Time. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 51, 1 April 2004. [Policy Paper]

May 2004

Ibryamova, Nuray V. (2004) Security, Borders, and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol. 4 No. 15, May 2004. [Working Paper]

July 2004

De Santis, Roberta. (2004) Has Trade any Importance in the Transmission of Currency Shocks?: an empirical application for new EU Member States from Central and Eastern European Countries. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 28, 1 July 2004. [Working Paper]

December 2004

Davidson-Schmich, Louise K. (2004) Searching for the Origins of Civic Community in the Newly Expanded European Union. Jean Monnet/Robert Schumann Paper Series Vol. 4 No. 18, December 2004. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)


Ellison, David L. (2005) "Competitiveness Strategies, Resource Struggles and National Interest In the New Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Lewis, Paul G. (2005) "Consolidation or collapse?: Impacts of EU involvement on party systems in Central Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Nelsen, Brent L. and Guth, James F. (2005) "Religion and Attitudes toward the European Union: The New Member States; A Research Note". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Zukowski, Maciej. (2005) Subsidiarity in old-age security in the enlarged European Union. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" N. 26/2005. [Working Paper]

June 2005

De Benedictis, Luca and De Santis, Roberta and Vicarelli, Claudio. (2005) Hub-and-Spoke or Else? Free Trade Agreements in the Enlarged EU – A Gravity Model Estimate. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 37, 1 June 2005. [Working Paper]

August 2005

Laursen, Finn. (2005) The Eastern Enlargements of the EU: Why and How Far? Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol.5 No. 29 August 2005. [Working Paper]

Royo, Sebastian. (2005) The Challenges of EU Integration: Iberian Lessons for Eastern Europe. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 27, August 2005. [Working Paper]

Schimmelfennig, Frank. (2005) The International Promotion of Political Norms in Eastern Europe: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 5 No. 28, August 2005. [Working Paper]


UNSPECIFIED (2006) Europe: Space of Freedom and Security. MIGRATION AND MOBILITY: ASSETS AND CHALLENGES FOR THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. Proceedings of the international colloquium to celebrate Europe Day, held on 4–5 May 2006 in Timisoara, Romania. [Conference Proceedings] (In Press)

Pogorelskaja, Swetlana W. (2006) Die Bedeutung der deutschen parteinahen Stiftungen fur die EU-Politik gegenuber den MOE-und GUS-staten = Importance of the German party-related foundations for the EU's policy vis-a-vis the CEE and CIS states. ZEI Discussion Papers, C163, 2006. [Discussion Paper]

Young, Jason R. (2006) "Roma in Europe: working paper". In: UNSPECIFIED, Pittsburgh, PA. (Unpublished)

June 2006

Geiger, Martin and Ruspini, Paolo and Baldwin-Edwards, Martin and van Krieken, Peter and Nicolescu, Luminita and Constantin, Daniela Luminita and Ghetau, Vasile. (2006) Special Issue - Six articles on immigration policy. The Romanian Journal of European Studies (4/2005). ISSN 1583-199X


Biukovic, Ljiljana. (2007) Dispute Resolution Strategies in Trade Agreements Endorsed by the EU: CEFTA Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Currie, Samantha. (2007) Citizenship in the Context of EU Enlargement: Post-Accession CEE Migrants as Union Citizens. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Ellison, David. (2007) Market Correctives, Market Palliatives and the New Politics of European Economic and Regional Development. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Epstein, Rachel. (2007) "International Institutions and the Democratization of Central and East European Civil-Military Relations". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Iankova, Elena A. (2007) "Business-Government Relations in EU-Acceding Countries: Towards a Model of Institutional Change". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Jungar, Ann-Cathrine. (2007) The rules of attraction: Policy Transfer and the design of parliamentary EU scrutiny mechanisms in new EU member states. In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kostadinova, Petia. (2007) "Europeanization of Economic Policy in the New Member States". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

LaGro, Esra. (2007) "The Temporality of Enlargement: Comparing East Central Europe and Turkey". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Peterson, John, and Birdsall, Andrea. (2007) "The European Commission: Enlargement as Reinvention?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Spendzharova, Aneta B. (2007) "What Are the ‘Right’ Incentives for Reform? A Panel Analysis of the Quality of Banking Sector Reform in the Post-communist Region". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Tudoroiu, Theodor. (2007) "The Geography of the Eastern Enlargement: Present and Future Limits". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

March 2007

Falkner, Gerda, and Treib, Oliver. (2007) Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States. IHS Political Science Series Paper, No. 112, March 2007. [Working Paper]

April 2007

Thiel, Markus (2007) Identity, Societal Security and Regional Integration in Europe. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 7 No. 6 April 2007. [Working Paper]


von Hagen, Jürgen and Siedschlag, Iulia (2008) Managing Capital Flows: Experiences from Central and Eastern Europe. WP234. March 2008. [Working Paper]

January 2008

Tocci, Nathalie, and Darbouche, Hakim, and Emerson, Michael, and Fernandes, Sandra, and Hanau-Santini, Ruth, and Noutcheva, Gergana, and Portela, Clara. (2008) “The European Union as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor.” CEPS Working Document No. 281, January 2008. [Working Paper]

April 2008

Ruzik, Anna. (2008) Retirement Decisions as a Function of Socio-Economic Factors in Central and Eastern European Countries. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 52, 11 March 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

June 2008

Spendzharova, Aneta B. (2008) Banking Sector Liberalization and Reform in the Post-Communist Region after 1989: Assessing the Impact of Domestic Politics, International Conditionality, and Economic Development. IHS Political Science Series Paper No. 116, June 2008. [Working Paper]

November 2008

Bruszt, Laszlo and McDermott, Gerald A. (2008) Transnational Integration Regimes as Development Programs. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper Series No. 67, November 2008. [Working Paper]

Silasi, Grigore and Simina, Ovidiu Laurian. (2008) Romania and the New Economy of Migration: Costs, Decision, Networks, Development. SISEC Discussion Paper Vol. 7, No. 2, November 2008. [Discussion Paper]

December 2008

Ruspini, Paolo and Hiriş, Liliana and Geiger, Martin and Wersching, Simona and Simina, Ovidiu Laurian and Levine, Samuel Jay and Schulz, Wolfgang P. and Heikkilä, Elli and Pikkarainen, Maria and Feridun, Mete and Ivlevs, Artjoms and Bicanová, Radka and Figlová, Zuzana and Kačerová, Eva and Lötzer, Rüdiger and Parasca, Teofil and Groutsis, Dimitria and Unal, Bayram and Baldwin-Edwards, Martin and Mircea, Alexandru and Pristavu, Anca Cristina and Silaşi, Grigore and Constantin, Daniela Luminiţa and Vădăsan, Ioana and Cismaş, Laura and Oprea, Florin and Popescu, Ada Iuliana and Cǎmǎrǎşan, Adriana Vasile and Petrescu, Gabriela Elena. (2008) Migration, Mobility and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of the European Union - Space of Freedom and Security. Editura Universitatii de Vest, p. 413.

Vavrečková, Markéta. (2008) Aid Patterns in Central Eastern Europe. EUMA Special Series Vol. 5 No. 19, December 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

January 2009

Cirstocea, Ioana. (2009) Sociology of a new field of knowledge: gender studies in post-communist Eastern Europe. GSPE Working Paper 01/27/2009. [Working Paper] (Unpublished)

July 2009

Darvas, Zsolt. (2009) The impact of the crisis on budget policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Bruegel Working Paper 2009/05, 31 July 2009. [Working Paper]

October 2009

Cottey, Andrew (2009) Sub-regional Cooperation in Europe: An Assessment. Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Paper 3/2009. [Working Paper]

November 2009

Harrison, Adam and Stantieru, Iana and Middleton, Elmar and Middleton, Chloe and Panczocha, Anna. (2009) Negotiating with the Russian Bear: Lessons for the EU? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 2009/8, November 2009. [Working Paper]

December 2009

Darvas, Zsolt. (2009) The EU’s Role in Supporting Crisis-Hit Countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Bruegel Policy Contribution, 2009/17, December 2009. [Policy Paper]


Polak, Petr and Klusacek, Ivan. (2010) Centralization of treasury management 2010. Business Perspectives, p. 95.

April 2010

Ochmann, Cornelius. (2010) spotlight europe #2010/04, April 2010. The economic crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. [Policy Paper]

Ochmann, Cornelius. (2010) spotlight europe 2010/04, Abril 2010: Crisis económica en Europa Central y Oriental: la prueba de fuego para la UE ampliada. = The economic crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. [Policy Paper]

Ochmann, Cornelius. (2010) spotlight europe 2010/04, April 2010: Wirtschaftskrise in Mittelosteuropa: Feuerprobe der erweiterten EU. = The economic crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. [Policy Paper]

May 2010

Veugelers, Reinhilde. (2010) Assessing the potential for knowledge-based development in transition countries. Bruegel Working Paper 2010/01, May 2010. [Working Paper]

July 2010

Marin, Dalia. (2010) The opening up of Eastern Europe at 20-jobs, skills, and 'reverse maquiladoras' in Austria and Germany. Bruegel Working Paper 2010/02, July 2010. [Working Paper]

September 2010

Gotkowska, Justyna (2010) Niemiecki sieci na wschodzie. Niemiecki soft power w Europie Wschodniej, Azji Centralnej i na Kaukazie Południowym: polityka – administracja – kultura – nauka – społeczenstwo. OSW Raport, wrzesien 2010. = German networks in the east. German soft power in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus policy - administration - culture - science - the society of. CES Report, September 2010. UNSPECIFIED.

November 2010

Becker, Torbjorn and Daianu, Daniel and Darvas, Zsolt and Gligorov, Vladimir and Landesmann, Michael and Petrovic, Pavle and Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Rosati, Dariusz and Sapir, Andre and Weder di Mauro, Beatrice. (2010) Whither growth in Central and Eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe. Bruegel Blueprint Series No. 11, November 2010. [Policy Paper]

December 2010

Darvas, Zsolt. (2010) Beyond the crisis: prospects for emerging Europe. Bruegel Working Paper 2010/06, December 2010. [Working Paper]


Archmann, Sylvia and Stephanou, Constantine A. and Grigoriou, Panagiotis and Mrak, Marija Kastelan and Karkatsoulis, Panagiotis and Hlepas, Nikolaos-Komninos and Vasicek, Davor and Shivergueva, Margarita and Nachev, Ivan and Kandzija, Vinko and Mance, Davor and Godec, Zeljka Tropina and Popescu, Luminita Gabriela and Iancu, Diana-Camelia and Kondylis, Vassilios and Vasicek, Vesna and Dragija, Martina and Hladika, Mirjana and Tsimaras, Kostantinos and Marino, Calogero and Matei, Ani and Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia and Maletic, Ivana and Tsankova, Roumiana and Iancu, Alexandra and Cepiku, Denita and Mititelu., Cristina (2011) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE BALKANS from Weberian Bureaucracy to New Public Management. [Conference Proceedings]

de Frantz, Monika (2011) The EU's Strategy for the Danube Region-new impulses from a "macroregion" for multi-level governance in Central Eastern Europe? [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

February 2011

Ananicz, Szymon (2011) Tug-of-war over EU's policy towards its neighbours. OSW Commentary No. 49, 2011-03-09. [Policy Paper]

Darvas, Zsolt and Kostyleva, Valentina. (2011) The fiscal and monetary institutions of CESEE countries. Bruegel Working Paper 2011/02, February 2011. [Working Paper]

July 2011

Sapir, André and Zachmann., Georg (2011) Eastern European lessons for the southern Mediterranean. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2011/08, July 2011. [Policy Paper]

November 2011

Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés and Maslauskaite, Kristina (2011) Can Policy Make Us Happier? Individual characteristics socioeconomic factors, and life satisfaction in Central and Eastern Europe. Bruges European Economic Research (BEER) Papers 22/November 2011. [Policy Paper]

August 2012

Karlygash, Dairabayeva (2012) How did Targeted Government Trade Policies Impact the Productivity of Manufacturing Firms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia between 1995 and 2009? ACES Working Papers, 28 August 2012. [Working Paper]

September 2012

Ekiert, Grzegorz and Foa, Roberto (2012) The Weakness of Post-Communist Civil Society Reassessed. CES Papers - Open Forum #11, 2012. [Policy Paper]

December 2012

Daborowski, Tomasz and Gniazdowski, Mateusz and Gotkowska, Justyna and Groszkowski, Jakub and Sadecki, Andrzej and Wilk, Andrzej and Hyndle-Hussein, Joanna (2012) Closing the gap? Military co-operation from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. OSW Report, December 2012. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2013

Wilk, Andrzej and Daborowski, Tomasz and Groszkowski, Jakub (2013) Holes in the skies over NATO's Central European member states. OSW Commentary No. 119, 22.10.2013. [Policy Paper]

November 2013

Bobek, Michal and Kosař, David (2013) Global Solutions, Local Damages: A Critical Study in Judicial Councils in Central and Eastern Europe. Research Paper in Law 07/2013. UNSPECIFIED.


Böröcz, József (2014) Geopolitical Scenarios for European Integration: The Decades to Come. In: Reframing Europe's Future: Challenges and Failures of the European Construction. Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 19-34. ISBN 9781138238220

May 2014

Mizsei, Kálmán and Kullmann, Ádám (2014) Struggling with an Opportunity: The first 10 years with the EU for Central Europe and the Baltics - A few lessons. CEPS Essay No. 12, 2 May 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

Novak, Tamas (2014) The Central European Predicament. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 14 No. 9, May 2014. [Working Paper]

June 2014

Ярошевич,, Марта and Ласінська,, Магдалена and Бетлій, Олександра (2014) Прогноз міграції між ЄС, країнами Вишеградської четвірки та Східною Європою: наслідки скасування візового режиму. OSW 2014. = Forecasting Migration between the EU, Visegrad Four and Eastern Europe: consequences of the abolition of the visa regime. OSW Report, June 2014. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2015

Jakóbowski, Jakub (2015) A partial success of trade cooperation within the ‘16+1’ formula: the case of food exports to China. OSW COMMENTARY #189, 2015-10-29. [Policy Paper]

November 2015

Jakóbowski, Jakub (2015) China’s foreign direct investments within the ‘16+1’ cooperation formula: strategy, institutions, results. OSW Commentary Number 191|27.11.2015. [Policy Paper]

February 2016

Mendelski, Martin (2016) The EU's Rule of Law Promotion in Central and Eastern Europe: Where and Why Does It Fail, and What Can Be Done About It? [Policy Paper]


Fuksiewicz , Aleksander and Piłat, Anna and Voarino, Lugh (2017) Maintaining EU-27 citizens’ rights in the UK: a Central and Eastern European Perspective. Bertelsmann Policy Brief | 12.2017. [Policy Paper]

June 2019

Catuti, Mihnea and Elkerbout, Milan (2019) The opportunities of the Modernisation Fund for the energy transition in Central and Eastern Europe. CEPS Policy Insights No 2019-09/ June 2019. [Policy Paper]

June 2020

Dabrowski, Marek and Domínguez-Jiménez, Marta and Zachmann, Georg (2020) Six years after Ukraine’s Euromaidan: reforms and challenges ahead. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n ̊14 | June 2020. [Policy Paper]

July 2020

Kardaś, Szymon (2020) Russia’s hydrogen strategy: a work in progress. OSW Commentary 2020-07-22. UNSPECIFIED.

August 2020

Gotkowska, Justyna (2020) USA – Germany – NATO’s eastern flank. Transformation of the US military presence in Europe. OSW Commentary 2020-08-14. UNSPECIFIED.

October 2020

Żochowski, Piotr and Matuszak, Sławomir and Iwański, Tadeusz (2020) Ukraine: attempted attack on anti-corruption bodies? OSW Commentary 2020-10-16. UNSPECIFIED.

December 2020

Całus, Kamil (2020) Cooperation despite mistrust: the shadow of Trianon in Romanian-Hungarian relations. OSW Commentary 2020-12-04. UNSPECIFIED.

Kardaś, Szymon (2020) Climate ambivalence: Russia’s climate change policy. OSW Commentary 2020-12-15. UNSPECIFIED.

February 2021

Emerson, Michael and Blockmans, Steven and Cenusa, Denis and Kovziridze, Tamara and Movchan, Veronika (2021) Balkan and Eastern European Comparisons: Building a New Momentum for the European integration of the Balkan and Eastern European associated states. CEPS Policy Contribution 25 Feb 2021. [Policy Paper]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 10:09:11 2025 EDT.