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Number of items at this level: 52.

December 1996

Attina, Fulvio (1996) Regional Cooperation in Global Perspective. The case of the "mediterranean" regions. JMWP No. 04.96, December, 1996. [Working Paper]

Barbagallo, Valentina (1996) European integration and environment: are we going towards a cleaner federal State? JMWP No. 02.96, December, 1996. [Working Paper]

Longo, Francesca. (1996) La democrazia dell'Unione Europea e la riforma del Secondo Pilastro. The democratization of the European Union and the reform of the Second Pillar. JMWP No. 01.96, December 1996. [Working Paper]

Panebianco, Stefania (1996) European citizenship and European identity: from the Treaty of Maastricht to public opinion attitudes. JMWP No. 03.96, December, 1996. [Working Paper]

January 1997

Bin, Alberto (1997) ‘Mediterranean Diplomacy’. Evolution and Prospects. JMWP No. 05.97, January, 1997. [Working Paper]

Pace, Roderick (1997) The European Union’s Next Mediterranean Enlargement: Challenges and Uncertainties. JMWP No. 06.97, January 1997. [Working Paper]

February 1997

Attina, Fulvio (1997) Globalization and crime. The emerging role of international institutions. JMWP No. 07.97, February 1997. [Working Paper]

April 1997

Santangelo, Grazia D. (1997) The Single Market for Financial Services: the European Response to the Process of Financial Transnationalisation. JMWP No. 08.97. [Working Paper]

July 1997

Santangelo, Grazia D. (1997) The IT Revolution and Europe: The European Lag and Reaction. An Analysis of ESPRIT. JMWP, No. 09.97, July 1997. [Working Paper]

September 1997

Baldwin-Edwards, Martin (1997) Third Country Nationals and Welfare Systems in the European Union. JMWP No. 12.97, September 1997. [Working Paper]

Radaelli, Claudio M. (1997) Policy Transfer in The European Union: Institutional Isomorphism as a Source of Legitimacy. JMWP No. 10.97, September 1997. [Working Paper]

Santangelo, Grazia D. (1997) The Baltic States return to Europe: the Baltic Re-integration Problem between the Nordic and the EU Option. JMWP No. 11.97, September 1997. [Working Paper]

June 1998

Chryssouchoou, Dimitris N. (1998) Democracy and Integration Theory in the 1990s: A Study in European Polity-Formation. JMWP No. 14.98, June 1998. [Working Paper]

October 1998

Apostolides, Kostas (1998) Cyprus and the Enlargement of the European Union. Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 15.98, October 1998. [Working Paper]

Minasi, Nicola (1998) The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area and its Impact on the Economies Involved. Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 16.98, October 1998. [Working Paper]

Xenakis, Dimitris K. (1998) The Barcelona Process: Some Lessons From Helsinki. Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 17.98, October 1998. [Working Paper]

November 1998

Attina, Fulvio (1998) Strategies for Democratising the European Union and the Issue of the Election of the President of the Commission. JMWP No. 19.98, November 1998. [Working Paper]

Nas, Çigdem (1998) The Approach of the European Parliament to the Issue of Ethnic Minorities and Minority Rights in Turkey within the Context of the European Minority Rights Sub-Regime. JMWP No. 18.98, November 1998. [Working Paper]

December 1998

Guccione, Eugenio (1998) Storia e Politica dell'Integrazione Europea: un'Esperienza di Insegnamento = The History and Politics of European Integration: an Experience in Teaching. JMWP No. 21, December 1998. [Working Paper]

February 1999

Melchionni, Maria Grazia (1999) L'invitato in Ritardo: la Storia e l'Integrazione Europea = The Guest was late: the History of European Integration. JMWP No. 23.99, February 1999. [Working Paper]

Ruszkowski, Janusz (1999) Geopolitical Model of the Baltic Europe in the Nineties. JMWP No. 22.99, February 1999. [Working Paper]

November 1999

Haddadi, Said (1999) The Western Mediterranean as a Security Complex: A liaison between the European Union and the Middle East? Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 24.99, November 1999. [Working Paper]

Willa, Pierre (1999) La Méditerranée comme Espace Inventé = The Mediterranean as invented space. Special Edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 25.99, November 1999. [Working Paper]

January 2000

Viola, Donatella M. (2000) International Relations and European Integration Theory: The Role of the European Parliament. JMWP No. 26.00, January 2000. [Working Paper]

July 2000

Attina, Fulvio (2000) Partnership and Security: Some theoretical and empirical reasons for positive developments in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 27.00, July 2000. [Working Paper]

November 2000

Attina, Fulvio (2000) Strategies for democratising multi-state systems and the European Union. JMWP No. 28.00, November 2000. [Working Paper]

December 2000

Tedesco, Elena (2000) Il Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo: il caso della Sicilia = The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: the case of Sicily. JMWP No. 36.01, December 2000. [Working Paper]

March 2001

Attina, Fulvio (2001) The European security partnership, NATO and the European Union. JMWP No. 29.01, March 2001. [Working Paper]

Stavridis, Stelios (2001) European Security and Defence after Nice. JMWP No. 31.01, March 2001. [Working Paper]

April 2001

Adler, Emanuel (2001) A Mediterranean Canon and an Israeli Prelude to Long Term Peace. JMWP No. 34.01, April 2001. [Working Paper]

Güssgen, Florian (2001) Of Swiss Army Knives and Diplomacy. A Review of the Union's Diplomatic Capabilities. JMWP No. 33.01, April 2001. [Working Paper]

October 2001

Xenakis, Dimitris K. and Chryssochoou, Dimitris N. (2001) Between Good Governance and Democratisation: Assessing the Euro-Mediterranean Condition. JMWP No. 38.01, October, 2001. [Working Paper]

November 2001

Bicchi, Federica (2001) European Security Perceptions vis à vis the Mediterranean: Theoretical and empirical considerations from the 1990s. JMWP No. 39.01, November 2001. [Working Paper]

May 2002

Attina, Fulvio. (2002) I Processi di Integrazione Regionale nella Politica Internazionale Contemporanea = The Process of Regional Integration in Contemporary International Politics. JMWP No. 41.02, May 2002. [Working Paper]

Schain, Martin (2002) European-American Security in the Post-September 11 World. JMWP No. 42.02, May 2002. [Working Paper]

Stavridis, Stelios (2002) The First two Parliamentary Fora of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: an assessment. JMWP No. 40.02, May, 2002. [Working Paper]

June 2002

Mikhailenko, Valeri (2002) Il Posto della Russia nel Nuovo Sistema Mondiale della Sicurezza = The Position of Russia in the new World Security System. JMWP No. 43.02, June 2002. [Working Paper]

September 2002

Liguori, Chiara (2002) La difficile construction de l'intégration maghrebine et le partenariat euro-méditerranéen = The difficult construction of Maghreb integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. JMWP No. 44.02, September 2002. [Working Paper]

October 2002

Attina, Fulvio (2002) Security cooperation at the regional level: from opposed military alliances to security partnerships. Is the Mediterranean region on the right track? JMWP No. 45.02, October 2002. [Working Paper]

November 2002

Khlaf, Al-Omari Bilal (2002) EU-Med Economic Prospects After Barcelona 1995. Department of Political Studies, University of Catania: JMWP No. 47.02, November 2002. [Working Paper]

Khlaf, Al-Omari Bilal (2002) Jordan Economy and the EU Association Agreement. JMWP No. 46.02, November 2002. [Working Paper]

Stavridis, Stelios. (2002) "Parliamentary Democracy": some preliminary findings. JMWP No. 48.02, November 2002. [Working Paper]

December 2002

Zemer, Lior and Pardo, Sharon (2002) An Alternative Euro-Israeli Dispute Resolution. Proposal for the "Rules of Origin" Saga. JMWP No. 49.02, December 2002. [Working Paper]

December 2003

Attina, Fulvio. (2003) Transatlantic Relations in Post-Iraq War Global Politics. JMWP No. 50.03, December 2003. [Working Paper]

September 2004

Attina, Fulvio. (2004) The Euro-Mediterranean project of security partnership in comparative perspective. JMWP No. 52.04, September 2004. [Working Paper]

Moull, David. (2004) Lessons the EU should learn from the formative years of the US: Challenges to EU authority in the areas of legitimacy and interpretive competence and the implications for the conceptualization of the EU. JMWP No. 51.04, September 2004. [Working Paper]

October 2004

Panebianco, Stefania and Rossi, Rosa. (2004) EU attempts to export norms of good governance to the Mediterranean and Western Balkan countries. JMWP No. 53.04, October 2004. [Working Paper]

November 2004

Scalambrieri, Vania. (2004) Democratic conditionality within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partenership. JMWP No.55.04, November 2004. [Working Paper]

December 2004

Monteleone, Carla and Rossi, Rosa. (2004) Transatlantic cooperation in conflict management. JMWP No. 57.04, December 2004. [Working Paper]

July 2005

Attina, Fulvio. (2005) Regional security partnership: the concept, model, practice, and a preliminary comparative scheme. JMWP No.58.05, July 2005. [Working Paper]

February 2006

Stavridis, Stelios. (2006) Why the EU´s constitutionalization and parliamentarization are worsening the existing democratic deficit in European foreign and defence policies. JMWP No. 59.06, February 2006. [Working Paper]

July 2006

Scavo, Andrea. (2006) La Politica di Coesione dell’Unione Europea: tendenze ad una ri-nazionalizzazione nei negoziati per il 2007-2013. = The Cohesion Policy of the European Union: trends in a re-nationalization in the negotiations for 2007-2013. JMWP No. 60.06, 2006. [Working Paper]

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