Irvine, Ian J. (1984) A STUDY OF NEW HOUSE PRICES IN IRELAND IN THE SEVENTIES. General Research Series Paper No. 118, December 1984. UNSPECIFIED.
The housing market in Ireland in the 1970s could be characterised as follows: --Snbstantial increases ill the price 9f new and secondhand houses were registered. Accompanying these were large increases in land prices. The rate of growth in both hmd and house prices generally outstripped the rate of increase in tile consunler price index. --Major changes in legislation governing building and in the direct and indirect subsidlsation of housing were implemented by successive governnlents. --The houses buih in the late ’seventies were very different in size, design and type ("estate" versus "one-ofF’) fi’om those buih in the early ’seventies. --The number of new houses built each year in the ’seventies was ahnost double the number buih in the early and mid-sixties. The purpose of this paper is, broadly, to examine tile reasons for these stylised facts. Further, the purpose is to analyse the events of the ’seventies with a view to offering some conclusions on tile eft]caw of government policies in relation to stated objectives. It is not the objective of the paper to analyse all aspects of the housing market. Tile focus of attention here is primarily upon the new private housing sector with an emphasis upon causative and ctuantifiable behaviour.
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