Helly, Damien (2017) Europe’s enabling power: an EU strategy for international cultural relations. College of Europe Policy Brief #2.17, February 2017. [Policy Paper]
Executive Summary > The EU’s current existential crisis underlines the cultural weaknesses of the European integration project and its disconnect with European societies and identities. > In a rapidly changing world shaped by intertwined transnational cultural and technological flows, managing the variety of Europeans cultures and their interactions with the globe has become a strategic priority. > There is an appetite among countries and civil societies outside of the EU for more cultural relations with Europeans. > The 2016 Joint Commission and High Representative Communication on an ‘EU strategy for international cultural relations’ is the first of its kind. Its main purpose is to put culture on the EU external action agenda, to signal that Europeans have cultural ‘soft power’ abroad, and to encourage them to use the EU as an enabler of their cultural relations.
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