Greenwood, Justin and Cram, Laura. (1995) "European Industry Beyond the Single Market: How can we Understand European-Level Collective Action?". In: UNSPECIFIED, Charleston, South Carolina. (Unpublished)
[From the Introduction]. Research into European level interest representation has mushroomed in recent years. Much of this effort has been directed at case studies of business sectors (Gardner, 1991; Greenwood, Grote and Ronit, 1992; van Schendelen, 1993; Mazey and Richardson, 1993; Pedler and van Schendelen, 1994; Greenwood, 1995), identifying patterns of private interest involvement in sectoral governance and collective action. This case study based research has provided the foundations for development to further, more theoretical, stages in the research process. In particular there is now a good empirical basis for theoretical development in sectoral governance involving private interests, and the dynamics of collective action at the European level. In these notes we draw upon insights from case study research of business sectors to present tentative ideas, and suggestions for further research, for the study of European level collective action. More precisely, the focus of our interest is the conditions under which competition and collaboration occur between intra sectoral groups and fora operating at the European level.
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