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Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des affaires sociales sur l'application des dispositions de l'article 69 du Traité, concernant les mouvements d ela main-d'oeuvre; les mesures relatives à la réadaptation; la formation professionnelle; la situation actuelle et le développement futur de l'emploi dans la Communauté. Exercice 1954-1955, document n° 14, mars 1955. = Report on behalf of the Social Affairs Committee on the application of Article 69 of the Treaty on the labor movement; on measures for the readaptation of workers; on vocational training; the current situation and future development of employment in the Community. Year 1954-1955, Document No. 14, March 1955

Bertrand, A. (1955) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des affaires sociales sur l'application des dispositions de l'article 69 du Traité, concernant les mouvements d ela main-d'oeuvre; les mesures relatives à la réadaptation; la formation professionnelle; la situation actuelle et le développement futur de l'emploi dans la Communauté. Exercice 1954-1955, document n° 14, mars 1955. = Report on behalf of the Social Affairs Committee on the application of Article 69 of the Treaty on the labor movement; on measures for the readaptation of workers; on vocational training; the current situation and future development of employment in the Community. Year 1954-1955, Document No. 14, March 1955. [EU European Parliament Document]

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    Item Type: EU European Parliament Document
    Additional Information: Sections are bookmarked.
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: Education and Vocational Training
    Employment, Labor Market > General
    EU Series and Periodicals: GENERAL:European Parliament Session Documents
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Institutional Author: European Coal and Steel Community > Common Assembly, 1952 - February 1958
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: French
    Date Deposited: 29 May 2015 09:19
    Number of Pages: 72
    Last Modified: 14 Apr 2017 12:15

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