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Rapport introductif fait au nom de la Commission des investissements, des questions financieres et du dévelopment de la production sur les objectifs généraux et sur la politique charbonnière (Chapitre VI, 1 du IVeme Rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute - 11 avril 1955-8 avril 1956). = Introductory report on behalf of the Committee on Investments, on financial questions and the development of general objectives on coal policy (Chapter 4, sections 1-4 of the General Report on the Activities of the Community - 11 April 1955-8 April 1956) Common Assembly: ordinary session (Second part) 1955-1956 Document No 17 1955-1956, June 1956

de Menthon, F. (1956) Rapport introductif fait au nom de la Commission des investissements, des questions financieres et du dévelopment de la production sur les objectifs généraux et sur la politique charbonnière (Chapitre VI, 1 du IVeme Rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute - 11 avril 1955-8 avril 1956). = Introductory report on behalf of the Committee on Investments, on financial questions and the development of general objectives on coal policy (Chapter 4, sections 1-4 of the General Report on the Activities of the Community - 11 April 1955-8 April 1956) Common Assembly: ordinary session (Second part) 1955-1956 Document No 17 1955-1956, June 1956. [EU European Parliament Document]

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    Item Type: EU European Parliament Document
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: Energy Policy > Coal
    EU Series and Periodicals: GENERAL:European Parliament Session Documents
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Institutional Author: European Economic Community, 1958 to June 1967 > European Parliamentary Assembly, March 1958 - February 1962
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: French
    Date Deposited: 26 May 2015 16:19
    Number of Pages: 20
    Last Modified: 29 Jan 2018 16:51

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