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Regionalism in the World Polity

Jupille, Joseph and Jolliff, Brandy (2011) Regionalism in the World Polity. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)

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    Preferential and regional trade agreements (PTAs and RTAs) are increasingly ubiquitous and uncertainly effective in the trade regime. We develop a “world polity” account of the emergence of PTAs and RTAs that accounts for the surprisingly high degrees of isomorphism (structural identity) and decoupling (goal-achievement mismatch) so readily observable in this field. After elaborating its implications for the EU, less developed countries (LDCs) and regionalism, we identify a handful of testable implications. Though our aim is primarily theoretical, we offer empirical explorations of these hypotheses. Regionalism, we argue, has become a line in the “script of modernity” which tells other actors how to organize themselves, what goals to seek, and how to behave. These actors, in turn, embrace this newly-scripted expectation as a function of their need for external legitimation and exposure to the carriers of world societal scripts. We expect these world polity factors to complement, rather than substitute for, standard political economy determinants of PTA and RTA formation.

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    Item Type: Conference Proceedings
    Subjects for non-EU documents: EU policies and themes > External relations > regionalism, international
    EU policies and themes > External relations > international trade
    Subjects for EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Conference: European Union Studies Association (EUSA) > Biennial Conference > 2011 (12th), April 23-25, 2011
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: No
    Language: English
    Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2019 14:19
    Number of Pages: 27
    Last Modified: 19 Nov 2019 14:19

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