Gulbrandsen, Christer (2011) A tale of two transportation practices: International maritime legislation in a national administration. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Does the European Union engender practices within national administrations that represent a departure from traditional intergovernmental executive orders? Are European and global issues compartmentalized in a national administration in such a way as to create different implementation practices within the same administrative organization? In this paper I discuss the results from a case-study of a national administration’s practice of transposing or incorporating rules stemming from two international levels – the global and the regional. Through in-depth interviews with national officials in the Norwegian Maritime Directorate and its parent ministry responsible for maritime affairs I reveal how different international enforcement capacities and nationally institutionalized practices are connected to different organizational practices and varying degrees of politicization within a national administration. This in turn is taken to represent different executive orders in Europe. In turn, these findings may tell us more about the potential for how the European administrative system in a global, multi-level context can appropriate national administrative capacity, and the ways in which national agencies may end up serving two or more ‘masters’ at once.
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