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Rapport sur l'action de la Haute Autorite dans le domaine du controle de l'origine de la ferraille prise en perequation par la Caisse de perequation des ferrailles importées (C.P.F.I.) (Annexe spéciale au Neuvieme Rapport general) = Report on the action of the High Authority in the field of control of the origin of ferrous scap given equalization by the Imported Ferrous Scrap Equalization Fund (Special annex to the Ninth General Report)

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Rapport sur l'action de la Haute Autorite dans le domaine du controle de l'origine de la ferraille prise en perequation par la Caisse de perequation des ferrailles importées (C.P.F.I.) (Annexe spéciale au Neuvieme Rapport general) = Report on the action of the High Authority in the field of control of the origin of ferrous scap given equalization by the Imported Ferrous Scrap Equalization Fund (Special annex to the Ninth General Report). [EU Commission - Working Document]

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    Item Type: EU Commission - Working Document
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: Industrial Policy > Individual Sectors > Steel
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: GENERAL:General Report on the Activities of the European Coal and Steel Community
    Institutional Author: European Coal and Steel Community > High Authority, 1952 - June 1967
    Depositing User: Barbara Sloan
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: French
    Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2013 14:56
    Number of Pages: 58
    Last Modified: 26 Jun 2013 09:48

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