Umbach , Gaby and Hofmann, Andreas (2009) Towards a theoretical link between EU widening and deepening. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Following the focus of the 2009 EUSA conference EU-CONSENT panel on ‘Theorising “EU Deepening and Widening”: A Return to Grand Theory?’ this paper presents main aspects and outcomes of the theoretical work of the Network of Excellence EU-CONSENT over the past four years. The paper presents a set of multi-disciplinary ideas and assumptions about interrelated causes and effects of EU widening and deepening. It discusses and reflects on how to merge these assumptions and the approaches of different academic disciplines into a more integrated structure to further guide and conceptualise research. It elaborates on assumptions developed as common points of reference and proposes ideas for a theoretical link between EU deepening and widening. By doing so, the paper seeks to contribute to bridging a gap in European integration theory: Despite the seeming interconnectedness of current developments in EU deepening and widening, the relevant knowledge to explain and evaluate this claim from an academic point of view still remains a desideratum. In how far such a link can be established is subject to discussion of the present paper.
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