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"The words that are making Europe"

Hogenraad, Robert et alia. (1997) "The words that are making Europe". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)

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    What buoys the European construction should accumulate symbolic notions. The creation of a success story such as the European construction should represent a formidable potential for optimism and excitement. The patterns of thought around which the European construction is organized must show something of the European identity. In order to test these three hypotheses, we analyze and compare 93 speeches made by President Delors over the period 1985-1984, and 28 by President Santer over the period 1995-1997. We have statistically analyzed all these speeches (n=121)--which words are used, how often, where, and when--with the help of a computer-aided content analysis package. Finally, using data-driven statistical techniques, we attempt to find out whether cut-off points exist that signal shifts in a process.

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    Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
    Subjects for non-EU documents: EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > europeanisation/europeanization & European identity
    EU policies and themes > EU institutions & developments > institutional development/policy > historical development of EC (pre-1986)
    Subjects for EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Conference: European Union Studies Association (EUSA) > Biennial Conference > 1997 (5th), May 29-June 1, 1997
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: No
    Language: English
    Date Deposited: 13 Mar 2007
    Page Range: p. 39
    Last Modified: 15 Feb 2011 17:23

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