Constantelos, John. (1997) "Business, politics and the single market: Adjustment strategies in the regions". In: UNSPECIFIED, Seattle, WA. (Unpublished)
The primary research question is whether these actors pursue multi-level lobbying strategies. A quantitative analysis of this research question generated statistically significant findings in support of the multi-level lobbying model (Constantelos 1996b). The approach in the present paper is to examine in greater qualitative depth the political strategies of economic actors undergoing the process of economic structural adjustment. Because groups face resource constraints we will want to pay particular attention to which governmental levels are favored by organized interests and how groups allocate their relatively scarce resources. The comparative case study is conducted in the border regions of Liguria, Italy and Provence-Alpes-CÙte díAzur (PACA), France. Liguria and PACA are remarkably similar in their economic structure (Statistical Office of the EC 1993). Their economies have centered around their ports, heavy industry, and tourism, and they continue to be important commercial centers. Both regions qualify for EU Objective Two structural funds, for "converting regions affected by industrial decline." They also display numerous other economic, social, and cultural similarities. This choice of case study regions provides several advantages when analyzing the factors which influence lobbying targets; such an analysis has been presented elsewhere.
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