Wehrer, Albert. (1955) Les fusions et concentrations d'enterprises dans les pays de la Communaute europeenne du charbon et de l'acier. Conference faite par M. Albert Wehrer, membre de la Haute autorite de la C.E.C.A. Longway, 12 novembre 1955 = Mergers and concentrations of enterprise in the countries of the European Coal and Steel Community. Speech by Mr. Albert Wehrer, Member of the High Authority of the ECSC. Longway, 12 November 1955. [EU Speech]
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Item Type: | EU Speech |
Additional Information: | Reproduced from microfiche. |
Subjects for non-EU documents: | UNSPECIFIED |
Subjects for EU documents: | Competition Policy > Antitrust Competition Policy > Mergers |
EU Series and Periodicals: | GENERAL:Speeches |
EU Annual Reports: | UNSPECIFIED |
Institutional Author: | European Coal and Steel Community > High Authority, 1952 - June 1967 |
Depositing User: | Phil Wilkin |
Official EU Document: | Yes |
Language: | French |
Date Deposited: | 14 Oct 2010 |
Number of Pages: | 23 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jun 2014 13:25 |
URI: | http://aei.pitt.edu/id/eprint/14380 |
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