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Arabische Bibliographie zur europaischen Integration mit deutscher Ubersetzung der Titel, aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Tübingen = Bibliography of Arab Writing on European Integration Including German Translation of Titles, Based on the Arabic Collections of Tubingen University Library

Hoffmann, Friedhelm (2009) Arabische Bibliographie zur europaischen Integration mit deutscher Ubersetzung der Titel, aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Tübingen = Bibliography of Arab Writing on European Integration Including German Translation of Titles, Based on the Arabic Collections of Tubingen University Library. TOBIAS-lib.

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    This is the SECOND EDITION of the Arab bibliography on European integration. The first edition was also published by TOBIAS-lib under the title "Arabische Stimmen zur europaischen Integration: Arbeitsbibliographie aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Tubingen = A Key to European Integration from the Arab viewpoint: Working Bibliography Based on the Arabic Collections of Tübingen University Library". As far as the author knows, this is the only general bibliography of Arab writing on the European integration process since its beginnings in the postwar years up to the 1990s (exactly till 1997). Even the European institutions seem not to have produced an equivalent bibliography. In case the author is mistaken and has overlooked such bibliographies, he asks to correct his generalizing statement. In later editions the bibliography shall be continued up to the present time. The scope of Arab writing on European integration includes all the topical publications in Arabic, including Arabic translations of western works. Additionally, topical publications of Arab authors in western languages and even mere references, where only short remarks on the European integration process and its institutions are given, are included. The main sources are Arab journals of political science and law. The bibliography rests on a wide concept of integration, thereby encompassing not only the institutions of the EC/EU, but also institutional inputs like the Council of Europe, OECD, WEU etc. Out of practical reasons this bibliography is based on the large German national collections of Arabica, which are housed by the Special Subject Collection "The Middle East, including Northern Africa" (6.23) of the German Research Foundation. The collections till 1997 are housed by Tübingen University Library and from 1998 onwards by Halle State and University Library (the collections of the successor institution in Halle still have to be included into the bibliography). The Special Subject Collection (6.23) is one of Europe's largest collections of Arabica, being even important on an international level. Making accessible the Arabic collections in Tubingen University Library together with their corresponding call number not only facilitates local research, but helps all researchers in Germany to find easily Arab literature about European integration by the German inter-library loan system. Thereby, this bibliography assists the Special Subject Collection (6.23) in its task of providing literature to Middle East area studies on the national level in Germany. It is not only a bibliographical aid to specialists of Middle East area studies and European integration studies in Germany, but for the international research community, too. It is just the only one. This second edition of the bibliography addresses in particular those German speaking researchers of European integration, who concentrate on the external relations of the EC/EU with Arab countries, but do not speak Arabic themselves. Especially for them, the titles of Arabic publications and periodicals have been rendered into German and emphasized in blue. Those researchers who do not speak German might still prefer the first edition of the bibliography, which does not include the German translations and therefore can be handled more easily. The author apologizes for the inconveniences caused by the different German and English transliteration systems for the Arabic language. Yet, for those who are already familiar with the English transliteration of Arabic, the German system should be no real obstacle.

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    Item Type: Book
    Additional Information: This is the only bibliography of Arab(ic) publications on European integration.
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Bibliography; European integration; Arab countries; Euro-Arab Dialogue; Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; Arab political science.
    Subjects for non-EU documents: EU policies and themes > External relations > common foreign & security policy 1993--European Global Strategy
    EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-North Africa/Maghreb
    EU policies and themes > External relations > regionalism, international
    EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-Middle East
    EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > political affairs > political union & integration/European Political Union
    EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-Islam
    EU policies and themes > External relations > European Neighbourhood Policy
    EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-Mediterranean/Union for the Mediterranean
    Subjects for EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Depositing User: M.A. Friedhelm Hoffmann
    Official EU Document: No
    Language: Multilingual
    Date Deposited: 29 Jun 2010
    Number of Pages: 380
    Last Modified: 02 Apr 2012 18:21

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