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La cohesión social en el marco del diálogo político Unión Europea-América Latina: visiones y perspectivas desde Europa. = Social cohesion in the political dialogue EU-Latin America: Visions and Perspectives from Europe

Sanahuja, José Antonio José Antonio (2009) La cohesión social en el marco del diálogo político Unión Europea-América Latina: visiones y perspectivas desde Europa. = Social cohesion in the political dialogue EU-Latin America: Visions and Perspectives from Europe. José Antonio Sanahuja, pp. 65-100.

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    Item Type: Book
    Subjects for non-EU documents: EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > cohesion policy
    EU policies and themes > External relations > EU-Latin America
    EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > social policy > general
    Subjects for EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Depositing User: Dr. José Antonio Sanahuja
    Official EU Document: No
    Language: Spanish
    Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2009
    Page Range: pp. 65-100
    Last Modified: 15 Feb 2011 18:17

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