De Luca, Michele (2013) Rappresentatività sindacale nel protocollo d’intesa del 31 maggio 2013 ed in recente pronuncia di incostituzionalità (dell’articolo 19 dello statuto dei lavoratori): dall’ordinamento intersindacale alla rilevanza per l’ordinamento giuridico dello Stato = Trade union representation in the memorandum of understanding of 31 May 2013 and in a recent ruling of unconstitutionality (of article 19 of the workers' statute): from the inter-union order to the relevance for the legal order of the state. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 193/2013. [Policy Paper]
This paper is devoting to the relevance of connection between trade union’s legal order and national’s legal order. In particular, considerations are related to representativeness of trade unions in “Protocollo d’intesa 31 Maggio” and in the latest constitutional jurisprudence. Protocol’s juridical effectiveness towards to nationals industrials unions federations is connected to partecipation’s standards. According to these legal standards trade unions can form craft unions into the company. Sure enough, trade unions are assigned to stipulate Collective Bargaining Agreement. The A. examines minutely connection between national’s legal order and trade union’s legal order effectiveness.
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