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Le fonti (dopo il Jobs Act): autonomia ed eteronomia a confronto = The sources (after the Jobs Act): autonomy and heteronomy in comparison. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 284/2015

Zoppoli, Lorenzo (2015) Le fonti (dopo il Jobs Act): autonomia ed eteronomia a confronto = The sources (after the Jobs Act): autonomy and heteronomy in comparison. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 284/2015. [Policy Paper]

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    In Italy the relationship between Law and collective bargaining - always conditioned by the difficult link of the industrial relation system with the political system - is evolving with a progressive reduction of the difference between heteronomous and autonomous regulation. In the last five years three phenomena have had a lot of influence: a) the transfer of national sovereignty, in an informal rather than a formal way; b) the verticalisation directed to the simplification of interests to be regulated; c) the fragmentation of the places of autonomous regulation. Nevertheless, the situation is still on moving. The "Jobs Act" - Law 183/14 and the application decrees - have increased the present trends, by using very old relationship techniques - introduced in Italy twenty years ago - which expose the new legislation to firm opportunism’s choices and some evident constitutionality exceptions.

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    Item Type: Policy Paper
    Subjects for non-EU documents: EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > employment/labour market
    Countries > Italy
    Subjects for EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Series: Series > University of Catania > Department of Law, C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" Working Papers .IT
    Depositing User: Daniel Pennell
    Official EU Document: No
    Language: Italian
    Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2020 08:57
    Number of Pages: 30
    Last Modified: 10 Jun 2020 08:57

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