Gorecki, Paul K. and Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) WASTE POLICY IN IRELAND: COMMENTS ON RADICAL PROPOSALS ON THE WAY FORWARD. A Submission to the Minister’s Reopening of the Consultation on the Proposed Section 60 Policy Direction Capping Incineration of Municipal Waste and Other Matters and the Consultation New Draft Statement of Waste Policy. UNSPECIFIED.
We are pleased to respond to two waste policy consultations: first, the reopening of that on the proposed Section 60 Policy Direction on a proposed cap to incineration capacity as a proportion of municipal solid waste arisings (“MSW”) and other matters (“the proposed Section 60 policy direction”); and, second, on the new Draft Statement on Waste Policy (“the Draft Waste Statement”). The proposals subject to consultation, together with a number of other recent waste management proposals,3 mark a radical departure in the direction of waste policy in Ireland.
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