McGinnity, Frances and O'Connell, Philip J. and Quinn, Emma and Williams, James (2006) MIGRANTS’ EXPERIENCE OF RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION IN IRELAND. Results of a survey conducted by The Economic and Social Research Institute for The European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. [Policy Paper]
In this report we present the results of a survey conducted in 2005 as submitted to the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) in October 2005. The study was carried out on a harmonised basis in 12 Member States. These are the results of the first survey on the issue of subjective experiences of racism and discrimination conducted in respect of a representative random sample of two groups of immigrants: employment permit holders and asylum seekers. Publication of the individual country studies was not permitted until after the release of the synthesis report Migrants’ Experiences of Racism and Xenophobia in 12 EU Member States, which was published by the EUMC in October 2006.1
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