UNSPECIFIED (1971) Supplement au quatrieme rapport interimaire de la commission au conseil sur les adaptations techniques des reglementations communautaires a la situation de la communaute elargie. (cf. doc. SEC (71) 816 final du 3 mars 1971) -POLITIQUE ECONOMIQUE ET MOUVEMENTS DES CAPITAUX- SEC (71) 3380 final, le 27 septembre 1971 = Supplement to the fourth interim report of the Committee to the Council on the technical adaptations of Community regulations to the situation of the enlarged Community. (see SEC (71) 816 final of 3 March 1971) - ECONOMIC POLICY AND CAPITAL MOVEMENTS - SEC (71) 3380 final, 27 September 1971. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Item Type: | EU Commission - SEC Document |
Subjects for non-EU documents: | UNSPECIFIED |
Subjects for EU documents: | Enlargement > 1st - Denmark, Ireland, UK |
EU Series and Periodicals: | UNSPECIFIED |
EU Annual Reports: | UNSPECIFIED |
EU Document Number: | SEC (71) 3380 final |
Institutional Author: | European Communities, July 1967 to October 1993 > Commission |
Depositing User: | Phil Wilkin |
Official EU Document: | Yes |
Language: | French |
Date Deposited: | 23 Dec 2019 18:10 |
Number of Pages: | 6 |
Last Modified: | 23 Dec 2019 18:10 |
URI: | http://aei.pitt.edu/id/eprint/100215 |
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