UNSPECIFIED (1981) DELEGATION DU PARLEHENT EUROPEEN pour les relations avec le CONGRES DES ETATS-UNIS. Communication aux membres: Les membres trouveront ci-joint, pour leur information, des extraits du "Joint Economic Report" pour 1981 de la "Joint Economic Committee" dur Conqres des Etats-Unis. Il se compose de deux parties, la premiere donnant le point de vue des membres republicains de la commission, la seconde celui des membres democrates de la commission. 14 avril 1981 = DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. Communication to members: The members will find attached, for their information, excerpts from the Joint Economic Report for 1981 of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Conferences. It consists of two parts, the first giving the point of view of the republican members of the commission, the second that of the democratic members of the commission. April 14, 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
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