de Diego Martín, Miguel Ángel (2016) Net Neutrality: Smart Cables or Dumb Pipes? An overview on the regulatory debate about how to govern the network. Research Paper in Law 03/2016. UNSPECIFIED.
From the Introduction. On 30th April 2016 the provisions of the new Regulation on Open Internet Access1 will enter into force in the EU. This will be yet another chapter of the long debate –some would call it saga- on net neutrality and the desirable architecture of the internet. It is undeniable that the internet has become in a very short time a fundamental element of most people’s professional and personal lives. High speed access to the net is now considered as an indispensable tool for innovation, productivity and development in modern societies. What is more, the internet has proven during the last decade that it is a potentially limitless technology whose disruptive effects can alter almost every industry, even its own one.
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