Szalavetz, Andrea (2015) Policy support to commercialization and Europe’s ‘commercialization gap’. [Conference Proceedings] (Submitted)
Despite substantial public funding dedicated to enhance the commercialization and the market uptake of research results (CMU), Europe’s perceived ‘commercialization gap’ vis-á-vis its main competitors has remained substantial. This paper discusses the factors that influence the effectiveness of commercialization policy instruments, based on case studies of 6 European and 4 non-European CMU policy measures. Five common features of successful policy instruments are identified. 1. Policy design is specific, suggesting that policy-makers have a clear concept of what they want to achieve. 2. Policy support transcends mere subsidy provision: financial support is embedded in a mix of complementary services. 3. Policy instruments allow for virtuous Matthew effects. 4. Recognizing that actors encounter a series of valleys of death, not just one, successful programs span several stages of the innovation cycle. 5. Effective policy instruments are not ‘born fully armed’ like Pallas Athena: it takes time they develop.
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