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UNSPECIFIED (1954) ACCORD concernant les relations entre la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier et le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord ET DOCUMENTS ANNEXES (Londres, le 21 décembre 1954) = Accord concerning relations between the European Coal and Steel Committee and the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and documents annexes (London, 21 December 1954). [EU Commission - Working Document]

Monnet, Jean. (1954) Address [on annual developments] by Mr. Jean Monnet, President of the High Authority. Strasbroug, 12 May 1954. [EU Speech]

Monnet, Jean. (1954) Address [on investment policy] delivered by Mr. Jean Monnet, President of the High Authority, before the Common Assembly at the opening of the extraordinary session of January 1954. Strasbourg, 14 January 1954. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Beginnings of the European Common Market. High Authority Information Service No. 1, Jan 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Belgium and the Community. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 2, December 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Bulletin Statistique (CECA) = Statistical Bulletin (ECSC) No. 6, July 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) CECA Comite consultatif annuaire = ECSC Consultative Committee annual report. 26 January 1953 - 26 January 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) CORRESPONDANCE concernant les relations entre la Communaute Europeenne du Charbonet de l'Acier et le Royaume Uni. 3 mai 1954 = Correspondence concerning relations between the Coal and Steel Community and the United Kingdom. 3 May 1954 ~ \! [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Common Market for Coal: The Second Stage. High Authority Information Service Note No. 3, March 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier, Haute Autorite. Memento de Statistiques. Edition 1954 = European Coal and Steel Community, High Authority. Memento of Statistics. Edition 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) The Community's Labour Policy. High Authority Information Service No. 2, Feb. 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Deuxieme rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute (13 avril 1953 - 11 avril 1954) = Second General report on the activity of the Community (13 April 1953 - 11 April 1954). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Deuxième réunion jointe des membres de l'Assemblée consultative du Conseil de l'europe et des membres de l'Assemblée commune de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Compte rendu in extenso des débats, 20 mai 1954 = Second joint meeting of the members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and of the members of the Common Assembly of the European Community of Coal and Steel. Official report of the debate, 20 May 1954. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Documentatie inzake de Arbeidsvraagstukken in de Industrieën der Gemeenschap (Werkgelegenheid en lonen) = Documentation on the Labor issues in the Industries of the Community (Employment and wages). May 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Documentation sur les problemes du travail dans les industries de la Communaute (emploi et salaires) = Documentation on labor problems in the industries of the Community (employment and wages). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Donnees de base sur l'energie. Informations statistiques (CECA) = Basic data on energy. Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 11, October 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Débats De L'Assemblée Commune. Compte Rendu in Extenso Des Séances. Session Extraordinaire de Janvier 1954. Février 1954. No. 5 = Debates of the Common Assembly. Proceedings of the sessions. Special Session of January 1954. February 1954. No. 5. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Débats de l'Assemblée Commune. Compte rendu in extenso des séances. Session ordinaire de mai 1954. AOUT 1954. No. 6 = Common Assembly Debates. Proceedings of the sessions. Ordinary Session of May 1954. August 1954. No. 6. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Europe goes to court. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel. No. 3, December 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Europe's first two years. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 1, November 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Expose sur la situation de la Communaute presente a la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblee commune (novembre 1954) = Report on the situation of the Community presented to the extraordinary session of the Common Assembly (November 1954). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Expose sur la situation de la Communaute au debut de 1954 = Report on the situation of the Community at the beginning of 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Incidences Economiques de la C.E.D. [Communaute Buropeenne de Defense]: Objections et Réponses, Publication No. 15. Ligue Européenne de Cooperation Economique, Mai 1954 = "Economic impacts of C.E.D. [European Defence Community]: Objections and Answers, Publication No. 15. European League for Economic Cooperation, May 1954". [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No 4, February 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 10, September 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 3, January 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 5, March 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 6, April-May 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 8/9, July-August 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) La formation professionnelle dans l'industrie siderurgique des pays de la Communaute = Vocational training in the iron and steel industry of the countries of the Community. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Labor's share in the Community. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel. No. 2, November 1954. [EU Other]

Wehrer, Albert. (1954) Le plan Schuman et les Cartels. Conference faite par Albert Wehrer, membre de la Haute autorite devant les branches belgo-luxembourgeoise et neerlandaise de l'International law association. Luxembourg, 24 septembre 1954 = The Schuman Plan and the Cartels. Speech by Albert Wehrer, Member of the High Authority [of ECSC] before the Belgian-Luxembourg and Netherland branches of the International Law Association. Luxembourg, 24 September 1954. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Memorandum submitted [on how Europe is rebuilding] by the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community to the government of the United States of America, March 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

de Menthon, F. (1954) Note introductive au Rapport de la Commission des Investissements, des Questions financières et du Développement de la production sur la politique générale en matière d'investissements que la Haute Autorité se propose de suivre. 6 janvier 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 4 = Introductory Note to the Report of the Committee of Investment, Financial Affairs and the general policy on investment that the High Authority proposes to follow. 6 January 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 4. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Official Gazette of the European Coal and Steel Community. Third Year No. 17, July 31 1954; Third Year No. 18, August 1 1954. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Official Gazette of the European Coal and Steel Community. Third Year No. 19, October 6 1954. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Official Gazette of the European Coal and Steel Community. Third Year No. 20, November 15 1954; Third Year No. 21, November 24 1954. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Official Gazette of the European Coal and Steel Community. Third Year No. 22, December 11 1954. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Rapport Commissaire aux comptes relatif au premier exercice qui a pris fin le 30 june 1953 = Report of the Auditor on the first financial year ending 30 June 1965. 31 March 1954. [EU Other]

Sassen, E.M.J.A. (1954) Rapport Complémentaire fait au nom de la Commission de la Comptabilité et de l'Administration de l'Assemblée Commune sur l'élaboration d'un statut des fonctionnaires de la Communauté. Session ordinaire de 1954, mai 1954. 1953/1954 Document No. 20 = Supplementary report on behalf of the Comittee of Accounting and Administration of the Common Assembly on the development of a statute for Community officials. Regular Session of 1954, May 1954. 1953/1954 Document No. 20. [EU European Parliament Document]

Sassen, E.M.J.A. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Comptabilité et de l'Administration de la Communauté et de l'Assemblée Commune sur l'état prévisionnel général de la Communauté pour l'exercise 1954-1955 et sur les Rapports semestriels sur la situation des dépenses administratives du 1er juillet au 31 decembre 1953. Session Ordinaire, 15 avril 1954, Document No. 10. = Report on behalf of the Committee of Accounting and Administration of the Community and of the Common Assembly on the overall estimate of the Community for the 1954-1955 exercise and the Semi-annual reports on the situation of administrative expenses from 1 July to 31 December 1953. Ordinary Session, 15 April 1954, Document No. 10. [EU European Parliament Document]

Sassen, E.M.J.A. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Comptabilité et de l'Administration de la Communauté et de l'Assemblée Commune sur le projet d'état prévisionnel de l'Assemblée Commune pour l'exercise 1954-1955 et sur les problèmes relatifs à l'organisation des services parlementaires et administratifs du Secrétariat de l'Assemblée Commune. Janvier 1954. 1953-1954 document No. 1 = Report on behalf of the Committee of Accounting and Administration of the Community and of the Common Assembly on the draft statement of the Common Assembly for the 1954-1955 exercise and problems relating to organization of parliamentary and administrative services of the Common Assembly Secretariat. January 1954. 1953-1954 document No. 1. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kreyssig, Gerhard (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Comptabilité et de l'Administration de la communauté et de l'Assemblée Commune sur le Rapport du Commissaire aux comptes relatif au premier exercice financier qui a pris fin le 30 juin 1953. 1954-1955 Document No. 1 = Report on behalf of the Committee of Accounting and Administration of the community and of the Common Assembly on the Report of the External Auditors for the first fiscal year that ended June 30, 1953. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session, November 1954. 1954-1955 Document No. 1. [EU European Parliament Document]

Teitgen , M. P.H. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires Politiques et des Relations extérieures de la Communauté sur les pouvoirs de controle de l'Assemblée Cummune et leur exercice. = Report on behalf of the Committee on Political Affairs and External Relations of the Community on the power to exercise control over the Assembly. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session, November-December 1954. 1954-1955 Document No. 5. [EU European Parliament Document]

Birkelbach, W. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires Sociales sur le Chapitre V, traitant des problèmes du travail, du deuxième Rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954). Session ordinaire de 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 18 = Report on behalf of the Social Affairs Committee on Chapter V, dealing with labor issues, the second General Report on the Activities of the Community (13 April 1953-11 April 1954). Regular Session of 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 18. [EU European Parliament Document]

Birkelbach, M.W. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires Sociales sur le mission d'études et d'information accomplie par une Sous-Commission du 14 au 21 février 1954, en vue de recueillir des éléments d'appréciation sur la politique à suivre par la Communauté en matière de logement des travailleurs. Session ordinaire 1954, Document N° 6. = Report on behalf of the Social Affairs Committee on the mission and information studies accomplished by a Sub-Commission from 14 to 21 February 1954 to gather information for assessing the policy to be followed by the Community policy for the housing for workers. Regular Session 1954, Document No. 6. [EU European Parliament Document]

Klompe, M.A.M. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires politiques et des Relations extérieures de la Communauté sur le Chapitre II, traitant des relations extérieures de la Communauté, du Deuxième Rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954). Session ordinaire 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 16 = Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee and the Community's external relations on Chapter II, dealing with the Community's external relations, the Second General Report on the Activities of the Community (13 April 1953-11 April 1954). Regular Session 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 16. [EU European Parliament Document]

Klompe , A. M. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires politiques et des Relations extérieures de la Communauté sur les relations extérieures de la Communauté et le Dévelopment de celle-ci envisagé à la lumiére de l'évolution politique actualle . Session extraordinaire novembre-decembre 1954. 1954-1955 Document No. 4 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Political Affairs and External Relations of the Community on external relations of the Community and its development in the light of changing political events. Common Assembly: extraordinary session 1954-1955. 1954-1955 Document No. 4. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Menthon, F. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Investisessements, des Questions Financières et du Développement de la Production sur le 4 du chapitre III et sur le chapitre IV du deuxième rapport général sur l'activité de la communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954). Session ordinaire de 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 15 = Report on behalf of the Investment Committee, Financial Questions and Production Development on section 4 of Chapter III and Chapter IV of the Second General Report on Community activity (13 April 1953-11 April 1954). Regular Session of 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 15. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kapteijn, P.J. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Transports le chapitre III, 3, chiffres 89-95 du Deuxième Rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954), traitant des problèmes du transport au sein de la Communauté. Session ordinaire de 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 14 = Report on behalf of the Transport Committee on Chapter III, 3, 89-95 figures of the Second General Report on the Activities of the Community (13 April 1953-11 April 1954), dealing with transport problems in the Community. Regular Session of 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 14. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kapteijn, P.J. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des transports sur la Proposition de Résolution (Doc. N° 19) relative aux questions de transports. Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier, Assemblée Commune, mai 1954. Doc. 21 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Transportation on the Motion for a Resolution (Doc. No. 19) on transport issues. European Coal and Steel Community, Common Assembly in May 1954. Doc. 21. [EU European Parliament Document]

Korthals, H.A. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Marché Commun sur le Chapitre III, traitant du fonctionnement et du développement du Marché Commun, du deuxième Rapport général sur l'Activité de la Communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954). Session ordinaire 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 14 = Report on behalf of the Common Market Committee on Chapter III, dealing with the functioning and development of the Common Market (from the Second General Report on Community Activity (13 April 1953-11 April 1954). Regular Session 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 13. [EU European Parliament Document]

Struye, Paul (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Règlement de l'Assemblee Commune des Pétitions et des Immunités sur l'admission des membres du Conseil spécial de Ministres aux réunions des commissions de l'Assemblée Commune. Session ordinaire 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 11 = Report on behalf of the rules committee of the Common Assembly on the admission of members of the special Ministerial Council to meetings of committees of the Common Assembly. Regular Session 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 11. [EU European Parliament Document]

Struye, Paul (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Règlement de l'Assemblee Commune des Pétitions et des Immunités sur l'insertion dans le Reglement d'une disposition relative a la constitution des Groupes politiques. Document No. 10 1954 = Report on behalf of the Rules Committee of the Common Assembly on the the insertion in the Rules of Procedure of a provision relating to the constitution of political groups. Document No. 10, 1954. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kreyssig, Gerhard (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Règlement de l'Assemblee Comune des Pétitions et des Immunités sur la modification et la révision du Réglement de l'Assemblée Commune. Session ordinaire 1954. 1953-1954 Document N° 12 = Report on behalf of the Commission by the Common Assembly Petitions and Immunities group on the amendment and revision of the Common Assembly Rules. Regular Session 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 12. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des Affaires Politiques et des Relations extérieures de la Communauté sur la réponse à donner, de la part de l'Assemblée Commune, à la Resolution 31 adoptée par l'Assemblée Consultative du Conseil de l'Europe le 23 juin 1953. 5 janvier 1954. 1953-1954, Document N° 2 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Political Affairs and External Relations of the Community on the response to the part of the Common Assembly in Resolution 31 adopted by the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe on 23 June 1953. 5 January 1954. 1953-1954, Document N° 2. [EU European Parliament Document]

Korthals , H. A. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la commission du marché commun sur la question des cartels dans la communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier, sous l'angle des problémes de la concurrence et des ventes sur le marché charbonnier. = Report on behalf of the committee of the Common Market on the issue of cartels in the European Coal and Steel Community, in terms of the problems of competition and sales in the coal market. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session November 1954. 1954-1955 Doc. No. 2. [EU European Parliament Document]

Carcaterra , M. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la commission du règlement, des pétitions et des immunités de l'Assemblee Commune sur l'amendment à l'article 46 du Réglement de l'Assemblée commune. = Report on behalf of the Committee on Rules and Immunities of the Common Assembly on the amendment to Article 46 of the Common Assembly regulation. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session, November-December 1954. Doc 8. [EU European Parliament Document]

von Merkatz , M. Hans-Joachim (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la commission du réglement de l'Assemblée Commune, des pétitions et des immunités sur la proposition de résolution de M. Carcassonne tendant à la modification de l'article 28, paragraphe 2, du Réglement de l'Assemblèe Commune. 1954-1955 Document No. 7 = Report on behalf of the Rules Committee of the Common Assembly concerning immunities to the resolution of Mr. Carcassonne dealing with the modification Article 28, paragraph 2, of the Common Assembly. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session, November-December 1954. 1954-1955 Document No. 7. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Report on the situation of the Community at the beginning of 1954. 1 January 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Report on the situation of the Community laid before the extraordinary session of the Common Assembly. November 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Second General report on the activities of the Community (13th April 1953 to 11th April 1954). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Second joint meeting of the members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and of the members of the Common Assembly of the European Community of Coal and Steel. Official report of the debate, 20 May 1954. [EU European Parliament Document]

Burckhardt, Helmuth. (1954) Speech [on European unity] by Mr. Helmuth Burckhardt, Vice-President of the Consultative Committee of the European Community for Coal and Steel at the Duquesne Club. Pittsburgh, 22 October 1954. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Summary of the Second General Report on the Activities of the Community (April 13, 1953-April 12, 1954). No. 4, April 1954. [EU Other]

Swatland, Mr. (1954) Text of Draft [on US loan to High Authority] Prepared by Swatland. Agreement dated April --, 1954, between the Government of the United States of America and the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community established by Treaty dated April 18, 1951. March 20, 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Monnet, Jean. (1954) Text of speech [on the ECSC] by Jean Monnet. Acceptance speech delivered on behalf of Mr. Monnet, President, High Authority, European Community for Coal and Steel, by William L. Batt, Member, NPA Board of Trustees, at the Twentieth Anniversary Joint Meeting Awards Dinner of the National Planning Association. Washington, D.C., 13 December 1954. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Towards a federal government of Europe. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel. No. 1, October 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Transport on the common market. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, No. 6, June 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) The high authority reports to the assembly. Bulletin from the Economic Community for Coal and Steel, No. 5, May 1954. [EU Other]

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