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Items where Subject is "EU policies and themes > Policies & related activities > Third Pillar/JHA/PJCC/AFSJ > 2015 Migration Movement"

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Number of items at this level: 67.

Pascouau, Yves (2015) The October 2015 European Council and migration: no news, good news? EPC Commentary, 19 October 2015. [Policy Paper]


Anderson, Kristine and Bonomi, Matteo and Engel, Raphaela and Fajon, Tanya and Mancic, Milica and Petronijević, Vladimir (2016) MIGRATION PANORAMA | The Western Balkans migratory route: perspectives and persisting challenge. EPC Report December 2016 (2nd Edition). [Policy Paper]

Angelescu, Irina and Trauner, Florian (2018) 10,000 border guards for Frontex: Why the EU risks conflated expectations. EPC Policy Brief, 21 September 2018. [Policy Paper]



Bamberg, Katharina (2018) The EU Resettlement Framework: From a humanitarian pathway to a migration management tool? EPC Discussion Paper 26 June 2018. [Discussion Paper]

Bamberg, Katharina (2019) Moving beyond the ‘crisis’: Recommendations for the European Commission’s communication on migration. EPC Discussion Paper, 9 DECEMBER 2019. UNSPECIFIED.

Bamberg, Katharina and De Somer, Marie and Mc Namara, Frank and Diez, Olivia Sundberg (2018) EPIM Policy Update July 2018. [Policy Paper]

Bamberg, Katharina and De Somer, Marie and Valsells, Marta Llonch (2018) EPIM Policy Update. European Policy Center, 20 February 2018. [Policy Paper]

Bamberg, Katharina and Fabbri, Francesca and McNamara, Frank (2018) Competing priorities at the EU’s external border. EPC Issue Paper, November 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Barslund, Mikkel and Akgüç, Mehtap and Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya and Ludolph, Lars (2017) Sharing responsibility for refugees and expanding legal migration. 2017 MEDAM ASSESSMENT REPORT ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICIES IN EUROPE. UNSPECIFIED.

Barslund, Mikkel and Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya and Ludolph, Lars (2017) Summit dinner: Important starters before the Migration main course. CEPS Commentary, 14 December 2017. [Policy Paper]

Barslund, Mikkel and Ludolph, Lars (2017) Mediterranean Migrants: Little help on offer for Italy. CEPS Commentary, 6 July 2017. [Policy Paper]

Batsaikhan, Uuriintuya and Darvas, Zsolt and Raposo, Inês Goncalves (2018) People on the move: migration and mobility in the European Union. Bruegel Blueprint Series 28, 22 January 2018. [Policy Paper]

Blockmans, Steven. (2016) New Thrust for the CSDP from the Refugee and Migrant Crisis. CEPS Special Report No. 142, July 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Bonnici Bennett, Melanie (2018) The Refugee Crisis and the EU’s Externalisation of Integrated Border Management to Libya and Turkey. EU Diplomacy Paper 06/2018. [Working Paper]

Bordignon, Massimo and Moriconi, Simone (2017) The case for a common European refugee policy. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚8 | 2017. [Policy Paper]

Busse , Matthias and Ludolph , Lars (2017) Family reunification for migrants under subsidiary protection in Germany: An instrument for strategic political positioning Matthias Busse and Lars Ludolph. CEPS Commentary, 21 November 2017. [Policy Paper]


Cardiff EDC, . (2016) Information Guide: European migration challenges, October 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Carrera, Sergio and Blockmans, Steven. and Cassarino, Jean-Pierre and Gros, Daniel. and Guild, Elspeth and Letta, Enrico (2017) The European Border and Coast Guard Addressing migration and asylum challenges in the Mediterranean? CEPS Task Force Report, 1 February 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Carrera, Sergio and Cortinovis, Roberto (2019) Search and rescue, disembarkation and relocation arrangements in the Mediterranean. Sailing Away from Responsibility? CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe No. 2019-10, June 2019. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Gros, Daniel. and Blockmans, Steven. and Guild, Elspeth (2015) The EU’s Response to the Refugee Crisis: Taking Stock and Setting Policy Priorities. CEPS Essay No. 20, 16 December 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth (2016) EU-Turkey plan for handling refugees is fraught with legal and procedural challenges. CEPS Commentary, 10 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Guild, Elspeth (2017) Offshore processing of asylum applications Out of sight, out of mind? CEPS Commentary, 27 January 2017. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Lannoo, Karel. (2018) We’re in this boat together: Time for a Migration Union. CEPS Policy Insights No 2018/09, June 2018. [Policy Paper]

Carrera, Sergio and Stefan, Marco (2018) Complaint Mechanisms in Border Management and Expulsion Operations in Europe: Effective remedies for victims of human rights violations? CEPS Paperback, 26 March 2018. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-677-9

Carrera, Sergio and Vosyliūtė, Lina and Smialowski, Stephanie and Allsopp, Jennifer and Sanchez, Gabrielle (2019) Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants: 2018 Update. Study Requested by the PETI committee. CEPS Special Report, Decenber 2018. UNSPECIFIED.

Crépeau, François and Purkey, Anna (2016) Facilitating Mobility and Fostering Diversity: Getting EU Migration Governance to Respect the Human Rights of Migrants. CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe No. 92/May 2016. [Policy Paper]

Cuny, Elise (2018) The EU’s New Migration Partnership with Mali: Shifting towards a Risky Security-Migration-Development Nexus. EU Diplomacy Paper 01/2018. [Working Paper]


Darija Maric, Darija Maric and Srdjan Hercigonja, Srdjan Hercigonja and Maria Alette Abdli, Maria Alette Abdli and Adnan Rahimić, Adnan Rahimić and Elias Vartio, Elias Vartio and Doris Manu, Doris Manu and Gomez, Jorge Fernandez (2015) Europe must act! The refugee crisis in the eyes of young people. EPC FutureLab, 12 October 2015. UNSPECIFIED.

Davies, Gareth (2016) Migrant Union Citizens and Social Assistance: Trying to Be Reasonable About Self-Sufficiency. Research Paper in Law 02/2016. UNSPECIFIED.

De Somer, Marie (2018) Dublin and Schengen: A tale of two cities. EPC Discussion Paper, 15 June 2018. [Discussion Paper]

De Vries, Leonie Ansems and Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio (2016) Documenting the Migration Crisis in the Mediterranean Spaces of Transit, Migration Management and Migrant Agency. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 94 September 2016. [Policy Paper]

den Hertog, Leonhard (2016) EU Budgetary Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Reconfiguring the Funding Landscape. CEPS Paper Liberty and Security in Europe No. 93/May 2016. [Policy Paper]

den Hertog, Leonhard (2016) Money Talks: Mapping the Funding for EU External Migration Policy. CEPS Paper in Liberty & Security in Europe 15 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

den Hertog, Leonhard and Carrera, Sergio (2016) A European Border and Coast Guard: Fit for purpose? CEPS Commentary, 24 February 2016. [Policy Paper]

d’Oultremont, Clémentine and Martin, Anna (2015) The Migration Crisis: A Stress Test for European Values. European Policy Brief No. 38, September 2015. [Policy Paper]


Emiliani, Tommaso (2016) ‘Refugee Crisis’ – ‘EU Crisis’? The Response to Inflows of Asylum-Seekers as a Battle for the European Soul. College of Europe Policy Brief #6.16, March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2016) Elements of a complex but still incomplete puzzle: an assessment of the EU(-Turkey) summit. CEPS Post-Summit Analysis, 21 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2015) Europe’s reactive and protective muddling through: the results of a summit in fire fighting mode. EPC Post-Summit Analysis, 19 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. (2016) The bumpy road from Bratislava to Rome: the results of a (un)spectacular summit. EPC Post-Summit Analysis, 24 October 2016. [Policy Paper]


Ghimis, Andreia and Goebbels, Robert and Guillaume, Sylvie and Heinze, Aleksej and Hokovský, Radko and Malkoutzis, Nick and Pascouau, Yves (2016) MIGRATION PANORAMA. Schengen in the spotlight: a Europe with or without borders? APRIL 2016 (First edition). [Discussion Paper]

Guild, Elspeth (2016) Rethinking Migration Distribution in the EU: Shall we start with the facts? CEPS Essay 23/22 January 2016. UNSPECIFIED.

Guild, Elspeth and Brouwer, Evelien. and Groenendijk, Kees and Carrera, Sergio (2015) What is happening to the Schengen borders? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 86, December 2015. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio (2016) Rethinking asylum distribution in the EU: Shall we start with the facts? CEPS Commentary, 17 June 2016. [Policy Paper]

Guild, Elspeth and Carrera, Sergio and Allsopp, Jennifer and Andrijasevic, Rutvica and Collyer, Michael and Dimitriadi, Angeliki and Jokinen, Anniina and Leerkes, Arjen and Manieri, Maria Giovanna and Muraszkiewicz, Julia and Ruete, Matthias and Spena , Alessandro and Spencer, Sarah (2016) Irregular Migration, Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings: Policy Dilemmas in the EU. CEPS Paperback, 22 February 2016. Series > Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels) > CEPS Paperbacks . UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-94-6138-504-8

Guild, Elspeth and Costello, Cathryn and Moreno-Lax, Violeta (2017) Implementation of the 2015 Council Decisions establishing provisional measures in the area of international protection for the benefit of Italy and of Greece. Study. PE 583 132. CEPS Research Report, March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.

Guild, Elspeth and Grant, Stephanie (2017) What role for the EU in the UN negotiations on a Global Compact on Migration? CEPS Research Report No 2017/05, March 2017. UNSPECIFIED.


Heinke, Daniel H. and Malet, David and Minks, Simon and Raudszus, Jan and van Ginkel, Bibi and Renard, Thomas and Coolsaet, Rik, (2018) RETURNEES: WHO ARE THEY, WHY ARE THEY (NOT) COMING BACK AND HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH THEM? Assessing Policies on Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Egmont Paper 101, February 2018. [Policy Paper]


Kirişci, Kemal. (2016) Europe's refugee/migrant crisis: can 'illiberal' Turkey save 'liberal Europe' while helping Syrian refugees? EPC Policy Brief, 19 February 2016. [Policy Paper]


Larivé, Maxime (2015) A Crisis for the Ages: The European Union and the migration Crisis. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol. 15 Special, October 2015. [Working Paper]


Mayer, Matthias M. and Mehregani, Mehrdad (2016) Beyond Crisis Management: The Path Towards an Effective, Pro-active and Fair European Refugee Policy. Bertelsmann Study. UNSPECIFIED.

McNamara, Frank and Pascouau, Yves (2017) EU external migration policy: In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king. EPC Commentary, 6 February 2017. [Policy Paper]


Orsini, Giacomo and Roos, Christof (2017) EU hotspots, relocation and absconded migrants in Italy. How to save Schengen within a failing Dublin system? EL-CSID Policy Brief Issue 2017/03 • October 2017. [Policy Paper]


Pascouau, Yves (2016) EU migration policies after the US elections: pushing the limits? EPC Commentary 15 November 2016. [Policy Paper]

Pascouau, Yves (2016) EU-Turkey Summit on the refugee crisis Law and (dis)order? EPC Commentary, 21 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda (2016) Turkey makes a mockery of Europe's claim to uphold democratic values. EPC Commentary, 16 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda (2016) Turkey makes a mockery of Europe’s claim to uphold democratic values. EPC Commentary, 16 March 2016. [Policy Paper]

Paul, Amanda and Seyrek, Demir Murat (2016) EU visa-liberalisation for Turks: just around the corner? EPC Commentary, 3 May 2016. [Policy Paper]


Renard, Thomas (2015) An eventful summer (Syria and the teething of Europe). Egmont Commentary, 4 September 2015. [Policy Paper]

Roos, Christof (2015) How to reconcile the EU border paradox? The concurrence of refugee reception and deterrence. IES Policy Brief 2015/4, November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Roos, Christof and Orsini, Giacomo (2016) How to reconcile the EU border paradox? The concurrence of refugee reception and deterrence. IES Policy Brief Issue 2015/4 • November 2015. [Policy Paper]


Schmidt, Juliane (2016) Europe and the refugees: a crisis of values. EPC Commentary, June 20 2016. [Policy Paper]

Schmidt, Juliane (2015) Seeing the bigger picture: The refugee crisis and the link to CFSP. EPC Commentary, 16 November 2015. [Policy Paper]

Singleton, Ann (2016) Migration and Asylum Data for Policy-making in the European Union – The problem with numbers. CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe No. 89/March 2016. [Policy Paper]


Tubakovic, Tamara (2017) A Dublin IV recast: A new and improved system? Egmont European Policy Brief No. 46, March 2017. [Policy Paper]


Willermain, Fabian (2015) The European Agenda on Migration, or, the timid beginning of a genuine common European migration policy. Egmont Commentary, 21 May 2015. [Policy Paper]


Zuleeg, Fabian (2015) A Common Refugee Integration Fund. EPC Commentary, 15 October 2015. [Policy Paper]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 21:25:38 2025 EST.