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UNSPECIFIED (1965) E.E.C. moves to harmonize postal charges. Commission Press Release IP (65) 62, 30 March 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur l'harmonisation des législations européennes. Documents de Seance 1965-1966, Document 54, 8 Juin 1965. = Report on behalf of the Legal Committee on the harmonization of European legislation. Working Documents 1965-1966, Document 54, 8 June 1965. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1966) Harmonized nomenclature for trade statistics. Commission Press Release IP (66) 5, 13 January 1966. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) L'harmonisation des legislations douanieres = The harmonization of customs legislation. Commission Press Release IP (66) 106, 7 October 1966. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Berkhouwer, M. C. (1966) Rapport fait au nom de la commission du marche interieur sur la proposition de la C.E.E. au Conseil (doc. 82, 1965-1966) relative a une directive concernant le rapprochement des legislations des Etats membres relatives aux taxes d'affranchissement pour les lettres du premier echelon de poids et les cartes postales. Documents de Seance 1966-1967, Document 43, 4 Mai 1966. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Internal Market on the UNECE proposal to the Council (Doc. 82, 1965-1966) on a directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to postage charges for letters of the first echelon of weights and postcards. Working Documents 1966-1967, Document 43, 4 May 1966". [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1967) Common market begins to unify tax systems. European Community Press Release, 10 February 1967. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


Dittrich, Erich (1969) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique concernant certaine questions fondamentales et de procédure relatives au rapprochement des législations dans la Communauté européenne. Documents de seance 1969-1970, Document 130, 17 Novembre 1969. = "Report on behalf of the Legal Committee concerning some fundamental issues and procedure for the approximation of legislation in the European Community. Working Documents 1969-1970, Document 130, 17 November 1969". [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1970) Approximation of Legislation Community Measures (1958-1969). Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 06/70. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautes europeennes au Conseil (doc. 120/69) relative a une directive concernant le rapprochement des legislations des Etats membres relatives aux instruments de pesage a fonctionnement non automatique. Documents de seance 1969-1970, Document 222, 2 fevrier 1970. = "Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 120/69) on a directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to weighing non-automatic instruments. Working Documents 1969-1970, Document 222, 2 February 1970". [EU European Parliament Document]


Voglaar, Th. (1971) Harmonization of Legal and Fiscal Provisions in the EEC. The Concept of the European Company, fiscal harmonization, banking and insurance. Speech by Th. Voglaar, Director, General Internal Market and Approximation of Legislations, at the Commission of the European Communities, at the Conference "Into Europe" organised by the London Chamber of Commerce. London, 2-4 February 1971. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1972) Harmonized Nomenclature for the Foreign Trade Statistics of the EEC Countries (NIMEXE). English Edition (NIMEXE 1969, updated to 1st January 1972). This edition is a complete recast of the 1971 text. [EU Commission - Working Document]

MEMMEL, Linus (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 134/71) concernant I. un règlement relatif à la définition de la notion de "trafic frontalier" II. une deuxième directive concernant l'harmonisation des dispositions législatives, réglementaires et administratives relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires et aux accises percues dans le trafic international de voyageurs III. un rapport sur l'application par les Etats membres de la directive "Franchises fiscales pour les voyageurs" du 28 mai 1969. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 248/71. 4 février 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the Commission's proposals to the Council (134/71) concerning I. a regulation on the definition of the concept of "frontier traffic" II. a second Directive on the harmonization of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to turnover taxes and excise duties levied on international passenger traffic III. a report on the application by Member States of the "Tax Exemptions for Travelers" Directive of 28 May 1969. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 248/71. February 4, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Artzinger, Helmut Karl (1972) Rapport fait au dom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 17/72) concernant une cinquiéme directive en matiére d'harmonisation des legislations des Etats membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffe d'affaires - Introduction de la taxe sur la valeur ajouté Italie. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 18/72. 19 avril 1972 = Report to the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc 17/72) for a fifth Directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to taxes on - Introduction of Value Added Tax in Italy. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 18/72. April 19, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bermani, Alessandro (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 241/71) relative à une directive concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres relatives aux poids de 1 mg à 50 kg d'une précision supérieure à la précision moyenne. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 3/72. 29 mars 1972 = Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (241/71) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the weight of 1 mg to 50 kg of a superior accuracy to average accuracy. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 3/72. March 29, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

May 1972

Jahn, Hans Edgar (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européenes au Conseil (doc. 243/71) relative à une directive concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres relatives aux mesures à prendre contre les émissions de polluants provenant des moteurs diesel des véhicules à moteur. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 19/72. 3 Mai 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (243/71) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against emissions of pollutants from diesel engines of motor vehicles. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 19/72. May 3, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

June 1972

Bourdellès, Pierre (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 239/71) relative à une directive concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres relatives à la classification, l'emballage et l'étiquetage des préparations dangereuses (solvants). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 52/72. 12 juin 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (239/71) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous preparations (solvents). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 52/72. June 12, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bourdellès, Pierre (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 240/71) relative à une directive modifiant la directive du Conseil du 27 juin 1967, concernant le rapprochement des dispositions législatives, réglementaires et administratives relatives à la classification, l'emballage et l'étiquetage des substances dangereuses. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 53/72. 12 juin 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (240/71) for a Directive amending the Council Directive of 27 June 1967 on the approximation legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous substances. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 53/72. June 12, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Faller, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautés euripéennes au Conseil (doc. 121/71) relatives à I. une décision relative à l'assainissement de la situation des entrepriises de chemin de fer et à l'harmonisation des règles régissant les relations financières entre ces enterprises et les Etats II. un règlement modifiant le règlement (CEE) no. 1192/69 du Conseil du 26 juin 1969, relatif aux règles communes pour la normalisation des comptes des entreprises de chemin de fer. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 49/72. 5 juin 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc 121/71) for I. a decision on the improvement of the situation of railway undertakings and on the harmonization of the rules governing the financial relations between these enterprises and the States II. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1192/69 of the Council of 26 June 1969 on common rules for the normalization of the accounts of railway undertakings. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 49/72. June 5, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]


Krall, L (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 100/73) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cold-water meters. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 235/73, 23 November 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kater, H (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 101/73) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to continuous totalizing weighing machines. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 236/73, 23 November 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Baas, J (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 146/72) for a directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of outward processing. EP Working Document, Document 1972-1973 336/72, 14 March 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Armengaud, A (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 133/72) for I. a directive on the approximation of Member States' legislation on radio interference caused by domestic electrical appliances, portable power tools and similar devices II. a directive on the approximation of Member States' legislation on radio interference caused by fluorescent lighting tubes. EP Working Document, Document 1972-1973 340/72, 29 March 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1974) Communication from the Commission to the Council on the coordination of Member governments' comments to the Chairman of the Codex Committee on methods of analysis and sampling. SEC (74) 2372 final, 21 June 1974. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Proposal for a Council Directive modifying the Commission Directive 73/95/EEC of 26 March 1973 applying Articles 13 and 14 of the Council Directive of 4 March 1969, on the harmonisation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of inward processing (presented to the Council by the Commission). COM (74) 1008 final, 27 June 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Notenboom, Harry (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 144/73) for a sixth directive on the harmonization of the legislations of the Member States concerning turnover taxes - common system af value added tax: uniform basis of assessment -. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 360/73, 14 February 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Petre, Rene (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 172/73) for a directive concerning the harmonization of excise duties on mineral oils. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 401/74, 11 December 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schworer, Hermann (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the Proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 334/73) for a Directive on the harmonisation of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 119/74, 10 June 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Yeats, Michael B. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 149/74) for a directive on harmonization of the legislation of Member States on the retention of the rights and advantages of employees in the case of mergers, takeovers and amalgamations. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 385/74, 9 December 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Harzschel, K. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 262/73) for a directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States concerning the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women contained in Article 119 of the EEC Treaty. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 21/74/rev, 22 April 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Broeksz, J.B. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the Proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 69/73) for a directive concerning the harmonization of legislation in Member States in respect of radio interference caused by sound and vision TV receivers. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 336/73, 29 January 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Mitterdorfer, K (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for the elimination of technical barriers to trade with particular reference to the directives on harmonization of the laws of the Member States on: the scales of charges for the testing of gas meters (Doc. 164/74); radio interference caused by equipment operating at radio frequencies in the range 10 kHz to 18 GHz - high frequency industrial, scientific and medical equipment and similar apparatus (Doc. 235/74); road and rail transport tanks used as measuring containers (Doc. 189/74); the reverse and the speedometer of motor vehicles (Doc. 227/74); anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts (Doc. 230/74); statutory plates and inscriptions for motor vehicles and their trailers, and their location and method of fixing (Doc. 234/74). Working Documents1974-75, Document 323/74, 11 November 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1975) Communication from the Commission to the Council: Introduction of summer time in the Community. COM (75) 319 final, 23 June 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending the Commission Directive 73/95/ECC of 26 March 1973 applying Articles 13 and 14 of the Council Directive of 4 March 1969 on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of inward processing. COM (75) 228 final, 28 May 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Council Directive (EEC) on the approximation of Member States' laws, regulation and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of paints, varnishes, adhesives and similar products (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (75) 311 final, 26 June 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Council Directive amending the Commission Directive 73/95/EEC of 26 March 1973 applying Articles 13 and 14 of the Council Directive of 4 March 1969 on the harmonisation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of inward processing. COM (75) 228 final. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible solid emission level for tower cranes; Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound emission level for current generators for welding; Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound emission level for current generators for power supply (presented to the Council by the Commission). COM (75) 558 final, 18 December 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action concerning deferred payment of duties at importation or at exportation (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (75) 395 final, 23 July 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Dykes, Hugh H. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the recommendation from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 253/75) for a decision accepting on behalf of the Community several annexes to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures. EP Working Documents, document 373/75, 13 November 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

Yeats, Michael B. (1975) Report drawn up on he half of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 149/74) for a directive on harmonization of the legislation of Member States on the retention of the rights and advantages of employees in the case of mergers, takeovers and amalgamations. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 385/74/rev., 11 February 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

Artzinger, H.K. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the harmonization of the tax legislation of the Member States: Corporation Tax. Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 142/75, 19 June 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1976) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr Jean DURIEUX on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group with request for an immediate vote pursuant to Rule 47 (4) of the Rules of Procedure to wind up the debate on oral question No. 188/76 on the adoption by the Council of the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities for a Sixth Directive on the harmonization of the legislation of Member States concerning turnover taxes - common system of Value Added Tax: uniform basis of assessment. EP Working Documents, document 220/76, 6 July 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) ORAL QUESTION (0-19/76) with debate pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr DURIEUX, Mr HOUGARDY and. Mr CAILLAVET on behalf of the Liberals and Allies Group to the Council of the European Communities, Subject: Tax harmonization in the EEC. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 187/76, 28 June 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) ORAL QUESTION (0-20/76) with debate, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr DURIEUX, Mr HOUGARDY and Mr CAILLAVET on behalf of the Liberals and Allies Group to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Tax harmonization in the EEC. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 188/76, 28 June 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Proposal for Council Directive on summer time arrangements (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 27 final, 30 January 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the taxes of the Member States relating to the ranges of nominal quantities permitted for certain prepackaged products (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 384 final, 22 July 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty applicable in international travel (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (76) 700 final, 17 January 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Schmidt, M. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 104/76) for a directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law. regulation or administrative action relating to customs debt, EP Working Documents, document 237/76, 1 September 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

Osborn, J. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 281/75) for a regulation on the harmonization of certain social provisions relating to goods transport by inland waterway. EP Working Documents 1976-77, Document 484/76, 23 December 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Nyborg, K. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 485/75) for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the field of vision of motor-vehicle drivers. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 94/76, 10 May 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

Walkhoff, K.-H. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 68/76) for a directive on harmonisation of the Legal and Administrative Regulations of the Member States on the provisions of Safety Information at the Workplace. EP Working Documents, document 217/76, 7 July 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) A single summer time period for Member States applying summer time. Information Memo P-12/76, February 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 75/106/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making- up by volume of certain prepackaged liquids (presented by the Commission to the Council). COM (77) 455 final, 30 September 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1192/69 on common rules for the normalization of the accounts of railway undertakings (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (77) 637 final, 5 December 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Squarcialupi, V. (1977) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 459/76) for a directive on the approximation of the Member States' laws, regulations and administrative provisions on the protection of the health of workers occupationally exposed to vinyl chloride monomer. EP Working Documents, document 55/77, 20 April 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

van Aerssen, Jochen (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 228/75) for a directive concerning the harmonization of systems of company taxation and of withholding taxes on dividends. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 291/77, 28 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Notenboom, H. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 524/76) for a Directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty applicable in international travel. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 68/77, 4 May 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Muller, E. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 233/77) for a directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of standard exchange of goods exported for repair. EP Working Documents, document 343/77, 8 November 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Giraud, P. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 491/76) for a decision amending the decision on the harmonization of certain provisions affecting competition in transport by rail, road and inland waterway. EP Working Documents 1976-77, Document 537/76, 2 February 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Couste, P.-B. (1977) Report on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the harmonization of export aid systems. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 129/77, 8 June 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pisoni, F. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and Education on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 426176) for a directive on the harmonization of laws in the Member States to combat illegal migration and illegal employment. EP Working Documents 1977-1978, Document 352/77, 9 November 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission pressures U.K. to use tachograph (second step in legal proceedings). European Communities Commission Press Release ISEC/8/78, 15 February 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Broeksz, J. (1978) OPINION of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 384/77) for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to hot-water meters. EP Working Documents, document 29/78/ANNEX, 14 April 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Notenboom, H. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 155/78) for a Ninth Directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (derogation from Article 1 of the sixth council VAT Directive of 17 May 1977). EP Working Documents, document 168/78, 14 June 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Calewaert, W. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 351/76) for a directive relating to the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products. EP Working Documents, document 246/78, 10 August 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pisoni, F. (1978) Report tabled on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and Education on the amended proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 58/78) for a Directive concerning the approximation of the legislation of the Member States, in order to combat illegal migration and illegal employment. EP Working Documents, document 238/78, 27 September 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1979) Amendment of the Proposal for a Council Directive relating to the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (presented by the Commission to the Council, purusuant to the second paragraph of article 149 of the EEC Treaty). COM (79) 415 final, 26 September 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Nyborg, K. (1979) Interim Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the harmonization of company taxation and of withholding taxes on dividends. EP Working Documents, document 104/79, 2 May 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonization of procedures for the exportation of goods (presented by the Commission to the Council). COM (79) 371 final, 12 July 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Calewaert, G.J. (1979) Report (*) drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the commission of the European communities to the Council (Doc. 351/76) for a directive relating to the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member states concerning liability for defective products. EP Working Documents, document 71/79, 17 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Notenboom, H. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on a proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 508/77) for a Seventh Directive on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax to be applied to works of art, collectors' items, antiques and used goods. EP Working Documents, document 647/78, 7 March 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Notenboom, H. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 5O7/77) for an eighth directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - arrangements for the refund of value added tax to taxable persons not established in the territory of the country. EP Working Documents, document 543/78, 10 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Dinesen, E. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and Education on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 107/78) for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer. EP Working Documents, document 552/78, 12 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) Harmonization of insurance laws: tourist assistance. Information Memo P-114/80, December 1980. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation, as a result of Greek accession. COM (80) 817 final, 8 December 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Wogau, K. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-607/79) for a Fifth Directive on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty applicable in international travel. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-43/80, 9 April 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Key, B. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the proposal form the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-353/80) for a directive on the harmonized application of the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) in the European Economic Community. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-556/80, 7 November 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission communication to the Council on the follow-up to the the ad hoc conference on the approximation of noise measurement methods. COM (81) 635 final, 10 November 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) New moves to harmonize summer time in the EEC. Information Memo P-17/81, March 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/728/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of paints, varnishes, printing inks, adhesives and similar products. COM (81) 274 final, 2 June 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation. COM (81) 74 final, 27 February 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Baduel Glorioso, M. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-86/81) for a directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation. EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-258/81, 10 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Oehler, J. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-694/79) for a directive concerning the harmonization of income taxation provisions with respect to freedom of movement for workers within the Community. EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-679/81, 13 November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Key, B. (1981) SECOND REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the harmonization of social provisions in the transport sector. EP Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-89/81, 10 April 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1982) Draft Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the implementation of Article 18 of Directive 69/73/EEC on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of inward processing. COM (82) 416 final, 5 July 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (DOC. 1-380/81 - COM(81) 274 final) for a directive amending Directive 77/728/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of paints, varnishes, printing inks, adhesives and similar products. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-107/82, 15 April 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Hopper, Mr Beazley, Mr Deleau, Mr Delorozoy, Mr Muller-Hermann, Mr Tyrrell, Mr Seligman, Mr Spencer, Mr Key, Mr Welsh, Mr Newton Dunn, Mr Patterson, Mr Caborn, Mr Rogalla, Lord Douro, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, Mr J D Taylor, Mr Goppel, Mr Collins, Mr Turner, Mr Ferguson, Mr Adam, Mr Moorhouse, Miss Hooper, Mr Herman, Mr von Wogau and Mr Flanagan with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on cigarette tax harmonization. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-328/83, 16 May 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Newton Dunn pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on harmonisation of trade union obligations throughout the European Community. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-341/83, 10 May 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mrs Phlix, Mr Ghergo, Mr Estgen, Mr Vandewiele, Mr Hahn, Mr Marck, Mr Pottering and Mr Klepsch on behalf of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democratic Group) pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the harmonization of legalization on advertising in the Member States. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-877/83. 19 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Moreau, J. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on cigarette tax and harmonization. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-907/83, 24 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the harmonization of taxation in the Community. EP Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-903/83. 26 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Delorozoy, R (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for I. a sixth directive amending Directive 69/169/EEC on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel (Doc. 10227/83-COM(83) 117 final), II. a seventh directive amending Directive 69/169/EEC on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel (Doc. 1-250/83-COM(83) 166 final), Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1003/83, 1 November 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Philix, A. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on I. the recommendation from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-625/83 - COM (83) 374 final) for a regulation concluding the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods of 21 October 1982; II. the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-608/83 - COM (83) 358 final) for a regulation on outward processing relief arrangements of 16 June 1983. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1153/83, 16 December 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the approximation of the laws of the Member States ·relating to the distribution of veterinary medicines. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1409/83. February 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Calvez, C (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the harmonization of social legislation in Member States; Part A: Motion for a resolution. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 1-66/84/A, 2 April 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Hooper, G. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(83) 598 final - Doc. 1-997/83) for a Directive amending Directive 75/106/EEC on the approximation of the Lays of the Member States relating to the making-up by volume of certain prepackaged liquids. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1485/83, 6 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Calvez, C (1984) Report drawn up on behalf on the Committee of Social Affairs and Employment on the harmonization of social legislation in the Member States; Part B: Explanatory Statement. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 1-66/84/B, 2 April 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]


Visser, B (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(83) 764 final - Doc. 1 1375/83) for: I. a Decision amending Decision 75/327/EEC on the improvement of the situation of railway undertakings and the harmonization of rules governing financial relations between such undertakings and States; II. a Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1107/70 on the granting of aids for transport by rail, road and inland waterway. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 2-1763/84, 28 February 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]


Beazley, Peter (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(85) 683 final- Doc. C 2-155/85) for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco: sixth extension of the second stage of harmonization. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A 2-226/85, 5 March 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schleicher, U. (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(85) 380 final -Doc. C 2-70/85) for a directive on the harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good Laboratory practice and the verification of their application for tests on chemical substances. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A2-233/85, 17 March 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]


Jackson, Caroline (1988) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the harmonisation of legislation within the European Community on the manufacture, sale and use of the leghold trap. Session Documents 1988-89, Document A2-0303/88, 9 December 1988. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing France to apply a measure derogating from the second subparagraph of Article 17(6) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM(89) 346 final, 10 July 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 17(2) of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 358 final, 12 July 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United Kingdom to apply a measure derogating from Article 11(A)(1)(b) of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 312 final, 20 June 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United Kingdom to apply in respect of certain supplies to unregistered resellers a measure derogating from Article 11(A)(1)(a)of the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 240 final, 16 May 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for free circulation (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 385 final, 27 July 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]


Galle, M. (1990) Interim Report by the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the movement of objects of cultural interest in the context of the single market. Session Documents 1990, Document A3-0324/90, 28 November 1990. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schodruch, H. (1990) Report of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposal for a Council directive on mutual acceptance of personnel licences in civil aviation (COM(89) 472 final - C3-0001/90). Session Documents 1990, Document A3-0238/90, 28 September 1990. [EU European Parliament Document]


Patterson, Ben (1991) Report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on completion of the internal market : approximation of indirect taxation in the Community up to 1993 and thereafter. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0156/91, 30 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]

Sapena Granell, Enrique (1991) Report of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposal for a Council directive on the harmonization of technical requirements and procedures applicable to civil aircraft (COM(90) 0442 final - C3-0367/90). Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0153/91, 30 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1994) COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT on progress in harmonization of GNP and the evaluation of financial support. COM (94) 16 final, 4 February 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Decision Authorising the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to apply a measure derogating from Article 3 of the Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 506 final, 18 November 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Decision Authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland to Conclude an Agreement Containing Measures Derogating from Articles 2 and 3 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC), of 17 May 1977, on the Harmonization of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Turnover Taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 509 final, 18 November 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Decision accepting on behalf of the Community Annexes E.7 and F.4 to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 325 final, 20 July 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Community (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 593 final, 16 December 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Report from the Commission to the Council in accordance with Articles 12(4) and 28(2)(g) of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turn-over taxes- Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment; Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC on the common system of Value Added Tax (taxation of agricultural outputs) (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 584 final, 13 December 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1995) Draft Notice to applicants for marketing authorisation for veterinary medicinal products in the European Union, Volume VB Draft, January 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic if Poland to conclude an agreement containing measures derogating from Articles 2 and 3 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes. COM (95) 136 final, 12 April 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) concerning Harmonised Consumer Price indices (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 674 final, 9 January 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 89/686/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment (PPE) (presented by the Commission). COM (95) 552 final, 17 November 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision designating the reference centre responsible for collaborating in the harmonization of the testing methods and of the assessment of the results for pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (presented by the Commission). COM (95) 733 final, 10 January 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 3 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 687 final, 17 December 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to conclude with the Czech Republic two agreements containing measures derogating from articles 2 and 3 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 277 final, 19 June 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United Kingdom to extend application of a measure derogating from Article 28e(l) of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (97) 405 final, 25 July 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council decision authorising the Kingdom of the Netherlands to apply a measure derogating from Articles 2 and 28a(1) of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes. COM (97) 577 final, 11 November 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Report from the Commission to the Council presented in accordance with Article 2 of Council Decision 92/545/EEC of 23 November 1992 (application of a measure derogating from Article 21 of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes); Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Kingdom of the Netherlands to extend the application of a measure derogating from Article 21 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (97) 286 final, 10 June 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Report to the Insurance Committee on the need for further harmonisation of the solvency margin. COM (97) 398 final, 24 July 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) The Transposition of Council Directive 80/987/EEC of 20 October 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer in Austria, Finland, Sweden. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. COM (96) 696 final, 8 January 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision authorising the Kingdom of Spain to apply a measure derogating from Articles 2 and 28a(1) of the Sixth council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (1998) 184 final, 26 March 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council decision authorising the Italian Republic to apply a measure derogating from Articles 2 and 10 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the member States relating to turnover taxes. COM (98) 375 final, 16 June 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Report from the Commission to the Council on harmonization of consumer price indices in the European Union. COM (98) 104 final, 27 February 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision authorising the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Sweden to apply a measure derogating from Article 17 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 497 final, 22 October 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council decision authorising the Kingdom of the Netherlands to apply a measure from Article 11 of the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to turnover taxes. COM (99) 721 final, 22 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on transportable pressure equipment (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 189 c(d) of the EC Treaty). COM (99) 151 final, 20 April 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

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