Number of items at this level: 72.
Beumer, Bouke (1990) Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a directive amending for the seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (COM/89/575 final - C3-0047/90 - SYN 227). Session Documents 1990, Document A3-0230/90/ANNEX, 27 September 1990. [EU European Parliament Document]
Collins, Ken (1990) Recommendation of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive amending for the ninth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (C3-0337/90 - SYN 130). Session Documents 1990, Document A3-0367/90, 19 December 1990. [EU European Parliament Document]
Del Bino, Goffredo. (1982) Chemical Regulation in Europe. Overview of the 6th amendment. Speech by Dr. G. Del Bino. Washington DC, 28 April 1982. [EU Speech]
Evans, J. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 515/76) for a directive on the approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to materials and articles containing vinyl Chloride monomer and intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. EP Working Documents, document 46/77, 18 April 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jahn, H.E. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 458/74) for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to ceramic articles intended to come into contact with food (limitation of extractable quantities of lead and cadmium). EP Working Document, Document 1975-1976 18/75, 10 April 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lamberts, J. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 511/77) for a Directive amending Directive 73/173/EEC of 4 June 1973 on the approximation of Member States' laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations (solvents). EP Working Documents, document 181/78, 3 July 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Oomen-Ruijten, R. (1990) Report by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal for a Council directive amending for the seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provision relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (COM(89) 575 final - Doc. C3-0047/90 - SYN 0227). Session Documents 1990, Document A3-0230/90, 25 September 1990. [EU European Parliament Document]
Premoli, A (1973) Report on behalf of the Committee on Public Health and the Environment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 169/73) for a directive amending for the fifth time the Council Directive of 27 June 1967 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 214/73, 23 November 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
Pearce, Andrew (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(84) 772 final- Doc. 2-1745/84) for a directive on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in List I in the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC. Working Documents 1986-87, Document A2-4/86, 18 March 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
Remilly, E. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-740/79) for a Directive amending for the fourth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-217/80, 16 June 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
Rednal, Lady Fisher of (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 339/76) for a directive on the sixth modification of the Council directive of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the classification, packing and labelling of dangerous substances. EP Working Documents 1976-77, Document 463/76, 23 December 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schleicher, U. (1982) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-47/80) for a directive amending for the fifth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations. EP Working Documents, document 1-903/81, 11 January 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schwabe, Wolfgang (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 244/71) relative à une directive concernant rapprochement des législations des Etats membres relatives aux citernes en plastiques renforcés destinées au transport par route des substances dangereuses. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 71/72. 27 juin 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (244/71) for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to reinforced plastic tanks intended for the transport by road of dangerous substances. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 71/72. June 27, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schleicher, Ursula (1991) Recommendation of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive amending for the eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (C3-0063/91 - SYN 239). Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0088/91, 5 April 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]
Van Rij, Johannes. (1981) Implementing the '67 EEC Directive. Speech [on regulation of dangerous substances] by Johannes Van Rij, European Community Delegation, before the Chemical Manufacturers' Association's Seminar on Compliance with International Chemical Regulations. Washington DC, 29 April 1981. [EU Speech]
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