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Number of items at this level: 113.

UNSPECIFIED (1995) The CIS & EU - Facts and Figures 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Cross-border cooperation within the framework of the Tacis programme. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions. COM (97) 239 final, 27 May 1997 and COM (97) 239 final/2, 3 September 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Belarus. Council Press Release 17/98 (6285/98, Presse 52), 27 February 1998. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Belarus. Council Press Release 72/99 (10258/99, Presse 234), 20 July 1999. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the Independence Day March, in Minsk [Belarus] on 25 March. Council Press Release 39/00 (7354/1/00 Rev 1, Presse 93), 3 April 2000. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the parliamentary elections in Moldova on 25 February 2001. Council Press Release 45/01 (6688/01, Presse 84), 2 March 2001. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union the Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey and the EFTA countries belonging to the European Economic Area upon the nomination of the new Prime Minister of Belarus. Council Press Release 160/01 (12643/01, Presse 354), 10 October 2001. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Developing Industrial Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. SEC (92) 363 final, 13 March 1992. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC-EAST EUROPE Relations with Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Background Brief, November 1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EU contractual relations with Uzbekistan. Communication from the Commission to the Council. SEC (96) 41 final, 16 January 1996. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Commission: The Tacis Programme Annual Report 1996. COM(97) 400 final. Mongolia Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) European Union situation report on east European organised crime. Based on information from 1996 to 2000. [EU Related]

Braithwaite, Mary and Eberhardt, Eva and Johnson, Toby (1998) The European Union's Phare and Tacis Democracy Programme: Compendium of Ad-hoc Projects 1993-1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) External Trade of CIS and EU countries 1994-1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in ... Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. For future reports, use the official URL in this record. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2004. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2005) 245 final, 8 June 2005. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2007. Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SEC (2008) 2381 final, 18 August 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2007. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2008) 520 final, 18 August 2008. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2008. Commission staff working document accompanying report. SEC (2009) 1279 final, 8 October 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2008. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2009) 514 final, 8 October 2009. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2009. Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SEC (2010) 1117 final, 30 September 2010. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2009. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2010) 513 final, 30 September 2010. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2010. Background analysis per beneficiary. Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SEC (2011) 873 final, 7 July 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2010. Criteria for determining the use of loans and grants in EU macro-financial assistance. Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SEC (2011) 874 final, 7 July 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2010. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2011) 408 final, 7 July 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2011. Background analysis per beneficiary. Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SWD (2012) 181 final, 28 June 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2011. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2012) 339 final, 28 June 2012. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2012. Report from the Commission. COM (2013) 426 final, 17 June 2013. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2014) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2013. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2014) 372 final, 24 June 2014. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2015) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2014. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2015) 290 final, 11 June 2015. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2016) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2015. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2016) 376 final, 10 June 2016. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2017) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2016. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2017) 321 final, 16 June 2017. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2018) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2016. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2018) 511 final, 29 June 2018. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2019) Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2016. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2019) 324 final, 8 July 2019. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2008. Progress report Armenia. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication. SEC (2009) 511 final, 23 April 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Nuclear safety in the context of the electricity sector in Central and Eastern Europe and in the CIS. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (93) 635 final, 9 December 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision modifying Decision 97/787/EC granting exceptional financial assistance to Armenia and Georgia in order to extend it to Tajikistan (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 391 final, 26 July 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 77/270/Euratom to authorize the Commission to contract Euratom borrowings in order to contribute to the financing required for improving the degree of efficiency and safety of nuclear power stations in certain non-Member countries. COM (92) 467 final, 9 December 1992. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision approving the Conclusion by the Commission of a cooperation agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Republic of Kazakstan in the field of nuclear safety. COM (96) 572 final, 12 November 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision issuing directives to the Commission for the negotiation of a nuclear co-operation agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community and Ukraine. COM (98) 746 final, 11 December 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision on the Community position on the rules of procedure of the Cooperation Council and of the Cooperation Committee established by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and Moldova. COM (98) 351 final, 5 June 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision on the adoption of a Community position on the rules of procedure of the Cooperation Council and of the Cooperation Committee set up by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Kyrgyz Republic (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 320 final, 13 July 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters (presented by the Commission); Draft Commission Decision concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community and Euratom of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters. COM (96) 322 final, 10 July 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters (presented by the Commission); Draft: Commission Decision concering the conclusion on behlef of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community of the interim Agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters. COM (96) 613 final, 27 November 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Belarus, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters. Draft Commission Decision concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Belarus, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters. COM (95) 245 final, 28 February 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters (presented by the Commission); Draft Commission Decision concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community and Euratom of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, on trade and trade-related matters. COM (96) 466 final, 25 September 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Republic of Kazakhstan establishing a double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products covered by the EC and ECSC Treaties from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the European Community. COM (99) 556 final, 4 November 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision on the provisional application of a bilateral agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on trade in textile products (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 674 final, 13 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision on the provisional application of a bilateral agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Belarus on trade in textile products (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 656 final, 8 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council Decision providing exceptional financial assistance to Armenia, Georgia and, if appropriate, Tajikistan. COM (97) 24 final, 3 February 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Decision providing macro-financial assistance to Ukraine (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 487 final, 4 November 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision providing supplementary macro financial assistance to Moldova (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 516 final, 22 October 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council Decision providing supplementary macro-financial assistance for Ukraine. COM (97) 588 final, 12 November 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) an actions for a free supply of agricultural products destined to the population of certain countries in the Caucasus and in Central Asia (presented by the Commission). COM(94) 339 final, 26 July 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) extending the provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of polyester staple fibres originating in Belarus (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 207 final, 13 May 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of polyester staple fibre originating in Belarus and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 348 final, 16 July 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on actions for the free supply of agricultural products to the peoples of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Krygyzstan and Tajikistan (presented by the Commission). COM (95) 395 final, 25 July 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on the free supply of agriculture products to the people of Moldova (amendment of Council Regulation nr. 1999/94) (presented by the Commission). COM(94) 415 final, 6 October 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Regulation on administering the double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products covered by the EC and ECSC Treaties from Kazakhstan to the European Union (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 555 final, 9 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 136 final, 27 March 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Moldova (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 132 final, 29 March 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part (presented by the Commission). COM (96) 137 final, 27 March 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Belarus, of the other part. COM (95) 44 final, 22 February 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Russian Federation, of the other part; Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of a Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Russian Federation, of the other part (presented by the Commission). COM (97) 557 final, 29 October 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Kyrgyz Republic, of the other part. COM (94) 412 final, 5 October 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council and Commission Decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the other part (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 411 final, 5 October 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council and Commission decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and Turkmenistan. COM (97) 693 final, 6 February 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council and Commission decision on the conclusion of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their member states of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part. Presented by the Commission. COM (96) 254 final, 5 June 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council decision on a Community position on the rules of procedure of the Cooperation Council and the Cooperation Committee established by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Uzbekistan. COM (99) 450 final, 15 September 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion by the European Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part, on trade and trade related matters. Commission decision concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community of the interim agreement between the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part, on trade and trade related matters. COM (95) 244 final, 7 June 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and Ukraine extending the double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products covered by the EC and ECSC Treaties from Ukraine to the European Community for the period from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2001 (99/..../EC). COM (99) 730 final, 6 January 2000. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council decision on the provisional application of a bilateral agreement between the European Community and certain third countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) on trade in textile products. COM (99) 701 final, 16 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Proposal for a Council regulation on administering the double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products covered by the EC and ECSC Treaties from Ukraine to the European Community for the period between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2001 (extension of the double-checking system). COM (99) 729 final, 6 January 2000. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Relations with Central & Eastern European countries and Independant States (C.I.S.). Summit of industrialised countries, Munich 1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Report from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament on the borrowing and lending activities of the Community in 2007. COM (2008) 590 final, 30 September 2008. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Report from the Commission to the Council on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 30 June 1995. COM (95) 625 final, 7 December 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Report from the Commission. The TACIS Programme annual report 1999. COM (2000) 835 final, 20 December 2000. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Report on the implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises in Moldova and the countries in the Western Balkans. Commission staff working document. SEC (2005) 169 final, 8 February 2005. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Report on the implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises in Moldova and the countries in the Western Balkans. Commission staff working document. SEC (2006) 283 final, 24 February 2006. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Report on the implementation of the European Charter for small enterprises in the countries of the Western Balkans. Commission staff working document. SEC (2004) 149 final, 11 February 2004. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Report on the operation of Euratom safeguards 1991-1992. COM (94) 282 final, 6 July 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union (EU) Trade with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - Results for 1995. 1996.8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union (EU) Trade with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - Results of 1994. 1995.8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Foyn, Frank (2000) Statistics in focus. Research and development. R&D expenditure and personnel in candidate countries and the Russian Federation in 1998. 2000.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lefebvre, Luc and del Carmen Bueno, Maria and Bénéfice, Joëlline and Pondard, Emmanuel (2008) Synthesis of the geographical evaluations managed by the Evaluation Unit during the period 1998-2006. Final report. October 2008. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Tacis 1992. Operational guide. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Tacis Interim Evaluation. Synthesis Report. July 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis annual report 1994. Report from the European Commission. COM (95) 349 final, 18 July 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Tacis annual report 1998. Report from the Commission. COM (99) 380 final, 23 July 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Tacis evaluation report, October 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis funding 1991 to 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Tacis news 2: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office October 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis news 4: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office February 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis news 5: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office April 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis news 6: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office June 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis news 7: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office August 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis news 8: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office November 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Tacis news 9: Newsletter of the Tacis Information Office June 1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) The Tacis programme annual report 1995. COM (96) 345 final, 22 July 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) The Tacis programme annual report 1996. COM (97) 400 final, 25 July 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) The Tacis programme annual report 1997. COM (98) 416 final, 3 July 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tacis. Annual report 1993. Report from the Commission. COM (95) 57 final, 23 March 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Tacis. Annual report from the Commission 1991 and 1992. Technical Assistance Programme to the former republics of the Soviet Union. COM (93) 362 final, 28 July 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Tacis. Enterprise Facility Support Group (ECS) Programmes. The European Senior Service Network (ESSN). Evaluation Report October 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Tacis. Summary of indicative programmes 1993-1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Tacis. Synthesis of action programmes 1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Tempus (Phare) Trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education between Central and Eastern Europe and the European Community. Youth activities guidelines academic year 1994/95. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Tempus II programme interim report. March 1998. COM (98) 379 final, 24 July 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Tempus, Phare & Tacis Annual Report 1 August 1993 - 31 July 1994. Trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education between Central and Eastern Europe, The Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union as well as Mongolia, and the European Union. COM (95) 344 final, 17 July 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "EUROSTAT:THEME 6:STATISTICS IN FOCUS/RAPID REPORTS:Former Soviet Union" and includes the following individual annual reports: Trade with Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) [1995-96,2000][3]; Trade with Former Soviet Union [2002,2014][2]; Trade with Newly Independent States (NISs) [1998][1]. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) What is the joint venture programme? Phare - Tacis. January 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 19:12:18 2025 EDT.