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UNSPECIFIED (1981) Agreement between the United States Department of Energy and the Commission on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community on cooperation in the field of nuclear materials safeguards research and development. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (81) 550 final, 1 October 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Agreement renewing the Cooperation Agreement between the United States Department of Energy and the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of nuclear material safeguards research and development. Communication from the Commission to the Council. SEC (94) 1126 final, 11 July 1994. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Canada/Euratom safeguards agreements signed. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Joint Press Communique, NR (78) 1, 16 January 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Commission Regulation concerning the application of the provisions on Euratom safeguards. C(76) 1526 final, 22 September 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Communication from the Commission to the Council concerning an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the International Atomic Energy Agency on the one hand and the Commission on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, on the other, on cooperation in the field of research and development in Safeguards. COM (80) 681 final, 7 November 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Communication from the Commission to the Council for the approval of the amendment by the Commission of Commission Regulation (Euratom) No. 3227/76 of 19 October 1976 concerning the application of the provisions on Euratom Safeguards. SEC (92) 2360 final, 15 December 1992. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Community energy needs to double by 1980. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 93, June 1966. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Draft Council Decision giving guidelines to the Commission for the negotiation of a safeguard agreement between the EAEC, France and the IAEA (Communication from the Commission to the Council). COM (77) 519 final, 19 October 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) EURATOM/Canada Agreement on security controls (Communication from the Commission to the Council). COM (76) 593 final, 11 November 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Entry into force of Euratom - IAEA Agreement: Implications for talks on Euratom - Canada accord. European Community News Release (Ottawa) NR (77) 4, 17 February 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Euratom - IAEA inspection techniques. Information Memo P-19/77, March 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Euratom nations sign supplementary nuclear liability convention. European Community Information Service, 1 February 1963. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) The Euratom safeguards system. Information Research and Development 9/77. X/430/77-E. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) The European Community and nuclear safeguards: International cooperation. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (82) 14, 30 September 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Safeguards Bulletin Issue No. 1 Autumn 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) European Safeguards Bulletin Issue No. 2 Spring 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Van Helmont, Jacques. (1963) Expose sur le controle d'Euratom fait par J. Van Helmont a Association allemande de politique exterieure. Bonn, 22 fevrier 1963 = Speech on Euratom safeguards by J. Van Helmont [official in Euratom] to the German Association for Foreign Policy. Bonn, 22 February 1963. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Memorandum on the activities of the European Atomic Energy Community relevant to the objectives of Article III and IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) drafted for the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (95) 127 final, 12 April 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Modified Draft Commission Regulation concerning the application of the provisions on safeguards in the Euratom Treaty. COM (76) 235 final, 14 July 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Capanna, Mr Van Minnen, Mr Schmid, Mr Balfe, Mrs Lizin, Mr Coppieters, Mrs Castellina, Mr Colla, Mrs Buchan, Mr Rogers, Mrs Macciocchi, Mr Caborn, Mr Pannella, Mrs Bonino, Mrs Wieczorek-Zeul, Mr Muntingh, Mr De Goede, Mrs Dekker, Mr Motchane, Mr Vernimmen, Mr Seal, Mr Lomas, Mrs Clywd, Mr Boyes and Mrs Van Den Heuvel with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on threat posed by nuclear weapons to the general public. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-589/79, 11 December 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) New regulation on Euratom safeguards. Information Memo P-58/76, July 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Operation of Euratom safeguards in 2002. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2003) 764 final, 10 December 2003. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Operation of the Euratom Safeguards Office 1999-2000. COM (2001) 436 final, 26 July 2001. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) Operation of the Euratom Safeguards Office in 2001. COM (2002) 566 final, 17 October 2002. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Participation of Euratom in the International Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. COM (79) 727 final, 10 December 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Stanchi, L. (1991) Proceedings of the 13th ESARDA Annual Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management, EUR 13686 [EN]. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste (1990-94) (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 226 final, 12 May 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Lentz-Cornette, M. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the communication from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(83) 472 final - Doc. 1-804/83) concerning the Community's role as regards the safety of nuclear installations and the protection of public health and the draft Council resolution on trans-frontier radiological problems Rapporteur: Mrs M. Lentz-Cornette. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1491/83, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Report from the Commission to the Council on the implementation of the verification agreements concluded by Euratom and its member states with the International Atomic Energy Agency. COM (83) 36 final, 27 January 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Report on the operation of Euratom safeguards 1991-1992. COM (94) 282 final, 6 July 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Report on the operation of Euratom safeguards. SEC (90) 452 final, 19 March 1990. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Report on the operation of Euratom safeguards. SEC (92) 80 final, 24 January 1992. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Safeguards Agreement between Euratom, France and the IAEA. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (78) 57 final, 8 February 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Kirchhoff, W. (1963) Schutzvorrichtungen gegen Strahlenschäden auf Schiffen mit Kernenergieantrieb. EUR 255. = Protection against radiation on ships with nuclear-powered engines. EUR 255. [EU Other]

Audland, Christopher. (1982) Statement [on nuclear energy and safeguards] by Christopher Audland [Commissioner for Energy] at the IAEA General Conference. Vienna, 22 September 1982. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "INSTITUTIONS:Euratom Bulletin" and contains the following individual periodical series: Euratom Bulletin [1962-68][29]; Euratom Safeguards Bulletin [1976,1978][2]. [EU Other]

This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 22:01:40 2025 EST.