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- External Relations (13608)
UNSPECIFIED (1976) $150 million issue of the ECSC on the American capital market. European Community Press Release No. 22/1976, 11 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1987) 15th annual meeting of the European and Canadian Parliaments in Banff, 20-25 September. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (87) 19, 18 September 1987. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Barre, Raymond. (1972) 1973 trade negotiations and monetary talks. Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the French Senate Finance Committee. Paris, 27 April 1972. Includes French text. [EU Speech]
Dankert, Pieter. (1983) The 1983 Paul-Henri Spaak Lecture [on Community-US relations] given by Mr. Pieter Dankert, President of the European Parliament, at the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Cambridge, 1 November 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) 6th meeting between a DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND A DELEGATION FROM THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS from 16 to 20 September 1974 in Washington D.C. and San Francisco. REPORT. ANNEX to Bulletin no 37/74 of 25 October 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) ANNEX to the report by Mr HANSCH drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on political relations between the European community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1984-1985. Document 1-1540/83/ANNEX. 9 April 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address [on EC-US agricultural trade] presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the Georgia Agribusiness Council's Annual Board of Directors' Visit. Washington DC, 25 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston. (1981) Address [on EC-US relations, the Atlantic Alliance, and East-West relations] by Mr. Gaston Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Dialogue Congress Western Europe-USA. Alpbach, 21 June 1981. [EU Speech]
Dankert, Pieter. (1983) Address [on EU-US relations] to the American-European Community Association (AECA) New York chapter by Mr. Pieter Dankert, President of the European Parliament. New York, 31 October, 1983. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address [on European agriculture and international trade] by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at The Fertiliser Institute's 9th World Conference. San Francisco, 17 September 1984. [EU Speech]
Brandt, Willy. (1970) Address [on German-EU-US relations] by Chancellor [of West Germany] Willy Brandt, National Press Club. Washington DC, 10 April 1970. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address [on US and EC agriculture and agricultural trade] presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the Joint Convention of the Mid-Atlantic, New Jersey & Pennsylvania Food Processors Convention. Hershey, PA, 15 November 1984. [EU Speech]
Schnieders, Rudolf. (1984) Address [on US meat trade with the EEC] by Dr. Rudolf Schnieders, Secretary General, Deutscher Bauernverband EV (German Farmers' Association). US speaking-tour, 31 May-10 June 1984. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1984) Address [on agricultural problems in the EC and US] by Mr. Villain, Director-General for Agriculture, Commission of the European Communities, to the Fresno Chamber of Commerce. Fresno, CA, 24 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Monnet, Jean. (1967) Address [on international relations and US-European cooperation] by Mr. Jean Monnet at the annual Family of Man Award dinner. New York City, 29 November 1967. [EU Speech]
Julien, Bruno. (1984) Address [on the beef market, EC-US agriculture trade] presented by Bruno G. Julien, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, to the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention. Oklahoma City, 14 November 1984. [EU Speech]
Soames, Christopher. (1973) Address [on trade policy] by Sir Christopher Soames, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a luncheon meeting of the European Chambers of Commerce. New York, 30 October 1973. [EU Speech]
Colombo, Emilio. (1982) Address by His Excellency Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy: "The Current State of European American Relations". Gaston Hall, Georgetown University, 18 February 1982. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Address by Mr. Dietrich Hammer, head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Ottawa. European Community News Release (Ottawa) Background Note, NR (85) 12, 23 December 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Hallstein, Walter. (1961) Address by the President of the European Economic Community, Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, to officials of the AFL-CIO. Washington, DC, 16 May 1961. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the Great Plains Symposium on Agricultural Trade. Fargo, ND, 12-13 June 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Administration and Management of Internet Generic Top Level Domains (GTLDs) Comments from the European Commission to the Government of the United States. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1987) Afghanistan/East - West relations/The Middle East. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (87) 15, 16 July 1987. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Schaetzel, J. Robert (1970) After the Hague Meeting: prospects for European-American relations. Remarks by J. Robert Schaetzel, United States Representative to the European Communities, before the German Foreign Policy Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Aussenpolitik), Bonn, February 12 1970. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Agreement between the United States Department of Energy and the Commission on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community on cooperation in the field of nuclear materials safeguards research and development. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (81) 550 final, 1 October 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1958) Agreement for cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the Government of the United States of America and related documents. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Agreement renewing the Cooperation Agreement between the United States Department of Energy and the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of nuclear material safeguards research and development. Communication from the Commission to the Council. SEC (94) 1126 final, 11 July 1994. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Agricultural trade problems with the USA. European Communities Commission Press Release, ISEC/5/82, February 10, 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Denman, Roy. (1984) Agricultural trade: the European Community and the United States. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington DC, at the Third European Agricultural Outlook Conference. London, 8 February 1984. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1984) Agricultural trade: the European view. Address by Claude Villain [Director-General for Agriculture, Commission] to the 8th Annual European American Journalist Conference on US-EC Relations. [Knokke], April 1984. [EU Speech]
Ortoli, Mr. (1974) Allocution de M. Ortoli devant l'Association Belgo-Americaine. Bruxelles, 21 mars 1974 = Speech [on EEC-US relations] by Mr. Ortoli [President of the Commission of the European Communities] before the Belgian-American Association. Brussels, 21 March 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Amended proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the United States of America on government procurement (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 189 A (2) of the EC-Treaty). COM (95) 18 final, 7 February 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Amended proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the agreement on customs cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters between the European Community and the United States of America. COM (97) 207 final, 6 May 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) prohibiting imports of Atlantic blue-fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) originating in Belize, Honduras and Panama (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 189 a (2) of the EC-Treaty). COM (1998) 336 final, 18 May 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) America and Europe: Mounting problems in their relationship. Speech given by Roland de Kergorlay [Head of the Delegation of the European Communities] at the International Research and Study Institute. New York, 11 March 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1967) American investments in the Community. U.N.I.C.E. report, 1 March 1967. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Americans rate the European Community. European Community Press Release No. 27, 28 June 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Arrangement between the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and the Commission of the European Communities on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) on in-pile light water reactor (LWR) loss of coolant accident (LOCA) simulation. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (81) 551 final, 1 October 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1962) Arrival statement, Washington National Airport, Prof. Walter Hallstein, President of the European Common Market. European Community Information Service, 7 April 1962. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Wilkinson, Mr. (1983) Assembly of Western European Union, Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Session (First Part). Burden-sharing in the alliance. Document 947 Provision Edition, 18 May 1983. [EU Related]
Leynen, Mr. (1975) Assembly of Western European Union. Twenty-First Ordinary Session (Second Part): Western Europe and the evolution of the Atlantic. Alliance Consideration of current problems. Document 680, 23 October 1975. [EU Related]
Jackson, Henry M. (1967) The Atlantic Alliance - Unfinished Business. 90th Congress 1st Session, Senate, 1967. [EU Related]
Richard, Ivor. (1982) The Atlantic Alliance-a fractured relationship: Question mark. Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations of Washington DC by Mr. Ivor Richard, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Washington DC, 30 March 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) The Atlantic Relationship; and Détente: Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, in London on October 3, 1973. British Information Services Policy Statement 59/73, 5 October 1973. [EU Related]
Denman, Roy. (1980) Atlantic trade relations: flashpoint 1980. Working text of speech by Sir Roy Denman [Director-General for External Relations] for the Wye Plantation Seminar. 9-11 July 1980. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Background note: Review of EC-US economic and trade relations. European Community News No. 1/1985, 10 January 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1961) Basic Statistics for Fifteen European Countries. Comparison with the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. 3rd Edition, November 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) Basic Statistics of the Community. Comparison with some European countries, the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Fifth Edition. November 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1963) Basic Statistics of the Community. Comparison with some European countries, the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Fourth Edition. November 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Basic Statistics of the Community. Comparison with the principal partners of the Community. 31st Edition. 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Basic Statistics of the European Union. Comparison with the principal partners of the European Union. 32nd Edition. 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Basic Statistics of the European Union. Comparison with the principal partners of the Union. 33rd Edition. 1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1960) Benson finds "better understanding" in talks with Common Market officials. European Community Information Service, 2 August 1960. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Berkhouwer arrives in Washington for two days of talks with senior Administration officials and Congressman. European Community Press Release No. 9, 17 April 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Britain in the USA. The British Presidency - Giving Europe back to the people. Speech by the British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, in Dublin. 3 November 1997. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Brittan press statement following first meeting with Kantor. European Community News No. 9/93, 11 February 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Brittan to meet with Kantor, Brown in Washington. European Community News No. 40/93, 9 September 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Bush, Top EC officials discuss trade and economic concerns. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 3 February 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) COMMISSION DES RELATIONS ECONOMIQUES EXTERIEURES. DELEGATION CHARGEE DES RELATIONS AVEC LE CONGRES DES ETATS-UNIS. NOTE sur les relations economiques entre la Communaute et les Etats-Unis. 4 mai 1981 = COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS. DELEGATION IN CHARGE OF RELATIONS WITH THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. NOTE on the economic relations between the Community and the United States. May 4, 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
Raftery, Mr. (1985) COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY AFFAIRS AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY. OPINION for the Committee on External Economic Relations on the restrictions imposed by the USA on the international transfer of technology and the damaging effects on industrial development in the European Community. 22 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS. DELEGATION FOR THE RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Information Note: Members will find attached a note prepared by the Secretariat for Interparliamentary Delegations on European Parliament-United States Congress relations. 13 September 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS. DELEGATION FOR THE RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Information Note: Members will find attached a note prepared by the Secretariat for Interparliamentary Delegations on United States - European Community relations. 21 September 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Roberts, Shelagh (1985) COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS. WORKING DOCUMENT on Protectionism in US/EC trade relations. 2 May 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) The Canadian Council for European Affairs awards its annual European Prize. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (83) 10, 21 November 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) Canadian attitudes towards the European Community, 4 September 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Canadian-EC relations. European Community No. 182, December 1974. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Chicago Declaration. TransAtlantic Business Dialogue, 8-9 September 1996. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Collection of the Agreements concluded by the European Communities. Volume 4. Bilateral agreements EEC-Asia EEC-Africa EEC-America 1958-1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Comments of the European Community regarding GffBT/NOTIFICATION 98.11. National Organic ·Program - USA. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commercial relations between Japan, the United States and the European Community. Information Memo P-20/72, April 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commercial relations between the Community, the United States and Japan. Commission communication to the European Council, Luxembourg, 29 and 30 June 1981. COM (81) 325 final, 18 June 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Soames, Sir Christopher. (1976) Commercial relations between the EC and the US. Statement by Sir Christopher Soames, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities before the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 8 July 1976. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission President Roy Jenkins to meet President Carter. European Community News No. 32/1978, 6 December 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Commission President-Designate Romano Prodi: commitment to transatlantic relationship. EU/US News: a review of transatlantic relations, Volume 1, Number 2, June 1999. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Commission Report to the Council and the European Parliament on the Application of the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws. COM (1998) 510 final, 3 September 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Commission communication to the Council concerning cooperation with the United States of America regarding the application of their competition rules; Proposal for a Council Decision concluding the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws (presented by the Commission). COM (94) 430 final, 12 October 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Commission communication to the Council on the conclusion of the arrangement on steel with the United States of America. COM (82) 666 final, 13 October 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) The Commission files complaint about US inquiry into car dumping. Information Memo P-59/75, October 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission-US high level consultation. European Community Press Release No. 12/1978, 26 May 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Common Market Commission interrupts vacation to meet on President Nixon's monetary moves. European Community Press Release, 16 August 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Common Market agrees to begin trade negotiations with the United States. European Community Press Release No. 68, 14 December 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Common Market agricultural leader visits United States. European Community Press Release, 1 March 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Common Market envoy addresses New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry. European Community Press Release No. 22, 3 October 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Common Market envoy presents credentials at State Department. European Community Press Release, 20 October 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Common Market files complaint about US inquiry into car dumping. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 28/1975, 2 October 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) Common Market gets Schuman Day message from President Nixon. European Community Press Release, 8 May 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market officials arrive for fall policy talks. European Community Press Release No. 42, 4 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market officials meet with House Foreign Affairs Committee members. European Community Press Release No. 7, 20 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Common Market-American legislators' dialogue continues. European Community Press Release No. 15, 29 October 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market-US Congress plenary session, Wednesday, open to press: European Parliament Vice-President to hold press conference Thursday. European Community Press Release No. 23, 30 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Communication from the Commission on progress made in the consultations with the United States on the development of a new generation noise standard for civil subsonic jet aeroplanes and phase out measures for the noisiest categories of civil subsonic jet aeroplanes within Chapter 3. COM (99) 452 final, 29 September 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Communication from the Commission to the Council concerning the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States on the application of positive comity principles in the enforcement of their competition laws. Proposal for a Decision of the Council and the Commission concerning the conclusion of the Agreeement. COM (97) 233 final 18 June 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) The Community's Trade Relations with the United States and Japan. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, Maastricht, 23 and 24 March 1981. COM (81) 123 final, 12 March 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Thorn, Gaston. (1981) Community-US meeting. Introductory remarks by President Thorn (Commission). Brussels, 11 December 1981. [EU Speech]
Richard, Ivor. (1982) Community-US trade relations. Speech by Commissioner Ivor Richard to the Carl Duisborg Society. New York, 21 September 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1980) Conclusion of three renegotiation agreements with the United States under Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Recommendations for a Council Decision concluding three agreements between the European Economic Community and the United States of America under Article XXVIII(1) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. COM (80) 168 final, 16 April 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Congressmen and European Parliament members issue joint statement. European Community Press Release No. 21, 11 May 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Cooperation in higher education and vocational education and training between the European Community and the United States of America. Common guidelines for applicants & application forms. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Council of Foreign Ministers' meeting in London. Mr. Anthony Crosland, President of the Council of Ministers of the European Community, and British Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, in London on January 31, 1977. British Information Services Policy Statement 2/77. [EU Related]
Hillenbrand, Martin J. (1971) Critical Tasks Facing Western Europe and the United States in a Period of Change and Transition. Address by Martin J. Hillenbrand, Assistant Secretary for European Affairs. Department of State Bulletin, 7 June, 1971. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Current EC-US trade issues and the run up to the new GATT round. European Community News No. 30/1985, 25 September 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) DELEGATION EP - US SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON AGRICULTURE. A comparative table of expenditure on agriculture. Directorate general for research and documentation, Agriculture Division, 13 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) DELEGATION FOR RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES. THE STRATEGIC DEFENCE INITIATIVE. Documentation by the Directorate General for Research and Documentation. Luxembourg, 29 May 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. JOINT WORKING GROUP ON HUMAN RIGHTS Summary of resolutions of the European Parliament and parliamentary questions on human rights in recent years (drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation of the European Parliament). 21 June 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 12th Meeting New York and Washington DC 31 October-4 November 1977. Notice to Members: Please find attached an article from the October 1977 issue of Le Mondediplomatigue on approval of the 'Witteveen Facility' (from the annual report of the International Monetary Fund for 1977). 24 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Fifteenth Meeting 17 - 20 April 1979 PARIS. WORKING GROUP ON HUMAN RIGHTS. THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES AND RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (this working document has been drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation). 27 March 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. New York and Washington D.C. 31 October - 4 November 1977. Notice to Members: Please find attached a report on the future of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), published in 'Le Figaro' and 'Le Soir' on 26 and 24 September 1977 respectively. 24 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. New York and Washington D.C. 31 October - 4 November 1977. WORKING DOCUMENT on Agricultural protection or freer trade: the development of agricultural trade in the light of possible modifications in the American import quota system for dairy produce. 25 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. New York and Washington, DC 31 October to 4 November 1977. Notice to Members: Please find attached a translation of an article which appeared in 'Le Monde' on 12 October 1977 after the 1977 Nobel Peace prize was awarded to Amnesty International. Annex 20 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Notice to Members: Members will find attached for their information a copy of the text of President Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Address as delivered 20 January 1981. 14 April 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1980) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 16th Meeting Washington D.C. INFORMATION NOTE on drugs. 10 January 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Eleventh Meeting Luxembourg and London 5-13 July 1977. DOCUMENTARY NOTE CHRONOLOGY OF RECENT MAIN POLITICAL EVENTS (January 1975-June 1977). 7 June 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Information Note on the United States Congress. 5 December 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Fourteenth Meeting Washington DC and New York 29 January - 6 February 1979. Notice to Members: Members will find attached for their information a copy of document 'Congress will tackle trade agreements in 1979' published by USA Documents, United States Mission to the European Communities in Brussels on 22 December 1978. 9 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. JOINT WORKING GROUP on HUMAN RIGHTS. Preliminary Document on activities of certain organizations concerning the protection of human rights. 21 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. New York and Washington 31 October - 4 November 1977. Notice to Members: Members will find annexed for their information the text of an article from 'The Times' of 26 January 1977 concerning the United Nations and human rights, in particular the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. 21 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. SUMMARY OF THE WORKING SESSIONS during the Eleventh Interparliamentary Meeting with a Delegation from the United States Congress Luxembourg and London 5-13 July 1977. 21 September 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Thirteenth Meeting MESSINA/TAORMINA 28-31 March 1978. SUMMARY OF THE WORKING SESSIONS. 25 July 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT having met from 20-22 March 1974 in Florence WITH A DELEGATION FROM THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. REPORT ON THE PLENARY SITTINGS of 21 and 22 March 1974. ANNEX to BULLETIN No. 8/74 from 26 April 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Fourteenth Meeting Washington DC and New York 29 January - 6 February 1979. Information note on the state and development of the Euro-Arab dialogue. 22 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Notice to Members: Members will find attached for their information biographical notes of certain personalities that the European Parliament Delegation may meet during their visit to Washington for the 18th Meeting of Delegations, 18-22 May 1981. 14 April 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Notice to Members: Members will find attached for their information excerpts from the 1981 Joint Economic Report of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress. This is in two parts, the first reflecting the views of the members of the Republican Party on the Committee, the second those of the Democratic Party members of the Committee. 14 April 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Seventeenth Meeting 12-17 November 1980 Copenhagen and Strasbourg. SUMMARY OF THE WORKING SESSIONS. 17 February 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
Fithian, Floyd (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. London 11-13 July 1977. WORKING DOCUMENT on Nuclear Proliferation and Power: Choices for the Future. 9 June 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. New York and Washington 31 October - 4 November 1977. INFORMATION NOTE on Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations. 21 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for the relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Notice to Members: During the Fifteenth Meeting of Delegations from the European Parliament and from the United States Congress in Paris, 17-20 April 1979, the annexed recommendations on US and EC concerns in the energy sector were adopted. 25 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Haase, H. (1979) DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 14th meeting Washington DC and New York 29 January - 6 February 1979. Working Document THE EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM. 17 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the arms trade to and within the Great Lakes Region. Council Press Release 62/99 (9003/99, Presse 193), 18 June 1999. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Vietnam. 9008/95 (Presse 222). [EU Council of the EU Document]
Simonet, Henri (1975) Democratic socialism in Europe and Euro-American relations. Address by Mr. Henri Simonet, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities at the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. (Harold Pratt House). New York, 13 November 1975. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) The Dispute between the Community and the United States. Bulletin of the European Communities, No. 7/8-1982, pp. 7-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1967) Divergent views on European and Atlantic cooperation. Speech by Mr. Luns in commemoration of the declaration of Mr. Marshall (Annex). Brussels, 26 June 1967". [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Draft Council Decision approving the conclusion by the Commission of an exchange of notes between the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the Government of the United States of America on transfers of nuclear components. SEC (95) 2275 final, 20 December 1995. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) (Draft) Council Decision concerning the extension of the duration of the Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the government of Japan, the government of the Russian Federation and the government of the United States of America on cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) (presented by the Commission). COM (1998) 328 final, 20 May 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) E.C. Commissioner De Clercq says Community Will Immediately Counter American Pasta Tariffs. European Community Press Release June 20, 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) E.C. Council expresses concern about growing protectionist pressures in the United States. European Community News No. 8/1984, 21 February 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) E.C. regrets U.S. wine investigation. European Community News No. 7/1984, 17 February 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC 'regrets' US wheat sales to Algeria. European Community News No. 17/1985, 6 June 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) EC Commission President arrives for Nixon-Kissinger talks. European Community Press Release No. 35, 28 September 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EC Commission President to hold press conference following meeting with US leaders. European Community Press and Information (Wire Only), 20 April 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EC Commission President to meet with Reagan in advance of Williamsburg Summit. European Community News No. 8/1983, 14 April 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EC Commission disputes finding that imports have hurt US specialty steel industry. European Community Wire Service, 25 March 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) EC Commission reacts to US rulings on injury from foreign steel imports. European Community News No. 37/93, 27 July 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EC Commission registers dissatisfaction with US specialty steel relief decisions. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 5 July 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) EC Commission regrets raising of US duties on imported brandy. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 52/1976, 29 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EC Commission seeks authority on cooperative research agreement with US on nuclear fusion. European Community News No. 10/1983, 17 June 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1986) EC Commissioner, Willy de Clerq: Media contacts in Vancouver, 8-10 May. European Community News Release (Ottawa) Background Note, NR (86) 8, 28 April 1986. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) EC Council President to meet with Kissinger. European Community Press Release No. 1, 3 January 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC Council challenges US measures. European Community News No. 20/1982, 23 June 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC Council expresses concern about growing protectionist pressures in the United States. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 21 February 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC Council of Ministers reiterates warning to the US. European Community News No. 32/1984, 2 October 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) EC Energy Commissioner Guido Brunner: Europe will stand by the USA. European Community News No. 44/1979, 4 December 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC Summit discusses the Middle East and relations with the United States. European Community News No. 21/1982, 30 June 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC Vice President Andriessen to meet with US officials on farm issues. European Community News No. 18/1985, 19 June 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) EC Vice President Soames to visit Washington for talks. European Community Press Release No. 38, 26 October 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC and US agree on limitations on EC pipes and tubes exports. European Community News No. 2/1985, 10 January 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1987) EC and US resolve dispute over Community enlargement. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (87) 3, 3 February 1987. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC announces countermeasures for US specialty steel import restrictions. European Community News No. 3/1984, 13 January 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC approves new steel pacts with US. European Community News No. 40/1985, 10 December 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC calls for withdraw of US pipeline sanctions. European Community News No. 23/1982, 12 August 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Schuster, Gunter (1978) The EC common policy in science and technology, and the US/EC R&D cooperation. Statement by Gunter Schuster at the EC/US High-Level Consulations. [Washington DC], 25 May 1978. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) EC congratulates new Governor General. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Communique, NR (79) 4, 22 January 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC eases wine trade with the US. European Community News No. 23/1984, 6 July 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) EC foreign policy leaders to meet Secretary Baker. European Community News No. 22/91, 27 June 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC hands trade-barriers list to US. European Community News No. 42/1985, 18 December 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) EC legislators arrive Sunday for talks with US Congress and officials. European Community Press Release No. 18/1976, 17 September 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC official hails constructive tone of recent US-EC discussions on agriculture. European Community News No. 34/1982, 21 December 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC opposes Canadian footwear import restrictions. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Press Release, NR (77) 48, 15 December 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) EC praises US energy policy. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Press Release, NR (79) 17, 6 April 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) EC reacts to US dumping duties on steel. European Community News No. 2/93, 27 January 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC reacts to US preliminary steel CVD determinations. European Community News No. 33/92, 12 September 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC reacts to US trade barriers report. European Community News No. 7/92, 31 March 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) The EC ready to counter any US unilateral actions on steel. European Community News No. 9/1985, 27 March 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC regrets US trade decision arising from oilseeds dispute. European Community News No. 19/92, 10 June 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC regrets US wine investigation. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 17 February 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC rejects criticism by President Bush. European Community News No. 1/92, 15 January 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) EC releases 1991 US trade barriers report. European Community News No. 8/91, 18 April 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC responds to US farm export program. European Community News No. 29/1985, 20 September 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC terminates exchange of letters on pipes and tubes in response to US unilateral restrictions. European Community News No. 35/1984, 28 November 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) EC to challenge US trade retaliation in connection with oilseeds dispute. European Community News No. 21/92, 16 June 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC's Energy Commissioner Brunner in Ottawa, talks on resumption of uranium deliveries. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Press Release, NR (77) 44, 22 November 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC, US reach accord on consultation steel products for 1985. European Community News No. 25/1985, 8 August 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) EC-Japan dialogue. European Community No. 174, March 1974. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) EC-US "high level" consultations held "helpful". European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 45/1976, 29 October 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC-US agree on principles for cutting tariffs. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 25/1977, 23 September 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EC-US fishing agreement nets EC Council approval. European Community News No. 28/1984, 11 September 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) EC-US high level consultations. European Community Press Release No. 25, 3 December 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Tindemans, Leo. (1984) EC-US relations: conflict and cohesion. Where are we and where are we going? Draft of Minister [Belgian Foreign Minister] Leo Tindemans' keynote speech on the occasion of the Eighth Annual Conference of European and American Journalists. Knokke, 5 April 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC-US subsidies dispute: Complaint for complaint. European Community News No. 34/1985, 17 October 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) EC-US to exchange environmental control data. European Community Press Release No. 15, 2 July 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) EC-US to hold "high level" talks tomorrow. European Community Press Release No. 20/1976, 20 October 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Dalsager, Poul. (1982) EC-US trade relations in sgricultural field. Summary and full text of an address delivered by Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the joint meeting of the US Chamber of Commerce and COPA/COGECA. Frankfurt, 5 October 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) EC/US public procurement accord presented to EC ministers. European Community News No. 20/93, 5 May 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC/US relations: Trouble in the family. Excerpts of a speech delivered by Gaston Thorn, President of the EC Commission, to an audience of US business men in Chicago. European Community News No.26/1982, 28 September 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Thorn, Gaston E. (1984) EC/US relations: how strong is the alliance? Speech by Mr. Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the American-European Community Association. Copenhagen, 29 May 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) EEC & USA cooperate on energy research. European Communities Commission Press Release ISEC/19/74, 24 May 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) EEC Commission grants antitrust 'negative clearance' to United States business firm. European Community Press Release, 3 June (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) EEC Commission hails US decision to deposit Kennedy Round exceptions list on November 16. European Community Press Release, 3 November (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) The EEC and the USA: recent trends in trade and investment. Information [External Relations] 149/77. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) EEC, China sign trade agreement. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 3/1978, 9 February 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Andriessen, Frans. (1985) EEC-USA relations. Relations between the European Community and the United States of America in the field of agriculture: the Commission's view. Speeches of Mr. Andriessen, Vice President of the European Community Commission, June 1985. Green Europe News Flash 31. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) EU-US summit: substantial progress despite banana row. EU/US News: a review of transatlantic relations, Volume I, Number 1, March 1999. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) EUR12 - EU15: Agricultural [external] trade 1988-1996. VI/954/97. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegation 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. INFORMATION NOTICE on Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 5 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. Background note on Developments in US-Soviet relations since the breakdown in arms control negotiations at the end of 1983 drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 23 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. Background note on THE CONTADORA GROUP drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 22 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on US/EC agricultural relations drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 5 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. MINUTES of the meeting on Thursday 15 November 1984 STRASBOURG. 22 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th Meeting of Delegations 7-9 January 1985 BRUSSELS. INFORMATION NOTE on THE POSITIONS OF THE EC AND THE USA IN RELATION TO GATT drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 14 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th Meeting of Delegations 7-9 January 1985 BRUSSELS. INFORMATION NOTE on The Latin American Debt Problem drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 19 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th Meeting of Delegations 7-9 January 1985 BRUSSELS. Information Note on Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 (Omnibus Trade Act) drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 13 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. Background Note on The Conference on Confidence- and Security-building Measures and Disarmament in Europe, Stockholm drawn up by the Directorate General for Research and Documentation. 10 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1984 Brussels. Background note on the political situation in Nicaragua drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 22 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1985 BRUSSELS. Notice to Members: Members will find attached a background brief drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities at the beginning of November 1984 entitled EC-US Relations: GENERAL OVERVIEW. 6 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) and Western Europe drawn up by Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 6 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. Summary record of 24th meeting 7-9 January 1985 BRUSSELS. 21 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Summary Record of 23rd Meeting 19-21 January 1984 STRASBOURG. 29 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on EC-US agricultural disputes drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities. 3 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. Notice to Members: Members will find attached the texts of various resolutions adopted by the European Parliament and written questions with answers, relating to the points on the draft agenda for the 24th meeting of delegations (PE. 94.258). 6 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 24th meeting of delegations 7-9 January 1985 Brussels. Members will find attached the text of the World Bank background paper on "External debt, trade and the international environment". 5 December 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on EC-US Trade Relations, including comparative statistics drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 4 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on US agricultural policy drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities. 3 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Notice to Members: Subject: Speech by US Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block, on 30 May 1985, in Omaha. Members will find attached the statement by US Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block to the Midwest Conference on Business Planning in Omaha on 30 May 1985. 12 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 Washington, DC and West Point, NY. Notice to members: Please find attached the text of Mr De Clercq's statement on EC-US relations to the delegation at its meeting of 28 May 1985. 3 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on EC-US relations in the steel sector drawn up by the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation. 4 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on EC-US trade relations: inventory of current problems drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities. 3 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with THE UNITED STATES. 25th meeting of delegations 19-26 June 1985 WASHINGTON, DC and WEST POINT, NY. Background note on US-EC relations in the field of high technology drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities. 3 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with the UNITED STATES. Summary Record of 21st Meeting 16-19 1983 ATHENS. 16 February 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1972) Economic and trade relations between the United States and the enlarging European Community. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director of the European Community Information Service in Washington DC, to the Missouri Bar Association. Jefferson City, MO, 21 April 1972. [EU Speech]
Eagleburger, Lawrence. (1984) Edited transcript of Under Secretary Lawrence S. Eagleburger's remarks [on US foreign policy] at the John Davis Lodge International Center's Conference on the State of the Union. January 31 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Education and the new Europe. United States policy towards postwar Western Europe. Bretton Woods and after (2). Worker participation in the European Community. European Studies Teachers' Series 17. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Gurnsey, John (1982) Electronic Document Delivery - III. Electronic Publishing Trends in the United States and Europe. EUR 8001. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1963) Euratom issues annual report, cites Atlantic Partnership in nuclear fields. European Community Information Service, 8 April 1963. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) Euratom, USAEC, Germany sign uranium enrichment contract. European Community Press Release, 6 August 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) Euratom, United States sign fast reactor agreement. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 72, June 1964. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1990) Europe and America: an Old Partnership in a New Era. Extracts from the speech by Sir Leon Brittan, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities to the America-European Community Association Washington. Commission Press Release IP (90) 238, 23 March 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Europe and the US: How Alike? How Different? [excerpts from speech by Commission President Gaston Thorn before a symposium on US-EEC relations, 19 October, in Nice]. European Community News No. 30/1981, 21 October 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Schnieders, Rudolf. (1984) Europe and the USA: the most important partners in world trade. Address by Dr. Rudolf Schnieders, Secretary General of the Deutsche Bauernverband EV (German Farmers' Association), US speaking tour, May-June 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Europe invests in the United States. European Community No. 179, August- September 1974. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Europe's "third world" commissioner visits US. European Community Press Release No. 30, 6 August 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Europe's Parliamentarians are guests of Congress. European Community Press Release No. 19, 13 September 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1970) Europe's emerging role in world politics. An address by Ralf Dahrendorf, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Conference on the Relations of the North Atlantic Nations at the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC, 14 October 1970. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Europe's parliamentarians are guests of Congress. European Community Press Release No. 37, 26 October 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Benhard, Hans. (1957) Europe's trade problems and U. S. foreign policy. Address of Hans Benhard, economist, before the International Relations Section of the Commonwealth Club of California. San Francisco, 12 September 1957. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Europe, Japan and the United States: a trilateral relationship. Speech by the Rt. Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities at the Euro-Japanese Symposium. Brussels, 3 May 1979. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) The Europe-United States-Japan trade controversy. European File 9/83, May 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Commission President reports on talks with Carter. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 13/1977, 19 April 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) European Community - United States relations: a current assessment. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Community, before the National Foreign Trade Council. Washington DC, 12 July 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Community Commission President to meet with Ford. European Community Press Release No. 2/1976, 10 February 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1959) The European Community Pavilion, New York, May 8-9, 1959. European Community Information Service (undated). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Community Presidents to meet with President Bush. European Community News No. 7/91, 4 April 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Jenkins, Roy. (1978) The European Community Today. Speech by the Right Honorable Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Vancouver Board of Trade. Vancouver, 7 March 1978. [EU Speech]
Hallstein, Walter. (1961) The European Community and Atlantic Partnership. Address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the National Industrial Conference Board. New York, 18 May 1961. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) European Community and Japan confer on EC trade deficit. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 44/1975, 15 December 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Community and Japan end high-level consultations. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 50/1976, 19 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Fouere, Erwan. (1983) The European Community and US/EC relations. Presentation by Erwan Fouere, EEC Commission, at the "International Forum XII, Europe and Our Future - NATO and the European Community" at Old Dominion University. Norfolk VA, 19 February 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Community and United States Temporarily Suspend Trade Countermeasures. July 8, 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Community and United States sign new fishing agreement. European Community Press Release No. 4/1977, 15 February 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and the United States: 1972 [This background note is an updated version of "The Monetary and Commercial Relations Between the Community and the United States: Facts and Figures," published in October 1971 by the Spokesman Group]. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 15/1972, June 21, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lake, Michael. (1983) The European Community and the United States: a precarious future. Address by Michael Lake to the International Study and Research Institute in New York. New York, 18 January 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Community challenges US food aid action for Egypt. Community Delegation Wire Service, 29 July 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1971) The European Community in the World. Address by Ralf Dahrendorf, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, before the American Bar Association Meeting. Chicago, 26 March 1971. Includes French version. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Community makes firm declaration on relations with the United States. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (82) 9, 23 June 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Community officials to speak at American Bar Association seminar on EEC. European Community Press Release No. 18/1977, 11 October 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Community proposes steel deal with the United States, details. European Community Information Service, Wire Service No. 1, 22 July 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Community protests import relief to US specialty steel industry. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 15/1976, 22 March 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Community research spending greater than the USA's, according to EC Energy Commissioner Guido Brunner. European Community News No. 38/1979, 2 November 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) The European Community's agricultural policies and the United States. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Midwestern Governors' Conference. Des Moines, Iowa, 19 July 1982. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) European Community's agricultural policy: impact on Missouri's agricultural community. Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the 1984 Missouri Governor's Conference on Agriculture. Lake Ozark, Missouri, 9-11 December 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) The European Community's agricultural trade policy. Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities Washington DC, at F.I.E.I. Marketing and Management Conference. Tuscon, Arizona, 31 January 1984. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, Pierre. (1976) The European Community's partnership with the United States in the farm sector. Speech by Mr. Pierre Lardinois to the National Soyabean Processors Association. Monterrey, California, 24 August 1976. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 7/76, September 1976. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Community, US press ahead on GATT. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 29/1977, 2 December 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Denman, Roy. (1982) European Community-United States relations: twisting the dragon's tail. Address to the United States Chamber of Commerce by Sir Roy Denman, Head of Delegation of the European Commission. Washington DC, 15 September 1982. [EU Speech]
Knuppel, Ulrich D. (1981) The European Community-a reliable customer. Presentation [on EC-US soybean trade] by Ulrich D. Knuppel, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the 52nd annual meeting of the National Soybean Processors Association (NSPA). White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 1 September 1981. [EU Speech]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1981) The European Community: current developments and relations with the United States. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of Delegation, Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC to the Downtown Rotary Club. Knoxville, Tennessee, 10 March 1981. [EU Speech]
Hallstein, Walter (1959) The European Community: how it will fit into the Atlantic Community. Speech by Walter Hallstein, President of the European Economic Community delivered at the luncheon sponsored by the American Committee on United Europe. New York City, 15 June 1959. [EU Speech]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) The European Community: its agricultural policies and trade. Speech given by Roland de Kergorlay [Head of the Delegation of the European Commission]. Fresno, California, 19 April 1982. [EU Speech]
Malfatti, Mr. (1971) European Day at the Hanover International Fair. Speech by President Malfatti. Commission Press Release IP (71) 75, 29 April 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Hallstein, Walter. (1965) The European Economic Community and the United States of America. Address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before a conference on "Europe, America and World Trade" organized by the European Movement in the Netherlands. Amsterdam, 4 February 1965. Includes summary. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) European Economic Community files $100 million of notes for offering in the United States. European Community Press Release No. 17/1976, 10 September 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy. Business investment and the tax and financial environment Energy and the economy: a study of the main relationships in the countries of the European Community The Foreign trade of the Community, the United States and Japan. No 16, July 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy. Competitiveness of European industry: situation to date. The determinants of supply in industry in the Community. The development of market series in the European Community, the United States and Japan. Technical progress, structural change and employment. No 25, September 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Simonet, Henri. (1974) European Europe or Atlantic Europe: a real dilemma or a bogey issue? Address given by Mr. H. Simonet, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce in the United States. New York, 14 November 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Parliament and US Congress exchange views. European Community News No. 19/1985, 20 June 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Parliament delegation to visit Congress and UN. European Community Press Release No. 21/1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Parliament resolution on EC-US trade relations. European Community News No. 22/1982, 13 July 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1957) European Steel Experts to Visit United States. European Coal and Steel Community High Authority Information Service, 7 March 1957. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) European health care... is it the right prescription for America? Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 325, April 1993. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) European parliamentarians to visit Washington. European Community News No. 3/1979, 25 January 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Knuppel, Ulrich D. (1981) European perspective - customer or competitor. Presentation [on EC-US trade] by Ulrich D. Knuppel, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, at the 1981 President's Conference Production Credit Association. Duluth, Minnesota, 8 July 1981. [EU Speech]
Julien, Bruno G. (1984) European perspectives. Address presented by Bruno G. Julien, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, to the Washington Agricultural Council Symposium on International Trade. Pasco, Washington, 18-20 November 1984. [EU Speech]
Salverda, Wiemer and Bazen, Stephen and Gregory, Mary and Connolly, Sara and Gottschalk, Peter and de Grip, Andries and Leontaridi, Rannia and Maitre, Bertrand and Miihlau, Peter and Nekkers, Geralt and Nierop, Cees and Nolan, Brian and Sloane, Peter (2001) The European-American employment gap, wage inequality, earnings mobility and skill: A study for France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. Final report. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1953) Exchange of letters between President Eisenhower and the Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the United States Congress relating to the European Coal and Steel Community and the unification of Europe. June 1953. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) Exclusive! Bush and Clinton speak out on Europe. European Community News No. 37/92, 7 October 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Malfatti, Franco Maria. (1971) Extract from statement by President [of Commission] Malfatti before the European Parliament's Political Committee on the present state of relations between the Community and the United States. Luxembourg, 5 October 1971. Includes French version. [EU Speech]
Douglas, Paul, H. (1963) FOR A.M. RELEASE Wednesday, February 20, 1963 CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE Senator Douglas Releases Statement on the Consequences of the Breakdown in Negotiations between the United Kingdom and the Common Market Countries. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Favorable Development of US-EEC Trade. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Fernand Spaak appointed Head of EC Commission Delegation to the United States. European Community Press Release No. 17, 13 November 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Fighting world hunger. European Community No. 181, November 1974. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) First EC-US presidential summit with Clinton to take place May 7. European Community News No. 17/93, 30 April 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) First meeting between members of the the newly elected European Parliament and Canadian parliamentarians. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (79) 35, 20 November 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Former Danish Prime Minister arrives to head European Community Delegation to the United States. European Community Press Release No. 3, 14 January 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Soames, Christopher. (1974) Full text and summary of a speech [on EC-US relations] prepared for delivery by Sir Christopher Soames [Vice-President of the Commission] to the American Club. Brussels, 18 June 1974. Includes a summary. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Further EC/US consultations on specialty steel. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 27 October 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Davignon, Etienne. (1984) Future of the world steel industry. Keynote address by Vice-President [of the Commission] E. Davignon at the Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada, 18 January 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Gatt documentation for tariff study shows common market industrial tariffs still lower than US tariffs in 1972. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 3/1972, February 15, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Getting the message across. The European Commission's communications strategy for the United States 1996-2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1961) Greece signs agreement with EEC. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 45, April 1961. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Gundelach sets press conference. European Community Press Release No. 15/1977, 12 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Gundelach, Strauss to hold joint press conference Thursday. European Community Information Service, 7 March 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Haferkamp to lead EC delegation for high-level US-EC talks. European Community Press Release No. 22/1977, 1 November 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Haferkamp to lead EC delegation in high-level US-EC talks. European Community News No. 30/1982, 5 November 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Haferkamp, Strauss, Ushiba, Warren to meet press Tuesday. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 12/1978, 14 June 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) High level US-EC consultations. European Community News No. 28/1979, 16 July 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1990) High-level meeting between the EEC and Norway. Press Release IP (90) 523, 28 June 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Highlights from the EU-US summit in Washington. EU/US News: a review of transatlantic relations, Volume II, Number 6, December 2000. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Highlights from the Queluz summit. EU/US News: a review of transatlantic relations, Volume II, Number 5, August 2000. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) How Americans rate the Community. European Community No. 167, July 1973. [EU Other]
Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1973) Impact of the enlarged Europe on the United States and Europe. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director of the Information Service at the European Community Delegation in Washington, DC, to the seminar sponsored by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Chicago, 7 February 1973. [EU Speech]
Daavison, Mrs. (1995) Information report of the Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on relations between the European Union and the United States. CES 978/95. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
Gredal, Eva (1982) Interim Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the political aspects of relations between the Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-300/82, 4 June 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Gredal, Eva (1982) Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the political aspects of relations between the Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-300/82, 4 June 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jacob, Barbel. (1984) International trade issues: current & future. Presentation by B. Jacob, Deputy Head, Delegation of the European Commission, Washington DC, at a conference organized by Senator Jepsen. Des Moines, Iowa, May 31 1984. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1961) Intervention [on the Atlantic Alliance] of Altiero Spinelli at the Bologna Conference. Bologna, April 1961. [EU Speech]
Coppe, Albert. (1971) Intervention de M. Coppe devant le Comite permanent de l'emploi sur les mesures Americaines. Bruxelles, 5 octobre 1971 = Speech by Mr. Coppe [Member of the Commission] before the Permanent Committee on Employment on American actions. Brussels, 5 October 1971. [EU Speech]
Monnet, Jean. (1963) Interview with M. Jean Monnet, President of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe, by Corriere Della Sera. Rome, 6 April 1963. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) Israel and European Community initial financial and cooperation protocols. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 49/1976, 10 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Japan and the European Community. Information [on trade and commerce][External Relations] 146/77. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Jenkins to meet Carter. European Community Press Release No. 9/1977, 15 April 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Jenkins will reciprocate Mondale visit. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 5/1977, 1 February 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Jilted? US-Community relations.European Community. No. 150, November 1971. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint German-American industrial research project approved by Common Market. European Community Press Release No. 2, 12 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Joint German-American industrial research project subject to anti-trust review. European Community Press Release, 15 October 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1968) Joint Statement on meeting of President Johnson and Commission President Jean Rey. European Community. No. 110, March 1968. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1962) Joint communique issued on conclusion of US-EEC tariff talks in Brussels. European Community Information Service, 16 January 1962. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Joint statement by US and European Parliamentary delegations October 31, 1973. European Community Press Release No. 42, 1 November 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1961) Kennedy pledges "steadfast support" of Common Market. European Community Information Service, 4 February 1961. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) L'industrie electronique des pays de la Communaute et les investissements americains = The electronic industry of the countries of the Community and American investments. Studies: Industry Series 1, 1969. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Communaute europeenne et les Etats-Unis. Les syndicats en Grande-Bretagne. Orientations pour un programme de politique sociale. La mensualisation en France - The European Community and the United States. Trade unions in Great Britain. Guidelines for a social policy progam. Monthly wages in France. European Documentation: Trade Union and Labor Series 72/1. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) La politique d'information de la Communauté aux Etats-Unis = The information policy of the Community in the United States. SEC (73) 1507 final, 9 May 1973. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Snoy et d'Oppurs, Baron (1973) La reciproque du Plan Marshall. Conference, Institut Royal es Relations Internationales, 30 octobre 1973 = The reciprocal of the Marshall Plan. Conference, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 30 October 1973. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 10: Les principales collaborations et cooperations dans la domaine aeronautique = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 10: The principal collaborations and cooperation in the aeronautical field. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 1: Rapports nationaux Belgique = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 1: National report Belgium. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 2: Rapports nationaux France = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 2: National report France. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 2: Rapports nationaux France. Case history des entreprises aerospatiales = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 2: National report France. Case history of aeronautical industries. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 3: Rapports nationaux Italie = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 3: National report Italy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 4: Rapports nationaux Pays-Bas = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 6: National report The Netherlands. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 5: Rapports nationaux Republique Federale d'Allemagne = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 5: National report Federal Republic of Germany. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 6: Rapports nationaux Royaume-Uni = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 6: National report United Kingdom. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 7: Apercu de l'industrie aeronautique et spatiale des Etats-Unis = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 7: Overview of the aeronautical and space industry of the United States. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 8: Case history de quelques entreprises aerospatiales americaines = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 8: Case history of some American aeronautical companies. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Annexe au rapport general No 9: Les systemes de contrats aux Etats-Unie = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Annex to the general report No 9: United States contract systems. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Mis a jour sur des donnees relatives a l'annee 1968 des principaux tableaux statistiques de l'etude = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. Update of the data for 1968 for the principal statistical tables for the study. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Rapport général Tome 1 = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 1. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Rapport général Tome 2 = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 2. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Rapport général Tome 3 = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 3. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Rapport général Tome 4 = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 4. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Rapport général Tome 5 = The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 5. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1986) Liberty: a symbol of transatlantic unity. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 258, July-August 1986. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) List of EEC agreements with outside countries. Information [External Relations] 139/77. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Fellermaier, Mr. (1973) List of questions preparatory to a draft report on the political aspects of relations between the European Community and the United States of America. Political Affairs Committee. PE 33.974, 29 August 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr BONACCINI, Mr FANTI, Mr LEONARDI and others with request for urgent and topical debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the repercussions of the dollar exchange rate on the European economy. EP Working Documents, document 1-288/81, 15 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr WELSH, Mr GAUTIER, Mrs GREDAL, Mr LANGE, Mr MOREAU, Mr BLUMENFELD, Mrs MOREAU, Sir Fred CATHERWOOD, Mr PROVAN, Mr SPENCER, Mr TYRRELL, Mr DELOROZOY and Mrs VEIL for entry in the Register pursuant to Rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure on taxation of companies by American States. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-967/83, October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr FRUH, Mr VON WOGAU, Mr DALSASS, Mr MIZZAU, Mr I. FRIEDRICH, DEBATISSE on behalf of the group of the European People's Party pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the Wine Equity Bill before the US Congress. EP Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-872/84, 25 October 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr GLINNE pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the implementation of the McCarran-Walter Act in the United States. EP Working Documents 1984-1985. Document 2-741/84. 16 October 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr MAFFRE-BAUGE, Mrs DE MARCH, Mr PRANCHERE, Mr WURTZ and Mr PIQUET pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the threat to agricultural exports to the USA. EP Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-895/84, 30 October 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr MOORHOUSE pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the dangers of protectionism in US-EEC trade relations. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-1020/84, 20 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr WELSH, Mr GAUTIER, Mrs GREDAL, Mr LANGE, Mr M0REAU, Mr BLUMENFELD, Mrs M0REAU, Sir Fred CATHERI,0OD, Mr PR0VAN, Mr SPENCER, Mr TYRRELL, Mr DELOROZOY and Mrs VEIL for entry in the Register pursuant to Rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure on taxation of companies by American States. EP Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-967/83. October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1954) Memorandum submitted [on how Europe is rebuilding] by the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community to the government of the United States of America, March 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Monnet, Jean. (1961) Men and nations must learn to control themselves: the value of common institutions. Speech by Jean Monnet, President of the Action Committee for a United States of Europe, delivered at Dartmouth College Commencement. Hanover, N.H., 11 June 1961. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Method for cooperation between the Commission and the Government of the United States in environmental matters - exchange of letters. SEC (74) 2518 final, 1 July 1974. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Mideast, Transatlantic relations, and the developing community. Mr. Edward Heath, Prime Minister, in London on November 12, 1973. British Information Services Policy Statement 72/73, 12 November 1973. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1980) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Fergusson on behalf of the European Democratic Group, Mr Blumenfeld on behalf of the Group of the European People's Party, Mr Berkhouwer on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 on the plight of the Americans held captive in Tehran. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-89/80/rev. II, 15 April 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Leonidas Kyrkos pursuant to rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the landing of US military forces in Grenada. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-949/83, 27 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Lucker on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group; Mr Kirk on behalf of the European Conservative Group; Mr Achenbach on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group, with request that it be dealt with by urgent procedure pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the visit by the President of the United States of America to Europe. Working Documents 1973-1974, Document 99/73, 6 June 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Maffre-Bauge, Mrs De March, Mr Pranchere, Mr Wurtz and Mr Piquet pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the threat to agricultural exports to the USA. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-895/84, 30 October 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Moorhouse pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the dangers of protectionism in US-EEC trade relations. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-1020/84, 20 November 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Newens, Mrs Charzat, Mr Hansch, Mrs Van Den Heuvel, Mr Glinne, Mr Lomas, Mr Van Miert, Mr Seefeld, Mr Plaskovitis and Mrs Lizin on behalf of the Socialist Group pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the resumption of arms talks by the Superpowers. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-1607/84, 13 February 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Welsh, Mr Gautier, Mrs Gredal, Mr Lange, Mr Moreau, Mr Blumenfeld, Mrs Moreau, Sir Fred Catherwood, Mr Provan, Mr Spencer, Mr Tyrrell, Mr Delorozoy and Mrs Veil for entry in the Register pursuant to Rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure on taxation of companies by American States. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-967/83. October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr de la Malene on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the extension of the United States' embargo on exports of equipment for the Soviet gas pipeline. European Parliament Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-445/82, 1 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mrs Charzat, Mr Glinne and Mr Saby pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on a halt to the arms race and the militarization of space by the United States and the Soviet Union. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 2-1553/84, 1 February 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Croux, Mr Notenboom, Mr von Hassel and Mr van Aerssen on behalf of the European People's Party with request for an early vote pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure, to wind up the debate on Oral Questions Docs. 1-616/82 and 1-617/82 on the need to improve the structures for the dialogue between the European Community and the United States. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-698/82, 8 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. de la Malene, Mr. Couste and Mr. Mouchel, on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats with request for an early vote pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure winding up the debate on the oral question (Doc. 1-617/82) on EEC-USA relations. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-732/82, 12 October 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Mutual Trust Based on Close Trans-Atlantic Ties. Bulletin No. 4. Bonn, 5 June 1981. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) National Public Radio to air program on European Community's future and implications for United States. European Community Press Release No. 3/1976, 2 March 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) New EC CAP proposals not designed to hurt US agricultural exports. European Community News No. 18/1983, 3 November 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Denman, Roy. (1983) New EC CAP proposals not designed to hurt US agricultural exports. Extracts of a speech by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the 12th EC-US Conference on Agriculture. Washington DC, 3 November 1983. [EU Speech]
de Grood, Hugo. (1962) The New Europe. Speech by Hugo de Grood, Director of North American Relations, Directorate of External Relations (EEC), at the 42nd annual conference of the National Council for Social Studies. Philadelphia, 22-24 November 1962. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) New European Community envoy, Jens Otto Krag, presents letter of introduction at State Department. European Community Press Release No. 6, 15 February 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) The New Orleans World Fair to celebrate European Day. European Community News No. 19/1984, 5 June 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1990) New poll finds Americans positive on Europe and 1992. European Community News 22/90, 17 May 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Information Note (presented by the Commission). COM (93) 188 final, 12 May 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1963) Nuclear power plant included in Euratom-US joint program. European Community Press Release, 17 October (1963). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) ORAL QUESTION (0-14/76) with debate pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr HERBERT and Mr de la MALENE, on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats to the Commission of the European Community, Subject: Deterioration in EEC-US Trade Relations. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 149/76, 9 June 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) ORAL QUESTION (0-184/82) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure tabled by Mr PIQUET on behalf of the Communist Group and Mr THAREAU, Mr EYRAUD, Mr JAQUET, Mr SUTRA and Mrs DESOUCHES to the Commission of the European Communities. Sales of American agricultural products to Egypt. EP Working Documents, document 1-435/83, 9 June 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) ORAL QUESTION (0-56/83) with Debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr MORELAND, Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS, Mrs PHLIX, Mr DELOROZOY, Mr RIPA di MEANA, Mr ROGALLA, Mr LALOR, Mr ENRIGHT and Mr PROVAN to the Commission of the European Communities Subject: Canadian Provincial Liquor Boards. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-862/83, 12 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) ORAL QUESTION (0-61/83) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr PIQUET, Mr FERNANDEZ, Mr WURTZ, Mr DAMETTE, Mrs POIRIER and Mrs HOFFMANN to the Commission of the European Communities. Subject: American measures on steel. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-863/83. 12 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) ORAL QUESTION (O-184/82) with debate pursuant to Rue 42 of the Rules of Procedure tabled by Mr PIQUET on behalf of the Communist Group and Mr THAREAU, Mr EYRAUD, Mr JAQUET, Mr SUTRA and Mrs DES0UCHES to the Commission of the European Communities Subject: Sales of American agricultural products to Egypt. EP Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-435/83. 9 June 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) ORAL QUESTION with debate Pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure. MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION - with request that it be dealt with by urgent procedure, pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure - on the strengthening of relations between the European Parliament and the Canadian Federal Parliament. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 56-58, 60/74, 23 April 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Krag, Jens Otto (1975) Opening address delivered by Jens Otto Krag, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Annual Foreign Affairs Conference of the United States Naval Academy. Annapolis, Maryland, 21 April 1975. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1978) Opening statement for Commission meeting with President Carter. Brussels, 6 January 1978. [EU Speech]
Verde I Aldea, Josep (1994) Opinion (Rule 147 of the Rules of Procedure) for the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal for a Council decision concluding the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws (1695/95- C4-0052l94- 94/0236(CNS)). Session Documents 1994, Document A4-0044/95/Annex, 15 March 1994. [EU European Parliament Document]
Romoli, Mr. (1991) Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on relations between the United States and Japan and between the European Community and Japan. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) Oral Question (0-130/78) with debate pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Zagari, Mr Power, Mr Jahn, Mr Brown, Mr Baas, Mr Scott-Hopkins, Mr Leonardi, Mr Haase, Mrs Walz and Mr Ripamonti to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: State of relations between the Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 56/79, 6 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) Oral Question (0-131/78) with debate pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Zagari, Mr Power, Mr Jahn, Mr Brown, Mr Baas, Mr Scott-Hopkins, Mr Leonardi, Mr Haase, Mrs Walz and Mr Ripamonti to the Council of the European Communities, Subject: State of relations between the Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 57/79, 6 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Oral Question (0-77/83) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Gontikas, Mr Gerokostopoulos, Mr Bournias, Mr Habsburg and Mr Luster to the Foreign Ministers of the European Communities meeting in political cooperation. Subject: Steps taken by the Greek Foreign Minister to postpone deployment of American missiles in Europe. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-956/83. 26 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Oral question (0-32/82) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mrs. Macchiocchi on behalf of the Socialist Group to the Council of the European Communities. Subject: Franco-German cooperation in the context of EPC on relations between Europe and the United States. Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-913/82, 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Ortoli calls for European independence , balanced relations with US. European Community Press Release No. 4, 18 February 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Coppe, Albert. (1973) Outline of a speech [on EC-US relations] by Professor A. Coppe, former Member of the Commission of the European Community. Williamsburg, VA, 11 October 1973. [EU Speech]
Ehlermann, Claus-Dieter. (1984) Outline of statement [on EC-US trade in steel] by Claus-Dieter Ehlermann [Director of Legal Services, Commission] on behalf of the European Community before United States International Trade Commission in carbon and certain alloy steel products investigation TA-201-51. Washington DC, 22 June 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1956) Parliament for new Europe. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel. No. 16, June 1956. [EU Other]
Richard, Ivor. (1982) Partners/competitors- friction in US/EEC trade relations. Speech by EC Commissioner Ivor Richard at the US Chamber of Commerce. Washington DC, 31 March 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries. Executive summary of the impact assessment. Commission staff working paper accompanying the proposal for a Regulation. SEC (2011) 1476 final 7 December 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries. Impact assessment. Commission staff working paper accompanying the proposal for a Regulation. SEC (2011) 1475 final 7 December 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) Partnership and the Nixon doctrine. European Community No. 132, March 1970. [EU Other]
Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Partnership in the Making: A European Point of View. Address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President, Commission, European Economic Community, to the Economic Club. New York, 24 April 1962. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) Photo exhibit and new t.v. series shows Americans Europe's many faces. European Community News No. 39/92, 13 October 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Jenkins, Roy. (1977) Politics and trade: the United States and the European Community. Address by the Rt. Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on Foreign Relations. Chicago, 20 April 1977. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) President Carter congratulates the European Community on its twentieth anniversary. European Community Press Release No. 7/1977, 24 March 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) President Delors to meet President Clinton and US administration. European Community News No. 12/93, 12 March 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) President Hallstein reaffirms support of US-European partnership. European Community Press Release, 4 December (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) President Nixon reaffirms support of European Community in message to Commission President Designate Franco Malfatti. European Community Press Release, 22 June 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) President Ortoli to meet with President Nixon. European Community Press Release No. 33, 23 September 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) President Thorn urges settlement on disputes between the European Community and the United States. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (82) 13, 28 September 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) President of the European Council to visit USA. European Community News No. 37/1979, 2 November 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Provan, James. (1983) Press release from James Provan, Member of European Parliament for North East Scotland, [on EC-US agriculture] during visit to Iowa. 3-6 May 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1967) Prise de position de l'U.N.I.C.E. concernant lee tendances protectionnistes aux Etats-Unis. = Position statement from U.N.I.C.E about trends protectionists in the United States. U.N.I.C.E. report, 25 October 1967. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1987) Programme for Research and Actions on the Development of the Labour Market. Analysis of the Dynamics of the Job Creation Process in the United States and an Evaluation of Medium and Long Term Prospects. Volume III: Factor Prices, Employment, and Inequality in a Decentralized Labour Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) allocating catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in Canadian waters. COM (82) 863 final, 17 December 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION concerning the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands establishing measures for salmon fishing in North Atlantic waters. COM(82) 117 final,15 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing conclusion, on behalf of the Community, of an agreement on drugs precursors and chemical substances between the European Community and the United States of America. COM (97) 205 final, 6 May 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on procurement. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the extension of the benefit of the provisions of Directive 90/531/EEC of 17 September 1990 in respect of the United States of America. SEC (93) 692 final, 5 May 1993. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Community of an agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on the Co-ordination of Energy-Efficient Labelling Programmes (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 328 final, 1 July 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision concluding the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America (presented by the Commission). COM (98) 137 final, 10 March 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Notes on the extension of and amendments to the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the European Economic Community concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States. COM (91) 170 final, 8 May 1991. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement on Mutual Recognition in relation to Conformity Assessments between the European Community and the United States of America (presented by the Commission). COM (98) 180 final, 30 March 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the agreement on customs cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters between the European Community and the United States of America. COM (96) 624 final, 3 December 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Proposal for a Council Decision on the extension of the legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products to persons from the United States of America. COM (93) 660 final, 10 December 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) [focusing on Community-US relations] protecting against the effects of the application of certain legislation of certain third countries, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom. COM (96) 420 final, 31 July 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EC) No 772/1999 imposing definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of farmed Atlantic salmon originating in Norway. COM (99) 429 final, 23 August 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1890/97 and (EC) No 1891/97 imposing definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of farmed Atlantic Salmon originating in Norway (presented by the Commission). COM (98) 192 final, 23 March 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulations (EC) No 1890/97 and (EC) No 1891/97 imposing definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of farmed Atlantic salmon originating in Norway (presented by the Commission). COM (98) 727 final, 4 December 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) completing the annex to Council Regulation (EC) no 1461/93 of 8 June 1993 concerning access to public contracts for tenderers from the United States of America. COM (95) 268 final, 13 June 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) extending the measures taken under the agreement between the European Economic Community and the United States of America for the conclusion of negotiations under GATT Article XXIV.6. COM (93) 710 final, 7 January 1994. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) extending the provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of disodium carbonate originating in the United States of America. (presented by the Commission). COM(95) 274 final, 9 June 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) further amending Regulations (EC) No 1890/97 and (EC) No 1891/97 imposing definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of farmed Atlantic salmon originating in Norway. COM (98) 531 final, 14 September 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1391/91 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of aspartame originating in Japan and the United States of America (presented by the Commission). COM (95) 326 final, 6 July 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) repealing the anti-dumping measures imposed on imports of disodium carbonate originating in the United States of America (presented by the Commission). COM (97) 496 final, 3 October 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1989) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1282/81 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of vinyl acetate monomer originating in the United States of America (presented by the Commission). COM (89) 280 final, 6 June 1989. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning access to public contracts for tenderers from the United States of America. COM (93) 263 final, 1 June 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the measures taken under the agreement between the European Economic Community and the United States of America for the conclusion of negotiations under GATT Article XXIV.6. COM (93) 111 final, 18 March 1993. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community, on the other hand, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands, on the other hand, establishing measures for salmon fishing in North Atlantic waters. COM (83) 197 final, 15 April 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 772/1999 imposing definitive antidumping and countervailing duties on imports of farmed Atlantic salmon originating in Norway (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 669 final, 8 December 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the conclusion of an agreement between the European Economic Community and the United States of America concerning fisheries off the coasts of the United States, and establishing the provisions for its application (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (77) 119 final, 30 March 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Proposal for a Council decision concerning the conclusion of an Agreement for cooperation in higher education and vocational education and training between the European Community and the United States of America. COM (95) 120 final, 12 April 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries. COM (2011) 843 final, 7 December 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Kapteyn, Paul J. (1958) Proposition de Resolution présentée par MM. Burgbacher, Lapie et Pleven concernent l’accord conclu entre l’Euratom et les Etats-Unis d’ Amérique. Juin 1958. Doc no. 25. = Motion for a resolution presented by Burgbacher, Lapie and Pleven concern the agreement between Europe and the United States of America. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. June 1958 Doc no. 25. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Protectionism in US steel sector a threat to world trade, says Sir Roy Denman. European Community News No. 22/1983, 5 December 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Questions & Answers - US Farm Bill. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Gautier, Mr (1981) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the Recommendation from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-797/81) for a Decision concerning the conclusion of an Agreement on Fisheries between the Government of Canada and the European Economic Community. EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-832/81, 8 December 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Household Consumption in the European Community and the Member States. Comparison with the United States and Japan. 1993.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1966) Rapport des conseillers commerciuax des Etats Membres de la C.E.E. en poste aux Etats-Unis sur un reexamen de la politique agricole des Etats-Unis = Report of the EEC Members States trading advisors stationed in the United States on a review of the agricultural policy of the United States, 11 October 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1960) Reaction in the United States to the Schuman Plan proposal, 1950-1951. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1974) Recent developments in European-American relations. Speech by Professor Ralf Dahrendorf, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at Kalamazoo College. Kalamazoo, MI, 15 June 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Recommendation for a Council Decision authorizing the signature of an Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America. SEC (97) 2068 final, 5 November 1997. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Recommendation for a Council Regulation concerning the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the United Mexican States on trade in textile products (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (78) 555 final, 16 November 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Recommendation for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council on conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the United Mexican States. COM (75) 324 final, 26 June 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Recommendation of the Commission to the Council concerning the opening of negotiations with the United States of America on problems raised by the United States Toxic Substances Control Act (T.S.C.A.). COM (78) 119 final, 22 March 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Lyng, Richard. (1984) Remarks [on EC-US agricultural issues] of Richard E. Lyng, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, before the Eighth Annual Conference of European and American Journalists. Knokke Heist, Belgium, April 7 1984. [EU Speech]
Schuijt, Wilhelmus. (1972) Remarks [on EC-US relations] by Wilhelmus Schuijt, leader of a delegation of visiting members of the European Parliament at a plenary meeting with members of the United States Congress. Washington DC, 31 May 1972. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1984) Remarks [on EEC wine policy] of Mr. Villain, Director-General for Agriculture, Commission of the European Communities, to the California Wine Industry. San Francisco, 23 May 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Renforcement du credit pour les depenses d'information aux Etats-Unis (Communication de la Commission au Conseil) = Strengthening of appropriations for information expenditures in the United States (Communication from the Commission to the Council). SEC (72) 1554 final, 15 May 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Gundelach, Finn O. (1975) Reply of Mr. Finn O. Gundelach to Mr Couste's oral question No. 46 with debate, on United States protectionism - European Parliament. Luxembourg, 12 November 1975. [EU Speech]
Martinet, G. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on relations between the EEC and the USA in the steel sector. EP Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-565/80, 4 November 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
Couste, P.-B. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the present state of economic and commercial relations between the Community and the United States of America. EP Working Documents 1976-77, Document 468/76, 23 December 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
Fellermaier, L (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on relations between the European Community and the United States of America. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 188/73, 17 October 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
Fellermaier, L (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr LUCKER, on behalf of the Christian Democratic Group Mr KIRK, on behalf of the European Conservative Group Mr ACHENBACH, on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group (Doc. 99/73) on the visit of the President of the United States of America to Europe. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 119/73, 2 July 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
Langer, Alexander (1993) Report by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security on developments in East-West relations in Europe and their impact on European security. Session Documents A3-0108/93, 24 March 1993. [EU European Parliament Document]
Spencer, T. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on EEC-USA trade relations in the steel sector. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1543/83, 19 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
Rieger, Helmut Martin (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on economic and commercial relations between the European Communities and the United States of America, Part B: Explanatory statement. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 1-37/84/B, 27 April 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
Rieger, Helmut Martin (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on economic and commercial relations between the European Community and the United States of America, Part A: Motion for a resolution. Working Documents 1984-1985, Document 1-37/84/A, 2 April 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schuijt, Willem J. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on parliamentary relations between the European Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1972-1973, Document 82/72, 1 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Hansch, K. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on political relations between the European Community and the United States of America. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1540/83/A, 19 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Report from the Commission on electronics, information and communication industries: marketing, market access and distribution practices in Japan and in the United States. COM (95) 78 final, 29 March 1995. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws 1 July 1996 to 31 December 1996. COM (97) 346 final, 4 July 1997. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws. 1 January 1998 to 31 December 1998. COM (99) 439 final, 13 September 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Peijs, Karla (1992) Report of the Committee on External Economic Relations on EC/US economic and trade relations. Session Documents 1992, Document A3-0259/92, 20 July 1992. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Report on US barriers to trade and investment 1995. May 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Malerba, Franco (1995) Report on the proposal for a Council decision concluding the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regarding the application of their competition laws (COM(94)0430- C4-0236/94- 94/0236(CNS)). Session Documents 1995, Document A4-0004/95, 16 January 1995. [EU European Parliament Document]
Halpern, Seymour and Esch, Marvin (1967) Republicans Urge Major Reform of Atlantic Alliance (Press Release). Republican Committee on Western Alliances, House of Representations, Congress of the United States. August 14, 1967. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Robert D. Hormats, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs, before the Third US-EC Economic Journalists Conference; Airlie House, Virginia, September 9, 1978. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) Réflexions sur les Relations entre l'Europe et l'Amérique. Discours, 2954/X/69 F, Orig. E. Etudes et Analyses No. 49, 11 Avril 1969 = "Reflections on the Relationship between Europe and America. Speech, 2954/X/69 F, Orig. E. Studies and Analyses No. 49, April 11, 1969". [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) Schedule announced for US-EEC 'Kennedy Round' discussions here. European Community Press Release, 3 March (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Selection of joint EC/US higher education consortia. European Community News No. 53/93, 18 October 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) Significant increase in American perception of the European Community. European Community News No. 10/1979, 13 March 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1980) Simone Veil to lead European Parliamentary delegation on visit to Washington next week. European Community News No. 5/1980, 22 January 1980. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1980) Sir Roy Denman speaks on EC/US trade relations [July 11 at the 5th Annual Meeting of European and American Journalists]. European Community News No. 25/1980, 18 July 1980. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Soames addresses European Parliament on the future of EC-US relations. European Community Press Release No. 20, 8 May 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Soames calls energy crisis a test case for EC-US relations. European Community Press Release No. 4, 18 January 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Soames meets Nixon. European Community Press Release No. 7, 16 February 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Soames meets with US officials. European Community Press Release No. 4, 12 February 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Soames reviews state of US-EC relations before European Parliament. European Community Background Information No. 2, 22 January 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1984) Some remarks on US-EC relations: retrospect and prospects. Speech by Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Symposium on Euro-American Relations and Global Economic Interdependence of the College of Europe. Bruges, 13-15 September 1984. [EU Speech]
Dankert, Pieter. (1983) Speech [on European security and nuclear weapons] given by Mr. Pieter Dankert, President of the European Parliament, to the World Affairs Council of Boston. Boston, 2 November 1983. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1983) Speech [on US and EC agriculture policy and trade] by Derwent Renshaw [Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC] to the Farmland Cooperation Annual Meeting. 30 November 1983. [EU Speech]
Plumb, Henry. (1983) Speech [on agricultural policy] by Sir Henry Plumb, leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament, to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Dallas, 11 January 1983. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston E. (1981) Speech [on progress of European integration and implications for the US] by Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the National Press Club. Washington DC, 13 July 1981. [EU Speech]
Brandt, Willy. (1971) Speech [on the Atlantic Alliance] by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Herr Willy Brandt, before the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, 15 June 1971. [EU Speech]
Andriessen, F.H.J.J. (1982) Speech by Commissioner F.H.J.J. Andriessen to the American Chamber of Commerce at the seminar on "Antitrust law in the EEC, principle features and trends". Brussels, 26 November 1982. [EU Speech]
Gundelach, Finn Olav and Soames, Christopher (1975) Speech by Mr. F.O. Gundelach, Member of the Commission of the European Communities responsible for External Relations in the absence of Sir Christopher Soames, given at a lunch organised by the New York National and Foreign Trade Council. New York, 17 November 1975. [EU Speech]
Carter, Jimmy. (1978) Speech by President Jimmy Carter at the Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 6 January 1978. [EU Speech]
Plumb, Henry. (1977) Speech by Sir Henry Plumb, President of Comite des organisations professionelles agricoles de la CEE (COPA) and of the National Farmers Union of England and Wales, to the National Farmers Union of the USA. San Antonio, Texas, 8 March 1977. [EU Speech]
Vredeling, Henk. (1978) Speech by Vice-President Vredeling to the Atlantic Club. Washington, DC., 8 September 1978. [EU Speech]
Spaak, Fernand. (1980) Speech given to the Mid-Atlantic Club by Fernand Spaak, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities. Washington DC, 16 April 1980. [EU Speech]
Hirsch, Etienne (1959) The State of the United States-Euratom Joint Program. Text of an Address by Etienne Hirsch, President of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community, at the All-Conference Banquet of the Atomic Industrial Forum and the American Nuclear Society. Washington, D.C., 4 November 1959. [EU Speech]
Von Moltke, Heinrich. (1981) Statement [on EC-US trade and US trade laws] by Heinrich Von Moltke, Deputy Head of Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, at the annual meeting of the New York State Bar Association's Committee on International Trade. New York, 22 January 1981. [EU Speech]
Ortoli, Francois-Xavier. (1973) Statement by President [of Commission] Ortoli at Blair House. Washington DC, 2 October 1973. Includes French version. [EU Speech]
Soames, Christopher. (1974) Statement by Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission, to the European Parliament on the relations between Europe and the United States. Strasbourg, 16 January 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Statement by Sir Leon Brittan on GATT talks with USTR Mickey Kantor. European Community News No. 44/93, 28 September 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Ball, George W. (1959) Statement of George W. Ball before the Joint Economic Committee on the significance of the European Common Market to the American economy. Washington, DC, 1 July 1959. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1980) Statement on Afghanistan to the European Parliament by E.C. Commission President Roy Jenkins. Brussels, 7 February 1980. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Business profit share and investment rate higher in the EU than in the USA. 2009.28. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. European Union Foreign Direct Investment Position: Comparison with United States. 1998.23. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Household saving rate higher in the EU than in the USA despite lower income. 2009.29. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Statistics in Focus. External trade and balance of payments. European Union (EU) Trade with Japan (1) - Results for 1993. 1994.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Statistics in Focus. External trade and balance of payments. European Union (EU) Trade with the United States (USA) - Results until September 1993. 1994.8. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. External trade. EU - USA Trade and Investment: An Overview. 1997.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Allen, Tim (2001) Statistics in Focus. External trade. EU Trade with the USA. 2001.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union (EU) Trade with the United States (USA) - Results from January to September 1995. 1996.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union (EU) Trade with the United States (USA) - Results of 1994. 1995.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union Trade with NAFTA - Results until 1995. Part I: Summary. 1996.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Allen, Tim (2000) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union Trade with the USA. 2000.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Union trade with the United States (USA) - Results of 1993. 1995.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European trade with the United States (USA) - Results of 1993. 1995.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1958) Statistiques de base de douze pays Europeens. Comparaison avec les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et l'Union des Republiques Socialistes Sovietiques. Deuxieme Edition. Octobre 1958 = Basic Statistics for Twelve European Countries. Comparison with the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Second Edition. October 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1958) Statistiques de base de douze pays Europeens. Comparaison avec les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et l'Union des Republiques Socialistes Sovietiques. First Edition. Fevrier 1958 = Basic Statistics for Twelve European Countries. Comparison with the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. First Edition. February 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1961) Statistiques de base pour quinze pays Europeens. Comparaison avec les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et l'Union des Republiques Socialistes Sovietiques. Novembre 1961 = Basic Statistics for fifteen European Countries. Comparison with the United States of America and with the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. November 1961. 3rd ed. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Denman, Roy. (1983) Steel: clash in world trade. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington DC, to the American Institute for Imported Steel. New York, 5 December 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Strong US administration support for European unity. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 1/1978, 13 January 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Study of exchange of confidential information agreements and treaties between the US and Member States of the EU in areas of securities, criminal, tax and customs. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1969) "Summarization of President Nixon's visit to Europe." 23 February 1969. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) Summary of a speech by Mr. Pierre Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Delmonte Lodge, Monterey, California, to the National Soybean Processors on August 24, 1976. European Communities Commission Press Release ISEC/37/76, 23 August 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) Summary of remarks by the Honorable Sir Peter Ramsbotham, Ambassador to the US from Great Britain, before the Mid-Atlantic Club of Washington, meeting at the Conference Center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, 14 April 1976. 14 April 1976. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) TRADE POLICY OUTLOOK IN US/EC RELATIONS, 16 March 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lensen, Anton (1995) Telekommunikation und audiovisuelle medien: Die handelsbeziehungen zwischen der Europaischen Union und der Vereinigten Staaten = Telecommunications and audio-visual media: Trade relations between the European Union and the United States. Directorate-General for Research and Documentation Working Paper, Economic Series W-20. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) Tentative agreement between the United States and the EC Commission on trade in civil aircraft. European Community News No. 9/92, 1 April 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Swatland, Mr. (1954) Text of Draft [on US loan to High Authority] Prepared by Swatland. Agreement dated April --, 1954, between the Government of the United States of America and the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community established by Treaty dated April 18, 1951. March 20, 1954. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Text of conclusions of the European Communities' Council of Ministers Meeting (on the effects of the United States' new economic measures) at a meeting of finance ministers of the six in Brussels on September 13, 1971. European Community Press Release, 14 September 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Third round of United States-Common Market trade talks to begin in Brussels. European Community Press Release No. 9, 31 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Top Common Market officials arrive for two day round of trade talks. European Community Press Release, 20 October 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Top EC foreign officials to visit United States [talk on political issues]. European Community News No. 33/93, 14 July 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) Trade Trends: the European Community and the United States. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 10/1976, 20 February 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Krag, Jens Otto. (1974) Trade relations between Europe and the United States. Speech by Mr. Krag, Head of the Delegation of the European Communities, Washington DC, to the annual meeting of the American Importers Association. New York, 14 May 1974. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1965) Trans-Atlantic Farm Policy: Text prepared for delivery by Sicco L. Mansholt, Vice-President, Common Market Commission, to the National Farm Institute. Des Moines, Iowa, 11 February 1965. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Transatlantic business dialogue overall conclusions. 1 November 1995. [EU Other]
Atkinson, Mr. (1994) Transatlantic co-operation on European anti-missile defence. Assembly of Western European Union Fortieth Ordinary Session (Second Part) Document 1435, 9th November 1994. [EU Related]
Atkinson , Mr. (1997) Transatlantic cooperation on European anti-missile defence- Part II. Assembly of Western European Union Forty-Third Session Document 1588, 4 November 1997. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Transatlantic relations after 11 September. EU/US News, a review of transatlantic relations. Volume IV, No. 8, January 2002. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Transatlantic relationship European Parliament resolution on the Commission Communication to the Council on Reinforcing the Transatlantic Relationship: Focusing on Strategy and Delivering Results (COM(2001) 154- C5-0339/2001-2001/2139(C0S)). [EU European Parliament Document]
Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Transatlantic ties strengthened further. Annual state of the Community address to the European Parliament by Mr. Roy Jenkins, President of the EC Commission. Luxembourg, 13 February 1979. [EU Speech]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) Transatlantic trade: the view from the European Community. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Community, before the National Economists Club. Washington DC, 16 March 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Transatlantic trades: ties and tensions. Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 405, April 2001. [EU Other]
Rey, Jean (1968) Transcript of Press Conference [on US-EC relations, the Kennedy Round and enlargement] of Jean Rey, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the National Press Club. Washington DC, 9 February 1968. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston E. (1983) Turbulence across the Atlantic. Address by H.E. Mr. Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the American-European Community Association. New York, 26 September 1983. [EU Speech]
Julien, Bruno. (1984) Two-way trade in agricultural products. Address presented by Bruno Julien, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, to the California Trade Seminars. San Francisco, October 2 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) US Export Administration Act of 1979. Aide-Memoire delivered on April 18, 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) US House Ways and Means Committee ends three day visit to Common Market Headquarters. European Community Press Release No. 3, 13 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) The US and EC to hold cabinet-level talks. European Community News No. 19/1983, 7 November 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) US and Euratom sign fuel contract in $200 million program. European Community Press Release, 24 September (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) US economic moves to hurt one per cent of Common Market industrial workers. European Community Press Release, 6 October 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) US interest rates, US-EC trade relations. European Community News No. 19/1981, 19 June 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) US measures on footwear. European Community Press Release No. 8/1977, 4 April 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) The US surcharge of 10% - position adopted by the Community at GATT meeting of 24 and 25 August. Information Memo P-31/71, August 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) US, EC officials release statement on farm trade talks. European Community Delegation Wire Service, 18 March 1983. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) US, EC sign agreement on radioactive waste management research. European Community News No. 27/1982, 8 October 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) US, EC to hold intensive discussions on agriculture. European Community News No. 33/1982, 10 December 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Szasz, Andre. (1984) US-EC financial and monetary relations. How to co-operate in an unstable non-system. Address by Andre Szasz, Executive Director of the Netherlands Bank, to the Eighth Annual Conference of European and American Journalists. Knokke, Belgium, April 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) US-EC joint communique resulting from their meeting on standards and conformity assessment, 21 June 1991. European Community News No. 20/91, 24 June 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Kryiazis, Nicholas and Chryssanthou, Nicholas (1986) US-EC monetary relations. Research and Documentation Papers, Economic Series No. 8, 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1982) US-EC steel accord should diffuse trade tensions. European Community News No. 29/1982, 21 October 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1963) US-ECSC High Authority discuss Community steel tariff. European Community Press Release, 9 December (1963). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1964) US-Euratom officials affirm continuing nuclear program. European Community Press Release, 11 September (1964). [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1971) US-European Community trade relations in the light of British entry and of President Nixon's new economic policy. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director, European Community Information Service, Washington D.C., to the World Affairs Council. Dayton, Ohio, 24 September 1971. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) Unequivocal EC support for the US on the Iranian crisis. European Community News No. 41/1979, 21 November 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Denman, Roy. (1984) Unitary taxation. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to the Executive Forum on Unitary Taxation. Washington DC, 23 February 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) United States - Common Market trade talks open in Brussels. European Community Press Release No. 70, 20 December 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Thomson, George. (1976) The United States and Europe: interdependence and cooperation. Speech by George Thomson. Grinnell, Iowa, 6 April 1976. [EU Speech]
Blaauw, Mr. (1996) The United States and security in Europe. Assembly of Western European Union Forty-First Ordinary Session (Second Part) Document 1519, 13 May 1996. [EU Related]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) The United States and the European Community: Economic relations at a watershed. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, before The World Affairs Council. San Francisco, 20 April 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) The United States in the Common Market Commission's annual report. European Community Background Information No. 4, 16 February 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) United States still weighs Common Market offer to improve trade relations. European Community Press Release (Background Information), 30 June 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) United States-Common Market trade talks resume in Brussels. European Community Press Release No. 5, 13 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
da Fonseca-Wollheim, Herman. (1981) United States-European Community trade relations. Speech given by Herman da Fonseca-Wollheim [member of Delegation, Washington, DC] to presidential exchange executives at Wharton School of Business. Philadelphia, 11 December 1981. [EU Speech]
Hill, Mr. (1981) United States-European co-operation in advanced technology. Assembly of Western European Union Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Session (Second Part) Document 889, 29th October 1981. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) United States. Memo 137/84. 13 December 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Schlingemann, Mr. (1979) Various aspects of co-operation between Europe and the United States. Assembly of Western European Union Twenty-Fifth Ordinary Session (First Part) Document 803, 21st May 1979. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) Vice President Christophersen to visit Washington and Boston. European Community News No. 35/92, 15 September 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Vice President Soames/Under Secretary Casey to give joint press conference. European Community Press Release No. 39, 30 October 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Visit of Vice-President Wilhelm Haferkamp. European Community News Release (Ottawa), NR (81) 16, 24 June 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Finsberg, Lord (1995) WEU in the Atlantic Alliance. Assembly of Western European Union Forty-First Ordinary Session (First Part) Document 1487, 6th November 1995. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) WORLD FOOD COUNCIL CONFERENCE IN OTTAWA. 3-7 September 1979. European Community News Release NR(79) 31, 10 September 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) What does Europe think about George W. Bush? Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 404, March 2001. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1991) What's blue and gold and flies all over? EC hot air balloon kicks off Ball State University's Europe Year. European Community News No. 25/91, 16 September 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Where are US/EC relations headed: the EC view? Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the World Wheat Symposium. Portland, 5 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Steger , Ulrich (1982) Where are we drifting apart? A Re-examination of US-European Relations from an Economic Point of View. Speech by Dr. Ulrich Steger, Deputy-Chairman of the SPD-Parliamentarian Working Council for Economic Affairs. April 1982. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Wilhelm Haferkamp, Common Market Vice-President, to visit Washington, Alaska. European Community Press Release No. 25, 2 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Spaak, Fernand. (1976) The achievements and problems of the European Community. Speech by Fernand Spaak. Chicago, 30 September 1976. [EU Speech]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 1. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 2. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 3. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 4. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Calissano, Felice and Filippi, Federico and Jarre, Gianni and Forte, Francesco (1971) The aeronautical and space industries of the Community compared with those of the United Kingdom and the United States. General report Volume 5. Studies: Industry Series 4, 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Kjeldsen, H.O.A. (1984) The agricultural policy in the European Community and current US/EC agricultural trade issues, by Mr. H.O.A. Kjeldsen, President of the Agricultural Council of Denmark and of the Danish Farmers' Union, US Speaking Tour, 8-16 November 1984. [EU Speech]
Bustrup, Klaus. (1983) The agricultural policy in the European Community. Speech by Klaus Bustrup, Vice President, the Agricultural Council of Denmark. US speaking tour, 20-31 March 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) The bicentennial. European Community No. 195, June-July 1976. [EU Other]
Marjolin, Robert. (1958) The broader view: ECM and world trade. Speech by Robert Marjolin, Vice-President, Commission of the European Economic Community, to the American Management Association. 5 February 1958. [EU Speech]
Hinnekens, J. (1983) The common agricultural policy (CAP) of the European Community and the US-EC relations. Speech by J. Hinnekens, President, Committee of Agricultural Organisations of the European Community (COPA) and the Belgian Farmer's Union. US Speaking Tour, 19 - 30 October 1983. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston E. (1982) The common interests of Europe and the United States greatly outweigh the points which currently divide us. President Gaston E. Thorn speaking to the Women's Economic Round Table. New York, 29 September 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) The deeper meaning of 'Atlantic Partnership'. European Community No. 133, April 1970. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1992) The development of EC/US cooperation in the field of education and training. SEC (92) 1023 final, 27 May 1992. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) The effects of changes in the CAP on US agricultural trade. Speech by Derwent Renshaw, Delegation of the Commission of European Communities, at the 1984 Agricultural Outlook Conference. Washington DC, 31 October-3 November 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The enlarged Community in figures. Information [Statistics] 14/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) The enlarged Community in figures. Information [Statistics] 39/73. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Denman, Roy. (1983) A fair deal for free trade. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head, Delegation of the European Commission, Washington DC, at the Economic Club of Detroit. Detroit, 5 December, 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) A frank look at US-European Community relations in the field of agricultural trade. European Community Press Release No. 15/1976, 20 August 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) The green issue. Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 403, February 2001. [EU Other]
Fontaine, Francoise. (1964) The impossible schism [on EU-US relations]. Speech by Francoise Fontaine. May 1964. [EU Speech]
Lenihan, Niall (1998) The legal implications of the European monetary union under the U.S. and New York law. Economic Papers No. 126, January 1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) The monetary and commercial relations between the Community and the United-States: facts and figures. Information Memo P-36/71, October 1971. Includes French text. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso. (1981) The monetary relations between USA and Europe: European views on problems of interdependence in a multipolar world. Extracts from the report presented by Mr. Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Commission of the European Communities, at the Colloquium of Bruges: European monetary system and international monetary reform. Bruges, 5 June 1981. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) The new transatlantic marketplace. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. COM (98) 125 final, 11 March 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Denman, Roy. (1984) The outlook for trade relations between the European Community and the United States. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the National Foreign Trade Council, Inc. New York, 15 October 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) The repercussions of the terrorist attacks in the United States on the air transport industry. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. COM (2001) 574 final, 10 October 2001. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) A review of economic and trade relations between the United States and the Community. European Community Press Release, 26 February 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) A review of economic and trade relations between the United States and the Community. Information Memo P-8/70, February 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]