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UNSPECIFIED (1950) This guide contains the names of four complementary publications on the general topic of economic situation and business surveys which follow the same themes. Descriptions of titles are in Abstract, links to them are in Related URLs [click on View Item to get page with URLs]. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "ECONOMIC AND FINANCE: Economic and Social Situation in the Community" and contains the following individual annual reports: ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic Situation in the Community-Reports to the European Council [1981-85][16] ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic Situation/Report in the Community [1958-60,1969-71,1974-75,1977,1980-82,1984][19]; ) ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic and Social Situation in the Community-Reports to the European Council [1980-1985][16]. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:EMU:Convergence" and contains the following individual annual reports: Compendium of Monetary Tests 1974,1979,1986,1989,1994][6]; Convergence and Budgetary Questions [1979-80,1982][5]; Convergence Report [1975-76, 1978,1993,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006-08,2010, 2012-14][33]; Public Finances in EMU [200012][25]. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:European Economy" and contains the following individual periodical series: Annual Economic Report [1978,1983,1985-86,1988-91,1993][12]; Annual Economic Review [1980-87][8]; Borrowing and Lending Activities [1980-87][8]; European Economy Supplement A. Recent Economic Trends [1979-97 except 1979.1][237]; Labour market and wage development [2005-09][6]; European Economy Supplement B. Economic Prospects-Business Survey Results [1979-97][198]; European Economy Supplement C. Economic Prospects-Consumer Survey Results [1979-84][18]; Ageing Report [2012][1]; Convergence Reports [1998,2004.2006-08,2010,2012][8]; Monitoring tax revenues and tax reforms [2009-10][2]; Pre-accession Economic Programmes of Candidate Countries [2005-07,2010][6]; Public Finance in EMU [2012][1]; Quarterly Report on Euro Area [2012][1]; plus over a dozen special issues. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "EUROSTAT:THEME 2:ECONOMY AND FINANCE:Balance of Payments" and contains the following individual annual reports: Balance of Payments Geographical Region [1975-2000][17]; Balance of Payments Quarterly [vols 1980-88 except 1986.3; 1994-1998][47]; Balance of Payments Yearbook [1969-74][5]; Balance of Payments of Community Institutions [1993-2001][10]; Balance of Payments of Individual Member States [1976-88][11]. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1953) Consumers' purchasing power parities in the Community. First comparison of the real incomes of miners and steelworkers in the Community in 1953. Statistical information (ECSC) No. 5, special issue, August-September 1955. [EU Other]

de Menthon , M. F. (1953) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Investissements, des Questions Financières et du Développement de la Production sur le Chapitre VI, traitant des Investissements et leur financement, du Rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (1952-1953). Assembleé Commune Session ordinaire 1953, document n° 7. = Report on behalf of the Committee on Investments, Financial Questions and Production Development on Chapter VI of the General Report on the Activities of the Community (1952-1953), dealing with investment and financing. Common Assembly Regular Session 1953, Document No. 7. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1953) Taux d'equivalence de pouvoir d'achat a la consommation dans les pays de la Communaute. Premiere comparaison du revenu reel des travailleurs des industries charbonniere et siderurgique de la Communaute en 1953. Information statiques (CECA) = Consumers' purchasing power parities in the Community. First comparison of the real incomes of miners and steelworkers in the Community in 1953. Statistical information (ECSC) No. 5, special issue, August-September 1955. [EU Other]


de Menthon, F. (1954) Note introductive au Rapport de la Commission des Investissements, des Questions financières et du Développement de la production sur la politique générale en matière d'investissements que la Haute Autorité se propose de suivre. 6 janvier 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 4 = Introductory Note to the Report of the Committee of Investment, Financial Affairs and the general policy on investment that the High Authority proposes to follow. 6 January 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 4. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Menthon, F. (1954) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Investisessements, des Questions Financières et du Développement de la Production sur le 4 du chapitre III et sur le chapitre IV du deuxième rapport général sur l'activité de la communauté (13 avril 1953-11 avril 1954). Session ordinaire de 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 15 = Report on behalf of the Investment Committee, Financial Questions and Production Development on section 4 of Chapter III and Chapter IV of the Second General Report on Community activity (13 April 1953-11 April 1954). Regular Session of 1954. 1953-1954 Document No. 15. [EU European Parliament Document]


van Naters, van der Goes (1955) Le développement de l'intégration économique de l'Europe. Première section: Analyse des documents = The development of the economic integration of Europe. First section: analysis of documents. July 1955. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Menthon , M. F. (1955) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des investissements, des questions financiéres et du dévelopment de la production sur les problémes soulevés par la répartition du montant du pret américain de cent millions de dollars, et sur d'autres questions relevant de la compétence de la Commission. Exercise 1954-1955 Session ordinaire = Report on behalf of the Committee on Investment, on financial questions and on the distribution of the US loan of one hundred million dollars, and on other matters within the competence of the Commission. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session, Document No 10, 1954-1955, February 1955. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1956) Community's $100-million on Guarantee Fund High Authority's First Financial Report. 18 May 1956. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

de Menthon, F. (1956) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des investissements, des questions financières et du développment de la production sur la politique financiere et d'investissement de la Communauté (Chapitre VI, 2-3 et annexe financiere du Quatrieme Rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute, 11 avril 1955-8 avril 1956. Exercise 1955-1956 session ordinaire (Deuxieme partie) = Report on behalf of the Committee on Investments, on financial issues and development of the Community's financial and investment policy. Chapter VI, sections 2 and 3 and financial annex of the Fourth General Report on the Activities of the Community, 11 April 1955-8 April 1956). Common Assembly: ordinary session (Second part) Document No 21 1955-1956, June 1956. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1957) Informations statistiques. Numero Special. Taux d'equivalence de pouvoir d'achat a la consommation dans les pays de la Communaute en 1954. Information statiques (CECA) = Statistical Information. Consumers' purchasing power parities in the Community in 1954. Statistical information (ECSC) No. 4, July-August 1957. [EU Other]

de Menthon, F. (1957) Rapport Complémentaire fait au nom de la Commission des investissements, des questions financières et du développement de la production sur les objectifs généraux, Exercice 1956-1957, Deuxieme Session Extraordinaire, Document No. 19, Février 1957. = Complementary Report on behalf of the Committe for Investments, about questions on finances and production development concerning the general objectives. Common Assembly, 1956-1957 Fiscal Year, Second Extraordinary Session, Document No. 19, February 1957. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Menthon, François (1957) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Investissements, des questions financières et du development de la production sur les objectifs généraux, Exercice 1956-1957, Seconde Session Extraordinaire, Document No. 12, Février 1957. = Report on behalf of the Committee for Investments, and questions concerning financial issues and production development regarding the general objectives, Fiscal Year 1956-1957, Second Extraordinary Session, Document No. 12, February 1957. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1959) Informations statistiques (CECA) = Statistical Information (ECSC) No. 5, September-October 1959. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1960) Community's economy still booming. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 43, December 1960. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1960) Economic planning in the Common Market. European Community Information Service (Background Information), 1 April 1960. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Geiger, Heinrich (1960) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de la politique économique à long terme, des questions financières et des investissements sur certains problèmes de structure en relation avec l’élaboration de la politique économique commune dans la Communauté des Six. 1960-1961. Doc no. 25 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Long-term Economic Policy, Financial Questions and Investments on certain structural problems in connection with the elaboration of the common economic policy in the Community of the Six. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1960-1961. Doc 25, May 1960. [EU European Parliament Document]

Deist, Heinrich (1960) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de la politique économique à long terme, des questions financières et des investissements sur les problèmes posés par une politique de conjoncture commune dans la Communauté économique européenne. 1960-1961. Doc no. 23 =Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Long-term Economic Policy, Financial Matters and Investments on the problems of a common economic policy in the European Economic Community. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1960-1961. Doc 23, May 1960. [EU European Parliament Document]

Armengaud, A. (1960) Rapport intérimaire fait au nom de la commission de la politique économique à long terme, des questions financières et des investissements sur la création, auprès des exécutifs de la C.E.C.A., de la C.E.E. et de l’Euratom, d’un groupe de travail chargé de rsaaembler les données permettant de promouvoir une politique économique communautaire et harmonieuse à long terme.. 1960-1961. Doc no. 27 = Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Long-Term Economic Policy, Financial Matters and Investments on the establishment of a working group of the ECSC, ECE and Euratom The data needed to promote a harmonious and long-term Community economic policy. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1960-1961. Doc 27, May 1960. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1960) Statistical Information. Methods of forecasting long-term economic growth. 1960.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1961) ECSC Porte-parole information rapide. Un rapport sur les méthodes de prévision du développement économique à long terme = ECSC Spokesman Service Rapid Information. A report on methods of forecasting long-term economic development. 9/61. July 17, 1961. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) European Community GNP climbs 7 per cent in 1960. European Community Information Service, 23 January 1961. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Speech by Robert Marjolin, Vice President of the Commission, before European Parliament on economic expansion of the Community in 1960, Strasbourg. European Community Information Service, 31 January 1961. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1962) Avis du Comite de politique conjoncturelle sur l'orientation de la politique salariale dans le cadre de la politique conjoncutrelle = Opinion of the Economic Policy Committee on the direction of wage policy in the framework of economic policy. 11.113/II/72, 18 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Common Market gross product up five per cent in 1961. European Community Information Service, 22 January 1962. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) EEC Commission predicts continued economic growth in 1962. European Community Information Service, 26 April 1962. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

von der Groeben, Hans. (1962) La Communaute economique europeenne et notre regime economique et social. Discours de M. Hans von der Groeben, membre de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne. Munich, 29 novembre 1962 = The European Economic Community and its economic and social programs. Speech by Mr. Hans von der Groeben, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Munich, 29 November 1962. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Memorandum de la Commission relatif a la mise au point des instruments de politique conjoncturelle en vue de la lutte contre une recession eventuelle ou un affaiblissement caracterise de l'expansion economique - Memorandum of the Commission on the instruments of short-term economic policy for fighting a possible recession or weaking of economic growth. COM (62) 276 final, 28 November 1962. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Rapport du comité fiscal et financier = Report of the Fiscal and Finance Committee. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) Summary of M. Marjolin's [Vice-President of the European Commission] closing address in the colloquy on "European [economic] Planning". Rome, 30 November-2 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Malvestiti, Piero. (1962) Towards an economic programme for Europe. Address by Piero Malvestiti, President of the High Authority, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 20 November 1962. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1963) Certain Community commitments fall due on 1 July 1963. Information Memo P-21/63, June 1963. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Common Market expects moderate economic growth to continue through 1963. European Community Information Service, 18 April 1963. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) EEC Council considers poultry question. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 65, September 1963. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community No. 2, February 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Medium-term economic policy for the Community. Recommendation by the Commission to the Council. COM (63) 271 final, 25 July 1963. Supplement to the Bulletin of the European Economic Community No. 8, 1963. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 11, November 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 12, December 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 7, July 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 8, August 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 9/10, September/October 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Hallstein, Walter. (1964) Declarations faites par le President Hallstein devant le Presseclub. Bonn, 29 juin 1964 = Statements by President Hallstein before the Press Club. Bonn, 29 June 1964. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) ECSC Spokesman Service Rapid Information. High Authority Activities in Investment Finance. 9/64. June 29, 1964. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Information Memo. Commission...submitted to the Council...a series of proposals for the unification of commercial policy. P-18/64, March 1964. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Marjolin, Robert. (1964) The economic situation in the Community in 1964. Summary of a speech by M. Marjolin, Vice-President of the EEC Commission, at a luncheon debate of the "Cercle de l'opinion en 24 heures". Paris, 29 May 1964. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 11, November 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 12, December 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 7, July 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 8, August 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 9/10, September/October 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) EEC's Medium-term Economic Policy Committee completes fourth working session. Information Memo P-33/65, 9 April 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Extract from the statement on certain monetary matters made by M. Robert Marjolin Vice President of the Commission of the European Economic Community to the European Parliament. Commission Press Release IP (65) 54, 23 March 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) NOMENCLATURE DU COMMERCE 1965 - N. C. E. = Nomenclature of Commerce 1965 - N.C.E. [EU Commission - Working Document]

van Campen, Ph. C. M. (1965) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique et financiere sur l'expose du 19 janvier 1965 de la Commission de la C.E.E. relatif a la situation economique de la Communaute economique europeenne. Documents de seance 1965-1966, Document 5, 17 Mars 1965. = "Report on behalf of the Economic and Financial Committee meeting on the statement of January 1965 the EEC relating to the economic situation of the European Economic Community. Working Documents 1965-1966, Document 5, 17 March 1965". [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Social policy and medium-term economic policy. Commission Press Release IP (65) 109, 10 June 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Hallstein, Walter. (1965) Some comments on the subject of politics and economics. A broadcast by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the European Economic Community, given in the series entitled Begegnungen Im Bayerischen Rundfunk. Munich, 5 November 1965. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Study of revenue and expenditure of public authorities in the EEC countries. Information Memo P-27/65, March 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Erhard, Ludwig. (1965) Un nouvel objectif social: la societe faconnee. Discours par chancellor federal Ludwig Erhard au congres du Parti chretien-democrate. Dusseldorf, 31 mars 1965=A new social objective: the managed society. Speech by Federal Chancellor [West Germany] Ludwig Erhard to the congress of the Christian-Democratic Party. Dusseldorf, 31 March 1965. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Vocational training and medium-term economic policy. Commission Press Release IP (65) 53, 20 March 1965. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1966) Avant-projet de premier programme de politique economique a moyen terme (1966-1970) = Draft first medium term economic policy program (1966-1970). 787/II/1966-F final, 25 March 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Avant-projet de premier programme de politique economique a moyen terme (1966-1970). Annexes = Draft first medium term economic policy program (1966-1970). Annexes. 788/II/1966-F final, 25 March 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Community energy needs to double by 1980. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 93, June 1966. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Draft of the first medium-term economic policy programme (1966 to 1970). Information Memo P-23/66, May 1966. Includes French text. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Segre, Claudio. (1966) Looking Ahead to 1970: The Prospects for the European Economic Community. Speech by Claudio Segre, Director of Studies, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. 1966. [EU Speech]

von der Groeben, Hans. (1966) M. Hans von der Groeben, Member of the EEC Commission, addresses the International Forum on EEC cartel law. Brussels, 3 March 1966. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) New group of experts on medium-term economic programme convened. Commission Press Release IP (66) 146, 25 November 1966. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Perspetives de developpement economique dans la CEE jusqu'en 1970. Rapport = Prospects for economic development in the EEC until 1970. COM (66) 170 final/annexes A & B, April 1966. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Perspetives de developpement economique dans la CEE jusqu'en 1970. Rapport = Prospects for economic development in the EEC until 1970. COM (66) 170 final/annexes, April 1966. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Preliminary draft of the first medium-term economic policy programme 1966-1970. 787/II/1966-E final. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Projet de programme de politique economique a moyen terme (1966-1970) = Draft medium term economic policy program (1966-1970). COM (66) 170 final, 29 April 1966. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Kriedemann, Herbert (1966) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique et financiere sur l'expose de la Commission de la C.E.E. sur la situation economique de la Communaute au cours de l'annee 1965 ct sur les perspectives pour l'annee 1966. Documents de Seance 1966-1967, Document 17, 8 Mars 1966. = "Report on behalf of the Economic and Financial Commission exposes the EEC Commission on the economic situation of the Community during the years 1965 on the prospects for the year 1966. Working Documents 1966-1967, Document 17, March 8, 1966". [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1967) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 11-1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 12-1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 7-1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 8-1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Bulletin of the European Economic Community. No. 9/10-1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) First programme of medium-term economic policy adopted. IP(67) 16, 8 February 1967. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


Barre, Raymond. (1968) Allocution prononcee par M. Raymond Barre, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes, a l'occasion du Congres du Centre europeen de l'entreprise publique. Paris, 26 avril 1968=Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission, to the congress of the European Center for Public Enterprise. Paris, 26 April 1968. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) The Community in Figures. Information Memo P-4/68, January 1968. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Draft of second medium-term economic policy programme submitted by the Commission to the Council. Extract from the Bulletin of the European Communities No. 4, 1968. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Draft of second medium-term economic policy programme submitted. Information Memo P-22/68, March 1968. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Projet de second programme de politique economique a moyen terme = Draft second medium term economic policy program. COM (68) 148 final, 20 March 1968. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Projet de second programme de politique economique a moyen terme. Annexes = Draft second medium term economic policy program. Annexes. COM (68) 148 final/ annexes, 20 March 1968. [EU Commission - COM Document]


Dichgans, Haas (1969) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique sur l'etablissement d'un marche europeen des capitaux. Documents de seance 1969-1970, Document 108, 26 septembre 1969. = "Report on behalf of the Economic Committee on the establishment of a European capital market. Working Documents 1969-1970, Document 108, 26 September 1969". [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur la situation économique de la Communauté en 1968 et les perspectives pour 1969. Documents de séance 1968-1969, document 229, 11 mars 1969. = Report on behalf of the Economic Committee on the economic situation in the Community in 1968 and outlook for 1969. Session Documents 1968-1969, Document 229, 11 March 1969. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Sir John Coulson, K.C.M.G., Secretary-General of the European Free Trade Association addressing a Luncheon in Chicago sponsored by the Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry and the State of Illinois on December 4th 1969. THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN EUROPE. [EU Related]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Summary Analysis of a Memorandum by the Commission of the European Economic Community on Problems Involved in the Creation of the European Economic Association. March 19, 1959. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1970) Common Market Commission finds business booming but fears inflation in 1970. European Community Press Release, 24 April 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Common Market announces publication of National Accounts Yearbook: 1958-1968. European Community Press Release, 15 April 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Common Market economic survey shows slight growth rate decline. European Community Press Release, 18 December 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Barre, Raymond. (1970) Declaration de Monsieur Raymond Barre, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes devant "Le Cercle de l'opinion" a l'occasion du dejeuner-debat sur "L'Europe monetaire". Paris, 16 octobre 1970 = Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the "Opinion Circle" at a lunch-debate on monetary Europe. Paris, 16 October 1970. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) The European Community borrows 50 million EMU's. European Community Press Release, 15 December 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) European Community. Economic facts in figures 1955-1970. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) First part of Common Market "reserves pool" now operating. European Community Press Release, 10 February 1970. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities. Ν. A. C. E. 1970. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Malfatti, Franco Maria. (1970) Message du President Malfatti aux Etats generaux du Conseil des Communes d'europe. Londres, 16 juillet 1970 = Summary of a speech of President [of Commission] Malfatti to the Estates-General of the Council of European Communes. London, 16 July 1970. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Projet de troisieme programme de politique economique a moyen terme = Draft third medium term economic policy program. COM (70) 1200 final, 21 October 1970. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Malfatti, Franco Maria. (1970) Statement to the European Parliament by Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission. Strasbourg, 15 September 1970. Includes French version and English summary. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco Maria. (1970) Summary of an address [on progress toward European integration] by Mr. Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 15 September 1970. [EU Speech]

Westphal, Horst (1970) The effects of national price controls in the European Economic Community. Studies: Competition - Approximation of Legislation 9, 1970. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1971) Colloque sur les methodes d'elaboration des budgets economiques a l'interieur de la Communaute = Symposium on methods of developing economic budgets within the Community. Rome, October 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Common Market defends dollar devaluation proposal. European Community Press Release, 24 September 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) European economies 1919-1939. Public enterprises in Britain and the European Community. Brittany. The urban phenomenon in Europe (II). European Studies Teachers' Series 12. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) INFORMATIONS SUPPLEMENTAIRES AU SUJET DE CERTAINS PROBLEMES DE LA C.E.C.A. SEC (71) 3054 final, le 14 septembre 1971 = ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF C.E.C.A. SEC (71) 3054 final, 14 September 1971. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

Fels, G. (1971) L'interdependance internationale des prix. Resume du livre de Monsieur G.Fels = International price interdependance. Summary of a book by Mr. G. Fels. II/453/71-F, 26 July 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Perspectives pour 1975. Evolution globale et problemes de politique economique dans la Communaute. IIere partie: projections des pays membres = Outlook for 1975. General trends and problems of economic policy in the Community. Part II: projections by Member States. 20791/II/1970, March 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Perspectives pour 1975. Evolution globale et problemes de politique economique dans la Communaute. Iere partie: perspectives et problems au niveau Communautaire = Outlook for 1975. General trends and problems of economic policy in the Community. Part I: perspectives and problems at the Community level. 20791/II/1970, March 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Premier programme de politique economique a moyen terme 1966-1970. Serie: Politique economique a moyen terme, fascicule 1 = First medium-term economic policy 1966-1970. Series: Medium term economic policy, volume 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lange, Erwin (1971) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique sur la situation actuelle dans la Communaute economique europeenne. Documents de seance 1971-1972, Document 45/71, 17 mai 1971. = "Report on behalf of the Economic Committee on the current situation in the European Economic Community. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 45/71, 17 May 1971". [EU European Parliament Document]

Oele, Adriann (1971) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique sur la situation economique de la Communaute en 1970 et les perspectives pour 1971. Documents de seance 1971-1972, Document 14/71, 19 avril 1971. = "Report on behalf of the Economic Committee on the economic situation in the Community in 1970 and outlook for 1971. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 14/71, 19 April 1971". [EU European Parliament Document]

Armengaud, André (1971) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautes europeennes au Conseil (doc. 106/70) relatives a: I. une directive concernant la realisation de la liberte d'etablissement et de la libre prestation des services pour les activites non salariees du domaine financier, economique et comptable; II. une directive fixant les modalites des mesures transitoires pour certaines activites du domaine financier, economique et comptable; III. une recommandation concernant le grand-duche de Luxembourg. Documents de seance 1971-1972, Document 30/71, 19 avril 1971. = "Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposals of the European Communities Commission to the Council (Doc. 106/70) relating to: I. a Directive on the attainment of freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services to non-wage workers activities of financial, economic and accounting; II. a Directive laying down the modalities for transitional measures for certain activities in the financial, economic and accounting; III. a recommendation concerning the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 30/71, 19 April 1971". [EU European Parliament Document]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1971) Resume de la conference fait par M. Alteiro Spinelli, membre de la Commission des Communautes Europeenes, lors du premier "Symposium europeen de gestion des affaires". Davos, 5 fevrier 1971 = Summary of the presentation by Mr Alteiro Spinelli, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the first "European Symposium on Business Management". Davos, 5 February 1971. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Second programme de politique economique a moyen terme = Second medium term economic policy. Series: Medium term economic policy volume 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Third medium-term economic policy programme. II/38/71-E, 9 February 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market embarks on anti-inflation program. European Community Press Release No. 46, 1 November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market head opposes "unbridled growth" of rich countries. European Community Press Release, 8 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'interpendance international des prix. Son incidence en France et en Italie. Recapitulation des resultats. International price interdependence. Its impact in France and Italy. Summary of results. II/337/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le Royaume de Norvege. Situation economique and politique regionale = The Kingdom of Norway. Economic situation and regional policy. [EU Other]

Fels, G. and Schatz, K.-W. and Wolter, F. (1972) Le degre d'interdependance internationale des prix en France et en Italie = The degree of international interdependence affecting prices in France and in Italy. II/367/1/72-F, May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Heger, Charles (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 119/72) concernant un règlement relatif à certaines mesures à prendre dans le secteur agricole suite à l'évolution de la situation monétaire. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 125/72. 20 septembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (119/72) for a Regulation on certain measures to be taken in the agricultural sector following developments in the monetary situation. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 125/72. September 20, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Heger, Charles Emile (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 46/72) concernant un règlement relatif à certaines mesures à prendre dans le secteur agricole suite à l'évolution de la situation monétaire. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 69/72. 14 juin 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc 46/72) for a regulation on certain measures to be taken in the agricultural sector following developments in the situation monetary. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 69/72. June 14, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Koch, Gerhard (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 120/72) concernant le rapport annuel sur la situation économique de la Communauté (parties relatives aux politiques budgétaires des Etats membres). Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 121/72. 27 septembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (120/72) concerning the annual report on the economic situation of the Community (parts relating to the budgetary policies of the Member States ). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 121/72. September 27, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lohr, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 120/72) concernant le rapport annuel sur la situation économique de la Communauté. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 135/72. 4 octobre 1972 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Economic Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (120/72) for the annual report on the economic situation of the Community. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 135/72. October 4, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lohr, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur la situation économique de la Communauté au début de 1972. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 255/71. 8 février 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Economic Committee on the economic situation of the Community at the beginning of 1972. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 255/71. February 8, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

October 1972

Lohr, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 120/72) concernant le rapport annuel sur la situation économique de la Communauté. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 135/72. 4 octobre 1972 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Economic Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (120/72) for the annual report on the economic situation of the Community. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 135/72. October 4, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Burgbacher, Friedrich (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and Atomic Problems on means of securing adequate energy supplies to satisfy the Community's requirements and guarantee, promote and further improve the Community's competitivity on the world market as a prerequisite for economic growth, full employment and a forward-looking social policy. EP Working Documents 1972-1973. Document 141/72. 10 October 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

November 1972

UNSPECIFIED (1972) PROPOSITION DE RESOLUTION présentée par M. BERKHOUWER, au nom du groupe des libéraux et apparentés, avec demande de discussion d'urgence, conformément à l'article 14, paragraphe 1 du règlement sur l'attitude du Conseil en matière de lutte contre l'inflation. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 201/72. 15 novembre 1972 = MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION presented by Mr BERKHOUWER, on behalf of the Liberal and Allies Group, with a request for urgent discussion, in accordance with Article 14 (1) of the rules on the Council's attitude towards the fight against inflation. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 201/72. November 15, 197. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1973) EC battles inflation. European Community Background Information No. 28, 11 December 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1973) Indicators of price and cost competitiveness. Note for the attention of the Monetary Committee. II/179/4/92, 24 February 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1973) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1973. 1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bousch, J.-E (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 47/73, 8 May 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bousch, J.-E (1973) Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc.182/73)concerning the annual report on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 191/73, 15 October 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lohr, W (1973) Report on behalf of the Economic Affairs Committee on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1972-1973 295/72, 13 February 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1973) Structural Indicators' System. Medium-term Economic Policy Committee. II/166/73, 4 September 1973. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1974) Advertising in the common market. Summary of a speech delivered by Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice-President of the European Commission, at the Advertising Congress. Hamburg, 19 November 1974. [EU Speech]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1974) The European Community and the changes in the world economic structure. Summary of a speech by Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice-President of the Commission, delivered to the meeting of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Berlin, 11 October 1974. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Guidelines in respect of the unit of account. COM (74) 2105 final/2, 13 December 1974. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Soames, Christopher. (1974) Interview [on economic/financial problems, international relations, UKs concerns with Community] with Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission. 6 December 1974. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Inventory of the Community's economic and financial situation since enlargement and survey of future developments. Communication presented to the Council by the Commission on 27 October 1974. COM (74) 1800 final, 25 October 1974. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 7/74. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Investment in the Community in 1973 and its financing. [EU Other]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1974) La communaute europeenne: existe-t-il des alternatives? Conference presentee par M. le Vice-President Wilhelm Haferkamp a la Freiherr vom Stein-Gesellschaft. Godesberg, 4 decembre 1974 = The European Community: are there alternatives? Lecture by Vice-President [of Commission] Wilhelm Haferkamp at the Freiherr vom Stein-Gesellschaft. Godesberg, 4 December 1974. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION Submitted by Mr J.E. BOUSCH on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs with request for consideration by urgent procedure, pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 129/74, 10 June 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1974) Ortoli calls for rapid joint economic action in the European Community. European Community Background Information No. 15, 24 September 1974. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1974) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1972-1974. 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bousch, Jean Eric (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 407/73, 11 March 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bousch, Jean-Eric (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 105/74, 15 May 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bousch, Jean-Eric (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 280/74) concerning the annual report on the economic situation in the Community. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 286/74, 9 October 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

Thomson, George. (1974) Second annual Denton address [on Britain's membership in the Community, the oil crisis and energy policy] by the Rt. Hon. George Thomson, Member of Commission for regional policy. Hull, 29 November 1974. [EU Speech]

Soames, Christopher. (1974) Sir Christopher Soames' [Vice-President of the Commission] speech [on trade and monetary matters] at the OECD Ministerial meeting. Paris, 29 May 1974. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1975) 332nd Meeting of the Council (Economics/Finance). Council Press Release 203/75 (Presse 24), Brussels, 17 February 1975. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) 335th Meeting of the Council (Economics/Finance). Council Press Release 387/75 (Presse 36), Brussels, 18 March 1975. [EU Council of the EU Document]

Cheysson, Claude (1975) Address delivered By Mr. Claude Cheysson, Member of the Commission of the European Communities to the Second International Seminar of Economic Journalists. New Delhi, 24 January 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Establishment of a European Community Institute for Economic Analysis and Research. COM (75) 450 final, 17 September 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Thomson, George. (1975) Extract from a speech [on the economic situation and the Regional Fund] by Mr. George Thomson, Member of the Commission for Regional Affairs, to the Financial Times Conference. Dublin, 24 July 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Finance and investments. The use of the American loan. High Authority lends $75 million. 1800/55 e. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Interim report of the study group on the problems of inflation. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr P. Brugger pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on the Community of stability and growth. Working Documents 1975-1976, Document 381/75, 18 November 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Oral Question (0-75/74) with debate, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Glinne, Mr Dondelinger, Mr Cifarelli, Mr Broeksz, Mr Seefeld and Mr Leenhardt on behalf of the Socialist Group to the Commission of the European Communities. Subject: The deplorable failure of the Community to adopt a common position at the UN vote on the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. EP Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 444/74, 20 January 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION approving an amendment to the Statutes of the Joint Undertaking known as the Société Belgo-Française d'Energie Nucléaire Mosane "SEMO". COM (75) 247 final, 5 June 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Immenga, Ulrich (1975) Participation by banks in other branches of the economy. Studies: Competition - Approximation of Legislation Series 25, 1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Spinelli, Altiero (1975) Rapport politique presente par A. Spinelli au Congres de l'Union des Federalistes Europeens. Bruxelles, le 18 Avril 1975 = Political report presented by A. Spinelli to the Congress of the Union of European Federalists. Brussels, 18 April 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1975. 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Artzinger, H.K. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 334/75) concerning the annual report on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Documents, document 362/75, 12 November 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 218/75) for a decision on a change in the timetable for the preparation of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community. Working Documents 1975-1976, Documents 242/75, 22 September 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 518/74, 10 March 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lange, Erwin (1975) Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 428/74) for a regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 907/73 of 3 April 1973 establishing a European Monetary Cooperation Fund. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 489/74, 7 February 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

Thomson, George (1975) The Rt. Hon. George Thomson: address to the Young European Left Conference. 18 April 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) Structural indicators system. Information Memo P-75/75, November 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1975) Summary of the introductory address [on economic and social policy] by Vice-President [of Commission] Wilhelm Haferkamp, Conference of Ministers for Economic Affairs, Ministers for Labour, the Commission, and the two sides of industry. Brussels, 18 November 1975. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1975) System of Structural Indicators. II/510/75, June 1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1976) $150 million issue of the ECSC on the American capital market. European Community Press Release No. 22/1976, 11 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Background note on the Tripartite Conference. Information Memo P-42/76, June 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Communication from the Commission to the Council concerning the adjustment of the economic policy guidelines for 1976, and proposal for a Council Decision. COM (76) 82 final, 3 March 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Spaak, Fernand. (1976) Europe: the challenges and opportunities. Speech by Fernand Spaak, Head of Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Governor's Conference on Export Promotion. Des Moines, Iowa, 20 May 1976. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Fourth medium-term economic policy programme (Draft). COM (76) 530 final, 8 October 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Fourth medium-term economic policy programme 1976-80. Information [Economy and Finance] 136/76. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1976) Industrial democracy within the EEC. Speech by Finn Olav Gundelach, Member of the Commission, at the Industrial Society Conference. London, 19 May 1976. [EU Speech]

Ortoli, Francois-Xavier. (1976) L'intervention du President a la conference de presse. Bruxelles, 16 decembre 1976 = Response [on the current state of the Community] by the President [Francois-Xavier Ortoli, of Commission] at a press conference. Brussels, 16 December 1976. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Le CONSEIL EUROPEEN a rendu public a 15h,30 a l'occasion d'une conference de presse conjointe de M. Den Uyl et de M. Ortoli, les textes ci-joints. GROUPE DU PORTE-PAROLE, 30 novembre 1976 = The EUROPEAN COUNCIL made public at 3:30 pm on the occasion of a joint press conference of Mr Den Uyl and Mr Ortoli, the attached texts [on economic situation in the Community]. SPOKESPERSON GROUP, 30 November 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Sibille, Paul (1976) Les consequences de l'inflation dans le domaine fiscal et les mesures a envisager pour remedier a ces consequences = Implications of inflation in the tax field and measures considered to remedy the consequences. XV/154/77, May 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Medium-term economic policy programme 1976-80. Information [Economic and Financial] 135/76. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) ORAL QUESTION (0-57/75) with debate, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure, by Mr LEENHARDT, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Medium-term economic policy. EP Working Documents 1975-76, document 461/75, 9 January 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1976. 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Artzinger, H.K. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 393/76) concerning a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down the economic policy guidelines for 1977. EP Working Documents, document 405/76, 15 November 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Report of the Study Group "Problems of inflation." Annexes. II/294/75, March 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Report of the Study Group "Problems of inflation." II/198/76, 3 March 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ortoli, F.X. (1976) Speech by F.X. Ortoli, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Second Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation. London, 22 April 1976. [EU Speech]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1976) Statement by Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice President of the European Communities, at the Tripartite Conference. Luxembourg, 24 June 1976. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Statistical programme of the European Communities 1977-1979 (presented to Council by the Commission). COM (76) 110 final, 28 July 1976. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) Summary of a speech by Mr. Pierre Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in charge of agriculture, delivered at a luncheon of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists in London on October 19, 1976. European Communities Commission Press Release ISEC/85/76, 19 October 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1976) The fourth medium-term economic policy programme. Information Memo P-61/76, July 1976. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1977) 3rd Tripartite Conference: Stock-taking and prospects. European Community Press Release No. 13/1977, 20 June 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) A Blueprint for Europe. Report of the study group on the new characteristics of socio-economic development. II/570/7/76, December 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Economic outlook 1980. Information Memo P-103/77, November 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) European Council: Cooperation necessary to fight economic malaise. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 18/1977, 1 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) General Statistics. Monthly Statistics. 1977, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Growth, stability and employment: stocktaking and prospects. Commission discussion paper for the Tripartite Conference in Luxembourg on 27 June 1977. Information Memo P-46/77, May 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Bornard, Jean (1977) How regional development helps to solve unemployment and inflation. Opinion. [EU Economic and Social Committee]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Inflation and Exchange Rates: Evidence and Policy Guidelines for the European Community. Optica Report 1976. II/855/76, 10 February 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Jenkins: Economic, enlargement issue key to Community future. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 19/1977, 7 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Outlook 1980: One year after drawing up the Fourth Programme of medium-term economic policy. Report of the study group on medium term economic assessments. II/236/77-E, September 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Price legislation in force in the Member States of the EEC. III/ex XI/235/77-E. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1977. 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ardwick, Lord (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Documents 1977-78, Document 200/77, 6 July 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ardwick, Lord (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 350/77) for a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down economic policy guidelines for 1978. EP Working Documents 1977-1978, Document 377/77. 15 November 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ardwick, Lord (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 350/77) for a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down economic policy guidelines for 1978. EP Working Documents 1977-1978, Document 377/77. 15 November 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ardwick, Lord (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the economic situation in the Community. EP Working Documents, document 200/77, 6 July 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schwörer, H. (1977) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 361/76) on the fourth medium-term economic policy programme. EP Working Documents, document 579/76, 7 March 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Jenkins, Roy. (1977) Speech by the President of the Commission of the European Communities, the Rt Hon Roy Jenkins, to the Congress of the European Metalworkers Federation. Amsterdam, 17 May 1977. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Tripartite conference - 27 June 1977. Growth, stability and employment: Stock-taking and prospects (Contribution of the Commission). COM (77) 250 final, 23 May 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1977) The protection of savings in times of inflation and the question of indexation. COM (77) 549 final, 10 November 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]


Jenkins, Roy. (1978) Address by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities to Industrie und Handelskammer. Berlin, 12 April 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Annual economic review 1978 - 1979. SEC (78) 4033 final, 19 October 1978. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Après nous, le déluge? European Community No. 207, May-June 1978. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE TRIPARTITE CONFERENCE. Information Memo, October 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission proposals for an economic and monetary action programme for 1978. Information Memo P-11/78, February 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Communication [on employment and balanced growth] from the Commission to the Tripartite Conference. Information Memo P-107/78, October 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Vredeling, Henk. (1978) The EEC's role in developing job opportunities. Speech by Vice-President H. Vredeling to the Irish Management Institute, at the National Conference "Jobs, Enterprise, Employment, Conflict." 28 April 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) European Council agrees on joint economic moves and sets date for direct elections. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 8/1978, 26 April 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) European Economy. Annual Economic Report 1978-79. Number 1, November 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ortoli, Mr. (1978) Project d'intervention de M. Ortoli a la Conference Tripartite. Bruxelles, 9 novembre 1978 = Full text and extracts of speech [on growth and employment] by Mr. Ortoli [Vice-President of Commission] at the Tripartite Conference. Brussels, 9 November 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1978. 1980. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Spinelli, A. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 546/77) for a decision empowering the Commission to issue loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community. EP Working Documents, document 36/78, 10 April 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Stetter, I. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 427/78) for a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down the economic policy guidelines for 1979. EP Working Documents, document 434/78, 14 November 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Jenkins, Roy. (1978) Roy Jenkins [President of the Commission] on growth and stability. Excerpts from a speech given at the Seventh World Planning Congress. London, 25 September 1978. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Sectoral Change in the European Economics, from 1960 to the Recession. Report of the group of experts on sectoral analyses. II/253/4/76, January 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Tripartite conference of 9 November 1978. Communication from the Commission. COM (78) 512 final, 10 October 1978. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1978) The nature and the causes of the Community's recent progress. Speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Member of the EEC Commission with responsibility for the budget, to the City Conservative Forum. London, 1 June 1978. [EU Speech]


UNSPECIFIED (1979) Annual economic review 1979/80. COM (79) 568 final, 18 October 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) EEC/USA Monetary Relations, 20 November 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Economic and Social Concepts in the Community. Report of the working group. II/407/rev/79, December 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A No. 8-9-July 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement A Special Issue-February 1979. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 8-August 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement B No. 9-10-September/October 1979. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1979. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1979. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1979. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1979.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis April 1979.4B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis December 1979.11B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis February 1979.2B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis May 1979.5B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis November 1979.10B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis October 1979.9B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis September 1979.8B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Improvement of relations with the social partners in the context of the Tripartite Conferences. COM (79) 224 final, 26 April 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Improving the working methods of the Tripartite Conferences. Information Memo P-45/79, April 1979. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Proposal for a Regulation (EEC) of the Council concerning interest rebates for certain loans with a structural objective. COM (79) 31 final, 15 February 1979. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1979. 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Spinelli, A. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 20/79) for a decision applying Decision 78/870/EEC of 16 October 1978 empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community. EP Working Documents, document 45/79, 6 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Notenboom, Harry (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the commission of the European Communities to the council (Doc. 633/78) for a regulation concerning interest rebates for certain loans with a structural objective. EP Working Documents, document 84/79, 23 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

von Bismarck, Phillip (1979) Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-448/79) for a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down the economic policy guidelines for 1980. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-559/79, 7 December 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1979) Structural change in the Community: Outlook for the 1980s. Technical report. Commission working paper. II/532/II/79-EN, December 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) Annual economic review 1980-81. COM (80) 592 final/2, 15 October 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Comparaisons mondiales du pouvoir d'achat est du produit reel en 1980. Phase IV du projet de comparaison internationale = Global Comparisons of Purchasing Power is Real Product in 1980. Phase IV of the International Comparison Project. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Convergence and budget questions. Communication from the Commission to the European Council (31st March - 1st April 1980). COM (80) 147 final, 20 March 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) EUROSTAT Review 1971-1980. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Economie europeenne Supplement Série A Tendances conjoncturelles. Mis à jour hebdomadaire 15-11-1980 = European Economy Supplement Series A Recent economic trends. Weekly update 15.11.1980. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement A No. 8-9-August-September 1980. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 8-August 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement B No. 9/10-September-October 1980. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1980. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1980. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1980. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1980.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Improvement of the coordination of economic policies (Commission Communication to the Council). COM (80) 101 final, 5 March 1980 and COM (80) 101 final/2, 17 March 1980. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments-1980. 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-517/80) for a draft decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down the economic policy guidelines for 1981. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-550/80, 10 November 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) Third Statistical Programme of the European Communities. 1978-1980. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1981) £270M to UK under financial mechanism and supplementary measures. European Communities Commission Press Release ISEC/5/81, 26 January 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Annual economic review 1981-82. SEC (81) 1532 final/2, 14 October 1981. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission communication to the Council on the principles of indexation in the Community. COM (81) 457 final, 23 July 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Commission foreword to the draft fifth medium-term economic policy programme 1981-85. Information Memo P-48/81, July 1981. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Andriessen, F.H.J.J. (1981) Competition policy as a key instrument of European economic and industrial policy. Speech by F.H.J.J. Andriessen [Commissioner responsible for competition] to the annual meeting of the NCW. Utrecht, 7 May 1981. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Draft of the 5th medium term economic policy programme drawn up in accordance with Article 6 of the Convergence Decision of 18 February 1974. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (81) 344 final, 22 July 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement A No. 8-9-August-September 1981. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 8-August 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement B No. 9/10-October 1981. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1981. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1981. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1981. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Emerson, Michael (1981) European dimensions in the adjustment problems. Economic Papers No. 5, August 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.12B. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1981.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) The Fifth Economic Policy Programme 1981-85. European File 19/81, December 1981. [EU Commission - Brochure]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Fifth statistical programme of the European Communities. Annex 1. Directorate A. General economic statistics. COM (81) 327 final/Annex 1, 28 August 1981. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso (1981) Problems of interdependence in a multipolar world. Economic Papers No. 4, August 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1981) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1981. 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Delorozoy, R. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-668/81) concerning the adoption of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down the economic policy guidelines for 1982. EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-681/81, 9 November 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Gouthier, A. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc.1-581/80) for a decision empowering the commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community. EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-28/81, 20 March 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Andriessen, F.H.J.J. (1981) Speech [on the European Parliament, the economic situation and state aids] by Mr. Andriessen, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to Scottish Conservative Party. Edinburgh, 14 March 1981. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1981) The U.K. Economy and the E.C.C.: Address by Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, on the Occasion of the First Annual Shell Lecture at St. Andrews University on 14 May 1981. Fife, 14 May 1981. [EU Speech]

Smith, Adrian (1981) A review of the informal economy in the European Community. Economic Papers No. 3, July 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1982) Annual economic review 1982-83. SEC (82) 1703 final, 20 October 1982. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS. Working document on the state of EEC/USA economic and trade relations. 5 May 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) EC/US relations: Trouble in the family. Excerpts of a speech delivered by Gaston Thorn, President of the EC Commission, to an audience of US business men in Chicago. European Community News No.26/1982, 28 September 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) EUROSTAT Review 1972-1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) The Economic and Social Interest Groups of Spain. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement A No. 8-9-August-September 1982. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 8-August 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement B No. 9/10-October 1982. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1982. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1982. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1982. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) European Economy. Economic trends and prospects. Unit labour costs in manufacturing industry and in the whole economy. No 11, March 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1982.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Steinherr, Alfred (1982) The Great Depression: A repeat in the 1980s? Economic Papers No. 10, November 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) "Jumbo" Council: Commission outlines joint policy approach [employment]. Information Memo P-67/82, November 1982. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Dalsager, Poul. (1982) La Commission europeenne face au danger d'inertie des Etats membres envers une politique dynamique de developpement agricole et rural. Discours de M. Dalsager a l'Assemblee generale du comite europeen pour la promotion de la formation agricole et rurale (CEPFAR). 10 juin 1982 = The European Commission facing inertia on the part of Member States regarding agricultural and rural development. Speech by Mr. Poul Dalsager to the General Assembly of the European Committee for the Promotion of Agricultural and Rural Development. 10 June 1982. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Muller-Hermann, Mr Katzer, Mr K.H. Hoffmann, Mr Hermann, Mr von Bismarck, Mr Ghergo, and Mr Blumenfeld on behalf of the EPP Group (Christian-Democratic Group) pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on a study of the growth of demand in the 1980s both within the Community and worldwide. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-1127/82, 12 January 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Bonaccini, Mr Calvez, Mr Chanterie, Mr Dido, Mr Hoffman, Mr Macario, Mr Moreau, Mrs Salisch and Mr Vetter with request for an early vote pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure concluding the debate on the oral question, Doc. 1-661/82 on the economic and social policy of the Community. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-702/82, 8 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Oral Question (0-83/82) with debate, pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Bonaccini, Mr Calvez, Mr Chanterie, Mr Dido, Mr Hoffmann, Mr Macario, Mr Moreau, Mrs Salisch and Mr Vetter to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Community economic and social policy. European Parliament Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-661/82, -- September 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Oral question (0-82/82) with debate, pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr. Bonaccini, Mr. Calvez, Mr. Chanterie, Mr. Dido, Mr. K.H. Hoffmann, Mr. Macario, Mr. Moreau, Mrs. Salisch and Mr. Vetter to the Council of the European Communities. Subject: Community economic and social policy. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-803/82, 27 Octobre [sic] 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Malinvaud, Edmond (1982) Où en est la théorie macroéconomique? = What is the state of macroeconomic theory? Economic Papers No. 8, June 1982. II/337/82-Fr. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1982. 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Moreau, J. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the common position of the Council of the European Communities (Doc. 1-652/81) on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-581/80) for a decision empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community. Working Documents 1982-83. Document 1-89/82, 7 April 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bonaccini, Aldo (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the possible loan from the OPEC countries to the Federal Republic of Germany and to France. EP Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-284/82, 4 June 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Ruffolo, G. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-818/82 - COM(82) 677 final) concerning the adoption of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and establishing economic policy guidelines for 1983. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-822/82, 30 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ruffolo, G. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-818/82-COM(82) 677 final) concerning the adoption of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and establishing economic policy guidelines for 1983, Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-821/82, 30 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Moreau, J. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-928/81 - COM(81) 790 final) for a decision applying for the first time the EEC decision empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community. Working Documents 1982-83. Document 1-87/82, 8 April 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Second report from the Commission to the Council on the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2744/80 of 27 October 1980 establishing supplementary measures in favour of the United Kingdom. COM (82) 137 final, 23 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) Third Commission Report to the Council and Parliament on the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2744/80 of 27 October 1980 establishing supplementary measures in favour of the United Kingdom. COM (82) 460 final, 20 July 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) Western Europe's economic policy - Is it compatible with U.S. basic interests? Speech by Roland de Kergorlay [Head of the Delegation of the European Community]. New York, 28 February 1982. [EU Speech]

Ranuzzi, P. (1982) The bilateral trade linkages of the Eurolink Model: An analysis of foreign trade and competitiveness. Economic Papers No. 6, January 1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1982) The contribution of the common agricultural policy to the economic development of the Community. Green Europe, Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 185. [EU Commission - Brochure]


Thorn, Gaston. (1983) Does government really matter in economic policy? Speech by Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities. Talloires, 1 September 1983. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) EUROSTAT Review 1973-1982. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Soriano, Ronald. (1983) Economic recession in the countries of the European Community and the world economy. Speech given by Ronald Soriano [Delegation of the European Commission] at West Virginia University. Morgantown, 22 March 1983. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement A No. 8-9-August-September 1983. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-September 1983. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1983. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1983. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1983. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy. Annual Economic Report 1983-84, Annual Economic Review 1983-84. No 18, November 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) European Economy. Business investment and the tax and financial environment Energy and the economy: a study of the main relationships in the countries of the European Community The Foreign trade of the Community, the United States and Japan. No 16, July 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1983.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Fourth Commission report to the Council and Parliament on the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2744/80 of 27 October 1980 establishing supplementary measures in favor of the United Kingdom. COM (83) 100 final, 1 March 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Steinherr, Alfred (1983) Income distribution and employment in the European Communities 1960-1982. Economic Papers No. 23, December 1983. I/472/83-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Thorn, Gaston. (1983) Introductory remarks [on international economic problems] at the press conference of President Gaston Thorn, EC Commission. Brussels, 30 May 1983. [EU Speech]

Thorn, Gaston E. (1983) L'Europe et la crise. L'Europe en crise? Allocution de M. Gaston E. Thorn, President de la Commission des Communautes europeenes, a la Ligue europeene de cooperation economique. Paris, 14 avril 1983=Europe and the crisis. Europe in crisis? Speech [on economic and industrial crisis] by Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European League of Economic Cooperation. Paris, 14 April 1983. [EU Speech]

Basevi, Giorgio and Blanchard, Olivier and Buiter, Willem and Dornbusch, Rudiger and Layard, Richard (1983) Macroeconomic prospects and policies for the European Community. Economic Papers No. 12, April 1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Adonnino, Mr Giavazzi and Mr von Bismarck on behalf of the European People's Party pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure with request for topical and urgent debate on the convergence of economic policies, Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1008/83, 8 November 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Richard, Ivor. (1983) Mr. Richard's [Commissioner for Employment] address [on economic recession, North-South relations, foreign policy] to the Welsh Centre for International Affairs. Cardiff, 21 October 1983. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Oral Question (0-136/82) with debate pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr Rogalla, Mr Albers, Mr Glinne, Mr Adam and Mr J. Moreau to the Commission of the European Communities, Subject: Overall measures by the Commission to revive the economy. European Parliament Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-37/83, 9 March 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1983. 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Halligan, Brendan (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the Communication from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-231/83 - COM (83) 207 final) on financial integration in the Community. EP Working Documents 1983-84, Document 1-1237/83, 9 January 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-983/83 COM (83) 628 fin.) concerning the adoption of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and establishing economic policy guidelines for 1984. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-988/83. 28 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bonaccini, A. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-983/83 COM(83) 628 fin.) concerning the adoption of the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and establishing economic policy guidelines for 1984. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-988/83, 28 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Purvis, J. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the recycling of Petrodollars. EP Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-1197/82, 15 February 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Vayssade, M.-C. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-95/81- COM (81) 84 final) for a directive concerning the annual accounts of banks and other financial institutions. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-117/83, 25 April 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Marck, P. (1983) Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a regulation amending regulation (EEC) No. 652/79 on the impact of the European Monetary System on the common agricultural policy (Doc. 1-940/83-COM(83) 586 final) Rapporteur: Mr P. Marck. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1139/83, 5 December 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (1983) Speech by Dr. Karl-Heinz Narjes, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Lancaster House Conference to open the 1983 European Year of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. London, 27 January 1983. [EU Speech]

Narjes, Karl-Heinz. (1983) Speech by Mr. Karl-Heinz Narjes, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening session of the "European Year for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises". Brussels, 20 January 1983. [EU Speech]

Arsenis, Gerasimos. (1983) Statement by the Hon. Gerasimos Arsenis, Minister of National Economy and Governor of the Bank and Fund for Greece, on behalf of the Member States of the European Communities, at the Joint Annual Discussion. Washington DC, 27 September 1983. [EU Speech]

Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1983) Summary of the address by Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of the International Furniture Fair. Cologne, 17 January 1983. [EU Speech]

Blanchard, Olivier and Dornbusch, Rudiger (1983) U.S. deficits, the dollar and Europe. Economic Papers No. 24, December 1983. II/473/83-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Thorn, Gaston E. (1984) Conference de Monsieur Gaston E. Thorn President de la Commission des communautes europeennes a Club diplomatique. Geneve, 23 fevrier 1984 = Address [on 1980s crisis] by Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission, at the Diplomatic Club. Geneva, 23 February 1984. [EU Speech]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Economie Europeenne. Rapport economique annuel 1984-1985. Bilan economique 1984-1985. No 22, Novembre 1984 = European Economy. Annual Economic Report 1984-85. Economic notebook 1985-85. No. 22, November 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Layard, R. and Basevi, G. and Blanchard, O. and Buiter, W. and Dornbusch, R. (1984) Europe: The case for unsustainable growth. Report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. Economic Papers No. 31, April 1984. II/168/84-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economic Community Files ECU 150 Million of Bonds due December 1, 1996 for Offering in the U.S. Press Release IP (84) 400, 12 November 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August-September 1984. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October-September 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November-September 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August-September 1984. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement C No. 1-March 1984. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement C No. 2-July 1984. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) European Economy Supplement C No. 3-December 1984. Economic prospects-consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1984.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Improving venture capital opportunities in Europe. Memo 103/84. 9 October 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Initial U.S. Offering of European Economic Community Bonds. Press Release IP (84) 425, 30 November 1984. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Meade, J.E. (1984) International co-operation in macro-economic policies. Economic Papers No. 28, February 1984. II/49/84-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) The London Economic Summit 6/7-9/1984. Memo 68/84. 12 June 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) NO PDF-Annual economic review 1984-85. European Economy No. 22, November 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on investment policy in the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1264/83. 16 January 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the Communication from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-231/83 - C0M(83) 207 final) on financial integration in the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1237/83. 9 January 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) RESOLUTION on economic and commercial relations between the European Community and the United States of America adopted by the European Parliament at its session of 12 April 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on medium and long-term economic prospects in the Community Rapporteur: Mr R. Delorozoy. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1490/83, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the role and functions of the International Financial Institutions in the present monetary situation. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1263/83. 16 January 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Herman, F. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Special Committee on European Economic Recovery on the "PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RECOVERY" PART B: EXPLANATORY STATEMENT. EP Working Documents 1983-84, document 1-1552/83/B, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Herman, F. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Special Committee on European Economic Recovery on the "Plan for European Economic Recovery." Part A: Motion for a resolution and "Plan for European Economic Recovery." EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1552/83/A, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Herman, F. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Special Committee on European Economic Recovery on the "Plan for European European Economic Recovery." Part B: Explanatory statement. EP Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1552/83/B, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Special Committee on European Economic Recovery on the 'PLAN FOR EUROPEAN EC0NOMIC RECOVERY'. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1552/83/A. 12 March 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Special Committee on European Economic Recovery on the 'PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RECOVERY' PART B: EXPLANATORY STATEMENT. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1552/83/B. 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report of the banking group on the financing of a channel link between France and the United Kingdom - Commission's position. Memo 61/84. 23 May 1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1984) Statistical Panorama of Europe. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Praet, Peter (1984) The integration of EEC qualitative consumer survey results in econometric modelling: an application to the consumption function. Economic Papers No. 30, February 1984. II/73/84-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Bucher, A. and Rossi, V. (1985) Analysis of the stabilisation mechanisms of macroeconomic models: a comparison of the Eurolink models. Economic Papers No. 39, July 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) EC Summit leaders discuss enlargement, economic issues. European Community News No. 11/1985, 3 April 1985. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) EUROSTAT Review 1974-1983. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Blanchard, O. and Dornbusch, R. and Dreze, J. and Giersch, H. and Layard, R. and Monti, M. (1985) Employment and growth in Europe: A two-handed approach. Report of the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. Economic Papers No. 36, June 1985. II/344/85-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1985. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1985. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-January 1985. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1985. Economic prospects-business survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1985. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1985.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Cukierman, A. and Lennan, K. and Papadia, F. (1985) Inflation induced redistributions via monetary assets in five European countries: 1974-1982. Economic Papers No. 41, September 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Money and Finance Quarterly 1-2/1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Money and Finance Quarterly 3-4/1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Price structure of the Community Countries in 1985 [survey of the prices of household consumer goods and services]. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1985) Regions: the Community's financial participation in investments 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Wolff, C (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM (84) 309 final - Doc. 1-345/84) for a regulation amending Regulation No. 682/81 concerning the Community loan mechanism designed to support the balance of payments of Community Member States. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 2-1775/84, 4 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Visser, B. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. C 2-118/85 - COM(85) 570 final) for a decision adopting the annual report on the economic situation in the Community and laying down economic guidelines for 1985-1986. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A 2-142/85, 6 November 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Konig, H. and Nerlove, M. (1985) Seasonal and cyclical variations in relationship among expectations, plans and realizations in business test surveys. Economic Papers No. 38, July 1985. [EU Commission - Working Document]



UNSPECIFIED (1986) 1077th Meeting of the Council (Economic and Financial Affairs). Council Press Release 6501/86 (Presse 62), Luxembourg, 28 April 1986. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) 1087th Meeting of the Council (Environment). Council Press Release 7623/86 (Presse 92), Luxembourg, 12-13 June 1986. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) 1088th Meeting of the Council (Economic and Financial Affairs). Council Press Release 7625/86 (Presse 94), Luxembourg, 16 June 1986. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) 1128th Meeting of the Council (Economic and Financial Affairs). Council Press Release 11127/86 (Presse 196), Brussels, 8 December 1986. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Business in the US and in the EC: a shared purpose. Press Release IP (86) 180, 21 April 1986. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Weiserbs, Daniel and simmons, Peter (1986) Consumers expectations and aggregate personal savings. Economic Papers No. 50, November 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Tullio, Giuseppe and Contesso, Francesco (1986) Do after tax interest rates affect private consumption and savings? Empirical evidence for 8 industrial countries: 1970-1983. Economic Papers No. 51, December 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) EUROSTAT Review 1975-1984. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1986. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1986. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) European Economy. Annual Economic Review 1986-1987. No 29, July 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1986.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Biart, Michel and Praet, Peter (1986) Forecasting aggregate demand components with opinion surveys in the four main EC-countries - Experience with the BUSY model. Economic Papers No. 46, May 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Money and Finance Quarterly 3-4/1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1986) Structure of Earnings. Principle Results. Vol. 10: United Kingdom, 1978/79. [EU Commission - Working Document]




UNSPECIFIED (1987) EXCHANGE RATES 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Europe Could Play an Ace: The New Payment Cards. COM (86) 754 final, 12 January 1987. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Europe in figures. 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1987. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1987. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) European Economy. Commission report to the Council and to Parliament on the borrowing and lending activities of the Community in 1986. No 32, May 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1987.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Tullio, Giuseppe (1987) Inflation adjusted government budget deficits and their impact on the business cycle: empirical evidence for 8 industrial countrries. Economic Papers 62, November 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Money and Finance Quarterly 3-4/1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Mortensen, Jørgen (1987) Profitability, real interest rates and fiscal crowding out in the OECD area 1960-1985 (an examination of the crowding out hypotheses within a portfolio modal). Economic Papers 59, October 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Estimation of the Gross Domestic Product in Real Terms for the Community countries as well as for the United States and Japan - 1985. January 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Rapid Reports. Economy and finance. Financial accounts. Italia 1985-financial balance of sectors (annual flows). 1987.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Regional Statistics: the Community's financial participation in investments 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Dreze, Jacques H. and Wyplosz, Charles and Bean, Ccharles and Giavazzi, Francesco and Glersch, Herbert (1987) The two-handed growth strategy for Europe: Autonomy through flexible cooperation. Economic Papers 60, October 1987. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1988) E.C.-U.S. economic and trade relations. European Community News No. 1/1988, 26 January 1988. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1988 Vol. 1, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1988 Vol. 1, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bean, Charles (1988) Europe after the crash: economic policy in an era of adjustment. Economic Papers No. 66, September 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1988. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1988. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) European Economy. The economics of 1992. No 35, March 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.11-12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1988.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Haberer, Jean-Yves (1988) La decouplage de la finance et de l'economie. Contribution a l'evaluation des enjeux Europeene dans la revolution du system financier international = Decoupling of finance and the economy. Contribution to the evaluation of European vulnerability in the international financial system revolution. Economic Papers 64, May 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Money and Finance Quarterly 3-4/1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1988) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Community's current account balance in deficit for the first quarter of 1988. 1988.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kyriazis, Nicholas (1988) The economic and social cohesion of the Community. Research and Documentation Papers, Economic Series No. 13, 1988. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1989) E.C.-U.S. economic and trade relations. European Community News No. 1/1989, 3 February 1989. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1989 Vol. 1, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1988- January 1989 Vol. 1, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1989 Vol. 1, No. 12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1989 Vol. 1, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July-August 1989 Vol. 1, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1989 Vol. 1, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1989 Vol. 1, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1989 Vol. 1, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1989 Vol. 1, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September-October 1989 Vol. 1, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) EXCHANGE RATES 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Giersch, Herbert (1989) Europe's prospects for the 1990s. Economic Papers No. 76, May 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1989. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement A No. 5/6-May/June 1989. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1989. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Council of the EU Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy. Facing the challenges of the early 1990s. Annual Economic Report 1989-90. The Community economy at the turn of the decade. Analytical studies. No 42, November 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) European Economy. The Community economy at the turn of the decade Evaluation by the Commission services Key macroeconomic indicators for the Community and the Member States Analytical studies Number 42 (Special edition) October 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1989.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bekx, Peter and Bucher, Anne and Italianer, Alexander and Mors, Matthias (1989) The QUEST model (version 1988). Economic Papers No. 75, March 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1990) THE CHANGING EUROPEAN MAP. Extracts from a speech by Commissioner Bruce Millan at the Eurocities Conference In Lyon. Commission Press Release IP (90) 383, 11 May 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) CONCLUSIONS OF THE GROUP OF 24 FEBRUARY MEETING. European Community News No. 5/90. 20 February 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1990 Vol. 2, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. August/September 1990 Vol. 2, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1990 Vol. 2, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1990 Vol. 2, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1990 Vol. 2, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July 1990 Vol. 2, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1990 Vol. 2, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1990 Vol. 2, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1990 Vol. 2, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1990 Vol. 2, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1990 Vol. 2, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) EXCHANGE RATES 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Europe in figures Deadline 1992. 1989/1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 11/12-November/December 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 11/12-November/December 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 4/5-April/May 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1990. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1990. Special issue: Financial markets. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 11/12-November/December 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1990. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.11-12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1990.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Extension of Operation Phare. Commission Press Release P-28, 2 May 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Houston Economic Declaration. 11 July 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Buti, Marco (1990) Monetary and fiscal rules for public debt sustainability. Economic Papers No. 84, September 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Operation PHARE. Commission Press Release IP (90) 33, 16 May 1990. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Polish and Hungarian Bank trainees visit Commission. Press Release IP (90) 543, 4 July 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Rapid Reports. Regions. Per capita GDP in the Community regions in 1988. 1990.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1990) Services annual statistics 1990. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1991) Annual economic report 1991/1992. Forecasts for 1992/1993. European Community News No. 32/91, 5 December 1991. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Reati, Angelo (1991) Are we at the beginning of a new long term expansion induced by technological change? Economic Papers No. 85, August 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1991 Vol. 3, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1991 Vol. 3, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1991 Vol. 3, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1991 Vol. 3, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1991 Vol. 3, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1991 Vol. 3, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1991 Vol. 3, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1991 Vol. 3, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1991 Vol. 3, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1991 Vol. 3, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1991 Vol. 3, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) EXCHANGE RATES 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 2/3-February/March 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement A No.11/12-November/December 1991. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 6/7-June/July 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy Supplement B Special edition-July 1991. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) European Economy. Developments on the labour marker in the Community. Results of a survey covering employers and the employees. Quest. A macroeconomic model for the countries of the European Community as part of the world economy. No 47, March 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1991.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Braga de Macedo, Jorge (1991) Labour mobility, fiscal solidarity and the exchange rate regime: a parable of the European Union and cohestion. Economic Paper No. 86, October 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kauffmann, Barbara (1991) Microeconomics of saving. Economic Papers No. 89, December 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Money and Finance Quarterly 1-2/1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1991) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. 1990 Gross Domestic Product. Slight fall-off in Community growth rate. 1991.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the Community Countries-1990. 1991.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ernst de la Graete, Brigitte (1991) Report by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the Commission's annual economic report for 1990-1991 (COM(90)613 - C3-73/91). Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0048/91, 4 March 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Services annual statistics 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) TELEX IPE2 544 [on banking reform]. 6 November 1991. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1991) Telecopy: 5 Letters. Commission of the European Communities [on Financial Institutions Safety and Consumer Choice Bill] , 29 April 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Santillan, Janvier (1991) The adequacy and allocation of world savings. Economic Papers No. 88, December 1991. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Begg, Iain and Mayes, David (1991) A new strategy for social and economic cohesion after 1992. Research and Documentation Papers, Regional Policy and Transport Series No. 19, September 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1992 Vol. 4, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1992 Vol. 4, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1992 Vol. 4, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1992 Vol. 4, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1992 Vol. 4, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1992 Vol. 4, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1992 Vol. 4, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1992 Vol. 4, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1992 Vol. 4, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1992 Vol. 4, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1992 Vol. 4, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) EXCHANGE RATES 1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 11/12-November/December 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 5/6-May/June 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1992. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1992. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1992.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Hungary. Towards a market economy. Economic Papers 95, October 1992. II/373/92-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Nuti, D. Mario and Pisani-Ferry, Jean (1992) Post-Soviet issues: Stabilization, trade and money. Conference on the Economic Consequences of the East, Frankfurt am Main, 20-21 March 1992. Economic Papers No. 93, May 1992. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Vice-President Christophersen on Maastricht, Delors II Financial Package and Enlargement. Commission Press Release IP (92) 334, 29 April 1992. [EU Commission - Press Notice]


UNSPECIFIED (1993) 21Info/XXInfo Decembre 1993 No. 15. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Nunes-Correa, Jose and Stemitsiotis, Loukas (1993) Budget deficit and interest rates: Is there a link? International evidence. Economic Papers No 105, November 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU - Markets Review. Part 1: The ecu markets: major developments throughout 1992 and prospects for early 1993. Part 2: Statistical review. 25 January 1993, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU Markets Review. II/85/93 EN, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU Markets Review. II/85/93 EN, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU Markets Review. II/85/93 EN, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU Markets Review. Part 1 The ecu markets. Part 2 Statistical review and assessment. II/85/93/EN, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU markets review. Part 1 The ecu markets. Part 2 Statistical review and assessment. II/85/94/EN-n No. 5, 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU markets review. Part 1 The ecu markets. Part 2 Statistical review and assessment. II/85/93/EN, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) ECU markets review. Part 1 The ecu markets. Part 2 Statistical review and assessment. II/85/93/EN, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EU launches major employment creation drive: 15 million new jobs is the target. European Community News No. 60/93, 9 December 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1993 Vol. 5, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1993 Vol. 5, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1988 Vol. 1, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1993 Vol. 5, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1993 Vol. 5, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1993 Vol. 5, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1993 Vol. 5, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1993 Vol. 5, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1993 Vol. 5, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1993 Vol. 5, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement A No. 11/12-November/December 1993. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement A No. 6/7-June/July 1993. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1993. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy. Annual Economic Report for 1993. No 54, 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European Economy. BROAD ECONOMIC POLICY GUIDELINES AND CONVERGENCE REPORT. No 55 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) European growth initiative. Co-ordinated action will lead to 450,000 jobs. Trade Union Information Bulletin No. 3/93. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1993.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Roger, Werner and Verhaeven, Johan (1993) Measuring the term structure of ECU interest rates. Economic Papers No. 104, October 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Monthly Note on the ECU Markets No. 3 (November). II/539/93/EN, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the Community Countries, Austria, Switzerland and Sweden- 1991. 1993.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Financing Deficit, Interest Burden and Capital Formation of the Sector General Government in the European Community. 1993.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Gross Domestic Product- Official figures for 1991. 1993.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Household Consumption in the European Community and the Member States. Comparison with the United States and Japan. 1993.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. The New Lander and German GDP. Effects on the Community. 1993.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1993) SIGMA: Bulletin of European statistics No 1 January/February 1993. The statistical programme, 1993-1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1994) 21Info/XXInfo Automne [Autumn] 1994 No. 19. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) 21Info/XXInfo End of the Year Edition 1994 No. 20. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) 21Info/XXInfo Printemps [Spring] 1994 No. 17. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) 21Info/XXInfo Winter 1994 No. 16. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Clarke, Chris and Alliata, Vittoria and Hatwell, Jonathan (1994) Banking. Progress and strategy paper. Phare 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) ECU Markets Review. Part 1 The ecu markets. Part 2 Statistical review and assessment. II/85/94/EN, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1994 Vol. 6, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1994 Vol. 6, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1994 Vol. 6, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1994 Vol. 6, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1994 Vol. 6, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1994 Vol. 6, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1994 Vol. 6, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) EXCHANGE RATES 1991-1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 11/12-November/December 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1994. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1994. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) European Economy. TOWARDS GREATER FISCAL DISCIPLINE. REPORTS AND STUDIES NO 3 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) The European Union at a crossroads - which way forward? Social policy green paper. Growth, competitiveness and employment white paper. Trade Union Information Bulletin No. 1/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1994.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Monthly Notes on the ECU Markets No. 3 (November). II/30/94/EN-n No. 1, 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Monthly note on the ECU Markets No. 1 (January). II/30/94/EN, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Monthly note on the ECU Markets No. 2 (February). II/30/94/EN, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Monthly note on the ECU markets, no. 2 (November). II/30/94/EN-n No. 2, 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Gross Domestic Product - - Official figuress. 1994.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Important data for the expanded European Union or : 12+3=15. 1994.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. Provisional figures of Gross Domestic Product for the European Union, 1993 - Position of Germany three years after unification. 1994.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance. The Final Consumption of Households in the European Union and the Member States. 1994.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance.The interlinking of Economic Branches in the European Union. 1994.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Rafaelsen, Bettina and Worms, Patrick (1994) Sector paper: Investment, promotion, export development and tourism. Progress and strategy paper. Phare, 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Services and Transport. Die Rolle von Messen und Ausstellungen in der europäischen Wirtschaft The role of fairs and exhibitions in the European economy. 1994.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1995) 21Info/XXInfo Autumn 1995 No. 24. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) 21Info/XXInfo Ete [Summer] 1995 No. 23. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) 21Info/XXInfo Fin d'annee [End of Year Edition] 1995 No. 25. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) 21Info/XXInfo Hiver [Winter] 1995 No. 21. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) 21Info/XXInfo Spring 1995 No. 22. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Argentina. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Australia. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Brazil. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Canada. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Chile. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1995 Vol. 7, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1995 Vol. 7, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1995 Vol. 7, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1995 Vol. 7, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1995 Vol. 7, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1995 Vol. 7, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1995 Vol. 7, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1995 Vol. 7, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1995 Vol. 7, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1995 Vol. 7, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) EXCHANGE RATES 1991-1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Europe in figures. 1995, Fourth Edition. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 11-November 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 4/5-April/May 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1995. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1995. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) European Economy. The impact of exchange-rate movements on trade within the single market. Reports and Studies No. 4, 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.1-2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1995.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Hong Kong. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) India. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Indonesia. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Japan. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Korea. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Malaysia. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Mexico. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) People's Republic of China. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Philippines. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Reati, Angelo (1995) Radical Innovations and long waves into Pasinetti's model of structural change: output and employment. Economic Papers No. 109, March 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Russie. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) SIGMA: Bulletin of European statistics Winter 1995 - Statistics in the 21st Century. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Singapore. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) South Africa. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the European and the OECD. 1995.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross domestic product - first values for 1994. 1995.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Purchasing Power Parties and Exchange Rates (1980 - 1994). 1995.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Switzerland. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Taiwan. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Thailand. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Transatlantic business dialogue overall conclusions. 1 November 1995. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Turkey. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1996) 21Info/XXInfo Autumne [Autumn] 1996 No. 27. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) 21Info/XXInfo Spring 1996 No. 26. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1996 Vol. 8, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1996 Vol. 8, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1996 Vol. 8, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1996 Vol. 8, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1996 Vol. 8, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1996 Vol. 8, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1996 Vol. 8, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1996 Vol. 8, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1996 Vol. 8, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1996 Vol. 8, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) EXCHANGE RATES 1991-1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 10/11-October/November 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 3-March 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 4-April 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 5/6-May/June 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1996. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 1-January 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 10-October 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 11-November 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 12-December 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 2-February 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 3-March 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 5-May 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 6-June 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 7-July 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) European Economy Supplement B No. 8/9-August/September 1996. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.3-4-5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1996.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Final household consumption: main results and detailed tables 1975-95. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission November 1996 no. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Opinion of the Commission pursuant to Article 189 b (2) (d) of the EC Treaty, on the European Parliament's amendment to the Council's common position regarding the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 89/647/EEC as regards the recognition of contractual netting by the competent authorities amending the Proposal of the Commission pursuant to Article 189 a (2) of the EC Treaty. COM (96) 27 final. 29 January 1996. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Rapid Reports. Regions. Per capita GDP in the European Union's regions. 1996.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Poland - 1994. 1996.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross Domestic Product - first values for 1995. 1996.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The value added by branch [on GDP] in the European Union - Results for 1994. 1996.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1997) 21Info/XXInfo Fin d'annee [End of Year Edition] 1997 No. 29. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) 21Info/XXInfo Summer 1997 No. 28. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1997 Vol. 9, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1997 Vol. 9, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1997 Vol. 9, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1997 Vol. 9, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1997 Vol. 9, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1997 Vol. 9, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1997 Vol. 9, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1997 Vol. 9, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1997 Vol. 9, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 1-January 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 10-October 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 12-December 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 2-February 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 3/4-March/April 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 5-May 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 6-June 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 7-July 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement A No. 8/9-August/September 1997. Recent economic trends. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) European Economy Supplement B No. 4-April 1997. Economic prospects-business and consumer survey results. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1997.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission December 1997 no. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission July 1997 no. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission March 1997 no. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission May 1997 no. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission May 1997 no. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission September 1997 Special Issue. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Roeger, Werner and in't Veld, Jan (1997) QUEST II. A multi country business cycle and growth model. Economic Papers No. 123, October 1997. II/509/97-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Rapid Reports. Economy and finance. GDP in volume - First results for 1996. 1997.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Rome Communique, Final Draft. TransAtlantic Business Dialogue, 7 November 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Short-term statistics. Distributive Trade and Services. Key Figures for COMMERCE IN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA in the mid-1990s. 1997 Supplement 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 7 April 1997. Special dossier - Comment ameliorer la libre circulation des personnes? Les suggestions du Groupe de Haut Niveau = How to improve people's free movement? The suggestions of the High Level Group. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 9 October 1997. Special dossier - Un pont vers l'Europe Centrale et Orientale: Agenda 2000 et le Marche unique = A bridge to Central and Eastern Europe: 2000 Agenda and the Single Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and Finance. Interest payments and government expenditure in the European Union. 1997.14. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Poland - 1995. 1997.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Government and Private Sector Investment in the European Union 1980 - 1995. 1997.15. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross Domestic Product and its Components - First values for 1996. 1997.22. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Net Lending or Net Borrowing of the Sectors of the EU National Economies: 1980-1995. 1997.21. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Structure of government debt in the Member States of the European Union. 1997.33. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The Capital Stock in the European Union. 1997.8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. The economic activity of women in the European Union. 1997.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Kieler, Mads and Saarenheimo, Tuomas (1998) Differences in monetary policy transmission? A case not closed. Economic Papers No. 132, November 1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1998 Vol. 10, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1998 Vol. 10, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 1998 Vol. 10, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1998 Vol. 10, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. July/August 1998 Vol. 10, No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. June 1998 Vol. 10, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. October 1998 Vol. 10, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. September 1998 Vol. 10, No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1998.8/9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission March 1998 no. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission May 1998 no. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 9 Supplement. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Money and Finance Quarterly 1/1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Money and Finance Quarterly 2/1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Money and Finance Quarterly 3/1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Money and Finance Quarterly 4/1998. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Opinion of the Commission on the draft Council Decision adopting the Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (98) 783 final, 18 December 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Decision on the detailed provisions concerning the composition of the Economic and Financial Committee. COM (98) 110 final, 25 February 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 1749/96 concerning the coverage of goods and services of the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 1749/96 concerning the geographic and population coverage of the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. COM (98) 323 final, 4 June 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 12 May 1998. Special dossier - Communications commerciales: Vers un cadre legal dans le Marche unique = Commercial communications: Towards a legal framework in the Single Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 13 July 1998. Special dossier - Nouveau tableau de bord du Marche unique: A I' ecoute des citoyens = New Single Market Scoreboard: Listening to Citizens. Pull-out document - Contact Points for Citizens & Businesses. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 14 October 1998. Special dossier - Blanchiment des capitaux: Renforcement de la lutte au niveau communautaire = Money Laundering: Strengthening the Fight at the Community Level. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 15 December 1998. Special dossier - Progres dans l'achevement du Marche unique: Le Tableau d'affichage et l'avis des entreprises = Progress in completing the Single Market: The Scoreboard and Business Opinion. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Comparison in Real Terms of the Gross Domestic Product for the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Poland - Results for 1996. 1998.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Final household consumption in the European Union - Main trends and structure. 1998.21. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. GDP - First Figures for 1997. 1998.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Government Expenditure by Function in the EU. 1998.19. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Government and Private Sector Investment in the European Union 1980 - 1996. 1998.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Analysis of income distribution in 13 EU Member States. 1998.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Bayar, A. and McMorrow, K. (1999) Determinants of private consumption. Economic Papers No. 135, May 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. April 1999 Vol. 11, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. December 1999 Vol. 11, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. January 1999 Vol. 11, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. March 1999 Vol. 11, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. May 1999 Vol. 11, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. November 1999 Vol. 11, No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 1999.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 13. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 14. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 1-2/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 12/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 3/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 4/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 5/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 6/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 7/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 8/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Money and Finance Monthly 9/1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

McAdam, P. and McMorrow, K. (1999) The NAIRU concept - measurement uncertainties, hysteresis and economic policy role. Economic Papers No. 136, September 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 16 March 1999. Special dossier - Economic Reform: Report on the functioning of Community product and capital markets. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 17 July 1999. Special dossier - Plan d'action pour un Marche unique financier = Action Plan for a Single Financial Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 18 October 1999. Special dossier - A new Commissioner for the Internal Market: Frits Bolkestein outlines his priorities. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 19 December 1999. Special dossier - How does the Internal Market DG really work? [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Final Consumption of Households in the Accession Countries. 1999.24. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Barcellan, Roberto (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross Domestic Product - First results for 1998. 1999.15. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Purchasing Power Parities and Related Economic Indicators for the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Poland - Preliminary Results for 1997. 1999.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Stock markets and new European stock indices. 1999.28. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Structure of government debt in the European Union. 1999.33. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The GDP of the Accession Countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprus. 1999.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The euro yield curves. 1999.39. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Synthesis Report on Structural Reforms in Member States. Report addressed to the Council and the Commission. 8 March 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

McMorrow, K. and Roeger, W. (1999) The economic consequences of ageing populations (a comparison of the EU, US and Japan). Economic Papers No. 138, November 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Pench, Lucio R. (1999) A global strategy for the promotion of sustainable economic and social development. Forward Studies Unit Working Paper, 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lietaer, Bernard (1999) The social impact of electronic money: A challenge to the European Union? Forward Studies Unit Working Paper, 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Keereman, F. (1999) The track record of the Commission forecasts. Economic Papers No. 137, October 1999. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2000) A Community of fifteen: key figures, edition 2000. Europe on the move, 2000. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Martinez-Mongay, Carlos (2000) ECFIN's effective tax rates. Properties and comparisons with other tax indicators. Economic Papers No. 146, October 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) EURECOM:Monthly Bulletin of European Community Economic and Financial News. February 2000 Vol. 12, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Economic Policy Committee Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2000. Report addressed to the Council and the Commission. 13 March 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Europe in figures. Fifth edition. 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) European Economy. 2000 Broad economic policy guidelines. Convergence report 2000. Proposal for a Council decision in accordance with Article 122(2) of the Treaty for the adoption by Greece of the single currency on 1 January 2001. Statistical annex. Number 70 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Eurostatistics: data for short-term analysis 2000.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 15. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 16. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 17. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 18. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 on the reclassification of settlements under swaps arrangements and under forward rate agreements (presented by the Commission). COM (99) 749 final, 10 January 2000. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Hallet, Martin (2000) Regional specialisation and concentration in the EU. Economic Papers No. 141, February 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Report on financial stability. Economic Papers No. 143, May 2000. EFC/ECFIN/240/00-Final. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 20 March 2000. Special dossier - Reforme economique: deuxieme rapport annual de la Commission = Economic reform: Second annual report of the Commission. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 21 May 2000. Special dossier - The Lisbon Summit: Concrete action to stimulate European competitiveness. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 22 July 2000. Special dossier - Marches publics: Simplifier et moderniser le cadre juridique = Public procurement: Simplifying and modernizing the legal framework. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 23 October 2000. Special dossier - Institutions de retraite professionnelle: Adoption d'une proposition de Directive = Institutions for professional retirement: Adoption of a Directive proposal. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 24 December 2000. Special dossier - Integration financiere en Europe: Actions et perspectives = Financial Integration in Europe: Actions and Perspectives. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. Data revisions in the EBT database. 2000.20. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schafer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. EU production index rises by 0.5% in March 2000 Extract from Monthly Panorama of European Business. 2000.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. EU-15 industrial production rises 0.4% in August 2000 Extract from Monthly Panorama of European Business. 2000.17. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. EU-15 industrial production was 4.2% higher in December 1999 compared to a year earlier Extract from Monthly Panorama of European Business. 2000.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Barcellan, Roberto (2000) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross Domestic Product 1998. 2000.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Gross Domestic Product 1999 - First results. 2000.25. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Purchasing Power Parities Economic Indicators for the European Union and Four Other Countries [Cyprus, Iceland, Poland, Switzerland] - Preliminary Results for 1998. 2000.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The Index of purchasing power of the euro. 2000.37. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. Producer price increases for intermediate goods continue to gather pace Extract from Monthly Panorama of European Business. 2000.6. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Gunter (2000) Statistics in Focus. Revision of the weights system for STS data. 2000.22. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Gotzfried, August (2000) Statistics in Focus. Statistics on Credit Institutions Less enterprises but stable employment. 2000.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schäfer, Günther (2000) Statistics in Focus. Strong EU production growth continues in May 2000. 2000.15. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Statistics in Focus. Structural business statistics EU economy in the Triad with contrasted results. 2000.23. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Midelfart-Knarvik, K.H. and Overman, H.G. and Redding, S.J. and Venables, A.J. (2000) The location of European industry. Economic Papers No. 142, April 2000. ECFIN/318/00-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2001) Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2001. Report addressed to the Council and the Commission. 6 March 2001. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) THE ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE OUTLOOK FOR 2001-2002. Research and Documentation Papers, Economic Affairs Series ECON 126 EN. [EU European Parliament Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 19. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 20. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 21. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Report from the Commission. Fifth progress report on the Financial Services Action Plan. An integrated European financial market Europe must deliver on time. Fifth progress report. COM (2001) 712 final, 30 November, 2001. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) SIGMA: Bulletin of European statistics No 1 2001 - New Economy statistics. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 26 May 2001. Special dossier - Le Marche interieur apres Stockholm: Cooperer pour entretenir la dynamique = The Internal Market after Stockholm: Cooperer to maintain momentum. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 27 July 2001. Special dossier - Progres dans le domaine des valeurs mobilieres: Adoption d'un ensemble de mesures = Progress in the security field: Adoption of a set of measures. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 28 November 2001. Special dossier - Les paiements en € dans le Marche interieur = Payments in Euros in the Internal Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2001) A sustainable Europe for a better world: A European Union strategy for sustainable development. Commission's proposal to the Gothenburg European Council. COM (2001) 264 final, 15 May 2001. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2002) Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2002. 5 March 2002. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION. A PROJECT [on economic and social development, an EU-wide area of freedom, security and justice, and responsibilities of a world power] FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION. COM (2002) 247 final, 22 May 2002. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) Commission Staff Working Paper. Meeting the Barcelona Priorities & Looking Ahead: Implementation [Seventh interim report on the implementation of the Financial Services Action Plan]. SEC (2002) 1314, 29 November 2002. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission no. 22. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Sixth Progress Report on the Financial Services Action Plan. COM (2002) 267 final, 3 June 2002. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2002) The stem cell frontier. Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 415, April 2002. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (2003) Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2003. “Shifting up a Gear. The Case for Speeding up Reform”. 28 February 2003. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Commission Staff Working Paper. Financial Services. The FSAP enters the Home Straight. SEC (2003) 1372, 24 November 2003. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Commission Staff Working Paper. Financial services. Nine months left to deliver the FSAP. SEC (2003) 655, 28 May 2003. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 10Y 1993-2003 10th Anniversary Special. Special Feature - A Single Market in touch with citizens. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 31 May 2003. Special feature - Internal Market Strategy 2003-2006. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 32 July 2003. Special feature - Modernising company law. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2004) Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2004. “Reinforcing implementation”. 3 February 2004. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2004. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 33 April 2004. Special feature - Service industries: Ambitious proposal to complete the Single Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 34 July 2004. Special feature - SOLVIT: The key to cross-border problem-solving. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2004) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 35 October 2004. Special feature - EU Competitiveness: What more can the Internal Market do? [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2005) Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2005. “Increasing Growth and Employment”, 11 January 2005. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2005. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) European Economy Occasional Papers No. 12 January 2005. Annual Report on Structural Reforms 2005. “Increasing Growth and Employment”, 11 January 2005. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 36 February 2005. Special feature - Easier cross-border mergers on the horizon. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. The Index of purchasing power of the euro (IPPE) - Features and uses. 2005.23. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2006) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2006. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 42 July 2006. Special feature - Postal reform in the EU moves forward. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 43 October 2006. Special feature - Cross-border investment: More barriers to come down. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Statistics in Focus. Economy and Finance. Regional GDP in the EU, the accession countries and Croatia in 2003. 2006.17. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. EU25 current account deficit widened to € 94.2 bn in 2005. 2006.14. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Trends in government expenditure by function, 2000-2004. 2006.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. Economic activities and their pressure on the environment 1995-2001. 2006.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. Manufacturing industry 1995-2003 Economic activities and their pressure on the environment. 2006.16. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2007) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2007. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Progress report on the Sustainable Development Strategy 2007. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2007) 642 final, 22 October 2007. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 44 January 2007. Special feature - International regulatory dialogues: The growing need to talk. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 45 2007 - II. Special feature - The EU celebrates 50 years: Single Market success leads the way. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 46 2007 - III. Special feature - Knowing and enforcing your rights in Europe. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 47 2007 - IV. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 48 2007 - V. Special feature - Consumer benefits targeted in new Single Market strategy. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Eating, drinking, smoking - comparative price levels in 37 European countries for 2006. 2007.90. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Furniture - comparative price levels in 33 European Countries in 2005. 2007.44. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Private household income in the European Union regions, 2003. 2007.25. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Tokofai, Anatole and Villaume, Sylvie (2007) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Structure of government debt in Europe - 2005 data. 2007.56. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kruger, Andreas (2007) Statistics in Focus. Regions. Regional Gross Domestic Product in the European Union 2004. 2007.104. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2008) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2008. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 49 2008 - I. Special feature - Proposals unveiled to develop EU defence equipment market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 51 2008 - III. Special feature - Services Directive enters the decisive phase of implementation. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 52 2008 - IV. Special feature - Emerging digital barriers to the Single Market. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2008) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. General government expenditure and revenue in the EU, 2006. 2008.23. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2009) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2009. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 53 2009 - I. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 54 2009 - II. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 55 2009 - III. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Single Market Newsletter of DG XV - Internal Market and Financial Services No. 56 2009 - IV. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Business profit share and investment rate higher in the EU than in the USA. 2009.28. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households in the European Union. 2009.32. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Household saving rate higher in the EU than in the USA despite lower income. 2009.29. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Sustainability Report 2009. European Economy 9/2009. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2010) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2010. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Krueger , Andreas (2010) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Increasing Convergence in Regional Gross Domestic Product. 2010.47. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Net financial wealth of households fell during the opening of the financial crisis in the EU. 2010.33. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Non-financial corporations in the opening phase of the financial crisis. 2010.34. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Regional discrepancies in private household income narrowing. 2010.41. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2011) Annual growth survey 2012. Communication from the Commission. COM (2011) 815 final, 23 November 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Annual growth survey: advancing the EU's comprehensive response to the crisis. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2011) 11 final, 12 January 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2011. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Draft joint employment report. Annual growth survey 2011 annex 3. COM (2011) 11 final Annex 3, 12 January 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Draft joint employment report. Annual growth survey 2012 annex III. COM (2011) 815 final Annex III, 21 November 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Growth-friendly tax policies in Member States and better tax coordination in the EU. Annual growth survey 2012 annex IV. COM (2011) 815 final Annex IV, 23 November 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Macro-economic report. Annual growth survey 2011 annex 2. COM (2011) 11 final Annex 2, 12 January 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Macro-economic report. Annual growth survey 2012 annex II. COM (2011) 815 final Annex II, 23 November 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Progress report on Europe 2020. Annual growth survey 2011 annex 1. COM (2011) final/2 Annex 1, 23 March 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Progress report on the Europe 2020 strategy. Annual growth survey 2012 annex 1. COM (2011) 815 final Annex 1, 23 November 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Single Market News No 59 2011-3. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Statistics in Focus. Economy-wide material flows: European countries required more materials between 2000 and 2007. 2011.9. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2012) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2012. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Committee of European Banking Supervisors Annual Report 2012 Summary. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Murphy, Gavin and Siedschlag, Iulia (2012) Determinants of Offshoring: Empirical Evidence from Ireland. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Draft joint employment report. Annual growth survey 2013 annex. COM (2012) 750 final annex 1, 23 November 2012. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Executive summary of the impact assessment. Accompanying the document: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Renewable Energy: a major player in the European energy market [COM (2012) 271 final, SWD (2012) 149 final, SWD (2012) 164 final]. SWD (2012) 163 final, 6 June 2012. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Macro-economic report. Annual growth survey 2013 annex. COM (2012) 750 final annex 2, 23 November 2012. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2012) State of the single market integration 2013. Contribution to the annual growth survey 2013. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee,the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank. COM (2012) 752 final, 28 November 2012. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Krueger , Andreas (2012) Statistics in Focus. Economy and finance. Regional Gross Domestic Product dropped sharply in 2009, but not all regions were hit in the same way. 2012.41. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2013) Annual growth survey 2013. Communication from the Commission. COM (2012) 750 final, 23 November 2012. [EU Commission - COM Document]

This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 14:33:02 2025 EST.