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Davignon, Etienne. (1978) The E.E.C. View. Schema de l'expose de M. Etienne Davignon, a la Conference "World Textile Trade - An International Perspective", organisee par la British Textile Confederation. Londres, 25 mai 1978 = The E.E.C. view. Outline of speech [on trade in textiles] by Mr. Davignon [Commissioner for industrial affairs] to the conference "World textile trade-an international perspective," organized by the British Textile Conferation. London 25 May 1978. [EU Speech]

Davignon, Etienne. (1978) Outline address for the Conference on World Textile Trade - An International Perspective. The EEC view by Etienne Davignon. London, 25 May 1978. [EU Speech]


Gatz, Werner (1968) Points de depart pour une politique agricole internationale = Points of a departure for a international agricultural policy. Internal information on agriculture 31, October 1968. 10.125/VI/67-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Kruse-Rodenacker, A. (1964) L'organisation des marches agricoles mondiaux. Une action commune des pays economiquement developpes et des pays en voie de developpement = Organization of world markets for agricultural commodities. A joint action programme for developed and developing countries. Studies: Agriculture Series 15, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Krenzler, Horst-Gunter. (1981) Statement by Mr. Krenzler [staff member, Directorate-General for External Relations] at the conclusion of negotiations for the renewal of the MFA. Geneva, 22 December 1981. [EU Speech]


Lardinois, P.J. (1973) Address [on agricultural policy] by Mr. Lardinois, on behalf of the Commission, to the ministers of agriculture of the OECD. Paris, 11 April 1973. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

Lardinois, P.J. (1973) Resume d'un discours prononce par M. P.J. Lardinois, membre de la Commission Europeenne, a l'occasion du 25eme anniversaire du comptoir central de vente de l'azote. La Haye, 21 septembre 1973 = Summary of speech [on international agriculture] by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the European Commission, at the 25th anniversary of the Central Nitrogen Marketing Agency. The Hague, 21 September 1973. [EU Speech]

Lardinois, P.J. (1973) Summary of the speech [on food situation in world and international agricultural cooperation] by Mr. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the annual meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) of the United Nations. Rome, 13 November 1973. Includes French version. [EU Speech]


Malve, Pierre. (1972) For the development of dynamic agricultural cooperation between the United States and Europe through negotiation of a new type of international commodity agreement. Address by Mr. Pierre Malve, Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, before the National Association of Wheat Growers. Denver, Colorado, 12 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Monnet, Jean (1968) Organizing for peace. European Community. No. 108, December 1967-January 1968. [EU Other]


Nordmann, Jean-Thomas (1986) Report on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the possible renewal of the Multifibre Arrangement. Working Documents 1985-86, Document A2-210/85, 3 February 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]


Pizzuti, Adolfo. (1978) Declaration du Representant de la Communaute a la Conference des Nations Unies pour la negociation d'un arrangement international destine a remplacer l'Accord International sur le ble de 1971. Geneve, 15 fevrier 1978 = Declaration of the representative of the Community [Deputy Director-General for Agriculture] at the United Nations conference for negotiations regarding an international agreement to replace the 1971 International Wheat Agreement. Geneva, 15 February 1978. [EU Speech]

Pizzuti, Adolfo (1975) Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Group "Agriculture": Sub-group on Grains. Statement made by the Representative of the European Economic Community. Geneva, 26 May 1975. [EU Speech]


Soames, Christopher. (1976) Full text and summary of a speech [on international trade in textiles] by the Rt. Hon. Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities in charge of external trade relations, to the International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries. Vienna, 11 October 1976. [EU Speech]

Soames, Christopher. (1976) Speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries. Vienna, 11 October 1976. [EU Speech]

Soames, Christopher (1975) Speech given by Sir Christopher Soames, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Comitextil General Assembly Luncheon. Brussels, 25 April 1975. [EU Speech]


Tugendhat, Christopher. (1978) The nature and the causes of the Community's recent progress. Speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Member of the EEC Commission with responsibility for the budget, to the City Conservative Forum. London, 1 June 1978. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1978) The relevance of the European Community. Speech by Christopher Tugendhat, Budget Commissioner, to Kensington and Chelsea for Europe. London, 6 April 1978. [EU Speech]


Villain, Claude. (1984) Agricultural trade: the European view. Address by Claude Villain [Director-General for Agriculture, Commission] to the 8th Annual European American Journalist Conference on US-EC Relations. [Knokke], April 1984. [EU Speech]

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